Quis Inggris Pertemuan 5

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Nama : Mega Nopyanti Anggraeni

NPM : 6219084

Kelas : 3A SI Kebidanan Alih Jenjanh

Dosen : Diani Aliansy, S.S.T., M.Kes.


(Silahkan Kerjakan Quis Berikut dan Kumpulkan Melalui Email dianialiansy@gmail.com

melalui PJ Bahsa Inggris Paliang Lambat 28 Oktober 2020)

A. Susunlah kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang sesuai.

1. has – it – for – rained – days – three .

2. five – has – Gunawan – worked – for – years – here .
3. gone – police – they – have – to – the – office .
4. we – learned – have – since – 2005 – English .
5. novel – yet – finished – I – reading – this – haven’t .
6. you – George’s – ever – wife – met – have ?
7. He – driven – has – before – car – never – a .
8. already – has – morning – called – this – you – Juna ?
9. Melinda – times – year – been – has – Australia – two – to – this .
10. She – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has .


1. It has rained for three days.

2. Gunawan has worked here for five years.
3. They have gone to the police office
4. We have learned English since 2005.
5. I haven’t finished reading this novel yet.
6. Have you ever met George’s wife?
7. He has never driven a car before.
8. Has Juna already called you this morning?
9. Melinda has been to Australia two times this year.
10. She has drunk three cups of coffee today.

B. Isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata Have / Has.

11. We … never had a car./li>

12. I … not seen John this morning.
13. … she already submitted the task?
14. They … had their breakfast.
15. Lina … lot her key.
16. My parents … told me the story.
17. … they been to Moscow?
18. … Daniel started a new job?
19. Your mother … cooked your favorite food.
20. He … not finished the homework.


11. We have never had a car.

12. I  haven’t seen John this morning.

13. Has she already submitted the task?

14. They have had their breakfast.

15. Lina  has lot her key.

16. My parents have  told me the story.

17. Have they been to Moscow?

18. Has Daniel started a new job?

19. Your mother has cooked your favorite food.

20. He  hasn’t finished the homework.

C. Isilah titik-titik dengan kata kerja Verb 3. Ubah kata kerja Verb 1 dalam kurung menjadi
Verb 3.

21. She has … some novels. (write)

22. We have never … it. (hear)
23. I have … my dinner. (have)
24. Has your sister … the flowers? (receive)
25. Have we … before? (meet)
26. She has … to the market. (go)
27. They haven’t … the door. (lock)
28. My uncle hasn’t … back yet. (come)
29. Have you put it there? (put)
30. He hasn’t found a job yet. (find)


21. She has  written some novels.

22. We have never  heard it.

23. I have had my dinner.

24. Has your sister received  the flowers?

25. Have we met before?

26. She has  gone  to the market.

27. They haven’t locked the door.

28. My uncle hasn’t come back yet.

29. Have you put it there?

30. He hasn’t  found  a job yet

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