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Khanna's Objective Type Questions & Answers in Chemical Engineering [for all types of competitions conducted by GATE, HT’s for admission to M.Tech., Public Undertakingsand other organisations] Om Prakash Gupta B.Tech. (Chemical Engg.) Ex DGM, HRD Bokaro Steel Plant Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) KHANNA BOOK PUBLISHING CO. (P) LTD. Gras oe ele or 40/4844, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-10002 Phone: 011-23244447-48 Mobile: +91-99109 09320 E-mail: Website: www eRe K Objective Type Questions & Answers in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Om Prakash Gupta Copyright © Khanna Book Publising Co. (P) Ltd. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser and without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above mentioned publisher of this book. ISBN: 978-93-82609-77-3 Edition: 2016 Published by: KHANNA BOOK PUBLISHING CO. (P) LTD. 4C/4344, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002 Phone: 011-23244447-48 Mobile: +91-9910909320 E-mail: Printed in india by: India Book Printers & Binders, Delhi Foreword Although this book by Sh. Om Prakash Gupta is orientd primarily for the students and young Chemical Engineers, it can be of great values to any one engaged in Chemical Engineering Profession. Inspite of Several traditional books being available, the need of a ready means of knoweldge has been long felt. Mr. Gupta has taken the trouble of filling this gap. The book's coverage is broad, the contents are well compiled, with good questions and arranged systematically. am sure, this book will be of great use. Dr. S.C. Naik Preface This book is meant for diploma students of chemical engineering and also petroleum engineering both for their academic programmes as well as for competitive examinations. This book contains 18 chapters covering the entire syllabus of diploma course in chemical engineering and petrochemical engineering. This book in its present form has been designed to serve as an encyclopedia of chemical engineering so as to be a ready reckoner apart from being useful for all types of written tests and interviews faced by chemical engineering and petrochemical engineering diploma students of the country. Since branch related subjects of petrochemical engineering are same as that of chemical engineering diploma students, so this book will be equally useful for diploma in petrochemical engineering students. All the constructive and useful suggestions for the further improvement of the book will be gladly accepted and incorporated in the future editions/reprints. — Om Prakash Gupta Contents pen ane wn 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. v7. 18. Fluid Mechanics. Stoichiometry ... Mechanical Operations.. Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) Petroleum Refinery Engineeriny Fertiliser Technology... Heat Transfer. .101 — 130 Mass Transfer.. .131 — 165 Process Control and Instrumentation... 166 — 191 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. -192 — 219 Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design... .220 — 241 Fuels and Combustion .242 — 265 Materials of Construction ..rssmnsnnennennanennennnieneen ; e266 — 285 Process Equipment Design.. .286 — 308 Chemical Engineering Economics 309 — 315 Environmental Engineering. .316 — 336 Polymer Technology. .337 — 348 Miscellaneous Questions. soe 349 — 371 Fium MECHANICS 1. A fluid is the one, which (a) cannot remain at rest under the action of shear force. continuously expands till it fills any con- tainer. is incompressible permanently resists distortion. @) © @ In an incompressible fluid, the density is (a) greatly affected by moderate changes in pressure. greatly affected only by moderate changes in temperature, not affected with moderate change in tem- perature & pressure. sensible to changes in both temperature & pressure. Potential flow is characterized by the (a) irrotational and frictionless flow. (®) irrotational and frictional flow. (©) one in which dissipation of mechanical en- ergy into heat occurs (@) formation of eddies within the stream. Newton's law of viscosity relates the (a) shear stress and velocity. (b) velocity gradient and pressure intensity. (c) shear stress and rate of angular deforma- tion in a fluid. (d) pressure gradient and rate of angular de- formation, @) © @ 8. 1. 12. With increase in the temperature, viscosity of a liquid (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (a) may increase or decrease; depends on the liquid For water, when the pressure increases, the viscosity (a) also increases (b) decreases ()_ remains constant (d) first decreases, and then increases ). For a fluid rotating at constant angular veloc- ity about vertical axis as a rigid body, the pres- sure intensity varies as the (a) square of the radial distance. (b) radial distance linearly. (c) inverse of the radial distance. (d) elevation along vertical direction. ‘The centre of pressur (a) always below the centroid of the area. (b) always above the centroid of the area. (©) a point on the line of action of the resul- tant force, at the centroid of the submerged area. @ A stream tube is that, which has. tion entirely bounded by stream lines (@) acircular (6) any convenient 5. Dimension of absolute viscosity is (c) asmall (d@) a large @ MLT* (®) MLT* velocity is independent of temperature @ MIT @ MLT ie reso en 6. Poise is converted into stoke by (a) unsteady through unchanged cro: ction, (a) multiplying with density (gm/c.c.). (b) steady through changing unchanged cross- (b) dividing by density (gm/e.c.). section. (c) Multiplying with specific gravity. (c) steady and the cross-section is changed. (d) dividing by specific gravity. 14. In turbulent flow, the 7. Dimension of kinematic viscosity. (a) fluid particles move in an orderly manner. (a) MLT™ (b) L2.T* (b) momentum transfer is on molecular seale only, () Lav @ 12.7? (c) shear stress is caused more effectively by cohesion than momentum transfer. ANSWERS 1. (@) 2 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. a) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. () 9 @ 10. (a) ll. @) 12. (b) 13. (@) 14. (d) 2 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering (d) shear stresses are generally larger than in a similar laminar flow. 15. Turbulent flow generally occurs for cases in- volving. (a) highly viscous fluid (6) very narrow passages (©) very slow motion (@) none of these 16. An ideal fluid is (a) frictionless & incompressible. () one, which obeys Newton's law of viscosity. (©) highly viscous. (d) none of these. 17. Steady flow occurs, when the (a) conditions change steadily with time. () conditions are the same at the adjacent points at any instant. conditions do not change with time at any point. (d) rate of the velocity change is constant. 18. Which of the following must be followed by the flow of a fluid (real or ideal) ? (@_ Newton's law of viscosity. (ii) Newton's second law of motion, (iii) the continuity equation. (iv) Velocity of boundary layer must be zero relative to boundary. (v) Fluid cannot penetrate a boundary. (@ 1,1, 01 (o) 11,11, V © LILV @ 1, 19. The unit of velocity head is (a) m-Kg/Sec (&) m-Kg/m? (©) mKgs/Kg @ m-Kgs/Sec 20. Bernoulli's equation describes the (a) mechanical energy balance in potential flow. () kinetic energy balance in laminar flow. (©) mechanical energy balance in turbulent flow. (d) mechanical energy balance in boundary layer. 21. The kinetic energy correction factor for veloc- ity distribution of laminar flow is () (@) 05 () 1.66 ©. @2 22. In frictional fluid flow, the quantity, P P (@) constant along a streamline. () Not constant along a streamline. 25. 26. 27. 30. a1. (©) Increased in the direction of flow. (d) None of these. . The momentum correction factor for the veloc- ity distribution of laminar flow is (a) 13 (b) 1.66 (co) 25 (d) none of these . The head loss due to sudden expansion is py ae wo Gott ge 2g. Ge () (@ 28. Be The head loss due to sudden contraction is proportional to (a) velocity (b) velocity head (©) turbulence (@)_ none of these ‘The value of critical Reynolds number for pipe flow is (a) 1300 (®) 10,000 (©) 100,000 (d)_ none of these. Reynolds number for flow of water at room temperature through 2 em dia pipe at an aver- age velocity of 5 cm/sec is around (a) 2000 () 10 (©) 100 (@) 1000 . Shear stress in a fluid flowing in a round pipe @ Oo} © varies parabolically across the cross-section. remains constant over the cross-section. is zero at the centre and varies linearly with the radius. is zero at the wall and increases linearly to the centre @ Discharge in laminar flow through a pipe varies (@) as the square of the radius. (®) inversely as the pressure drop. (©) inversely as the viscosity. (@) as the square of the diameter. Boundary layer separation is caused by the re- duction of pressure below vapour pressure. (@) reduction of pressure below vapour pressure. (b) reduction of pressure gradient to zero. (©) adverse pressure gradient. (@) reduction of boundary layer thickness to zero. ‘The friction factor for turbulent flow in a hy- draulically smooth pipe (@) depends only on Reynolds number. ANSWERS 15.(d) 16 (@) 17. (c) 18 (b) 19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (6) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. d) 28. (e) 29. (a) 380. (@)— 381. (a) Flitid Mechanics (6) does not depend on Reynolds number. (©) depends on the roughness. (@) none of these 82. For a given Reynolds number, in a hydrauli- cally smooth pipe, further smoothening.....the friction factor. (a) brings about no further reduction of (®) increases (©) decreases (d) none of these 83. Hydraulic radius is the ratio of (a) wetted perimeter to flow area. (b) flow area to wetted perimeter. (©) flow area to square of wetted perimeter. (@) square root of flow area to wetted perimeter. 84, Reynolds number is the ratio of (a) viscous forces to gravity forces. (b) inertial forces to viscous forces. (©) viscous forces to inertial forces. (d) inertial forces to gravity forces 35. Mach number is the ratio of the speed of the (a) fluid to that of the light. (6) light to that of the fluid. (©) fluid to that of the sound. (d) sound to that of the fluid. 36. Power loss in an orificemeter is venturimeter. (a) less than (©) same as (©) more than (d) data insufficient, cannot be predicted 87. The velocity profile for turbulent flow through a closed conduit is (a) logarithmic (®) parabolic (©) hyperbolic @ linear 88. For laminar flow through a closed conduit, @ V,..=2V,, @® Vi=V, © Vi. =18V,, @ V2 05v,, = 16/NRe, is valid for (a) turbulent flow (®) laminar flow through an open channel (0) steady flow (d) none of these 40. Consider two pipes of same length and diame- that in a @ fl=p @) A

f (d) data not sufficient to relate fl & 2 41, Bernoulli's equation for steady, frictionless, continuous flow states that the all sec- tions is same. (q) total pressure (®) total energy (©) velocity head (@)_ none of these 42. Drag is defined as the force exerted by the (a) fluid on the solid in a direction opposite to flow. (b) fluid on the solid in the direction of flow. (c) solid on the fluid. (@) none of these. 48, Drag co-efficient for flow past immersed body is the ratio Of oon. .to the product of velocity head and density. (a) shear stress (®) shear force (©) average drag per unit projected area (@) none of these 44, Stoke’s law is valid, when the particle Reyn- olds number is @a () >1 © <6 (d) none of these 45. Drag co-officient CD, in Stoke's law range is given by 4 a) Cy C= @ Co“ 0.079 © @ RS R= 46. At low Reyn0olds number (a) viscous forces are unimportant. (b) viscous forces control. (©) viscous forces control and inertial forces are unimportant. (@) gravity forces control. 47. At high Reynolds number (a) inertial forces control and viscous forces are unimportant. (b) viscous forces predominate. (c) imertial forces are unimportant and vis- cous forces control. ter through which water is passed at the same | _ (d) none of these. velocity. The friction factor for rough pipe is /1 | 48, Pressure drop in a packed bed for laminar flow and that for smooth pipe is 2. Pick out the cor- is piven by the ‘equation rect statement. (a) Kozney-Karman ANSWERS 32.(a) 33. (&) 34. (6) 35. @) ~—- 3B (@)-—37. (@) ~—8B. (a)_—39. (B) 40. (c) 416) 42.) 43.) «44. @) 45.) 48.) AT) 48. (a) 4 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering () Blake-Plummer (©) Leva’s (@) Hagen-Poiseulle’s 49. Pressure drop in packed bed for turbulent flow is given by the. ‘equation. (a) Kozney-Karman (6) Blake-Plummer (©) Leve’s (@) Hagen-Poiseulle’s 50. Forces acting on a particle settling in fluid AF nnn nnnne AOFERS. (a) gravitational & buoyant. (®) centrifugal & drag. (©) gravitational or centrifugal buoyant (d) external, drag & viscous, 51, Terminal velocity is (a) aconstant velocity with no acceleration. (6) a fluctuating velocity. (©) attained after moving one-half of total dis- tance, (d) none of these. 52. Dragco-efficientin hindered settlingis... that in free settling. (a) less than (6) equal to (c) not necessarily greater than (@) always greater than 53. For the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid, the slope of, CD —log NRe, plot is @ 1 ) A © 05 @ ~05 54, In continuous fluidisation (a) solids are completely entrained. (®) the pressure drop is less than that for batch fiuidisation. (©) there is no entrainment of solids. (d) velocity of the fluid is very small. 55. Pressure drop in a fluidised bed reactor is.......thatin a similar packed bed reactor. (@) less than () more than (©) same as (@) none of these 56. Ina fluidised bed reactor (a) temperature gradients are very high. (0) temperature is more or less uniform. (©) hot spots are formed. (@) segregation of the solids occurs, 57. Lower BWG means.......of the tube. (a) lower thickness (6) lower cross-section (©) outer diameter (d) inner diameter 58. Cavitation occurs in a centrifugal pump when the suction pressure is (a) less than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature. (b) greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature. (c) equal to the vapour pressure. (d) equal to the developed head. 59. Cavitation can be prevented by (a) suitably designing the pump. () maintaining the suction head sufficiently greater than the vapour pressure. (c) maintaining suction head = developed head. (@) maintaining suction head lower than the vapour pressure, 60. Priming is needed in a. pump. (a) reciprocating (b) gear (©) centrifugal @ diaphragm 61. The general relationship between speed N, head H, power P and discharge Q for a cen- trifugal pump is (@) Q* N:H®N*:P Ne (o) Q* Ne:HEN': PON () Q* N:H®N:P “Ne @ Q*N:H*EN PEN 62, ‘The maximum depth from which a centrifugal pump can draw water is (a) dependent on the speed of the pump. (b) dependent on the power of the pump. (c) 34 feet. (a) 150 feet. 68. Boilerfeed waterpumpisusually a pump. (@) reciprocating (©) multistage centrifugal 64, Plunger pumps are used for (a) Higher pressure (b) (®) gear (@) diaphragm (©) viscous mass (d)_ none of these 65. Molten soap mass is transported by a pump. (@) diaphragm (b) reciprocating (© gear @ centrifugal 66. To handle smaller quantity of fluid at higher discharge pressure, USe @ .......0PUMD. (a) reciprocating (®) centrifugal (©) volute (d) rotary vacuum 67. The actual velocity at vena-contracta for flow through an orifice from a reservoir is given by ANSWERS 49. (b) 59. (6) 50. (c) 60. (0) 51. (@) 52d) 53. (b) BA. 61. (a) 62.(c) 63. (c) 64, (@) 55. (b) (a) 65. (@) 56. () 66. (a) 57.) 58. (a) 67. (a) Flitid Mechanics 5 (@) Cv.2gh @ Cd.\2ght 68, The fluid jet discharging from a 2” diameter orifice has a diameter of 1.75” at its vena con- tracta. The co-efficient of contraction is @) Ce.f2git @) Cvla @ 13 (®) 0.766 (© 0.87 (@)_ none of these 69. The discharge through a V-notch weir varies as @ He @) He © He @ 70. The discharge through a rectangular weir var- ies as @ He @) He © He @ He 71. Baffles in mixing tanks are provided to (a) reduce swirling and vortex formation. () increase the structural strength of tank. (©) aid in rotational flow. (@) none of these 72, Froude number is the ratio of (a) shear stress to gravitational stress. (b) drag stress to shear stress. (©) inertial stress to shear stress. (@) inertial stress to gravitational stress 78. Most commonly use joint in the underground pipe lines is the (a) sleeve joint (®) coupling (©) flange (@) expansion joint, 74, The valve used for very remote and accurate control of fltid i$ @....0.n0nevalve, (a) needle (®) globe (© gate @ butterfly 75. Check valves are used (@) at high pressure. (o) in bends. (©) for controlling water flow. (@) for unidirectional flow. 76. Which of the following facilitates close control of flow of fluids? (@) Gate valve (®) Globe valve (©) Butterfly valve (@) Check valve 77. The valve commonly used in pipes larger than 2? dia isa (a) globe valve (®) plug-cock (©) gate valve (@ check valve 78. A.2” gate valve fitted in a pipe is replaced by a similar globe valve. Pressure drop in gate valve was Ap. For the same discharge, the pressure drop across globe valve is (@) op ()

Ap (@) ope 79. Function of air vessel provided in a reciprocat- ing pump is to (a) reduce discharge fluctuation. (b) reduce the danger of cavitation. (c) avoid the necessity of priming. (d) increase the pump efficiency. 80. Head developed by a centrifugal pump de- pends on its (a) speed (®) impeller diameter (©) both (a) and (6) (d) neither (a) nor (6) 81. The head loss in turbulent flow in a pipe varies (a) as velocity (b) as (velocity)® (c) inversely as the square of diameter (d) inversely as the velocity 82. One dimensional flow implies (a) flow in a straight line. (b) steady uniform flow. () unsteady uniform flow. (d) a flow which does not account for changes in transverse direction. 83. In case of centrifugal fan or blower, the gas ca- pacity varies as (a) speed (©) (speed? 84, The continuity equation (a) relates mass flow rate along a stream tube. (b) relates work and energy. (c)_ stipulates that Newton’s second law of motion must be satisfied at every point in the fluid (a) none of these. 85. Foot valves are provided in the suction line of a centrifugal pump to (a) avoid priming every time we start the pump. (b) remove the contaminant present in liquid, (c) minimise the fluctuation in discharge (a) control the liquid discharge. 86. Differential manometer measures the (a) atmospheric pressure. (b) sub-atmospheric pressure. (c) pressure difference between two points. (a) none of these. 87. Velocity distribution for flow between two fixed parallel plates (®) (speed)? (d) (speed)® ANSWERS 68.(b) 69. (c) 70. (d) Tila) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (@)— 76, (B) TT. (ec) 78.(c) 79. (a) 80. (c) 81.(6) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (a)_—-86. (c)_ 87. (a) 6 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering (a) varies parabolically across the section. (b) is constant over the entire cross-section. (©) is zero at the plates and increases linearly to the midplane none of these. @ 88. While starting a centrifugal pump, its deliv- ery’ valve should be kept (a) opened. (®) closed. (©) either opened or closed ; it does not make any difference. (@) either opened or closed; depending on the fluid viscosity. 89. A centrifugal pump designed for handling wa- ter (1 = 1 ep) will deliver when pumping a thicker oil (n= 30 ep). (a) less head & capacity () more head (©) more capacity (d) less head & more capacity 90. Flow rate of high velocity flue gas discharged through a stack to the atmosphere can be most conveniently measured by a (a) pitot tube () manometer (©) rotameter (@)_ none of these 91. Maximum theoretical suction lift for water at 15°C by a centrifugal pump is 34 ft. The same for water at 90°C will be... ft. (@ 40 () 34 © 8 @) 37 92, Friction factor for a hydraulically smooth, pipe at N,, = 2100 is fl. If the pipe is further smooth- ened (ie., roughness is reduced), the friction fac- tor at the same value of N,., will (a) increase. (b) decrease. (©) remain unchanged. (@) increase or decrease depending on the pipe material 93. Vena-contracta formed during flow of a liquid through an orificemeter has (a) minimum liquid cross-section. (b) more diameter compared to orifice diameter. (©) minimum velocity of fluid stream. (d) none of these 94, Reciprocating pumps compared to ‘centrifugal pumps (a) deliver liquid at uniform pressure. (6) can handle slurries more efficiently. (c) are not subject to air binding. (a) can be operated with delivery valve closed. 95. A tube is specified by its (a) thickness only (b) outer diameter only (c) thickness & outer diameter both (@) inner diameter 96. For pipes that must be broken at intervals for maintenance, the connector used should be a/an (@) union (b) tee (©) reducer @ elbow 97. If more than two branches of pipes are to be connected at the same point, then use a/an (@) elbow (®) union () tee (d)_ none of these. 98. The most economical flow control valve for use with large diameter pipes is a (a) butterfly valve (6) globe valve (©) needle valve (@)_ none of these 99. Which of the following factors does not contrib- ute to the pressure drop in a pipeline ? (a) Velocity of fluid (b) Size of pipe (c) Length of pipe and number of bends (@) None of these 100. Which of the following can be used to create a flow of gas, where no significant compression is required ? (a) Reciprocating compressor (b) Blower (©) Axial flow compressor (@) Centrifugal compressor Erosion and pits formation on the impeller of ‘centrifugal pump may be due to (a) cavitation. (6) low speed of impeller. (©) its operation with delivery valve closed for considerable time after starting the pump. (@) off centering of pump with motor. Which of the following valves will incur max- imum pressure drop for the same discharge of water? (a) Globe valve (®) Gate valve (©) Needle valve (d)._ Butterfly valve While starting an axial flow pump, its deliv- ery valve should be kept, (@) open (b) closed (©) either open or closed (d) none of these 101. 102, 103, ANSWERS 88. (b) 89. (a) 90. (a) 91. (@) ~— 92. (a)_—98. (a) 94. (0) 9B. (c)- 9B. (a) 97. (c) 98. (a) 99. fd) 100. (6) 101. (a) 102. (c)—108.a) Fluid Mechanics 104. Interstage coolers are provided in a multi- stage compressor to (@) save power in compressing a given vol- ume to a given pressure, (®) cool the delivered air. (©) achieve the exact delivery pressure. (@) none of these. 