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Untalan, Shaira Coleen DC.


SSP101b - Philippine Indigenous Communities

Activity #1

Give (3) myths/misconceptions discussed in the lecture and propose a way to correct
those false assumptions about the indigenous peoples.


IPs are racially different from the rest of Every day, each and every one of us can
Filipino. stand up against racial prejudice and
intolerant attitudes. One way to correct this
myth is to take a stand against racism in
our community. We can engage in a group
advocating for the rights of racial or other
minorities and volunteer to help. In this
time of pandemic, we can volunteer
through online platforms. We can even
post on our social media accounts some
information about indigenous people and
knowledging other people that they are not
different, we are all just Filipino and no
boundaries must be set between us and
the indigenous people.

Ips are uncivilized and refuse to change. In the Philippines, IPs have been subject
to historical discrimination and
marginalization from political processes
and economic benefit. They often face
exclusion, loss of ancestral lands,
displacement, and pressures to and
destruction of traditional ways of life and
practices. There are many projects that are
focused on improving the capacity of
government agencies, civil society, and
other service providers, as well as building
capacity amongst IPs and their leadership.
Maybe I can encourage them to join these
projects so they can see through
themselves that IPs are willing to learn at
to change to cope up with the different
changes nowadays and I know by then we
can correct this myth. I can say this
information to people who believe that Ips
are uncivilized and refuse to change, by
then we can correct their perspective. Just
by simply showing those projects and
proving them the eagerness of the IPs to
learn, the myth can now be corrected.

IPs are poor, because they are lazy. A common attitude nowadays is that
people are rich because they work hard
and deserve to be wealthy, whereas
people are poor because they are lazy,
feckless and incapable. But the truth is
people living in poverty most especially the
IPs aren’t in that position because they’re
too lazy to earn a decent wage. They’re in
that position because their economies
aren’t very productive. They even loss their
rights to the sustainable use and
management of their own ancestral lands.
To correct this myth, we need to help other
people understand the facts above by
engaging a conversation with them to
show these facts. We can also share this
information through our social media
accounts which is the best way to share
information nowadays. A simple post
would be a huge help to change this myth
and help other people realize that what
they believe is not true.

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