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My College Experience & Transformation

Cole Adams



Alison Cockerill
My College Experience & Transformation


Durham Colleges multiple opportunities for students to improve their time while studying

and potentially even after their school experience.

The Opportunities Durham Provides

My experience with Durham College’s services has been limited; I have used SALS for

math help. When I was in high school, I often struggled with math, and even took it up until

grade 12. Once I found out that I would have to take more math in college had scared me, I

thought the pain was over, but I was terribly wrong. When one day I was going through Durham

College’s resources and found SALS, a student learning / studying tool that can help with topics

such as math, I knew I needed to take it. I have not been able to tell whether or not It’s helped

much with my grades, but I have noticed my understanding of concepts such as polynomials has

been improved.

I have explored the Indigenous community, but I have not reached out to the community,

nor have I participated in any festivals lately. In the past I have participated in metis festivals due

to my interest in my families’ history, and It was one of the most eye-opening experiences I have

ever had. Learning of the residential schools, and the forced removal of children from their

parents really put into perspective how horribly the governments of Canada, and The U.S.A

treated their indigenous peoples. Learning of the metis and other indigenous peoples have led
myself to become thankful that we do not live in such a horrid time and to be oppressed by our

very own government.

I have thought about attempting to use the school’s mental health resources, but I’m often

time uncomfortable speaking with people I don’t know about my feelings. I do understand that it

can be very comforting to know that somebody is willing to listen to you; I often call one of my

close friends when my anxiety gets too rough and knowing that she’ll be there for me. I hope that

these services are able to make a difference in what I would call the mental health epidemic that

covid-19 has not helped in one bit. It’s very refreshing to hear that the college cares about its


I have been maintaining my health at home with a controlled diet, exercise and yoga. I

have not been comfortable with going onto campus to use the gym and other facilities due to

covid-19. Instead, I have been going on runs around my area, making plenty of smoothies, as

well as cooking healthy for myself and family. It’s been a very welcome change to my norm,

I’ve noticed it’s helped my anxiety and even my overall outlook on life and a more positive

outlook on my schoolwork.

I recommend everyone attempts to get in touch with their cultural side as well as

attempting to improve their mental, spiritual and physical health, whether it’s through the college

or if it is on their own accord.

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