105. Surge tanks are provided in high pressure water pipelines to (a) store a definite quantity of water all the time (®) reduce the water hammer. (©) facilitate easy dismantling of pipeline for cleaning and maintenance. (@) none of these. 106. Pipes having diameter 14 inches or more are designated by their (a) outside diameter (b) inside diameter (©) schedule number (d) none of these 107. Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) of a pipe less than 12 inches in diameter indicates its (@) inner diameter (®) outer diameter (©) thickness (@) neither inner nor outer diameter 108. The most important factor, which determines the maximum height to which water can be lifted by a pump at standard temperature is the (@) barometric pressure (®) speed of the impeller (©) diameter of the impeller (@) both (6) and (c) 109. Gear pump (a) isa positive displacement pump. () isa centrifugal pump. (©) is a non-positive displacement pump. (d) canbe started with delivery valve closed. 110. When the water is warm, the height to which it can be lifted by a pump (a) decreases due to reduced viscosity. (B) decreases due to reduced vapour pressure. (©) increases due to increased vapour pressure. (d) decreases due to increased frictional re- sistance. 111. Multistage centrifugal pumps are generally used for (@) high head, (®) low head but high discharge, (©) highly viscous liquid, (@) slurries of high solid concentration. 112, 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 7 ‘Nominal size of the discharge pipe of a pump is usually.........0uthe nominal size of the inlet pipe. (q@ smaller than (6) larger than (©) same as (@) twice Horsepower requirement for given pump ca- pacity depends upon the (a) specific gravity of the liquid (®) suction lift (©) discharge head (d) all (a), (6) and (c) Which of the following is the most common pump for pumping either raw sewage or sludge ? (a) Electromagnetic pump (®) Centrifugal pump (©) Reciprocating pump (@) Gear pump Self-priming centrifugal pump can be used for (a) booster service. (®) pumping liquid fertilisers (e.g. liquid NH). (©) pumping industrial wastes @) all (a), () and (o). LD. of 1/4” schedule 40 pipe is 0.64”, LD. ofa 1/2” schedule 40 pipe would be .........imeh (@) 4.728 () 05 (©) 0.622 (@ 0.474 With increase in the schedule number of a pipe of a particular nominal size, the (a) wall thickness also increases. (b) LD. of the pipe decreases. (©) O.D. of the pipe remains constant. (d) all (a), (6) and (c) ‘The nominal size ofa hose pipe is specified by its (@ ID. () OD. (©) thickness (d) none of these Fanning friction factor equation applies to the... fluid flow, (a) non-isothermal condition of (6) compressible (©) both (a) and (6) (@) neither (a) nor (6) Which of the following may be termed as a variable orifice flowmeter? (a) Rotameter —(b) Pitot tube (©) V-notch (d) All (a), (6) and (c) Pressure gradient in the pipe flow is influ- enced by the ANSWERS 104.(a) 105. (6) 106. (a) 107.(d) 108. (a) 113.(d) 114.(c) — 115.(6) 116.) 117. (d) 109.(a) —110.(6) 111. (a) 112.(a) 1s(q) 119.) :120(a)_-121.(d) 8 Objective Type Chemical Engineering (a) diameter of pipe, 129, Viscosity of a liquid decreases... with (®) velocity of the fluid. rise in temperature. (c) density & viscosity of the fluid. (a) exponentially (linearly (@) all (a), ) and) (©) logarithmically (d) none of these 122, Check in a centrifugal pump is 180, Pick out the Hagen-Poiseulle’s equation. r eat (a) provided in the discharge line Ap, LF (b) generally a globe valve. @ —4h—5— ‘7 ji js ) p Dx, (c) provided to prevent liquid from backing 28, up through the pump when the pump is LI turned off or accidently stops running. (b) p= 32 (d) all (a), () and (c). io 123, Cavitation in a centrifugal pump results from AP 591-2) (a) high discharge pressure () Pe (®) low barometric pressure . (6) high discharge velocity na ply (@) high discharge rate @ [=D sae ee rein Wed for Pumping | 131. Equivalent length ofa pipe fitting is (a) Single stage centrifugal pump (@) dependent on Reynolds number. (®) Gear pump (®) independent of Reynolds number. (c) Screw pump (©) dependent on the length of the pipe (@) Duplexitriplex reciprocating pump (@) none of these. ‘ch of the following is most prone to pul- | 182 Creeping flow around a sphere is defined, eae flocharce tog most Prone te Pub when particle Reynolds number is (a) Contritagal pump (@) <2100 @) <01 ©) Reciprocating purap (©) >25 (@ <500 (c) Gear pump 183, Pressure drop (Ap) for a fluid flowing in tur- (@ Axial flow pump Bulent dow through a pipe sw funtion of e- 126, A centrifugal pump designed to pump water pe ee va is employed to pump a more viscous oil, In ee : the later case, the pump a ON (a) develops a lower head. a(#e 2/500 is movi sth () capachy is reduced 184, Aduid (4 0.0 emi 1s ismoving att (©) requires more power. it ana a cal flow condition (N, = 2100) through a pipe of CONS . dia 3 cms. Velocity of BOW i5.........ema/see. 127. With a constant diameter impeller of a cen- @ 7 ®) 700 ae PUmp varies directly ax th (©) 7000 (@ 630 Oo fepeed "| 185, Multistage compressors are used in industry, (®) head varies as the square of speed poems (©) horsepower input varies as the square of (@) reduce the cost of compressor. speed fe) seduce te sine rgsioemen ad varies as the spec (c) resemble closely toisothermal compression. 198, ° he ave oe ome a trifugal (@) are easy to control. * ite the impeller diameter. | 186. Forpumping slurry, onecan use jump. (a) capacity varies directly with (@) reciprocating (6) diaphargm (®) head varies as the square of (©) centrifugal (@) pneumatic (©) horsepower varies as the cube of 187. The pressure head of a flow meter remains (@) all (a), () and (c) constant for ANSWERS 122.(d) 128.06) 124. (@) -125.(@) 126.) 127.6) 128d) 128) 180.) 181.(a) 132.6) 188.) 134(@) 185.) —:186.(6)_——187.(e) Fluid Mechanics 9 138. 139. 140. 141, 142, 148, 144, 138. (c) 147.) (a) venturimeter _(b)_orificemeter (©) rotameter (@) pitot tube For very low pressure and high discharge rate, the compressor used is AAD. compressor. (a) axial (b) reciprocating (©) rotary (@)_ none of these Reynolds number for water flow through a tube of LD. 5 em is 1500. Ifa liquid of 5 cen- tipoise viscosity and 0.8 specific gravity flows in the same pipe at the same velocity, then the pressure drop will (a) increase (&) decrease (© remain same (d) data insufficient to predict pressure drop A liquid is pumped at the rate of 600 litres using 1000 rpm. If the rpm is changed to 1100, the liquid pumped is. litres, (@) 600 () 660 @ 11 @ 60 For the same flow rate of a fluid, the pressure drop is the least for (@) venturimeter (b) orificemeter (©) flow-nozzle (d) Apis same for all Two fluids are flowing through two similar pipes of the same diameter. The Reynold’s number is same. For the same flow rate if the viscosity of a fluid is reduced to half the value of the first fluid, the pressure drop will (a) increase (b) decrease (©) remain unchanged (@) data insufficient to predict relative Net positive suction head (NPSH) of a cen- trifugal pump must be (a) greater than the vapour pressure of the liquid. less than the vapour pressure of the liquid. equal to the vapour pressure of the liquid. less than barometric pressure. @) © @ A centrifugal pump used to pump water is used to pump an oil with specific gravity of 145, 146. 147. 148, 149. 150. 161. 152. Assuming flow to be laminar, if the diameter of the pipe is halved, then the pressure drop will (@) increase (®) decrease (©) remain same —(d)_ be quadrupled For the transfer of solution of thick slurry, the pump used is a, pump. (a) reciprocating () gear (©) diaphragm (@) centrifugal Pick out the Kozney-Karman equation (valid for low N,,) for fluid flow through a packed bed of solids, Ap L (@) Wao D 2g, a 4,=0D +1.75 ADB Dy os! LI, u-E © ‘Ap g. DE SL VE 1-E Bernoulli's equation accounts for the (a) Various momentums (6) Various masses (c) Different forms of mehanical energy (a) none of these When the pipe Reynold’s number is 6000, the flow is generally (a) viscous (&) laminar (o) turbulent (d) transition Diaphragm pumps are used to transport @ (a) solids (®) liquids (©) fluids (@) slurries Cocks are used to control (@) water (®) any liquid (©) solids (d)_ none of these Check valve is used for... flow. (a) very precise control of (6) unidirectional (©) multidirectional (d) none of these 0.8 at the same rate. The power consumption | 158, Nominal size of a pipe is an indication of will now its......diameter. (@) increase (a) inner (6) outer ® decrease (©) approximate —_—(d)_ none of these (@) data insufficient to predict ANSWERS 139.(a) 140.(6) 141.(@) 142.8) 148. (a) 144.10) 145) 146.) 148. (d) —149.(c) 150d) 151.6) 152.06) 153.6) 10 15: 151 156. 157. 158. 159, 160. Objective Type Chemical Engineering du 4. In power law, ¢ -4() +B,ifn=1andB # 0, then the fluid is (@) Newtonian (®) dilatant (©) thixotroipe (@) rheopectic 5. Cavitation ina pump creates somany undesirable effects. Out of the following, which is not an undesirable effect created by eavitation ? (a) Decrease in effect (®) Increase in thrust (©) Develops noise (@) Develops high pressure A rotameter works on the principle of... pressure drop. (q) constant (b) variable (©) both (a) & (6) (d) neither (a) nor (b) Enamels and paints are generally. fluid, (a) reheopectic (b) pseudo-plastic (©) thixotropic (@) dilatant For ideally incompressible fluid, the Mach number will be (@ 15 @ 4 0 @ 5 Select the correct practical example of steady non-uniform flow, (a) Motion of water around a ship in a lake. () Motion of river around bridge piers. (© Steadily decreasing flow through a re- ducing section. (d) Steadily increasing flow through a pipe. streamline is (a) the line connecting the mid-points of flow cross-sections. defined for uniform flow only. drawn normal to the velocity vector at every point. (d) always the path of a particle ) © 163. 164, 165. 166. 167. 168. (b) energy is not constant along a stream- line. energy is constant along a streamline. there exists a velocity potential. © @ Which of the following is a dimensionless pa- rameter ? (a) Angular velocity (6) Specific weight (©) Kinematic viscosity(d) None of these In laminar flow through a round tube, the discharge varies (a) linearly as the viscosity. (6) inversely as the pressure drop. (©) inversely as the viscosity. (@) as the square of the radius. ‘The Prandt! mixing length is (a) zero at the pipe wall and is a universal constant. independent of radial distance from the pipe axis. independent of the shear stress. useful for computing laminar flow prob- Jems. ) © @ Boundary layer separation is caused by the (a) reduction of pressure to vapour pressure. (®) boundary layer thickness reducing to (©) adverse pressure gradient. (@) reduction of pressure gradient to zero. Boundary layer separation occurs when the (a) pressure reaches a minimum. (b) cross-section of the channel is reduced. (©) valve is closed in a pipeline. (d) velocity of sound is reached. ‘The terminal velocity of a small sphere set- ‘ling in a viscous fluid varies as the (a) first power of its diameter. (6) inverse of the fluid viscosity. (©) inverse square of the diameter. (@ square of the difference in specific 161. ‘The head loss in turbulent flow in a pipe varies weights of solid & fluid. falsely cael, . 169. The head losses in open channel flow gener- (6) inversely as the square of the velocity, ally Cont onthe (c) approximately as the square ofthe velocity ta evoree of the roughness (@) inversely as the square of the diameter. () Bret nower ot the cughaess 162. The continuity equation in ideal fluid flow (© square of the velocity. states that (@) inverse square of hydraulic radius, (@) net rate of inflow into any small volume | 179, 15 turbulent flow, a rough pipe has the same must De zero. friction factor as a smooth pipe ANSWERS 154(a) 155. (d)156(a) 15716) 15816) 1598/0) —«160.(e) G14) 162.(a) 163d) 164. (c) 165d) 166.(d) 167.6) 168.6) 169d) 170.08) Fluid Mechanics u 17. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. (a) im the zone of complete turbulence. (®) when the roughness projections are much smaller than the thickness of the laminar film. (©) everywhere in the transition zone. (d) when the friction factor is independent of the Reynold’s number. In the complete turbulence zone (in rough pipes), the (a) rough and smooth pipes have the same friction factor. (®) laminar film covers the roughness pro- Jections. (©) friction factor depends upon NRe only. (d) friction factor is independent of the rela- tive roughness. ‘The length of the tube necessary for the boundary layer to reach the centre of the tube and for fully developed flow to be established is called the. length. (a) equivalent (b) transition (© Prandtl mixing (d)_none of these ‘Transition length for a turbulent fluid enter- ing into a pipe is around...........times the pipe diameter. @ 5 () 50 (©) 500 (@) 1000 Purpose of relief valve in a reciprocating pump is to (a) protect the putmp against developing ex- cessive pressure. (®) facilitate unidirectional flow of liquid. (©) reduce the discharge pressure. (@) control the rate of discharge. Centrifugal compressors compared to recip- rocating compressors (@) require less space. (®) have quieter operation. (©) have lower operating costs. (@) all (a), ) and (c). Which of the following produces maximum. pressure difference for transportation of gases ? (@) Vaccum pumps ) Blowers (© Fans (@) Compressors ‘The fluid property which matters for falling rain drops to acquire spherical shape is its 178. where, Choose the correct set of dimensions of vis- cosity that are equivalent. @ FL°T,MLAT! —(@) FLT, ML“T @ MLPT FLT LT, Mut F,M, L, T are dimensions for force,mass, length and time respectively. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. Iftwo capillary tubes of dia 0.5 mm and 1mm are dipped in a pot containing mercury, then the rise of mereury is (a) same in both the tubes. (6) greater in 1 mm dia tube (©) greater in 0.5 mm dia tube. (d) zero in both the tubes, Which of the following is a Newtonian fluid? (a) Rubber latex (6) Sewage sludge (©) Quicksand (@) Non-colloidal solution ‘The schedule number of a pipe is an indica- tion of its (a) site (®) roughness (c) material density (d) wall thickness Volume of liquid displaced by a floating body is equivalent to its (a) own weight (©) own volume Pascal law is not applicable for a/an. (a) accelerating frictionless (b) static (©) uniformly moving (@) none of these What is the unit of kinematic viscosity ST unit? (a) msec (b) Nim*. see (©) Kg.secim — (d) None of these ‘One dimensional fluid flow implies the (a) flow in straight lines only. (6) uniform flow. (©) steady uniform flow. (@) flow in which transverse components are (b) submerged weight (a) submerged volume fluid. The discharge through a semi-circular weir @H oF © we @ Hw A pressure of 10 m head of water is equiva- lent to......kN/m®, (a) pressure () height of descend (©) viscosity (d) surface tension (a) 98 @ 147 (o) 196 @ 49 ANSWERS 1TL(d) 172.6) «1738.(6)-174.@)— 175. (d) TB) TTA) —178a)_—«179.(c) 180./d) 181(d) 182. (a) 183d) —-184.a)— 185d) :186.8)_—187(a) 12 18% Objective Type Chemical Engineering 8. Differential manometer measures the (a) absolute pressure (®) gauge pressure (©) pressure difference (d) pressure gradient 189. The unit of dynamie viscosity in SI unit is (a) kg/m. sec () Nim? (©) m'/sec. (@) mIN. sec. 190. Gradually varied flow in open channel is a/ AM sos flow. (a) steady uniform (®) steady non-uniform (©) unsteady uniform (@) unsteady non-uniform 191. Power required by a centrifugal pump is pro- portional to @ ND () ND @ ND @ ND Where, D = diameter, N =r.p.m. 19: 19% 19. 19 196. 197. 198. 2. What is the maximum theoretical suction lift (metres) of a reciprocating pump ? @ 5 ) 10 @ 50 (@ 100 }3. In case of a centrifugal pump, the ratio of to- tal delivered pressure to pressure developed with the impeller is called the........eflicieney. (@ manometric () mechanical (©) volumetric (@) overall 4. An ideal fluid is (@) non-viscous (6) _—_ incompressible (©) both (a) &(b) (d) _ neither (a) & (b) 15. What is the speed of sound (m/sec) in ordi- nary water ? (@) 1500 () 330 (© 1000 (@) 3000 A floating/submerged body is always stable, if its centre of gravity (@) lies above its centre of buoyancy. (b) and centre of buoyancy coincide. (©) lies below its centre of buoyancy. (d) lies above its meta centre ‘The pressure at a point in a fluid is not the same in all directions, when the fluid is vis- cous and (a) moving (©) cold (b) static (@) hot 199. 201. 202. (a) U-bend () 30° bend (©) 45° bend (@) 90° bend Cavitation in a centrifugal pump can be avoided by keeping the (a) inlet pressure high (b) outlet pressure low (©) inlet pressure low (@) outlet pressure high Arelief valve (a) provides back pressure for a cylinder, (®) unloads a pump. (©) isa directional control valve. (d) none of these. Foot valves provided in pumps are.......valves. (a) relief (b) three/four way (©) pressure reducing(d) directional control Various efficiencies of a centrifugal pump are related as (a) "na ® Tu My = Mo &) n= na Ge) Ta = Ms * To (a) =a where, 1,=Mechanical efficiency, 7, = volumet ric efficiency, y,= manometric efficiency, 7, = over all efficiency 203. During ageing of fluid carrying pipes, the 204. 205. (@) pipe becomes smoother with use. (b) friction factor increases linearly with time (©) absolute roughness decreases with time (@) absolute roughness increases linearly with time. For steady ideal fluid flow, the Bernoulli's equation states that the (a) velocity is constant along a stream line. (®) energy is constant throughout the fluid (©) energy is constant along a stream line, bu may vary across stream lines (@) none of these The continuity equation (a) is independent of the compressibility of the fluid, (b) is dependent upon the viscosity of the fluid. (©) represents the conservation of mass. (@) none of these. Which of the following pipe bends will incur the largest head loss ? ANSWERS: 188.(c) 189/a) 1906) 191d) «192.(6):193(a)_— 194M) 95a) 196.(e) 197.(a) 198(a) 19a) -200/c) —«-201.(d)-——202. (6) 203.6) 204. (e) 205.(0) Fluid Mechanics 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212, 213, 214, 206. (c) 216d) Priming of a centrifugal pump is done to (a) increase the mass flow rate of fluid. (b) develop effective pressure rise by the pump. (©) avoid chances of separation inside the impeller. (@) none of these. Hydraulic diameter for non-circular ducts is, equal to.........times the area of flow divided by the perimeter. (@) two (®) three (© four (@) eight ‘The dimension of surface tension is @ ML () MT (@ MLT @ Mir In deriving Bernoulli’s equation, fluid is as- sumed to be (@) incompressible, frictionless, steady, along a streamline. uniform, steady, incompressible, along a streamline steady, density being pressure depen- dent, frictionless none of these. o © @ The ratio of actual discharge to theoretical discharge through an orifice is equal to (@) Ce. C () Ce. Cd (© (@ CdiCv For flow through an orifice from a reservoir, the actual velocity at the vena contracta is given by (@) V28h (b) CV. V28h (©) Cav2ah (d) Ce Veh The discharge through a venturimeter de- pends upon, (@) pressure drop only. (6) its orientation. (©) co-efficient of contraction only. (d) none of thes ‘The velocity distribution in direction normal to the direction of flow in plane Poiseuille flow is (a) hyperbolic (b) parabolic (©) linear (d) none of these Which law is followed by the velocity distri- bution in the turbulent boundary layer? (@) Paraboliclaw —(b) Linear law (©) Logarithmic law (d) None of these 215. 216, 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222, 223, 224, 13 Weber number is the ratio of inertial force fr rnnnnrnfPC€. (@) surface tension (b) gravity (©) viscous (@) clastic The energy equation, E+2+!~ +87 con- p28 stant (E = internal energy/mass), is appli- cable to (a) perfect gases only. Correct equation (6) isothermal flow of gases. (©) adiabatic unsteady flow of gases. (d) all compressible fluids, A pressure head of 320 metres of water in meters of CCI, ( = 1.6) will be (@ 100 (@) 200 (© 320 (@ 160 Mach number is important in a fluid flow problem, when the inertia and......forces pre- dominate. (a) elastic (®) viscous (©) gravity (@)_ none of these The Mach number for hypersonic flow of com- pressible fluid is @1 @) >I @ >4 @ 2 Air vessel of a reciprocating pump is initially filled with (a) atmospheric air (6) compressed air (©) water (@)_ none of these What is the ratio of the velocity at the axis of the pipe to the mean velocity of flow in case of pipe flow under viscous condition ? (@) 05 @) 0.67 @1 @ 2 The frictional resistance in laminar flow does not depend on the (a) area of surface in contact. (6) flow velocity. (©) fluid temperature. (@) pressure of flow. Bernoulli's equation is not applicable, when the flow is (q) irrotational, (©) viscous. (b) incompressible. (A) all (a), (6) & (c) Paper pulp is an example of.....fluid. (a) dilatant (b) bingham plastic (©) Newtonion (d)_ pseudoplastic ANSWERS 207. (c) 217.(6) 208.6) 218.(a) 209. (a) 219.(0) 210.(a) 211.6) 212(a) 213.(b) 214(c) 215.(a) 220.(b) 221(d) 222(a) 223.(d) 224.(b) 4 221 22 22" 22 223 23 where, Q, 232, Objective Type Chemical Engineering 5. A gas 238. The boundary layer thickness at a given sec- (a) signifies absence of density. tion along a flat plate..........with increasing (6) can resist shearing action. Reynold’s number. (c) is incompressible. (a) increases (d) isa supercritical vapor. (b) decreases 6. The flow of a liquid through tapering pipe at ("remains same constant rate is an example of. flow. (a) steady uniform (®) steady non uniform (©) unsteady uniform (d) unsteady non uniform 17. Which of the following fluid forces are not considered in the Navier-Stoke’s equation? (@) Gravity forces (b) Viscous forces (©) Pressure forces (d) Turbulent forces 8. Each term in Bernaulli’s equation represents the onnnnnnnof the fluid, (a) energy per unit mass (®) energy per unit weight (©) force per unit mass (@) none of these 9. The Prandtl pitot tube measures the (a) velocity at a point in the flow. (®) pressure at a point. (©) average flow velocity. (d) pressure difference in pipe flow. The percentage slip in a reciprocating pump set is given by the % of @ Q,/@ Q-O Q actual discharge Q, = theoretical discharge Reciprocating pumps are not able to compete with the centrifugal pump for industrial use, mainly because these pumps have (a) very low speeds () smaller discharge. (©) higher capital & maintenance cost. (@)_ high vibrations, Prandtl number is a measure of the (a) heat conduction to viscosity of a fluid. (®) Cp/Cv of a fluid. (©) elastic force to pressure force in the fluid flow. 0. © 2/2, @, (@ o 234, 235, 236. 