Palaeoenvironments and Economy Iron Age Saka-Wusun Agro-Pastoralists in Southeastern Kazakhstan

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Palaeoenvironments and economy of Iron Age

Saka-Wusun agro-pastoralists in southeastern

A detailed geoarchaeological and environmental study of southeastern Kazakhstan reveals
subtle changes of land use and environment during the Iron Age. Major economic changes
from pastoralism to agriculture over time m a y be reinterpreted from these newfindings.

Key-words: Kazakhstan, Central Asia, geoarchaeology, environmental archaeology, phyoliths, nomads, agriculture

Introduction Recent archaeological investigations, directed

The acquisition of agricultural goods among Iron by Chang and Gregoriev at the site of Tuzusai
Age pastoralists of Central Asia is a topic cru- in southeastern Kazakhstan, have attempted to
cial for understanding the relationship between elucidate the nature of agro-pastoral nomadic
the nomads and their sedentary neighbours. economies among the Saka-Wusun Period no-
Many authors have characterized nomadic madic groups (Chang & Tourtellotte 1998). Here
economies as imbalanced and dependent on we present regional geoarchaeological evidence
settled agriculturalists of the great civilizations for climatic amelioration during the Saka (from
to the east and west of the Eurasian steppes c. 750-300 BC) and Wusun Period (c. 300 BC-
(Lattimore 1979;Khazanov 1984).This represen- AD 2 0 0 ) occupations which was favourable to
tation allows little place for intensive agricultural agricultural pursuits. Phytolith data at the site
pursuits (Kazanov 1984:17),and perceives Cen- of Tuzusai suggest agricultural intensification
tral Asian environments as being largely hos- during this time period as well. The environ-
tile to farmers since the end of the Mid-Holocene mental shift occurred at a time when histori-
Neolithic optimum (Yablonsky 1995a; 199513). cal trends made agricultural intensification
Di Cosmo (1994) challenges this view by dem- socially and politically advantageous, demon-
onstrating the importance of cultivation among strating the importance of converging environ-
Iron Age pastoral nomads in Inner Asia. He uses mental and historical transitions in changing
historical, archaeological and ethnographic stud- agricultural strategies.
ies to demonstrate that farming was commonly
practised as a supplementary activity within re- Natural setting
gions dominated by nomadic peoples. The no- The site of Tuzusai is located on the Talgar al-
mads either grew agriculturalproducts themselves luvial fan, on the northern foothills of the Tien
or dominated small farming communities within Shan mountain range in the Semirechye region
their domain. Evidence for agricultural pursuits of southeastern Kazakhstan (FIGURE 1).The
also comes from archaeological finds in kurgan region as a whole is characterized by a richly
burial mounds which include cereal grains as diverse mosaic of landscapes within a relatively
well as iron agricultural implements (Debaine- restricted area. Today the Talgar area is semi-
Francfort 1988; 1989). arid receiving an annual average rainfall of 463

* Rosen. Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London W C l H OPY, England
(:hang, Department of Anthropology, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar VA 24595, IJSA.
Grigoriev, Archaeology Division, Kazakh Central State Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Received 20 July 1999, accepted 9 November 1999, revised 8 May 2000.
ANTIQU17Y 74 (2000): 611-23

FIGURE 1. Location
m a p of study area.

