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Copyright © I979 by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
All rights reserved.
For information address the publisher:
The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Preface V
Company, Inc.
304 West 58th SW6‘ I. How the Third World War Is Approaching 1
New York 10019
The Documentation 14
First printing, November 1979. II. How---and to What Extent-
15,000 London Rules the U.S.A. 26
Second printing, July I980.
The Profile of the CFR 33
The Commonwealth Party Heritage 50
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Natural Law and the American System 64
LaRouche, Lyndon H.
Will the Soviets rule during the 1980s‘? 1783-1863 82
Includes Index The United States Today 104
I. United States-—-l. Foreign Relations—l977—-
2. World Politics--1975-I985. The Myth of American “Democracy” 115
3. Council on I III. Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations

Foreign Relations I. Title

The Matter of Economics 125
E872.l37 327’.09’0-48 79-6522
ISBN: 0-933488-02-5 The Third World Without the IDB 133
A HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Third World as the Trigger of War 136
Four Hot Spots 145
Cover design: Alan Yue The Alternative 148
The Factual Basis for Findings 149
The Imperialism Mythology 160
The Elementary Fraud in
Marxist-Leninist Historiography 168
“Marxian Economics” 181
Paris and Bonn 186

Index 191


I.»-'ndon H. I.aRouehe. Jr. I

Will the
Soviets Rule
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Dialectical Economics
Mimi‘ H
The Case of Walter Lippmann
The Power of Reason: A Kind of Autobiography
How to Defeat Liberalism and William F. Buckley
Basic Economics for Conservative Democrats
What Every Conservative Should Know About Communism
Why the Revival of“SALT" Won’! Stop War
I do not predict it as inevitable that the Soviet
Union will dominate the world of the 1980s. Nor
do I echo the delusion that the Soviet leadership
has such an ambition. I do insist that what are
called “Anglo-American” forces are now pushing
the world toward a general thermonuclear war. It
is probable that, at the end of that war, the Soviets

will find themselves ruling what remains of the

world’s international affairs more or less by de-
I do not predict such a monstrous war to be
inevitable. I insist that the early outbreak of such
a war is now a matter of high probability; at this
date (May ll), a majority of the United States
National Security Council is committed to seeking
a “Super Cuba Crisis” even as early as the May-
June period of this year. From the standpoint of
“objective cprobabilities,” it must seem that only a
miracle could prevent the principal military poten-
cies from continuing on the present drive toward
early war.

vi Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? Preface vii

I am not a pessimist. Rather, I am a true States, nor does it wish to rely on one-to-one
optimist. A “true optimist” is one who faces a negotiations with the Soviet Union. Therefore, the
menace without wishful illusions, who seeks to majority currently governs itself by delusions
define an effective solution for the worst likely which justify the Tokyo governmenfs failure to
variant of the problem to be overcome. mount resistance to Washington-London-Peking
My own approach is to be contrasted with those blackmail. Paris and Bonn are constrained to avoid
manifest among leading governments at this mo- war, but without risking deep diplomatic breaks
ment of writing. Consider in summary, four cases: with Washington and London, or without ruptur-
Japan, Moscow, Paris, Bonn. The first, the Ohira ing in this way the internal political balance of the
government, might be termed on performance present factional combinations of domestic gov-
trends the “Ohiroshima” government, which is ernment. Paris and Bonn therefore support certain
now leading Japan into a “Strike North” Kami- delusions which justify not facing the need to risk
kaze-like flight forward from strategic realities. an open diplomatic rupture with the U.S. Carter
Although there are sensible forces in Japan, at this administration. Moscow manifests a different spec-
moment the Ohira government itself is not mani- trum of specific illusions than those notable in
festly among them. The latter three, Moscow,

Paris or Bonn. Generically, wishful thinking ra-

Paris, and Bonn, each recognize the existence of tionalizcs one’s avoiding doing what one does not
an imminent danger of a thermonuclear World wish to do. Wishful thinking delimits the definition
War III. They appear to agree on many of the of the problem to be solved to those elements one
main points concerning the character of this dan- might hope to remedy without violating the integ-
ger, although disagreeing, of course, over some of rity of onc’s pragmatic delusions.
the subsumed features. Yet, so far the latter three Such and other wishful delusions constitute the
have manifested an altogether inadequate compre- principal elements of a total package of strategic
hension of the nature of the war danger. All four miscalculations. The world is going toward early
are more optimistic than I am only to the degree thermonuclear war, not because the principal pow-
that they are unrealistic. I ers actually desire war, but because they are acting
Although the reactions among the governments under the included influence of consoling, wishful
listed vary, the root of the inadequacy in their delusions respecting crucial features of the politi-
views and practices is wishful thinking. Japan’s cal-economic-military strategic processes.
majority does not wish to oppose the United There are two sorts of persons on whom the
viii Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5‘? Preface ix

sobriquet of “optimist” falls. The first are those gration” Carter et al. are imposing upon the
who are confident of the best only because of their economies of the industrialized capitalist states.
wishful delusions. The second are those who are That prospective shift in capabilities is being
confident of the potential for creating a miraculous mooted among leading Anglo-American circles, a
solution to the most monstrous problems—prob- contemplation which is itself a major contributing
lems confronted in the fullness of their horrifying factor in causing the war danger to be imminent
features, without whimpering, panic or wishful before further shifts to Soviet relative advantage
obsession with the imminent arrival of some non- might probably occur.
existent rescuing potency. I am an optimist to the In such a war, hundreds of millions of people
extent that I believe that some among you are would die, especially among the industrialized
capable of reason, and that among us we can exert nations and China. Because of the massive destruc-
our creative powers to discover a solution for the tion of high-technology potential in the presently
menace of war, even at the presently advanced industrialized nations, the aftermath of war (put-
state of the imminence of such war. ting radioactive fallout aside) would be waves of
The fact is, the ruling Anglo-American forces famine and epidemic in the developing sector,

are presently dedicated, inclusively, to a geopolit- social chaos and related desperation fueling en-
ical crushing of ‘the forces of the Warsaw Pact demic warfare, and related political modes of
nations. They hope to secure that strategic victory further depopulation in those regions of the world.
without actually fighting a total thermonuclear During the decade or so following such a war, the
war, but they pursue that course by means and to world's population would be reduced from the
specific objectives of the moment which will oblige order of four billion persons to the order of one
the Soviet command either to submit to conquest billion persons or less. Only well into the next
or to wage total war. century would the world begin to reverse signifi-
That latter is the kernel of the war danger. cantly this catastrophe-—this New Dark Ages.
For various reasons, if the world could survive It is in that setting, and only that setting, that
the radioactive fallout, the Soviet forces would one could imagine the Soviet Union—or what
probably win such a total war. Moreover, the remains of it—as dominating the world of the
relative war-winning capability of Soviet forces 1980s and beyond. _ _
will increase rapidly during the years just ahead-- The following pages are dedicated to outhnmg
largely in consequence of the “controlled disinte- the basis for the seeming miracle needed to prevent
x Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? Preface Xi

this from occurring. There are two categories of as thefmonuclear Wfl1'- when W31’ Comes, many
points chiefly to be made here. people will die radioactively while driving to work,
First, to prevent war under conditions in which as astonished in that moment as many poor sheep
the war danger has become as advanced as it is at treating the march into the slaughterh0use—as
present, one must mobilize against the war danger just another ordinary sheep's procession.
by employing the same kinds of political-psycho- Unfortunately, so far, most of the customary
logical qualities required for winning a war. expressions by many-public figures and most or-
Leadership must, in the concept of Clausewitz, dinary citizens on the important issues of life can
unify intellectual will with sensuous capability. The be reduced to the equivalent of just one word:
sensuous reality of the war danger must bi “Maaa.”
grasped, and the moral dedication for action oi It is the arousing of the individual consciousness
the population and its leadership mobilized ac- from sheeplike “Maa-Maa-ing” to its potential
cordingly. 4 human qualities of reason, which is an included,
It is necessary to arouse both the ordinary citizen indispensable part of any effort to prevent war.
and many leading figures from their present, Second, the leading public figures and large
portions of the citizenry must become conscious

sheeplike intellectual torpor on related questions.

Statements such as “I can’t believe we are as close of those underlying causes for war, of those causes
to war as that,” and related expressions of efforts which in fact must be removed in order actually to
to block out frightening reality are exemplary of prevent war.
the sheeplikeness. Another form of commonplace Although the second problem might appear to
expression of the same psychological impotence is be an obvious and straightforward matter, when
the pitiable argument, “I can"t be concerned with viewed simply as a statement given in those words,
issues such as war; I have my family’s future to the problem here is a most difficult one. It is the
think about,” or, “my profession to think about,” difficulty of enabling people to understand the
or, “I must think about preparing for my pen- actual underlying causes for war which makes the
sion.” The sheeplike state of mind splits the world prevention of the impending war so much in the
into “big things”—with which the sheep have order of a seeming miracle. If leaders and general
nothing to do—and “personal affairs,” which the citizens would wake up in time, the war could still
poor sheep appear to imagine to operate in a be prevented. It is not preventing the war which
world outside the influence of such developments would be miraculous; it is the preceding effort, to
xtt Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

arouse people from their habitual ignorance and

_._._.__-._. . . . _. . .1. t. . . . - o ..___
delusions, which requires the seeming miracle.
The following pages represent a new effort by
me to awaken some of you people, so that together
we might educate some of the rest in sufficient HOW THE
time. If you imagine the efforts of my immediate
collaborators are insignificant in importance, then THIRD WORLD
your chances for living beyond the next few
months are even more insignificant. Your response WAR
to these pages will indicate whether or not you can
muster the moral fitness to survive the present IS APPROACHING
global crises.
—Lynd0n H. LaR0uche, Jr.
The underlying causes for the imminent World
War III are identical with those for the two pre-

ceding world wars of this century. In a word, the

“geopolitical” doctrine adopted by the top policy-
making circles of Britain, those around Lord
Alfred Milner, at the beginning of this century.
On the outside, British geopolitical doctrine has
always taken the included form of an anti-Russian
military policy, first against Czarist Russia, and
then, to the present date, against Soviet Russia.
As Milner’s group defined the policy objectives: If
Britain could orchestrate the balkanization of the
“Eurasian heartland” into a collection of small,
squabbling tyrannies, then the City of London
could be assured of ruling both the indebtedness of
nations and world commerce. By that means,

2 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19305? How the Third World War Is Approaching 3

Milner’s group perceived, the British oligarchy The first level of the problem, which represents
could effectively rule the world. the easier part of the task, is a matter of outlining
However, reading the sources on the formula- the British-authored policy itself. This is a matter
tion of the Milner policy then, or the policy papers of summarizing well-documented facts.
outlining Carter administration strategic doctrine The second, more difficult level involves aiding
today, we discover that the British have viewed the reader to comprehend the kind of mental
their principal enemy to be not Russia, but France, processes which govern the outlook and conduct
Germany, and Japan. It was and is geopolitical of the British oligarchy and its allied cothinkers.
doctrine that France, Germany, and Japan can be The ordinary citizen’s usual response to such in-
conquered permanently by Britain only under two formation is, “I cannot believe that people actually
conditions: that the U.S. government is effectively exist who are as evil as that.”
controlled from London, and that Russia is broken Additionally, there are, of course, collateral dif-
up into a collection of squabbling, balkanized ficulties for the reader. What is taught as history
petty tyrannies. In other words, the destruction of in most nations’ public schools and universities
Russia was and is viewed by the British and their today is chiefly fraud. This fraudulent but gener-

American dupes as an indispensable means for ally accepted view of history is complemented by
preventing France, Germany, and Japan from the way in which the principal news and entertain-
breaking free of City of London control--from ment media of the world grossly distort the picture
control of the International Monetary Fund’s pol- of current reality. It is usually true that the more
icies of “conditionalities.” the citizen imagines himself or herself well-in-
That was the British policy which caused two formed, the more his or her image of the world
preceding world wars. That is the policy leading and how it works reflects participation in a wide-
the world toward World War III now. Whoever spread, cultivated delusion.
disputes that fact is either simply lying, or is For example, it is conventional “wisdom” that
presently too ignorant to conduct the affairs of Hitler was created by German industrialists. In
nations. fact, he was created partly by Vienna welfare
In communicating the nature of the geopolitical centers funded by Schiff-linked Zionist bankers
policy to intelligent sorts of ordinary citizens, we like Konigswarter and Epstein. There Hitler was
are confronted by a two-level pedagogical prob- introduced to the swastika cult and the British-
lem. made Odin, Thule and Ostara cults. He was
4 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War Is Approaching 5

later created as a political entity by part of the One must, so to speak, look over the shoulders of
apparatus of the Wittelsbach regime, a Wittelsbach Lord Alfred Milner, and such Fabian collabora-
bureaucracy featuring Major-General Professor tors as Fabians Sidney Webb and H. G. Wells.
Karl Haushofer and Haushofer’s cultist protégé These were the persons who laid down the doctrine
Rudolf Hess, and including such figures as Her- which caused two world wars, the doctrine which
mann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, Roehm et al. prompted London to put Hitler into power, the
After Hitler’s emergence from Landsberg prison, doctrine which now threatens to cause World War
where Haushofer’s doctrines were incorporated III.
into Metn Kampf, Hitler was “brought north,” During the 18905., the leaders of the strategically
chiefly by interests tied to New York and London weakened British Empire identified the chief
financial potencies, including Warburg and Mor- source of their problem as the emergence of the
gan. It was Warburg protégé Hjalmar Schacht United States, German, and Japanese industrial
who put Hitler into power, with backing from the developments of the post-1860 period. In all three
London and New York banking communities. cases, this industrial development had been gov-
Inevitably, generally accredited opinion on the erned by the influence of the so-called mercantilist

Nazi problem is a product of British intelligence thinkers, Alexander Hamilton, the two American
fabrications. The same Hugh Trevor-Roper and Careys, and the “Americanist” father of the Ger-
John Wheeler Bennett who justified Churchill's man Zollverein, Friedrich List. In British estima-
saving Hitler from generals’ plots in 1938, and tion, if the outgrowth of “Hamiltonian” influence
again during the war, were key to formulating the continued in the way the developments of the
myths now generally accredited. Naturally, all the 1890s portended, the power of the City of London
actual British guilt for the Hitler regime was would soon be broken, forever.
concealed from indictment, just as London- The danger of the spread of what the British call
Manhattan protégé Schacht was saved, not sur- “mercantilism” was concretely concentrated in the
prisingly, from the Nuremberg gallows. complementary policies of France’s Hanotaux and
These are not matters of contestable opinion, Czarist Minister Count Sergei Witte. Hanotaux
they are simple matters of abundantly documented and Witte were engaged in developing an eco-
fact. nomic entente among France, Germany, Russia,
To understand the truth of today’s geopolitics, and Japan. The collaboration of France and Ger-
we must, if briefly, look back toward the 1890s. many around the development of Russia, and

6 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War ls Approaching 7

Russian, German, French, and Japanese coopera- Germany and Russia. This was aided by British
tion in launching a “New China” thrust into intel1igence’s Balkan operations, again utilizing
China, meant, in British eyes, earlycollaboration British-controlled anarchists and Parvus, and by
on this same project between the Europeans and playing on the pan-Slavism lunacy within Russian
the United States. court circles.
The British adopted a two-level approach to this The pattern was completed by an anarchist
perceived threat. The first level of approach was assassin’s murder of anglophobe U.S. President
concerted efforts to disrupt the threatened success William McKinley, putting raving anglophile
of Hanotaux’s and Witte’s efforts. The second was Teddy Roosevelt into the White House. The effort
the launching of the “geopolitical strategy” as the was complemented by successful British pressure
permanent, long-term solution to the problem of forcing a break between Germany and the belea-
future threats of the same sort. guered Oom Paul Kruger, abandoning Kruger to
In Japan, the British succeeded in promoting British Boer War adventurism.
what became known as the “Strike North” faction, Milner’s group complemented these measures
the current which has been strengthened in influ- by temporarily adopting what it termed a “Hamil-

ence under the present Ohira administration of tonian” policy for development of British military-
Japan. This was used to turn the Russo-Japanese economjc capabilities. The British navy was re-
cooperation on China into an adversary relation- built in preparation for the projected coming
ship between Russia and Japan—leading into the war, and the Boer War was used to transform the
Russo-Japanese War. British land forces from an archaic instrument into
The Dreyfus “spy scandal,” and the following the semblance of a modern force. (In the early
Zola counterscandal, ultimately identifying the phases of the Boer War, the British infantry em-
Rothschild agent d’Esterhazy as the culprit, desta- ployed rifles without sights, and was deployed for
bilized Hanotaux and brought the Germanophobe musketry volleys in emulation of eighteenth-
faction of France into the ascendancy. century cabinet-warfare tactics.)
In Russia, a British-led destabilization, involv- Having set France against Germany, Germany
ing Anglo-Dutch “superagent” Alexander Hel- against Russia, Japan against Russia, and having
phand (Parvus), combined with the effects of the brought the top command in the United States
Russo-Japanese War to bring down Witte, and to into an Anglo-American alliance, Britain organ-
set into motion the adversary relationship between ized World War I.
8 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War Is Approaching 9

The war did not go as Britain planned. There failure of hesitation in the top levels, Germany’s
were, after the fact, two obvious and major ele- invasion of France in 1914 would have been as
ments of miscalculation in the British scheme. decisively successful militarily as during the second
Nonetheless, the British created the war. It is, even try, in 1940. 2
according to British doctrine, one mattter to set a The second principal point of British miscalcu-
Frankenstein’s monster into motion, and another lation was the Russian Revolution. Essentially, the
matter to control one’s creation after it has been 1917 Russian Revolution was intended to have
put independently afoot. been a controlled replay of the 1905 aborted rev-
The original application of the British geopol- olution. The operation, which featured Parvus on
itical doctrine was to have Germany and Czarist the German command side, was a British plan,
Russia bleed one another into debilitation, and intended to facilitate the balkanization of Russia
then to have allied British and French forces in a way broadly prefacing the British intelligence
occupy the Rhineland, with the complicity of Bel- operation in Iran during the past months.
gium, and dictate the carving up of both Russia The Bolshevik Revolution represented, in British
and the Austro-Hungarian pudding. eyes, Lenin’s accomplishment of the unthinkable.

The first of the obvious points of British mis- Lenin and Chicherin’s launching of the “Rapallo”
calculation was a misreading of Germany’s mili- tactic strengthened London’s worst fears. Soviet
tary policy. Although key elements of the Hohen- Russia represented a far stronger “geopolitical”
zollern government may have been anglophiles, for threat than Witte’s Russia had been. During the
the Kaiser’s government to mobilize the German middle 1920s, after Lenin’s death and the tempo-
nation to major war, it was obliged to follow a rary hegemony of Bukharin’s policy, the British
nationalist policy, through which various key in- hoped that Soviet Russia could be kept in the
dustrialist, military and labor factions could be relative backwardness Bukharin’s anti-industrial
mobilized to the purposes of war. This brought policies specified. Sta1in’s launching of the First
into prominence the influence of republican im- Five Year Plan, and the fall of Bukharin, raised
pulses within the German state, an admittedly British fears to the point of frenzy. The threat of
distorted impulse given concentrated expression in German industrialists and others, led by von
the Schlieffen doctrine. So, Germany struck west- Schleicher, to revive the “Rapallo” thrust in the
ward as well as eastward. But for a command context of Soviet industrialization, was the devel-
I0 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War ls Approaching ll

opment which prompted London to rush the po- resemblance between Morgenthau’s scheme and
litically failing Hitler into power through the no- Baruch’s role in shaping the German reparations
torious “legal coup d’état.” features of Warburg’s Versailles Treaty is not coin-
Again, the British relied on their controls over cidence. On condition that the assumed mutual
Hitler to ensure an eastward-only thrust for Nazi bleeding of Russia and Germany had occurred,
policy. Once again, the British miscalculated the Germany was to be put through the British “final
German course of action, just as they had in solution,” returned to a primeval state of pastoral
respect to World War I. imbecility...
From the Wehrmacht invasion of France on- Although most of the British were apparently
ward, Britain temporarily abandoned its near-term temporarily gratified by the Stalingrad victory-—
objective, the destruction of Russia, because of a excepting H. G. Wells, who went insane shortly
British perception that London’s own Franken- after learning the news—the extent of Soviet eco-
stein’s monster, Hitler, now represented a far nomic-military recovery for the counteroffensive
worse immediate danger to Britain than Moscow. astonished and terrified Churchill et al. War-
Despite the expediency-driven Churchill’s short- ravaged Russia threatened to emerge from the war

term alliance with Stalin during the war, Church- in a relatively greater strategic strength than before
ill’s policy, as expressed by his fights with Roose- the war. Again, as with the 1917 October Revo-
velt and Stalin over the “Second Front,” was to lution, the British authors of World War II had
postpone allied invasion of the European continent been caught with a fundamental miscalculation on
until both the Wehrmacht and Soviet forces had their Russian front.
bled one another to death to the maximum possible So, the “Morgenthau Plan” was temporized,
degree. Then, as foolish Marshal Montgomery’s and then abandoned, abandoned totally after the
post-D-Day thrusts reflect, at the last moment, failure of the UNRRA-covered plans to destabilize
British-led forces would rush into the Rhineland, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union itself. Bar-
to restore the picture to that of the geopolitical uch himself was among the earliest of the sponsors
doctrine. to distance himself from his protégé"s concoction.
The so-called Morgenthau Plan was the most During the last years of the 1940s, coinciding with
direct reflection of original British policy for oc- Bertrand Russell and Winston Churchill"s de-
cupied Germany. Morgenthau was a protégé of mands for a “preventive nuclear war” against the
British agent-of-influence Bernard Baruch. The Soviet Union, British policy was that of rearming
12 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?
How the Third World War ls Approaching 13

Germany one more time, for one more attempt to plans. President de Gau1le’s exit from NATO
implement the geopolitical thrust from Central essentially concretized, rather than caused, the
Europe. NATO, the outgrowth of a British-created reality reflected in the London motives for the
seed project, was the foremost institutional expres- 1963 Permindex. assassination of President John
sion of that shift in policy. Kennedy.
Even at the end of the war in Europe, Churchill Today, NATO has no other strategic signifi-
planned to rearm Wehrmacht and Waffen SS cance than as a supporting feature to the current
divisions for an allied military assault on Soviet form of London’s geopolitical thrust, a thrust
forces. At the time, the United States would not based chiefly in the combinations of the China and
tolerate such a policy, even though, admittedly, Middle East options. NATO is a logistical base,
some U.S. personnel were won over to the project. plus one element of the global geopolitical deploy-
So, the policy was shelved until after Truman had ment ringing the Warsaw Pact.
led the United States into the Cold War, and until As the New York Council on Foreign Relations
the Korean War consolidated this shift in U.S. and other Anglo-American policy documents state
policy. explicitly, quite shamelessly, it is again France,

After the Soviet Union had successively devel- Germany, and Japan which are the principal tar-
oped fission and then hydrogen weapons, the gets of British geopolitical deployment. Once
NATO geopolitical policy became increasingly un- again, as in the creation of two earlier world wars,
tenable strategically. The Eisenhower administra- the projected destruction ofRussia is but a crucial
tion’s crushing of Britain in the 1956 Suez affair means to the end of eradicating what the British
and the subsequent emergence of de Gaulle’s Fifth describe as the “mercantilist” impulse within the
Republic represented the decisive turning point. capitalist and Third World sectors.
From the middle 1950s, especially following the Nonetheless, although the intended conquest of
Suez crisis, the British worked to develop what the Soviet Union is merely the crucial means to
later became the so-called China Option--while the end of crushing France, West Germany, and
continuing to push exploitation of the waning Japan, the war between NATO and the Warsaw
potentials of NATO. The 1962 Cuban Missile Cri- Pact is no less real. Nor, ironically, is it to be
sis, and President Kennedy’s 1963 break with the doubted that Japan, and possibly France and West
British, in seeking detente, mark the end of Germany, might support NATO in the war whose
NATO’s dominant role in British geopolitical true objective was their own nations’ destruction.
I4 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5‘? How the Third World War Is Approaching I5

The Documentation M. Blumenthal, Richard N. Cooper, Stanley Hoff-

man, Richard A. Falk, Samuel P. Huntington, and
The exemplary documents to be studied by any Marshall D. Shulman. Another key element was
leading figure who is not a fool are a series of a committee representing the CFR’s Board of
about twenty volumes being published by Directors, which included W. Michael Blumenthal,
McGraw-Hill Book Company. These volumes en- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Walter J. Levy, and Robert
compass a collection of fundamental policy deci- V. Roosa.
sions completed prior to the end of 1976, studies A comparison of those names with key mem-
completed by a special task force of the New York bership lists of both the Trilateral Commission’s
Council on Foreign Relations. Carter administration and its notable supplemen-
These documents are issued under the collective tary collaborators reenforces the appropriate
title of the “l980s Project.” The contents of these impression that these studies do indeed reflect the
remarkable documents, compared with the kind of thinking and policy outlook governing the
adopted policies and trends in practice of the United States at this time.
Carter administration during the past two years, After studying at least some of those documents,

show that those pages do in fact reflect the fun- and also examining the deployment of U.S. and
damental strategic commitments of the U.S. gov- British policies during this period, no intelligent
ernment at this time. j person could doubt that the United States is pro-
It is also, noteworthy that the staff preparing jected directly toward early thermonuclear war.
these documents was headed by the present U.S. Nor could any sane reader of those documents
secretary of state, Cyrus R. Vance, and also in- doubt that the conquest of the Soviet Union is
cluded Leslie Gelb, Roger Fisher, Theodore M. motivated by the London-Manhattan commitment
Hesburgh, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., ‘Harold Van B. to destroying France, West Germany, Japan, and
Cleveland, Lawrence C. McQuade, William Die- most of the developing sector.
bold, Jr., Eugene B. Skolnikoff, and Miriam As we have noted, the fact which would tend to
Camps. Diebold and Camps coordinated a group astonish the intelligent official studying these
including Tom J . Farer, David C. Gompert, Cath- sources is not so much that such policies exist, but
erine Gwin, Roger D. Hansen, Edward L. Morse, that there exist presumably urbane individuals who
Richard H. Ullman. The studies were coordinated are so depraved, so wanting in elementary moral-
by some of these named persons, plus also Werner ity, as to think in the terms the documents employ.
16 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5"? How the Third World War ls Approaching 17

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) starts with British rage against “Rapallo,” British spon-
from the premise that the fundamental conflict in sorship of Hitler against von Schleicher, and David
the world today is between the adherents of the Owen’s obscene threats against Giscard and
British monetary and political system, on the one Schmidt over both the Schmidt-Brezhnev accords
side, and the adherents of what CFR defines as of May 1978 and the European Monetary System.
the “neomercantilists,” on the other. The principal Whether voiced by Margaret “Iron Lady”
nations CFR denounces for “mercantilist” prac- Thatcher or Roy Jenkins, the British determination
tices are Japan and the Federal Republic of Ger- to bring down the Giscard and Schmidt govern-
many. The other nation singled out as a principal ments (before June 1979, said the London Econo-
victim is France. France’s political role under mist recently) is identical with Milner’s determi-
“mercantilist” (Gaullist) leadership threatens to nation to bring down Hanotaux and Witte at the
create a powerful political force around the kind turn of this century.
of “mercantilist” impulses exemplified by the Jap- CFR makes two interconnected points concern-
anese and West German economies. ing a proposed return to the Cold War and Cuban
The CFR’s attacks on the Soviet Union do not Missile Crisis-style confrontations. First, it insists

specify CFR fear of a spread of communism. The that a reactivation of the Cold War is indispensable
CFR’s argument is simple and clear. The danger for blackmailing Japan, the Federal Republic, and
of “Marxism” (i.e., the U.S.S.R.), the CFR argues, France back into the NATO control of those
is that it concurs with the “mercantilists” in dedi- nations’ foreign and domestic policies generally.
cation to policies of generalized scientific and CFR complains bitterly that Nixon’s detente ar-
technological progress. Most notable, according rangements have contributed to a peaceful atmos-
to the CFR, is the “danger” that the French, West phere in which France, West Germany, and Japan
German, and Japanese economies will enter into have developed some degree of relative independ-
cooperation with the Soviet economy to foster high- ence from London and Manhattan’s control.
technology development of the developing nations. Second, on the matter of military-strategic re-
In other words, the CFR’s present view of the lations between the U.S.A. and Soviet Union, the
Russian problem is identical with the policy to- CFR develops four alternative levels of strategic
ward Czarist Russia by Lord Alfred Milner, Sidney relations, emphasizing the close interconnection
Webb, and H. G. Wells--among others—-at the between economic and arms policies in determin-
beginning of this present century. This is identical ing these four levels.
-reg." if .1, -
.8;-§,:l,._,r .
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l8 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19805? How the Third World War ls Approaching 19

Boiling down the arguments developed in sev- technology and politics over the next 10 to 15
eral of these interrelated literary sources, and com- years that could undermine strategic stability,
paring those arguments with current Carter ad- shake world politics, and perhaps increase the
ministration practice, the four levels are these. chances of nuclear conflict.”
First, we consider one of the military versions, as In CFR’s world outlook, these military “re-
given in the 1977 Nuclear Weapons and World gimes” are correlated with economic policy by
Politics, and then we correlate those four military means of the following mediating connection. The
levels with their corresponding economic-policy stated policy of the CFR for the entire world
levels. during the post-1976 period is one of “controlled
The First Regime, as summarized by CFR’s disintegration” of, most emphatically, the industrial-
David C. Gompert, is described “in essence, the ized economies of the world. On this point, the key
current regime projected into the future.” This references are the genocidal proposals of the Club
means a combination of SALT-like arrangements of Rome for reducing the world’s population to
designed to maintain the “stability” of mutually- about one billion by the year 2000 A.D., or anal-
assured destruction (MAD). ogous proposals issued as the “Year 2000” Project