237. 238, (@) may increase or decrease Air vessel fitted to a reciprocating pump (a) increases the work done (b) decreases the work done. (©) causes cavitation. (@) results in non-uniform discharge. Water hammer in a pipeline results from the (a) bursting of pipelines due to closure by a valve rapid pressure change due to a rapid change in the rate of flow. pressure increase due to closure of a valve resulting in decrease in rate of flow. none of these. o © @ Steady uniform flow is represented by flow through a/an (a) long pipe at constant rate. (b) long pipe at decreasing rate. (©) expanding tube at constant rate (@) none of these. Unsteady uniform flow is represented by flow through a/an (a) long pipe at constant rate (b) long pipe at decreasing rate. (©) expanding tube at increasing rate (@) expanding tube at constant rate Unsteady non-uniform flow is represented by flow through ean (a) long pipe at constant rate, (6) long pipe at decreasing rate. (©) expanding tube at increasing rate. (d) expanding tube at constant rate 289. For pipe flows, head is proportional to constant capacity. @ WD @) uD (©) 4D @ D where, D = pipe diameter 240. Drag co-efficient for motion of spherical par- ticles in a stationary fluid in the stoke’s law range is (@) inertial force to elastic force in the fluid 24 16 flow. @ ) ANSWERS 225.(d) 226.(b) 227. (d) 228.6) 29a) 280d) 2B1c)—-232.(a) 283.(6) 234.(d) 235(6) 236 (a) 2876) —«238.(c)—«239.(0)——240.(a) Fluid Mechanics 64 © @ 241. In Newton’s law range, the drag co-efficient for the motion of spherical particle in a sta- tionary fluid is (@) 044 () 0.044 © 44 (a) 44 242. Stoke's law is valid, when NRe.p is less than @ 2 (&) 100 (@ 2100 (@) 700 243. One poise (unit of absolute/dynamic vis cos- ity) is equivalent to one (@) gm/em’. sec. (®)gmiem, see. (©) emisec. (@) mibsec. 244, For motion of spherical particles in a station- ary fluid, the drag co-efficient in hindered settling compared to that in free settling is (a) more () less (©) equal (d) more or less, depending on the type of particle 245. In the Newton’s law range, the terminal velocity of a solid spherical particle falling through a stationary fluid mass is......the fluid viscosity. (a) directly proportional to (6) inversely proportional to (©) inversely proportional to the square root of (@) independent of 246. The head loss in turbulent flow in pipe is pro- portional to @v o uy ow @v where, V = velocity of fluid through the pipe 247. ‘Transition length for turbulent flow in smooth pipe is equal to........times the pipe diameter. (@) 05 5 © 50 (@) 100 248. With increase in temperature, the vapor pressure of liquids (a) increases (b) increases linearly (©) decreases (d) remains constant 249. The continuity equation of fluid mechanics utilises the principle of conservation of (@) momentum () mass (©) energy (@)_ both (b) & (e) 250. 252. 253. 254, 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. Unit of mass velocity is (a) kgfar (©) kg/m’. hr (©) kglm? (@ kg/m’. hr . For turbulent flow of Newtonion fluid in a circular cross-section pipe, ‘the ratio of maxi- mum to average fluid velocity is (@) 05 @ 1 (©) 0.66 @ <05 Schedule number of a pipe, which is a mea- sure of its wall thickness, is given by (@ 1000P'/S (@) 100P'/s (©) 1000S/P (@ 10000 P/S Sewage sludge is an example of the........fluid. (@) Bingham plastic () Newtonion (©) pseudoplastic —(@)_ latent A perfect gas (a) does not satisfy PV=nRT. (b) is incompressible and has zero viscosity. (©) has constant specific heat. (d) can’t develop shear stresses. forees act on a particle moving through a stationary fluid. (a) Gravity () Drag (© Buoyant — @) all (a), 0), &(@) Existence of boundary layer in fluid flow is because of the (a) surface tension _(b) fluid density (©) fluid viscosity (d)_ gravity forces ‘Manometers measure the. pressure. (a) vacuum as well as the atmospheric (&) difference in (©) absolute (d) gage If Blausius or Darcey friction factor is then the Fanning friction factor is equal to (a) fis @) 4p © 3, @ ff Slurries can be most conveniently pumped by A oetPUMP. (a) screw (®) reciprocating (©) gear (@ centrifugal A fluid which has a linear relationship be- tween the magnitude of applied shear stress and the resulting rate of deformation is called alan. safluid, (@) Newtonion —(b) Non-Newtonion (©) ideal (d) incompressible ANSWERS 246.(a) 247.(c) 248(a) 249.(b) 250.06) 256.(c) 257.(b) 258(a) 259d) 260.(a) 241.(a) 242. (a) 249.(b) 244. (a) 245.16) 251.(b) 252(a) 258. (a) We) 255.(d) 16 26: Objective Type Chemical Engineering 1. As per Newton’s law of viscosity, the shear stress for a given rate of angular deformation of fluid is proportional to @ Wp @ ow @ ie where, |1= fluid viscosity 26: 26: 26. 26 26 26 2. N. second/m? is (a) the S.1. unit of dynamic viscosity. (®) the S.I unit of kinematic viscosity. (©) equivalent to one poise. (d) equivalent to one stoke. 33. Which of the following properties of a fluid is responsible for offering resistance to shear ? (a) Surface tension. (6) Viscosity. (©) Specific gravity. (4) all (a), (6), and (c). 4, Rubber latex is an example of... fluid. (@) dilatent () Newtonion (©) pseudoplastie (d) Bingham plastic 5. Very small pressure difference (<5 mm water coloumn) can be most conveniently measured by a/an. manometer, (a) U-tube water. (®) U-tube mercury. (©) inclined tube mercury. (d) inclined tube water. 6. Kinetic energy of fluid per unit weight repre- sented by the velocity head is given by (a) 2v%Igc () v/2ge (© po'/ge (@) px*/2ge 7. The equivalent diameter for pressure drop calculation for a duct of square cross-section is given by (@) x O Jax © Soe @ GR where, x= each side of the square duct. 26 26: 8, Vane anemometer (@) is an area meter. (6) is a variable head meter. 270. 2m. 272. 273. 274, 275. Venturimeter and orifice meter measures the. oonnnn0f the fluid, (@ pressure () maximum velocity (©) average velocity (d) point velocity Quicksand is an example of a.....luid. (@ bingham plastic (b) dilatent (©) Newtonion (d)_pseudoplastic Bernoulli's equation for fluid flow is derived following certain assumptions. Out of the assumptions listed below, which set of as- sumptions is used in derivation of Bernoulli's equation ? A. Fluid flow is frictionless & irrotational. B. Fluid flow is steady. C. Fluid flow is uniform & turbulent. D. Fluid is compressible. E. Fluid is incompressible. @ A,C,D @)B,D,E © ABE ADE ‘The boundary layer is that part of a moving fluid, in which the fluid velocity is (a) affected by the fluid flow pressure, (6) constant. (©) affected by the presence ofa solid boundary. (@) all (a), () and (c). Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to fluid flow. (a) The ratio of average velocity to the maxi- mum velocity for turbulent flow of New- tonion fluid in circular pipes is 0.5 The Newtonion fluid velocity in a circu- Jar pipe flow is maximum at the centre of the pipe. Navier-Stokes equation is applicable to the analysis of viscous flows. Hagen-Poiseuille equation is applicable to the laminar flow of Newtonion fluids, o © @ For laminar flow of Newtonion fluid in a cir- cular pipe, the velocity distribution is a fune- tion of the distance ‘d’ measured from the (c) rotates an element at a speed determined centre line of the pipe, and it follows a. by the velocity of the fluid in which the relationship. meter is immersed. (a) logarithmic (b) parabolic (d) none of these. (c) hyperbolic (d) linear 39. Pitot tube measures the...............ofa fluid. | 976, The terminal velocity of a solid spherical par- (a) pressure ticle falling through a stationary fluid mass (b) average velocity in the Stoke’s law range is proportional to the (©) average flow rate (a) inverse of fluid viscosity. (@) point velocity’ (b) square of particle size. ANSWERS 261.6) 262.(a) ——-263.(6) 264.0) 265d) 266.16) 26T a) -268.(c) 269.(d) 270(e) 271.) —-27A(e)--BTBLe)-—««BTA(a)«—«275.() 7B.) Fluid Mechanics 7 (©) difference in the densities of the particle & fluid. (@) all(@),@) and (). 277, Flow measurement in an open channel is done by a/an (a) venturimeter (b) orificemeter (©) weir (@) rotameter 278. Speed of sound in an ideal gas depends on its (a) temperature (®) pressure (©) specific volume (d)_ none of these 279. Which of the following equations is valid for laminar flow of a fluid through packed bed? (@) Fanning equation (®) Korey - Karman equation (©) Hagen-Poiseuille equation (@) Blake-Plummer equation 280. Fanning equation is given by Pagp bt pp D 2gc Itis applicable to region flow. (@) transition (®) laminar (©) turbulent (@)_ both (6) and (c) 281. The fluid velocity varies as the cube of the cylinderical pipe diameter in case of steady state laminar flow at constant pressure drop FOr nfl (@) Newtonion (b) pseudoplastic (©) dilatent (@) Bingham plastic 282. Pick out the correct statement pertaining to transition/ entrance length in fluid flow. (a) The length of entrance region of pipe, in which full development of fluid flow takes place such that velocity profile does not change downstream, is called the transition length. (®) Transition length for laminar flow of Newtonion fluids in a pipe of diameter D of is equal to 0.05, D.NRe. (©) Transition length for turbulent flow of Newtonion fluids in a smooth pipe of di- ameter ‘dis equal to 50D. (@) all (a), (6) and (o) 283. The net positive suction head (NPSH) of a centrifugal pump is defined as the sum of the velocity head and the pressure head at the (a) discharge. () suction. (©) suction minus vapor pressure of the liq- uid at suction temperature. (@) discharge minus vapor pressure of the liq- uid at the discharge temperature 284. For turbulent flow in smooth circular pipe, the velocity distribution is a function of the distance of measured from the wall of the pipe and the friction velocity V, and it follows, a. +e Felationship, (@) logarithmic (®) linear (©) hyperbolic (@)_ parabolic 285. Prandtl mixing length is (a) applicable to laminar flow problems. (®) universal constant. (©) zero at the pipe wall. (@) none of these. 286. All pipes of a particular nominal size have the same (a) inside diameter (b) outside diameter (©) thickness (d)_none of these 287. Boundary layer thickness in turbulent flow over a flat plate increases as @ vd o ae @ ae @ ae where, d = distance from the leading edge. 288. For turbulent flow of fluids in rough pipe, fan- ning friction factor does not depend upon @ V&p @) « () D&p @L where, V, p and jt are fluid’s velocity, density & viscosity respectively. s = roughnes projection size; L and D are length & diameter of the pipe respectively. 289. Which or the following equations applies to the fluid flow through a packed bed for very large Reynolds number? (a) Fanning equation (®) Blake-Plummer equation (©) Hagen-Poiseulle equation (@) Korney-Karman equation 290. The ratio of average fluid velocity to the maximum velocity in case of laminar flow of ‘a Newtonion fluid in a circular pipe is (@) 05 @ 1 © 2 @ 0.68 291. Rise of liquid in a capillary tube is due to (@) cohesion (6) adhesion (©) both (a) & (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b). 292. Hot wire anemometer is used to measure the (a) velocity of liquids, ANSWERS Q77(c) 278.(a) —«279.(b) 280d) 281. (B) 282d) 283.¢) 24a) 285.(c) 286.(b) 287.(c) ——«-28Bd) 289.6) 290(a)—-291(c) 292.6) 18 Objective Type Chemical Engineering (®) temperature of liquids. 32uLI" (c) velocity of gases. (a) 64/Re © > (@) pressure of liquids. ge 298. Mercury is an ideal barometric fluid mainly " due tits i) Some? @ se (a) high density. () low compressibility. 301. Pick out the wrong statement. (c) low capillary action. (a) Surface tension of a liquid is because of (d) very low vapor pressure. the difference in maguitude of adhesive 294, Fluid flow through a packed bed is represent- & cohesive forces. ed by the.........equation. (6) Ahydrometer used for the determination (@) Fonning’s () Ergun’s of specific gravities of liquids works on (c) Hagen-Poiseuille’s (d) none of these io we ae of apart ; a F , i (c) Incase of unsteady fluid flow, the velocity 295, A pipe is defined as ‘hydraulically smooth if at any given point does not change with ‘ ‘ time, einai Se eee (d) Turbulent fluid flow is characterised by See he esenan Fille aamesiiionine oh the rapid fluctuation of instantaneous fee ening pressure & velocity at a point. (c) is zero irrespective of the Reynolds number. | 302. The friction factor is . (@) none of these. (@) always inversely proportionsl to the 296. Fanning friction factor for laminar flow of a ee fluid in a circular pipe is @ ataesenientaa at a (@) nota function of the roughness of pipe wall. Sore ea on roughness of the (6) inversely proportional to Reynolds number. (a) vine of these. (©) both (a) & (b). (@) neither (a) nor (6). Se ease i ee ible fluid with no shear. 297, Boundary layer thickness in laminar flow fe) Potential () Streamline over a flat plate increases as onl (kennel old Aes fo) Creep joundary layer Ps mn 304, Brownian movement is prominent in the par- @ (a ticle size range of. microns in case of where, d= distance from the leading edge. settling of a particle in a fluid. 298. Capillary rise of mereury in a small diameter tube is proportional to @d () Ald © o @ Wo where, d= diameter of the tube, = surface ten- sion of mercury 299. Pressure drop for laminar fluid flow through a circular pipe is given by 305. 306, (@) 2t03 @®) 0.01 to 0.10 (©) 200 to 300 (d) 100 t01000 The exit cone angle in case of a standard ven- turimeter is tthe entrance cone angle. (a) smaller than (b) greater than (©) equal to (@ either (a) or (b) In case of a rotameter, the density of the float material is.......that of the liquid it replaces. L (@) more than @) less than @) fp P Oe (c) equal to (@) either (a) or (6) 2 807. .........pump is the most suitable device for fLp ¥ eae he o aa? discharging a liquid against a pressure of (© 10N a, D 28. 1500 kgffem’*. 300. Pressure drop for turbulent fluid flow through (a) Centrifugal (b) Piston a circular pipe is given by (©) Plunger (@) Vane ANSWERS 293d) 294.) -295.(6) 296.) 297.a) 298) 299.8) 800.6) 301.) 302(d) 808(a) —-804.(a) 805.(a) —-806(a)—«B07.e) Fluid Mechanics 19 308. 809. 810. B11. 312, 313, where, A fluid is a substance, that (@) has to be kept in a closed container. (®) is almost incompressible. (©) has zero shear stress. (d) flows when even a small shear is applied toit. Newtonion fluid is that (a) which follows Newton's law of motion. (®) which needs a minimum shear, before it starts deforming (©) for which shear & deformation are re- ou lated as t=. yy @ none of these. A streamline is a line in flow field, (a) that is traced by all the fluid particles passing through a given point. () along which a fluid particle travels (c) such that at every point on it, the velocity is tangential to it (@) none of these. Ifin a flow field,? + #4" PB 2g. tween any two points, then the flow must be (a) steady, incompressible, irrotational. (®) steady, compressible, irrotational. (c)_ steady, compressible and alonga streamline. (@) unsteady, incompressible, irrotational Paseal's law is valid, only when the fluid is (@) frictionless and at rest. (@) atrest, (c) at rest and when the frictionless fluid is in motion. none of these. constant be- @ For a stable equilibrium of a submerged body (a) Gis above B () Bis above G (©) B&Geoincide (a) _none of these G and B are centres of gravity & buoy- ancy respectively. 814, For an unstable equilibrium of a floating body (@ Mis above G (©) M&G coincide (&) Mis below G (d) none of these where, 316, 317. 318. 319. 320, 321. 322, discharge co-efficient o-efficient of contraction _ area of jet at vena-contracta area of opening cv Cv = co-efficient of velocity __ actual velocity at vena-contracta Theoretical velocity Major loss in sudden contraction in pipe flow is due to (a) boundary friction. (®) flow contraction. (©) expansion of flow after sudden contraction, (d) none of these. When the head pumped against is less than the head of the fluid used for pumping, the usual device is a/an (a) ejector (©) injector (®) blower (@) airlift When the momentum of one fluid is used for moving another fluid, such a device is called a/an, (a) jet pump (©) acid egg () blower (@)_ none of these ‘The rate of shear versus the shear stress curves are time dependent for........fluid. (a) thixotropic (®) rheopectic (©) both (a) & (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b) For the same terminal conditions and valve size, the pressure drop in a fully opened globe valve as compared to that in a gate valve is (a) more (6) less (©) equal (@) either (a) or (b); depends on the viscosity of the fluid For the same terminal conditions and fitting size, the least friction loss is incurred in a/an (@) Tjoint @) union (©) 45° elbow (@) 90° bend The equivalent diameter for fluid flow through square cross section channel of side where, M= metacentre. ‘ ‘x for pressure drop calculation purpose is 816. Cd, Ce and Cv are related (for flow through an given by orifice) as (@) 4x () 2x (@) Cd=Cv/Cv (&) Cd=Cv.Cv “ie (©) Cd=Co/Cv (@) none of these © x @ vx ANSWERS 808d) 809(c) 310. (6) B11(@) 312.6) 313.) 814. (6) 315.6) 316.(6) 317d) 318(@) 3819) 320) 321.6) 322. ) 20 32: 82. 32 where, Objective Type Chemical Engineering 3. Minimum fluidisation velocity for a specific system depends upon the (@) particle size. (b) fiuid viscosity. (©) density of both the particle & the fluid. (@) all (a), ®) and (o). The range of a particular rotameter can be increased by (a) use of floats of different densities (®) 0 means. (©) increasing the diameter of the float. (@) decreasing the diameter of the float. 15. For turbulent fluid flow in pipe, the expres- sion for Prandtl one seventh power law is @) VIVa =I!) VIV yyy = (0/2)! © VIV.=Gr" (none of these r= pipe radius, x = distance. 4. 826. Slugging occurs in a fluidised bed, if the bed is 82" 32 82s a3 33: 33: (@) narrow (b) deep (©) both (a) & (6) (d) neither (a) nor (6) ‘The equivalent diameter for pressure drop calculation for a fluid flowing through a rect- angular cross section channels having sides ‘v & ¥y’is given by 7. 23 @ = o = ety x+y xt xt «© @ Dy » 8. Laminar flow of a Newtonion fluid ceases to exist, when the Reynolds number exceeds (a) 4000 (b) 2100 (c) 1500 (d) 3000 9. What is the shear rate at the pipe wall, in case of laminar flow of Newtonion fluids in a pipe of diameter ‘D’ & length ‘L’ incurring a pressure drop ‘Ap’ with average velocity ‘V,”? (@) Dap/sl () DaplaL © 8.V,/D @ 4.V,,/D 0. The fluid property, due to which, mercury does not wet the glass is (a) surface tension —(b) viscosity (© cohesion (@ adhesion 1. Bernoulli's equation does not apply to the functioning of a/an (@) venturimeter (©) pitot tube (b) orificemeter (@)_ none of these 333, 334, 335. 336, 337. 338, 339, (a) steam (®) diesel engine (©) electric motor (d)_gas turbine The velocity profile exhibited by laminar flow of Newtonion fluids is such that the velocity distribution w.r-t. radius of the circular pipe is o/an... with the apex at the centre line of the pipe. (@ hyperbola (b) parabola (©) semi-circle (d) semi-ellipse The terminal velocity of a particle moving through a fluid varies as The value of n is equal to. in Stoke's law regime. @. 08 © 2 @ 15 In question No. 655, what is the value of ‘n’ for Newton’s law regime ? @) 05 om 1 @ 15 @ 3 ‘The Reynolds number for an ideal fluid flow is, @4 (b) 2100-4000 (©) 4000 (y= ‘The pressure drop per unit length of pipe in- curred by a fluid ‘X’ flowing through pipe is Ap. If another fluid ‘Y having both the spe- cific gravity & density just double of that of fluid ‘X’, flows through the same pipe at the same flow rate/average velocity, then the pressure drop in this case will be @ Ap () Ap () ap? @ ph The time taken for gravity flow of a fixed vol- ume of liquid (as in Redwood viscometer) is directly proportional to its (a) absolute viscosity. (6) ratio of absolute viscosity to density. (©) density. (d) Reynolds number. Rubber latex is an example of @.....fluid (a) pseudoplastic (b) Bingham plastic (©) dilatent (d) Newtonion When a fluid flows over a solid surface, the (a) velocity is uniform at any cross-section. (6) velocity gradient is zero at the solid surface. (©) resistance between the surface & the flu- id is lesser as compared to that between the fiuid layers themselves. 2. Most of the centrifugal pumps used in chemi- (d) velocity is not zero at the solid surface. cal plants are usually........driven. ANSWERS 823d) 824(a) 325.) 8260) ~—-B27(a) 3828.6) 829.) 330.) 381.(d) 332(c) 333.0) -834(c) 335a) 336d) —«337.6) 938.) -339.(a)_340.(b) Fluid Mechanics 21 342, 343, 845, BAL. Viscosity of water is about.........times that of air at room temperature. @ 15 &) 5B (© 155 @ — 1050 In case of laminar flow of fluid through a cir- cular pipe, the (a) shear stress over the cross-section is pro- portional to the distance from the sur- face of the pipe surface of velocity distribution is a pa- raboloid of revolution, whose volume equals half the volume of circumscribing cylinder. (©) velocity profile varies hyperbolically and the shear stress remains constant over the cross-section. flow occurs at a radial distance of 0.5 r from the centre of the pipe (r = pipe radius). In case of turbulent flow of fluid through a circular pipe, the (@) mean flow velocity is about 0.5 times the maximum velocity. velocity profile becomes flatter and flat- ter with increasing Reynolds number. point of maximum instability exists at a distance of 2r/3 from the pipe wall (r = pipe radius). skin friction drag, shear stresses, random orientation of fluid particles and slope of velocity profile at the wall are more. o @ ) © @ 844, The maximum discharge through a circular channel takes place, when the depth of the fluid flow is times the pipe diam- eter. (@) 0.25 05 (©) 0.66 @ 0.95 Fluid flow at increasing rate through a di- verging pipe is an example of. flow. (a) steady uniform (®) non-steady uniform (©) steady non-uniform (@) non-steady non-uniform 846. During fluid flow, variation of shear stress (+) with velocity gradient! (¢ dy sure & temperature is shown below in the fignre, ) ot content pres 347. 