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8u11et1n0fthe 5e15m01091ca150c1ety0f Amer1ca,v01.77, N0.3,pp.

972-986,June 1987

A FA57 AL60R17HM F0R 7W0-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7 R A C 1 N 6


A new appr0x1mate a190r1thm f0r tw0-p01nt ray trac1n9 15 pr0p05ed and te5ted
1n a var1ety 0f 1atera11y heter09ene0u5 ve10c1ty m0de15. An 1n1t1a1path e5t1mate 15
pertur6ed u51n9 a 9e0metr1c 1nterpretat10n 0f the ray e4uat10n5, and the trave1
t1me a10n9 the path 15 m1n1m12ed 1n a p1ecew15e fa5h10n. 7h15 pertur6at10n 15
1terat1ve1y perf0rmed unt11 the trave1 t1me c0nver9e5 w1th1n a 5pec1f1ed 11m1t.7e5t
re5u1t5 5h0w that th15 a190r1thm 5ucce55fu11y f1nd5 the c0rrect trave1 t1me w1th1n
typ1ca1065ervat10na1 err0r much fa5ter than ex15t1n9 three-d1men510na1 ray trac1n9
pr09ram5. 7he meth0d f1nd5 an accurate ray path 1n a fu11y three-d1men510na1
f0rm even where 1atera1 var1at10n5 1n ve10c1ty are 5evere. 8ecau5e 0ur a190r1thm
ut1112e5 d1rect m1n1m12at10n 0f the trave1 t1me 1n5tead 0f 501v1n9 the ray e4uat10n5,
a 51mp1e 11near 1nterp01at10n 5cheme can 6e emp10yed t0 c0mpute ve10c1ty a5 a
funct10n 0f p051t10n, pr0v1d1n9 an added c0mputat10na1 advanta9e.

7he ray appr0X1mat10n ha5 p1ayed an 1mp0rtant r01e 1n 5e15m1C 5tUd1e5 0f 1atera1
heter09ene1t1e5 1n the Earth•5 1nter10r (Cerven:~ et a1., 1977). 1n 0rder t0 501ve
f0rward and 1nver5e 5e15m01091ca1 pr061em5 u51n9 the ray appr0x1mat10n, c0mpu-
tat10n 0f trave1 t1me5 and ray path5 are re4u1red a5 the f1r5t 5tep. 7heref0re, three-
d1men510na1 ray trac1n9 15 an e55ent1a1 t001 f0r 5e15m01091ca1 m0de11n9 1n a 1atera11y
heter09ene0u5 ve10c1ty 5tructure.
7here are tw0 k1nd5 0f ray trac1n9 pr061em5, name1y 1n1t1a1 va1ue and 60undary
va1ue ray trac1n9. 1n1t1a1 va1ue ray trac1n9 15 numer1ca11y rather 5ta61e and fa5t, 6ut
1mp0rtant 5e15m01091ca1 app11cat10n5 5uch a5 earth4uake 10cat10n and ve10c1ty
5tructure 1nver510n 1nv01ve tw0-p01nt ray trac1n9, a 60undary va1ue pr061em. 7w0-
p01nt ray trac1n9 1n a heter09ene0u5 150tr0p1c med1um ha5 6een 1nve5t19ated 6y
many 5e15m010915t5 and mathemat1c1an5 (We550n, 1971; Ju11an and 6u661n5, 1977;
Pereyra et a1., 1980). 7he1r a190r1thm5 ad0pted numer1ca1 meth0d5 t0 501ve the
5e15m1c ray e4uat10n5. H0wever, ex15t1n9 a190r1thm5 5t111 rema1n t1me-c0n5um1n9
and f0rm1da61e f0r r0ut1ne u5e f0r pract1ca1 5e15m01091ca1 app11cat10n5 (7hur6er,
7h15 paper 15 c0ncerned w1th the deve10pment 0f a fa5t tw0-p01nt ray trac1n9
a190r1thm, wh1ch 15 read11y app11ca61e t0 r0ut1ne earth4uake 10cat10n and ve10c1ty
1nver510n pr061em5 1n a three-d1men510na1 ve10c1ty 5tructure. We want t0 5h0rten
the c0mputat10n t1me 0f ray trac1n9 6y 0ne t0 tw0 0rder5 0f ma9n1tude, c0mpared
w1th th05e 0f exact ray trac1n9 r0ut1ne5, wh11e keep1n9 the accuracy 0f c0mputed
trave1 t1me5 w1th1n the typ1ca1 err0r 0f arr1va1 t1me 065ervat10n5.
1n 0ur a190r1thm, an 1n1t1a1 9ue55 0f the ray path 15 1terat1ve1y pertur6ed t0 5at15fy
d1rect1y Fermat•5 pr1nc1p1e 0f 5tat10nary t1me. 1n 0rder t0 ach1eve 5tat10nar1ty, trave1
t1me a10n9 ray path 5e9ment5 15 m1n1m12ed 1n a p1ecew15e fa5h10n. An ana1yt1c
p1ecew15e m1n1m12at10n e4uat10n 15 u5ed t0 c0mpute the pertur6at10n 6y exp101t1n9
pr0pert1e5 0f the ray path curvature. We d0 n0t exp11c1t1y 501ve the ray e4uat10n5
* Pre5ent addre55: Lam0nt-D0herty 6e01091ca1065ervat0ry, Pa115ade5,New Y0rk 10964.