The Second Regime, as described by the same of the British Royal Institute of International
source, represents a limited reduction of scope and Affairs (RIIA).
significance of nuclear weapons. Most of the re- It is emphasized, below, that the CFR was
duced stockpiles would be intended merely as created as a principal U.S. subsidiary of the RIIA,
deterrent, while a relatively small allocation would and has been efficiently a U.S. branch of Chatham
be negotiated for narrowly defined areas of uni- House (RIIA) over the entirety of the past nearly
lateral and multilateral use. six decades. The resemblance of the CFR to RIIA
The Third Regime, which Gompert relegates to (or International Institute for Strategic Studies)
the role of a posture to be made effective perhaps policies is no coincidence.
during the 1990s, projects the ultimate banning of The strategic problem confronting CFR is that
nuclear weapons. if it intends to turn back the clock on industrial
The Fourth Regime, he describes as “one of development in the capitalist industrialized and
‘strategic deterioration,’ ” which he qualifies as developing nations combined, the continuation of
essentially “a number of plausible developments in a commitment to scientific and technological prog-
|‘I-. .
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20 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War Is Approaching 21

ress by the Comecon bloc of nations becomes contrast to a relative or even absolute increase in
strategically intolerable. Therefore, in CFR’s the military and military-related sectors.
thinking, even if one pushes aside for the moment This is, of course, already stated Carter adminis-
the aim of actually breaking up the Soviet Union tration policy. t
as well as the Comecon, the possibility of deferring In attempting to correlate the relationships be-
military conflict with the Soviet Union depends on tween civilian and military components of policy,
the degree to which the Soviet leadership will CFR resorts to what is more or less an appropriate
impose upon its own economy a degree of zero yardstick. It assumes, with general correctness,
growth effectively matching that being conducted that the rate of capital-intensive development of
in the capitalist sector. scientific and technological progress in the econ-
This is reflected into the matter of military omy generally bears directly on the nation’s
regimes with aid of one adjustment. It is British military-technological capabilities. Therefore, it is
policy, or at least what one conveniently identifies the degree of technological progress spilling over
as thesCambridge faction, to maintain a relatively into the military aspect of the economy which
high degree of military-technological capability becomes the key parameter for correlating thetwo

while savagely gutting civilian industrial and ag- aspects of the policy.
ricultural technology. Therefore, CFR does not Regime One thus becomes a correlative of eco-
necessarily view the level of military capability as nomic zero growth. This includes not only the
being reduced, if at all, at the same rate as civilian- condition of economic stagnation, but even a
economy capabilities. significant degree of contraction (“controlled dis-
What CFR proposes for the United States, West integration”) in the economy as a whole.
Germany, Japan, and so forth is analogous to the Regime Two becomes a constriction of armaments
Nazi Germany policy of the 1930s. Use Schachtian to the degree required by economies undergoing
“fiscal austerity” and related measures to canni- a more drastic contraction.
balize most of the civilian sector of industrial and Regime Three correlates with a drive toward gen-
agricultural production, increasing the emphasis eralized bucolic imbecility in the world’s economy.
on labor-intensive employment at the expense of Regime Four is the condition in which the Soviet
former modal ratios of capital-intensive (e.g., en- bloc continues a policy of scientific and technolog-
ergy-intensive) employment. This cannibalization ical progress.
of the civilian phase of the economy is to be in With the aid of the qualifications we have just
HI _' |'E_||:

22 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War ls Approaching 23

summarized, one can readily translate the eco- would rapidly dry out world export markets, and
nomic into the military aspects of CFR policy, and bring Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany
vice versa. to the point of economic disaster. The world is at
This situates CFR’s military-strategic policy a turning point during mid-1979: not at some
within the framework of its monetary-economic point down the line during the 1980s.
policies, and rightly so. Either the Soviets capitulate during I979, or the
It is simpler to reduce the four “regimes” to accelerating discrepancies produced by combined
mere distinctions of degree. The first through third Soviet growth and “controlled disintegration” of
of Gompert’s four regimes are varying degrees of Western economies mean immediate emergence of
zero-growth dcindustrialization of the civilian econ- correlations of economic and military potential
omy, translated into their military correlatives. The absolutely intolerable to the Anglo-American pol-
fourth regime defines what Gompert et al. view as icy makers. The issue of the “Fourth Regime” is
casus belli. If the Soviet Union continues to reflect posed for a point in time which is now, not down
in the military sphere the effects of scientific and the line during the middle to late 1980s.
technological progress in the civilian sphere, this, As to timetables, it is therefore clear that Nuclear

Gompert asserts, will “shake world politics, and Weaponsand World Politics is grossly misleading,
perhaps increase the chances of nuclear conflict.” perhaps deliberately so. A book of that sort is
The formal flaw in the Nuclear Weapons and intended to present the policy formulations “al-
World Politics text as a source for policy studies is gebraically,” not to moot or reveal timetables in
the CFR-dictated time frame without which the the minds of the top circles. It is by mapping the
schemas are elaborated. The present, CFR-dic- “algebraic formulations” of the texts to the actual
tated, rate of “controlled disintegration” of the course of events since the papers were written
U.S. economy, combined with the efforts of an (1975 to 1976), that we adduce the actually appli-
imminent Middle East crisis on the Western Eu- cable time scales.
ropean and Japanese economies, means that the To the point, we quote excerpts from a recent
orchestrated zero-growth collapse of the Western article by the spokesman for the Soviet Academy
economies is imminent. Even if the looming Mid- of Sciences, P. Aleksandrov:
dle East crisis were not unleashed, the effect of the When the nuclear threat hung over our country,
spread of “IMF conditionalities” and the policies our scientists and engineers answered the call of
being pushed through current GATT negotiations the party, and with its constant help, independently
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24 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How the Third World War ls Approaching 25

solved all the most difficult scientific and technical plore every avenue to reestablishing a now, in fact,
questions of creating atomic technology and nu- nonexistent “detente,” but Moscow will not throw
clear weapons in the same amount of time it took
the United States, which was drawing on major
away what it perceives to be the credible war-
scientific forces from many countries. winning potential of its nation.
The military bases with which the imperialists Meanwhile, with the implementation of two of
surrounded our country posed new, difficult tasks the more notorious policies of the Carter admini-
for Soviet scientists and engineers. They accom- stration, the Brzezinski-Schlesinger Presidential
plished a real feat, in creating intercontinental Review Memorandum 41 against Mexico, and
ballistic missiles and thermonuclear rocket weap-
ons in order to exclude the possibility of waging Samuel Huntington’s Presidential Review Memo-
a war against our country that was “safe for the randum 32 formulation of dictatorial powers, plus
aggressor.” The tremendous contribution of Soviet the not-so-secret contents of the Carter-Teng and
science to raising the economic and defense might Carter-Begin-Sadat agreements, and with London
of our homeland greatly helped our party conduct and Brzezinski’s determination to have a thermo-
a consistent Leninist peace policy. . . .
Soviet scientists love their homeland and con-
nuclear “superconfrontation,” plus the fall of the
sider it their primary duty to maintain the defense Schmidt and Giscard governments before the end

might of our country on the level necessary to of June, the CFR policies for the 1980s are in fact
preserve peace. s ripened into the Carter policies of the here and now.
But we are enemies of the arms race, which
lowers the standard of living of all peoples and
increases the danger of war.
—Pravda, April 15, I979

Not only does Aleksandrov’s article indicate

that the Soviets are dedicated to the Fourth Re-
gime, for the civilian economy certainly, and the
military sector as required, but fundamental self-
interest allows Moscow no other choice. With
London, Manhattan, and Washington so obses-
sively on a manic geopolitical kick, with destabil-
izations on Soviet borders, and efforts to crush
Soviet treaty partners generally, Moscow will ex-
How London Rules the U.S..A. 27

there can be no competent understanding of any

of the principal problems facing nations today.
Consider the hypothetical case of a typical West-
ern continental European public figure. This per-
HOW--AND TO son either visits the United States more or less
frequently, or is part of a political or business
WHAT EXTENT- circle, some of whose representatives have kept up
regular transatlantic traffic over decades. This
LONDO RULES person considers himself rather well informed. He
or she reads not only leading European newspa-
THE U.S.A. pers and magazines, but also special business and
other intelligence reports. These literary sources,
plus radio and television, report what both leading
press and figures of accredited importance in the
United States are saying and doing. To such a
Many otherwise intelligent leading European and

hypothetical European, our summary of the inter-

Third World public figures, plus most among
nal situation inside the United States is “incre-
Soviet persons we have met so far, reject as “in-
dible”; taken as a whole, it is contrary to every
credible” the report that the U.S. government is
evaluation of the internal U.S. situation generally
presently a “dumb American giant being pulled
current in the circles with which our hypothetical
around the world on a British leash.” Yet, there
European is chiefly associated.
exists massive and altogether conclusive documen-
That “well-informed” public figure is chiefly
tary and other supporting fact which proves that
mistaken on most of the points of his or her
these doubting public figures are absolutely
accepted views of the United States. For one who
wrong. The authorship of the documentation al-
knows the inside of the U.S.A., the leading causes
ready indicated, the CFR, is a leading part of the
of the Europeans’ wrong opinions are not difficult
evidence doubting public figures and journalists
to identify.
refuse to take adequately into account.
First, there is the U.S. national press. With a
Without analyzing the CFR’s drive toward early
minority of commendable exceptions, the interna-
thermonuclear war as a made-in-London policy,
tional community of editors and journalists gives
26 I
28 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 29

a very bad reputation to the name of prostitution. political-financial interests which controls the prin-
Europe is bad enough on this point, but the cipal news media in the United States, and the
European press is relatively a miracle of candor control of both principal news and entertainment
by contrast with the overall picture of the principal is deployed to produce a mutually reenforcing
national news media of the United States. There effect.
are less corrupted interests represented within the Second, the European visitor to the United
finanical and corporate-executive control of U.S. States is usually visiting within a controlled psy-
major news media, but those are a minority interest chological environment. His or her top-level gov-
within the relevant news corporations. ernmental, business, and analogous contacts usu-
The New York Times, the Washington Post, the ally represent the so-called Eastern Establishment,
Boston, Globe, and so forth are controlled conduits or are persons and groupings which reflect the
of mixed “black” and “grey” propaganda to a dominant influence of that establishment. At the
degree which ought to make Josef Goebbels en- highest levels, these persons simply lie to European
vious- The major radio and TV news conduits are continental contacts as a matter of policy. At the
in the same condition. Sometimes the truth about lower levels in U..S. influential circles, the U.S.

a major development is reported within these chan- contact merely parrots the “official line” passed
nels; on the infrequent occasions this occurs, there down to him from topmost circles.
is almost without exception a remarkable, impor- If he or she gave appropriate thought to the
tant story behind the reasons for such exceptional matter, the visiting European does have hard evi-
behavior. , dence which ought to cause him to suspect that he
Equally significant are the so-called entertain- is being lied to by his U..S. contacts. Contrast the
ment media. Entertainment is used deliberately in philosophical outlook expressed by CFR with the
the United States to shape the way in which the directly opposite “organic” philosophical outlook
public mind responds to political and related is- of about two-thirds or more of the eligible U.S.
sues. Indeed, fictional entertainments, controlled voters. Although many of the facts we present
presentation of commercial sports, and entertain- below may be new to the direct knowledge of
ment generally, are all guided to produce political European public figures, as well as ordinary Eu-
and related psychological-conditioning effects. ropean citizens, those Europeans should recognize
Popular entertainment, from “Hollywood” on that we are merely adding to similar kinds of facts
down, is controlled by the same complex of which they already know. We are mainly corro-
. 1

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._|_ -._

30 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 31

borating a judgment they should have made even scious of the fundamental, irreconcilable differ-
before reading this report. A ences in economic policy and political philosophy
First, we shall concentrate on the case of CFR between the two principal English-speaking na-
itself. As we expose CFR, which is a ruling influ- tions.
ence over both the U.S. administration and top It is the study of the United States during that
levels of the largest two parties, we shall show that century (1763 to 1863) which is indispensable for
it is without question a London channel of influ- understanding crucial, if largely “subsurface,” de-
ence. We shall show also that CFR is otherwise __. terminants of the American national character
:1 '

| _-I
merely the chief coordinating agency for. a nest of .‘-_'l'-:

other British conduits, or for British-allied conduits iii!-F-' The point to be stressed for today, from the
.-i._ r .
.: '._..
such as those historically linked to the Hapsburgs . ._ -
examination of the century after 1763, is that the
._,| I
-|l ' '

r'.':a'.' I
and the European “black nobility” generally. '!'|.
I |I:
late-1800s U.S. industrial revolution, set intomo-
Second, we shall dispel the rather popular illu- tion by the Lincoln wartime administration, was
sion, an illusion that despite the issues of the . 3,-'1". decisive for shaping the manifested organic prac-
. ';-.'T
I11 '
'-- _
American Revolution and U.S.-British War of tice and world outlook of the majority of the

I I--

1812, U.S. culture, including political philosophy, _.' 5
I 'r |
adult population down through the demise of the
." .
.. i|_'

is essentially an extension of the same philosophi- rl -

Nixon administration. Despite “post-Watergate,”
_ .-

cal outlook, the same Anglo-Saxon traditions it is this heritage which continues to determine the
which many identify with British “parliamentary “organic” impulses of more than two-thirds of the
democracy” today. V eligible voters of the United States today.
We shall identify the continuing, bitter differ- It might not be essential to know that historical

ences in political philosophy between the United background to discover that the majority of Amer-
States and Britain over the period from 1763 icans have such “organic” philosophical-political
through the assassination of President Abraham outlooks today. Obviously, such outlooks are a
Lincoln. That period is of special significance matter of fact, and exist as a matter of fact whether
because during that time there was an unbroken or not one knows the historical background in-
continuity of leadership, typified by Benjamin volved. It is quite a different matter merely to
Franklin, the Federalists, and the Whigs, leading know a fact and to understand the implications of
into the Lincoln, Whig faction of the 1860s Re- the fact. To assess how a majority of Americans
publican Party. That leadership was fully con- will or might respond to their “organic” impulses
'“-I -I ' .1-I I | '‘‘-I:

32 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? 19+- How London Rules the U.S.A. 33
F-iii J-I-.-

. 1,

~ .
I.. .

of this sort, one must know how those impulses processes of the United States so that Europeans
were acquired, and how they are so determined to may be better advised in choosing how to deal
function or not function under varying circum- with the problem the Carter administration rep-
stances. resents for the world today.
After we have outlined below the background
to the present outlooks of the two, distinct social
-'.:: The Profile of CFR
strata, respectively the majority of voters and the
' .fl__
CFR, we are able to adduce the significance of the _
rf "._
We have already noted that the New York Council
'|-£- I
. .|_I.

virulently neo-Malthusian outlook of CFR and . .-r.--
: “II .
on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created after
the directly opposing “organic” dedication to tech- World War I as the U.S. branch of the London

nological progress of the overwhelming majority . _ ;:,___ .

Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).
.I ' '

. ' -|

of ordinary citizens. * . =1‘:

___ _- The RIIA, in turn, was created as an offshoot of
L'-' -
; I, _
€ 1'1‘;
In this procedure, we are enabled to provide a |'I ' _ ._
the London Round Table organization of Lord
richer, more useful version of that truth which Alfred Milner et al. Otherwise, the RIIA is the
most educated Europeans should have known even chief formal agency of those top-level British oli-

before their reading of this report. It should have .,%_ garchical circles which determine British foreign
been clear to them beyond doubt that the policies -ii policies, and which define the objectives and major
of the Carter administration and CFR are directly ii- scenarios for British foreign intelligence activities
opposite to the American character in general. The worldwide.
CFR, like its puppet-entity, the Carter administra- We add a note of caution here. In general, the
tion, in no way represents a historically American oligarchical elites of the world are not defined, in
outlook in political philosophy. The CFR (and its the final analysis, by nominal membership in any
Carter-administration entity) is an un-American, formal organization such as RIIA. The topmost
alien thing, superimposed upon the topmost aspect social strata of power exist as a stratum in terms
of the political and financial structure of the of what seem, relatively speaking, informal asso-
United States. ciations, involving family, schoolboy back-
Our purpose in this chapter is not merely to grounds, and so forth. It is these informal associ-
provide a better proof of what Europeans ought ations which create (and sometimes destroy)
to have known even without this report. The entities such as the Round Table, the RIIA, IISS,
purpose is to expose the internal social-political and so forth. The formal organizations are instru-

: - -.
- .
. __, ,
I ; .I.".'._'
34 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 35


- '_'
'|| :_
merits used by the topmost oligarchical strata; they complex of financial skulduggery, and evil profes-
' I
are not in one-for-one correspondence with the .-'-

sors at Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Sussex,
- 1.
composition of the topmost strata. Some of the H." and the London School of Economics is trans-
-i.~| .
.~ii:'!‘. formed into concerted policy making for action.
most powerful behind-the-scenes controllers sel-
dom appear in the limelight of political pageantry -_..’:-.I.

fill‘ I-
Compare the case of the Mont Pelerin Society
.1:-'_I'l:l (MPS). MPS was created under British SIS spon-
'.- '-'l-
and press notice. s '.I.5.

iv-hie‘ ':"

- ‘Li-

However, it is correct to view RIIA as among S":-

\.'. .-I
sorship in Switzerland at the close of “World War
." I '

the higher ranking of the instruments of influence, '_ I._ .

II, and is in-point of fact the political-intelligence
policy and deployment coordination, as a most ‘ _r.'
arm of the cultist, profeudalist Pan-European
.II . {F I
I.- - Union, which was revived through direct sponsor-
r .'
important conduit of the will and decisions of the -I
' I.-
."_| _ .

-| -|_.
I 1-,

_. I_|
behind-the-scenes, more informally linked ruling 1.
.| I
ship of Winston Churchill at the close of World
r . .' .

strata. A member of RIIA, IISS, CFR, and so I‘ ._
War II. In the global hierarchy, MPS is approxi-
.I. I

J .
_ ,I.
7- _.
forth, may be either a fully witting conspirator, or “I.-WI»
- I- -I\i‘? r I-'
mately on the same level as a subordinate arm of

i I:-.':*
RIIA, the International Institute for Strategic
'+-- ._
merely a useful fool in the judgment of those who . 5‘-'-ii
I .

manipulate fools with the aid of such formal Studies. As in the case of the British intelligence-

associations. It is the importance of the formal ' I-I

controlled Heritage Foundation in the United
-W I

E ;Ii.i'i.-
El’. |-
States, MPS and IISS are directly partners, on the
association as a tool of influence which should be
‘Q, .\.
kept in view, and one should at the same time *_-Fit
same hierarchical level, in turning foolish self-
-.1 ‘I’

avoid viewing such associations as embodying styled “conservatives” into marketable political
independent special interest and power. One must commodities of the British monarchy and the
take into account the practical importance of such Hapsburgs.
formal associations, without taking the formalities CFR was not only created as a branch of British
of organizations “too literally.” secret intelligence inside the United States. It has
The ranking importance of RIIA as the policy- been, predominantly at least, continuously a more
conduiting institution behind the British Foreign or less treasonous U.S. arm of British oligarchy
Office and Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) is what policy throughout the period to date. *
must be kept in view: nothing more, not much There are three most notable strata in the lead-
less. RIIA, like the Tavistock Institute (Sussex) ing circles of CFR. Summary of this social com-
division of SIS, is among the most obvious of the position aids the reader in understanding the rel-
higher-ranking vehicles through which the whole evant facts.

-5 P.


_. .
- I.

. " l'lq:|


36 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? ' How London Rules the U.S.A. 37

The top-ranking inner circles of CFR are pre- L-=1‘,-lb;-I|1h.|,_

quently overlap with the most perverted of the
dominantly a stratum of “American aristocrats” British cults, such as the Isis-Urania, Hermeticist
otherwise known variously as the “Episcopagans” cult of the “Golden Dawn.”
or simply as “our crowd.” The term “Episcopa- The Episcopagans are generally of two distin-
gan” is derived in part from the fact that most of guishable pedigrees. One component is more or
the topmost inner circles are members of the U.S.- less of native American “blue blood” origins,
Canadian branch of Queen’s own Church of Eng- families whose sons frequently matriculate at the
land—with the odd Presbyterian and occasional U.S. parody of Eton, Groton, and are notably
- i-ul—m-hnflnaih
Lutheran thrown in. The “pagan” in “Episcopa- inclined to backgrounds in either law or finance
gan” was added by a public figure who departed developed at such institutions as Harvard, Yale,
those circles in disgust. The name “Episcopagan,” Cornell, Columbia, Princeton, and so forth. An-
has stuck ever since. Although professedly Chris- other component is directly of British, Canadian,
tian, an important component of the “aristocrats” |-
or perhaps Australian origins (e..g., Rupert Mur-
is dedicated worshippers of the Ptolemaic version doch, a creation of the late Lord Beaverbrook.)
of the Egyptian-Roman heathen cult of Isis. This l—‘-—--I l-K.inI-|j, . The second-ranking stratum within the inner cir-

paganism, practiced shamelessly in the New York cle of CFR centers around persons of nominally
Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, we Jewish descent. This stratum is, in large part, a
shall identify as of direct relevance for understand- key to the contemporary image of the so-called
ing the political philosophical outlook of the U.S. “Zionist lobby.” This arrangement is a con-
CF R’s dominant, inner circles. tinuation of the role of the Montefiores and Roth-
The Episcopagan component of CFR signifi- schilds as powerful Hofiudcn of the British mon-
cantly overlaps with other entities beside the An- archy and Empire. It also includes families who
glican church. Significant numbers of Episcopa- performed a treasonous, proslavery role in alliance
gans are listed and active members of the British- with Rothschild during the U.S. Civil War, such
Canadian version of the Maltese Order, the as the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loebs, and Baruch fami-
Queen’s own Venerable Military and Hospitaller lies. That ancestral connection is not merely bio-
Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. logical; it represents an unbroken political-philo-
This overlaps with members in leading circles of sophical tradition. The connection to London-
the British (Ashmolean, Isis-cult worshipping) fac- centered finance is one qualification of this stra-
HhlHuih-»id, j-.,fii ,"|-i .- . . gi

tion of Freemasonry. These memberships fre- tum. Another more or less essential element of

38 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 39

pedigree presently of the older members of this a potent financial and boardroom influence in
stratum is a wartime background either as British many branches of Canadian and U.S. banking,
intelligence agents, or Americans assigned to the insurance, and other corporations, as well as in
British-Canadian Special Operations Executive their traditional whisky and real estate operations.
(SOE). Exemplary of their importance in British-Canadian
Both the Episcopagans and nominally Jewish and U..S. intelligence is the case of the profascist
ranks of CFR’s inner circles share, predominantly, assassination organization, Permindex. This was
SOE connections from the wartime or early post- an organization implicated in backing the at-
war years. The superior rank of London over the tempted assassinations of President de Gaulle, and
Manhattan branch of RIIA and SIS was clearly implicated in the arrangements for the assassina-
stated during the 1940s and early 1950s, and has tion of President John F. Kennedy. Permindex was
been fully and continuously accepted by the CFR headed by one Major Louis M. Bloomfield, cur-
crowd down to the present date. The arrangement rently a leading representative of the Bronfman
is understood, by both the British and their Amer- interests. Bloomfield was earlier a second to SOE’s
ican subordinates, as a combination of “British Sir William Stephenson, and controlled such ele-

brains” directing “American muscle.” London is ments of U..S. counterintelligence as the FBI’s
“mother,” orris described as “M,” as i'n “Monte- Division Five and the U.S. Office of Naval Intel-
fiore.” The Manhattan crowd know their assigned ligence, not only during the war but during much
position as a junior branch of the British oligarchy. of the postwar period. Bloomfield’s network was
Sometimes the children are restive, even bordering involved in creating a continuing, transatlantic
on insolence, but in the end mother remains operation against this writer, beginning spring-
mother. summer 1975, an operation which extended in
As it is said around Manhattan, when it comes Europe into Switzerland, the Federal Republic,
to the final showdown on a decisive issue, Rock- France, Italy, Belgium, and so forth.
efeller will not break with Rothschild. The third significant stratum to be considered is
Some sense of the lower rank of the “Zionist” best characterized as “lower-class parvenus” who
component is effected by considering the case of have been assimilated into the third rank in and
Bronfman. The Canada-based, organized crime- around CFR and allied British intelligence con-
linked Bronfmans are estimated to have a wealth duits as useful tools. Exemplary of this are Henry
in the order of seven billions of dollars, and have A. Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and various
40 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5‘? How London Rules the U.S.A. 4!

less-publicized persons of the same general cate- Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the

gory of qualifications. ‘ Aspen Institute, World Federalists, Amnesty In-

In the composition of CFR’s “1980s Project” ternational, and so forth, as well as the National
studies, Cyrus Vance represents the Episcopagan Council of Churches branch of the World Council
circles, whereas persons included otherwise fre- of Churches.
quently represent the second or third rank, or even British-Canadian control of U.S. financial inter-
potential ini'tt'ates for the lower, third rank. ests begins during the eighteenth century, with the
General Alexander Haig is exemplary of a per- financial institutions which Lord Shelburne, Wil-
son being initiated, like Kissinger, into the third liam Pitt the Younger, David Hume, Adam Smith,
rank. Haig therefore has a much higher rank in Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, and Reverend
the U.S. structure than President Carter, and is, in Thomas Malthus represented: the British East In-
fact, a hooded initiate into the Queen’s own dia Company and Barings. During the nineteenth
Maltese Order cult. century, beginning about 1818, but most emphat-
To situate CFR as a coordinating agency of ically after the 1837 Panic, Rothschild penetrated
British intelligence within the U.S. political scene the United States massively, holding control of the

as a whole, one must take into account two general national Democratic Party during the 1850s and
classes of institutions which aggregately comprise 1860s. The case of Morgan is well known. ‘After
the hard core of treasonous influences inside the the treasonous 1879 Specie Resumption Act, Mor-
United States today. It is approximately correct to gan, Warburg et al. zoomed to virtual top-down
choose the British assassination of President Wil- control of U.S. credit, with the British consolidat-
liam McKinley as the dividing line between ing London-allied Manhattan bankers’ control of
nineteenth-century British networks and those es- the economy through President Theodore Roose-
tablished in the United States under the influence velt’s breaking of the independent power of U.S.
of Lord Alfred Milner’s policy. industrial firms. The I907 Panic and the Warburg
CF R belongs to the latter category, and is the establishment of the Federal Reserve System con-
successor to the earlier National Civic Federation solidated British top-down financial-policy control
branch of the London Round Table networks. over the U.S. economy.
Also of relevance as Milner-era creations are the Among the important political-intelligence enti-
Russell Sage Foundation, the American Friends ties surviving from the nineteenth century are the
Service Committee, the Brookings Institution, the U.S., Georgetown University-coordinated, Jesuit
42 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 43

organizations. Although these networks are in for the Ku Klux Klan was the financial controller
effect assets of British secret intelligence through- of the Confederacy, Rothschild agent Judah Ben-
out the Western Hemisphere, this network was jamin. Benjamin conducted the project with col-
originally planted and developed in the United laboration of the proslavery grandfather of Ber-
States under the direct control of the Hapsburgs’ nard Baruch, plus a Catholic priest. In a similar
Rothschild--controlled Prince Metternich. For var- way, the American Nazi Party was created during
ious reasons which need not be detailed here, the postwar period by financial figures associated
Georgetown and the Jesuits coordinated by it are with B’nai B"rith, which has also been proven to
organically, sociologically, closer linked to the be the sponsor and coordinator of various swas-
European continent’s black nobility and to the tika-wearing little groups during 1978 and 1979.
Mont Pelerin Society and Pan-European Union Another of the principal elements deployed by
than to directly British social conduits of network the British in the United States is the American
coordination. connections of the Socialist International. The
Another important entity is the B’nai B’rith, leadership of the United Auto Workers trade
which was established in the United States in 1843, union is exemplary of this, as are the intellligence

as a principal arm of British secret intelligence, professionals associated with the International La-
then working to destroy the United States from dies Garment Workers Union. In the United
within, as part of the operation culminating in the States, as in Western continental Europe, the Brit-
U.S. Civil War of the 1860s. All of the so-called ish intelligence conduits within the Socialist Inter-
Zionist organizations in the United States and national networks are most commonly distin-
Canada are offshoots of the B’nai B’rith, which guished by their overlap and intersection with
has been continuously, since its founding, a special operations otherwise coordinated by Zionist or-
political-intelligence arm of London-centered fi- ganizations. Key layers within the Socialist Party
nancial interests linked commonly to the Monte- of America, within the allied Social Democrats
fiores and Rothschilds. U.S.A., with the League for Industrial Democracy
It was the American Jesuits and B’nai B"rith (LID), the Jewish Labor Committee, and the Jo-
which founded the racist, terrorist organization, seph Rauh, Jr. faction within the Americans for
the Ku Klux Klan, in 1867; it is the B’nai B’rith Democratic Action, are exemplary, as are Lane
which has been repeatedly discovered to exert top- Kirkland of the AFL-CIO and Jacob Clayman of
down control within Klan organizations to the the AFL-CIO’s Industrial Union Department.
present date.tThe principal sponsor and fundraiser Also the so-called American left is controlled

44 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 45

top-down with a major contributing role through down input determining the character of the or-
the forces represented by the points of intersection ganizations is provided directly by British-Cana-
of the Zionist organizations and elements linked dian conduits with aid of Socialist International-
to the Socialist International. linked and Zionist contributions to shaping the
For example, the Communist Party U.S.A. The environment of control and providing “sleepers”
key intelligence element is a unit sometimes termed and other assets.
the “KGB” element, a unit which reports on U.S. It is a standard, frequent operation, for the Brit-
and Canadian citizens to Moscow as its best- ish-Canadian secret-intelligence networks to de-
known routine function. This unit has been con- ploy one of their “right-wing” creations, and use
trolled top-down by British-Canadian secret intel- that deployment to activate some of their other,
ligence since approximately 1938, and is presently “left-liberal“ assets as a countergang against the
the controlling element within the CPUSA leader- right-wing deployment. Exemplary is the United
ship. The CPUSA is otherwise substantially inte- Auto Workers’ role in sponsoring what is called
grated into a network coordinated by the Institute an “Anti-Nazi Coalition,” which is directly con-
for Policy Studies, the latter an entity created in trolled by the same elements of B’nai B’rith which

1963 as an “asset” of the U.S. National Security also deployed the Nazi demonstrations used as the
Council, an entity closely linked to terrorist groups pretext for mobilizing the “Anti-Nazi Coalition.”
both inside the U.S.A. and abroad. The overall, Through a range of allied British conduits and
environmental control of the CPUSA from its assets, entities both of a policy-shaping variety and
creation at the close of World War I has been also of a deception-operations variety, the latter
supplied by private political-intelligence networks including the Klan, Nazis, “left” groups, and so
associated with the Socialist International and the forth, CF R represents in effect a wide assortment
B’nai B’rith. | of forces to be deployed in a coordinated way to
The “Trotskyist” organizations are all con- shape U..S. policy at the top.
trolled top-down by British-linked political-intel- CF R presently controls absolutely the top,
ligence networks, as are the anarchist organiza- national-organization strata of both the Demo-
tions, as well as the Maoist groups. Many cratic and Republican parties. The “conservative”
intelligence and security agencies deploy opera- elements in the United States are run, as are the
tions inside and into the surrounding environment Buckleyite organizations in particular, on the basis
of the “left” groups, but the predominant, top- of a Jesuit-Mont Pelerin Society channel of influ-
How London Rules the U.S.A. 47
46 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19805?