350. wb In the above figure, Bingham plastic is repre- sented by the curve @v om @ Wm @t Curve IIT in the above diagram represents a/an (a) dilatent fluid (6) pseudo plastic fluid (©) ideal plastic (d) none of these Match the units of following parameters used in fluid flow. List I (a) Friction factor (b) dynamic viscosity (©) Kinematic viscosity (A) Specific viscosity List I IL. gm/em. second II. em*second TIL. dimensionless IV. dimensionless Match the typical examples of various types of fluids. List I Bingham plastic Dilatent fluid Pseudo plastie fluid ‘Thixotropic fluid List IT I. Quicksand and starch suspensions in water Tl, Polymeric solutions/melts and suspen- sion of paper pulp Drilling muds, paints and inks Sewage sludge and water suspensions of rock @ ) © @ OL. V. Match the symbols of various pumps as used in chemical engineering drawings. List I (a) Centrifugal pump (®) Reciproctaingpump (©) Gear pump @ Diaphragm pump ANSWERS 341.(0) 350.(a) 342.(b) —-343.(d) 344.(d) 345.(d) 346.(b) —-347.(0)— 348.(a)_349.(a) 22 35: Objective Type Chemical Engineering List Il 1. Venturimeters, orificemeters and nozzles are used to measure the fluid discharge from a pipeline. The average fluid velocity in a pipe- line can be measured by a/an (@) weir (®) hot wire anemometer (©) cup and vane aneometer (d) none of these 852. Pick out the correct statement. (a) Human blood is a Newtonion fluid. (®) ANewtonion fluid obeys Newton’s law of cooling, (©) For a non-Newtonion fiuid, a straight line passes through the origin in a plot between shear stress and shear gradient. (@) Thin lubricating oil is an example of a non-Newtonion fluid. 853. In case of hydraulically smooth pipe, the re- sistance to flow depends only on the Reynolds number, whereas for a hydraulically rough pipe, the resistance to flow is governed by the relative roughness. Two pipes are said to have the same hydraulic roughness, when. they have equal values of (a) relative roughness (®) absolute roughness. (©) friction co-efficient for flows at equal Reynold number. @) alla), (b) & (0) 854. Water hammer is caused, when water flowing in a pipe is suddenly brought to rest by closing the valve. The extent of pressure thus produced due to water hammer depends on the (@) pipe length (®) ‘fluid velocity in the pipe (©) time taken to close the valve (b) High vapour pressure (©) Low viscosity & surface tension. (@) Low co-efficient of thermal expansion, 856. Working principle of manometer comprises of balancing a coloumn of liquid against the pressure to be measured. Inclined tube ma- nometer is especially used for the measure- ment of... pressure. (a) small differential (6) atmospheric (©) absolute (@) gage 857. Pressure difference between two points in vessels, pipelines or in two different pipelines can be measured by a differential manometer. The pressure difference measured as the mm. of water coloumn in case of mercury-water, differential manometer is equal to @H @) 26H (@ 13.6H @ 146H where, H = difference in height of mercury col- 858. Drag force acting on a body does not depend upon the (a) density of the fluid. (&) density of the body. (©) velocity of the body. (d) projected area of the body. 859. The buoyant force acting on a floating body is, dependent on the (a) viscosity of the liquid. (b) weight of the liquid displaced. (©) depth of immersion of the body. (@) surface tension of the liquid. 360. Nature of fluid flow during the opening of a valve in a pipeline is (@) laminar (®) unsteady (©) steady @ uniform 361. Two piping system are said to be equivalent, when the.... on €F@ SAME. (a) fluid flow rate & friction loss (b) length & friction factor (©) diameter & friction factor (d) length & diameter 362. A weir is used to measure the large water discharge rate from a river or from an open (@ alla) @) endo channel A wet no of abe : - (a) circular rectangular 855. Which of the following is an undesirable (@ triangular (@) trapersidel ta) Non-sticky & non-corrosive nature, 863, Navier-Stokes equation is useful in the anal- YSI8 OF fltid flow problems, ANSWERS 3516) 352.6) -358.(c) 354.(d) 355.8) 35G(a) 857.8) 358.8) 359.(b) 360.(b) 361.(a) —-362(a)_ 363. (b) Flijid Mechanics 23 364, 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. (a) non-viscous (b) viscous (© turbulent (@) rotational Permanent pressure loss in a well designed venturimeter is about. percent of the venturi differential. @1 @) 10 @ 30 @ 50 Whatis the approximate value of friction fac- tor for smooth pipes with the turbulent flow () 0.01 (@) 0.0001 Approximate kinetic energy correction factor for laminar and turbulent flow respectively (@) 2and1 (&) land2 (© 2ands @ 4and1 Navier-Stokes equation deals with the law of conservation of (@) mass (©) momentum (®) energy (@) none of these To replace a compound pipe by a new pipe, the pipes will be equivalant, when both the pipes have the same (@) flow & length —(b) flow & loss of head (0) flow & diameter (d)length & loss of head The velocity distribution in the turbulent boundary layer follows the.......claw. (a) parabolic (b) hyperbolic (©) straight line (@) logarithmic Stanton diagram is a plot of (a) fos./Re (b) fus./ log Re (©) log fus./ Re (@) log fus./ log Re where, = Friction factor and, Re = Reynold’s number 871. As the flow rate increases in a rotameter, the 372. float (@) drops in the tube (b) rotates at lower speed (©) rotates at higher speed (@) rises in the tube Bernoulli's equation is applicable between any two points im... flow of an incom- pressible fluid. (q) steady, irrotational (®) steady, rotational (©) any type of irrotational () any type of rotational 373, a7, 375. 376. 377. 378. 379, 380. 382. ‘The purpose of an inter cooler in a reciprocat- ing compressor is to (a) reduce the temperature of air before it enters the next stage remove the moisture in air separate moisture and oil vapour none of these @) © @ If two similar pumps are running in series, the (a) headishalved (6) head is doubled (©) flow ishalved —(d)_flow is doubled Which of the following is not true of air re- ceivers? (a) Stores large volume of air (b) Increases the pressure of air (©) Smoothens pulsating output (@) A source for draining of moisture Which of the following delivers a pulsating output? (a) Roots blower (®) Centrifugal compressor (©) Screw compressor (d) Reciprocating compressor In a centrifugal pump, the velocity energy is converted into pressure energy by (a) suction duct (®) discharge duct (©) impeller (@) volute ‘The friction loss in a pipe carrying a fluid is proportional to the (a) fluid velocity (6) fifth power of the pipe diameter (©) fluid flow (@) square of the pipe diameter The efficiency of a pump does not depend ‘upon the (a) discharge head —_(b) suction head (©) motorefficiency (d) fluid density Net positive-suction head (NPSH) available depends upon the (a) discharge head(b) inlet pipe diameter (©) power drawn (d) pump type . When the flow rate increases, NPSH (a) required increases (®) available increases (c) required decreases (d) available & required both increases The characteristic of a positive displacement compressor for a given speed is that the remains constant. ANSWERS 364.(b) 365.00) 366) 367.(c) 368d) 369.d) 370d) 371(d) 372(a) 373.(a) 374.(b) 375.6) 376(d) 377(d) —878.(b) 379.(c) 380.(b) 381(a) 382. (b) 24 38: 38: asi a8 38" 38% 38% 89 391 (a) compression ratio (b) flow output (©) temperature (@) pressure 3. The fan characteristic curveis a plot of... pressure vs flow, (a) statie () dynamic (©) total (d) suction 4, A fluid in equililbrium means that (a) its viscosity is zero (®) shear stresses are acting on the fluid but no flow behaviour is manifested it is free from shear stresses a hypothetical situation because fluids are never in equilibrium. © @ 35. A manometer is used to measure (@) pressure difference (b) absolute pressure (©) both (a) and (6) (d) neither (a) nor (6) 16. The flow of an incompressible fluid with no shear is known 8.....0.loW. (@) potential () laminar (©) turbulent (d) couette 7. A fluid is called Newtonion when the shear stress Vs shear strain plot is (a) linear and passes through origin (®) linear but has an intercept (©) exponential and passes through the origin (@) isa rectangular hyperbola 8. Liquid that does not flow at all until a thresh- old shear stress is attained is know as (a) Bingham plastic (b) Pseudoplastic (©) dilatant fluid (d) Newtonion liquid Kinematic viscosity (which has a unit of m’/ Sec) is a ratio of (a) absolute viscosity to absolute pressure (®) absolute viscosity to absolute temperature (©) absolute viscosity to specific heat (@) none of these Continuity equation applies to (@) incompressible fluids (®) compressible ffuids (©) highly viscous fluids (@) both incompressible and compressible 39. 0. 392, 393. 304, 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. Objective Type Chemical Engineering A settling particle attains its terminal veloc- ity when (a) gravity force + drag force = buoyancy force (b) gravity force - drag force = buoyancy force (©) buoyancy force = gravity force (d) drag force = buoyancy force For laminar water flow through a tube of di- ‘ameter 1 om, the average (Uavg) & maximum (Umax) water velocity are related as @) Ugg = 1.54, O) Uy. = 2, (©) uw... =25u,, @) u..=3u,, For turbulent fluid flows through pipes, the kinetic energy & momentum correction fac- tors are practically equal to @) 05 o 1 © 2 @ 4 The terminal velocity of a sphere settling freely through a pool of liquid in Stoke's law range will. the liquid viscosity. (a) be independent of (&) increase linearly with (©) decrease inversely with (d) decrease inversely with the square of If the terminal settling velocities of spheres of different sizes (settling freely through a pool of liquid) increases with the square root of particle diameter, then the settling con- forms to the... regime. (a) Stokes‘law range (6) intermediate (©) Newton's law (d) any one of the above, more data needed / for correct prediction. In a certain process, one needs fluid flow in a given direction and the valve is to open or close by the fluid pressure. Which of the following valve permits fluid flow in one direction only? (a) Gate valve (b) Globe valve (©) Check valve (d) Any of the above. Safety valve is basically a (a) gate valve (©) globe valve (©) check valve (@)_ none of these As the discharge pressure increases, the volumetric efficiency of a positive displacement pump fluids (a) decreases aes aes (®) remains practically constant 1. Unit of mass velocity in S.I. unit is (@) increases (@) kgs (©) kg/m’ (d) may decrease or increase, depending on (©) kg/ms ) ke/m*s the size of the pump. ANSWERS 383(a) 384.(b) 385.) 386a) 387.) ~—-388.(a)-—« 889.) 390.) -391.(d) 392.(6) 398.6) -394.() 3951) 3968(c)-B9T.(0) —B9BKe)--399.(d) STOICHIOMETRY 1. The total number of atoms in 8.5 gm of NHS Senne 10%. (a) 9.03 ®) 3.01 (©) 1.204 @) 6.02 2, The number of atoms of oxygen present in 11.2 litres of ozone (03) at N.T-P. are (a) 3.01 x10" (®) 6.02 x10" (©) 9.08 x10" (@ 1.20 x10" 3. Measurement of the amount of dry gas col lected over water from volume of moist gas is based on the (a) Charle’s law. (6) Dalton’s law of partial pressures. (©) Avogadro's hypothesis. (@) Boyle's law. 4, Validity of the relationship, inputs = outputs, holds good for the system at steady state (@) with chemical reaction. (6) without chemical reaction. (©) without chemical reaction & losses. (d) none of these. 5. N.T-P. corresponds to (a) atm. absolute pressure & 0°C. () 760 mm Hg gauge pressure & 0°C. (©) 760 torr & 15°C. (d) 101.325 KPa gauge pressure & 0°C. 6. 1 bar is almost equal to.....atmosphere. @ 1 @) 10 @ 100 @ 1000 7. Number of gm moles of solute dissolved in one litre of a solution is called its (a) equivalent weight (6) molarity 10. The number of water molecules present in a drop of water weighing 0.018 gm is 6.023 x.... (@) 10" (@) 10" (© 10" @ 10" 11. Kopp’s rule is concerned with the calculation of (a) thermal conductivity. (b) heat capacity. (€) viscosity. (d) surface tension. 12, Number of gm moles of solute dissolved in 1 kg of solvent is called its (@) normality () molarity (©) molality (d) formality 13, The temperature of a gas in a closed container is 27°C. If the temperature of the gas is in- cresed to 300°C, then the pressure exerted is. (a) doubled. (®) halved. (©) trebled. @ unpredictable. 14, “The total volume occupied by a gaseous mix- ture is equal to the sum of the pure component volumes”. This is, (a) Dalton’s (b) Amgat's (©) Gay Lussac’s (d) Avogadro's 15. Equal masses of CH, and H, are mixed in an empty container. The partial pressure of hy- drogen in this container expressed as the frac- tion of total pressure is @ v9 @) 8/9 © 12 @ 59 16. The pressure of 'V’ litres of a dry gas is in- creased from 1 to 2 kgf/cm? at a constant tem- perature. The new volume will become (© molality (d) normality @ via ) wv 8 litres of nitrogen at NTP. weighs........gms. (© Vi4 @ v2 @ i @) 25 1... equation gives the effect of tempera- () 28 (d@) 1.25 ture on heat of reaction. 9. 1 gm mole of methane (CH4) contains (a) Kirchoffs (b) Maxwell's (a) 6.02 x 10” atoms of hydrogen. (c) Antonie (d) Kistyakowsky Ons ise cneere 18, Number of gram equivalent of solute dissolved e * Molecules of methane. in one litre of solution is called its (@) 3 gms of carbon. ANSWERS l(a) 20 3.(b) 4) 5a) 6.(a) 7b) 8b) 9b) 10-e) 11.16) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14.(6) 15.(6) — 16.(b) 17(a) 18(a) 2 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering (@) normally (© molality 19. S..P. corresponds to (a) 1atm. absolute pressure & 15.5°C (0) 760 mm Hg gauge pressure & 15.5°C (©) 760 torr & 0°C. (d) 101.325 kPa gauge pressure & 15.5°C. 20. A gas occupies a volume of 283 .c at 10°C. Ifit, is heated to 20°C at constant pressure, the new (®) molarity (@) formality volume of the gas will be...€-¢ (@) 283 (b) 566 (© 293 @ 1415 21. For a given mass of a gas at constant temper- ature, if the volume ‘V’ becomes three times, then the pressure ‘P’ will become (@) PIs @) 3P (© 9P* @ 9P 22, Kinetic theory of gases stipulates that, the (a) energy is lost during molecular collisions. (&) molecules possess appreciable volume. (©) absolute temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of molecules. (d) none of these. 23. The value of gas constant ‘R’ is... kcal’ kg.mole. °C. (a) 2.79 (b) 1.987 (c) 3.99 (d) none of these 24. Cv for monoatomic gases is equal to (@) R (b) 15R () 2R (d@) 3R where, R = gas constant 25. With rise in temperature, the heat capacity of a substance (a) increases (b) decreases (©) remains unchanged (d) either (a) or (6) ; depends on the substance 26. For an ideal gas, the compressibility factor (a) decreases with pressure rise. () is unity at all temperature. (©) is unity at Boyle’s temperature, (@) tero. 27. Real gases approach ideal behaviour at (a) high pressure & high temperature. 28. Isotopes are atoms having the same (a) mass number (b) number of neutrons (c) atomic mass (d) none of these 29, sonnnfuels require the maximum percentage of ‘excess air’ for complete combustion. (a) Solid (6) Liquid (©) Gaseous (@) Nuclear 80. Which of the following is followed by an ideal solution ? (a) Boyle's law (6) Amgat’s law (©) Raoult’s law (@) Trouton’s rule chart is a graph related to Antonie equation. (a) Ostwald (b) Cox (c) Mollier's (d) Enthalpy-concentration 82. 1 kg/em* is equal to (a) 760 torr (b) 1KPa (©) 10 metres of water column (4) Ametre of water column 83. 1 Kg/m’ is equal to. @ 1 @) 10 © 100 @ 1000 34, Heat of...of a fuel is called its calorific value. (a) formation (®) combustion (©) reaction (@) vaporisation 31. mm water column. 35, Internal energy is independent of the.......for an ideal gas. (a) pressure (b) volume (c) both (a) & (b) (a) neither (a) nor (2). 36. Cp-Cv, for an ideal gas is equal to @R () RR (@ 2R @ 3R 87. Volume percent for gases is equal to the (a) weight percent. (b) mole percent. (c) weight percent only for ideal gases. (d) mole percent only for ideal gases. (®) low pressure & high temperature. 38. .......equation relates latent heat and boiling (©) high pressure & low temperature. point. (d) low pressure & low temperature. (a) Antonie (®) Rotational (©) Kopp’s @ Trouton’s ANSWERS 19.) 20a) 21(e) -22le) 23d) 24.16) 25a) 26.06) 27.6) 281d) 29a) 30.(¢) 31.6) 32.(e) 33a) 34.16) 35e) 36a) 37d) 38d) Sidichiometry 21 39. A bypass stream in a chemical process is use- ful, because it (a) facilitates better control of the process, (6) improves the conversion. (©) increases the yield of products. (d) none of these. 40. Heat of reaction is a function of the (a) pressure (®) temperature (©) both (a) & (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b) 41. Recycling in a chemical proces facilitates (a) increased yield () enrichment of product (©) heat conservation @ all (a), (6) & @) 42, The heat change for the reaction, C{s) + 28(s)> CS,(), is 104.2 kJ. It repre- sents the heat of (a) formation (®) solution (©) combustion (@ fusion 43, Average molecular weight of air is about (@ 21 @) 29 © 23 @ 79 44, The vapour pressure of a solution (made by dissolving a solute in a solvent) is........that of the pure solvent, (a) less than () more than (©) equal to (d) either more or less; depends on the solvent 45. The combustion equations of carbon ‘and carbon monoxide are as follows C + 0, = CO, AH = — 394 kJ/kg . mole CO + 12 0, = CO, AH = ~ 284.5 ki/kg . mole ‘The heat of formation of CO is. kJ/kg. mole (@ -1095 () +1095 (© +180 (@) +100 46. Which of the following ratios defines the re- cycle ratio in a chemical process ? (a) Gross feed stream/recycle feed stream (®) Recycle stream/fresh feed stream (c) Recycle stream/gross feed stream (d) None of these 47. In a chemical process, the reeycle stream is purged for (a) increasing the product yield. (®) enriching the product. (c) limiting the inerts. (@) heat conservation. 48. The heat capacity of a solid compound is cal- culated from the atomic heat capacities of its constituent elements with the help of the (a) Trouton’s rule (b) Kopp’s rule (c) Antonie equation (@) Kistyakowsky equation. ‘An equation for calculating vapour pressure is given by, log,, P=A —B(t + c). This is called the (a) Kistyakowsky equation (b) Antonie equation (©) Kopp’s rule (@) Trouton’s rule Boiling point of a solution as compared to that of the corresponding solvent is (a) less (b) more (©) same (@) either more or less; depends upon the solvent 51. Specific gravity on API scale is given by the relation. (a) °API = 200G - 1) () °API = (141.5/G)- 1315 (©) “API = (140/G) - 130 (@) °API = 145 - (45/4) where, G = specific gravity at 15.5°C. 52. A ‘limiting reactant’ is the one, which decides the chemical reacation. (a) equilibrium constant (6) conversion (c) rate constant (a) none of these 58. Which of the following is the Claussius- Clay- peron equation ? (@) PV=RT+BV + yNNs..... () (P+a/V) (Vb) =RT 49, 54, Which of the following expressions defines the Baume gravity scale for liquids lighter than water? (a) "Be = (140/G) - 130 ANSWERS 39. (@) 40. @) 41. W@ 42 @ 43. @) 44 (@) 45. @ 46. ) 47. () 48. (6) 49.) 50.) BL.) 52. (H)_ BB.) BAL (a) Objective Type Chemical Engineering (400/G) - 400 55. For the gaseous phase _—_ reaction, N, +0,—2NO0, AH =+80 ki/kg . mole; the decomposition of NO is favoured by (a) increasing the concentration of N,. (&) decrease in temperature. (©) increase in pressure. (d) decrease in pressure. 56, For a reacation, X — Y, if the concentration of ‘X is tripled; the rate becomes nine times. The order of reaction is, @ 0 @ 1 @ 2 @3 57. The pH value of a solution is 5.9. If the hy- drogen ion concentration is decreased hundred times, the solution will be (a) basic (&) more acidic (©) neutral (d) of the same acidity Which of the following expressions defines the Baume gravity scale for liquids heavier than water? (a) (141.5/G)-131.5 (© 200G=1) 58. () 145 -(145/G) (d) (400/G) - 400 59. Unit of mass velocity is (@) kg/ (®) ke/m?.he (©) kg/hr (@) kg/m 60. The value of the gas law constant ‘R’ is 1.987 (@) kealkg-mole.°C ——(b)_ Btw/b-mole.°R (©) keaVkg-mole.K (a) both (b) & (o) 61. Pick out the wrong statement. (a) One kg-mole of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 m? at NTP. (®) One Ib-mole of an ideal gas occupies 359 ft? at NTP. (©) One gm-mole of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 litres (i.e, 22400 c.c) at NTP. @) Density of dry air at N.T.P. is 1 gufitre, ‘A vapor that exists above its critical tempera- ture is termed as a. vapor. (a) saturated (®) unsaturated (©) gaseous (@ sub-cooled Variation of vapor pressure with temperature can be calculated using Clausius- Clapeyron equation, which assumes that the (a) vapor follows the ideal gas law. (b) molal latent heat of vaporisation is con- stant within the limited temperature range (c) volume in the liquid state is negligible compared with that in the vapor state (@) all a), 6) & (0) Pick out the wrong statement. (a) ‘Reduced temperature’ of a substance is the ratio of its existing temperature to its critical temperature, both expressed on celsius scale (b) ‘Reduced pressure’ is the ratio of the exist- ing pressure of a substance to its critical pressure. (c) ‘Reduced volume’ is the ratio of the exist- ing molal volume ofa substance to its criti- cal molal volume, (a) none of these. Boiling point of a non-homogeneous mixture of immiscible liquids is. that of any one of its separate components. (a) lower than (0) higher than (©) equal to (d) either (a) or (b); depends on the liquids 66. Raoult’s law states that ‘the equilibrium vapor pressure that is exerted by a component in a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of that component’. This generalisation is based on the assumption that the (a) sizes of the component molecules are ap- proximately equal. (b) attractive forces between like and unlike molecules are approximately equal. () component molecules are non-polar and no chemical combination or molecular as- sociation between unlike molecules takes place in the formation of the solu-tion, (a) all (a), (6) & o). Addition of a non-volatile solute to a solvent produces its solvent. (a) freezing point elevation (b) boiling point depression (c) vapor pressure lowering (a) all (a),(b) & (c) 68. The ratio of existing moles of vapor per mole of vapor free gas to the moles of vapor that would be present per mole of vapor free gas, if the mix- 67. ANSWERS 55. (b) 56.) BT. (@) 58.) 63. (d) 64 (a) 65. (a) 66. (d) 59. () 60. (@) 61. Wd) 62, 67. ©) 68. (e) (co) Sidichiometry 29 ture were saturated at the existing temperature & pressure, is termed as the (a) relative humidity. (0) relative saturation. (©) percentage saturation. (d) none of these. 