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Mathematics in the Modern World

Mathematics in
our Modern World
Instructor: JENNY C. CANO, LPT, MSc
 Mathematics in the Modern World

Six Essential Questions….

What is Mathematics?
Where can it be found?
What is it for?
What is it about?
How it is done?
Who uses it?
Why is it important to learn?
 Mathematics in the Modern World

Mathematics is……
the study of numbers and arithmetic operations.
a set of tools or a collection of skills that can be
applied to questions of “how many” or “how much”.
an art which studies patterns for predictive purposes
or a specialized language which deals with form, size,
and quantity.
 a science which involves logical reasoning, drawing
conclusions from assumed premises, and strategic
reasoning based on accepted rules, laws, or probabilities.
 Mathematics in the Modern World

Some common daily life situations

which involve Mathematics…
 Your change given to you by a jeepney driver when you
give your fare, or even when you buy street food
 Allotting or budgeting time for travelling to avoid getting
late for class
 Tracking every second you spend taking the shower,
eating breakfast, changing into school clothes, or
preparing your things for school
 Checking if you still have enough money for fare, food,
and other expenses for school
 Management of your time
 Mathematics in the Modern World

What is Mathematics for?

Mathematics helps us unravel the puzzles of
nature, organize patterns and regularities as well
as irregularities, enables us to make predictions.
Mathematics helps us control weather and
Mathematics provides tools for calculations, and
provides new questions to think about.
 Mathematics in the Modern World

Mathematics does not only involve numbers……

….but most importantly, it also involves patterns!

Notice the patterns of numbers in the sunflower’s pollens.

 These patterns of numbers are called Fibonacci sequence.

 Mathematics in the Modern World

Consider beach trips, or mountain climbing…..

 Notice the different shapes you see around you…
 The changing hues of the sky from sunrise to sunset….
 The clouds transformation from stratus to cumulus….
 The contour of the rainbow in the horizon….
 Mathematics in the Modern World

“And it is Mathematics that reveals the simplicities of

nature, and permits us to generalize from simple
examples to the complexities of the real world.

It took many people from many different areas of human

activity to turn a mathematical insight into a useful
--Ian Stewart--
Fibonacci was a great European
mathematician of the middle ages
whose full name in Italian is Leonardo
Pisano Bigallo which means Leonardo of
Pisa since he was born in Pisa, Italy
around 1175. Fibonacci is the shortened
word for the Latin term “Filius Bonaccio”,
which stands for “Son of Bonaccio”. His
father’s name was Guglielmo Bonaccio.
The Golden Ratio

Golden ratio can also be verified on the following scenarios:

>ratio between the forearm and the hand
>ratio of a person’s height to the height of his or her navel
>width of eye : width of iris
Golden Rectangle
The golden rectangle has sides based on the “golden ratio”
which is 1 + 𝑥 ∶ 1, where 𝑥 is a non-ending decimal whose value
can be calculated in a number of ways, including the
construction of a simple continued fraction. Since the two
rectangles are similar, their sides are in the same ratio as follows:
𝑥+1 1 1
= 𝑥 or 𝑥+1 = 𝑥
➢ Baltazar, E.C., Ragasa, C. and Evangelista J. (2018). Mathematics in the
Modern World. C & E Publishing, Inc.
➢ Earnhart, Richard T. and Adina, Edgar M. (2018). Mathematics in the
Modern World. C & E Publishing, Inc.
➢ Nocon, R. and Nocon, E. (2018). Essential Mathematics for the Modern
World. C & E Publishing, Inc.
➢ Rodriguez, M.J. J., (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. Nieme
Publishing House Co. Ltd.

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