Isles’ general population, or of the material inter-

ence. The “left” and liberal varieties of British
ests of those Isles in the sense of capitalist-defined
Fabian and other philosophical radicalism are
material interests. One ought to understand this
coordinated through the Socialist International,
to signify the hegemony of the British oligarchy’s
“neo-Fabian” IPS, and Zionist conduits. Key ele-
leading strata, plus the correlated hegemony of
ments of the U.S. intelligence community, includ-
British intelligence networks as the leading stratum
ing the FBI’s counterespionage division, Naval
of a global network of oligarchical factional forces.
Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, the National
Admittedly, with the ranks of the international
Security Agency, and elements of the CIA, are
oligarchical strata in general, there are Hobbesian
also presently and historically under British-Cana-
sorts of intramural frictions and even, occasion-
dian-Israeli control. S
ally, outright conflicts. Also, as typified by the
Once it is understood that the British oligarch-
traditions associated, respectively, with H.G. Wells
ists and such British allies as the Italian black
and Bertrand Russell, there are factional differen-
nobility, Pan-European Union, Egyptian Copts,
tiations which ‘tend to cut across national borders.
the “twenty-two” feudal families of Pakistan, and
Such factional distinctions acknowledged in that
so forth all share an underlying common political-

way, behind such secondary and tertiary differen-

philosophical world outlook, a proper hearing of
tiations, the entire oligarchical faction is charac-
the term “British intelligence networks" is devel-
terized by a common basic, root ideology.
oped. Since the final quartcr of the eighteenth
As we examine the U.Sl. elements connected to
century, the City of London has been the flagship
British control and overreaching influence, we
for black nobility-linked financial power in Genoa,
discover not merely British hegemony on specific
Rome, Geneva, Amsterdam, and so forth. Since
issues. We discover that these U.S. strata have
the same period, especially since the rise of Shel-
assimilated the same political-philosophical out-
burne’s Barings-centered faction in Britain (Pitt
look as the British oligarchy generally.
the Younger, Bentham, et al.), the British oligar-
At this root level, there is no axiomatic differ-
chy has risen to a clear position of primus inter
ence in political-philosophical outlook among Wil-
pares on behalf of oligarchical factional forces
liam F. Buckley, the Heritage Foundation, Doug-
las Fraser of the UAW, the pages of the
Therefore, when one hears of a “British faction”
Communist Party’s Daily World, or of the various
in world politics, one should not understand this
Maoist and Trotskyist groupings. All of these cited
to mean a political epiphenomenon of the British
iii” r

48 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 49

cases, and many others, represent mental processes adopted as the axiomatics of their political-
governed by the axiomatic, methodological dis- philosophical judgment.
tinctions of British philosophical radt'calism in the In respect of the consequences of CFR’s pro-
specific sense that designation is applied to the gram, most of those identified are pathetic dupes.
successors of Jeremy Bentham. In English-speak- They usually succeed in avoiding recognizing this,
ing, Protestant countries and strata this takes the because they are philosophical irrationalists; they
form of pragmatic irrationalism, with William deny a rigorous causality connecting the effects of
James (“pluralism”), John Dewey, and Bertrand policy with the chain-reaction consequences of
Russell the prototypes of such influence in the such immediate effects. For example, the “envi-
United States. In Catholic countries and strata, ronmentalist” refuses to believe that demanding
the same irrationalism is more frequently encoun- “deindustrialization” means early, genocidal scales
tered under the title of “existentialism.” of famine, epidemic, and violent social chaos in
The policy of the CFR, as set forth in the cited regions of the developing sector. He argues, “It
documents, is for the “controlled disintegration” doesn’t follow!” Ask him why not, and he will
of U.S. (as well as West German and Japanese) reply, as a matter of last resort, that he does not

industry, and for fascist measures of austerity accept the idea of such rigorous rationality of
aimed principally at trade unionists. In this sense, causal relationships---he rejects “the tyranny of
the industrialist who tolerates CFR’s policies is a reason." All of these sorts insist that some imme-
foolish dupe, being impelled to support the de- diate( condition, such as “free enterprise,” “free-
struction of his specific interests as well as of his dom from the existence of nuclear plants," their
nation. Similarly, the “leftist” rabble in the United compelling desire to “get back to nature,” or some
States, who all support policies assigned to their other such specific demand, is primary. They refuse
part of the effort by CFR’s collaborators, are to consider any consequence which would tend to
acting in effect as promoters of fascist policies. So, be an argument against realizing one of these
with many of the strata: on the secondaryeand “primary” demands. S
tertiary levels of practice, these strata are dedicated Therefore, we should not imagine that these
to the destruction of what they identify as their dupes have not been swindled in the same way as a
characteristic interest. If one looks deeper, the person who has been sold a bad used car through
CFR program agrees with that kind of philosoph- salesman’s deceit. They accept one or another par-
ical radicalism which such affected strata have ticular packaging of the axiomatics of British
50 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 51

philosophical radicalism. They are deceived re- sumption that the English-speaking American peo-
specting the results of their advocacy, not the ples were governed by something like the political-
advocacy itself. philosophical outlook one associates with “British
‘The same principle applies to the CFR inner parliamentary democracy” today. The most suc-
circles themselves. They profess themselves to be cinct identification of the point to be made is to
“anglophiles” in politics and economic thinking, characterize the American Revolution of 1775-
just as they usually profess themselves to be either 1783 as a second occurrence of the mid-seventeenth
Episcopalian or Jewish in matters of religious century Civil War in England.
preferences. This is not only the adopted self-image It is to be granted, there were several specific
of a “junior branch of the British oligarchy”; it is “objective issues” which were prominent features
an assimilation of the axiomatics of the political- of the revolutionary establishment of the United
philosophical outlook expressed variously by Ox- States. These issues triggered the separation, be-
ford, Cambridge, Sussex, the London School of cause they reflected and expressed a fundamental
Economics, and the London Economist. political-philosophical difference between the ma-
As we outline the character of the opposing, jority of the Americans and what a morally de-

characteristically American political-philosophical cayed British population had become under the
outlook, we are able toshow how profound the successive influence of the Stuart, Orange, and
contrast is in fact. The result of that comparison Hanoverian forms of the post-1660, Restorationist
shows not only how entirely alien the CFR and its British monarchy.
accomplices are to the historically determined The historical root of the American Revolution
American philosophical outlook; the more rigor- is located most immediately in the fact that most
ous comparison properly suggests remedial ap- of the English-speaking colonies established dur-
proaches for the disastrous condition of U.S. pol- ing the seventeenth century were not only estab-
icy today. lished as strategic projects of the English Com-
monwealth Party; the dominant strata among the
The Commonwealth
colonists continued to be an elite taken from the
Party Heritage A V
ranks of the British Commonwealth Party elite-—
It is either a self-deception or a fraud to attempt together with whole parishes of Commonwealth
to reconcile the leading facts of eighteenth- and Party “dissenters,” opponents of the Stuart-
nmeteenth-century American history with the pre- established Church of England. Although Dutch
52 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 53

and German colonists, most notably, were re- The tax issue was a secondary, and connected,
cruited to these projects, in most cases they were issue. Following London‘s defeat of France in
assimilated into the culture of the English colo- 1763, at the end of what the Americans termed the
nlsts. “French and Indian Wars,” London’s policy was
During the period of the American Revolution, to keep the English colonies in a relative condition
this historically determined difference between the of bucolic economic imbecility, using explanations
respective majorities of the Americans and British like Smith’s. These are the same general argu-
was complemented by the fact that the Americans ments employed for British nineteenth-century
had approximately a 90 percent functional literacy, colonial policy, and are the policy of neocolonial-
in contrast to about 40 percent in England. Also, ism of the IMF, World Bank, and “Brandt Com-
the Americans had approximately double the real mission” proponents of “appropriate tech-
incomes and productivities of the British. This nologies” today.
latter economic advantage existed despite the Brit- The tax issue, as an issue of policy, was defined
ish actions to prevent manufacturing in the colo- by British determination to pile up a massive per
mes. r capita debt burden on the Americans, without

The majority among the Americans of the late permitting the Americans to raise their levels of
eighteenth century represented a Commonwealth per capita output and income. While the tax pro-
Party-derived culture. This American culture was posals were oppressive in principle-—if not in de-
in every way superior to and opposed to the gree--it was the use of British debt-service burdens
general condition of culture in Britain. in the form of increasing tax rates to gobble up
On the surface, the principal issue between the the margin for savings of investment capital for
Americans and the British monarchy over the American agriculture and industry which was the
period 1766-1775 was Britain’s insistence on de- deeper, more urgent issue behind the tax issue
nying Americans the right to develop manufactur- itself.
ing. Britain’s stated motives for this colonialist The American Revolution was made against the
policy against the Americans were those given in doctrine of Adam Smith's mid-1770s Wealth of
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. In brief, the Nations. Although this was an important practical
American Revolution was made, most immediately, issue, a practical issue of profound importance, it
against the “free trade” and related doctrines of was relatively the trigger, not the true cause for
Smith. the American Revolution. The fact that the Amer-

I- -_
54 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Hovv London Rules the U.S.A. 55


|r' .

icans and the ruling British circles had directly nations to go to war are merely the triggering
opposite views on the principles of political econ- developments, the detonators of a much greater
omy reflected a deeper reality, that the minds of political-explosive charge.
the opposed factions worked in different, opposite Admittedly, too frequently, as in the conflict
ways. Once the British attempted to forcefully between France and Germany during World War
impose the British political-philosophical outlook I, the war ought not to have occurred, since the
.-5 |'
on the Americans in forms of efficient practice, the . rd.
two nations’ peoples and economies had more

‘ti-i principled interests in common than differences-

relations between the British and the Americans *5 -
1 '-

became intolerable to the latter. No community of as Hanotaux had understood, and as de Gaulle
principle existed between the two cultures. and Adenauer understood later. In that case, the
This same point is illustrated by the content of larger issues behind the triggering events of war
the American Revolution. As exemplary of con- were not worth a war between France and Ger-
tent, one may select the Declaration of Independ- many. In fact, on the basis of deeper issues, the
cnce, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and France of Lafayette and Carnot, and the Germany
the leading documents of George Washington’s of Friedrich List ought to have been allied against

first administration. The Americans did not create England. |

an independent republic distinguished from the In the case of the American Revolution, the
British merely by the absence of an aristocracy, or background issues were of the most profound and
by adoption of the political-economic policies for unnegotiable significance.
which the Revolution had been fought. The Amer- That said, the fact remains that the anti-British
icans invoked and applied principles they shared approach to political economy of the American
in common with their Commonwealth Party an- Federalists did reflect directly the deeper issues as
tecedents, with the French Colbertistes and with a whole. The treasonous CFR circles reflect evi-
the influence of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. They dence of that historical fact today—-if in a perverse,
established a republic opposite to the British cul- treasonous way.
ture of that time—in respect of philosophical world Note again that the CFR team led by Cyrus
outlook, in conception of law, and also in political- Vance et al. defined the primary, immediate ad-
economic principles. versaries of the U.S. to be not the Soviet Union,
Revolutions are wars in the profoundest political but the German Federal Republic and Japan. The
sense of war. The immediate issues which prompt underlying philosophical difference which CFR
56 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 57

attributes to this curiously defined adversary con- Vance et al. single out France as the notable
dition is that the growth of the economies of West other chief adversary of CFR’s policies. In this
Germany and Japan embodies in practice the instance, France, it is not so much the recent I

policies of Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List. performance of the French economy as a whole
CFR knows very well that Hamilton, Mathew which enrages Vance et al. It is Gaullism. Vance
Carey, Henry C. Carey, and Friedrich List repre- et al. correctly define Gaullism’s central tendency
sent to this day the economists of the “American as a modern political expression of Colbert, Car-
System.” Friedrich List understood the matter that not, and Lafayette, by way of Hanotaux. It is a
way, as Germany’s proper choice of the “American Gaullist France politically allied with a Germany
System” over the alternative, British, doctrine and and Japan implementing the “American System,”
practice. On that account, Cyrus Vance et al. are which Vance et al. declare to be the potential
overtly, consciously, shamelessly treasonous. This combination of forces puppet-President Carter
CF R hatred against Hamilton, the Careys, and List must destroy at birth.
is correlated with the Anglo-American faction’s We have already emphasized that CFR’s admit-
fanatical, “neo-Malthusian” proposal for immedi- ted policy is a direct continuation of that British

ate “controlled disintegration” of the U.S. econ- geopolitical policy which hasalready caused two
omy itself. 1 world wars during this century. To understand the
Werner M. Blumenthal did not destroy the value issues of the American Revolution, to understand
of the U.S.. dollar during 1977 and 1978 simply how the “organic” political-philosophical outlook
because Blumenthal was blindly foolish. Blumen- of a majority of U.S. eligible voters has been
thal, a member of the Vance-led CFR team of shaped to the present date, we must take into
1975-1976, was carrying out the adopted CFR account the fact that Mi1ner’s geopolitical doctrine
policy of wrecking the value ofthe U.S.d0llar, as part of the present century to date is directly, entirely
of the scenario of “controlled disintegration” derived in outlook and other features of axiomatics
adopted by all the controlling interests behind the from a continuous course of British oligarchical
puppet-President Jimmy E. Carter. policy making over the period since the rise of
Vance ct al. are treasonously anti-American, Lord Shelburne’s cabal in 1780s Britain. Shel-
both in practice and in their stated hostility to the burne’s cabal was, in turn, in the manner of
political-economic policy on which the develop- Milner’s cabal later, merely a reformulation of a
ment of U.S. economic power and democratic- preceding British oligarchical doctrine for new
republican internal order was premised. circumstances of practice. This underlying, oli-
58 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 59

garchical doctrine was the doctrine against which early fourteenth century, with included emphasis
the Commonwealth Party had fought in beheading on the work of Dante Alighieri. The issues con-
Charles I during the seventeenth century, and has fronting Dante are an adequate representation of
been the doctrine of the British monarchy since the main lines of policy of the Neoplatonic, or
the Stuart Restoration of 1660. republican, faction down to approximately the
In a parallel way, the European allies of Benja- present date. s
min Franklin were not assembled on the basis of From Alcuin and Charlemagne, through the
mere expediency, of a momentary common oppo- Hohenstaufen, the European political forces asso-
sition to Britain. There was a continuing alliance ciated with the Augustinian currents of Christi-
between the U.S. Federalists and Whigs, on the anity were city builders, dedicated to fostering the
one side, and continental European networks cen- spread and development of knowledge and tech-
tered around the Marquis de Lafayette, on the nological and scientific progress. Despite the ebbs
European side. This European connection of Com- and flows of struggles between the Augustinian
monwealth Party, Federalist, and Whig circles in and the opposing oligarchist forces, the influence
the U.S. continued through the administration of of the republicans had brought mid-thirteenth cen-

Abraham Lincoln, and thereafter continued in a tury France to an estimated population of 20

weaker form through Henry C. Carey, and million, with a much higher level of technology
through connections among U.S. scientists with generally than during the following century. Then
centers such as Gottingen. This pattern of the late came the near hundred years of savage decline
1700s and nineteenth century had a profound from approximately 1268 A.D. The process of
historical basis in developments from the late 1300s decline was what may be termed today the “Cam-
into the alliance between France and Cromwell bodian Maoist model” of economic genocide.
during the middle of the seventeenth century. The Rome-centered usurers, the core of the
The roots of the alliance go much deeper. Italian “black nobility,” succeeded, with the aid
Although recorded history shows an unbroken of their Mongol allies, in crushing the city-builder
connection of the American Revolution to the city- ruling forces of the Mediterranean region, and in
building policies of Alexander the Great and the imposing policies which now prefigure the doc-
philosophical world outlook of Plato"s Academy, trines and policies of the Club of Rome, the
for present purposes it is sufficient to trace the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank,
continuity from the White Guelph faction of the and the “appropriate technologies” feature of the

. .1 -Iii;

60 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? . E-_-
How London Rules the U.S.A.. 61
_ J

“Brandt Commission" proposals. This economic- ized itself, creating the economic and social con-
genocidal, proto-Malthusian policy was imple- ditions of famines and depletion of immunological
mented through the usury of the leading “Black potentials, in which an ascending spiral of epi-
Guelph” bankers, most notably the Bardi and demic disease cleared the way for the culminating
Peruzzi. onslaught of the Black Death.
This thirteenth-century policy of “controlled dis- It was this catastrophe which occupied the at-
integration” caused a genocidal depopulation of tention of Dante Alighieri and his immediate suc-
Europe over the ensuing century. Although it is cessors, including the pro-Dante convert Petrarch.
estimated that “only a third” of the population of The genocide, whose aftereffects placed a premium
Europe was destroyed by the Black Death, if the on the value of scarce agricultural and craft labor,
period leading up to the plague is included in the created conditions which Petrarch and others ex-
study, more than half the population of Europe was ploited to lay the political foundations for the
destroyed by Black Guelph economic genocide dur- Golden Renaissance.
ing the period from about 1268 into the 1350s. The The fourteenth-century thread of new forms of
cause of this economic genocide was a reversal of republicanism expressed earlier in Dante"s- De
Monarchia and Commedia was centered in Augus-

the preestablished trends in productive technology,

combined with the pyramiding of combined debt tinian networks, in an associated underground
and with Mont Pelerin Society-like “austerity network of freemasonry, and in the emergence of
measures.” The intensification of labor on estates, the Conciliar reform of the Papacy. The typifica-
the debt service-linked looting of primitive accu- tions of the early fifteenth-century Golden Renais-
mulation of peasants in improvements in land and sance republicanism are the spread of Augustinian
livestocks, increased the per capita, employed- networks such as the Grootean Brothers of the
labor “efficiency” (“productivity”) of the economy Common Life, the rise of science and republican-
by measures which lowered per hectare yields and ism around Padua and Florence, and the combined
also drove growing ratios of the population into effects of such seminal figures as Cardinal Nicho-
vagabondage. This circumstance intensified the las of Cusa, Cardinal Bessarion, and the Paleo-
use of military forms of looting one"s feudal neigh- logue Platonist Plethon.
bor to pay one’s debts, and of going more deeply Plethon was, without doubt, formally the author
into debt to finance such military ventures. The of modern European political economy, develop-
result was that the economy of Europe cannibal- ing a policy which was subsequently put into
62 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 63

practice by France's Louis XI—in creating France Franklin and his British coconspirators, espe-
as a modern nation in the latter part of the fifteenth cially Priestley, were bearers of such a conscious
century. tradition. The degree of knowledge of the preced-
Although the Rome-Genoa black nobility and ing history may have varied from person to person
its usurious bankers reconsolidated a powerful among the leading figures of Franklin’s circles,
position during the last half of the fifteenth cen- but the fact of the Mazarin-Milton-Leibniz net-
tury, the impetus to political-economic develop- works’ alliance was the starting point for the
ment and republicanism given by Louis XI’s suc- transatlantic conspiracy which made the success of
cesses and by the aborted but important efforts of the American Revolution a strategic possibility.
Cesare Borgia‘s forces (e.g., Leonardo da Vinci, So, when the Society of Cincinnatus was created
Niccolo Machiavelli) established a potent Neopla- in 1783, under the joint leadership of Washington
tonic-republican movement in Tudor England, (U.S.A.), Lafayette (France), and von Steuben
Navarre’s France, and currents leading into Leib- (Germany), this new form of the anti-British trans-
niz in Germany. Meanwhile, the Paleologue atlantic conspiracy represented a conscious deter-
Neoplatonic-republican current in Russia, early mination (at that time) to extend the political-
associated with Ivan the Great, reemerged around economic and related principles of the American

Ivan “the Terrible,” and continued afterwards in Revolution into Europe. This was not seen by the
Russia, to be revived during Leibniz’s time around European participants as a matter of imitating
Peter the Great. some innovation imagined to be essentially a prod-
This republican network was associated with the uct of American conditions. The American Revo-
Dudley faction in England, with the House of lution, despite its included American-innovated ele-
Navarre and the polittques in France, and was ments, was understood, correctly, to be a prod-
otherwise the Europewide network associated with uct and partial realization of the combined efforts
Giordano Bruno. The Commonwealth Party of of European Neoplatonic-republican currents over
seventeenth century England sprang directly from a long sweep of preceding centuries.
this, as did Richelieu, Descartes, Mazarin, and Notable is the issue of law.
Colbert in France. Leibniz was in the most mean- The distinguishing feature of the oligarchical
ingful sense the direct heir of Giordano Bruno, antirepublican currents of Europe from the six-
and was the central political-intelligence figure of teenth century to the present day is the advocacy
the European Neoplatonic conspiratorial networks of Roman law as the model of reference; The
to the end of his life. republicans, as typified by Leibniz, adopted the
64 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Hovv London Rules the U.S.A. 65

Augustinian view that Rome was intrinsically cor- sized that it is not the material benefits of such
rupt, and that Roman law showed itself to embody progress which are morally essential. In no sense
that imperial immorality. The republicans took the does Apostolic (e.g., Augustinian Neoplatonic)
position of “natural law,” in the Neoplatonic sense Christianity consider the achievement of “earthly
of “natural law.” paradise” for the individual or the individual fam-
The historical standpoint of law in the British ily or state to be morally acceptable as a primary
system is Roman law. The standpoint of law end of state policy. On this point, Apostolic Chris-
adopted by the American Revolution and the tianity is scientifically correct, in the sense given
young republic was anti-British, anti-Roman; the by Dante Alighieri’s Commedia. The pursuit of a
doctrineof law used was that transmitted to U.S. “rationalist” policy of fostering scientific and tech-
legal practice by Leibniz and his cothinkers in this nological progress by republics is not an end unto
matter. This authority of anti-British natural law itself; it is a means for providing the preconditions
continued to be the doctrine of the U.S. Supreme necessary and most favorable not only to the
Court down throughout the term of Chief Justice propagation of the human species, but also for the
John Marshall. fostering of the perfection of the powers of reason
in the individual citizen.

That cautionary observation taken into account,

Natural Law and
it is otherwise the inviolable prescription of natural
The American System
law that the republic must foster generalized sci-
The standpoint of natural law with respect to entific and technological progress. First, otherwise
political economy was accurately represented by states cannot continue to provide the necessary
Pope Paul VI in his 1967 Populorum Progressio. material preconditions of life to their citizens as a
To compel the present-day reader to comprehend whole. Second, without a moral climate of social
the point adequately, it is useful, even more or less practice to the effect that the individual person is
indispensable to cite Populorum Progressio. It is valued for potential development of the creative
true that constitutional law in correspondence to powers of mind, the citizens of states live in a moral
natural law prescribes the fundamental material condition analogous to that of mere beasts.
interest and policy of the republic to be the foster- This is not to misuse the term “natural law” in
ing of generalized scientific and technological the sense associated with John Locke’s dogmas. It
progress. However, Pope Paul VI rightly empha- is not some mere alternative to the empiricist-

1_,__' -
e Ti
66 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? s
How London Rules the U.S.A. 67

pragmatic doctrines of Hobbes, Locke, Hume, the embodiment of such progress for practice in
Bentham, Mill, William James, John Dewey and those forms we presently term “capital-intensive”
the modern Fabians or Russellites. It is not the augmentation of the human will and muscle with
donation of the dignity of “natural” to the con- “artificial labor.”
cocted positive law of some mere Englishmanor As I summarize the case in my work cited
Scot. It is “natural” in the sense that certain immediately above, the perpetuation, as well as
essential, axiomatic features of the lawful ordering the growth of the human population, depends upon
of the entire universe are efficiently, irrefutably overcoming, successively, the marginal cost limi-
knowable for man. That latter is the notion argued tations which relatively finite man-altered “natural
and proven by Plato, by the Neoplatonics, by conditions” represent for any quality of technolog-

Leibniz, and proven afresh, proven more ade- .11;

l .'
.r I,‘
ical progress. This requires, most immediately, a
quately by my own relevant writings, including -\-

rise in what might be termed the per capita “re-

summary of this matter in my autumn 1978 The ducing power” of societies. This means a rise in
Theory of the European Monetary Fund. :
I J'-

. .l_.
the useful energy-throughput per person, most
.‘ _
In political economy, the fundamental, applica- .'.'-'| emphatically in those aspects of social practice to
ble aspect of natural law is proven and succinctly it which we give the name “production.”

stated by U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Ham- it

At the same time, to enable mankind to accom-
ilton in his 1791 Report on the Subject of Manu- plish a growth in such “reducing power” for the
factures. In this source Hamilton provides a com- future, the ratio of total productive effort which
prehensive, final refutation of the follies of the might be termed “surplus” must rise in respect to
British doctrines of political economy, as well as the portion of total production required merely to
shattering the credit of the deluded axiomatic maintain production on its existing scale and at its
assumptions of the French physiocrats. Hamilton’s existing level of quality. The required ratio of
proof was reformulated, against Adam Smith, by energy per capita is shown, empirically, to rise
Mathew Carey. It was reformulated against Smith, more rapidly than either the direct social costs of
Malthus, and Ricardo-—among others—by Ma- current production, or even than the rising ratio
thew Carey"s son, Henry C. Carey. The sole source of surplus product to costs of replenishment of the
of the wealth of humanity is the development of existing labor force and means of production.
the productive powers of labor, a development Some readers may wish to pass over these next,
which depends upon both scientific progress and few, summary comments. I include this brief inter-


3' ' -.1.

.- |- |

.-" '

. _|*_'._,’
-- 1-
68 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 69

polation here because of its scientific, epistemolog- point from which the cognitive structure of Rie-
ical importance. mannian physics is interpreted. I have qualified
The “model” of the economy derived from the the significance of this in various locations, includ-
foregoing and subsumed considerations, as I have ing the item cited above.
developed that “model” in other locations, has Second, the notion of negentropy given is to be
two “levels” of special distinctions. First, using regarded as the unique, ontologically primary met-
Marx’s modification of Ricardo’s categorical ric and causal principle in economy, and not as a
terms, the value of the ratio S’ / (C + V) must rise construct or associated “factor.” It is the positive,
for the conditions that S’ = (S — d), where “d” is virtual, or negative entropy, as I have defined
administrative and services expenditures, and negentropy, which must be the sole fundamental
where S, d, C, V are measured as fractions of the --un
metric for the analysis of economic processes.
total labor force of the society. This rise must occur The epistemological-ontological significance of
under the conditions that the absolute product I
this point is correlated with Plato’s conception of
(and equivalent) content of per capita value of V “the hypothesis of the higher hypothesis,” includ-
is rising, and that C is rising in social content--as ing the ontological implications of that conception
a cost--relative to V. Furthermore, the quantity
as identified in the Timaeus dialogue. This same

of energy required to produce an equivalent ab- epistemological-ontological outlook is the under-

solute (physical output) product from one epoch lying basis, the “secret” of Riemann’s habilitation
to the next epoch must be rising also, as a reflec- E dissertation.
tion of the need to overcome the margination of ll It is in this way, as economics reflects the
man-altered primary resources, etc. The fulfilment ontological implications of the “hypothesis of the
of this set of requirements represents negentropy. higher hypothesis,” that a direct intersection be-
This use of the term “negentropy” in a political- tween economic policy and natural law is defined.
economic setting is properly extended back into The economic policies of Hamilton, the Careys,
the practice of theoretical physics. and List are the only sound tradition: they repre-
This approach to analysis of economy requires sent correct policies insofar as they have been
methods of formal analysis which overlap modern ' ‘-1.
elaborated by this school of thought and practice.
forms of Riemannian physics—but, under the con- Nonetheless, those sources have lacked, until my
dition that Riemann’s notion of hypothesis as |_a._a

_ ._ -F own post-1952 contributions, the kind of formal

- 3}.
given in his habilitation dissertation is the stand- -.;i . apparatus needed to show how the realization of
70 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? -in.-5.-—I-5-‘.,_ .-,.-_u_
How London Rules the U.S.A. 71


. -.-."
. -i._
technological progress determines a more or less 51?.‘
Ti . nearly total extirpation of all notions of both

definite rate of sustainable economic growth. The Leibnizian natural law and Hamiltonian political-
same limitation of earlier “American System” eco- economic thought from both the university curric-
nomic theory applies to the matter of natural law. ulum and other commonly used public channels,
Hamilton’s principle, that all wealth is derived the effect of the United States’ dedication, on
from technological progress in developing the pro- balance, to technological progress into the time of
ductive powers of labor, is correct, and is consis- the Nixon administration and final phases of moon
tent with natural law. Nonetheless, Henry C. Carey landings, has been reflected into the moral outlook
and others failed to locate the efficient, systematic _..
of the majority of adult citizens.
I |

connections to the inner, epistemological body of I '|\'|

W. Analogous impulses and their effects are found
natural law. -; 1-”|§_:"f"'1E:i“*,-'
in other nations, as in the Federal Republic of


i“I .1
The mere fact that Hamilton et al. failed to ..:, Germany today.
'I-| |'.
- .r
I il-
develop knowledge of such a systematic, elabo- Ii
The British case is different, but reflects the
rated connection to natural law does not mean It same principle in an opposite way.
that there is not an efficient practical correlation Although 1660-1967 Britain maintained, on'bal-
between economic policies and the moral and

ance, a crude technological parity with other in-

juridical relationships and outlooks of a nation. dustrialized nations, the notion of Britain as pre-
The causal interconnections are efficient, even dominantly an industrial-capitalist nation, ded-
though the persons affected by such connections icated as much to technological and scientific
may be either unconscious of such connections or progress as any other nation, is a myth without
may be inadequately conscious of the connections. true basis in fact.
It is the essence of natural law, and causal connec- It may offend ingrained opinion among inade-
tions according to natural law, that they are effi- quately informed scientists as well as lay persons,
cient, in a manner analogous to “the law of but since the 1660 Stuart Restoration Britain has
gravity,” whether or not those affected are con- made contributions to scientific knowledge only
scious of such lawfulness. by exception—including exceptions such as Priest-
That ends our special interpolation. ley during the eighteenth century, and Clifford
Now, back to the main thread of our argument. during the nineteenth. The accounts of Newton,
This interpolation is most relevant to under- Cavendish, or Kelvin as creative, original British
standing the United States today. Despite the scientific thinkers owe more to British mastery of

I. -l'1|-I-i-'11- +.?|

| %l";:-iii
72 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 73

methods akin to those of Josef Goebbels than any _ .-i.
land. Bacon’s attacks on John Bull (music) and his

creative originality in these cases. | -. scientifically incompetent but none the less virulent

The facts of the matter, both for the late- attacks on the great Gilbert (physics) are exem-
seventeenth century Royal Society, the eighteenth plary of this. Under the 1603-1640, and again,
century, and the rise of the British Association for 1660-1688, Stuarts, England underwent a massive
the Advancement of Science (BAAS), are thor- economic and technological retreat, prefiguring
oughly and conclusively documented. the Malthusian turn of the early nineteenth cen-
This is not merely a matter of fact; it is a fact tury. The progress effected under the Tudors was
which cannot be ignored if one wishes to under- not entirely undone, of course. Nonetheless, a
stand the way in which the flawed moral character Schlesinger-like economic and antitechnology pol-
of the British culture is perpetuated, or to under- icy did halt most technological development, rel-
stand‘ the origin and circumstances of such a ative to the more vigorous progress of the pre-
mentality as that reflected in the CF R project and 1589 period, and did contract the gross and per
. ___..

present Carter administration. capita output of the English economy, with British
British pre-1660 scientific achievements were wealth siphoned off by Genoa-Geneva-Amsterdam
rooted, first, in the influence of the Irish Neopla- financial interests controlling the Stuarts’ tax-

:- _|d_-_.. |. .F
_,.;- —_| -IIl-
tonic monks. With the gradual, limited recovery farms.
of England from the economic, cultural and moral Although the post-1660 Restoration Royal So-
reversals accompanying the Norman conquest, the E-i. '.- ,i;-'
ciety did appropriate and recodify knowledge de-
emergence of scientific thought in England is to -iii
___:.|lII_-i veloped variously under the Commonwealth Party
_I .
I‘. ‘_..