69. Percentage saturation of a vapor bearing gas is always........the relative saturation. (@) higher than () smaller than (©) equal to (d) either (a) or (6); depends on the system 70. For water evaporating into usaturated air un- der adiabatic conditions and at constant pres- sure, the........remains constant throughout the period of vaporisation. (a) dry bulb temperature (®) wet bulb temperature (©) humidity (d) relative saturation 71. Which of the following has the least (almost negligible) effect on the solubility ofa solute in a solvent ? (q) Temperature (0) Nature of solute (©) Pressure (d) Nature of solvent 72, “The equilibrium value of the mole fraction of the gas dissolved in a liquid is directly propor- tional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid surface”. This statement pertaining to the solubility of gases in liquid is the. law. (a) Raoult’s () Henry's () Amgat’s (d) none of these 78. Refluxing of part of the distillate in a fraction- ating column is a ‘recycling operation’, aimed primarily at (a) heat conservation. (®) yield enhancement. 75. Pick out the wrong statement. (a) Atomic heat capacities of the crystalline solid elements are nearly constant and equal to 6.2 keal/kg-atom according to the law of Petit and Dulong. Atomic heat capacities of all solid ele- ments decrease greatly with decrease in temperature, approaching a value of zero at absolute zero temperature, when in the crystalline state. Generally, the heat capacities of com- pounds are lower in the liquid than in the solid state. (d) The heat capacity of a heterogeneous mix- ture is an additive property, but when so- lutions are formed, this additive property may no longer exist: ‘The heat capacity of most substances is great- er for the. state. (a) solid (©) gaseous ® © (b) liquid (@)_ none of these At higher temperature, molal heat capaci- ties of most of the gases (at constant pres- sure) swith increase in temperature. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains unchanged (@) increases linearly Kopp’s rule is useful for the determination of (a) molal heat capacities of gases. (b) heat capacities of solids. (©) activation energy. (d) heat capacities of gases. Cp/Cv for monoatomic gases is (@) 1.44 () 1.66 (@ 1.99 @1 |. A vapor whose partial pressure is less than its equilibrium vapor pressure is called a... vapor. (a) saturated (©) superheated 71. 78. 79. (®) supersaturated (@) none of these (c) product enrichment. . 7 . (d) none of these. 81. In case of a solution (not of a solid in a liquid), whose total volume is less than the sum of the 74. The effect of pressure on the heat capacity of volumes of its components in their pure states, the gases....... negligible. solubility is (a) at pressure below one atmosphere (q) independent of temperature. (b) below the critical temperature (®) increases with rise in pressure. (c) both (a) & (b) (c) increased with decrease in pressure. (d) neither (a) nor (6) (d) unchanged with pressure changes. ANSWERS 69. (b) 70. o) 71. 72. (b) 73. (ce) 74. (eo) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (b) 80. (c) 81. (b) 30 82. The heat of vaporisation with increase in pressure. (a) increases (b) decreases (©) becomes zero at critical pressure (d) both (b) and (c) 83. In general, the specific heats of aqueous solu- tions. with increase in the concentration of the solute (a) increase (©) remain unchanged (®) decrease (d)_ none of these 84. In case of a solution (not of a solid in a liquid), whose total volume is more than the sum of volumes ofits components in their pure states, solubility is (a) independent of the temperature. (b) increased with the increase in pressure, (c) decreased with the increase in pressure. (@) unchanged by the pressure change 85. The heat capacity of a substance is (a) greater for liquid state than for solid state. (®) lower for liquid state than for gaseous state. (©) higher for solid state than for liquid state. (@) equal for solid and liquid states below melting point. 86. “The heat capacity of a solid compound is ap- proximately equal to the sum of the heat ca- pacities of the constituent elements.” This is the statement of (a) Law of Petit and Dulong () Kopp’s rule (©) Nearnst heat theorem (d) Trouton’s rule 87. The atomic heat capacities of all solid ele- ments. with decrease in temperature. (a) increases () decreases (©) remains unchanged (d) approach zero at 0°C 88. ‘Cox’ chart which is useful in the design of a dis- tillation column (particularly suitable for pe- troleum hydrocarbons) is a plot of the (a) temperature vs. log (vapor pressure) (0) vapor pressure vs. log (temperature) (c) log (temperature) vs. log (vapor pressure). (d) vapor pressure vs. temperature, 89. Solutions having the same osmotic pressure Objective Type Chemical Engineering (a) dilute (b) ideal (©) isotonic (@) saturated 90. Osmotic pressure exerted by a solution pre- red by dissolving one gram mole of a solute in 22.4 litres of a solvent at 0°C will be. atmosphere. (@) 05 1 @ 15 @ 2 91. Pick out the wrong conversion formula for the conversion of weight units : (a) 1 tonne = 1000 kg = 22.046 Ibs = 112 US. tons (a) none of these 92, Isotonic solutions must have the same (a) viscosity (b) molar concentration (©) normality (@) critical temperature 98, Pick out the wrong statement. (a) Raoult’s law holds good for the solubility of polar gases in non-polar (b) Molecules with symmetrical arrangement {e.g., CH, and CCl,) are nonpolar. (©) Most of the hydrocarbons are nonpolar. (a) Generally, nonpolar compounds are chemi- cally inactive, conduct electricity poorly and do not ionise. 94, A gaseous mixture contains 14 kg of N,,16 kg of O, and 17 kg of NH,. The mole fraction of oxygen is. (a) 0.16 (6) 0.33 (©) 0.66 (0.47 95. 1 centipoise is equivalent to (a) 1 gm/em.second (b) 1 centistoke () 2.42 Ib/ (d) 2.42 Ib/ft.second 96. Weight of 56 litres cf ammonia at N.TP. &) 42.5 (@) 2800 97. Atmospheric pressure corresponds to a hydro- static head of (a) 13.6 cms of Hg (b) 34 ftof HO (©) 1 metre of HO (d) 13.6 metres of Hg ANSWERS are called., 82. fd) 83. (6) 84. (@) 85. (a) 90. @) M9 @ 2 dd 93. (a) 86. () 87. (6) 88. (a) 89. (ce) 94.) 95. (@) 96 @) 97. Sidichiometry 31 98. The vapor pressure of water at 100 0C is (a) 100N/m* (@®) 76cms. of Hg (©) 13.6 ems of Hg @ 760 mm we 99. Viscosity of atmospheric air maybe about... centipoise (@) 0.015 @&) 15 © 15 @ 150 100. ‘The density of a liquid is 1500 kg/m3 Its val- ue in gmllitre will be equal to (@ 15 ) 16 @ 150 (@) 1500 101. Cp is expressed in S.1. unit as (@) Shkg. °K ) OK (©) Wm? °C (@ Wim. 102. Cp equals Cv at, @ 0c ) 0% © OF @ OR 103. °API gravity of water at N.T.P. is about @ 0 41 @ 10 (@) 100 104, Avogadro's number is equal to (a) 6.023 x 10 molecules/kg.mole. (&) 6.023 x 10” molecules/gm. mole. (©) 6.028 x 10" moiecules/kg. mole. (d) 6.023 x 10 molecules/gm.mole. 105. Addition of non volatile solute to a pure sol- vent (a) increases its freezing point. (®) increases its boiling point. (©) decreases its freezing point. (@) both (b) and (c) 106. Volume occupied by one gm mole of a gas at STP. is (a) 22.4 litres () 22400 litres (©) 2W4ee (d) 359 litres 107. The net heat evolved or absorbed in a chemi- cal process, i.e. total change in the enthalpy of the system is independent of the (@) temperature & pressure, () number of intermediate chemical reac- tions involved. (©) state of aggregation & the state of combi- nation at the beginning & the end of the reaction. (d) none of these 108. In physical adsorption, as compared to che- misorption, the 109. 110. qui. 112. 118. 114, 115. 116. 117. 118. (a) quantity adsorbed per unit mass is higher. (&) rate of adsorption is controlled by the re- sistance to surface reaction. (©) activation energy is very high. (d) heat of adsorption is very large. Othmer chart is useful in estimating the heat of (@) mixing () wetting (©) adsorption (d) none of these Enthalpy change resulting, when unit mass of solid is wetted with sufficient liquid, so that further addition of liquid produces no additional thermal effect, is called the heat of (@) mixing (b) adsorption (©) wetting (@) complete wetting At higher temperatures, molal heat capaci- ties for most of the gases (at constant pres- sure)........With increase in temperature. (a) varies linearly (b) increases (©) decreases (d) does not vary Kopp’s rule is helpful in finding the (a) heat capacities of solids. (b) heat capacities of gases. (©) molal heat capacities of gases. (d) activation energy. ‘The maximum adiabatic flame temperature of fuels in air is.....the maximum flame tem- perature in pure oxygen (@) lower than (®) higher than (©) same as (@)_ not related to ‘Giga’ stands for @ 10 ) 10 (©) 10" @ 10" 1 ata is equivalent to (@ 1atm. (©) 10 torr (©) 0.98 Pascal (@) 1 kgffem? pH value of H2SO4 (5% concentration) is, @ 5 @) 7 (©) >7 @ <7 1 torr is equivalent to (@ mmHg (®) 1 Pascal © Lata @ 1mmwe pH value of an alkaline solution is @ 7 () >7 © <7 (d) constant over a wide range ANSWERS 98.(a) 99.(a) 100. (d) 101.(a) 102.6) 103.(c) 109.) 110(d) 111.6) 112/a) 113a) 14a) 104.6) 105.(d) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(a) 115d) 116d) 117(a) 118. (b) 2 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering 119. pH value of a solution containing equal con- (@ 0 1 centration of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions will @ Be 129. 1 Pascal (unit of pressure) is equal to........N/ @ 0 ) 10 mt » “a 7 @ fa) 10 1 120. The quantity of heat required to evaporate @ 01 (@ 1000 Pie cee aetneaten avid 3 celled 180. Atoms of the same element, but of different (a) specific heat (6) 1 Keal jnasses are ealled (©) sensible heat (d) latent heat Ya) isobare (©) isotones 121. A solution having a pH value of is less acid- (©) isotopes (@ none of these ic than the one having pH value of 2 by @ | 131. A solution with reasonably permanent pH is factor ot called a/an.......solution. @ 3 @) 100 (@) ideal (®) non-ideal eee Sree (© buffer (@ colloidal 122, The viscosity of water at room temperature | 139, With rise in pressure, the solubility of gases may be around one : in solvent, at a fixed temperature (a) centipoise ©) poise (a) inerenves (6) stoke (@) both (6) & (e) () decreases 128. In a neutral solution (©) remains unchanged (@) Hr ions are absent. (@) decreases linearly ROE cae cme clean 133. With rise in temperature, the solubility of (©) both H* and OH- ions are present in ammonla in wetes ot a feed procaure very small but equal concentration. (@) ineresues (@ none of these. @) decrenses 124. An oxidation process is accompanied by de- (©) remains unchanged crease in the (d) increases exponentially (@) number of electrons. 184, For an ideal solution, the total vapor pressure i Rexidetion su varies......with the composition (expressed (c) number of ions ce mole Eaction, (A) all (a), () & (e). (a) inversely (&) exponentially 125, Atomic......of an element is a whole number. (©) linearly @ negligibly (a) weight @) number 185. A solution is made by dissolving 1 kilo mole (©) volume (d) radius of solute in 2000 kg of solvent. The molality of 126. A reduction process is accompanied with in- the solution is crease in the @ 2 o 1 (a) number of electrons (©) 05 (@) 05 @) oxidation number 186. Molality is defined as the number of gm (©) both (a) & (b) moles of solute per......of solvent. (@ neither (a) nor (6) a) litre ke 127. Two solutions A, and A, have pH value of 2 (©) gm mole @ gm and 6 respectively. It implies that the solu- | 137, A very dilute solution is prepared by dissolv- oe . . ing ‘x,’ mole of solute in ‘x,’ mole of a solvent. (@) A, is more alkaline than solution Al. The mole fraction of solute is approximately (@) Aj is highly acidic. equal to (©) A, is very slightly acidic @ ate, ® xk (d) both (b) & (c). @ Tks) @ is’ 128. For a neutral solution (pH = 7), the value of | 138, Pick out the wrong statement: BY] [OH] is equal to (a) Clausius-Clapeyron equation relates the ANSWERS 1190) 120.(d) 121(e) 12a) 128(¢) 124(a) 125.06) 126(a) 127d) 128(b) 129. (b) 130(c) 181.(c) 182(a) 188.6) 184(e) 185(c) 186(6) 187.a) 138.(c) Sidichiometry 33 139. 140, 141. 142, 143. 144, latent heat of vaporisation to the slope of the vapor pressure curve. (®) At the boiling point of liquid at the pre- vailing total pressure, saturated abso- lute humidity is infinite, (© Percentage saturation and relative saturation are numerically equal for an unsaturated vapor gas mixture. Check equation (@) Clapeyron equation is given by, ap <_=A/TU,-V',), where, P = vapor a eV): PC pressure, T'= absolute temperature, %. latent heat of vaporisation, V, and V, volumes of gas and liquid respectively. Enthalpy of a vapor gas mixture may be in- creased by increasing the (@) temperature at constant humidity. (®) humidity at constant temperature (©) temperature and the humidity. @ alae) The value of Trouton’s ratio (3,/T,) for a number of substances is 21 (where, 2, = mol- al that of vaporisation of a substance at its normal boiling point, KCaV/kg. mole and T, = normal boiling point, °K). The Kistyakowsky equation is used for calculation of Trouton’s ratio of. liquids, (a) polar (6) non-polar (©) both (a) & () (d) neither (a) nor (6) Claussius Clapeyron equation applies to the. ores PFOCESS, (@) sublimation (6) melting (©) vaporisation (d) all (a), (b) & (c) Except for monoatomic gases, the molal heat capacity at constant volume for all gases is... Keal/Kg mole.0K. @ 3 (b) >3 © <3 @a The value of (Cp - Cv) for a real gas obeying Vander Wall's equation is @R () >R OR @ 05R Applicability of Claussius-Clapeyron equation is subject to the condition that the (a) vapor follows ideal gas law. (®) volume in the liquid state is negligible. (©) both (a) & (b) (@) neither (a) nor (6) 145. The increase in the temperature of the aqueous solution will result in decrease of its (a) weight % of the solute. (b) mole fraction of the solute. (©) molarity. @ molality, 146. Concentration of a solution expressed in terms of......i8 independent of temperature. (@) molarity (®) normality (©) molality (@)_ none of these 147. Solutions which distil without change in com- position are called (a) ideal (®) saturated (©) supersaturated (d) azeotropic 148. Roult’s law is obeyed by a. solution. (a) saturated () molar (©) normal (@)_ none of these 149. Increasing the temperature of an aqueous so- lution will cause decrease in its (a) molality (©) mole fraction (©) weight percent (d) molarity 150. The most convenient way of expressing solu- tion concentration is in terms of (a) mole fraction (b) normality (©) molality (@ molarity 151. Vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to @ 8, @) US, © s, @ vs, where, S, and S, are mole fraction of solvent and solute respectively. 152. A gas mixture contains 6 moles of H, and 2 moles of N,. If the total pressure of the gas- cous mixture is 4 kgficm: ; then the partial pressure of N2 in the mixture will be... kgflem’. @. ) 2 4 @s 153. Which of the following terms of Vander Walls equation of state for a non-ideal gas accounts for intermolecular forces ? (@ RT & ( (@ (V-b) @ vRT ANSWERS 139d) 140.(c) 141d) 142.0) 148.6) 144(c) 145.) 146(¢) 147d) 148d) 149.(d) 150d) 151(a) 152.a) 153.(a) 34 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. ‘The density of a gas at N-T-P. is ‘p’. Keepthg the pressure constant (i.e. 760 mm Hg), density of the gas will become For pata temperature of. °K (@) 273 () 300 (@ 400 (@) 300 ‘The temperature at which real gases obey the ideal gas law over a wide range of pressure is, called the.......0..temperature. (@) reduced (®) Boyle (©) critical (@)_ inversion If the pressure of a gas is reduced to half & its absolute temperature is doubled, then the volume of the gas will (a) be reduced to Vath. () increase four times. (©) increase two times. (d) none of these. ‘A gas at 0°C is cooled at constant pressure until its volume becomes half the original vol- ume. The temperature of the gas at this state will be @ -136.5°C ) -136.5°K (© ~273°C @ 0K At what temperature, given mass of a gas that occupies a volume of 2 litres at NTP. will occupy a volume of 4 litres, if the pres- sure of the gas is kept constant ? (@) 273°C () 273° (©) 100°C (@) 200°C 40 gms each of the methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container maintained at 40°C. The fraction of the total pressure ex- erted by oxygen is @ 12 o 18 (© v4 @ 28 ‘The density of a gas ‘X’ is twice that of an- other gas ‘Y’. If the molecular weight of gas ‘Y'is ‘M;; then the molecular weight of the gas, X will be @ 2M o M2 o™M @ w4 If 1 Nm’ of O, contains ‘N’ number of mol- ecules, then number of molecules in 2 Nm’ of 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. Objective Type Chemical Engineering ‘The elevation in boiling point of a solution is, proportional to the.........of the solution, (@) molal concentration (®) reciprocal of the molal concentration (©) normality (@) molarity ‘The OH concentration in a solution having pH value 3 is (a) 10° (b) 10" (c) 10% @ 10% ‘The number of H’ in 1 ce solution of pH 13 is (a) 6.023 x 10" (b) 6.023 x 10” (o) 6.023 x10" (d) 10" CaCO, contains........percent of Ca by weight. @ 40 @) 48 © 9% @ 12 How much O, can be obtained from 90 kg of water? (a) 32kg ©) 80kg (©) 6tkg @ kg snendkg of CaCO, on heating will give 56 kg of CaO, (@) 56 () 100 () 144 (@) 1000 NaOH contains. percent oxygen, @ @) 10 (@ 16 (@ 40 (On mixing 56 gm of CaO with 63 gm of HNO3, the amount of Ca(NO, ), formed is... 6. (a) 82 () 164 © 41 @ 82 A metal oxide is reduced by heating it in a stream of hydrogen. After complete reduc- tion, it is found that 3.15 gm of the oxide has, yielded 1.05 gm of the metal. It may be in- ferred that the (a) atomic weight of the metal is 4 (b) equivalent weight of the metal is 4. (©) atomic weight of the metal is 2. (@) equivalent weight of the metal is 8. If1.5 moles of oxygen combines with alumini- um to form Al.O,, then the weight of alumini- ‘um (atomic weight = 27 ) used in this reaction is. gm. (a) 27 () 54 @ 54 @ 27 SO, will be 172. The amount of Zn (atomic weight = 65) re- @ N ) NR quired to form 224 c.c. of H2 at N.T.P. on treat- (©) 2N @ 4N ment with dilute H,SO, will be... ANSWERS 154(d) 155.(c) 156.6) 157(a) 158(a) 159.6) 160(a) 161(c) 162/a) 163(c) 164.(c) 165.(a) 166.6) 167.6) 168d) 169(a) 170.(b) 171.6) 172.16) Sidichiometry 35 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 173, 184, (a) 0.065 () 0.65 © 65 @ 6 6 gms of magnesium (atomic weight = 24), re- acts with excess of an acid, the amount of H, produced will be. gm. (a) 05 1 © 3 @ 5 ‘A compound was found having nitrogen and oxy- gen in the ratio 28 gm and 80 gm respectively. The formula of the compound is @ NO, () NO, © NO, (@)_ none of these Tn the reaction, represented Na, CO, + HCl NaHCO, + NaCl, the equivalent weight of Na,CO, is (@) 53 (b) 5.8 © 106 @ 106 If pH value of a solution is 8, then its pOH value will be @ 6 m4 © 7 @ 10 As per Kirchoff’s equation, the heat of reac- tion is affected by the (@) pressure (®) volume (©) temperature (@ molecularity Hess's law of constant heat summation is based on conservation of mass. It deals with (@) equilibrium constant. (®) reaction rate. (©) changes in heat of reaction. (@) none of these. On addition of 1 c-. of dilute hydrochloric acid (1% concentration) to 80 c.c. of a buffer solu- by tion of pH = 4, the pH of the solution becomes @1 ) 8 4 @ 2 With increase in the temperature of pure (distilled) water, its (a) pOH decreases and pH increases (®) pOH and pH both decreases. (©) pH and pOH both increases. (d) pH decreases and pOH increases, ‘The molecular velocity of a real gas is propor- tional to 183, 184, 185. 186, 187. 188. 189. perature of a gas and reduction of its pres- sure to half, will result the volume of the gas. (a) nochange (6) doubling (©) Vath reduction (@) four fold increase A gas at 0°C was subjected to constant pres- sure cooling until its volume became half the original volume. The temperature of the gas at this stage will be (@) 0°C @) 0K () -136.5°C @ -1365°K ‘The atomic weight of helium is 4 times that of hydrogen. Its diffusion rate as compared to hydrogen will be. times. (a) V2 (b) 4 © V2 @) va What fraction of the total pressure is exerted by oxygen, if equal weights of oxygen and methane are mixed in an empty vessel at 25°C? (@) 213 ) V8 298 (c) U2 @ W3x— © ) a Heat of reaction is not influenced by (a) the route/method through which final products are obtained. the physical state (eg., solid, liquid or gaseous) of reactants and products. whether the reaction is carried out at con- stant temperature or constant pressure. none of these, ) © @ Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium with ice at constant pressure is @o @) 1 (@) none of these is an intensive property. (a) Temperature (b) Refractive index (©) Volume (@) none of these For an endothermic reaction, the minimum value of energy of activation will be @ AH @ >aH @ 250°C). (a) none of these. 69. Which of the following may prove unsuitable for filtering volatile liquids ? (a) Pressure filter (b) Gravity filter (©) Centrifugal filter (d) Vacuum filter 70. In washing type plate and frame filter press, the ratio of washing rate to the final filtrate (a) collector (b) frother ae @4 ) V4 (c) modifer (@) activator on VonaA ANSWERS 52(c) 53(¢) 54(a) 55.(a) 56(c) 57a) 58(d) O(c) 60fa) 61c) 62(a) 63.(d) 64(a) 65a) 66.(c) 67.(a) G68(a) 69(d) 70.00) 44 Objective Type Chemical Engineering 71. For efficient grinding, ball mills must be oper- ated (a) ata speed less than the critical speed, (0) ata speed more than the critical speed. (©) ata speed equal to the critical speed. (@) with minimum possible small balls. 72. For the transportation of ultrafine particles, the equipment used is €.......nn-CONVEYOF. (@) belt () pneumatic (©) screw (d) none of these 78. To get ultrafine particles, the equipment used (@) ball mill (b) rod mill (©) hammer crusher (d) fluid energy mill 74, The material is crushed in a gyratory crusher by the action of (@) impact: (®) compression (©) attrition @ cutting 75. Mesh indicates the number of holes per (@) square inch (®) linear inch (©) square foot (d) linear foot 76. To get a fine tale powder from its granules, the equipment used is (a) roller crusher (©) jaw crusher (®) ball mill (d) gyratory crusher ‘71. For transporting pasty material, one will use aan (a) apronconveyor ——(b) (©) serew conveyor (d) belt conveyor bucket elevator 78. Diatomaceous earth is a/an (@) explosive (6) filter aid (©) filter medium (@) catalyst 79. Ball mill is used for (@) crushing (b) coarse grinding (©) fine grinding (@) attrition 80. The capacity of a belt conveyor depends upon. two factors. If one is the cross-section of the load, the other is the...........f the belt. (®) thickness (a) speed (© length (@)_ none of these 81. Dry powdery solid materials are transported bya conveyor. (a) belt (®) bucket (©) serew (@)_ none of these 82. Gizzlies are used for separating......solids. (a) coarse (@) fine (© any size (d) none of these 83. Cyclones are used primarily for separating (@) solids (®) solids from fluids (© liquids (@) solids from solids 84, The main differentiation factor between tube mill and ball mill is the (a) length to diameter ratio. (b) size of the grinding media. (©) final product size (@) operating speed. 