mm per year with heaviest precipitation in the The vegetation was once a bunch-grass steppe
spring and autumn. To the south are the high dominated by Stipa capillata, S. caucasica and
granitic mountains of the Tien Shan with peaks Festuca vaiesiaca), with trees such as elm, maple
reaching over 7000 m. The advance and retreat and willow growing along the stream banks
of alpine glaciers have left a valuable record of (ENVIRC 1995). Further north toward the Ily
Pleistocene and Holocene climatic fluctuations. river, precipitation drops and the steppe zone
Silts produced by these glaciers have washed rapidly transforms to desert. At the point where
out onto the plain to the north, where they were the toe of the fan descends into the Ily River
deposited in the semi-arid steppe and desert valley, water tables are high, as indicated by
zones. In the cool arid episodes of the late numerous stands of common reed (Phragmites
Pleistocene and Holocene, these silts were en- sp.) present even today. Under moister climatic
trained by the prevailing northerly winds, and conditions the marshes of this area would have
redeposited as the wind-blown loess which had a greater extent than those of today, pro-
blankets the northern Tien Shan foothills along viding pasturage and areas possibly suitable
the margin of the uplift zone. for wetland cultivation. This region has been
The transition from mountain to steppe is an attractive zone for settlement by agro-pas-
abruptly defined by the northern Tien Shan fault toral groups since the Iron Age because of its
line which separates the horst features of the great environmental diversity within a mere
Tien Shan mountains and the half-graben of 80 km.
the Ily River Valley. The Talgar alluvial fan is
situated at the juncture between the mountains Background to the site of Tuzusai
and the plain. It is an approximately 30-km wide Tuzusai is a Saka and Wusun period settlement
strip of land composed of distinct sedimen- (c. 400 BC-AD 100) located on the edge of the
tary units of coarse gravels, reworked loess and Talgar alluvial fan at an elevation of 740 m. It
poorly sorted sandy silts and gravels. These has been excavated since the late 1980s by Fedor
sediment units record a rich history of Late P. Grigoriev and most recently by the Kazakh-
Holocene environmental change. American Talgar Project from 1994-1996.

The site consists of four occupation periods Palynologica1 evidence

and at least six different archaeological hori- Much of the early literature on Holocene palyno-
zons. The radiocarbon dates for the earliest logical studies from Central Asia is summarized
period of occupation (here referred to as Oc- by Khotinskiy (1984). Due to the agreement
cupation Period 4 or OP-4) approximately range between the classic European Holocene climatic
from 355 to 115 cal BC (2150+30 to 2350+ 40 phases and the Siberian bog cores, Khotinskiy
BP). Occupation Period 2 (OP-2) is dated from correlates the pollen sequences and uses the Eu-
180 cal BC to 75 cal AD, and the latest Occupa- ropean terminology for climatic phases. For the
tion Period 1 (OP-1) is dated from 1650 to 1950 purposes of this paper all radiocarbon dates for
AD. proxy paleoenvironmental data will be reported
There have been disagreements about the with their calibrated equivalents in order to fa-
nature of the architecture found at Tuzusai. In cilitate comparison with the archaeological record.
1994 Chang identified fragments of mudbrick The Mid-Holocene Atlantic period, climati-
walls, most likely associated with the latest Iron cally a warm-moist optimum, witnessed the
Age occupation of OP-2 ( c. 100 AD), and also beginning of Neolithic communities in Central
evidence for the existence of semi-subterranean Asia. Although there is little direct pollen in-
houses. However, Grigoriev disagrees with this formation for the steppe and desert zone it is
interpretation of pit-houses at the site. The one likely that their overall steppe/desert charac-
comparative example of semi-subterranean or ter was established during this period. According
house pit dwellings described for the Eurasian to Khotinskiy the transition to the Subboreal
steppe comes from the Odessa area, Varvarovski was marked by three distinct environmental
I, dating from the 4th to the 3rd centuries BC changes, a cool-dry early Subboreal from c. 4600
(late Scythian) (Khazanov 1975: 70). In addi- BP (3357 cal BC) to 4100 BP (2600 cal BC), a warm-
tion to occupation surfaces at the site, the ex- moister middle Subboreal from 4100 BP (2600
cavators found a large number of ashy storage cal BC) to 3200 BP (1440 cal BC), and another cool
and refuse pits as well as hearths. late Subboreal episode from 3200 BP (1440 cal
In the vicinity of Tuzusai and along ancient BC) to 2500 BP (c.660 cal BC) (see TABLE 1).This
and current stream beds such as the Tuzusai last cool phase corresponds to the first appear-
stream and the Tsiganka River, we identified ance of the Saka peoples in the Semirechye re-
ceramic materials and grinding stones on the gion. Yablonsky (1995a; 1995b) suggested that
surface of the plough zone. The artefact scat- a dry episode was responsible for an initial
ters and ceramic finds indicate a Saka and migration southward. Finally, the Siberian pol-
Wusun spatial pattern of medium to large set- len data point to warmer moist conditions pre-
tlements (similar to Tuzusai and often associ- vailing at the beginning of the Subatlantic from
ated with kurgans (burial mounds) of the period), c. 660 BC (Khotinskiy 1984).
which are located in the steppe zones of rich An environmental sequence for the Holocene
silts and chernozem-like soils in areas of the has also been outlined by Krementski (1997) for
highest agricultural potential. Kazakhstan and Western Siberia based on pol-
len from lake cores (TABLE l).He points out that
Paleoenvironmental changes and their the scenario is roughly consistent with the se-
influence on Saka-Wusun settlement and quence of transgressions and regressions fiom Lake
economies Balkhash (Venus 1985;Khrustalev & Chernousov
Although monocausal and environmentally 1992, both cited by Krementski 1997), yet his
deterministic explanations are seldom satisfac- interpretation for the period beginning at 650
tory for the explanation of culture change, it is BC conflicts with that of Khotinskiy.
important to examine the effects of environ- In addition to these conflicts in interpreta-
mental change as either an enabler or inhibi- tion, one must use caution when comparing
tor of other cultural transformations within a pollen data to archaeological phases. It is dif-
changing social milieu. It is from this perspec- ficult to interpolate calendar dates on pollen
tive that we examine the past environments of sequences because of variations in sedimenta-
the Semirechye and their influence on the agro- tion rates. One also must consider the lag-time
pastoral pursuits of the Iron Age Saka-Wusun between actual climatic change and the colo-
nomadic peoples. nization by new vegetation communities.