-|. ‘

be associated with thirteenth-century “Avicen- or by European continental circles, the avowedly

nean” Neoplatonist Roger Bacon, and later was Baconian faction around Locke plagiarized every-
revived among the Neoplatonic circles whose in- thing of merit credited to Newton or Boyle, from
fluence was concentrated around the Dudley fac- either Hooke or from sources such as Descartes,
tion and associates of Giordano Bruno in Six- Huyghens, and Leibniz. That is simply a matter of
teenth-century England. fact, not of debatable interpretation.
Beginning in the 1590s, with the successful sei- Contrary to the popular myth, eighteenth-cen-
zure of the dominant positions by the Genoa- tury Britain was neither the most important nor
linked Cecil faction, Cecil operative Francis Bacon most advanced industrial nation of the world.
led a drive to suppress scientific progress in Eng- France was. Despite the defeat of the Colbert

'.- F-.-" ‘.-if

74 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5? ""“v.

How London Rules the U.S.A. 75


I mid-1700s Britain was in a phase of technological

faction, and despite the weakening of France by ll

continual wars and by feudal backwardness of the and manufacturing stagnation.

rural countryside, Colbert’s industrial develop- This is not the same thing as to argue that
ment policies continued with sufficient inertia to eighteenth-century France might have been an
the effect that France bypassed Britain both in industrial-capitalist state in political form. It was
scale of industrial development and rate of tech- I
not. The combination of the financier oligarchy
nological progress during the eighteenth century. and the bucolic aristocratic feudalist imbecility was
Britain’s power, like that of Genoa, Geneva, and t usually politically hegemonic. The internal strug-
Amsterdam, was centered in the Hobbesian alli- gle in France was for Colbertiste credit, tax, and
ance of the City of London with the Genoese, other state policies which would ensure the flow
“black,” financier forces of the continent. This of political and economic power of the state in
control of the commerce among nations, combined support of the industrial sector, at the expense of
with the London-allied black aristocracy’s ability the feudal-financier alliance.
to deploy the large mass of social and military If France today celebrates Bastille Day, this is
forces at its disposal, was the central feature of permissible only as each nation ought to have
Britain’s financial and political power during that some day set aside, even arbitrarily, as a principal

century. patriotic celebration. Otherwise, the Duke of Or-

In eighteenth-century France, as under Colbert, leans’s arming and coordinating the mob which
the effort to develop industrial capitalism and stormed the nearly empty Bastille would make
capitalist forms of agriculture involved a bitter L Bastille Day a farce in worship of a myth and a
struggle against the combined forces of foreign delusion. France would be better advised to cele-
I |
and domestic antitechnology oligarchies and allied brate Ninth Thermidor, a more honorable date, in
financier forces. Colbert’s struggle against Am- that it ended the Jacobin obscenity, and poten-

sterdam’s black, Genoese financial power was con- tially, if belatedly, put France onto the sort of
tinued during the eighteenth century against the course consistent with the direction of Lazare
same kind of combination of forces, with London ii | Carnot and Lafayette. It is Lafayette who exem-
emerging as hegemonic relative to its “Hobbesian plifies the heritage of the French politiques, and
allies,” Amsterdam, Geneva, and Genoa. expresses politically the point of agreement be-
Eighteenth-century France had the largest, most tween the French republican effort and the Amer-
advanced, and most advancing industrial economy ican Revolution.
in the world of that time. Relatively speaking, During the 1818-1828 period, the scientific and
76 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 77

technological development within the United bridge symbolize one British faction’s dedication
States of Monroe and John Quincy Adams was in to the delimited use of scientific and technological
advance of developments in Britain. Britain was progress for selected purposes of strategic interest,
still in its Malthusian phase economically, and yet at the same time a dedication to preventing
British science had fallen into a state of collapse the “uncontrolled” promotion of scientific and
relative to the United States as well as France, technological progress in the world generally, or,
Gijttingen, and St. Petersburg. Even the British do even within Britain generally. Oxford, like Russell,
not contest that fact-at least not in British ac- emphasizes preponderantly the dionysiac aspect of
counts of the rise of the British Association for the Ptolemaic-Roman Cult of Isis, promoting the
the Advancement of Science (BAAS). Although use of existing military and related technologies
nineteenth-century Britain did make several for strategic purposes, but otherwise determined
“quantum-leaps” in industrial development, on a to turn the clock back on science and technology
restricted basis, these occurred as exceptions to the worldwide, hoping to accomplish this HS S0011 HS
general thrust of British national policy. The it the British-led oligarchy can muster adequate
proindustrial efforts succeeded only at points Brit- forces to impose such a policy upon the leading
ish leading circles became alarmed that technolog- nations of the world.

ical developments in the United States, France, The British ideology accommodates such some-
Germany, and St. Petersburg might lead toward -I times contradictory policies toward technology by
economic developments abroad enabling Europe i fostering the illusion that reality is divided into
and the United States to get the City of London two, hermetically distinct compartments. The one,
from the backs of world finance and finance of social and spiritual, and the other, science, tech-
world trade. nology and economy. So, through British influ-
The history of science and technology in Britain ences traceably created during the nineteenth cen-
since the 1820s is symptomized by the divergence tury, there developed the artificial separation of
'-l»~"Ilr-*“" ‘-QI°"~.-I" '_"}“ ",r

between H. G. Wells and Bertrand Russell since Geisteswissenschaft and Naturwissenschaft in Ger-
the 1902 Russell walk-out from Milner’s “Coeffi- i many. C. P. Snow’s clinically interesting Two
cients” grouping. Although Russell is nominally '1'
Cultures reflects a Cambridge sort of view of the
a product of the Cambridge Apostles’ track, his continuation of such a schizophrenic dichotomy in
viewpoint, especially since 1902, was closer to that knowledge and morals.
of Oxford than Cambridge. Edinburgh and Cam- This is also key to the significance of the British
78 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Hovv London Rules the U.S.A. 79

Fabian Society’s “back to Kant” program for tilist” policy outlook of Hamilton, List etial. of
Germany of the 1890s and this century, the pro- requiring a connectedness between economic pol-
gram of Fabian agent Eduard Bernstein. The icies of states and state policies 8911?}a1_1Y-tCF5
British version of Kant is, of course, not Immanuel insists angrily that no such causully 9 1°19“ CO
Kant’s Kant, but a “neo-Kant,” in which the cen- nection exists, and insists that it will go to the
tral flaw in .Kant’s work, the pronounced unknow- brink of thermonuclear war rather than tolerate
ability of the underlying causality, is twisted by policies which assume such a causal connectedness.
the British and German or Viennese anglophiles Very British. In the words of Lafiayettje-admlfef
as a decree against Clausewitz"s Entschlossenheit, Heinrich Heine, “W1e eng, W19 91181131311-
a decree against all effort to define a knowable ~r== It is clear that the morality---o1‘, 19 1399107:
moral consistency between politics and the conse- exact immorality—of the “IMF conditionalities,
quences of political decisions for the material W01-ld Bank policies, and “Brandt Commission s
.I.. I:h-_'1*
conditions of life. “appropriate technol08195” P9111365 are very’ Very
{ _r_
_ _.r
It is this pragmatisfs immorality which is deeply I’-'

British. At best, such policies are the old British
bred into the character of the British people, which colonialist policies in a more hideous, new, nepo
makes the ordinary British citizen, as well as the F
colonialist form: plunging developinghflllefls 111

oligarchs, seem sly, slimy, and broadly immoral it-_j

economic genocide, rather than permit those peo-
from the standpoint of the ordinary American’s ple to escape from an externally imposed _teeh1'10-
world outlook. The British reject the principle of logical backwardness. Under IMF and allied I391‘
efficient connectedness between the practical con- icies, a reorganized indebtedness is combined with
sequences of policy and the consequences of such a primary-commodities-only export 130119)’ 1m‘
policy for the world or even the British nation. posed on those nations. The effecl 01 i1115 15 to
Only the British, or similarly pathetic creatures, impose upon them a looting comparable only to
could contemplate the deteriorating wreckage the worst features of the Schachtian mode of the
which is the British economy today, and shame- Nazis’ primitive accumulation from the Eastern
lessly propagate praise for the purported successful European occupied territories and their popula-
demonstration of the “British model.” tions Such Nuremberg-defined crimes against hu-
The specifically British argument is featured in manity could be proposed with such insolent self-
CFR’s presentation of its policy. CFR accuses the righteousness only by the British and their like.
forces inclined toward the allegedly “neomercan- In the United States, the characteristic, accepted
80 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 8l

values for most of the adult population have been of the lawful, causal relations which actually do
centered around the “normality” of scientific and efficiently govern the human condition, whether
technological progress. In Britain, a contrary pub- or not the nations and peoples efficiently affected
lic morality has been radiated from ruling circles, by these laws do or do not suspect that such lawful
and accepted, increasingly, as British culture for relationships exist.
about 300 years, since the 1660 Stuart Restoration. When we, as scientists, determine that onecul-
Although the “American System” has not been ture is dominated in tendency by an approximation
consistently U.S. governmental policy since Lin- of a Neoplatonic-republican commitment to prog-
coln, and although the British influence has been ress, or another is dominated in outlook by either
dominant increasingly in most U.S. governments a rejection of progress in fact, or a reluctant
since the assassination of President William Mc- toleration of some progress, these judgments are
Kinley, a world outlook consistent with the Ameri- not merely abstractions. Such findings show us
can System has been the organic moral heritage what moral and related tendencies dominate the
of most Americans until sometime during determining psychological environment of the cit-
the mid-1960s. (The environmentalist movement izens in the indicated nations. In the first case,
did not exist outside the ranks of a few derided even if the population is ignorant of the most

eccentrics, until a massive campaign was launched elementary republican conceptions as conceptions,
for “environmentalism” during the fall of 1969.) significant portions of the population will mani-
The accepted morality in Britain was of an oppo- fest, even unwittingly, strong tendencies toward
site character. The British eat “my little piece of supporting those policies which spring from a fully
meat, in my little house,” and look forward to conscious Neoplatonic outlook. So, to opposite
“tending my little garden,” in between “taking a results, the converse case.
little walk" with “my” often grotesquely de- Although the United States has formally broken
formed, pitiably asthmatic dog. from its own constitutional law increasingly during
We scientists are able, through rigorous studies the course of this century, and has slipped into a
conducted with regard to the history of nations corrupted teaching and practice of the immoral
and policies, to adduce from social processes cer- doctrines of British law, the impulse of more than
tain lawful principles. These abstractions are not two-thirds of the eligible voters is still more recep-
merely constructs, are not merely abstractions of tive individually to natural law’s imperatives than
the asymptotic tendencies reflected in actual social the immoral pragmatics of British legal doctrine.
processes. They represent our best comprehension This approach shows us that the United States
82 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A.. 83

can be saved from the inside, saved from its directed industrial revolution and Lincoln’s alli-
present, self-destructive course. The British could ance with Czar Alexander III confronted Lords
not be saved, except by outside intervention. This Palmerston and Russell with a combination of
aids us in understanding why West German and powerful forces the British government dared not
French citizens, or Soviet citizens, are manifestly directly challenge at that time. So, Britain aban-
morally superior in quality on the average to the doned the project of sending British and French
average British citizen. military forces to rescue the Confederacy. For this
The same approach is crucial for successful reason, Britain also abandoned the Maximilian
development of the developing nations generally; Mexico project to the resources of Napoleon III.
it informs us of the conditions of life we must aid This period of American history, 1783-1863, has
those nations in achieving during the next quarter- special analytical importance in aiding the student
century, so that the characteristic outlook of the of history and today’s political leader to demon-
people can be strengthened in ways making pos- strate conclusively of his or her own knowledge
sible durable democratic-republican forms of so- that Britain has always been the avowed enemy of
ciety. the American System, the enemy of the republican

The same method aids us in rigorously exam- policies on which the achievements of the United
ining the source and character of the internal States have been premised in fact. The facts devel-
mental processes of the CFR. oped with aid of consideration of the 1783-1863
phase of the British government’s North America
policy enable us to foster deeper insight into the
1783-1863 y Episcopagans’ avowed hatred of Hamilton and
From the 1783 Treaty of Paris, at which Britain List, the exemplary economists of the “American
reluctantly acceded to formal recognition of the System.”
sovereign independence of the United States, until The death of Benjamin Franklin was most un-
1863, the continuous policy of the British govern- fortunate for the United States. Except for Frank-
ment, under Pitt, Canning, Wellington’s influence, lin’s principal political protégés, including Tom
Palmerston, and Lord John Russell, among others, Paine, few of the other American leaders of the
was for the British conquest of all of North Amer- 1790s adequately understood the nature and situ-
ica. The British abandoned this policy in 1863, ation of the republican movement in Europe. I
solely because the combination of the Lincoln- This is underlined by a nasty development of the

Hovv London Rules the U.S.A. 85

84 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

late 1790s, the temporarily successfully operation, That must be taken into account to understand
featuring British Edinburgh-based political- both the American Revolution and the subsequent
intelligence operative Sir John Robison, to disor- history of the United States. After Benjamin
ient the Federalist leadership, including John Ad- Franklin and such protégés of Franklin as Thomas
ams, at a crucial point in U.S.-French relations. Paine, the next layer of American leaders were
Robison’s book, The Roots of Conspiracy, pub- each narrower personalities in respect of their
lished in New York in 1798, is one of the most developed outlook. In their best aspects, each was
significant frauds in modern political-intelligence clearly one-sided by comparison with Franklin,
“dirty tricks” history. It was only after the U.S.- one stronger on this aspect, another on a different
Britain war of 1812-1814, that the Federalists came aspect. This inadequacy among the younger gen-
to recognize generally that Robison’s lies had been eration of Franklin’s collaborators is relevant to
just that. the sweeping disorientation of the Federalist lead-
Although it is correct and indispensable to char- ers under Washington’s successor, President John
acterize the American Revolution as a product of Adams. Jefferson, whose orientation to fostering
Neoplatonic republican influences, that is not the science and technology represented his positive
side, was otherwise a highly unstable neurotic. His

same thing as to insist that the leading circles of

the Revolution were all well-developed as Neopla- first vice president, Aaron Burr, was a traitor, and
tonic thinkers, nor to insist that all of the forces his most important advisor, Gallatin, was out-
represented at the Constitutional Convention in rightly a British spy! On balance, he was a very
Philadelphia were even organically inclined toward foolish President. Alexander Hamilton, the most
Neoplatonic-republican outlooks. brilliant of Washington’s cabinet members, had
Rarely, in the course of history, does even a different “holes” in his outlook and capabilities.
single principal leader of Neoplatonic forces em- It was after the second, 1812 war with Britain,
body an adequate comprehension of Neoplatonic and the disastrous experience with Adam Smith’s
knowledge. With rare exceptions, the best achieve- “free trade” doctrine during the 1815-1818 period,
ments in history to date have been accomplished that a general renewal of Federalist intellectual
under the leadership of grossly inadequate princi- development occurred, under the 1818-1828 period
pal figures, leading figures whose influence is more of Presidents Monroe and John Quincy Adams.
or less briefly hegemonic among the best-orga- After the defeat of the latter Adams in the 1828
nized mass-based forces of that nation at that elections, this revitalized kernel of Federalists de-
juncture. veloped the Whig intelligentsia tied closer than
How London Rules the U.S.A. 37
86 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?
vias centered among the slave-owning plantatign
ever to the circles of the Marquis de Lafayette in
§3i5'£I0fh\_flI'glI1l3.. Although some Virginians, such
Europe. Despite the 1840 subversion of the Society
5 es ilngton and Jefferson, broke openly with
of Cincinnatus, President Abraham Lincoln was the institution of slavery, the majority among
the outcome of that Whig political effort. Contrary
plantation owners of Virginia and other states did
to the mythical Lincoln, the simple frontier mor-
get. _Th;=:se latter formed a social-political-eco-
alist and vacillator, the writings and speeches of omic c ass, the seed kernel of the future ruling
the real Lincoln demonstrate him to have been a class of the Confederacy.
developed Neoplatonic thinker.
fTt1;1e Cgmpromises included in the adopted form
All U.S. history over the period 1783-1863 is to
o_ _ e I onstitution were. made to provide the
be properly understood as the ebb and flow of
mlhlma requiredconciliation of these two anglo-
political adequacy among U.S. Federalist-Whig phile factions. This compromise was made because
circles in combatting the continuing British deter-
mination to reconquer the United States. This ‘l91'Ydex_istence_ of the ‘United States was imper-
le 1 an immediate unification under a federal
understanding requires us to identify, at least republic was the only available means for avoiding
summarily, the principal treasonous elements of
an otherwise imminent British reconquest These

that period, and also the outlines of the principal compromises are highlighted, in effect, in the
operations conducted from London in cooperation assignments of Hamilton and Madison to deal
with such treasonous elements. This is indispen- respectively, with Virginia and New York in the
sable for making any right sense of pre-1863 WI‘fi1I1fi'3I1(l circulation of the Federalist Papers.
developments, and also for understanding the con-
tradictory forces in the United States at this time. _ it lid, supplementary treasonous element of
importance did not represent a potent economic
At the time of the adoption of the U.S. Consti-
special interest.
tution, there were two principal anglophile con-
d The 1l'll1ll'(l element, formed by British intelligence
centrations in the young republic. One was cen-
tiring t e course of the war, during the 17803 and
tered in Manhattan, especially among banks allied
to London, Amsterdam, and Geneva. This gurlng the 17905, was the kernel of the future
emocratic-Republican Party of Jefferson and the
Manhattan-centered element has continued in ex- Democratic Party of Martin van Buren Andrew
istenceover the entire, unbroken period to the Jackson, and Rothschild agent August Belmont.
present date, an element which represents the This was the “rabble.” Ignorant, illiterate, or semi-
kernel of today’s Episcopagan forces. The other
How London Rules the U.S.A. 39
88 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

illiterate social strata from both the urban poor key position within the Edinburgh division of the
and the backwoods regions were mobilized as the British SIS. This had been the home base for
American equivalent of a “Jacobin” battering ram another famous British spy of the mid-eighteenth
against Federalism. century, David Hume, who had headed up Edin-
Granted, with the rising importance of trade burgh SIS following more than a decade of build-
unionism, a development correlated first with ing the future basis for the Jacobin insurrection in
skilled workmen, and latter with semiskilled in- France. Adam Smith, from Glasgow, had been
dustrial workers, the assimilation of immigrants among Hume s adopted key subordinates, writing
and their descendants into the mainstream of U.S. his Wealth of Nations as a disinformational, “black
technological progress improved the quality of the propaganda” project of Edinburgh SIS. i
Democratic Party. Today, “conservative” Demo- It is notable for our subject here that Hume was
cratic Party forces, including those tied to trade succeeded at Edinburgh SIS by the liar and cultist
unions, are among the best Americans. At the top, Sir Walter Scott. It was the Edinburgh SIS of
the Republican Party of the moment is no better Scott’s period which played a key role in the
than the top of the Democratic Party. Up through British SIS takeover of Harvard University, and

the Civil War, the Democratic Party was the in the direction of the SIS Boston-Concord project
principal organized social battering ram deployed known as the “Transcendentalists.”
in aid of treasonous projects and policies. ‘ Although Robison’s work was of special signif-
The next treasonous element to be added to the icance, it does not represent an isolated influence,
list emerged as such a force under Jefferson’s but ratheria prominent feature of a major, broadly
administration, and was centered among the based project of SIS against the United States.
mercantile-financial interests of the Boston area. The role of the “Transcendentalists” in coordi-
Sir John Robison’s fraudulent The Roots of Con- nating the U.S., “Young America” side of Lord
spiracy is paradigmatic for exposing the way in Palmerston‘s Mazzini-featured “Young Italy,”
which the only Commonwealth Party bastion of :Yourig Germany,” “Communist League,”
Boston was transformed from initial disorientation Chartist Movement,” and allied projects is ex-
into a focal point of anglophile treasonous impul- emplary. Just as Edinburgh under Hume and with
the aid of Smith had created the Ossian cult, so
Robison, earlier a leading British diplomat and Scott developed the Ossian cult into the form it
political-intelligence operative, was promoted to a 1 was introduced to Germany and Austria, as the
How London Rules the U.S.A. 1 9]
90 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

most‘ significantly effective in Boston during the

later Odin and Thule societies. The latter was the
ensuing decades, as we have already noted. This
featured aspect of SIS’s Houston Chamberlain’s
development was powerfully aided by the neuroti-
relationship to the Wittelsbachs and Richard Wag-
cally vacillating President Thomas Jefferson, and
ner, and also the source of Rosenberg°s Nazi cult-
by the influence of British agent Gallatin on the
doctrines as well as the cultist doctrines of the
Jefferson and Madison administrations. The Bos-
Pan-European-Union’s Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi.
ton maritime interests were gradually corrupted
Robison and his fellow operatives succeeded in
more profoundly by the British. Even the War of
causing President John Adams and others to be-
1812 against Britain had a limited effect in mini-
lieve that the forms of Jacobinist insurrectionist
mizing the already implanted treasonous corrup-
manifestations in the United States of the 1790s
tion of the Boston area.
were the result of a conspiracy centered in the
Following the 1815 Treaty of Vienna, until 1863,
continental European freemasonic networks allied
British policy toward the United States was based
to the Marquis de Lafayette. The German allies of
on the following long term strategies. (1) Expend
Forster and Herder were most emphatically, falsely
every possible effort to sabotage U.S. high-
denounced on this account. To the extent that any

technology development, with special emphasis on

sort of freemasonic organizations were involved
attempting to foster a treasonous faction within
actually in promoting Jacobinism in the U.S.A.,
the‘United States in support of the British, Adam
these forces were extensions of Ashmolean net-
Smith doctrine of “free trade.” (2) Develop the
works closely coordinated by Edinburgh SIS itself.
power of the slave-owning plantation owners as an
This lying caused the Federalists to adopt a
oligarchical social-economic political class. (3) Tie
wrong policy against Lazare Carnot, Lafayette, et
the southern slaveowner class, especially through
al. in Europe-—against the spokesmen of the
the cotton trade, to the New York, London-con-
“American System”! Even the father of the later
nected financial interests. (4) Develop Boston as,
leading American spy Samuel F. B. Morse, was
first, a center of merchant slave-trading, and then
duped by this Edinburgh lying, echoing Robison"s
as the center of the “radical abolitionist” forces.
lies in the eulogy delivered at the grave of George
(5) Use proslavery influence plus Boston-centered
Washington. Later, of course, Samuel Morse was
abolitionism toward the end of splitting the United
the closest U.S. collaborator of Lafayette in Eu-
States into a collection of balkanized, squabbling
tyrannies, leading directly to assimilating major
The contaminating influence of Edinburgh was
How London Rules the U.S.A. 93
92 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s?

sociated with the faction of Lord Shelburne, and

portions of the United States into Canada, and
splitting the rest of the United States into three or such Shelburne protégés as William Pitt the

Younger, Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, and Rev-

more warring tyrannies: notably, the slavery states,
the Northeast, and the Far West. erend Thomas Malthus. As the Rothschilds con-
To further this enterprise, London developed solidated their position at about 1818, they per-
formed an increasing role in American affairs,
two additional elements of treason within the
especially those of the United States itself.
United States from the 1820s into the 1860s.
The first, planted in the United States during The Jews in America prior to 1843 fall into two
the 1820s, was Metternich’s Jesuit penetration of broadly distinguished groups. One group, the nu-
the U.S. Catholic hierarchy, including a takeover merical majority, found the United States a virtual
of Georgetown University. The second, consoli- “promised land” of escape from anti-Semitic
dated in 1843 as B’nai B’rith, was Rothschild’s oppression. These were assimilated into the Amer-
networks. ican System and morality. Another, smaller group
From the 1820s, the time of Lafayette and was centered around so-called Sephardic slave-
Morse’sinitial uncovering of Metternich’s Jesuit traders. The City of Baltimore’s wealthiest'Jews

were representative of such latter, evil forces.

conspiracy against the United States, to the present
Everyone ought to know that “Sephardic” orig-
date, the U.S. Jesuit networks have been continu-
ously a treasonous force in the United States with inally signified the Philo-linked Jewish culture of
Georgetown University the center of this treason
the Islamic world, and, through this historical
today. This U.S. Jesuit network, although effec- basis, was a designation for the pre-Ferdinand and
tively an asset of British subversive activities within Isabella Jews of the Iberian peninsula, as well as
the United States, is still, to this date, most directly other Mediterranean-centered locations, including
tied organizationally to the black nobility of the Salonika in Greece. Culturally, Benedict Spinoza
European continent, and to such included features 1S an exemplary reflection of the Sephardic culture.
of the black nobility’s organization as the Pan- After the Iberian persecutions associated with the
Inquisition and the limpieza de sangre initiated
European Union and its de facto political-intelli-
gence arm, the Mont Pelerin Society. under Ferdinand and Isabella, the usage of the
The traditional British financier subversion of term “Sephardic” shifted gradually, to signify Por-
the U.S.A. had been the British East India Com- tuguese slave-traders of Jewish descent, exempli-
pany and Barings bank-—the financier forces as- fied by the present Montefiore family of Britain.
How London Rules the U.S.A. 95
94 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

Rothschild agent Judah Benjamin, Rothschild’s as? l1‘a1'9¢1Y Of the Knights of Malta. This was the
principal conspiratorial organization of the forces
controlling influence within the Confederacy, was
creating the Confederacy. Its northern branch was
a product of such “Portuguese slave-trader” tra-
known during the Civil War as the “Copper-
As the Rothschilds increased their penetration
of the United States, they proliferated Rothschild At the close of the Civil War, in 1867, the Knights
agents of Jewish descent in Manhattan and of the Golden Circle was revived, as the Ku
Klux Klan. There were three principal sponsors
throughout the slave-owning states. The financial
for the creation of the Ku Klux Klan. Foremost,
families of Lehman, of Kuhn-Loeb, of the late
from London, was Judah Benjamin. The second
Bernard Baruch, are all exemplary of descendants
was the grandfather of Bernard Baruch. The third
of such proslavery Rothschild and related agents
formerly based in slave-owning states and now was a Catholic priest. Rothschild provided the
funds to launch‘-and sustain the Ku Klux Klan
concentrated in Manhattan’s investment banking
during its early life, and B’nai B’rith, to this day,
circles. These Rothschild networks coopted exist-
ing Portuguese slave-trading families. exerts top-down control over the Klan’s principal
braniches, as well as B’nai B’rith-associated per-

In 1843, the B’nai B’rith was formed in the

sons backing of the former American Nazi Party,
United States. This organizaton had a twofold
and of deployment of small, swastika-adorned
character. The rationalization, the “cover story,”
was that B’nai B’rith was a Jewish sub-branch of groups during as recently as 1978 and 1979.
All three, the Jesuits, the Blnai B’;-it]-1, and the
British freemasonic organization. This is docu-
Knights of the Golden Circle, plus offshoots of
mented by the official publication of the B"nai
these, were ‘behind the attempted assassination of
B’rith, the Menorah, published from B’nai B‘rith
Abraham Lincoln, on the way to his inauguration,
headquarters, the Seligmann family house on
Grand Street, Manhattan. The task assigned to
and codeployed with British intelligence in the
actual assassination. During the war, the B’noi
B‘nai B’rith was to provide a cover and conduit
B’rith was identified by General Grant and others
for a British intelligence operation against the
as the principal cover for the Confederate espio-
United States.
nage service...
Later, a third British conspiracy was added to
the Hapsburg Jesuits and the B’nai B’rith. This During the 1850s and 1860s, the national Dem-
was the “Knights of the Golden Circle,” designed ocratic Party was controlled, top-down, by the
How London Rules the U.S.A. 97
96 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5‘?

principal Rothschild agent for the United States, The Republican Party of Lincoln was not a
August Belmont. It was Belmont who ensured the homogeneously patriotic party, but a political
nomination of Pierce and Buchanan to the presi- swamp. Lincoln himself represented the central,
dency. It was Belmont who, according to his own healthy, Whig current. To secure the combination
correspondence, was dedicated to effecting the of forces needed to win the national e1ection’s
very British conquest of the United States to which plurality, the Whigs had made a pact with Man-
we have referred in outline above. hattan-centered forces, including elements of the
In the original version of the British plot, U.S.. Seligmann circles of B’nai B’rith. The Manhattan
troops commanded by officers loyal to the British contingent of Lincoln"s administration verged on
were to have seized northern arsenals and to have treason, from the beginning to the aftermath of
taken over the national capital, Washington, D.C., the Lincoln assassinaton.
to impose a British government by military force. That fact is of crucial importance for assessing
Any resistance to the coup was to have been what some observers have wrongly regarded as
limited to some northern states, with the resistance Lincoln‘s vacillations. Lincoln was obliged to ma-
limited to forces acting without a national govern- neuver around the provocations of the Edinburgh-

ment in place, and with virtually no military means influenced Boston crowd as well as the London-
for combat. The prearrangements for this plot had linked New York crowd in his own party. The
been made with complicity of Belmont’s agent in Civil War was not an approximately homogeneous
the White House, President Buchanan, with aid North versus an approximately homogeneous
of the Buchanan administration’s massive deploy- South-—it was absolutely not a “War Between the
ment of U.S. military resources to the southern States.” TheCivil War was a civil war in every
states, and placing of as much of the U.S. military proper sense of the term.
command as possible under officers least-disagree» Perhaps present-day figures, including President
able to the British cause. Giscard and Chancellor Schmidt, will recognize
Through diligent and effective work by the certain proper points of comparison between their
private Whig intelligence service headed by Samuel own, present situation and that of President Abra-
F. B. Morse and General Winfield Scott, Morse, ham Lincoln. To accomplish anything truly good,
Scott, and Lincoln prevented the final phase of the heads of nations must, usually adroitly, and some-
plot from being implemented. Three days later, times brutally drag their own parties after them
the Civil War erupted. with as much effort and as profound a risk in-

