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Title: An Evaluation of the use of Google Forms as a Form of Assessment on the Grade 12 Students of
The Philippine School- Dubai
AUTHORS: JEREZ,Sophia Nicole F.
MUYON, Darlyne Mae D.
This research was conceptualized to evaluate the use of Google Forms as a medium for quarterly assessment
of the Grade 12 students of The Philippine School - Dubai (TPS). The research methodology used in this
study is a mixed methodology wherein the data are gathered through conducting online interviews and
distributing online survey-questionnaires. The data gathered revealed that the effectiveness of the current
method is rated eight (8) by most of the respondents having the highest response of 27 (31.8%). Meanwhile,
the convenience is also rated eight (8) having the highest response rate of 25 (29.4%). Reasons are discussed
in which recommendations are formulated to further develop the use of Google Forms as a form of
assessment and the online examination

TITLE: A Study on the Benefits of the Distribution of the Grade 12 Senior High School Students to Various
Companies for Work Immersion
AUTHORS: Datinguinoo, Aaron Jecho B.
Racraquin, Danica A

The research entitled “A Study on the Benefits of the Distribution of the Grade 12 Senior High School
Students to Various Companies for Out-Campus Work Immersion” seeks to answer the questions what are
the benefits of having work immersion program for the Senior High School students and why is the
program important to the Senior High School students. This research was conducted using the simple
random sampling as the researchers wanted to give equal chances to all the Senior High School students
undertaking the work immersion program. This research has ended with the findings that students agree that
this program if effective in providing them with the necessary knowledge and experience for when they
enter the university. However, 81.4% of the respondents responded that they were not able to be distributed
accordingly to the companies that is in line with their desired course, to which affects the effectiveness of
the work immersion program. Moreover, 51.2% of the said respondents have answered satisfactory on how
well work immersion benefits them.
This study has found that work immersion does have benefits that could help the students in developing their
skills even more and serving as their preparation stage for when they enter college as they would be gaining
new knowledge through the work immersion program. However, the benefit of work immersion can be
invalid due to the reason that the improper placement or distribution of students to the different companies
for out – campus work immersion can hinder the Senior High School students to learn new things and gain
essential experience that is in line with their chosen course for their college.


AUTHOR: Cortez, John Eric S.
Masangkay, Erla Marie T.
Tomagan, Jens Earl M.

The effect of video games on a student's academic performance has been debated for over many years. This
study was conducted to give clarity on the positive or negative effects of video games to a student’s
academic performance. As the study is quantitative, the researchers have used a survey that contains neutral
(both positive and negative) questions and answers for Grade 11 students to answer. The researchers
gathered information from participants on their knowledge on video games, the amount of time spent
playing video games, general average for the first semester, the effects of video games to academic
performance, and problems that students encounter when playing games.
The study revealed that video games significantly impact the academic performance of Grade 11 negatively.
The results have shown that video games have caused a delay in the students’ progression of schoolwork,
and that students find themselves procrastinating their academic duties. This paper is a contribution to the
already existing research regarding the impact, influence, or effects video games have towards the academic
performance of students.

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