:alendar Date!
1500 AD
‘algar Fan

1000 Unit 2
900 Semi-Arid
600 -~
500 Erosion
200 Landscape
100 Stability
0 BCIAD sot1 2
100 BC VarmlMoist
400 ~ ~~

500 m

600 ul Unit 3
700 Alluvial Silt
800 CoollMoist

TABLE1. Graphic representation of’selected palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Data are derived

from the following sources: * Savoskul 6.Solomina 1996; Krementski 1997; “hotinskiy 1984; O Venus

1985; Khrustalev & Chernousov 1992. The calendar dates come from calibrated ‘+’Cdates.

Geomorph ological evideri ce 6’ is dated to 380+30 (1483 AD). When calibrated

Evidence for later Holocene climatic change can this last date immediately precedes the ‘Little
be found in Alpine glacial advances and re- Ice Age’ alpine glaciation.
treats in the Tien Shan range. Savoskul &
Solomina (1996) used radiocarbon dates of soils Geoarch aeological investigations on the
on end-moraines and lichenometric dating of Talgar alluvial fan
till deposits to establish a sequence of glacial Geoarchaeological reconnaissance was under-
advances and retreats in the alpine areas which taken in the region of the Talgar alluvial fan in
reflects distinct climatic changes within the the interest of three main goals:
Holocene (see TABLE1).Two soils identified 1 to find evidence for landscape evolution
by Savoskul & Solomina (1996) are indicative which would provide information on cli-
of warm-moist intervals between the glacial matic and micro-environmental changes
advances and can be tentatively correlated with during the Late Holocene period:
two soil horizons identified on the Talgar fan. 2 to assess the landscape potential for agri-
The soil from Savoskul & Solomina’s (1996) ‘Site cultural and pastoral pursuits through time;
5’ yielded two radiocarbon dates, 1740k70 BP and
(calibrated as 264,281 or 329 AD), and 1710i240 3 to look for evidence of human manipula-
BP (347, 360 or 374 AD). A later soil from ‘Site tion and impact on the landscape.