_ ._i

98 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19805? How London Rules the U.S.A. 99

volved as in combatting what are overtly identified There were three crucial developments of the
as adversary forces. postwar period which delimited Lincoln’s achieve-
There were two fundamental keys to Lincoln’s ment. The first was the British SIS’s assassination
victory against Britain. The war had to be fought of Lincoln, bringing Manhattan dupe President
most immediately against Confederate forces, but Andrew Johnson into the White House. This pre-
the Confederacy was never anything but a puppet vented Lincoln’s reconstruction program—extend-
and a creation of London, of especially Palmerston ing the industrial revolution to the southern
and Lord John Russell, the grandfather of the evil states—from being put into effect. The second was
Bertrand Russell. 1 Seligmann’s corruption of President Ulysses S.
Lincoln’s war was based on a “dirigist” indus- Grant. The Grant administration, under Selig-
trial revolution, following the economic principles mann influence, ruined the potential of the Repub-
associated with Lincoln’s advisor Henry C. Carey. lican Party, turning it into a corrupt creature at
Lincoln’s international strategy, from the begin- the top. The third development is exemplified by
ning of his administration, was based on an alli- the ruin of Jay Cooke; London-linked Manhattan
ance with Russia-'.i’s Czar Alexander III, an alliance financial interests regained control of U.S. na-
with the same forces in Russia later represented

tional credit and finance.

by Count Sergei Witte. Lincoln had in fact won The Johnson and Grant administrations should
the war at the beginning of 1863. The development be compared with the effect of the successive
of Northern industrial and agricultural power, Truman and Eisenhower administrations follow-
together with the beginning of the thrust toward ing the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Ei-
“total,” in-depth warfare--in place of cabinet- senhower, like Grant, represented good impulses
warfare gestures of McClellan et al.—meant the as well as such bad news as the Dulles brothers.
doom of the Confederacy. Only direct British and The problem of Grant and Eisenhower is that
French military support of the Confederacy could neither was good enough; neither was adequate
save the cause of Rothschild agents Judah Benja- for the problem their administration confronted.
min and August Belmont. Czar Alexander’s dis- The inherited problem, for Grant, was the effects
patch of his fleets to New York, and to San of the Johnson administration; the problem for
Francisco, and his warning to London, threw Eisenhower was the treasonous effects of the Tru-
Palmerston and Russell into a rug-chewing fit. man administration.
Britain's eighty-year effort aimed at reconquest of This comparison is important, since the writer's
the United States had been ruined. knowledge of the United States from the inside-—
100 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. l0l

over, especially, the 1944-1948 period—-is most only during a great crisis that we see those sheep-
useful for understanding what happened under like fellow citizens of ours are aroused to some
President Andrew Johnson eighty years earlier. great national effort. If we are fortunate, that
Without giving undeserved credit to the Roosevelt national effort is an honorable one. We are there-
administration of the 1930s, the wartime Roosevelt fore astonished, if gratified, to observe what ca-
emerged, on balance, as a patriot and a major pacity for nobility of personal sacrifice those fellow
figure of this century. Roosevelt’s opposition to citizens make evident in their service of some
Churchill, his determination to launch the high- world-historical exertion directed to the well-being
technology transformation of former colonies and of humanity generally.
semicolonies during the postwar period, his “Ra- Unfortunately, up to this point in history, the
pallo”-like approach to postwar relations with the affairs of the world are conducted on the basis of
U.S.S.R., were fully justified politically by the the sheeplike behavior of the masses in response
temper of the overwhelming majority of U.S. to the exertions of opposing forces of shepherds
military personnel of 1944-1945. During 1947- and wolves. This is not the way we would have it,
1948, under the virtual Churchill puppet Truman, but the three levels of Dante Alighieriis Commedia,

the same mass base which would have supported applied to existing populations for study, show us
Roosevelt’s postwar policy was being maneuvered that most of the people are either infernal existen-
into Cold War postures, and also into that egoist- tialists, or sheeplike persons chiefly engaged in the
ical, every-man-for-himself outlook on U.S. do- narrow pursuit of personal “earthly paradise.“ As
mestic affairs which made the suburbanite children we who are dedicated shepherds work to bring our
of the 1950s so readily susceptible to becoming the fellow citizens out of a sheeplike moral and polit-
dionysiac freaks of the 1960s and 1970s counter- ical-intellectual condition, we dare not ignore the
cultural and “environmentalist” epidemics. painful reality that we are confronted in fact with
Unfortunately, most people of most nations are the task of transforming political sheep into true
most of the time merely political sheep. Unfortu- human beings.
nately, that human potential we discern and love The periods of history in which the majority of
among most of our fellow citizens is not ordinarily a people responds to crisis with an ascending
the dominant feature of their outlook and behavior moral and intellectual self-development are pre-
in those matters bearing on public policy or the cious and brief. If we fail to evoke such ennoble-
principal affairs of parties and governments. It is ment of the masses of people at moments this is

1 .



I02 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Hovv London Ruies the U.S.A. I03

feasible, and if we allow that ennobled condition while persons are in a sheeplike phase of their
to pass without appropriate efforts to perpetuate political life, those “unconscious” potentials are
it, then the masses slip back so readily into the efficiently accessible to scientific methods of as-
old, sheeplike ways. sessment. Moreover, those potentials are not sim-
Germany of 1932, compared with Germany of ply fixed, but are being altered for better or worse
1945-1949 is illustrative of this point. The Nazis during the period they appear to be dormant or
were always a minority of the German population. unconscious in respect to major political processes.
In a broad manner of speaking, the Social Dem- All of these observations just cited are relevant
ocrats, Christian Democrats, and Communists of to understanding the implications of the Civil War
I _....5
. ;'-2'
1949-1956, had been in large part the Social Dem- for the U.S. adult majority of ordinary citizens
ocrats, Christian Democrats, and Communists of today.
l932—with some interchange of personnel among Although the Johnson and Grant administra-
those factions. They had been Social Democrats, tions eroded the moral capital developed during
Christian Democrats, and Communists through- the Civil War, and despite the effects of the 1879
out the 1933- 1945 period, and would have manifest Specie Resumption Act and the British ‘virtual

this under any appropriate opportunity. They were takeover of leading U.S. institutions during this
also sheep, marching to the Western and Eastern century, the industrial revolution set into motion
i'.'E.1.i..Ii.-1-_ -__:__I3._,3:.£4s;§ ,?r+. §

fronts to be slaughtered. They were never “fas- by the Lincoln administration remained a central,
:I I.\_-.—_. .|I___-.,____,.

cists,” but merely being sheep. organic feature of the general American ethic until
In serious politics, we must understand this 1 the aftermath of 1967-1968.
point. We must also look beneath the manifest ‘i -t This post-1860 process was not entirely a new
sheeplikeness of 99.99 percent of a people most of moral development in the United States.
the time, to discern what are the organic poten- Despite the Jefferson, Jackson, van Buren,
tialities, moral and intellectual, which might be Pierce, and Buchanan administrations, and also
evoked. If the British and German people are both the Polk administration, the heritage of the Com-
predominantly sheeplike at a given moment, that monwealth Party, of the establishment of the con-
outward similarity does not necessarily mean that stitutional republic, of the 1818-1828 revival of
they have the same qualities of underlying moral Hamiltonian development policies, had been per-
potentialities. Furthermore, although those under- -iii
petuated with the aid of leading Whig intellectual
lying potentials may not be efficiently expressed influences, including such intelligence operatives
|I I. .


104 Wilt the Soviets Rule During the 19805? How London Rules the U.S.A. 105


as Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, are included in this approach, the most efficient
Edgar Allan Poe, as well as institutions such as single parameter for determining the “organic”
Union College, and the Whig press and political
I. moral world outlook of large population cate-
organizing efforts. gories is the characteristic attitude toward science
Although the character of the pre-1860 Ameri- I and technology within that category of population.
can Revolutionary heritage was altered by the In general, those who view a nation’s generalized
Lincoln administration, it is correct to report that scientific and technological progress as indispen-
in the organic impulses of a majority of ordinary sable to a good way of life also tend to adopt the
U.S. citizens today, there is an unbroken conti- pi}?
republican political outlook and the moral outlook
nuity in effect back to the Christian Apostles and associated with it.

through Plato’s Academy to more remote origins. ti"

However, before accepting the results of a poll
However imperfectly the U.S. eligible voter may on the issue of science and technology as such, it

reflect this fact, however deficient in knowledge of is necessary to make certain further tests of re-
his own moral heritage, the majority of Americans sponses before asserting that the indicated repub-
are still dedicated to the republican, citybuilder lican and moral correlatives are to be inferred.

tradition. It may be merely an “organic” impulse .-
The difficulty to be overcome in assessing such
within them, but it is there, and it is strong even surveys originates in the fact that there are cases
.i-: in which a nominally proscience, protechnology
today. n I 5

outlook appears to be expressed, a point illustrated

by the example of the pseudoscience outlook of
The United States Today the sort associated with the tradition of nineteenth-
The question now exists in the minds of a large and twentieth-century Trinity College, Cambridge.
proportion of readers, U.S. readers as well as There are also cases of ambivalent outlook.
European; “How do we demonstrate empirically It is not possible to define competent empirical
that a majority of eligible U.S. voters today em- criteria for empirical surveys of categories of pop-
body such ‘organic impulses"?” We focus attention ulations without proceeding to this set of working
on the answer to that question, and by this means definitions from the standpoint of deeper epistem-
bring our treatment of this part of our report to ological considerations. The elementary feature of
a summary conclusion. such epistemological distinctions is efficiently de-
On condition that certain crucial qualifications scribed for the thoughtful layman as follows.
. '- 'I
_ i“

IO6 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. 107

We do not apologize for the apparent sophisti- relationships of the universe. From the standpoint
cation of the immediately following scientific in- r
of theology, the Aristotelean doctrine requires that
. J.‘

terpolation. It is necessary. God be “dead”—although the mechanics of the

The underlying issue is the issue of “natural argument in this case are not exactly the same as
law." The actual standpoint of natural law is that -I-1-'-_g'ni r“',I ._

those of the irrationalist-existentialist version of
of Plato, the Augustinian Neoplatonics, Ismaili the “God is dead” doctrine.
scientists such as al-Farabi and Ibn Sina (Avi- In the Platonic view, as replicated in the meta-
cenna), Dante, Cusa, Leibniz, and G6ttingen’s physics of Ibn Sina, and reviewed by Cusa and
Bernhard Riemann. The standpoint of pseudo- others, the umyerse is primarily a corttinuous process

natural law is “Delphic” sophistry typified by the if of creative self-development. The apparent laws of
work of Aristotle. the universe in any of its aspects (phases), at any
The Aristotelean view, for which the methods point in time may indeed appear to be of the fixed
used by Oxford and Cambridge alike are in fact form associated with a domain governed by a fixed
derivative, describes the universe as originating physical-action characteristic. However, such fixed
with some form of “big bang,” establishing a laws are nonetheless relatively ephemeral—in the

universe in which elementary discretenesses (e.g., same sense that we have an empirical succession
elementary, “self-evident” particles) are irreducible of inorganic, living processes, and reason (man) in
“givens.” Such a “big bang” universe is presumed the development of our planet. Each of the latter
to be consistently governed in its internal relation- three domains of planetary activity are distin-
ships by permanently fixed “laws” of the sort guished by different fundamental characteristics,
which might be comprehensively expressed by sys- and yet the various domains are mutually efficient
tems of algebraic equations. in respect of causality, and the higher domains
This Aristotelean view was rejected by the lead- have emerged from self-deveolpment within the
ing Christians, as well as by Philo Judaeus of lower. These “Riemannian” domains are multiply-
Alexandria. The basis on which early Christianity cormected. The lawfulness of the universe itself
rejected the Aristotelean doctrine of metaphysics does not lie, therefore, in any of the fixed charac-
and logic centered around the argument given teristics associated with any one emergent domain.
otherwise by Philo: If God created the universe in The lawfulness of the universe is located in the
1' 1 '
the “big bang mode, then God eliminated himself permanence of a creative principle, a principle
as an efficient will within the continued internal which governs the order of emergence of higher-

108 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19801:? How London Rules the U.S.A. I09

order from lower-order domains. In other words, number of calories of throughput per capita for
the universe is organized as Dante Alighieri‘s the societies studied. This must be further quali-
Commedia and Bernhard Riemann’s habilitation fied, not merely to consider the input side of
dissertation outline the essentials. energy-throughput, but also the necessary rise in
This is the meaning of Plato’s notion of the the ratio of free energy to total energy throughput.
“higher hypothesis.” Reality is not located pri- It is such a rise in that free energy ratio which
marily in the relationships one might associate makes possible a further rise in the per capita
with fixed physical laws as such. The succession of amount of useful energy-throughput. Thus, human
domains of fixed lawfulness, succeeding from rel- existence is characterized by negentropy, as we
atively lower to relatively higher, is itself a trans- have defined negentropy.
finitc ordering—in Cantor’s 1883 sense of the The question is then to be posed: whence do
“transfinite”—which ordering is subject to the or- societies obtain the negentropy? The question is
dering principle embedded in the implicit, higher not one of “raw energy,” but of the self-orgcmtl
determination. The investigation of this higher de- zation of the energy process, to the effect of a
termination is the investigation of the “hypothesis rising free-energy ratio. The source of the self-

of the higher hypothesis.” organization of social energy-throughput in a neg-

This locates in a rigorous way the reason this entropic way is those products of creative-mental
writer’s contributions to the advancement of eco- activity we associate with the power to effect fun-
nomic science represent a fundamental scientific damental breakthroughs in man’s efficient,
breakthrough. |
willful knowledge of the lawful ordering of the
As outlined in sources including The Theory of universe.
the European Monetary Fund, the characteristic of This creative side of human mental activity must
human existence, both historically and in terms of be distinguished from those forms of acquired
the evidence of archaeology and hominid-human knowledge which might be represented in the form
paleontology, is an expansion of the numbers of of simultaneous algebraic equations. To be more
the human species, made possible through changes exact, the relationship of the creative processes of
in general human practice of the sort we must mind to ordinary knowledge is exactly parallel to
retrospectively include under the category of the contrast between the hypothesis of the higher
“technological progress.” This development is hypothesis and ordinary knowledge. The creative
most easily correlated with an increase in the i
processes of mind correlate with a transirtvariance


l l0 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? How London Rules the U.S.A.. 111
which subsumes, as a relative transfinite, the in- The fact that advances in the material and
variances of the successive ordering of human I related conditions of life are demonstrated to be
knowledge. t correlatives for successful advancement of socie-
The existence of such efficient creative poten- ties, confronts us with a related fact. The effect of
tialitics of the human mind is empirically demon- the popular consumption of costs of life, as meas-

strated, conclusively demonstrated, by the fact of ."

urable in terms of energy costs, is both an increase
the way in which the human population has been in the available per capita energy-throughput, and
increased, and also by the genocidal effects of also an increase in the ratio of free energy to total
every policy which causes retrogression or stag- energy-throughput. What is the source of this
nation in the technological mode of human exist- negentropy? We get more out than we put in: the
ence. This is also the essential distinction between increase in negentropy is mediated by the perfec-
man and the beasts. In theology, this is the basis tion of the creative potentialities of the human
for the proof that man is developed in the image mind.
of God, not because of man’s physical form, but Conversely, on the matter of society’s energy
because man manifests creative potentialities policy today: it is not simply more energy which

which are of the order of those creative principles we require; we require more energy in those forms,
which are cortsubstarztial with the universe as a F
and modes of allocation which are necessary for
primary, unified whole. increasing the negentropy of society.
In economics, this principle correlates immedi- This understanding justifies the Neoplatonic
ately with the facts respecting the successful de- Christian view of the determinate nature of the
velopmentof the productive powers of labor. It is necessity for scientific and technological progress.
not merely the number of calories and so forth Man is not an ox: consumption in and of itself is
consumed which provide the member of the labor not the purpose of technological progress. Rather,
force with increased productive power. Man is not man requires the conditions of social practice in
an ox. It is those material, and otherwise costly which the development and fruitfulness of man’s l

circumstances of individual, family, and social life creative-mental potentialities for perfection as man
generally which foster the development of man’s are the primary principle in the ordering of social
cognitive powers: this is the necessary condition practice, in the practical estimation of the individ-
for advancing the quality of the cognitive produc- ual, and in the moral basis for relationships among
tive potential of the labor force. persons. Scientific and technological progress are

l 12 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19805? How London Rules the U.S.A. 113

indispensable means to the end, rather than a self- irnperattve. To Trinity, technological progress is
evident end in themselves. desirable only by exception, as it is manifestly
It is the reflection, more or less adequately, of required to enhance the hegemony of the British
this moral view of the mediating role of scientific oligarchy and its cothinkers over the world’s af-
and technological progress which characterizes the fairs. That this latter is the case is underlined by
Neoplatonic republican, and knowledge of which clinical study of Trinity’s fraudulently self-repre-
fact is essential in assessing “organic” approxi- sented “Platonics,” and “Neoplatonics.” They all
mations of that outlook among other persons and deny the coherence of a “hypothosis of the higher
categories of persons. The “organic” republican hypothesis” with the physical universe otherwise
thinks of his advancements in skill and productive defined by them. Any phenomena which might
practice as mediating an increase in his moral appear to correlate with higher orders of lawful-
worth—--not merely his monetary worth as labor. ness, lawful creativity, are relegated by Trinity to
Even in demanding increased wages for advances the domain of irrational superstition.
in his skill, it is his moral worth which the trade As we turn our attention to the actual American
unionist presents usually as the essential basis for of today, we note that his predominantly “or-

his claim to the means for developing the produc- ganic”-republican outlook, favoring the impera-
tive potentialities of his household. He is otherwise tive of continuous progress, suffers characteristic
of the view that the problems of society are to be imperfections.
solved by aid of increasing the means for solving At the highest level of organic outlook, the most
problems, through a general advancement in the developed American does accept the notion that
quality and practice of knowledge, for which phys- the lawfulness of reason is equally efficient for the
ical scientific knowledge is paradigmatic, but not domain of physical science and morality. He may
otherwise adequate. be unable to articulate this in a competent way,
When such an “organic” republican is con- but he accepts that to be the principle which will
trasted with a Cambridge Apostle, the difference ultimately be demonstrated in some articulable
in essential outlook is readily made evident in the way.
following way. The “organic” republican “organ- Unfortunately, this organic outlook sometimes
ically” regards technological progress as a contin- is manifest in a Delphic, perverted form, in the
uous imperative of social practice in general. The sophistic persuasion that the mathematics of clas-
Trinity type rejects the notion of such a continuous sical inorganic physics is paradigmatic for reason
114 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. H5

in all domains. His own dedication to the cause of The Myth of

“science” is sometimes used successfully to lure American “Democracy”
him into acceptance, or, at least, toleration of the
wretched doctrines of British or Viennese behav- The Carter administration, the national leader-
iorist schools. ships of the Democratic and Republican parties,
At a lower level of moral development, the and the CFR gang from Manhattan inform Eu-
organic republican accepts or tends to accept the ropeans that the impulses of Gaullist France,
British-orchestrated artificial division between the Schmidt and Adenauefs Federal Republic, and
“social” and “physical” sciences. the “knowledge-export” forces of Japan, are un-
A frequent correlative of the latter mental flaw gratefully opposing the United States as a nation.
is the attitude sometimes mistakenly identified as This argument refers not merely to the fact of
characteristically “American.” During the nine- Carter and CFR policies; it carries with it the
teenth century, a major psychological warfare op- doctrinal assumption that the Carter administra-
eration was conducted against the United States’ tion, since chosen by a “democratic process,”
skilled workers, centered around the British fos- therefore reflects in the main the interests and

tering of the so-called Newcomen societies. The world outlook of the people of the United States
British operation was coupled with a campaign to as a whole. S
degrade Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Henry, and The indicated, included assumption is myth and
others to “mere tinkerers.” “Science is not neces- fraud. Even if we ignore the 3- to 5-million vote
sary; mere ingenious tinkering is the general source margin of fraud in the 1976 vote tally for Carter,
of all true technological progress. Science is no more than 28 percent of the U.S. eligible voters
‘merely philosophical’, ‘merely theoretical.’ ” Most voted for Carter and Mondale. Carter was not
ordinary Americans have accepted that fraud, a made President by anything resembling a majority
fraud which continues to be the greatest single of U.S. voters, and was not selected as Democratic
flaw of character-weakness of judgment in the Party nominee by a majority of members of the
ranks of organic republicans. party. Carter was selected as the figure to be
Despite these inadequacies, confronted with the inaugurated President in January 1977 at a 1975
systematic argument offered by the CFR’s "‘l980s Tokyo meeting of that subproject of the CFR
Project,” 70 percent of U.S. eligible voters would known as the Trilateral Commission. Carter was
react: “That’s crazy.” sold to the Democratic Party and voters like soap
116 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? How London Rules the U.S.A. ll7

flakes, while the flow of campaign funds, rigging In a “democracy,” the citizen’s power and con-
of press coverage of campaigns, and other decisive cern are limited in fact to matters which pertain
features of the campaign were arranged top-down directly to his own heteronomic, most-narrowed
by potencies connected to the CFR. interests as an individual, a resident of a specific
The United States is not designed to be a neighborhood, and so forth. The “more demo-
“democracy,” but a republic. The United States cratic” the political organization of the state, the
Constitution was not designed to aid in making less power the individual citizen has in deciding
the episodic opinion of a majority of heteronomlc the policies of the policies of the nation as a whole.
voters current national policy. Tom Paine’s de- The republican citizen takes unto himself the
nunciation of the evils of “democracy” leaves I10 sense of personal political importance correlative
margin for disputing the fact, otherwise demon- with deliberating the policies of the nation as a
strable, that the U.S. Constitution was designed whole. Every citizen is politically, in part, a Presi-
to prevent anything agreeable to anglophile Wil- dent, a senator, a federal judge. _
rl When citizens are denied the republican form of
liam James’s notion of “pluralism.” The original r=
United States was not a “government by men,” ,5
political rights, the right to deliberate matters of

but a “government by law,” a government under national policy competently, according to national
a Constitution which was designed to ensure that law adequately presented for their judgment and
the unbroken efficient influence of Neoplatonic a general political debate, the result of the denial
-.- is the citizen's estrangement from the republican
natural law would guide the combined, interacting :

judgments of the executive, the Congress, and the political process, an estrangement which is com-
federal court. bined with a sense of personal impotence in respect
A person in a democratic republic does not have to all matters but the smallest, most localized
less political importance than a citizen of a Ben- '—'“F-I'—-'‘HEB.
I'q\-i.!‘-l| 1
_ ‘II.
aspects of government. Such heteronomic es-
thamite sort of “democracy.” Directly the oppo- trangement impels even a great people to behave
site. In a republic, every voter is morally like the politically as a mass of sheep.
President of the United States in respect of those The majority of U.S. eligible voters despise
deliberations which bear on shaping national pol- “politics” as an inherently corrupt affair over
icy for the nation as a whole, and in the selection which they have no efficient control. Unless trade
of candidates deemed most appropriate F01‘ the unions and other entities thought they would ac-
realization of Such policies through the power of I crue some subsequent, corrupt advantage from
national Office I visibly mobilizing support for what they hope to



I18 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? 4"’ How London Rules the U.S.A. H9

be a winning candidate, only a tiny fraction of of an effectively aimed, externally generated shock,
.'1, =
.1 .
U.S. voters would be mobilized to vote at all. J:.'_

J .
a shock which must come from leading circles of
Except at the lowest level, Republican and Dem- continental Europe. I _
ocratic party organizations are unresponsive to The shock to be delivered will be effective only
internal processes involving the members them- .. -J

,.1 as the European confrontation with Washington,

selves. As a result of this fewer and fewer Ameri- .3.-
London,and CFR represents European commit-
cans join parties. ment to the kinds of organic republican principles
The more “democratic” the United States has existing within the majority of eligible U.S. voters.
become, the more the United States has degener- it That is, unless Europe moves to wreck the power
ated in fact toward becoming a tyranny ruled by of the International Monetary Fund through
the relative handful of anglophiles centered around launching “Phase II” of the European Monetary
the CF R. This tyranny is reflected most efficiently System as a new world monetary system’s keystone
in the way we have indicated here, the profound i basis, there is no possibility of activating ade-
discrepancy in organic political philosophical out- |L.
quately the republican impulses of the majority of
look between the majority of eligible voters and U.S voters. Under the latter conditions, the Haig

both the Carter administration and CFR. nomination and presidency, or something like it,
The only course of developments which could are assured. Then, under that condition, the world
alter this state of affairs is a transformation anal- is doomed to unavoidable total thermonuclear
ogous to the election of President Abraham Lin- war. If the shock is delivered, then it is probable
coln, a general overturning of Republican and that the efforts of this writer and his associates will
Democratic party arrangements, arrangements al- succeed within the United States. Unless that is
ready rotten-ripe to be overturned in one way or
l done, there is presently no alternative means for
another. Either the rotten condition of those par- preventing general thermonuclear war in the pe-
ties will become the basis in opportunity for rapid riod immediately ahead.
imposition of a dc facto military economy, fascist-
leaning dictatorship in the United States, or the 1'1i_!'i'1f*—II'_-€-"""'

efforts of this writer and his collaborators will

move developments in the opposite direction, to-
ward a solution echoing the Lincoln model. The
latter can occur only through the catalytic effect
Bonn di Moscow’s Miscalculations 121
3 i

tion of the European Monetary System as a poten-

tial replacement for the International Monetary
Fund, and Giscard’s own negotiations with Mos-
Potentially, this bulwark could be key to pre-
venting war.
BONN & Although the new forms of cooperation among

Giscard, Schmidt and Brezhnev date in the order

MOSCOW’S l of less than two years, the treaty arrangements
and associated perspectives are grounded in the
MISCALCULATIONS l deepest and most viable impulses of the continental
European peoples. In European experience, the
policy expressed dates from Alcuin and Charle-
r r
magne. It continues through the Salien emperors—
From each day to the next, up to this moment of l
and the influence of Abelard of Paris, through

writing, the most important bulwark against the I

Friedrich Barbarossa and his immediate succes-
rising tides of thermonuclear confrontations has |

F- sors, through the Paleologues of Byzantium, the


been what may be termed a “Paris-Bonn-Moscow F..

work of Cardinals Nicholas of Cusa and Bessarion,
link.” In the language of the Bonn government, l through the cooperation of Tudor, Navarre, and
this “link” is key to the potential role of continen- Ivan Grozny, and of the networks of Colbert,
tal Europe as “a superpower for peace.” Leibniz, and the English Commonwealth Party
This bulwark is of relatively recent construction, during the late seventeenth and eighteenth centu-
a construction to be dated formally from the May l ries. In more recent times, this was the policy of

1978 “summit” accords of Chancellor Helmut

Schmidt and Leonid I. Brezhnev. The other prin-
! Czar Alexander III, of France’s Hanotaux and
Czarist Russia’s Count Sergei Witte. It was the
cipal elements of this construction are the closer “Rapallo” policy of the 1920s. It was also the
relations which developed between President Gis- “Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals” of Pres-

card andiChancellor Schmidt from the period of ‘id“—ji"-1'‘M-I-|: '?_.-I-

ident Charles de Gaulle, as well as the thrust of

the kidnapping and murder of Hanns-Martin l the de Gaulle-Adenauer entente. I
Schleyer during 1977, the Giscard--Schmidt initia- .- - |I l| .;-h_
l Reference to those points of European history
l l