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A L 6 0 R 1 7 H M F 0 R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7RAC1N6 973

1n the f1n1te d1fference manner, a5 15 the u5ua1 appr0ach 0f the 6end1n9 meth0d
(Ju11an and 6u661n5, 1977). 1n5tead, we attempt a d1rect m1n1m12at10n 0f trave1
t1me, a5 the path 15 1terat1ve1y pertur6ed.
7 h e trave1 t1me 7 a10n9 the ray path 15 expre55ed a5 the 11ne 1nte9ra1 6etween
tw0 end p01nt5,

~ rece1ver
7 = 1/v d5 (1)

where 5 15 the parameter 0f path 1en9th, and v 15 the 5e15m1c ve10c1ty. A5 the actua1
c0mputat10n 0f trave1 t1me emp10y5 numer1ca1 5ummat10n a10n9 the 5e9ment5 0f
the ray path, the trave1-t1me e4uat10n can 6e rewr1tten u51n9 the trape201da1 ru1e

7 = ~ 1•Xh - ~Xk-11(11Vk + 1/Vk-1)/2 (2)


where n 15 the num6er 0f p01nt5 def1n1n9 the path, •Xk 15 the p051t10n vect0r 0f the
kth p01nt, and Vk 15 the ve10c1ty at the kth p01nt. 1f the trave1 t1me 15 m1n1m12ed 6y
51mu1tane0u51y pertur61n9 every p01nt 0f the ray path, the m1n1m12at10n w1111nv01ve
the 501ut10n 0f a 1ar9e 5et 0f n0n11near e4uat10n5. We ad0pt an a1ternat1ve appr0x-
1mate three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5cheme, a5 de5cr16ed 6e10w.
C0n51der three adjacent p01nt5 0f the path a5 drawn 1n F19ure 1.7emp0rar11y, we
a55ume that the tw0 end p01nt5, ~Xh-1 and •Xk+1, are f1xed. A new p01nt •Xk• 1n5tead
0f the prev10u5 p01nt •Xk 15 50u9ht t0 m1n1m12e the trave1 t1me a10n9 th15 5e9ment
0f the path fr0m •Xh-1 t0 •Xk+1.7w0 var1a61e5 t0 6e c0mputed 1n 0rder t0 f1nd the
new p01nt •Xh• are def1ned a5 the d1rect10n n and the am0unt R 0f 0ff5et fr0m the
m1d-p01nt ~Xm1d(F19ure 1). F1r5t, the d1rect10n 0f 0ff5et •n 15 e5t1mated 6y u51n9 a
un14ue pr0perty 0f the curvature d1rect10n 0f a m1n1mum t1me ray path, and then
the appr0pr1ate va1ue 0f R 15 determ1ned. 7 h e ray e4uat10n5 can 6e wr1tten a5