FIGURE 2. Location
m a p of sections on
the Talgar alluvial

Along the extent of the Talgar fan we were grained sheetwash. The slow accumulation of
unable to locate evidence for Holocene depos- silty sediments over the fan suggests fine-grained
its that were earlier in date than the Late Holo- outwash from advancing alpine glaciers, im-
cene. A number of sections along the fanhead plying a cool environmental regime as also
and niidfan revealed approximately 4 m of al- proposed by Khotinskiy (1984) from the pol-
luvium dating from c. 8th century BC-AD 17th len data.
century. At the base of these sections there was Ultimately, however, the meaning of Unit 3
a thick gravel deposit (Unit 4) which is most for land use is important regardless of its cli-
likely dated to the Middle or Late Pleistocene, matic implications. The deposition of fine-
based on our finding of a handaxe fragment on grained sediment for an extended period of time
a similar deposit to the east of the Talgar fan. over the surface of the fan would provide a fer-
This sequence of Late Holocene sediments re- tile medium for both agricultural and pastoral
peats itself in all of the sections we observed pursuits. The fields would be moist for long
and described from the area (see FIGURE 2). A periods of time within a given year and the silts
suitable type-section for this sequence is the would be continually renewed, thereby elimi-
Tsegonka River section of GS-VI described in nating the problem of soil exhaustion.
TABLE2 and illustrated in FIGURE 3. These de- In many exposures Unit 3 is truncated, with
posits form a fill-terrace adjacent to the mod- an abrupt erosional contact between it and the
ern course of the stream. To summarize, the overlying Unit 2. However, at GS-VI the top of
Late Holocene Unit 3 deposits are dated by ar- the unit is capped by a weakly developed soil
tefacts to the Saka-Wusun period. They indi- A-horizon (Soil 2) (FIGURE 3). Soil 2 constitutes
cate a slow accumulation of fine silty alluvium important evidence for hundreds of years of
in the form of stream overbank deposits or fine- relatively warm moist environmental stability

unit depth crn colour texture structure inclusions boundary depositional

(moist) environment

0-5 3 black silt loam platy soil rootlets, wavy & modern soil 1 A-horizon
(10YR 2/11 structure sparse snail abrupt
53-80/147 dark brown loam; with cut- gley, Mn & -
irregular & fine-nrained alluvium
(10YR 3/31 and-fill channel Fe stains, abrupt with small gravel cut-and-
deposits consisting animal tooth, fill channel deposits
of moderately small cut-and- occurring from 108 cm to
well-sorted fill channels 147 cm. Equivalent to
discoidal and c. 10 cm deep Unit 2 in GS-VII and VIII.
spherical, well- x 40 cin long Possibly Medieval in date
rounded to sub-
rounded gravels
up to 3 cm
80/147-215 brown well-compacted massive Saka period wavy & fine silty alluvium,
(10 YR 4/31 silt with small sherds, snail graded to overbank or sheetwash
silt; YO sand; shells, bone, abrupt deposits. Approximately
very dark silt loam gley and some dated to the Saka period;
greyish A-horizon Fe stains, Soil 2 formed at the top of
brown at top of unit truncated this unit in a period of
(10 YR 3/21 buried landscape stability
A-horizon soil A-horizon
at the top of the
unit (-80 cm)
4 215-263 large well- graded granite not alluvial fan bedload
rounded, bedding gravels visible deposit date unknown;
discoidal channel equivalent to Unit 4 in
gravel up to 18 GS-VII and GS-VIII
cm in length,
grading upwards
to 2-5 cm
spherical and
rounded to
well-rounded gravels

TABLE2. Description of sediment sequence from geological section GS-VI.

at some time between the later Saka-Wusun nels forming in places where no streams had
period and the Medieval period. It is possible existed before. The end result of this episode
that it corresponds to the highland soil dated was a patchwork of surfaces of different Late
by Savoskul & Solomina (1996) to c. 300 AD. Holocene ages over the face of the fan.
The boundary between Unit 3 and Unit 2 is At the end of the erosional episode which
distinctly unconformable arid irregular, repre- marks the Unit 3/2 boundary, the hydrological
senting an intensive erosional phase that prob- regime returned to an aggradational episode
ably occurred in post-Wusun, early Medieval rather than one of stability. This suggests that
times. Since an alluvial fan is primarily an either climatic change or human-induced ero-
aggradational feature, it is possible that the ero- sion upstream might have been involved. The
sional episode can be attributed to neo-tectonic deposits are typical of fan sediments in semi-
subsidence of the Ily basin and a subsequent arid environments composed of many small
drop in base level, or perhaps drier climatic scour-and-fill structures. These deposits filled
conditions in which lower water tables led to in the erosion channels which had previously
stream incision on the fan. An apparent increase dissected Unit 3. This massive deposition in-
in channel density on the Talgar fan during dicates that the sediment yield had increased.
Medieval times resulted in broad erosion chan- Such a depositional situation could be caused