I22 Will the Soviets Rule During the l.05’0_i? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 123

means that the recent policies forming the “link” rope’s contribution—if, admittedly, contrary to its
are deeply rooted in the European continental intention---to the general thermonuclear war now
I being pushed forward by the London-Washingtom
experience. Moreover, if we compare the condition
of Europe in periods such policies were influential, Jerusalem-Peking axis.
with the ruinous conditions which befell Europe It is important that my criticisms not be mis-
when contrary policies prevailed, one must rightly understood. Somc confidants from among leading
suspect that these policies correspond to the con- circles of nations have warned us on repeated
tinuing vital interests of all of the peoples of occasions of the dangers correlated with the fact
Europe. Study of present European and world that the writer and his immediate associates have
conditions affirm that judgment, that the same a special quality of importance in world affairs
policies are now at least fully as appropriate as today. Not only are the writer and his associates
during earlier centuries. regarded by leading Anglo-American strata as the
Not only is it in the vital interest of the European highest order of “potential danger”—to the point
peoples to pursue such courses in policy. If the that even governments and heads of state fear to
potentialities of a new, gold-based European mon- attract Anglo-American reprisals by consulting

etary system were suitably exploited now, the openly and directly with the writer’s associates.
looming Anglo-American drive toward thermo- it
Behind the scenes, various policy-shaping circles
nuclear confrontations and war could be deflected. ‘ll
study our published writings, our special memo-
The world would then enter a new era of unprec- ii- randa, and our oral counsel. For these and related
r reasons, there is a range of matters on which we
edcnted prosperity, the kind of prosperity adequate ¥

to ensure a stable general peace. are not permitted the privilege to err in our anal-
Unfortunately, so far neither Paris, Bonn, nor ysis and policy recommendations. We must not
Moscow has pursued those potentialities with suf- only avoid actual error; we must take special

ficient consistency or with manifestly adequate precautions to avoid being misunderstood on these
comprehension of the issues and principles in- points.
volved. In varying aspects and degrees, Paris, For example, the matter of the personalities of
i such figures as Giscard, Schmidt, and Brezhnev.
Bonn, and Moscow have each erred at critical
points during recent developments. That pattern The writer has not met any of those gentlemen-
of errors represents a dangerous strategic miscal- to date. Although the writer has better insight into
culation; that miscalculation is continental Eu- them as persons than ordinary opinion might
124 Will the Soviets Rule During the l980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 125

suspect, there are important grey areas in that However, when we write hereinafter of the in-
knowledge. Since these are key public figures, the adequacies of the respective governments, that
writer must neither misrepresent them personally should not be understood as directly characterizing
as political figures, nor fail to take precautions those persons as persons. Although those persons
against being misunderstood in what he is properly must in some way contribute to the manifest
enabled and obliged to say concerning them as inadequacies of their governments, we do not
political figures. There is too much at stake for propose to unravel such a connection here.
humanity as a whole, so great a need to ensure the Rather, we wish those governments to look into
stability of those governments, that carelessness in this report as into a mirror. This report has more
such matters is not to be permitted. the purpose of being a report to those governments
Let the reader heed this notice. In what is said than a report to others about those governments.
here concerning the Giscard, Schmidt, and Brezh- By placing the report into broader circulation, we
nev governments in the following pages, the text aim to transform the written report into the insti-
is not focused upon qualities which flow directly tutionalized, social form in which it serves better
from Giscard, Schmidt, and Brezhnev as individual as a mirror for the governments involved--by

personalities. We are examining the corresponding enabling the general reader to see his or her own
governments as a special sort of “personality,” complicity in fostering the errors of one or more
governments which are in fact the resultant of a of the governments identified.
combination of personalities, factions, and other
forms of policy-shaping currents—rather than The Matter of Economics
there being any single personality or homogeneous
current involved. Whatever might be the extent of contrary mere
Let us depart briefly from that rule just at this opinion on this point, the writer of this report is
point. It is certain that neither Giscard, Schmidt, now objectively established as the leading political-
nor Brezhnev presently command an adequate economist of the present century. Although this
comprehension of the present strategic situation. competence subsumes specialist knowledge of im-
We are certain on this point, since each would act portant, previously established currents of
somewhat differently than they have on certain political-economist professionalism, the writer’s
crucial issues if their knowledge of the alternatives excellence is not dependent upon his matter of
had not been significantly inadequate. mastery of preexisting schools of economic
I26 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 127

thought. The writer’s authority lies chiefly in his schools either discredited or relatively obsolete,
having accomplished a fundamental breakthrough the writer’s work is properly situated as a contin-
in the development of economic science, a break- uation of the current of Plethon, Colbert, Hamil-
through which has left most of the previously ton, the Careys, and Friedrich List, and also owes
established schools either, at worst, utterly discred- much to the results of the writer’s correcting the
ited or, at best, in some way relatively obsolete. central methodological error in Karl Marx’s Cap-
The writer’s central accomplishment in this con- ital. y
nection dates from 1952, and is characterized in It is that historical connection of the writer’s
method by the use of the standpoint of Bernhard work to thescontributions and outlooks of such
Riemann’s 1854 habilitation dissertation, “The predecessor currents which is at the center of the
Hypotheses Which Underlie Geometry,” as a guide Anglo-American circles’ identification of the
to solving the problem of designing accu- writer as representing a “fearful” quality of “po-
rate, predictive economic models for the condition tential danger”--the words in quotation marks
in which only time and technological progress those repeatedly employed by representatives of
define the primary characteristic of economic the highest levels of such circles. As the CFR

growth. Through that approach, economics and “l980s Project” texts indicate the nature of such
the theory of physical function have been unified a connection, the writer is regarded by such circles
to the effect of subsuming determination of energy as a “fearful” sort of “potential danger” not
increase requirements within the characteristic of merely because the writer’s method is “objec-
economic growth. tively,” scientifically correct, but because the
Notably, those persons who propose that in- writer’s work represents the continuity of what the
creased energy-throughput per capita is not a British term the “mercantilist” school, and also
precondition for avoiding economic collapse, as because the writer’s work shows how Marx’s Cap-
well as fostering economic growth, are simply ital can and must be corrected in its essential
either ignorant persons or fools. If such persons systematic flaw to come into agreement with the
are in positions of notable policy-shaping influ- “mercantilist” school.
ence, they are most dangerous fools under present In other words, the writer’s contributions dove-
conditions of crisis. tail with the impulscs of the circles which associate
Although, as said before, this writer’s break- themselves with the tradition of Hamilton, Carey,
throughs in economic science have made older and List, and with the equivalents of this
l28 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 129

tradition in France. The British leading circles 1975, involving then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry
recognize and fear that the writer’s contributions A. Kissinger directly, and extensively. During late
will have the effect of reinvigorating the Hamilton- April, the writer announced the proposal of a new
Carey-List forces of continental Europe and Japan. monetary system at a Bonn press conference, and,
It is notable that although the writer and his soon afterwards, at a Milan press conference.
associates have been under accelerating harass- During the following period, leading British
ments, according to documented evidence, by net- banking and related executives initiated direct con-
works associated with British political-intelligence tact with our New York offices, while British
since May-June 1968, and also under direct action intelligence deployed a group of intended “sleep-
by British intelligence networks proper since 1970- ers” into our New York City organization. This
1971, the most important accelerations of this “friendly” approach by high-level British intelli-
attempted containment effort came at the close of gence and City of London forces continued into
1973, May-June 1974, March 1975, through the the close of 1976, and was superseded by overt
combined forces of the.Carter campaign organi- nastiness from those sources during April-May
zation and administration over the period Septem- l977—at the same time that Henry Kissinger was

ber 1976 through August 1977, and by the com- redeployed from brief semiretirement, and that
bined conduits of the Mont Pelerin Society, RIIA, London launched its continuing campaign to
and the Zionist international political-intelligence wreck the U.S. dollar.
networks during the period since May-June 1978. During the post-March period of 1975, leading
The escalation during the March-November 1975 Anglo-American circles were in a state of increas-
and May 1978 to present are of emphatic relevance ing near panic out of fear that the writer’s Inter-
to the point under consideration here. national Development Bank proposal would be
In February 1975, in announcing his candidacy adopted as the central topic of policy deliberations
for the U.S. presidency at a mass meeting in New within the North-South dialogue. By early 1976,
York City, the writer stressed the high-technology key governments among those sympathetic to such
development of the Third World’s agriculture and an approach had been either destabilized or had
industry to be the central programmatic feature of been dissuaded from continuing such a course.
his policy for the United States. This announce- This weakening of the Third World complement
ment produced a sharp reaction from Anglo- was done through combined threats and pressure
American circles internationally, during March by Anglo-American banking and diplomatic pres-

130 Will the_Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 131

sures, and with aid of corrupt, leading elements in the British discerned the possible success of the
the UNCTAD organization. Notable in that latter Giscard-Schmidt thrust toward launching some-
connection was the Geneva UNCTAD bureau- thing like the European Monetary System. The
cracy centered around Correa and the C. Fred trigger for this wave of actions on the part of the
Bergsten-authored and Kissinger-promoted “In- British was their knowledge of the impending
ternational Resources Bank” and, later, the so- Schmidt-Brezhnev Bonn “summit.” The British,
called Common Fund. viewing this from their special, “geopolitical”
It is notable that French and West German standpoint, saw in the “summit” the “logic” of
interest in the IDB collapsed, under pressure from the continuing impulse for “'Rapallo”-like agree-
Kissinger et al. during October-November 1975. ments between Moscow and Bonn, and the com-
It is also notable that all of the statesmen chiefly plementarity of such agreements to the Gaullist
responsible for the August 1976 Colombo Reso- “Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals.” The
lution were soon injured by Anglo-American ac- British knew that Giscard, Schmidt, and Brezh-
tions. Guyana’s Fred Wills was ousted by IMF- nev’s thrusts in such a “Rapallo”-modeled direc-
World Bank pressures during spring 1977, Mrs. tion could not succeed unless those forces adopted

Bandaranaike and Mrs. Gandhi were ousted, Pak- the International Development Bank (IDB) ap-
istan’s Bhutto has recently beens“judicial1y mur- proach to triangular cooperation among Western
dered,” and so forth and so on. continental Europe, the Comecon, and the devel-
The actions against the writer and his associates oping nations.
during 1976-1977 were chiefly motivated by con- The British were also fearful that the combined
cern to finally crush the U.S. Labor Party, through effect of the Schmidt-Brezhnevaccords and
British Special Operations Executive (SOE)- Giscard-Schmidt cooperation would draw favora-
modeled financial and other covert-operations ble response from among circles within the United
warfare methods. The Anglo-Americans were sat- States. Since all those U.S. circles which would
isfied that the “LaRouche problem” had been tend to support the Giscard-Schmidt initiatives
essentially confined to the territorial United States, were either collaborating with or otherwise in
in which confinement they might eradicate the efficient contact with the U.S. Labor Party, a
problem permanently. major new operation was launched internationally
The next major escalation of the harassment against the writer and his associates beginning
internationally occurred beginning May 1978, as May 1978. The principal forces deployed interna-
132 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations 133

tionally for this purpose by the British intelligence IMF; it must be modeled on the policies set forth
circles were the Mont Pelerin Society and the in this writer’s International Development Bank
political-intelligence organizations of international (IDB) proposal.
Zionist forces. Key groups among British leading circles rec-
Legal evidence has identified the controlling ognize the reality of that counterposition. The
center for the post-May 1978 escalation of harass- manifest flaw of the Paris, Bonn, and Moscow
ment to be the section of British political intelli- governments is that, as governments, they have so
gence which controls Margaret Thatcher’s faction far failed to comprehend the significance of this
in the Tory (“Conservative”) party of Great Brit- clear cut choice.
ain. The key figure of British intelligence assigned
to coordinate international slander campaigns
against the writer and his associates has been The Third World
Robert Moss. All deployments of the combined Without the IDB
forces of IISS, the Mont Pelerin Society and the Unless the so-called Third World is immediately
Zionist political-intelligence gangs have been co- liberated from the neo-imperialist “IMF condi-
ordinated through Moss, a coordination corrobo-

tionalities,” and is afforded the kind of high-

rated by some of the highest-level representatives technology industrial, agricultural, and infrastruc-
of Mont Pelerin circles in the United States. tural development proposed by this writer, the
The motive for this is the same, and originates following range of scenarios is inevitable.
with the same controlling circles responsible for First, consider those scenarios which must rap-
the assassination of Dresdner Bank’s Jtirgen Ponto idly unfold within combined world trade levels and
and Hanns-Martin Schleyer during 1977 and the within the Third World economies, without yet
1978 murder of Aldo Moro. taking into account the connection of this process
Either the Paris-Bonn-Moscow link accelerates to the unfolding of thermonuclear war. Second,
the development of the European Monetary Sys- consider the same processes as intersecting the
tem as a gold-based replacement for the Interna- process leading toward thermonuclear war. I
tional Monetary Fund, or early thermonuclear war The “IMF conditionalities” policy is identical in
is inevitable. To prevent war, the EMS must be- general effect to the policies of the World Bank,
come immediately the keystone for establishment and to the effects projected by the “Year 2000"
of a new monetary institution. It must replace the policies of the RIIA, the Club of Rome, and the
134 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?
Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 135

Pan-European Union. This is a fascist (neo-Schach- immunological and related disease-resisting val-
tion) proposal, whose effects on the peoples of the ues). q
Third World nations are identical in principle with In brief, the program of the Club of Rome,
the results of Nazi-occupation policies in Eastern beginning with brutal effects on the weakest por-
Europe. tions of existing populations, leads, in the form of
The result is famine, epidemic disease, and social administration of “IMF conditionalities,” to the
chaos. Either social chaos is suppressed by fascist fostering of genocidal effects of famine and epi-
armed dictatorships which regulate the elimination demic disease, to generating a worldwide biologi-
of “useless eaters,” or the anarchic alternative cal catastrophe—a global ecological holocaust.
ensues: a hideous parody of “Thirty Years War” It means what Bertrand Russell and Aldous
bloodletting and ravaging erupts as gangs of the Huxley spent most of their adult lives to achieve-
hungry seek to subsist on the bodies and wealth a hideous “new dark age,” exceeding the genocide
looted from the dead and dying. Europe suffered under the Black Guelph policies
Such developments in “least developed coun- of the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centu-
tries” mean in either case—chaos or fascist dicta- ries.
torships-—the transformation of looted popula-

This is the only strategic-economic policy which

tions into forcing-cultures for proliferation of old the CFR is disposed to tolerate. CFR is prepared
and new forms of epidemic disease. This must to plunge to the brink of general thermonuclear
include not only diseases of persons, but also of war to ensure that this massive genocide, this
beasts and plant life (“sylvatics”). The epidemics threatened biological holocaust, is brought into
must spread from “LDC” breeding centers for
disease eruptions, into the territories and popula- What must we say, then, of those governments
tions of other nations. Depression conditions
and other influential circles which propose to
worldwide, exacerbated in the developing nations
subordinate the EMS to “IMF conditionalities,”
generally, mean populations which have suffered or to compromise with the basic policy commit-
significant weakening of their biological potentials ments of those Anglo-Americans which control
of disease resistance. The contraction of animal- the Carter administration and also the Haig and
protein consumption is of greater significance than Kennedy candidacies? Is there not an absolute line
decline in caloric values as such (it is current in public morality which no government, party, or
consumption of animal protein which determines financial interest can cross without subjecting itself
136 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn cfi Moscow/s Miscalculations 13 7

justly to the characterization of “criminal mind”? tion of representative government in those nations.
On this account, there is ultimately no difference Only an armed dictatorship can impose such gen-
in consequences between the policies of Britain’s ocidal policies as “IMF conditionalities” and
Mrs. Thatcher and the so-called environmentalists. World Bank-“Brandt Commission” “appropriate
If we tolerate the policies of either, we unleash technologies” programs. However, armed dicta-
genocide against the largest part of the population torships based on national forces of those nations
on this planet. No person can compromise with are potentially unreliable tools of the IMF condi-
such policies,with such factions, and still term tionalities-—even the most brutal dictator may de-
himself morally human. A velop pangs of patriotic conscience against butch-
ering the people of his own nation. Or, if the IMF
The Third World as succeeds in finding some psychotic thug, such as
The Trigger of War Pinochet or the Ayatollah Khomeini butchers, to
All of the competently defined, alternative “scen- conduct such a policy, elements within the armed
arios” leading into general thermonuclear war fall forces of government may be impelled by con-
under two general analytical categories. In both science to topple such a butchering psychotic.

categories, the ultimate impulse of war is a grow- Therefore, the Anglo-American policy planners
ing issue between the U.S.S.R. and the Anglo- have stressed, with increasing shamelessness, the
American alliance over the implications of the doctrines of “limited sovereignty” and the exten-
“IMF conditionalities” policy. The two categories sion of NATO military operations into the South
of “scenarios” are, first, that category in which the Atlantic region, or Middle East. Although the
IMF conditionalities effort forces the Soviets to enlargement of NATO’s geographic assignment is
act in effect to frustrate the IMF program, and, a prominent part of the Anglo-American propos-
second, that category in which effective resistance als, it is not the only instrument proposed. What
to IMF conditionalities by some key Third World is proposed increasingly is a system of regional
nations forces the Anglo-Americans to strategic military blocs, each bloc supported strategically
desperation. by NATO military forces.
We begin our analysis with the first variant. The Camp David secret agreements and the
The imposition of genocide on the people of a secret agreements between Washington and Pe-
nation or regional group of nations cannot be king are models of the Anglo-American strategic
accomplished through means of any approxima- thrust at this moment.
Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations 139
138 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

the Brzezinski “Arc of Crisis.” Otherwise, Brzezin-

Exemplary of the character of the Camp David
ski’s reported enamorment with “Islarnic funda-
secret agreements is the fact that the present mili-
mentalism” reflects the fact that Brzezinski’s “Arc
tary dictatorship of Pakistan and the Ayatollah
of Crisis” is, so to speak, merely a plagiarism of
Khomeini gangsters in Iran are both elements of
Bernard Lewis’s concoction.
the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brother-
Khomeini and his Anglo-American-trained as-
hood is a creation of British secretintelligence,
sociate, Yazdi, are overtly apostles of a “new dark
and is most closely linked for organizational pur-
age.” Khomeini himself has been tailored by Brit-
poses to a Switzerland-based branch of the British
ish and Zionist intelligence forces into a parody of
Secret Intelligence Service, headed by Sir John
the eleventh century book-burner al-Ghazali. Al-
Bagot Glubb Pasha. Although the lower-echelon
Ghazali was an Asharite agent of the Seljuk Turk-
dupes of the Muslim Brotherhood are bloodthir-
ish conquerors of the Caliphate of Baghdad, and
stily anti-Israel, it is merely consistent with the
also-—-ironically--of key Jewish usurers politically
character of London-centered intelligence net-
as well as financially associated with the Seljuk
works that the Muslim Brotherhood is also coor-
cause. Al-Ghazali was promoted by the oligarchist
dinated to a large extent by the Israeli intelligence
Seljuks and their allies to the purpose of crushing

services and that Israeli intelligence operations in

the last vestiges of the Islamic culture associated
this matter are closely coordinated with Chinese
with the caliphates of al-Mamoun and Haroun al-
Communist Foreign Intelligence.
The deployment of the Anglo-Israel-Peking con-
The fact that Khomeini, like his father before
trolled agents, such as the Pakistan dictatorship
him, is an agent of the British SIS, does not, of
and Khomeiniacs, is implementation of a project
course, signify that that Glubb Pasha “asset”
known from U.S.. National Security advisor Zbig-
considers himself, in his own mind, “merely” a
niew Brzezinski’s mouth as the “Arc of Crisis.”
tool of British SIS.
The putative author of the “Arc of Crisis” is one
The case of Adolf Hitler is exemplary of the
Bernard Lewis, top-ranking adjutant of Sir John
principle involved. Hitler was originally (in “short-
Glubb Pasha, and currently seconded to British
hand” terms) a creation of the right wing of British
and American-Jesuit intelligence nests at Princeton
intelligence (e.g., Houston Chamberlain, et al.),
and Georgetown universities respectively. Lewis
and collaborating elements of the Hapsburg and
has been occasionally, and accurately, cited as the
Wittelsbach black nobility. In effect, Hitler re-
source for Henry A. Kissinger’s own version of
140 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 141

mained an agent of British “geopolitical policy” chiefly not upon their continued direct control
through 1938. Beginning 1939, certain problems over Khomeini, but on Khomeini’s own character
intruded in the relationship between the Hitler as a fanatical, Asharite cultist. The case is analo-
regime and its British patrons, most notably in gous to the deployment of bacteriological weap-
respect to some implications of the development ons. The individual bacteria are not, by their
of the Axis partnership. With Hitler’s strike west- nature, capable of being witting agents of British
ward, first in Scandinavia and then through Bel- interest. Rather, they represent a plague whose
gium into France, Hitler became not merely Lon- effects the SIS desires to propagate in the domains
don’s Frankenstein’s monster, but a monster more into which such diseases are unloosed. I
immediately dangerous to its master than the foe, It is in the character of the fanatical Asharism
i.e., the Soviet Union, against which the monster of this sort that we locate the essential thing.
had been originally deployed. Khomeini’s Asharite policy, deployed into the
An analogous assessment is applicable to the same setting as the fomenting of a wave of mu-
case of Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini is a British tually antagonistic “particularist” movements,
SIS asset, who was put into power in Iran chiefly each also promoted by action of British, Israeli
and Chinese intelligence, could have no other

through work of the SIS and a direct, supporting

role by Israeli intelligence. Once the Khomeini- result but to unleash inside Iran a “new dark ages”
centered order was placed semi-indepen dently afoot process with effects analogous to the genocide
in Iran, British and Israeli intelligence services’ perpetrated upon nearly half the murdered popu-
power to control their Frankenstein’s monster cre- lation of Kampuchea by the London-Peking pro-
ation tended to diminish rapidly, even to take tégé, the Pol Pot dictatorship.
courses of further development directly contrary Add to this development in Iran the following:
to British perceived interests. the unleashing of a similar process of Muslim
Khomeini as a British SIS “asset” belongs not Brotherhood-triggered fragmentation of Pakistan,
to the category of British-controlled agents—not operations launched against Afghanistan from
after Khomeini had been put into power. Rather, both Iran and Pakistan territory, a Kurdistan
Khomeini, like the erstwhile Pol Pot dictatorship destabilization operation spilling into Iraq, Syria,
in Cambodia (Kampuchea) represents a force and Turkey from Iran, Alawite destabilizations of
which the British and their accomplices have cho- both Turkey and Syria, tripartition of Lebanon by
sen to set into motion. The British are depending combined British, Israeli, and Muslim Brother-
Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations 143
142 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?

hood operations, and similar destabilizations in its firm P0531011 On “human rights,” and may
the Saudi peninsula and down through Sudan and memorialize the Nazi murder of Jews as a U S
Ethiopia into central Africa. That aggregation of Eaitlonil holiday. That same Carter administration
chaos, that effort to unleash a genocidal “new la?‘ On 3; I\<v1nks at the ‘genocide of half the popu-
dark ages” is Brzezinski’s “Arc of Crisis” policy, ion o ampuchea, it entered a de facto defense
the policy of Henry A. Kissinger, and the policy of the genocidal regime of Pol Pot in the United
whose authorship is publicly attributed to Glubb Nattions, as well as pressuring Western European
Pasha adjutant Bernard Lewis. na ions to echo this obscene piece of hypocrisy.
The Carter administration’s secret agreements, l Whyinot? Such genocide--schemes whose effect
effected under the deception-cover of the so-called tStt0 wipe out three-quarters of the human popu-
Camp David agreements, award regional supervi- a ion in two decades—is the official policy of the
sion over the region of the Arc of Crisis to the British government and of the CFR. The Carrel-
government and political-intelligence services of administration, like the Kennedy Connally and
Israel. For a price, the government and military Haig presidential candidates, is a property df the
forces of Egypt are to be deployed throughout this CFR.

Arc of Crisis region under Israeli direction. The Clglgfirgfoposfid Israeli coordination of a revised
United States’ role in implementing these secret SEATO and Peking administration of 3 fevisgd
agreements is to provide, chiefly, a U.S. nuclear _ are exemplary of the kind of military
shield over Israeli-coordinated operations in the dictatorship the genocidal policies of the IMF
region, and otherwise to support Israeli actions as World Bank, Club of Rome, RIIA and crii
may be required with supplementary U.S. and require. The sovereignty of the victim nations is
British naval and conventional-land and air forces. ijtefitroyedfi t-vlth atd of the opening wedge of “lim-
The same sort of secret agreements have been 1° S_°V°T°1gI1iY- Groups of nominal nations of
negotiated between the Carter administration and a ‘region are placed under a mercenary regional
Peking. Peking has been given Taiwan, all South- I‘l'll3jlll§I'il(_(llC'[£tlOl'Sl1l]1), such as that of Israel-Egypt
east Asia, and the Asian subcontinent (including an e mg. These regional dictatorships are to be
India) as Peking’s “sphere of influence” and mili- Supported by NATO strategic forces and by sov-
tary-policing role, under essentially the same con- ereign I13‘/31, flit. and land forces of the U S A
ditions as U.S. agreements with Israel. Hence, the and Great Britain. i if '
Carter administration may, on the one side, profess It is by such means that RIIA and CFR p[’()p()3@

144 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 145

that the ruined Britain and the gutted U.S. indus- Whtch war would probably erupt, the Soviet stra-
trial economy might rule the world. i.
tegic calculation will center around defining a
The analogy is Holy Alliance Europe following I!‘ Point of IMF conditionalities-related develop-
the 1815 Treaty of Vienna. Debt-ruined Britain it ments at whioh a “_point of no return” is estab-
was too weak to directly rule continental Europe. lished. There is a point at which the strategic effect
So, it fostered the Holy Alliance under Roths- of consolidated IMF-centered developments
child’s agent, Prince Metternich. In this “concert threatens a major disadvantage to the Soviet forces
of Europe,” British power and Rothschild finance under conditions of an accompanying intensifica-
were applied to tip the balance within the concert “On Oi g°0P0l1t1cal” aggressiveness by the Anglo-
in such limited ways as might seem required to Americans. That 1S the point at which the Soviet
keep the “concert” itself functioning. command has no option but to risk thermonuclear
What RIIA and CFR are now proposing, with war,‘ since ‘otherwise war-fighting at Significant
nods owed to the memories of Metternich, Louis relative Soviet disadvantage is inevitable. The So-
Napoleon, and Bismarck, is a “world concert.” viets, at such point in their perceptions will act to
The deployment of such a concert throughout destabilize Anglo-American deployments in the
l-.-'I - .&-

the Third World, including heavily armed Israeli 1-‘if-l

Third World—perceiving this, and correctly so-

and Peking components complementing NATO at as the last opportunity for forcing the Anglg-
=-iten|fl§irn--=-|u i:.='Ti-nt.fi_-z;:i~'.n i=-ean|i ~

Soviet and Comecon borders, represents a strategic i:

Americans to back down from the rush toward
§ thermonuclear war.
configuration which is absolutely unacceptable to Q.
the Soviet Union. No matter what illusions the
' -I
majority in Moscow may have concerning “real- Four Hot Spots
istic” forces in London and Manhattan at this
present moment, those illusions evaporate as soon There are four hot spots in the developing sector
as Moscow observes the scenario as we have at which no rational group of Soviet commanders
outlined it proceeding to unfold. could retreat from decisive countermeasures, even
it-‘=ileitr-nrieainnoiu.i-:i“u-i lna at the risk of thermonuclear war. These are, a
This perception of the “objective strategic prob-
lem” in Moscow will be strengthened to a point of Peking invasion into Southeast Asia, an attempt
cold, ruthless anger by the “geopolitical” concom- to crush Afghanistan from Pakistani and Iranian
itants of the Anglo-American policy thrust overall. torritory, a destabilization of the petroleum-rich
Without turning yet to the particular points at ersian Gulf or--the same thing-Israeli attacks

146 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 147

on Syria and Iraq, and a major operation in Africa, no return” overall. Second, if the Middle East
with particular emphasis on Algeria, Ethiopia, and petroleum supplies are cut through Israeli and
Angola. The objective determinants of Soviet pol- related British-directed action, Western continen-
icy for each case vary from case to case. We outline tal Europe and Japan collapse economically. Once
those determining considerations in summary here. Paris and Bonn are destabilized, the last Western
The political integrity of Vietnam and allied bastion of detente falls, and war becomes inevita-
nations of Southeast Asia is an absolute of Soviet ble.
policy under the indicated conditions. The heart of In Afrtca, the policy considerations are analo-
“indicated conditions” is the London-Manhattan- gous to those for the Middle East. If the policy
Jerusalem-Peking “geopolitical” axis alliance. Any problems hit with less force in the short run, they
government which objects to the Vietnamese role are of the same general ultimate significance. An-
in cleaning out the genocidal Peking puppet re- gola and Ethiopia are matters of the credibility of
gime of Pol Pot or which otherwise neglects to Soviet policy. Permitting the IMF conditionalities
denounce Peking’s deployments against Southeast and associated implementation of some approxi-
Asia is to be judged either simply stupid or down- mation of Kissinger’s (C. Fred Bergsten’s) “Inter-

right suicidal . . . if radioactive caesium is the kind national Resources Bank” cartelization has the
of danger some circles report it to be. same general effect on Western continental Europe
In addition to Soviet treaty obligations to Af- and Japan as crushing Middle East petroleum
ghanistan, the strategic location of Afghanistan is supplies.
such that a threat to that nation is a direct strategic Another, growing “hot spot” is Mexico. U.S.
threat to the Soviet heartland itself. The considera- National Security Council PRM-41 states it to be
tions are different than for Vietnam, but not less U.S. policy to prevent the emergence of a “new
decisive. Japan” at the U.S. southern border. This is con-
In the Middle East, the Soviet Union has two nected to the “North American Common Market”
paramount considerations. First, if the Soviets proposal of the organized crime and Zionism-
should fail to honor in a fully credible way their linked Bronfman interests. The Carter administra-
treaty obligations to Syria and other nations of tion has openly threatened to use military force to
that region, the precipitous loss of Soviet credibil- secure Mexico’s petroleum assets as U.S. reserves!
ity in all parts of the world leads immediately to How the Soviet Union would react, directly, to
the preconditions for approaching the “point Of U.S. actions against Mexico is not known to us,