- d % / d 5 2 = [(9rad V) - ( d V / d 5 ) ( d r / d 5 ) ] / V (3)

where r 15 the p051t10n vect0r a10n9 the ray (Lee and 5tewart, 1981). 7 h e 5ec0nd
term 0n the r19ht-hand 51de 0f e4uat10n (3) 15 51mp1y the c0mp0nent 0f the ve10c1ty


-m1d~ ~ 9 r a d V/ / /

F16. 1. 111u5trat10n 0f the three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5cheme 1n three d1men510n5. An 1n1t1a1 path
5e9ment (~Xk-1, ~X~,~Xk+1) 15 pertur6ed t0 appr0x1mate1y 5at15fy e4uat10n (3) 6y f1nd1n9 a new m1d-p01nt,
Xh•. C0nver9ence can 6e enhanced 6y ma9n1fy1n9 the pertur6at10n t0 X•k••.

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974 JUNH0 U M AND C L 1 F F 0 R D 7 H U R 8 E R

9rad1ent para11e1 t0 the ray path. 7hu5, th15 e4uat10n 5tate5 that the c0mp0nent 0f
the ve10c1ty 9rad1ent n0rma1 t0 the ray vect0r 15 a1way5 ant1para11e1 t0 the ray path
curvature (Cerven~ et a1., 1977). 51nce the 10ca1 ray d1rect10n at •Xh• 15 appr0x1mate1y
91ven 6y the d1rect10n 0f the 11ne 6etween the tw0 end p01nt5 0f the path 5e9ment
~Xk-1 and ~Xk+~ (F19ure 1), the c0mp0nent 0f the ve10c1ty 9rad1ent n0rma1 t0 that
d1rect10n def1ne5 the curvature d1rect10n. Hence, th15 d1rect10n 91ve5 the c0rrect
0ff5et d1rect10n f0r the p01nt •Xh• that appr0x1mate1y 5at15f1e5 e4uat10n (3). 7h15
d1rect10n 15 91ven 6y

n• = (9rad V) - [(9rad V).(X~+1 -~Xk-1)]

(•Xk+1 - •Xk-1)/1 ~Xk+1 - •Xk-1 12 (4)

where the 5ec0nd term 15 the c0mp0nent 0f the ve10c1ty 9rad1ent para11e1 t0 the ray
d1rect10n, 0r 6y the un1t vect0r •n = n •/1 n• 1.
An e5t1mat10n 0f the ve10c1ty at the new p01nt •Xk• 15 needed 6ecau5e we d0 n0t
kn0w th15 va1ue 6ef0re the pertur6at10n. 1f we u5e the 7ay10r expan510n 0f the
ve10c1ty at the m1d-p01nt, Vm1a, the ve10c1ty at the new p01nt Vh• 15 appr0x1mated

Vh• = Vm1d+ [n. (9rad V)m1d]R (5)

where (9rad V)m1d 15 the ve10c1ty 9rad1ent at the m1d-p01nt Xm1d. 7hen, the c0rrect
am0unt 0f pertur6at10n Rc a10n9 the d1rect10n n 15 06ta1ned 6y m1n1m121n9 e4uat10n
(2) a10n9 the 5e9ment5 c0nnect1n9 the three p01nt5, •Xh-1, •Xk•, and ~Xk+1,y1e1d1n9

Rc = -(cVm1d + 1)/[4cn-(9rad V)m1d}

+ [(cVm1d + 1)2/{4c•n • (9rad V)m1d} 2 "9F L2/(2cVm1d)] 1/2 (6)

where L = [ ~Xh+1 - ~Xm1d [ and c = (1/Vk+1 + 1/Vk-1)/2. 7 h e deta11ed der1vat10n 0f

