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Class / Level :- 2nd Secondary Grade ( Semester Plan ) Number of classes : 3 classes each week

Subject : - English 2010 -2011

Second semester ( Manshiah Comprehensive Secondary School ) Teachers :- Mohammad Alfarrayah
Iadah Irteimah
Hisham Albustanji

Resources Instructional Assessment Associated

Duration Unit Title Out comes Materials strategy Strategy Tool Activities
Module Healthy life 7
(3) . To express opinions and reasons * Student's
.To make suggestions * book Direct Making
To report statements and questions * instructions conversations
. To write an article giving advice *
To use( make and do) in collocations * Work book Random
Urban and rural life 8 Induction
To compare and contrast ideas and * Teacher's
.ways of life book Doing a project
8/2/2011 Lifestyles To use noise words and idioms . use * Check list
. intonations in questions and answers Problem solving Pencil and
To make suggestions * Cassette paper
TO To write an e-mail giving *
. recommendations Explaining
reading passages
30/3/2011 Recorder Thinking
New ways and old 9 Quiz
To discuss discus the traditional and *
. modern ways of doing things Flash cards
. To use music vocabulary and idioms *
To use( have something done ) to talk *
. (about services ( causative verbs Internet
To write a biography * Elicitation

...................................................................-:‫توقيع المشرف التربوي‬ 1 ‫ فيصل القراله‬: ‫توقيع مدير المدرسة‬

Class / Level :- 2nd Secondary Grade ( Semester Plan ) Number of classes : 3 classes each week
Subject : - English 2010 -2011
Second semester ( Manshiah Comprehensive Secondary School ) Teachers :- Mohammad Alfarrayah
Iadah Irteimah
Hisham Albustanji

Resources Instructional Assessment Associated

Duration Unit Title Out comes Materials strategy Strategy Tool Activities
Module Record breakers 10
(4) To talk about an expedition to the * Student's
. Himalayas book Lecture Talking about
. (To use phrasal verbs with ( come * Technology
To explain back ground information *
( past perfect simple and continuous ) Work book Demonstration
. to Practice conditional tenses * presentation
. a response to an advert *
achievement Teacher's
1/4/2011 s future technology 11 book Finding
To practice using modal verbs in * Problem solving simulation Rating advertisements in
.passive construction scale . news papers
. To use formal and informal words * Cassette
TO To talk about process *
. To write a report *
Group work Quiz Writing a report
30/5/2011 Recorder

Geniuses 12
. To talk about gifted children * Flash cards
To form nouns and adjectives and *
. use prepositions
to add information to a sentence * Internet Discussion
. To write a letter of recommendation *

...................................................................-:‫توقيع المشرف التربوي‬ 2 ‫ فيصل القراله‬: ‫توقيع مدير المدرسة‬

Class / Level :- 2nd Secondary Grade (content analysis ) Number of classes : 3 classes each week
Subject : - English 2010 -2011
Second semester ( Manshiah Comprehensive Secondary School ) Teachers :- Mohammad Alfarrayah
Iadah Irteimah
Hisham Albustanji

Unit title Functions Structures Skills Vocabulary

Healthy life 7 (Reading ( an incomplete essay* Crimes and
. To express opinions and reasons * Reported speech * Listening ( gist and general* criminals
.To make suggestions *
Direct and reported questions * (understanding
To report statements and questions *
. To write an article giving advice * ( Speaking (Discussing opinions* Nouns and
To use( make and do) in * Writing ( an essay presenting an* adjectives
collocations arguments and expressing
( opinions

Module Urban and rural life 8 Reading (scanning for specific* Numbers
(1) To compare and contrast ideas and * comparing and contrasting * ( information , under standing word Word families
.ways of life
Speaking ( Listening for numbers*
To use noise words and idioms . use *
. intonations in questions and answers Writing ( making notes about*
To make suggestions * (events
To write an e-mail giving *
. recommendations
New ways and old 9 Reading ( Reading for gist and* Colour idioms
To discuss discus the traditional and * Having things done * ( detail
. modern ways of doing things
Listening ( for gist and* Three- part
To use music vocabulary and *
. idioms ( causative verbs ) (understanding phrasal verbs
To use( have something done ) to * Speaking ( Discussing information*
(talk about services ( causative verbs (in achart
To write a biography * Writing ( A report based on*
Class / Level :- 2nd Secondary Grade ( content analysis) Number of classes : 3 classes each week
Subject : - English 2010 -2011
Second semester ( Manshiah Comprehensive Secondary School ) Teachers :- Mohammad Alfarrayah

Unit title Functions Structures Skills

Module Record breakers 10 ( Reading ( for gist* Climate and
(2) To talk about an expedition to the * past perfect simple * Listening ( sentences with* weather
. Himalayas
And continuous (stressed syllable Prefixes
. (To use phrasal verbs with ( come *
To explain back ground information * conditional tenses * Speaking ( describing places in* Over , under , re ,
( past perfect simple and continuous ) ( detail . mis
. to Practice conditional tenses * (( Writing ( taking notes*
. a response to an advert *
future technology 11 (Reading ( reading an article* Things that grow
To practice using modal verbs in passive * Listening ( listening for agist*
(and detailed information Adjectives and
. To use formal and informal words * modal verbs in passive *
To talk about process * Speaking ( discussing* prepositions
. To write a report * (photographs
( Writing ( an account of a visit*
Geniuses 12 ( Reading (( for gist* Animals
. To talk about gifted children * participle clauses * Listening ( role play expressing*
To form nouns and adjectives and use *
relative pronouns * (opinion
. prepositions
to add information to a sentence * Speaking ( possibilities giving an* Parts of a plant
. To write a letter of recommendation * ( eyewitness account
Writing ( making notes for role*
( play

----------------------------------------------- : ‫توقيع المشرف التربوي‬ 2 ‫ فيصل القراله‬: ‫توقيع مدير المدرسة‬

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