148 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow"s Miscalculations 149

but such action would at least define Soviet global performance of Moscow, on the one side, and
strategic posture to very significant effect. Paris and Bonn, on the other.
We begin with the Soviet problematics.
The Alternative
The Factual Basis
The only alternative to the early eruption of gen-
For Findings
eral thermonuclear war is the immediate deploy-
ment of the European Monetary System as a Since early 1974, the political-intelligence staff of
replacement for the IMF in the credit relations the writer and his associates has been regularly
between developing and industrialized nations. monitoring the principal Soviet publications, as
This cannot succeed unlessthis shift to “Phase II” well as, to only a lesser degree, the principal,
of the EMS’s development is based on triangular relevant publications of Comecon member and
economic relations among EMS, members, the associated states. This work, from 1974 onward,
Comecon and major portions of the developing was, in turn, an increase in a program of monitor-
sector. This deployment, effected in the appropri- ing and studies which had been in progress since

ate manner, would suffice, up to this time as autumn 1971, the latter the time at which the
adequate shock for transforming the internal dy- political-intelligence staff and functions were es-
namic within the United States, and thus prevent- tabhshed.
ing war. ' t So, over nearly eight years as a whole, and more
Unfortunately, despite the many steps in that intensively for the recent five years, leading Soviet
direction by France, West Germany, and the So- sources have been regularly and systematically
viet Union, at crucial points those governments compared with the realities known directly to us
have either swerved from that course of action or on which those sources have commented. Focusing
have stopped short of those additional measures more narrowly on Soviet publications themselves,
needed to make adopted measures adequately ef- those publications speak with three distinguishable
fective. Overlooking for the moment, the poten- kinds of political-epistemological voices. The op-
tially tragic effects of Mr. Ohira’s succeeding of posing views which sometimes appear within the
Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda in Japan, it is same week in leading Soviet publications, repre-
adequate for purposes of analysis to focus on the sent not merely differences in assessment; rather,
somewhat different shortcomings visible in the certain patterns of differences in assessment reflect
150 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations 151

irreconcilable political-philosophical world out- nificantly from the institutionalized political forms
looks. Just as one can plot a pattern of overall of Western continental Europe. However, such
Soviet reactions to known realities over the indi- differences ought not to confuse analysts who have
cated periods, one can—and must—also construct mastered the principles of differential equations.
patterns for each of the influential, irreconcilable The Eigenvalues of Soviet and Western European
political-philosophical world outlooks reacting to parliamentary life are approximately the same.
those realities. There is at least a convergence in characteristic
Any person in the “West” who argues that there tendencies on this point, with the differences es-
is a general lack of democracy in the Soviet Union sentially determined by the different political prop-
is an hysterical fool. I regret to report that even erty relations on which the political structures rest
some “pluralism” prevails in the Soviet Union- in the respective nations compared.
up to the highest levels of party and government. Such comparisons of the forms—and character-
There are three distinguishable, mutually exclusive istic diseases—of parliamentary democracy in
political philosophical outlooks reflected in the “East” and “West” are not merely interesting
leading Soviet and East bloc press, and in corre- topics of deliberation, as well as offensive to the

sponding patterns of shifting judgments in Soviet foolish sort of anti-Soviet myths; the tendency
and related policy making. Not only do open and toward “parliamentary cretinism” is the central
fundamental differences in political-philosophical feature of the tendency toward fatal strategic mis-
outlook exist up to high levels of party and state, calculation in Paris, Bonn, and Moscow—as well
but those factional differences are manifestly effi- as numerous other capitals.
cient in shaping Soviet policy. The Soviet leader- All of this, and the judgments which are to be
ship is not a monolith, but a heterogeneous com- adduced from such considerations here, are con-
bination of political factions. Hence, Soviet leading clusively proven by the ‘kinds of factual informa-
circles are subject to the same tendencies toward tion we have identified above. A few additional
"parliamentary cretinism” one finds in the U.S.A., facts not from Soviet publications may be required,
France, Italy, or the German Federal Republic; but these serve merely as exceptional means for
frequently, short- or medium-term considerations making crucial-experimental tests of the hy-
pertaining to the next election campaign take potheses otherwise adequately adduced on the
precedence over major issues of reality. basis of East bloc publications and related sources.
Granted, Soviet political institutions differ sig- The three, irreconcilable political-philosophical
152 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations 153

tendencies to which we have referred may or may structs of the collective behavior of aggregated
not correspond in detail to the professed, articu- individual, interacting particles. Rather, the wave
lated views of each and every Soviet person effi- form has “independent life,” and interacts so with
ciently associated with the corresponding tend- other wave forms, to the effect that the interaction
ency-faction. of wave forms determines the behavior of the
Again, heurisms from differential-equations participating particles.
practice are helpful. i This heurism does not imply that mental life can
With few exceptions, the persons who are com- be directly accounted in terms of good (hydrody-
monly characterized by a certain, definite political- namicist) inorganic physics. Rather, we have illus-
philosophical outlook are not able to consciously trated the point that an axiomatic view of the
articulate that world outlook as a subject of their universe which is shown, experimentally, to be
knowledge. Few persons are sufficiently self- absurd for the domain of inorganic-physics prac-
critical, sufficiently trained in epistemology, either tice, may also be equally or more absurd for the
to understand the significance of axiomatic roots domain of mental behavior. Societies are not
of irreconcilable world outlooks, or to recognize Hobbesian or Lockean collections of self-evident

which set of axiomatics governs their own impulses biological individualities. Societies are not collec-
and judgments. Nonetheless, a definite world out- tions of political “atoms,” each bumping into one
look is to be adduced from the behavior of aggre- another. Societies are primary processes, which
gates of persons expressing such unconscious tend- determine the behavior of their individual mem-
encies. Whether they know it or not, they share a bers--rather than societies being merely the result
definite political-philosophical outlook. of interaction among individual “atoms.”
From the standpoint of hydrodynamics gener- This is not to dissolve the individual member of
ally, and the more advanced hydrodynamical the society into a “night in which all cows are
standpoint of Bernhard Riemann in particular, black.” The individual is potentially efficient with
this sort of problem is readily understood. In those respect to his or her society as a whole. In ways
crucial sorts of phenomena which demonstrate the analogous to new fundamental discoveries by cre-
intrinsic experimental incompetence of the New- ative scientists, or the transmission of knowledge
ton-Maxwell tradition in physics, we are con- by a teacher or the skilled instructor of a factory
fronted with instances in which wave formations apprentice, the creative-mental powers of the in-
cannot be analyzed as if waves were merely con- dividual enable each, potentially, to radiate con-
154 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.5‘? ' Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 155

ceptions of practice which affect the social pro- from efficient consciousness of those policies and
cesses, implicitly affecting that social process as a policy issues which bear directly on the well-being
whole. of society as a whole. The “democrat” is concerned
This specific potency of the individual within only with his slice of the total pie, not whether the
society is perversely reflected by the phonemonon pie is increasing or shrinking. The “democrat” is
of “alienation.” “Alienation” and “heteronomy” an antisocial, destructive person in principle. He
(cf. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason) are com- does not compare his perception of the demands
plementary. The denial of efficient, conscious ac- of his “special interest” with the effects of such
cess to influence over the social process as a whole demands on the well-being of the society as a
reduces the individual in terms of political- whole. Usually, such a “democrat” remains igno-
psychology to a merely self-evident political-social rant even of the way in which such demands may
individuality----to that state of psycho-political im- redound destructively against what he perceives to
potence manifest in the psychopathologies of an- be his own “special interest.” He is obsessively
archism or pluralism. blind to the fact that what affects the society as a
This is the key to the fundamental differences whole in an adverse way must ultimately be de-

between a “democracy” and a “democratic repub- structive to his own true interest.
lic.” In the former, the individual is reduced to a The “democratic republican” adopts the stand-
“pluralistic” form of psycho-political impotence, point that the individual citizen--the members of
to a heteronomic outlook and practice. The im- society morally and intellectually developed ade-
potent, heteronomic individual is concerned pri- quately to form an electorate—has both the re-
marily with his or her “special interest,” either as sponsibility and the political right to participate
merely an individual, a member of a household, democratically in a legislative process of discov-
neighborhood, or some other smaller social for- ering what policies best serve the interest of the
mation. The pluralist is not concerned with the society as a whole. The republican citizen knows
well-being of the society as a whole, but rather pits that those policies which increase the prosperity
his or her imagined “special interest” against the and technological progress and improve the polit-
rest of society, viewing the rest of society as ical and material conditions of life of the citizens
composed of antagonistic, “competitor” forms of will enable the citizens to sort out the shares of pie
“special interest.” in suitable ways at the local level of social practice.
Thus, “democracy” alienates the individual The “democrat” is often like the child who
156 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?
Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 15 7

poisons his father. When his father is dead, whence such a state of affairs is adequately, conclusively
will he secure his own breakfast? The foolish, demonstrated by the Soviet press.
“democratic,” patricidal child says, “Mother will Whatever specific errors of knowledge and judg-
cook it for me.” ment must in fact be attributed to Karl Marx and
The Soviet Union, the United States, and the V. I. Lenin, their positive conception of the devel-
present government of Mexico were established as opment of socialist republics is essentially valid.
republics, not democracies. De Gaulle worked to Although Lenin was, correctly, prepared to build
reconstitute France as a republic—attempting to Russia as an industrial-capitalist state (Two Tac-
rid France of that obscene, British-like form of tics), on condition that the Russian capitalists were
parliamentary democracy which characterized the willing to undertake that work, once the industrial
sick “Fourth Republic.” Among the framers of development of Russia was left in the hands of the
the constitution of the Federal Republic of Ger- forces he led, Lenin variously maneuvered and
many, there were republicans who inserted healthy drove the processes at his disposal toward the
elements of constitutional law into the stew of objective of laying the basis for a future socialist
merely positive law left over, chiefly, from the ill- republic.
fated, fundamentally unviable Weimar “Repub-

In Lenin's direction of efforts, the future Soviet

lic.” These republican “vectors” in those and other citizen must become a citizen of the republic in
nations are most important, and are to be re- the full sense, as we have identified the significance
spected and nourished by those nations’ citizens, of such citizenship above.fThe socialist form of
and also to be fostered in each nation with such property relations in the basic means of production
forms of external encouragement as do not in- was intended to establish the objective basis for
fringe on the sovereignty of republics. eliminating alienation in respect to the productive
Yet, only a minority of the electorate of the forces of society, and in that way to enable a
United States or Western continental Europe to- degree and extent of republican citizenship not
day are morally qualified as citizens of a republic. feasible in republics based on capitalist forms of
Only relative handfuls accept the moral responsi- ownership of basic means of production. Marx’s
bilities of the republican citizen to care for the best analysis of “alienation” is key to that socialist
interests of the nation as a whole. The infantile conception.
disease of “democracy” is rampant. Related prob- We cannot judge from the outside to what extent
lems are manifest in the Soviet Union; proof of such republican political-philosophical outlooks
I 58 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980.9? Bonn cl’: Moscow's Miscalculations 159

exist within the Soviet electorate. We have evidence rent which authored “Rapallo,” which you must
of at least an approximation of such development, choose—if you are sensible. You choose a current
and estimate that this development of citizens is from within sovereign republics not by subversive
significant statistically. We also know that this practices of the sort associated with British secret
quality of citizenship is not reflected as a prepon- intelligence. You choose by correctly defining the
derant outlook within the combination of ruling mutual best interests of the treaty partners, to
currents of the Soviet party and state. The tolera- provide one’s treaty partner with the kind of
tion of and incidence of a certain infection with benefits to itself as a nation which coincide with
British-created “rock counterculture” is typical of the policy-shaping impulses of the best currents
one sort of evidence. The Soviet press, reflecting within that nation. I
the pathologies intrinsic to the world outlook of For myself, I choose the Leninist sort of repub-
two of the three discernible leading political-phil- lican current within the Soviet Union as my pre-
osophical currents within the ruling combination, ferred opposite number for treaty negotiations and
is the aspect of the evidence on which we base the enduring state-to-state relations. Conversely, I
analysis in progress here. shudder to think of the probable consequences of

At this point, let me figuratively, seize the ears a neo-Bukharinist hegemony within the Soviet
of numerous public figures in the “West.” “Rid leadership combination. Those statesmen and
yourselves of your foolish cant and mythologies other influential policy shapers who do not think
concerning the Soviet Union. Cease the infantile, of relationships to the Soviet Union in such terms
latrine-wall scribblers’ practice of placing inverted are foolish persons.
goose-feet around the name ‘DDR.’ If you are With certain inescapable exceptions, I do not
going to pursue any course of policy toward the point the finger atthis or that individual public
Soviet Union but that of either immediate or figure within the Soviet Union, to say that that
merely postponed warfare, you must learn to ad- person is either purely evil or a paragon of the
duce from Soviet life those currents which will best Soviet form of virtuousness. I focus only on those
serve as discussion and treaty partners for the conclusions which are adequately and conclusively
establishment of relationships of enduring mutual demonstrated by the Soviet press and related kinds
value.” S of externally available evidence.
p It is the third current within the Soviet Union, The chief formal problem manifest in the Soviet
properly defined as the Leninist current, the cur- press and in related aspects of Soviet policy mak-
160 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculatioas I61

ing and practice is the hegemonic influence of knowledge to be judged as the work of a scientist-
forms of gross miseducation in modern European who contributed from within a setting of serious
history, which are more or less axiomatic to “of- errors of knowledge, as all scientists do--Marx is
ficial Marxist-Leninist” teaching. degraded to a “prophet of revealed truth.” Instead
of comprehending Lenin as the most astonishing
mixture of intellect and will of his time—what
The Imperialism Mythology Clausewitz attempts to comprehend as Entschlos-
The determined result of this most conspicuous in sertheit—Lenin is degraded into another mere
Soviet policy thinking concerning the capitalist “prophet.” The worst errors of these two figures
sector is a doctrine of “imperialism” to which have are placed in the same rank as their actual accom-
been sub-affixed the special doctrines of “inter- plishments.
imperialist rivalries” and, more recently, the fool- Consider the case of Lenin’s Imperialism. From
ish doctrine which identifies the most ferociously an academic standpoint, Lenin’s book is a specious
war-oriented Anglo-American circles as the rela- work, a critical evaluation of the preceding publi-
tively peace-loving “realists.” cations of two miserable frauds, Rudolf Hilferding

The immediate, formal premise for the doctrine and the British Hobson. If Lenin had been a
of “imperialism” is principally the small book of modern electronic computer, the result would have
that title written during the course of World War I been simply “garbage in, garbage out.” Lenin was
by V.I. Lenin himself. This doctrine was extended not a mere computing device. Something much
into Soviet policy-making practice during the first better than garbage came out—although the useful
four congresses of the Communist International, result was also burdened with many undigested
in the form of the doctrine of “the epoch of bits of the garbage taken from Hilferding and
imperialist decay.” 1' Hobson. A
Related to this phenomenon is the tendency Prior to the work of Rosa Luxemburg and other
within leading Soviet circles, especially party-1de- turn-of-the-century figures, the socialist move-
ological circles, to resort to sophistic modes of ment’s professedly Marxian currents have almost
factional contention in which Karl Marx and V. I. no comprehension of the role and secondary effects
Lenin are apotheosized as infallible “prophets,” as of City of London-centered finance. This was in
exponents of “revealed truth.” Instead of compre- part a reflection of Marx’s own inadequacies, and
hending Karl Marx’s contributions to scientific also of the miserably fragmentary condition of the
l62 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 163

sections of Capital III treating monetary processes With the emergence of German industrial ex-
as well as the late appearance of that volume in ports to world importance during the late nine-
publication. teenth century, and the developing of a German
Under, most importantly, the anglophile influ- banking interest associated with those exports, the
ence of Friedrich Engels, Marx during the mid- c.onfl1ct1ng tendencies so introduced to interna-
1840s had ridiculed those German figures who t1onal_ finance obliged even stubborn professedly
pointed to the importance of Rothschild’s influ- Marx1an socialists to recognize the predominance
ence, power, and role, and had written an incom- of finance. For various reasons, including the
petent diatribe against Friedrich List. In conjunc- 1nfluence of Hilferding and Hobson’s specious
tion with these errors, Marx had adopted the productions, instead of correcting the error of
incompetent assumption that Britain was the overlooking the predominance of finance during
model of reference for relatively matured industrial the eighteenth and the nineteenth century—and
capitalist development, and that Adam Smith and even much earlier—the socialists, including Lenin,
David Ricardo represented the relatively most tended to the rationalization of defining finance
advanced, most approximately scientific political- capital as a new quality of development emerging

economic thinkers. from mature development of industrial capitalism.

This same flaw in Marx’s knowledge and anal- Notable among Lenin’s errors to this effect is
ysis showed conspicuously in Marx’s incompetent his blunder in attributing imperialism and impe-
views on American history, and in related features rialist relations to the export of industrial capital
of his differences with and criticisms of Henry C. to the colonial and semicolonial countries. On this
Carey. matter Rosa Luxemburg was close to the truth in
It was only after Marx’s death that Engels her Accumulation of Capital and her wartime reply
reported his own then recently developed judgment to her critics, whereas Lenin’s understanding of
that both he and Marx had erred in an important the bare facts of imperialist economic relations to
way in viewing Britain as a political-economic the colonies and semicolonies was factually absurd.
model of industrial-capitalist development. At that Lenln failed to grasp the distinction between the
late point, in that observation, Engels went a long export of means of production and export of
way toward conceding that Henry C. Carey and financial indebtedness.
List had been correct in their characterization of The facts are clear. Lenin’s political-economic
the British problem. treatment of imperialism was factually and scien-
I64 Will the Soviets Rule During the I 980s? Bonn ti Moscow's Miscalculations I65

tifically absurd. Yet, Soviet ideology plods on, velopment or conducting an industrial develop-
seeking to explain contemporary policy issues re- ment without the capitalists.
specting the capitalist sector in terms agreeable to Prior to the war, Lenin had assumed that the
Lenin’s Imperialism and the subsequent doctrine Russian capitalist would seek the industrial-capi-
of the “epoch of imperialist decay.” talist, republican form of the development of Rus-
That is not the end of the matter. Although sia. For this reason, Lenin chose then the first
Lenin’s facts were speciously arranged and his alternative, the building of an independent politi-
political-economic analysis essentially wrong, the cal labor movement for ensuring industrial-
political conclusion he adduced from this study capitalist republican forms. For that reason, Lenin
respecting Russia was approximately and signifi- was considered in factional alignment with the
cantly correct. “theory of stages” faction against the Parvus-Trot-
This is the special difficulty of appraising the sky doctrine of “permanent revolution.”
work of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin-—the difficulty The perception, associated with his work around
of appraising the work of significant scientific Imperialism, that the Russian capitalists were
thinkers. From amid wrongly assumed facts and “compradores” of foreign financial interests,‘ in-
terests dedicated to the perpetuation of the relative

defective analysis, there emerges repeatedly a con-

ception of exceptional potency. The scientist al- backwardness of Russia’s semifeudal countryside,
ways works within circumscribed conditions of inclined Lenin to the judgment that the alternate
knowledge and practice. What distinguishes the tactic—industrial development without the Rus-
notable scientific thinker is the fact that he or she sian capitalists—was strategically indicated.
breaks out of such circumscription, but seldom This shift in choice of tactics did not bring Lenin
altogether supersedes the false knowledge saturat- over to the “permanent revolution” doctrine of
ing the point of departure. Trotsky. Lenin’s “Rapallo” initiative is properly
The correct, and significant feature of Lenin’s viewed as directly echoing Two Tactics.
Imperialism is those aspects of the study which The points just stressed are by no means exotic
bear directly on the shaping of Lenin’s 1917 “April features of past social-democratic and Soviet his-
Theses.” Lenin had, prior to the war, adopted the tory. They must be understood today if one is to
policy of Two Tactics: build an independent polit- assess competently the durability of the kinds of
ical labor movement for the alternate tasks of agreements reached at the May 1978 Schmidt-
either catalyzing a Russian industrial-capitalist de- Brezhnev “summit,” or in related negotiations
166 Will the Soviets Rule During the I 980s? Bonn & Moscow’s Miscalculations I67

between Moscow and Paris. If fundamental Soviet the capitalist powers. In that case, the world is in
interests are to be assessed from the standpoint of deep trouble, since the dominant forces in Moscow
Lenin’s Two Tactics, then London and Henry A. view the capitalist-socialist conflict as irrepressible
Kissingefs use of the term “Finlandization” for on principle.
the implications of the May 1978 Schmidt- The alternative, flawed Soviet view of the matter
Brezhnev summit is utterly fraudulent on all would proceed from a narrower view of the self-
counts. Whereas, if the Trotskyist doctrine of interests of the Soviet state as a state (perhaps
“permanent revolution” properly characterizes So- extending this to the Comecon as a whole). In this
viet self-interest, Kissinger is still wrong, but only case, the ruling view in Moscow would tend to be
in the matter of time scale. that detente can be indefinitely perpetuated be-
Is a durable entente relationship possible be- tween the Soviet Union and industrial-capitalist
tween Western and Eastern continental Europe? Is states through “Rapallo”-like economic coopera-
President dc Gaulle’s “Europe from the Atlantic tion. In this second view, the irrepressible conflict
to the Urals” a sound strategic proposition‘? between capitalism and socialism persists, but not
Whether these are possibilities from the Western as an international conflict between capitalist and

capitalist European side is to be determined by socialist states.

examining the same propositions in terms of fun- The kind of difficulty which flows from ithis,
damental Soviet self interests. Also, we must con- second view of the matter is that the Soviet leader-
sider not only the actual, underlying, “objective” ship will not entangle itself in the promotion of a
self interests of the Soviet Union, but also the new monetary system for the capitalist sector. That
degree to which the Soviet leadership has or is is, the Soviet Union will not add its economic
developing an efficient consciousness of such fun- might to the effect of tipping the balance in favor
damental self-interests. of the “EMS Phase II” forces at the expense of
If the subjective perception of Lenin’s “Rapallo” the Anglo-American facton’s “International Mon-
initiative is determined by neo-Bukharinite or neo- etary Fund conditionalities.”
Trotskyist currents within the Soviet leadership, In this variant, Soviet failure to strengthen the
the Soviet perception must be that such agreements cause of high-technology development of the de-
are not intended to be extended into the indefinite veloping nations means the probable crushing of
future, but are merely a medium-term war- Giscard and Schmidt’s EMS and related initiatives
avoidance measure pending the internal collapse of by the Anglo-American forces. That consequence
163 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s?
Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations 169

means inevitable thermonuclear war. Hence, the is both Soviet dedication to extended reproduction
indicated, second Soviet view is a fatal strategic (scientific and technological policies of economic
miscalculation. growth), and a connected demand for high-tech-
It is for reasons related to the second view that nology economic growth from among developing
leading figures of the East bloc have regarded the nations.
conflict between the EMS and the Anglo-Ameri- This policy is not new. It was the policy of
cans as merely an expression of “trade war,” a Milner’s group, which saw the Hanotaux-Witte
form of interimperialist rivalries. Granted, this convergence as the fundamental adversary of the
foolish opinion among some East bloc leading British oligarchical and City of London interests.
circles is supported by the London and New York Russia has been devastated in two world wars
press, as well as by anglophile influences within during this century to date as a result of that
the EMS-associated nations. The opinion of the British geopolitical doctrine—the British have
Carter administration and Connally protégé Rob- twice sent Germany against Russia for this pur-
ert Strauss happens to be far worse than merely pose, and yet Moscow apparently refuses to learn
absurd. However, since these absurdities coincide the bloody lesson of two such wars. It refuses to
with the “imperialist” doctrine of “official Marx-

face the demonstrated fact of two “geopolitical”

ist-Leninist” teachings, certain credulous East bloc world wars, and the imminence of a third such,
circles adopt London and the Carter administra- that the fundamental division in the world is between
tion’s lying propaganda as “fact.” the allies of Adam Smith, on the one side, and of
Hamilton and List on the other.
The Elementary Fraud in This was reflected in Soviet publications in direct
Marxist-Leninist Historiography reaction against the U.S. Labor Party’s publication
of the 1977 volume, The Political Economy of the
The CFR asserts, correctly, that the fundamental American Revolution. The anglophile neo-
strategic conflict of the present crisis is between Bukharinites in the Soviet Union--the friends of
the followers of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, Imemo and Georgii Arbatov—trotted out a fresh
on the one side, and the heirs of Hamilton and List libel piece against the hundred-years-deceased
on the other side. The CFR locates as a potential Henry C. Carey. East bloc treatments perform
ally of the Hamilton-List current the “Marxists.” analogous contortions on the subject of Friedrich
CFR makes clear that what it means by “Marxist” List. They damn List with faint praise—as a
I 70 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I71

healthy tendency among poor, backward Germans prominent among those German cities which sup-
of the 1830s and 1840s, and then deride his com- ported the reading societies, the broader organi-
petence in comparison to such “more advanced” zational framework for the pro-American, repub-
“scientific,” British apologists as Adam Smith and lican factionin Germany. Wyttenbach had risen
David Ricardo. to local prominence in Trier during the 1790s as
Such literary antics are not scholarship, but among the leading scholarly exponents of the ideas
sheer, obsessive hysteria. The ideological motive of Benjamin Franklin. Friedrich Schiller, Wolf-
for such nonsense-production is powerful. gang Mozart and his father Leopold, and Ludwig
As this writer has shown, Karl Marx’s contri- van Beethoven, as well as Herder and Forster,
butions to political economic knowledge are of the were representatives of this same current in Ger-
utmost significance on two conditions. First, that man culture.
Marx’s method be adduced as that expression of During Marx’s childhood, the republican net-
Neoplatonism reflected in the “Theses on Feuer- workspof Europe were assembled around the re-
bach” and the “Feuerbach” section of The German mains of the transatlantic Society of Cincinnatus.
Ideology. Wherever Marx departs from that This latter organization was formed in 1783 as a
method, he has violated his own method. Second,

military-intelligence form of continuation of the

that the pervasive, included error of Capital be conspiratorial networks around Benjamin Frank-
attacked from the vantage point of the fallacies lin. Its transatlantic leaders had been George
underlined by the concluding chapter of Capital Washington (U.S.A.), the Marquis de Lafayette
II. If that latter correction is made, as this writer (France), and Baronvon Steuben (Germany). Dur-
effected that correction, then Marx’s corrected ing the 1820s and until his death in 1834, Lafayette
political-economic thought fits entirely within the was the principal transatlantic leader of the con-
current of Colbert, Hamilton, the Careys, and tinuing republican conspiracy. John Quincy
List. .- Adams, Mathew Carey, and his son Henry C.
This result is not properly astonishing. (Marx Carey, were among Lafayette’s closest American
was a product of republican circles of Trier, a collaborators. Through Lafayette, Friedrich List
connection underlined by the essay Marx com- entered into collaboration with the Careys and
posed under the direction of his gymnasium direc- others, active for a period in the Philadelphia-
tor, Johan Hugo Wyttenbach. During the last Reading area in the U.S.A. Heinrich Heine was
quarter of the eighteenth century, Trier had been part of the same circles.
i 7"! W:.'i the Soz-rots Rule the .' 939s? F Bonn & Moscoufs Miscalculations I75

erally. Lenin was a Neoplatonic voluntarist, not a of these points is indicated by contemplating what
slave of the “objective movement of history.” the net outcome of the socialist movement would
Lenin’s post- 1917 Menshevik adversaries have cla- have been without these two figures. Without
mored loud and long against the “unlawfulness” Marx and Lenin (putting aside for a moment the
of Lenin’s Chernyshevskyian voluntarism—for- Luxemburg matter), the socialist movement would
mally, those Menshevik critics have identified the have been nothing but hideous, evil rubbish. Marx
crucial point to be considered. and Lenin lifted socialism out of the gutter of
Lenin was no plodding, Aristotelean doctrinaire, Benthamism, Proudhonism, and neo-Jacobin ter-
no pettifogging academician filling up the cracks rorism.
in some moss-covered literary-“theoretical” edi- The way to view the problem of the “official
fice. It was characteristic of Lenin to make what Marxist-Leninist” ideologues is to recognize that
appeared to others to be “I80-degree turns” in their argument is that Marx and Lenin typify the
posture, in the manner of a scientist correcting an best products of the socialist movement, as there-
error. Like Marx, Lenin was often wrong, but he fore exemplars of the inherent virtues of the so-
committed very few errors in political practice. cialist movement. This is directly opposite to the

Before a wrong belief reached the point of becom- truth, as we have just indicated. Marx lifted so-
ing a significant error of political practice, Lenin cialism out of a fascistlike gutter.
usually abandoned the belief. This is not to argue that Marx’s definition of
In the case of Lenin, the effort to develop an socialism was essentially a pact with the dionysian
Aristotelean-logical construct to the effect of gutter. Marx rejected existing “socialism,” coun-
showing Lenin to be a “prophet” of “revealed terposing to the Jacobin rabble of Proudhon et al.
truth” is even more obviously unworkable than a the transformation of the laboring class into a
similar sort of effort of interpretation of Marx. political class-for-itself, a republican citizenry. The
Wholly silly is the effort to make both “prophets,” function of this republican citizenry was to assume
treating Lenin as playing “Elisha” to Marx’s responsibility for the principal requirement of hu-
“Elijah.” man existence, scientific and technological prog-
In Lenin’s case, as in Marx’s, the essential fact ress as realized through extended reproduction.
to be adduced is the directed character of the self- Marx’s approach to this matter of political or-
development of creative-mental powers. ganization of the laboring class is to be directly
The deeper historical and practical significance compared with the “harmony” tactic of Henry C.
I76 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations l 77

Carey and Friedrich List. Carey proposed that th¢ harmony with the republican policiesof the inde-
three viable classes of society, the industrial capi- pendent labor movement, the capitalist property
talists, the progressive farmers, and the skilled and form makes the capitalists individually subject to
semiskilled working men, had a common funda- corruption, and impelled toward most unharmon-
mental self-interest, in opposition to the British ious conduct toward their proper allies of the labor
and feudalists, in promoting high-technology ex- movement. The political labor movement must be
tended reproduction. Carey was correct thus far, organized as an independent political force—a
but his view was inadequately developed. Marx’s republican force--which, among its other inde-
analysis of the potentialities of the political class- pendent functions, keeps its capitalist political
for-itself corrects that inadequacy. Lenin’s Two allies from straying into heteronomic obscenities.
Tactics dovetails with the same conceptions. Granted, that harmonious alliance has been the
The issue, which places Carey, List, Marx, and exception in British-dominated history over these
Lenin on the same side against Adam Smith, past two centuries. Lincoln’s faction of the Repub-
Ricardo, and today’s Maoists is the fundamental, lican Party is one notable such exception. De
unbridgable division between the democratic re- Gaulle’s policy toward the French labor movement

publican and the democrat. In Marx‘s---correct—- tends to represent such an exception. The de facto
view, the day-to-day ferment concerning condi- alliance between the Italian Christian Democracy’s
tions of life among laboring people must be in- Giulio Andreotti and the Italian, Communist
vaded by the republicans to the purpose of work- Party’s Enrico Berlinguer during the course of the
ing from the inside of those ferments to bring into last two governments of Italy is another excep-
being organizations and institutionalized ideas tional case. An important exception is also found
which represented the effective transformation of in Mexico.
the semianarchic, heteronomic mass of laboring This feature of Marx’s social-political contribu-
people into a self-conscious, efficient force of re- tions to knowledge, a feature directly intersecting
publicanism. Lenin’s Two Tactics and “Rapallo” initiative, is
Marx was conditionally correct in arguing the among the most valuable additions to republican
need for the political independence of the labor knowledge of the past two centuries. The two
movement from the industrial capitalists. Al- alternative forms of viable republic possible for
though the industrial-capitalist class, if self- industrialized nations today, the socialist or indus-
organized as a class, represents a force for good in trial-capitalist republic, each depend for stability
I78 Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I 79

and viability upon the development of a republican much-diluted influence of Marx--—as in the case of
form of independent political labor party. the old German social democracy—tended to serve
The problem of the republic has been best the intended purpose. Lenin’s creation of the Bol-
recognized, beginning with Plato’s writings, as shevik state out of the chaotic tumult of a British-
that of developing a mass base of citizenry, suffi- and German-intelligence services’ triggered 1917
ciently developed morally and sufficiently strong Parvusite “destabilization” of Czarist Russia saved
numerically to crush those endemic insurgencies the world from an otherwise inevitable, British-
which threaten the republic. The foes are, on the directed descent of humanity into a “new dark
one side, the parasitical oligarchs as represented age” as early as the 1920s and 1930s.
by feudal-minded landed oligarchs or the finan- It must be understood that the intent of the
cier-oligarchy of usury. On the other flank, the foe British in plotting the Parvus-model 1917 “desta-
is the endemically dionysian “democratic” rabble. bilization” of Czarist Russia was precisely analo-
Therefore, Marx’s solution, the organization of gous to the British-Israeli directed Khomeini op-
the skilled and semiskilled working people as an eration in Iran. The resemblances between 1917
independent political force of republicanism, rep- Russia and 1978 Iran are astonishingly exact, with

resents an indispensable solution to this age-old one key difference. In 1978 Iran there was no
problem. equivalent for a Lenin. V
By intervening into the “radical ferment” The case of today's Peking regime, or of the
among the so-called proletarians of the nineteenth hideous genocide which Peking’s Pol Pot client-
century, to develop and implant an influential regime enacted in Kampuchea are not exceptions
republican-socialist alternative to “democratic so- to the character of socialist movements if one
cialism,” Marx established the practice—which he employs the term, “socialist,” in the sense of the
termed “scientific socialism“—through which so- kinds of socialist and other radical movements
cialism was saved, in large part, from the fascist- which flourished in Palmerston’s Europe of the
like gutter-life of a “democratic,” neo-Jacobin 1830s and 1840s. Mussolini’s Black Shirts and the
rabble. Nazi SA are the direct heirs of Jacobinism. So is
Since this practice corresponded to the lawful the present-day Communist Party of the U.S.A.,
sociology of skilled and semiskilled working peo- or of Mexico, as well as the British intelligence-
ple, their susceptibility to a republican policy of controlled Trotskyist organizations, the Maoists,
scientific and technological progress, even the and the “left rock-drug countercultural” obsceni-
130 Will the Soviets Rule During the I980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I81

ties gathered as the hard core of the so-called Soviet and kindred writers, at their best, ignore
environmentalist movement. or reject both of the crucial points we have made
It should be noted that at the point, beginning concerning the positive contributions of Marx and
about 1969, that some communist parties in the Lenin. First, they reject the truth concerning the
capitalist sector began edging into support of gutter. They are soft-headed on the subject of “the
“environmentalism” and Club of Rome doctrines, left,” and defend that soft-headedness with
some observers were shocked by this departure nonsense-historiography in the vein of Franz
from what they regarded as a traditional commit- Mehring. Second, they refuse to tolerate the evi-
ment of socialist organizations to technological dence that all the positive aspects of Marx’s work
progress and the unchecked production of needed and influence are a subordinate feature of the
abundance. From Karl Marx onward, the “tradi- development of the Neoplatonic republican cur-
tional” socialist argument for socialist transfor- rent in general.
mations in capitalist states had been that the They cling to their foolish self-conceits even at
capitalists were accused either of aborting tech- the point Russia is faced, for a third time in this
nological progress, or threatening to do so. century, with a near, yet more devastating world