85. Fick's law relates to (a) energy consumption (b) final particle size (©) feed size (a) none of these 86. Apron conveyors are used for (a) heavy loads & short runs. (b) small loads & long runs. (c) heavy loads & long runs. (a) none of these. 87. Sphericity of raschig ring (whose length and diameter are equal) is @ > ) <1 od @ 2 88. Sphericity of pulverised coal is @ 1 @) <1 @ m1 @ 89. Solid particles of different densi (@) filters (b) thickness (©) cyclones (@) sorting classifier 90. A straight line is obtained on plotting recipro- cal of filtration rate vs. the volume of filtrate BOF onnenflow of filtrate. (a) compressible cakes and laminar (®) incompressible cake and laminar (c) compressible cake and turbulent (d) incompressible cake and turbulent 91. 200 mesh screen means 200 openings per (@) cm () om (©) inch (@) inch 92, Which of the following represents the plot of filtrate volume versus time for constant pres- sure filtration ? (@) Parabola (®) Straight line (©) Hyperbola (@ Exponential curve 98. With increase in drum speed, in a rotary drum filter, the filtration rate (a) increases (®) increases linearly (©) decreases (@) isnot affected ANSWERS T1(@) 72.6) 73.(d) 746) 75.6) 76(b) TT) 78(b) 79(c) 80a) B1(e) 82.(b) 83.6) 84(a) 85a) 86(a) 87(c) 88(b) 89.(d) 90(b) M1(c) 92fa) 93.(a) Mechanical Operations 94, Sedimentation on commercial seale occurs in (a) classifiers (®) rotary drum filters (©) thickeners (d) cyclones 95. The inlet pressure in a constant rate filtration (a) increases continuously (®) decreases gradually (©) remains constant (@) none of these 96. Critical Speed (Ne) of a balll mill is given by @ wo @ @ g 97. Half the angle of nip, (alpha), for a roll crusher is given by dr-+dp fq cosa = SP aed . drsdf ) cosa =F ( tma= "te ar+df (a sina= 24 adr+df 98. Mass flow of granular solid (M) through a cir- cular opening of dia, D follows (@ MavD ) Mab (@ MaD @ MaD 99. In screen analysis, the notation +5 mmy/-10 mm means particles passing through (a) 10mmscreen and retained on 5mm screen. (6) 5mmscreen and retained on 10 mm screen. (©) both 5 mm and 10 mm screens. (d)_ neither 5 mm nor 10 mm screen. 100. The critical speed of a trommel (N) is related to its dia (D) as @) NavD ) NaD @ Nat D 101. The equivalent diameter of channel of a con- stant non-circular cross-section of 3 em by 6 cm will be. coms. (a) 20 () 12 @ 8 @ 2 102. For a non-spherical particle, the sphericity (@) is defined as the ratio of surface area of ‘a sphere having the same volume as the particle to the actual surface area of the particle. has the dimension of length. is always less than 1 is the ratio of volume of a sphere having the same surface area as the particle to the actual volume of the particle. 103. Which of the following gives the crushing en- ergy required to create new surface ? (@) Taggarts rule (b) Fick's law (©) Rittinger’s law (d) none of these 104, Sphericity of a cubical particle, when its equivalent diameter is taken as the height of o @ @ the cube, is (@) 05 @ 1 o 2% @ 3B 105, For raschig rings, the sphericity is (a) 05 @ 1 5). minimum product size is 3 mm. maximum feed size may be 50 mm. rotor shaft carrying hammers can be ver- tical or horizontal. ) © @ Which of the following size reduction equip- ments employs mainly attrition for ultrafine grinding? (a) Jet mills (© Micronizer (®) Fluid energy mill (d) all (a), (b) and (c) Wheat is ground into flour in a (a) hammer crusher (®) roller crusher (©) impact mill (d) fluid energy mill Limestone is normally crushed in a (a) rollcrusher () hammer crusher (©) ball mill —(@)_tube mill Coal is finally pulverised to 200 mesh size for burning in boilers by a (@ hammer crusher 154. 155. 156. 157. (®) ball mill (©) roll crusher (@) gyratory crusher Which of the following comes in the category of primary crusher for hard and tough stone? (@) Jaw crusher () Cone crusher (©) Gyratory crusher (d) None of these Which is a secondary crusher for a hard & tough stone ? (@) Jaw crusher (6) Cone crusher (©) Impact crusher (d) Toothed roll crusher Carbon black is pulverised in a (@ hammer crusher (6) ball mill (©) roll crusher (@) gyratory crusher Filtrate flow rate in case of a rotary drum vacuum filter (in which R,<1 (a) sizing @) sorting 218, The crushed material received for separation (©) classification (d) floceulation is called feed or 280. Vertical transportation of materials can be (@) tailing (®) heading done by e/an (c) concentrate (d@) middling (a) apron conveyor (b) pneumatic conveyor 219. Screen capacity is proportional to (o) bucket elevator (d) both (b) & (c) @s ® us 281. Solid particles separation based on the differ- ~ & @ VS ence in their flow velocities through fluids is where, S = screen aperture pemmetesiee . a (a) clarification () classification 220. Size reduction of asbestos and mica is done by (©) elutriation (@) sedimentation (@ hammer mills (6) rod mills 3 282. Sizing of very fine particles of the order of 5 (© gyretory crushers (@) crushing rolls to 10 microns is done by elutriation, which is 221. Tube mill compared to ball mill fn _operation, (@) produces finer products, (a) clarification (®) sedimentation (®) is long in comparison with its diameter. (@ foevalation @ daseifention (©) uses smaller balls. (a) all (a), () & (c). 233. Separation of materials of the same density £222, Ball mills and tube mills with fint or porcelain based on their sizes by using their different mills © mill rates of flow is called balls are used for size reduction of i (a) asbestos (b) rubber (a) sorting @) sizing Oe ae (6) flocculation (@) elutriation 223, Energy consumption in a crusher decreases | 234. ....conveyor is the most suitable for long with increase in the distance transportation of cold, non abrasive (a) size of the product (at constant feed size). granularfirregular shape/fine materials. (®) capacity of the crushing machine. (a) Bucket @) Belt (c) size of feed (at constant reduction ratio). (©) Screw (@ Apron Gd) all (a), @) & (e) 285. A widely used size reduction equipment 224. Size reduction does not occur due to compres- for.--is Bradford breaker. sion in case of (a) tale (@) coal (@) rod mills (6) _gyratory crushers (©) iron core (@) wheat (©) jaw erushers (d) smooth roll crushers . ; ; 285, Specie surface ara is the surface area ofa | 286 Separation of slid particles bared on thx eae @ sing @) sorting (@) weight (@) volume a siaah (©) either (a) or (6) (d) neither (a) nor (6) hae OC 226, .....balls capable of grinding the feed in a | 287: For spheres, the surface shape factor is given ball mill gives the maximum efficiency. by 1D) vip (@) Cast iron () Minimum size @) x(=AID) — @) x6(= VID) () Maximum size (d) Elliptical w@ 42 are 227. The value of angle of nip’ is generally about (@ 16° ) 3% , @ B9 mea where, A = area, V= volume, and D = diameter. 228, Use of'grinding aids’ is done in.......grinding. | 288. For spheres, volume shape factor is given by (@) ary (b) wet (@) (=A/D) — (b) 2x (=2A/D!) (©) ultrafine (a) intermediate () x6(=V/D) (4) ADIV ANSWERS 217 (c) 218.(b) 219(a) 220(a) 221.(d) 222.(c) 223d) 224(a) 225.(c) 226(b) 227.(b) 228.(a) 229.(a) 230.(d) 231.(b) 232(d) 233.(6) 234.(b) 235.(b) 236.(b) 287.(a) 238.(c) Méchanical Operations 53 Size reduction of ice and gypsum can be ac- complished suitably by a.......crusher (@ Blake jaw —() toothed roll (©) gyratory (d)_none of these. 240. For spheres, the specific surface shape factor is given by (@) ADIV ) DIV @ Alv @ ADI . Separation of solid suspended in liquid into a supernatant clear liquid and a denser slurry employs a process termed as the (a) coagulation (6) flocculation (©) sedimentation (d) clarification Which of the following grinding mills has the horizontally arranged rods as the grinding elements thereby delivering more uniform granular products with minimum fines ? (@ Compartment mill (6) Rod mill (©) Pebble mill (@) Tube mill. In balll mill operation, the feed size (Df in me- ters) and the ball diameter (Db in metres) are related as 242, 243, @ Dj=KD, @ Dj=KD, @ D; The optimum moisture content in solids to be crushed/ground ranges from.....pereent. (@) 3104 () 8t010 (© 10to15 (@) 15 t0.20 Critical speed of rotation, NV (in rps - rotation per second) of a trammel is equal to 244, 245. 1 fe 1 @ —J& w — J 2aVr aNr © ie @ anf where, g—adedleration due to gravity = 9.81 where, L = length of the receiving opening, cm and S = greater width of the discharge opening, em 248... mill is not a revolving mill. (@) Pebble (6) Compartment (©) Cage (d) Tube |. In closed cireuit grinding as compared to open circuit grinding, the (a) specific surface of product is more. (®) product has lesser size uniformity. (©) production rate at a given limiting size is lower. (d) operation is economical Kick’s law assumes that the energy required for size reduction is proportional to the loga- rithm of the ratio between the initial and the final diameters. The unit of Kick’s constant is (a) kW. see/kg () kWhikg (©) kWhisec. kg (@) kg/sec. Wet seiving is employed, when the product, contains, materials. (@) abrasive (&) large quantity of very fine (©) coarse (d) non-sticky Which of the following is a batch sedimenta- tion equipment ? (a) Dust catcher () Filter thickener (©) Dry eyclone separator (d) Rotary sprayer serubber. Agglomeration of individual particles into clusters (flocs) is called flocculation. To pre- vent flocculation, the most commonly used dispersing agents are (@) carbonates (6) sulphates (©) silicates & phosphates (@ bicarbonates 250. 251. 252. 253. nv/sec? and, r = radius of trammel, metre. 254, .......mean diameter of particles is given by 246. Energy consumed for crushing one ton of ma- Exi.Dpi. terial ranges from......... kWh. (a) Mass (6) Arithmetic fa BOOL e101 ©) 05 015 () Volume (d) Volume surface CES cee 255. Which of the following equations is Rit- 247. Capacity (in tons/h) of jaw/gyratory crusher tinger's crushing law ? is equal to (@) 0.01LS @) 0.087 LS (@) Pim= @ LS @ LS/0.087 ANSWERS 239.(b) 240.(a) 241.(c) 242.(b) 243.(a) 244.(a) 245(a) 246.() 247.(b) 248.(c) 249(d) 250.(a) 251.(6) 252.(b) 253.(c) 254.() 255.(c) Objective Type Chemical Engineering (@ Plm= aii Dy Dag (d) none of these. where P = power required by the machine, m = feed rate, k = a constant Dsa & Dsb = volume sur face mean diameter of feed & product respectively. 256. Grinding characteristic of a material is given by its (@ HGt (6) angle of repose (©) shatter index (d)_ abrasion index. 257. Which of the following relationships between co-efficinet of friction (1) between rock & roll, and a (half of the angle of nip) of the particle to be crushed is correct ? @ y>tana ) > tana (©) > tan2a @ w>tana 258. The mechanism of size reduction by a hammer mill is by impact and attrition between the (a) grinding element & the housing, (®) feed particles. (©) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (6). 259. A pebble mill (a) isa ball mill (®) employs flints or ceramic pebbles as the grinding medium. (©) isa tube mill lined with ceramic or other non-metallic liner. (d) both (6) and (c) 260. Which of the following is not used as a filter medium in case of corrosive liquids ? (a) Nylon (®) Glass cloth (©) Metal cloth of monel or stainless steel (d) Cotton fabric 261. Which of the following is the most suitable filter for separation of abrasive solids sus- pended in a corrosive liquid ? (a) Sand bed filter (®) Plate and frame filter press (©) Vacuum filter (d) Batch basket centrifuge. 262. Which of the following crushing laws is most 263, 264, 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. accurately applicable to the fine grinding of materials ? (a) Bond’s crushing law (6) Kick’s law (©) Rittinger’s law (d) None of these. The most suitable equipment for the trans- portation of 200 mesh size particles is a (a) bucket elevator (6) pneumatic conveyor (©) screw conveyor (d) belt conveyor ‘The unit of filter medium resistance is (@) cm (©) gm/em* (©) mig @ gu Higher is the mesh number, smaller will be the aperture size of the screen. It means that the aperture size of a 200 mesh screen will be smaller than that of 20 mesh sereen. This is valid for (a) British standard screens. (&) German standard screens (DIN 1171) ete. (©) American standard sereens (ASTM and Tayler standard screens). @) all (a), &) and (e). For Indian standard (IS) screens, the mesh number is equal to its aperture size expressed to the nearest deca-micron (0.01 mm). Aper- ture width of IS screen of mesh number 50 will be approximately... microns. @ 5 () 50 (©) 500 (@ 5000 Rittinger’s number designates the new sur- face created per unit mechanical energy ab- sorbed by the material being crushed. Larger value of Rittinger’s number of a material in- dicates its (a) easier grindobility (6) poor grindability (©) high power consumption in grinding (@) none of these Angle of nip of the crushing rolls does not de- pend upon the (a) diameter of the rolls (b) speed of the rolls (©) product size (@) feed size In bag filters, filter fabries are never made of (a) metallic wire woven mesh (b) polyester fibres (©) cotton fibres (@) nylon fibres ANSWERS 256.(a) 257.(b) 258(c) 259(d) 260.(d) 2G61.(c) 262(c) 263.(b) 264.(a) 265.(d) 266(c) 267.(a) 268.6) 269.(a) Méchanical Operations 55. 270. 272, 273. 274, 275. 276. 277. Separation of a suspension or slurry into a supernatant clear liquid (free from particles) and a thick sludge containing a high concen- tration of solid is called (a) classification (©) clarification () sedimentation (@) decantation . Sphericity is the ratio of the surface area of a spherical particle having the same volume as, the particle to the surface area of the particle. Which of the following has the maximum val- ue of sphericity ? (a) Sphere () Cube (©) Cylinder (L/D =1) (@) Raschig rings Reciprocal of sphericity is termed as the (a) specific surface ratio (®) shape factor (©) sauter diameter (@) surface area per unit mass Work index is the gross energy (kWh/tonne of feed) necessary to reduce a very large feed to such a size that 80% of product particles will pass through a 0.1 mm screen. The value of work index determined for wet grinding should be multiplied get the same for dry grinding. @ 10 ) 05 (© 134 @) 434 The value of work index does not change ma- terially from one equipment to another. If the value of work index determined for close cir- cuit grinding is Wi, then the same for open circuit grinding will be (@) 05 W, o W, (@ 1.34W, (@) 3.34W, The capacity of a gyratory crusher is......that, of a jaw crusher with the same gape, han- dling the same feed & for the same product size range. (@) same as (6) 25 times (©) 5 times (d) 10 times Pebble mills are tumbling mills widely used for grinding in the manufacture of paints & pigments and cosmetic industries, where iron contamination in the product is highly objectionable. Pebbles used in pebble mill are made of (@) bronze (b) stainless steel (©) flint or poreelain (a) concrete Rod mills employed for grinding 278. 279, 280. 282, 283. 284, (a) employ a steel shell having L/D ratio of 15 to 3.0. is useful for handling sticky materials. employ steel rods of 2-12 ems diameter extending over full length of the mill. (d) all'a’, 8 &'c. Tabular bow! centrifuges as compared to disk bowl centrifuges (a) operate at higher speed. (6) employ bowl of larger diameter. (©) can notbe operated under pressure/vacuum. @ can't be used for separation of fine sus- pended solids from a liquid. Filter aids like asbestos, kieselguhr, diato- maceous earth ete. are used to increase the porosity of the final filter cake & reducing the cake resistance during filtration. Filter aid is (a) added to the feed slurry. (®) precoated on the filter medium prior to filtration. separated from the cake by dissolving solids or by burning it off. @) alle’, (6) & (c). Ina ball mill, the volume occupied by the balls (when the mill is stopped) is about.....percent of the volume of the mill, (@) 35 @ 70 ) © © () 50 @ & . Size reduction action involved in the opera- tion of a ‘dicer’ is (a) impact (®) attribution (©) cutting (@) compression Pick out the wrong statement. (q) Filter aid are used for increasing the fil- tration rate for compressible cake Mixing index is dimensionless Ore dressing means size reduction of ores (d) Sphericity of a cube is 0.81 Size reduction of asbestos is done by a (a) hammer crusher (b) ball mill (©) jaw crusher (@) gyratory crusher ‘Sedimentation technique can be used for size classification of particles greater than...... 1m (micrometer). @ 1 (@ 1100000 wo © () 11000 (@) 11100000000 ANSWERS, 270.6) 271.(a) 272.6) 273.(c) 2T4(c) 275.6) 276(c) 2TT(d) 278.(a) 279.(d) 280.(b) 281.(c) 282.(c) 283.(a) 284.(a) 56 285. 286. 287. 288, 289. 290. 291. 292, 293, 294, IED, is the size of the spherical particle pass- ing through 400 mesh screen and D2 is the size of the spherical particle retained on a 200 mesh sereen; then which of the following, statement is true? (a) Particle of size D, will be retained on 200 mesh sereen Particle of size D, will pass through 200 mesh sereen Particles of both sizes will pass through 400 mesh screen Particles of both sizes will be retained on 200 mesh screen o) © @ Large scale sedimentation oceurs in (a) rotary drum vacuum filter (B) cyclones (©) thickenrs @ classifiers Sizing of various fine particles of the order of 5-10 microns is done by elutriation which is, Benne eration. (@) sedimentation (6) clarification (©) flocculation (@) classification Sphericity of a square prism of side 2 mm of length 4 mm is (a) 0.768 (b) 0.628 (0) 0.828 (a) 0.528 Which of the following is a coarse crusher? (a) Dise crusher (©) Conical crusher (©) Single roll crusher (d) Jaw crusher Which of the following is a fine crusher ? (@) Hammer mill (6) Edge runner mill (© Pin mill (@) Tube mill Which of the following is not a coarse crusher ? (@) Black jaw crusher (b) Disc crusher (©) Dodge jaw crusher (d) Gyratory crusher The size of feed to a fine crusher is (@ 60to1%inch (b)2 to% inch (© VA4to VB inch (d) less than 1/8 inch Force responsible for size reduction in a ham- mer mill is predominantly (a) impact () shear (©) compressive (@)_ none of these In Black jaw crusher, the angle between the jaws is usually (a) 5° © 30° () 15° (@ 90° 295, 296, 297. 298. 299. 300. 302, Objective Type Chemical Engineering ‘The characteristics of a ball mill and a tube mill are similar. Now, under otherwise uni- form conditions (identical feed size, feed flow rate, ete.), a tube mill will produce a (a) finer product (6) coarser product (©) product of the same size as that produced by a ball mill product the size of which can not be even roughly predicted. ‘The Hardinge mill is basically 0 (a) jaw crusher (®) roll crusher (©) ball mill (@ colloid mill When a ball mill rotates at a speed higher than the critical speed, its efficiency is (@) maximum (minimum (©) optimum (@)_ none of these @ Ball mills take feed upto in @ 1 @) 50 (©) 500 (@ 1400 As the product size from a ball mill decreases, (a) the capacity and power requirement of the mill increases the capacity increases, but the power re- quirement decreases the capacity and power requirement of the mill decreases. the capacity decreases, but the power re- quirement increases o © @ Force responsible for size reduction in a smooth roll crusher is predominantly (a) compressive (®) impact (©) shear (@)_ none of these . Force/Forces responsible for size reduction in a toothed-roll crusher is/are (a) impact (b) shear (©) compressive (@ combination of all (a), (b), (c) If size reduction is to be accomplished by passing the material only once through the crusher, (a) “free crushing” is a better choice (b) “choke feeding” is a better choice (©) both “free crushing” and “choke feeding” are equally useful (d) none of these ANSWERS 285.(b) 286(c) 287.(d) 288(a) 289d) 290.(d) 291.(b) 292(c) 293.(c) 294.(a) 295.(a) 296.(c) 297.(b) 298.(b) 299d) 300(a) 301(d) 302.(b) Méchanical Operations 37 303. 304, 805. 306. 807. 308. 809, Under otherwise uniform conditions, size ‘re- duction ratio obtained in a ball mill is.....that: obtained in a jaw crusher (a) greater than (®) smaller than (©) equal to (@) unpredictable more information required Grinding can be carried out either wet or dry. Now, power consumption in wet grinding is (a) more than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is increased. (®) less than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is reduced. (©) equal to that in dry grinding and plant capacity remains almost unchanged. (@) less than that in dry grinding and plant capacity is increased Which of the following statements about the advantage of wet grinding over dry grinding is/are incorrect? (a) Amounts of fines produced by wet grind- ing is less than that produced by dry grinding. Removal of product is easier. (©) Dust formation is eliminated. (@) Plant capacity is reduced. Im a balll mill, the optimum diameter of the balls used for grinding is approximately pro- portional to......0unthe feed size (a) equal to (®) the square of (©) the square root of (@) the cube of o Standard screens always have......apertures (@) rectangular (®) triangular (© square (@ circular A100 mesh” screen means that (a) there are 100 apertures per inch (®) each aperture of the screen has a diam- eter of 1/100 inch. each aperture has a diameter of 1/100 cm. none of these © @ Incontext of separation of particles by screen- ing, two terms are important: screen effec- tiveness and screen capacity. An increase in screen capacity (@) resultsinanincreaseinscreeneffectiveness (®) results in a reduction in sereen effective- 310. B11. 312. 313, 314, 315. 