by several variables working in concert. One

factor could be a decrease in vegetation upstream
due to drier climatic conditions, human defor-
GS a
estation, or both. Another important factor may
have been a change in rainfall regime from the 1 l - - - - - i UNIT 1
more stable situation of gentle rains evenly
distributed throughout the year to more ero-
sive conditions of heavy rainfall events at fewer
intervals in a given year. The latter situation is UNIT 2
often associated with an overall decrease in
annual rainfall and a more arid climate.
Unit 2 is stratigraphically dated to the Me-
dieval period, being bracketed by the Saka- loo 1
Wusun ceramic dates of Unit 3 below, and a
radiocarbon date of c. 1500 AD (calibrated) from
Unit 1 at GS-VII. Additionally, Medieval pe- UNIT 3
riod (c. loth-12th-century AD) archaeological
pits appear in Unit 2 on the plain to the south
of Medieval Talgar City (Rosen 1997a). A pre-
liminary assessment of the early Medieval en-
vironmental situation near Talgar is a drier
climate with a less stable rainfall regime than
in the Saka-Wusun period. Landscape degra-
dation might have been exacerbated by defor-
estation on the hillslopes and overgrazing by UNIT- 4
flocks belonging to the urban residents of the
area. This would seem to contradict evidence
from the Balkhash Lake cited by Krementski
(1997) [see TABLE I),but different environmental @ SOIL A-HORIZON
variables control lake levels than alluvial fan
sediments. SllT SNAILS
Unit 2 grades gradually into Unit 1,which
is capped by Soil 1. The radiocarbon-dated SAND GCEY
hearth from Unit 1 in GS-VII is 1447-1634 cal
AD (RT-2333, 380+90 BP). This would place it
directly into the time-period of the Little Ice
Age event (with a cooler environment prevail- FIGURE 3. Schematic geological section drawing of
ing), and with Soil 1 signifying a return to a GS-VI.
more stable rainfall and vegetation regime and
a cessation of aggradation. The modern erosional madic peoples in the region. In the later phases
regime has led to renewed channelization of of the Saka-Wusun occupation, warming cli-
the fan. This, however, might be due to the di- mate and the subsequent development of sta-
version of much of the river water for wide- ble land surfaces with a rich topsoil allowed
spread irrigation, thus artificially lowering the more intensive cultivation of cereals.
base flow of the streams.
To summarize, geoarchaeological evidence Phytolith evidence for agricultural activities
from the Talgar fan suggests that the buildup of the Saka-Wusun communities
of alluvial silts during the earlier part of the Previous evidence for agriculture among Saka-
Saka-Wusun period created an attractive locality Wusun period peoples has come from finds of
for pastoral and agricultural exploitation. How- iron agricultural implements and small amounts
ever, cool climates and short growing seasons of grain, primarily wheat, within burial kurgans
would have limited yields of wheat and en- (Debaine-Francfort 1989).These finds afford us
couraged the cultivation of millet by semi-no- only a limited view of the diversity of Saka-

lab no. quadrat depth cm occupation context TABLE

surface Archaeological
proveniences of
Ty -9 5-2 B6 70 2 lens of ash in bricky fill phytolith samples
Ty-95-3 v5 135 3 ashy midden from Tuzusai.
Ty-95-4 A3 135 4 ashy midden
Ty-95-5 BQ 60 1 ash from floor
Ty-95-6 v9 65 1 ash from floor
Ty-95- 7 v9 32 1 ash from pit base
Ty-95-8 A4 225 4 base of pit
Ty -9 5-9 G9IV8 - 1 pit fill
Ty -9 5-10 V8 80-100 2 debris on floor
5-95-11 B6 100 3 pit fill
Ty- 95- 12 - 15 2 hearth fill
Ty-95-13 - - 3 pit #17 fill
Ty-95- 14 - - 3 pit #18 fill
Ty-95-15 - - 3 pit #17 fill FIGURE 4 (below).
Ty- 95- 16 - - 3 pit #18 fill Percentage
Ty -9 5-17 - - 3 pit #17 fill frequencies of
Ty-95-18 - - 3 pit #18 fill panicoid versus pooid
5-96- 2 10-D 60-100 4 pit #24a grass phytoliths. The
5-96-3 D-10 100-120 4 fill from pit #24b samples ore arranged
Ty-96-7 D-10 100-1 20 4 pit #24b in general
Ty-96-14 145 c m to bottom 4 pit #27a;west half chronological order
Ty-96-15 12-G 120-340 4 pit #28b from oldest (left) to
Ty-96-16 12-G 120-140 4 pit #29 youngest (right).
Tuzusai 199511996

35 , occ. 4 occ. 3 occ. 2 occ. 1

. ._
- 1
30 - -- . I;II Total Panicoid L
.Total Pooid I




w m . -

Sample No.