I If we look at the matter more deeply, taking war by a British-orchestrated force—a force which
into account the radicals of the 1830s and 1840s, announces, yet once more, its determination to
the Proudhonists, the Bakuninists, and other com- destroy Russia because of Russia’s key secondary
monly identified anti-Marxian “socialist currents,” role in aid of the Neoplatonist-republican policy.
we are obliged to note that only the Marxian
intrusion into the socialist ferment ever espoused “Marxian Economics”
such republican principles as an absolute impera-
tive for scientific and technological progress. There The cited ideological disorientations, the Soviet
is no exaggeration in saying that Marx, Lenin, et catechism concerning “imperialism,” and the fail-
al. lifted socialism out of a fascist-flavored diony- ure to situate their national purpose within the
sian gutter. Whenever the socialist organizations Neoplatonic-republican cause, intersect the prin-
reject the republican principle of the political class- cipal political error of Karl Marx. This brings us
for-itself, or repudiate the absolute imperative of to the crucial issue already underlined earlier: the
scientific and technological progress, back into the only cflective course of war avoidance is the imme-
fascists’ gutter those socialist organizations de- diate implementation of this writer’s International
scend. Development Bank proposal. As a practical matter,
I 82 Will the Soviets Rule During the I930s.i’ I-)J"\-'! "1' .-I-""- -I""|I"-'l'l'1' l""l' "'i-i""i'I-I"'\ ll "'I?I"l|-I'll-l""l' 1
jJU'tIrt Ll .liluSt..t.rn- J .trnt5LulLlȢiLi-i:ttut'tJ 1F|g__.i

the only means for accomplishing that, at this late for industrial-capitalist development from the Brit-
stage of the war crisis, is to accelerate the “Phase ish model involves a mixing of two directly antag-
ll” development of the European Monetary Sys- onistic processes—one capitalist, the other “feu-
tem into a replacement for the International Mon- dal”—under the homogeneous heading of
etary Fund and World Bank. Unless that is done, capitalism.
thermonuclear war is inevitable during the medium There are significant auxiliary problems arising
term, and will probably erupt, through a combination from Marx’s credulous regard for Smith and Ri-
of mtscalculation, during the near term. Yet, “offi- cardo. First, Smith is an outrageous liar, and
cial Marxist-Leninist” doctrine prohibits an effi- otherwise merely an eclectic plagiarist-—in no sense
cient form of such policy by Moscow. an original investigator or otherwise a credible
Formally, the root of Soviet refusal so far to source of information. Marx also errs in attempt-
take an effective war-avoidance policy is the gen- ing to defend David Ricardo against Thomas
eral fallacy of Marx’s Capital. Malthus’s appreciations of Ricardo-—the two were
Marx, proceeding from the delusion that early closely associated, and allies working to rationalize
nineteenth century Britain was the model-of-ref- the same hideous, early nineteenth-century British

erence for industrial-capitalist development, built policy of zero-growth austerity from different
that assumption into his Capital as a de facto starting points. Moreover, in contrast to the
axiom of the entire construction. He compounded political-economic writings of Alexander Hamil-
this blunder by adopting Adam Smith and David ton, or even by comparison with the fifteenth-
Ricardo as the notable successive approximations century knowledge of Plethon or France’s Louis
of scientific reflection on the internal evidence of XI, Ricardo’s conceptions are impoverished. Es-
the British model. sentially, Marx aligns himself with Smith and
Britain was not, and is not an industrial- Ricardo against their adversaries, including Carey
capitalist society. From the accession of James I and List. On these counts, Marx’s work is infected
in 1603, until the overdue beheading of Charles I, with incompetence;
and from the 1660 Stuart Restoration, industrial- Marx’s work has two consequent pervasive er-
capitalist development has occurred within a Brit- rors. First, Marx fails to comprehend the financial-
ish economy ruled by what Karl Marx would have monetary side of the problem—although with in-
otherwise tended to define as “feudal” classes and teresting results. Second, by accepting the zero-
class interests. Therefore, the effort to adduce laws growth impulse in the British case, he violates his
I 84 Will the Soviets Rule During the 19805? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I85

own method by failing to locate the effects of diated through commodity exchange between the
technological progress within the primary deter- industrialized and colonial sectors. Luxemburg,
mination of economic value. comparatively speaking, has no difficulty in trac-
What Marx does, in respect to the monetary mg out the methods of sheer political jobbery and
side of the British problem, is to develop his case thievery involved. Lenin proceeds as if obliged to
for “internal contradictions” as summarized in show that “imperialism” must flow lawfully from
Capital III. He demonstrates that for the British industrial-capitalist development. Lenin does not
model of economy the accumulation of capital think to compare the effects of Hamilton and
directly opposes the continued development of the Carey’s policies in America, List’s in Germany, or
economy’s productive forces. For the British Hamilton, Carey, and List’s in Japan, with the
model, this is precisely the case---whereas for an results in those colonial and semicolonial nations
economy based on the financing doctrines of Ham- which are politically subjected to the “free trade”
ilton, the Careys and List, this is not the case. policies of Smith’s Wealth of Notions and Ri-
This same problem is reflected in the “off-again- cardo’s Principles.
on-again” treatment of productive versus non- For related reasons, “official Marxist-Leninist”

productive categories in Capital--including, for doctrine specifies that the export of means of
this purpose, Theories of Surplus Value. This self- production from industrialized capitalist to devel-
contradictory feature of Capital arises chiefly be- oping nations has the form and content of impe-
cause Marx regards himself as obliged to reconcile rialist relations between the industrialized capital-
his theory with the empirics of the British case. ist and developing nations involved. Similarly, the
That is, Marx capitulates to the blunder of post EMS “Phase II” would be defined as the attempts
hoc ergo propter hoc wherever he is confronted of France and Germany to construct a competing
with the alternative of defining the British econ- “imperialism” to the Anglo-American, IMF-
omy as a case of mixed capitalist and “feudalist- centered imperialism.
usurer” forms. For related reasons, the Soviets would tend to
The same sort of error is the root of the incom- see no inconsistency between their estimate of
petence included as economic analysis in Lenin’s Willy Brandt’s former role in Ostpolitik detente
Imperialism. Lenin succumbs to the error of imag- policies and Brandt’s endorsement of the genocidal
ining that the transfer of debt from London to policies of the World Bank today. “Official Marx-
colonial and semicolonial economies must be me- ist-Leninist” doctrine prohibits the recognition of
_l. !I_ _
. _-|
I .|.



Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I87

!-Q6 Wiil the Soviets Rule i)uring the i 989s?

is “parliamentary cretinism." By exception, and in

a form of capitalist development which is histori-
face of evidence of impending catastrophe, both
cally progressive as a present-dayicapttaltst fqrm in
capitals“ best leading figures rise momentarily
opposition to the fascist implications of the real- above petty concerns with cabinet politics and the
ists” of London and Manhattan. The Soviets, to next election campaign. Without such pressures of
that indicated extent, are unable to make any visible, imminent crisis, “parliamentary cretinism”
consistent sense of the principal economic and mon-
and its diplomatic equivalent reigns.
etary issues within the ranks of the industrialized-
We criticize Bonn and Paris on this account, not
capitalist nations, and therefore tend to judge mat-
because their performance is exceptionally poor,
ters in that quarter chiefly according to non-
but because it is so exceptionally good. Giscard
economic criteria. r
and Schmidt are unquestionably concerned to
For that reason, the Soviet leadership has so far prevent war, and to foster the high-technology
been unable to understand the nature or primary
development of Third World nations. A combi-
source of the growing threat of thermonu- nation of diplomatic considerations and internal
clear war. Ostensibly, in effect they would prefer parliamentary difficulties has so far prevented
to have thermomuclear World War III, rather than

them from effecting a consistent and adequate

accept strategic facts which might substantially approach to implementing even the excellent mea-
offend the prevailing mythologies of “official sures which the Giscard and Schmidt governments
Marxist-Leninist” doctrines. have proposed.
Giscard and Schmidt have three problems: the
Paris and Bonn United States, the Soviet Union, and Britain. Brit-
ain is a problem chiefly because the U.S. Carter
Much of what we have said concerning Soviet administration and CFR are the “American dog
problems of perception and policy applies in some on a British leash”—-otherwise the outcry of “Per-
fashion to the cases of Paris and Bonn. Although
fide Albion!” might joyously resound throughout
neither Paris or Bonn is specifically enslaved to the
France and spill over into the Federal Republic.
propitiation of “official Marxist-Leninist” doc-
On the United States, Giscard and Schmidt have
trine, both capitals do block monstrously on the
dug in their heels in resistance to some of the
issue of the British-versus-American model of
worst nonsense emanating from Washington and
Henry Kissinger; they have, unfortunately, refused
The foremost problem in both of these capitals

I88 Will the Soviets Rule During the I 980s? Bonn & Moscow's Miscalculations I89

to do what was essential—take the course of open the British-Israeli plot from succeeding or to pen-
political offensive against the lunatic energy, eco- alize the British and Israelies cruelly should the
nomic, and monetary policies of the Carter admini- plot be carried through.
stration. By failing to deal openly with the At this moment, I see hopeful developments in
problems of Britain and the United States, Paris France, but am concerned by the tendency for the
and Bonn cater to confusion in the Third World situation in the Federal Republic to deteriorate
and contribute to confusion and blunders on the There are hopeful signs from Italy—where anti-
part of Moscow. terrorist arrests have come close on the heels not
The case of the destabilization in Iran is exem- only of British and Israeli intelligence, but also
plary of the point. Every political-intelligence elements of both the black nobility and the So-
agency had the means to know that Ayatollah cialist Party. On balance, it is not sufficient. I
Khomeini was a tool of British SIS, whose cause suspect, increasingly, that most of the world’s
was being directly aided by Israeli intelligence. I
installed leaders have, at best, failed to develop the
Paris and Bonn had access to the knowledge that political qualifications to enable their nations to
the immediate object of the Iranian destabilization survive.

was to wreck the EMS and weaken the economies The implied demands I have addressed to var-
of France, West Germany, and Japan. It was also ious currents of power and influence are perhaps
known that British Petroleum and Royal Dutch seen as insolent demands, demands too great to
Shell were key elements of this operation, and 4..
be honored by those to whom they are addressed.
were using the Iran crisis to rig an artificial petro- Unfortunately, these are nothing more than a
leum crisis through their own and other multina- demand for those actions required to prevent ther-
tionals’ means to rig the market. monuclear war.
The elementary political procedure for such a I do not know whether the estimates of the
case is for the head of government in such nations effects of radioactive caesium after a (nuclear war
as France and Germany to take report of such are entirely correct. I have such information from
facts directly to the general electorate of their own credible professional sources, so I must pursue
nations, and thus to use these facts to arouse the further investigation of the matter accordingly.
political will of a majority of their own peoples Yet, even could I discount that specific threat to
for whatever actions are needed either to prevent all higher-order animal life on this planet, more
I 90 Will the Soviets Rule During the I 980s?
than three-quarters of the human race would die
from the direct effects or economic by-product
°ff°°t$ of 3 W31‘-F _ Abelard, Pierre, 121 Brezhnev, Leonid, 17, 120, 121
Is it therefore unreasonable that I propose that Adams, John, ss, 90 123, 124, 131, 165, 166
heads of governments cast off their afflictions of Ada'“$1J°"“ Q"l“°Y* 76* 35* '7' B’°"i"‘““P iamili “ii 33- '47
Adenauer, Konrad, 55, lI5, I21 Bruno, Giordano, 62, 72
parliamentary cretinism and ideological obses- Alcuin, 59, l2l Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 25, 39, I38
sions, to take now those courses of action on Alexander Ill of Russia, 83, 98 I39, I42
which reasonable assurance of human survival Andreotti, Giulio, I77 Buchanan, James, 96
Arbatov, Georgii, I69 Buckley, William F., 47
depends?. Will I be heeded—or, has most of the Aristotle, I06 Bukharin, Nikolai, 9
I Bull, John, 73
human species lost the moral fitness to survive?
Bacon, Francis, 72, 73 Burr, Aaron, 85
I Bacon, Roger, 72

ii Bandaranaike, Sirimavo, I30 Camps, Miriam, I4

Barbarossa, Friedrich, l2I Canning, George, 82
Bardi, House of, 60 Cantor, Georg, I08
I Barings, House of, 46, 92 Carey, Henry, 5, 56, 58, 66, 69, 70
Baruch, Bernard, I0, II, 37, 43, 98, I27, I28, I62, I69, I70

94, 95 I71, I75-I76, I83, I84, I85

Beaverbrook, Lord William, 37 Carey, Mathew, 5, 56, 66, 69, I27
Beethoven, Ludwig van, I71 I28, I70, I7I
Begin, Menachem, 25 Carnot, Lazare, 55, 57, 75, 90
Belmont, August, 87, 96, 98 Carter, James E., 2, I5, I8, 21, 25
Benjamin, Judah, 43, 94, 95, 98 32, 33, 40, 56, 72, I15, I42
Bentham, Jeremy, 4I, 46, 48, 66, I47, I68, I87, I88
93 Cavendish, Henry, 7|
Bergsten, C. Fred, I30, I47 Cecil, William, 72
Berlinguer, Enrico, I77 Chamberlain, Houston, 90
Bernstein, Eduard, 78 Charlemagne, 59
Bessarion, Cardinal, 6|, I21 Charles I of England, 58, I82
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, I30 Chernyshevsky, Nicolai, I73
Bismarck, Otto Von, I44 Chicherin, Georgi, 9
Bloomfield, Louis M., 39 Churchill, Winston, 4, I0, ll, I2,
Blumenthal, W. Michael, I5, 56 35, I00
Borgia, Cesare, 62 Clausewitz, Karl von, 78, l6l
Boyle, Robert, 73 Clayman, Jacob, 43
Brandt, Willy, I85 Cleveland, Harold Van B.-, I4

I 91
ll .t!

I92 ‘= I93

Clifford, William, 71 Gelb, Leslie, I4

I Hobbes, Thomas, 66 Lehman, family of, 37, 94
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 57, 62, 73, Ghazali, al-, I39 J2. Hobson, John A., I61, I63 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von,
74,121, I27, I70 Gilbert, William, 73 I Hoffman, Stanley, I5 54, 62, 63, 64, I06, I21
Connally, John, I43, I68 Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, I7, 25, Hohenstaufen, House of, 59 Lenin, V. I., 9, I57, I60, 161, I63,
Cooke, Jay, 99 97, I20, I21, I23, I24, I31, Hohenzollern, House of, 8 I66, I73, I74, I75, I80, I81,
Cooper, James Fenimore, I04 I67, I87 I
Hooke, Robert, 73 185; Imperialism, I64, I65,
Cooper, Richard N., I5 Glubb Pasha, Sir John Bagot, I38, Hume, David, 41, 66, 89 184; Two Tactics, 157, 164,
Correa, Gamani, 130 I39, I42 Huntington, Samuel P., I5, 25 I65, I66, 176, 177; What Is To
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Graf, 90 Goebbels, Joseph, 28, 72 I. Huxley, Aldous, I35 Be Donei‘, I73
Cromwell, Oliver, 58 Goering, Hermann, 4 .-
Huyghens, Christiaan, 73 Levy, Walter J., I5
Cusa, Nicholas of, 61, I06, 107, Gompert, David C., I4, I8-23; Nu- Lewis, Bernard, I38, I39, I42
I21 clear Weapons and World Pol- Ibn Sina, I06, I07 Lincoln, Abraham, 30, 31, 58, 80,
itics, I8-23 Irving, Washington, I04 86, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, I18,
Dante Alighieri, 59, 61, 65, I01, Grant, Ulysses S., 95, 99, I03 -1.
-, .
Ivan IV of Russia (the Terrible), I77
it "
I? .'I

I06, I08; Cornmedia, IOI, I08 Grozny, Ivan. See Ivan the Terri- 62, 12I List, Friedrich, 5, 55, 56, 69, 79,
de Gaulle, Charles, I2, I3, 39, 55, ble - Ivan III of Russia (the Great), 62 83, 127, I28, 162, I68, I69,
.r {E
121, I56, 166,177 Gwin, Catherine, I4 - I70, I71, I76, I83, I84, I85
Descartes, Rene, 62, 73 Jackson, Andrew, 87, I03 Locke, John, 65, 66, 73
Dewey, John, 48, 66 Haig, Alexander, 40, I35, I43 James, William, 48, 66, I16 Louis XI of France, 62, I83
Diebold, William, Jr., I4 Hamilton, Alexander, 56, 66, 69, i James I of England, I82 Luxemburg, Rosa, I61, I63, I85;

70, 79, 83, 85, 87, 127, I28, ll

. I-
Dreyfus, Alfred, 6 .1 Jefferson, Thomas, 85, 87, 88, 91, Accumulation of Capital, I63
Dudley, family of, 62, 72 I68, I69, I70, I83, I84, I85 103
Hanotaux, Gabriel, -5,T,_‘,___6, I7, 55, .r __i Jenkins, Roy, 17 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 62
1= I.

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 12, 99 57, I21, I69 Johnson, Andrew, 99, I00, I03 Madison, James, 87, 91
Elizabeth II of England, 36, 40 Hanover, House of, 51 Malthus, Thomas, 41, 66, 93
I it
Engels, Friedrich, I62 Hansen, Roger D., I4 Kant, Immanuel, 78, Critique of Mamoun, al-, I39
Esterhazy, Ferdinand Walson, 6 Hapsburg, House of, 30, 42, I39 F it Practical Reason, I54 Marshall, John, 64
Haushofer, Karl, 4 it Kelvin, William Thompson, Lord, Marx, Karl, 68, I57, I60, I61, I64,
I 1'
Heine, Heinrich, 79, 171 HI‘
Falk, Richard A., I5 i '31"
71 I70, I71, I72, I73, I74, I75,
Farabi, al-, I06 Helphand, Alexander. See Parvus, I Kennedy, Edward, I35, I43 I76, I78, I79, I80, I81, I82,
Farer, Tom J., I4 Alexander Helphand j... Kennedy, John F., I2, I3, 39 I83, I84; Capital, 127, I62,
Fisher, Roger, I4 Henri IV of France, 62, l2| Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, I70, I72, I82, 184; German
Forster, Georg, 90, 171 Henry, Joseph, I14 I37, I38, I40, I41, I79, I88 Ideology, The, I70; Paris
Franklin, Benjamin, 30, 58, 63, 83, Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 90, Kirkland, Lane, 43 Manuscript, I72; Theories of
85, I14, I71 I71 Kissinger, Henry A., 39, 40, I29, Surplus Value, I84
Fraser, Douglas, 47 Hesburgh, Theodore M., I4 =-I 'e=ig., .* I30, I38, I42, I47, I66, I87 Maximilian II of Mexico, 83

Fukuda, Takeo, I48 H9551 R999“: 4 Kruger, Paul, 7 Maxwell, James Clerk, I52
Hilferding, Rudolf, 161, I63 Mazarin, Cardinal, 62, 63
Gallatin, Albert, 85, 91 Himmler. Heinrich. 4 Lafayette, Marquis de, 55, 57, 58, Mazzini, Giuseppe, 89
Gandhi, Indira, I30 Hitler, Adolf, 3, 4, I0, I39, I40 63, 75, 86, 90, 92, I71 McClellan, George, 98

I94 19.5

McKinley. William, 7, 40. 80 Peruzzi., House of, 60

Russell, Bertrand, 11, 47, 48, 76, Stuart, House of, 51, 80
McQuade, Lawrence C., 14 Peter 1 of Russia (the Great), 62
77, 98, 135
Mehring, Franz, 181 Petrarch, Francesco, 61
Russell, Lord John, 82, 83, 98 Teng Hsiao-ping, 25
Metternich, Prince Klemens von. Philo Judaeus, 93, 106
Thatcher, Margaret, 17, 132, 136
42, 92, 144 Pierce, Franklin, 96, 103
Pinochet, Augusto, 137 Sad-‘=11. Aflwflf. 25 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 4
Mill, James, 41, 66, 93
Milner, Lord Alfred, 1, 1, 5, 7, 16, Pitt, William the Younger, 41, 46, S¢ha¢ht.Hj=1lmar.4 Trotsky, Leon, 165
93 3611111. family 01. 3 Truman, Harry S., 12, 99, 100
17, 33, 40, 57,76, I69
Plato, 66, 69, 178 5¢1'li11¢f. Ffifidfifih. 171 Tudor, House of, 62, 73, 121
Milton, John, 63 Schleicher, Kurt von, 17
Mondale, Walter, 115 Plekhanov, Georgii, 173
Schlesinger, James R., 25 Ullman, Richard H._, 14
Monroe, James, 76, 85 Plethon (Georgios Gemmisthos),
Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, 120, 132
Montefiore, family of, 37, 42, 93 61, 127, 183
Schlieffen, Count Alfred von, 8 Van Buren, Martin, 87, 103
Montgomery, Bernard, 10 Poe. Edgar Alian, 104
Morgan, family of, 4, 41 Polk, James, 103 Schmidt. Helmut. I7. 25. 97. H5. v61~1¢6, Cyrus R., 14, 40, 55, 56, 57
Pol Pot, 140, 141, 143, 179 120. 121. 123. 124. 131. 165. Vinci, Leonardo da, 62
Morgenthau, Henry, 10, ll 166, 167, 187
Morse, Edward L., 14 Ponto, Jtirgen, 132
Scott, Sir Walter, 89 Wagner, Richard, 90
Morse, Samuel F. B., 90, 92, 96 Popper, Sir Karl, 3
Moss, Robert, 132 Priestley, Joseph, 63 Scott. Winfield. 96 Warburg, family 6r, 4, 11, 41
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 175 Sellgmflflfl. 1311111)’ 01. 94. 97. 99 Washington, George, 54, 63, 85,
Mozart, Leopold, 171 Shelburne, William, Earl of, 46, 90, [7]
Mozart, Wolfgang, 171
57. 93 Webb, Sidney, 5, 16

Murdoch, Rupert, 37 Queen Elizabeth 11 of England. 511ll1lT1flI1. Marsh-H11 D-. 15 Wellington, Arthur, Duke of, 82
Mussolini, Benito, 179 See Elizabeth 11 of England 51<01l'li1<0f1. Eugene B-. 14 Wells, H. G... 5, ll, 16, 47, 76
Smith, Adam, 41, 52, 66, 85, 89, Wills, Fred, 130
Napoleon 111, 83, 144 . 91, I62, 168, 169, 170, 176, Witte, Count Sergei, 5, _6, 9, 17,
Navarre. See Henri IV of France Rashid, Haroun al-, 139
182, 183; Wealth of Nations, 93, ]2|_ 169
Newton, Isaac, 71, 73, 152 Rauh, Joseph, Jr., 43
Ricardo, David, 66, 68, 162, 168, 52. 53. 39. 185 Wittelsbach, family of, 4, 90, 139
Nixon, Richard M., 17, 31, 71
170, 176, 182, 183; Princfpknr, 3"?-W. C- P-. T1?/0 CH/IHFP5. 77 Wyttenbach, Johan Hugo, 170,
Nye, Joseph S., Jr., 14 Sprnoza, Benedict, 93 ]71_ 172
Stalin, Josef, 9, 10
Ohira, Masayoshi, 6, 148 Richelieu, Cardinal, 62
Steuben, Baron Frederick von. 63. Yazdi, Ibrahim, 139
Orleans, Philip, Duke of, 75 Riemann, Bernhard, 68, 69, 108,
Orange, House of, 5 126, 152
Strauss, Robert, 168 Zola, Emile, 6
Owen, David, 17 Robison, John, 84, 88, 89
Rockefeller, family of, 38
Paine, Thomas, 83, 85, 116 Roehm, Ernst, 4
Palmerston, Lord Henry, 82, 83, Roosa, Robert V._, 15
89, 98, 179 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 99, 100
Parvus, Alexander Helphand, 6, 7, Roosevelt, Theodore, 7, 41
" 9, 165, 179 Rosenberg, Alfred, 90
Paul V1, 64; Popuiomm Progressio, Rothschild, family of, 37, 38, 42,
64 93, 94, 95, 144
ii I’
{_ . -5,,

'1 ‘I r 7._
. l '
1- l




I '1
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. was born in Rochester, New 1.


Hampshire and spent the first ten years of his life in what was
then a shoe manufacturing and farming center.
After completing military service in the China-Burma-India r
theater, he left university studies to begin a management
consulting career in 1947. After an interval exploring other
forms of employment, he resumed consulting in 1952, and
continued this throughout the 1950s and 1960s. More recently,
he has headed up an international political intelligence news
service, a service which, among other qualifications, has
gained respect and influence for its competence in combatting
international terrorism.
Since 1974, LaRouche has gained recognition in the highest
political and financial circles throughout the world through
his influence in sponsoring a new, gold-based monetary
system to replace the decaying International Monetary Fund.
Among many of his leading friends and adversaries alike, he
is often described as the “intellectual author” of the new
monetary system emerging around the European Monetary

As a result of LaRouche’s breakthrough in economic
science, he has become a leading figure in promoting a revival
of the “American System” of political economy, the political
economy earlier associated with Alexander Hamilton, Henry
C. Carey, and Friedrich List. This breakthrough was achieved
through bringing in Riemannian physics to provide solutions
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for previously unsolved problems of “mathematical econom- --1


ics.” Successful applications of Riemannian physics to eco- I-hnl_,r;n' i,.u- ,_u*1|pru*'"~ *

nomics have become the connecting link in his collaboration

with numbers of leading plasma physicists in promoting
solutions to present-day energy problems.

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r by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr





The New Benjamin Franklin House

Publishing Company
New York
172 W17! the Soviets Rule During the 19805? Bonn & Moscowlr Misealculations 173

Marx’s development as a young man was con- various opinions on specific topics, the result is a
tradictory. Most fundamentally, he was bent to- Marx represented as a mixture of brilliant insights
ward the Neoplatonic method. This shows prom- and miserable-to-misguided specific opinions.
inently in the cited 1845 writings and also shows A similar problem is represented by the case of
in the conception of Freedom and Necessity de- V. I. Lenin.
veloped in the fragmentary, concluding Section 7 A nonsensical case is sometimes developed, at-
of Capital III. This also shows in Marx’s attack tempting to trace the political development of
on atheism in his 1844 Paris Manuscript. The Lenin from the anarchist views of his older
young Marx reflected in the 1835 gymnasium essay brother. The internal evidence of Lenin’s work and
written for Wyttenbach’s class persists as the es- development refutes such a construction. The in-
sential Karl Marx throughout his life’s work. tellectual influence which bears most directly on
However, Marx"s break with both List and Heine the inner Lenin is Chernyshevsky. The implications
typifies the way in which he was disoriented by of the borrowed title for Lenin’s own What Is To
the neo-Jacobin-leaning, Palmerston-controlled Be Done? are what Lenin’s choice of that borrowed
European radicals of his young manhood. title portend—and not the sophistries usually prof-
Within the setting of the radicalism of his time,
fered by the “left” and “Sovietologist” commen-

Marx’s Neoplatonic methodological inclinations tators on this matter. Lenin also adopted Karl
are manifest in the ways in which he persistingly Marx, first, as a matter of scientific economics,
transcends and breaks away from each of those and second, as a font of political philosophy.
radical currents. Beginning with grossly false as- The choice of Chernyshevsky has the most pro-
sumptions of fact, especially concerning modern found significance. One should not stretch the point
European history, Marx’s practice was to apply a to argue that Chernyshevsky’s writings made Lenin
version of the Neoplatonic method of criticism to what he was. Chernyshevsky evoked echoes within
that mixture of fact and credulous illusions he what young Lenin had already become; that discov-
took as the starting points for his work. - ered agrcement is the key to the role of Cherny-
If we define Marx’s identity as located empiri- shevsky in aiding Lenin’s further moral and
cally in the process of his self-development, the political self-development. This choice separates
Neoplatonic impulses stand out as characteristic. Lenin in every crucial respect, morally, methodo-
If we take the contrary course of study, to attempt logically, and intellectually from Plckhanov in
to reconcile in an Aristotelean-logical fashion his particular and the Russian “legal Marxists” gen-

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