316. (©) does not alter the screen effectiveness at all. (@) may alter the sereen effectiveness mar- ginally. Bond crushing law states that the work re- quired to produce particles of diameter D, from very large fed is proportional to be (a) surface to volume ratio of the feed. (®) surface to volume ratio of the product. (©) square-root of the surface to volume ratio of the feed. square-root of the surface to volume ratio of the product, @ Size reduction in a gyratory crusher is effect- ed primarily by (a) impact ) (©) compression @ According to Rittinger’s law, crushing effi- ciency (a) depends on the feed size. (®) depends on the product size (©) depends on both feed and product sizes. (d) is constant and for a particular machine and feed material, is independent of the feed and product sizes. For spheres and cubes, sphericity is equal to one. For a cylinder whose length is equal to diameter, sphericity is equal to (a) 0.28 @) 0.65 (©) 0.73 @ 10 Under otherwise uniform conditions, Hin- dered settling is. free settling in sepa- ration of substances. (a) more effective than (b) less effective than (0) as effective as (d) none of these Cyclones are usually employed to separate (a) solids from gases (©) solids of two different substances (©) solids from liquids @ alas) & In the context of separation of dust particles from air in a separator, a term called “cut di- ameter” is defined. Now cut diameter is (@) an arithmetic mean of the diameters of the largest and smallest particles pres- ent in the air stream. (®) a logarithmic mean of the diameters of shear attrition ANSWERS 803.(a) 304(d) 305.(d) 306(c) 307(c) 308(a) 309.6) 310d) 311(c) 312d) 313d) 314.(a) 315.) 316.) the largest and smallest particles pres- ent in the air stream, that diameter for which one-half the in- let particles, by mass, are separated and the other half retained by the air. that diameter for which 80% of the inlet particles, by mass, are separated and the other half retained by the air. © @ 817. Typical cut diameters for high efficiency ey- 318. clones are in the range of (@) 0.1tolmm (6) 1t010em (©) 2t010mm (@) less than 1 mm Among cyclone separator, bag filter and elec- trostatic precipitator (ESP), (@) ESP can remove the finest particles. (6) bag filter can remove the finest particles. (©) cyclone separator can remove the finest particles. (@) bag filter and cyclone separator can re- move the finest particles. 819. Which of the following is the correct angle of repose? 320, 321. 322, Objective Type Chemical Engineering Angle of repose is low when the particles are (a) sticky (&) very fine (©) angular (d) smooth and rounded Angle of repose is high when the particles are (a) smooth and rounded (b) very fine and sticky (©) very large (@) none of these In which type of impeller used in liquid agita- tion, flow is coaxial? (@) Turbine (b) Propeller (©) Paddle (d) None of these ANSWERS 817.(c) 318.(a) 319.6) 320d) 321.(d) 322.(b) CHEMICAL PROcEssS INDUSTRIES (Cuemicat TECHNOLOGY) 1. Catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by chamber & contact processes are re- spectively (a) V,0, & Cr, (b) oxides of nitrogen & Cr,0, (©) V,0, on a porous carrier & oxides of nitro- gen, (d) oxides of nitrogen & V,O, on a porous car- 2. In contact process, SO, is absorbed in 97% H,SO, and not in water, because (a) SO, gas is sparingly soluble in water. (®) water forms an acid mist, which is difficult to absorb, (©) the purity of acid is affected formation in the absorber is to be 3. Contact process of sulphuric acid manufacture (a) yields acid of higher concentration than ‘chamber process (0) yields acids of lower concentration than chamber process, is obsolete, eliminates absorber. (©) is obsolete. (@) eliminates absorber. 4, 20% oleum means that in 100 kg oleum, there are 20 kg of (a) SO, and 80 kg of H,SO, (6) H,SO, and 80kg of SO, (©) SO, for each 100 kg of H,SO,. (@) none of these 5. Raw materials for ‘Solvay Process’ for manu- facture of the soda ash are (a) salt, limestone and coke or gas. () ammonia, salt and limestone. (©) ammonia limestone and coke. (d) none of these (a) require lower initial investment. (b) require more power. (c) produce lower concentration NaOH. (a) none of these. 7. Cement mainly contains (@ Ca0,Si0,, Al,0, (©) Al,0,, MgO, Fe,0, 8. Gypsum is chemically (a) calcium chloride (6) potassium sulphate (©) sodium sulphate (d) calcium sulphate 9. Glauber's salt is chemically (a) calcium sulphate (b) potassium sulphate (©) potassium chlorate (d) none of these 10. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium & magnesium (@) bi-carbonates (b) sulphates & chlorides (©) carbonate —_(d) none of these 11, Widely used method for the conditioning of boiler feed water is the (a) cold lime process (®) coagulation (c) hot-lime soda process (a) sequestration 12. Oilis a/an (a) mixture of glycerides. (b) mixture of glycerides of fatty acids. (©) solid at normal temperature. (a) ester of alcohols other than glycerine. 18, Waxisa (a) mixture of glycerides. (b) mixture of esters of polyhydric alcohols ex- cepting glycerine. (©) liquid at room temperature. (a) mixture of glycerides of fatty acids. 14, Unsaturated oils compared to saturated oils (6) MgO, Si0,, KO (d) CaO, MgO, K,0 have 6. Mercury cells for caustic soda manufacture, | (a) lower melting point & higher reactivity to compared to diaphragm cells oxygen, ANSWERS lid) 2.(b) 34a) 4(a) 5a) 6d) Ta) 8d) 9.(b) 10(b) 1c) 12.(b) 13.6) 14.(a) 6 | Objective Type Chemical Engineering (6) higher melting point & higher reactivity to oxygen. (©) lower melting point & lower reactivity to oxygen. (d) higher melting point & lower reactivity to oxygen. 15. Rancidity of the fatty oil can be reduced by its, (a) decoloration (®) hydrogenation (©) oxidation (@) purification 16. Solvent used for extraction of oil is (@ hexane (®) methyl ethyl ketone (©) farfurol (d) none of these 17, Hydrogenation of oil does not (a) remove double bonds. (6) raise its melting point. (©) improve its resistance to oxidation. (@) none of these 18. Catalyst used in the hydrogenation of oil is (a) nickel @) platinum (© iron @ alumina 19. Soaps remove dirt by (a) increasing the surface tension. (6) decreasing wettability. (©) supplying hydrophyllic group. (@) none of these 20. Metallic soap is... (a) sodium (©) potassium (©) both sodium & potassium (@) aluminium or calcium 21. Fat splitting catalyst is salt of fatty acids. (a) Caco, () ZnO (©) Al,0, @ Fe 22, Free alkali in a toilet soap is.......that in a laundarv shop. (@) less than (®) more than (© same (@_ none of these 28, Soap cannot be used with hard water, because (a) hard water contains sulphate (b) they form insoluble calcium soaps which precipitate (©) they attract back the removed dirt. (d) none of these 24, Builders are added in soap to act as (a) cleaning power booster (6) anti-redeposit (©) corrosion inhibit (@) fabric brightener 25. Bio-degradable detergents (a) can be readily oxidised. (b) pose problem in sewerage plant. (c) have an isoparaffinie structure. (d) should not be used as it spoils the cloth. 26. Which of the following is a detergent ? (a) Fatty alcohol (b) Alkyl benzene sulphonate (ABS) (c) Fatty acids (@) Methylene chloride 27, Essential oils are usually obtained using (a) steam distillation (b) extractive distillation (c) solvent extraction (@) leaching 28. Plasticisers are added to paints to (a) make it corrosion resistant. (b) make glossy surface (c) give elasticity & prevent cracking of the film. (d) increase atmospheric oxidation. 29. Which oil is preferred for paint manufacture ? (a) Drying oil () Non-drying oil () Semi-drying oil (d) Saturated oil 30. Function of thinner in a paint is to (a) accelerate the oxidation of oil. (b) prevent gelling of the paint. (c) suspend pigments & dissolve film forming materials, (@) forma protective film 81. Varnish does not contain (a) pigment (®) thinner () dryer (@) anti-skimming agent 82, SO, is bubbled through hot sugar cane juice to (a) ‘act as an acidifying agent. (b) increase its concentration. (c) imerease the amount of molasses. (d) increase the erystal size 88. Molasses is the starting material for the pro- duction of (a) alcohol (©) fatty acids 84, The ideal pulp for the manufacture of paper should have high. content. (a) cellulose (6) lignin (©) both (a) & (b) (@)_ none of these (6) essential oil (d) massecuite ANSWERS 15.6) 16(a) 17(d) 18(a) 19(d) 20.(d) 21.(b) 22.(a) 23.6) 24(a) 25a) 26.(b) Bla) Wie) 29a) 30(c) B1fa) 32fa) 33.(a) 34a) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) 61 85. In Kraft process of paper manufacture, white cooking liquor consists of caustic soda (a) sodium sulphide & sodium carbonate. (6) sodium sulphite & sodium carbonate. (©) sodium sulphite & sodium sulphide. (d) none of these. 36. Comparing sulphate process with sulphite process, we find the later. (a) both temperature & pressure in the former is less than that (6) both temperature & pressure in the former is more than that (©) temperature is more in the former where- as pressure is more (d) pressure is more in the former whereas temperature is less 87. Cooking liquor in case of sulphite process is, (a) sodium sulphite and sodium bisulphite. (®) magnesium sulphite and free SO2 in acid medium, (©) magnesium sulphate and magnessium bi- carbonate. (@) none of these 88. Which is a high grade pulp ? (@) Rag pulp () Mechanical pulp (©) Sulphate pulp (4) Sulphite pulp 89. Bleaching of paper pulp is done with (a) activated clay () bromine (©) chlorine or chlorine dioxide (@) magnesium sulphite 40. Sizing material is incorporated in paper to (a) impartresistance to penetration by liquids. (&) increase its thickness, (©) increase its flexibility & opacity. (d) increase its brightness. 41. Viscose rayon is (a) cellulose nitrate. () regenerated cellulose nitrate (©) regenerated cellulose acetate, (d) none of these 42, The catalyst used in shift converter is (@) nickel (®) vanadium (©) silica gel (@ alumina 43. Acrylonitrile is mainly used in the......industry. (a) as a plasticiser for unsaturated polyester. (b) in the manufacture of synthetic rubber. (c) as an anti-skinning agent in paint. (a) none of these. 45. Phenol is mainly used (a) to produce benzene. (b) to produce phenol formaldehyde (c) to produce polyester resin. (d) asa plasticiser for unsaturated polyster. 46. Phthalic anhydride is made by the (a) oxidation of naphthalene. (b) oxidation of benzene. (©) dehvdrogenation of ethyl benzene. (@) none of these. 47, Trinitrotoluene (TNT), an explosive, is made by the nitration of (@) nitrobenzene @) toluene (©) nitrotoluene (@) benzene 48. Which is the most suitable dye for synthetic fibres ? (a) Acid dye (0) Azoie dye (©) Pigment dye (d) Mordant dye 49. Fumigant insecticides (a) kill insects, when they eat it. (b) emit poisonous vapour. (c) are absorbed throughout the plant. (a) none of these. 50, Systemic insecticides (a) are absorbed throughout the plant. (b) kill insects following external bodily contact. (©) are stomach poisons. (@) emit poisonous vapour. 61. DDT stands for (a) diethyl-diphenyl-trichloromethane. (b) dichloro-diphenyl-trichloromethane. (c) diphenyl-dichloro-trichloromethane. (@) dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane. 52. BHC (Benzene hexachloride) is made by the chlorination of benzene (a) which is an addition reaction. (b) which is a substitution reaction. (c) im absolute dark. (d) im presence of sunlight. 58. Molecular weights of polymers are in the range of (@) polymer () printing @ 10°-10° & 10-10 (©) dyeing ; (d) photographic @ 10°-10" (@) 10°-10" 44. The major use of butadiene is ANSWERS 35a) 36(b) 37(a) 38(c) 39(c) 40(a) 41(d) 42(a) 43(a) 44.10) 45.06) 46.(a) 47(d) 48a) 49.6) 50a) 51(d) 52(a) 53.(c) a | Objective Type Chemical Engineering 54, Zeigler process (a) produces high density polyethylene. (6) produces low density polyethylene (o) uses no catalyst. (d) employs very high pressure. 55. Poly Vinyl Chloride (P.V.C.)is a... (a) thermosetting () thermoplastic (©) fibrous @ chemically active material. 56. Poly.tetraflouro ethylene (P-T.F.E.)is known as (a) bakelite (6) teflon (©) celluloid (@) dacron 57. The purpose of tanning in leather industry is to (a) stiffen the leather. () smoothen the leather. (©) make it flexible. (d) impart water resistance. 58. Epoxy resin (a) is a good adhesive. (6) is an elastomer. (©) cannot be used for surface coatings. (@) is a polyester. 59. Vuleanisation of rubber (a) decreases its tensile strength. (b) increases its ozone & oxygen reactivity, (©) increases its oil & solvent resistance. (d) converts its plasticity into elasticity. 60. Most commonly used rubber vulcanising agent is (@) sulphur (®) bromine (© platinum @ alumina 61. Celluloid is chemically (a) cellulose acetate () regenerated cellulose (©) cellulose nitrate (d) cellulose acetate butyrate 62. Thermoplastic materials (a) do not soften on application of heat. (6) are heavily branched molecules, (©) are solvent insoluble. (@) none of these 63. Thermosetting materials (a) are cross-linked molecules. (®) soften on application of heat. (©) are solvent soluble. (d) none of these. 64, Type ofglass used in optical workis the... (a) soda-lime (©) lead 65. Silicon carbide is a/an (@ adhesive (®) abrasive (0) type of glass (d) brittle material 66, The temperature in the calcium carbide fur- nace is. C. (a) 200-300 () 700-850 (©) 2000-2200 (@) 4000-4500 67. Cumene (isopropyl benzene) is made by (a) oxidation of napthalene. (b) propylene alkylation of benzene. (c) polymerisation of a mixture of benzene & propylene. (a) none of these. 68, Glycerine ean be obtained from (a) fat () naphthalene (©) cumene (@) sucrose 69. Cumene is the starting material for the pro- duction of (a) benzoic acid (6) phenol and acetone (c) isoprene (@) styrene 70. Which of the following is not responsible for causing permanent hardness of water ? (@) Ca(HCO,), @) CaCl, (©) MgCl, (@)_ none of these 71. Zeolite used in water softening process (cation exchange) is regenerated by washing with (a) brine (b) chloramines (©) sodium bisulphite (@) liquid chlorines 72. Lime and soda ash are added to water to re- move (a) bicarbonates & sulphates of calcium and magnesium. (b) undersirable taste and odour. (©) bacteria. (@) its corrosiveness, () fibre (d) borosilicate 78. Deaeration of water in its treatment is neces- sary, as it (a) minimises its turbidity. (®) helps in controlling its taste and odour. (c) minimises its corrosiveness. (a) none of these. glass ANSWERS 54(a) 55.6) 56.16) 57(a) 58(a) 59a) GOla) G1) G2/d) 6Bla) G4(e) 65.(b) 66.0) 67.6) 68a) 69/6) 70la) 71a) 72a) 73.0) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) 63 74, Sodium bisulphite is used for. (a) deaeration (6) dechlorination (©) both (a) & (b) (a) neither (a) nor(b) 75. Dechlorination of treated water is necessary to (a) remove residual turbidity. () reduce the bacterial load on filter. (©) control taste and odour. (d) remove chlorinous taste. 76. The main use of activated carbon in water treatment is to control. (@) bacterial growth (taste and odour (c) turbidity (d)_ none of these 77. Alum [AL(SO,),] is used as a coagulant in wa- ter treatment to remove (a) colour (b) turbidity (©) bacteria (d) all (a), (b) and () 78. Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to solvent extraction of oil. Rate of extraction (a) decreases with decrease of thickness of the flakes. increases with the increasing flake size keeping the flake thickness constant. increases considerably with the rise of temperature. decreases as the moisture content of flakes o © @ 79. Fats as compared to oils have (a) more unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids. (b) less unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids. (c) much higher reactivity to oxygen. (d) lower melting point. 80. Salt is added in the kettle during soap manu- facture to separate (a) soap from lye. (®) glycerine from lye (©) the metallie soap. (d) the unsaponified fat from soap. 81. Hydrazine (N,H,) is used mainly as a/an (@) explosive (b) rocket fuel (©) detergents additive (d) none of these ‘82. Oils are partially hydrogenated (not fully) to manufacture vanaspati, because fully saturat- ced solidified oils ) © are prone to rancid oxidation. always contain some amount of nickel (as their complete removal is very difficult) have affinity to retain harmful sulphur compounds. 88. Temperature during hydrogenation of oil should not be more than 200°C, otherwise it will result in (a) pyrolysis of oil. (b) sintering of porous catalyst. (c) hydrogen embrittlement. (a) all (a), (6) and (c) 84, Synthetic glycerine is produced from (@) toluene (®) phenol (©) propylene (@ naphthalene 85. Presence of sodium tripolyphosphate (an addi- tive) in synthetic detergent (a) facilitates its use even in hard water (by sequestering the water-hardening Ca & Mg ions). inhibits its corrosive effects does not allow redeposition of dirt on the cleaned surface @ Ol © (a) none of these. 86. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is added in detergents to (a) prevent redeposition of soil on cleaned sur- face. (b) act as optical brightening agent. (©) imbibit corrosion in washing machines made of aluminium, (@) none of these. 87. Hydrophilic group of a soap or detergent solu- tion is (@) water hating () soil loving (©) water loving (d) none of these 88. Aryl benzene sulphonate (ABS) is a (a) detergent. (b) plasticiser for unsaturated polyester. (c) starting material for the synthesis of glycerine. (d) coating ingredient for photographic film. 89. Digestion of wood-base materials (for manu- facture of pulp) is done to (a) remove liguin. (b) produce long fibres. . . (c) prevent deterioration on storage. (a) cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting. (@) none of these. ANSWERS 74d) 75.6) 76.(6) 77d) 78(a) 79.6) 80a) 81.) 82(a) 83(d) 84(c) 85.(a) 86a) 87.(c) 88.(a) 89a) «| Objective Type Chemical Engineering 90. The most economical pulp for the production of newsprint would be the... pUlp (a) groundwood (®) sulphate (©) sulphite (@_semichemical 91. Pick out the wrong statement. (a) Kraft method of pulp manufacture can process all types of fibrous raw materials. (b) Digestion time for bagasse is less than that for wood base materials. (©) Both temperature and pressure in the digestor is less in case of the sulphite method as compared to that in the sulphate method. (d) none of these. 92. In sulphate pulp manufacture, the pressure and temperature in the digestor is (a) 10 atm., 800°C () 10 atm., 170-180°C (©) 1atm., 170-180°C (@ 1atm., 800°C 93. The end bleaching agent used to move last traces of colour bodies from the pulp is (a) chlorine dioxide (C10,) () MgO (©) SO, gas (@) mercaptans 94, Cellulose content of bamboo and ideal fibrous raw material for the manufacture of paper percent, @ 10 ) 50 (© 80 @ 9% 95. Black liquor is converted into white liquor by (a) evaporation and burning the concentrate followed by causticisation of products. (®) multi-effect evaporation only. (c) selective liquid extraction. (d) extractive distillation 96. Rosin soap is added during paper manufacture to (a) impart adhesive properties (6) improve opacity. (©) impart resistance to penetration by liq- ids (d) none of these. 97. Viscose rayon (a) cannot be made from sulphite pulp. (6) utilises H,SO,, NaOH and CS, during its manufacture. (©) cannot yield textile grade fibre. (d) none of these. 98. ‘The amount of benzene present in pure benzol is about........percent. @ 30 &) 50 © 70 @ 9 99. Carbon content of pitch (residue of coal tar dis- tillation) is around.........pereent. (@ 70 () 55 (©) 80 (d) 9% 100. High magnesia lime is added to hot sugar cane juice (during the manufacture of sugar) to (a) floceulate the impurities. (6) facilitate fast filtration. (©) both (a) and (b). (d) neither (a) nor () Massecuite is (a) used for paper making. (&) used as a cattle feed. (©) highly acidie in nature. (d) none of these. 101. 102. Sucrose content in cane sugar may be around. percent. (@ 50 @) 70 @ 80 @ % 103. Alcohol percentage in molasses may be around @ 10 @) 40 @ 70 @ 8 104. Production of alcohol by fermentation of mo- lasses is an. process. (@) anaerobic () aerobic (©) endothermic (d) both (6) and (c) 105. Fermentator temperature during production of alcohol from molasses is around.......-°C. @ 5 @) 30 (© 150 @ 300 106. Pure rectified spirit contains about. percent alcohol. @ 4% @) 70 © 9% @ 995 107. Chloral is used in the manufacture of (@ DDT () BHC (©) parathion (@)_ none of these 108. Lindane is (a) not a fumigant, () BHC (Benzene Hexa Chloride) taining 99% y-isomer. (©) aby-product of BHC manufacture. (d) both (b) and (c). con- ANSWERS 90.(a) 102.(d) 91.(d) 92.16) 93.(a) 9416) 95.(a) 96.(c) 103.() 104.6) 105.(b) 106.(c) 107/a) 108.(b) 97.6) 98.) 99.(d) 100(c) 101.(a) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) 65 109. 110. 1. 112, 118. 114, 115. 116. 117. DDT should not be allowed to come in contact, with iron (during its manufacture) to (a) avoid its decomposition. (®) prevent sulphonation of the monochloro- benzene by the acid catalyst. (©) achieve non-hygroscopic property. (@) none of these. The catalyst used in the manufacture of DDT (from chloral and chlorobenzene) is @ diluteHSO, — (@)_oleum (©) ultraviolet light (a) none of these Silicone is a/an (a) thermoplastic (6) inorganic polymer (©) monomer —(d)_none of these Flexible foam (for mattresses) is usually made of @ PVC () silicone (©) polyurethanes (@)_ polyamides Plasticisers are added to synthetic plastics to (@) impart flexibility (6) improve workability during fabrication. (©) develop new improved properties not present in the original resins. @ all(a),@) and (0). Bakelite is (@) same as poly tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). (®) an inorganie polymer (©) sameasthermosettingphenol formaldehyde (@) not a polymer. Styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) as com- pared to natural rubber has (a) Poorer tensile strength. (b) poorer resistance to oxidation. (©) greater amount of heat build-up under heavy loading. @ all(a), ) and (0). Pick out the wrong statement. (@) Cold rubber (SBR) is superior as com- pared to hot rubber (SBR). Polymerisation temperature can modify the properties of SBR. Production of cold SBR employs lower pressure as compared to that of hot SBR. none of these. ® o @ ‘The process involved in converting rubber into 118. 119. 120. 121. 