Tuzusai 199541996

occ. 4









Wusun agriculture. During the 1995 and 1996 was significantly higher in this level than in
seasons at Tuzusai, samples were collected from Occupation periods 3 and 2 (FIGURE 6). The
living floors, pits and hearths from within the dominance of millet is consistent with, although
four occupation phases at the site (TABLE3 ) not limited to, a semi-nomadic settlement pat-
(Rosen 1996; 1997b) (see Rosen 2000 for a de- tern under cool climatic conditions since mil-
tailed description of phytolith methodology). let is produced in a short growing season. Wheat
The results of these analyses testify to agricul- remained relatively constant in all periods with
tural activities and imply variations in the in- a slight increase in later phases.
tensity of agricultural pursuits throughout the From OP-4 to OP-3 there was a shift in phytolith
period of site occupation. percentages which may be indicative of a chang-
A general summary of trends suggests a strong ing focus in the agro-pastoral economies at the
dominance of panicoid grasses in the earliest site. In OP-3 there was a sharp decrease in the
occupation period (OP-4) (FIGURE 4). This grass weed grasdcercal ratio (FIGURE 5) indicating a
sub-family includes the cultivated millets as large increase in cereals at the expense of weed
well as weed grasses which favour warm dry grasses. This trend continued also in OP-2. Per-
environments. There is a much larger contri- centages of silica skeletons from wheat (Triticum
bution of weed grasses to the assemblage of OP- sp.) increased and millet (Setaria sp.) declined
4 than in later periods (FIGURE 5). Cereals were in importance (FIGIJRE 6). This could indicate a
identified according to methods outlined in larger investment in cultivation.
Rosen 1992. Although the cereal component Another notable observation was the chang-
of OP-4 included both millet (Setaria sp.) and ing relationship between weed grasses and ce-
wheat (Triticum sp.), the percentage of millet reals (FIGURE 7). In OP-4 there was no correlation

Tuzusai I99511996

. ~ . .............
CJAverage % Millet
.. .. ... ... ... ...

ElAverage % Rice
16 .. ..... ....... ... .. ...
.. ... ... .. ... ... ... ..
... . ... . .... .... .... .... ...
14 . .. .......... .... . .
. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .
... .. ... .. .._.. ............_..
E . .. ... .. ...... ...
0 12
Q 10

4 3 2 1
Occupation Period
FIGURE6 . Average percentages of silica skeletons from cereals by occupation phase.

between the two, strongly suggesting that the et al. 1998).The presence of rice is rare in Iron
sources of cereal and weed grass phytoliths Age sites of this region and poses the interest-
differed. Thus weed grasses came to the site ing question of how the rice was obtained,
from different locations from the cereals and through trade or on-site cultivation. The per-
at different rates, perhaps indicating again that centages of these husk phytoliths were low in
the weed grasses were from the dung of ani- the earliest OP-4 phase, and greatly increased
mals grazed outside agricultural areas. In OP- in OP-3 and OP-2 with a drop-off again in OP-
3 this relationship began to change and in OP-2 1 (FIGURE 6). This was the opposite distribu-
and OP-1 there was a distinct coincidence be- tion from that of millet. In the last phases of
tween the presence of cereals and the occurrence occupation in OP-1, millet increased in impor-
of weed grasses. These relationships imply that tance again.
the weed grasses came to the site as field weeds Throughout the entire occupation of the site
or as dung from animals grazed on agricultural there was a notable quantity of phytoliths from
fields. This can be further evidence for an in- sedges (Cyperaceae) and horse-tail rushes
crease in agricultural intensification and suggests (Equisetum)indicating the presence of marshy
that herds were kept close to the settlement. areas and high water tables. This suggests a
Several of the silica skeletons were from the generally moist climatic regime throughout the
husks of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) (FIGURE duration of occupation.
8). Other phytolith forms (fan-shaped keystones) Given the environmental conditions of the
(FIGURE 9) were derived from the leaves and Saka-Wusun period discussed above, it might
stems of the rice plant (Pearsall et al. 1995; Zhao have been possible for the occupants of Tuzusai

Tuzusai 1995/1996

Sample No.