122, 123, 124, 125. Nylon -6 as compared to Nylon-66 is having higher (@) hardness (©) melting point Nylon-6 is a (a) polyamide (©) polyester ) @ abrasion/resistance none of these o) @ Dacron (or terylene) fibres as compared to nylon fibres have (a) better heat & acid resistant properties (®) poorer resistance to alkalis, (©) poorer dyeability. @) all (a), @) and (e). Pick out the wrong statement. (a) Azoic dyes are mostly applied on cotton fabrics. Basic dyes (e.g. amino derivatives) are applied mostly to paper. Mordant dyes are applied mainly to wools. (@) none of these. Absorption of SO, in 97% H,SO, is (@) exothermic ' (6) endothermic (©) not possible (d) none of these ‘The chamber process is (q) preferred over contact process for pro- ducing 98 to 100% H,SO, and various oleums. (®) non-catalytic and operates only on py- rites. (©) a batch process for directly producing high strength (98 to 100%) HO, (d) none of these. In the manufacture of H,SO,, vanadium cata- lyst as compared to platinum catalyst (a) gives higher conversion efficiency. (6) has a longer life and is not poisoned by handles lower SO, content gas (7 -10% SO,), thus increasing the capital cost of the plant. (@) all (a), &) and (e). Which of the following is a co-product during the manufacture of caustic soda by electroly- sis of brine ? thermosetting resin none of these o © © a thin sheet or coating it on fabric is called (a) Na,CO, (b) NaHCO, (a) extrusion —(b)_ mastication © H, (d) none of these (©) calendering (d) valeanis ANSWERS 109.(a) 110.6) 111.6) 112) 113d) 4(e) 115d) 16d) 17) 118d) 119/@) 120.(d) 121d) 122.(a) 123d) 124.(d) 125.6) 66 126, 127. 128, 129. 130. 131. 132, 133. 134, 138.6) 139.(a) 140d) 141.(d) 142.(c) 143.) 144,(a) Mercury electrolytic cells are preferred over diaphragm electrolytic cell (for production of caustic soda), as it (a) has larger production capacity per unit cell consumes less power per ton of Cl2 pro- duced. produces high purity (70%) caustic soda directly. (2) all (a),6) and (c) ‘The main use of HCl is in the (a) drilling of petroleum wells and pickling of steel sheets, manufacture of cationic detergent. treatment of spent fuel of nuclear reactor. none of these. o © @) © @ Which of the following may be viewed as a catalyst in the manufacture of soda ash by Solvay process ? (@) NH, () NaCl (@ Cad (d) Coke Washing soda is chemically represented by (a) Na,CO, () Na,CO,. H,0 (©) Na,CO,10H,0 (a) NaHCO, Dense soda ash used in the manufacture of glass, is chemically represented by (@) Na,CO, () Na,CO, .10H,0 (©) Na,CO,H,0 (@) NaHCO, In the Solvay process, the product from the caleiner is (a) light soda ash (®) dense soda ash (©) sodium bicarbonate (@) dehydrated soda ash Solvay process as compared to dual process (ie, modified Solvay process) (a) can use low grade brine. (®) has less corrosion problems. (©) involves higher investment in NH, re- covery units than that for crystallisation units for NH,Cl. (d) both (6) and (c) Bromine content in sea water may be around. ppm. @ 70 () 640 @ 1875 (@) 2500 Bromine is used in the preparation of (a) fire extinguishing compounds. 135. 136. 137. 138, 139. 140. 141, 142, 143. 144, Objective Type Chemical Engineering (b) fire proofing agents. (©) dyes and antiknock compounds, (@) all (a), (6) and (o). Coke used for the production of calcium car- bide should have (a) low ash content. (®) low ignition temperature. (©) high electrical resistivity. (d) all (a), (6) and (0). Carbon disulphide is mainly used in the pro- duction of (a) viscose rayon. (6) corundum, (©) plasticiser for unsaturated polyester. (@) paints. Carborundum consists mainly of (a) bauxite (b) silicon carbide (©) boroncarbide (d)_caleium carbide Fire clay is, refractory material (@) abasic (®) an acidic (© aneutral @ nota Caleination of gypsum produces (a) plaster ofparis (6) salt cake (©) nitre cake (@) lime Highly porous refractory bricks are (a) less susceptible to chemical attack by molten fluxes and gases ete. (6) very strong. (©) having very high thermal conductivity’ (@) none of these. Alum is commercially produced from (@ gypsum (®) feldspar (© galena (@ bauxite Which of the following is an yellow pigment ? (a) Titanium dioxide (®) Ferrous sulphate (©) Lead chromates (d) Zine sulphides Naphthalene is removed from coke oven gas by (a) adsorbing on palladium. (®) absorbing in ethanolamine. (©) scrubbing with wash oil. (@) passing it through electrostatic precipi- tator. Which of the following impurities in feed wa- ter for high pressure boiler is the most detri- mental ? @ Silica (b) Dissolved oxygen (©) Suspended salt (d) Dissolved salt. ANSWERS 126d) 127.(a) 128(a) 129(c) 130(c) 181.(a) 132.(d) 133(a) 134d) 135d) 136(a) 137.(6) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) 145, 146, 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152, 153. Double Contact Double Absorption (DCDA) process is the most recent process for the man- facture of (a) nitric acid (®) sulphuric acid (©) ammonium sulphate (@) hydrochloric acid Metallic soap (eg. aluminium or calcium salts of fatty acids) can be used (@) asa lubricant, (®) as a rust preventive. (©) imhard water for cleaning of cloth. (@) asa foam depressant in distillation column. Oils and fats are converted to soap in a pro- cess called (a) hydrogenation —_(b) esterification (©) saponification (d)_ none of these ‘Temporary hardness of water can be removed by (@) addition of alum (a coagulant). @) boiling, (6) filtration (through gravity sand filter). (@) addition of lime. Most widely and commonly used coagulant for the removal of suspended impurities in water is (a) bleaching powder (b) slaked lime @ alum (d) copper sulphate Permanent hardness of water can be removed by @ o a} simply boiling. adding alum. passing it through cation & anion ex- changers. @ all (@),) and (). Salt cake is chemically represented by o CaSO, 5 H,0 (c) MgSO, (d) BaS0, Fourdrinier machine is used in the manufac- ture of (a) sugar (®) paper (©) alcohol from molasses (@) phenol formaldehyde Teflon is (@) phenol formaldehyde. (@ Naso, 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. (b) an inorganic polymer. (©) poly tetrafluoroethylene (P.T-F-E.). (@ a monomfer. Parathion and Malathion are (a) pesticides. (b) plasticisers for unsaturated polysters. (©) pain relieving drugs (analgesic) @ tranquilisers. During the absorption of HCl gas in water (to produce liquid HCD, the gas is kept above dew point to (a) increase the rate of absorption. (6) avoid corrosion. (©) reduce the cooling water circulation rate. (@) none of these. LeBlanc process is a primitive process for the manufacture of (@) caustic soda (®) soda ash (©) bromine from sea water (@) hydrochloric acid Baking soda is chemically represented by (@) Na,cO, (6) NaHCO, (©) Na,CO,H,O (a) Na,CO,.10H,0 Impurities present in brine is normally re- moved by treatment with (a) NH, and CO, (®) lime and soda ash. (©) lime, ammonia and carbon. (@) all (a), (6) and (c). Use of water having dissolved oxygen in boil- ers promotes (a) corrosion (©) scale formation (b) sequestration (d) none of these Which of the following is a constituent of vin- egar? (a) Around 10% alcohol (®) Around 1% acetic acid (©) Both (a) and (6) (d) Neither (a) nor (b) Alcohol content in freshly prepared natu- ral and fortified wine may be respectively around... ssentPeFCOt, (a) 7-14 and 1430 (®) 7-14 and 40—50 (©) 14-80 and 40-50 (d) 10-20 and 40-50 ANSWERS: 145.) 146.(a) 147.(c) 148.6) 149(c) 150(c) 151.(a) 152(b) 153(c) 154(a) 155.6) 156.(b) 157.) 158d) 159/a) 160(¢) 161/a) 6 Objective Type Chemical Engineering 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 174.0) 175.) 176(c) 177.(d) 178.) Pasteurisation of milk means (a) removal of fatty and albuminous sub- stance from it. killing of organisms present in it by heat- ing it at controlled temperature without changing its natural characteristics. inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms without killing them, (d) none of these. Dry ice (solidified CO, is used for the (a) storage & shipment of frozen foods and (®) liquefaction of permanent gases. (©) liquefaction of natural gas. (d) none of these. ‘Thorium is mainly used (a) for the manufacture of gas mantles. (®) as a fissile fuel in a nuclear reactor. (©) in the manufacture of hydrogen bomb, (d) im the treatment of cancer. Which of the following is not an abrasive ma- terial ? (a) Bakelite (© Corundum o o () Pumice (@) Carborundum Helium is produced on commercial scale from (@) air () natural gas (©) cokeovengas (d)_ none of these Which of the following is used as a coagulant in treating turbid water ? (@) Chlorine (&) Ferric sulphate (©) Caleium sulphate (d) Activated carbon. ‘The most commonly used substance to speed up the sedimentation of sewage is (@) lime (®) sulphuric acid (©) chlorine (@) sodium bisulphite Lubricating greases are a mixture of (@) mineral oil, soap and additives. (®) mineral oil and metallic soap. (©) mineral oil and fatty oil. (d) fatty oil and metallic soap. Higher vicosity index of a lubricating oil de- notes (a) less changes in fluidity of oil with tem- perature. substantially high change in fluidity of oil with temperature. its unsuitability under varying tempera- ture conditions . none of these, O) © @ 171. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181, 182. 183, Catalyst used during the manufacture of ‘Va- naspati Ghee’ is, (@) sine (®) nickel (©) platinum (@)_ copper Cation exchanger is regenerated usually with (a) NaOH @) HS0, (©) hydrazine (@) alum Solution Anion exchanger is regenerated usually with (@) NaOH () HSO, (©) Hydrazine @ alum Solution Bordeaux mixture is a/an (@ fertiliser (®) inorganic fungicide (©) insecticide (a) explosive Frasch process is for (@ making oxygen (b) producing helium (©) mining sulphur (d) making nitrogen Phosphoric acid is prepared from (a) eryolite (®) chalcopyrite (©) rock phosphate (d)_ none of these Phosphate rock is a raw material for the manufacture of (a) phosphoric acid (6) phosphorous (©) superphosphates (4) all (a), (6) and (c) Fatty material used in soap making is (a) fatty acid () fatty alcohols (©) tallow (@) detergents Coagulant is used .......enfiltration. (a) before (®) after (©) during @) toavoid The manufacture of Kraft pulp is done by a/ an. process. (a) alkaline (®) acidic (©) neutral (@)_ none of these Sulphuric acid is mainly used in dustry. (a) fertiliser (®) steel (©) paper (@) paint In the manufacture of viscose rayon, the raw material used industrially is (a) recalyptious wood () bamboo (©) bagasse (@) fine teak wood Which of the following is not required in the manufacture of soda ash by Solvay process ? @ Ammonia (®) Limestone (©) Nitric acid (@)_ None of these ANSWERS 162.(b) 163.(a) 164.(a) 165.(a) 166.b) 167.(b) 168.a) 169(a) 170.(a) 171.16) 172.16) 173.(a) 179(a) 180.(a) 181.(a) 182.(d) 183.(c) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) | 69 184, 185. 186, 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192, 193, 194, 195. In the production of soda ash by Solvay pro- cess, the by-product is (@ CaCl, () NHI (@ NH, (@) NaOH Alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) is a (@) detergent (b) rubber (©) pesticide (@) polyester Blue vitriol is chemically (a) copper sulphate () ferrous sulphate (©) copper nitrate (@) aluminium sulphate Main constituents of natural rubber is (@) polystyrene —_(b) polyisoprene (©) polybutadiene (d) polychloroprene Molecular weight of plastics ranges from (a) 5000 to 10000 (6) 20000 to 250000 (©) 500 to 5000 (d) 10° to 10° The product obtained on mixing calcium ox- ide with water is called (@) quicklime (b) slaked lime (© milk of lime (@)_ none of these Bromides contained in hot mother liquor is treated with. during manufacture of bromine from sea water. (@ SO, @ cl, @ NH, @ 80, Oleum produces fumes of (@ SO, () HO, @ SO, (@) S0,#H,S04 Main product in calcium carbide-water reac- tion is (@ Ca(OH), ) OH, @ CO, (@) Caco, The catalyst used in the production of el- emental sulphur from H2S (by oxidation re- duction) is (@ alumina (b) silica gel (© platinum (@) nickel Maleic anhydride is produced by catalytic oxidation of (a) touene (®) ethyl alcohol (©) naphthalene (@) benzene Acetone is produced by catalytic dehydroge- nation of (a) phenol (©) isopropanol () naphthalene (@) ethyl benzene 196. 197. 198, 199. 200. 202. 203. 204, 205. 206. 207. Which catalyst is used in the manufacture of ethylene oxide by oxidation of ethylene ? (a) Ago (®) ALO, (©) ZnCl, (@) FeO, Naphthols are derivates of (@ methylamine — () naphthalene (©) phenol (@) xylene Ethanol amine is produced using ammonia and (a) ethylbenzene —_(b)_ ethylene oxide (©) ethanol (@ ethane Chrome tanning and vegetable tanning are done for (a) light & heavy leather respectively. (b) heavy & light leather respectively. (©) both light & heavy leather. (@) neither light nor heavy leather. Main constituents of cotton fiber is (@) lignin (®) cellulose (©) starch (@_ gelatine . Cellulose percentage in bamboo fibre is about @ 10 ) 20 () 50 @ 8% Fermentation is adversely affected by the (a) presence of air. (b) absence of air. (©) high concentration. (@) presence of ammonium salts. Allenzymes are made of (@) fats o (©) proteins @ Catalyst used in the oxidation of benzene to produce maleic anhydride is (@) V0, @) Pt @ Ni @ Cr An alkali metal salt of palmitic acid is known, (@) soap (®) metallic soap (©) detergent (@_ alkaloid The basic difference between vegetable oils and fats is in their (a) density o) (©) physical state (d) Na,CO, is called (@) washing soda (©) plaster of paris carbohydrates amino acids chemical properties composition &) @ soda ash calcite ANSWERS: 184.(a) 185.(a) 186(a) 187.(6) 188.6) 189.6) 190.) 191.(c) 192.(6) 193(a) 194.6) 195.(c) 196,(a) 197.6) 198.6) 199.a) 200.6) 201(c) 202(c) 203.(c) 204.(a) 205.(b) 206(c) 207.(b) 70 Objective Type Chemical Engineering 208. 209, 210. 211. 212, 213. 214, 215. 216. 217. 218, 219. Na,CO,. 10H,0 is called (a) washing soda (6) sodaash (©) slaked lime (@ quicklime Fusion of limestone and..........produces high alumina cement. (@) sand (b) bauxite (©) quick lime (@) calcite Ca(OH), is called (@) quick lime (b) slaked lime (© limestone (@ gypsum Ca0 is called (@) quick lime (®) slaked lime (© limestone (@) calcite Setting of plaster of paris with (@) hydration (6) dehydration (©) hydrolysis (d) loss of CO, The main component of pyrex glass is (@) zine () lead (©) boron (@) celenium Glauber's salt is chemically represented by (@) NaSO,10H,0 () CaClOCl (© CaSO, H,0 (@ (NH,,SO, Catalytic oxidation of naphthalene produces (a) styrene (®) phenol (©) phthalic anhydride (a) none of these Catalytic oxidation of toluene produces (@) styrene (®) phenol (©) benzene (@) tri-nitro-toluene Dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene produces (a) styrene () naphthalene (©) phenol (d) benzoic acid Caprolactum (a raw material for nylon-6 manufacture) is produced from (a) phenol () naphthalene (©) benzene (@)_ pyridine Which of the following processes can remove both temporary as well as permanent hard- ness of water ? is accompanied (a) Filtration (®) Boiling (©) Distillation (@) None of these 220. Gun powder uses (@) sulphur (b) charcoal (©) potassium nitrate (d) all (a),(b),&(c) . Bleaching action of bleaching powder is due 10 it. ennproperties. 222, 223. 224, 225. 226. 227, 228, 229, 230. 231. (@) reducing () oxidizing (©) disinfecting (d)_ none of these The type of high refractive index glass used in optical instruments 15... 688s. (a) pyrex @) flint (©) crookes (@)_ none of these Blue colour is imparted to glass by the addi- tion of (@) FeSO, () PbO (©) Cad (@ NaOH Which of the following is an explosive ? (a) Nitroglycerene (®) Trintrotoluene (TNT) (©) Cellulose nitrate (d) All (a),b), and (0) Graphite is a/an (a) electrical insulator. (6) allotrope of carbon. (©) moderator used in nuclear reactor. (d) both (b) and (c). Concentration of NaOH solution produced by mercury electrolytic cell is about. per- cent. @ 10 ) % @ 50 @ 98 Oxidation of SO, to SO, is favoured by (a) low temperature and low pressure. (®) low temperature and high pressure. (©) high temperature and low pressure (@) high temperature and high pressure. Concentration of NaOH solution produced by diaphragm electrolytic cell is about........per- cent. @ 10 ) 2% (© 50 @ 9 oneprocess is used for the commercial production of nitric acid by the catalytic oxi- dation of ammonia (@) Solvay (©) Haber’s Chemical name of Grignard reagent is (@) sodium thiosulphate (6) ethyl magnesium chloride. (©) sodium sulphite. (@) sodium bicarbonate. Argon is the third largest constituent of air (followed by N, & O,). Its percentage by vol- ‘ume in air is () Ostwald’s (d) none of these ANSWERS 208.(a) 209(b) 210.6) 211(a) 212.(a) 213.(b) 214.(a) 215.(c) 216.(b) 217(a) 218(c) 219.(c) 220.(d) 221.(b) 222.(b) 223(c) 224.(d) 225.(b) 226.(c) 227.(b) 228.(a) 229.(b) 230.6) 231.(c) Chemical Process Industries (Chemical Technology) | 7 (@) 014 @) 0.34 (@) Galena (&) Chalcopyrite (©) 0.94 @ 14 (©) Hematite @ Bauxite 282, Mercury electrolytic cell produces 50-70% | 242. Chemical name of soda ash is NaOH solution. Its operating temperature (a) sodium bicarbonate 8s (®) sodium thiosulphate (a) 25 (b) 150-200 (c) potassium carbonate (©) 150-200 (@) 250-800 (d) none of these 233, Commercial production of soda ash by Solvay | 243, Chemical formula of oleum is process requires limestone........08 Faw ma- (@) HS0, @) Ho, terials (© 18,0, (@ HS0, (@) coke and sand PAA. ons a thermosetting plastic. (©) brine and coal (a) Polyvinyl chloride (b) Polythene a a (©) Bakelite (@ Teflon : 245, Platinum catalyst used in the earlier days of 234. is an ore of lead. sulphuric acid manufacture by contact pro- eo @) Galena cess suffers from the drawback like (©) Siderite (@ Chaleopyrite (a) high cost 285. Flux addition during smelting of ore is done (®) fragile nature 236. 237. 238. 239, 240. 241. to @ ® © @ Commercial production of Vanaspati is done bynnnnnnof edible vegetable oils (@) hydrogenation —_(b) oxidation (©) hydrolysis (@) hydrocracking Oxidation of ortho-xylene in presence of. catalyst is done to produce phthal- ic anhydride on commercial scale. (@) nickel (®) vanadium (© alumina (@) iron remove impurities/gangue. enhance rate of reaction. accelerate reduction of ore. separate slag from metal. caso, 11,0 is known as gil (a) blue vitriol o (© gyspum @ Platinum is a versatile catalyst for many processes in chemical industries. It is highly prone to be poisoned by the presence of (a) carbon (0) arsenic (© lead (@) sulphur Sulphuric acid saturated with S03 is called (a) concentrated HSO,. (@) sulphurous acid. (©) oleum. (d) none of these. Which of the following is an ore of iron ? plaster of Paris zeolite 247, 248, 249, 250. (©) easy poisoning tendency @ all(a), (6) and (e) Heating of... 120°C, produces plaster of paris, (a) blue vitriol (©) gypsum (©) calcium silicate (d) calcium sulphate Bleaching powder (chemically known as cal- cium chloro hypochlorite) is commercially produced by the action of chlorine on (a) slaked lime (®) soda lime (©) calcium perchlorate (d) none of these Hard water (a) does not affect the lather formation by soap. is not unfit for drinking purpose. pollutes the water stream. all (a), (b) and (c). un iton is the purest form of iron. (@) Cast (®) Wrought (©) Pig (@) High silicon Which of the following is a disacchride ? (a) Sucrose () Glucose (©) Starch (@ Maltose of quicklime produces slaked lime. (a) Hydration () Dehydration (©) Hydrogenation —_(d)_ None of these wo © @ ANSWERS 292.(d) 233.(b) 234.(6) 235.(a) 236.(a) 237.(b) 238.6) 239.(b) 240.(c) 241.(c) 242.(d) 243.(c) 244.(c) 245.(d) 246.(b) 247(a) 248.(b) 249.(b) 250.(a) 251.(a) 2 Objective Type Chemical Engineering 252. 253. 254, 255. 256. 257. 258, 259. 260. Sand fused at 1300°C, to pro- duce sodium silicate. (@ limestone —(b) soda ash (©) coke (d) sodium sulphate ‘Yeast is used in the manufacture of (@ pencillin — (b)_ antibiotics (©) wine (d) pasteurised milk LD. converter is used in the production of (@) pig iron (b) steel (©) copper (@) zine Magnesium and calcium... rary hardness of water. (@) carbonates () dicarbonates (©) phosphates (@) sulphates Which is the main reducing agent during production of iron from iron ore in a blast furnace ? @c () CO @ CO, @ 4H, HS is scrubbed from refinery gases by ab- sorption using (a) dilute H,S0, (®) ethanol amine (©) chilled water (@) tri-butyl phosphate Pick out the wrong statement. (@) Chamber process of sulphuric acid man- ufacture produces pure acid of concen- tration < 80%. Contact process of sulphuric acid manu- facture produces pure acid of concentra- tion > 98%. 75% oleum can be produced by distilla- tion of 20% oleum. Contact process of sulphuric acid manufac- ture uses nickel as the catalyst. Sulphur removal by heating of pyrite ore in presence of air is called its (a) reduction (b) roasting (©) calcination (@) smelting process is used for the manufacture of sodium. carbonate by ammonia soda process. (a) Ostwald’s () Bosch (©) Solvay (@) Haber’s eause tempo- oe © @ . Which of the following has sodium bicarbon- 262, 263. 264, 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. ‘CaCl(OC) is the chemical formula of (a) hypo (®) bleaching powder (©) plaster of paris (@) aqua regia Chaleopyrite is the main ore of (a) copper (®) lead © tin (@) iron Hydrogenation of edible vegetable oils (a) is an exothermic reaction. (&) increases their melting point. (©) is done in presence of nickel catalyst. (@) all (a), &) and (e). is used as a flux in the smelting of copper ore like chalcopyrite. (a) Coke breeze (®) Lime powder (©) Silica/quartz ——(d)_ Dolomite Iron ore hametite is concentrated using (a) electro magnetic separation mainly. (®) gravity separation, (©) froth floatation. (d) roasting. Main constituent of limestone is (a) Caco, (@) Mgco, (©) Na2CO, (@ Caso, How much temperature is maintained during quicklime manufacture in the calcination zone of the vertical shaft kiln ? (@) 500°C () 750°C (©) 100°C (@) 150°C The function of gypsum addition during ce- ment making is to (a) increase the density of cement. (&) decrease the cement setting rate (©) both (a) and (6). (d) neither (a) nor (6). Diaphragm electrolytic cell as compared to mereury electrolytic cell (a) produces 70% NaOH solution. (®) requires less specific power consumption for the production of chlorine requires lesser investment for similar ca- pacity. all (a), (b) and (c). © @ . Main constituent of dolomite is ate as its main constituent ? (a) Caco, () Mgco, (@) Baking soda () Baking powder @ K,co, @ Nao, (©) Washing soda (d)_ none of these | 979, Glass is ANSWERS 252.(b) 253.(c) 254.(b) 255.(b) 256.(b) 257.(b) 258.(d) 259.(b) 260.(c) 261.(b) 262.6) 263.(a) 264.(d) 265.(c) 266.(b) 267(a) 268.(c) 269.(b) 270(c) 271(b) 272.(c)

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