FIGURE7. Graph showing the relationship between phytoliths from weed grasses and those from
cultivated whent.

to produce a rice crop on the alluvial fan un- Discussion

der conditions that were moister than those of With the above archaeological, environmental
the present. However, the Talgar fan settlements and agricultural information we can suggest a
are relatively close to the Fergana valley where scenario for Saka-Wusun settlement and
contemporary Kushan towns had sophisticated economy. In the Early Iron Age, Saka tribes
irrigation systems and were themselves produc- moved into the area from the north (Yablonski
ing rice among other crops (Mukhamedjanov 1995b) at a time corresponding to a cool-moist
1994: 274). Given the political connection of Subboreal period. The first settlers at Tuzusai
the Wusun peoples with the Yueh Chih and had an agro-pastoral economy in which ani-
other peoples to the west in the 1st and 2nd mals were grazed at least part of the year on
centuries BC, it is also possible that rice could the panicoid steppe grasses to the north of
have been obtained from there. Tuzusai, and agriculture was characterized by
Generally, the trends in the phytolith data a dominance of millet.
suggest an agro-pastoral adaptation in OP-4 with Due to a short growth period, millet is fa-
a shift to a more intensive agricultural focus voured by semi-sedentary pastoralists because
within the two middle occupation periods, OP- the crop can be planted and harvested while
3 and OP-2. The latest occupation (OP-1) ap- maintaining a semi-sedentary seasonal round.
pears to represent a period of somewhat less This is especially significant given the short
intensive agricultural activity. length of the summer growing season and in-

Photomicrograph of a
possible rice-husk
silica skeleton from
Scale bar = 20 m m .

Photomicrograph of a
fan-shaped bulliform
phytolith from
Tuzusai which is
probably derived
from the leaf of a rice
Scale = 10 mm.

crease in frost-days during the Subboreal pe- growing season would have been longer than
riod. Millet would have been better adapted to that of the preceding Subboreal phase. There
this environmental regime than wheat. was a cessation of alluviation on the fan, a sta-
In the vicinity of Tuzusai the early Iron Age bility in the landscape and the beginning of
landscape was an actively aggrading alluvial soil formation as indicated by Soil 2.
fan. The alluvial silt originating from the out- Historically, it was an interval in which
wash of extended alpine glaciers would have Wusun peoples increased their presence in the
provided a rich agricultural environment with region due to political and economic pressure
high water tables, aggrading streams, and fresh from newly consolidating tribes of the Xiongnu
silts deposited in moist fields each spring. to the east and alliances with the Yueh Chih to
The middle and later phases of occupation the west (Enoki etal. 1994;Zadneprovskiy 1994;
at Tuzusai coincided with the onset of the Ishjamts 1994).There were elite segments which
warmer Subatlantic period. The agricultural commanded large armies (Ishjamts 1994) and

it follows that they would find it necessary to A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s . We w o u l d like t o t h a n k Karl M.

have some measure of control over agricultural Baipakov, Director of the Institute of Archaeology, Kazakh
National Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science, a n d
production and surplus. The emergence of com- Tamara V. Savelieva, Senior Researcher, Institute of Ar-
plex nomadic confederacies might have provided chaeology, Almaty, Kazakhstan for facilitating our research
the 'push' factor leading to the intensification of in t h e field. Phytolith analyses were conducted with the
the agricultural sector at the same time that en- assistance of grants from t h e Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeo-
vironmental amelioration offered a 'pull' factor. logical Foundation a n d t h e Weizmann Inst. Center for Co-
The phytolith remains from Tuzusai appear operation between Natural Sciences a n d Archaeology. T h e
phytolith a n d geoarchaeological research was partially
to represent a small but significant shift from a funded b y grants from t h e National Geographic Society and
more pastoral orientation to a more intensive the National Science Foundation. Neil Roberts a n d Steve
agricultural focus, aided by both environmen- Rosen kindly contributed editorial comments on a n ear-
tal and historical factors. lier draft of this paper.

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