Rc 15 d15cu55ed 1n the Append1x.
7h15 three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5cheme 15 extended 5ucce551ve1y t0 a11 0f the p01nt5
a10n9 the path, c0n51der1n9 three p01nt5 at a t1me. 7here are tw0 appr0ache5 t0 the
5ucce551ve app11cat10n 0f the three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5cheme t0 the tw0-p01nt ray
trac1n9 pr061em. 0 n e 15 that the p01nt5 0f a new path are 50u9ht fr0m 0ne end p01nt
t0 the 0ther end p01nt, and the 0ther 15 that the p01nt5 are 50u9ht 51mu1tane0u51y
fr0m 60th end p01nt5 t0 the m1dd1e p01nt. 7he5e tw0 pr0cedure5 are 111u5trated f0r
a f1ve-p01nt path 1n F19ure 2 (a and 6). 7 h e 5ec0nd 5cheme 15 m0re appr0pr1ate t0
u5e f0r tw0-p01nt ray trac1n9 6ecau5e the tw0 end p01nt5 are f1xed 1n that ca5e, and
te5t5 5h0w that 1t 15 1ndeed m0re eff1c1ent. 7 h e 1atter pr0cedure 15 ad0pted and
1terat1ve1y perf0rmed unt11 the trave1 t1me 0f the path c0nver9e5. C0nver9ence 15
n0t 9uaranteed, 6ut any c0nver91n9 501ut10n w111y1e1d a m1n1mum trave1-t1me ray
path (Ju11an and 6u661n5, 1977).
7e5t5 0f 0ur a190r1thm have 6een perf0rmed 1n a var1ety 0f ve10c1ty 5tructure5,
and the re5u1t5 5h0w that an 1n1t1a1 path w1th a 5uff1c1ent num6er 0f p01nt5 9enera11y
c0nver9e5 t0 a true path 0f m1n1mum trave1 t1me after numer0u5 1terat10n5. C0n-
ver9ence can 6e 510w 6ecau5e the am0unt 0f pertur6at10n 15 undere5t1mated a5 the
num6er 0f p01nt5 a10n9 the path 1ncrea5e5. 1n 0rder t0 enhance the c0nver9ence, an
1n1t1a1 path w1th a 5ma11 num6er 0f p01nt5 15 preferred. H0wever, the accuracy 0f
the trave1 t1me a150 depend5 0n the num6er 0f p01nt5 a10n9 the path. 7 h e trave1

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AL60R17HM F0R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7RAC1N6 975



F1R57 7H1RD

F16. 2. C0mpar150n 0f tw0 a1ternat1ve5 f0r 5uCCe551veapp11Cat10n0f the three-p01nt pertur6at10n

5Chemet0 a11the p01nt5 a10n9 the path Whenf1Vep01nt5 are Ch05ent0 repre5ent the path.

t1me 50met1me5 1ncrea5e5 after the pertur6at10n when a 5ma11 num6er 0f p01nt5 are
ch05en f0r an 1n1t1a1 path. 7heref0re, the enhancement and 0pt1m12at10n 0f the
a190r1thm 15 carefu11y arran9ed, a5 de5cr16ed 6e10w.
We 5tart w1th a path 0f 5ma11 num6er 0f p01nt5. A three-p01nt path 15 06ta1ned
6y app1y1n9 the three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5cheme d1rect1y t0 the end p01nt5 0f the
path. 0ther 51mp1e 1n1t1a1 path5 can 6e c0mputed 6y ex15t1n9 appr0x1mate ray
trac1n9 pr09ram5 (7hur6er and E115w0rth, 1980; 7hur6er, 1986). 7 h e 1n1t1a1 path 15
pertur6ed unt11 the trave1 t1me e1ther decrea5e5 w1th1n a 5pec1f1ed 11m1t 0r 1ncrea5e5.
7h15 11m1t f0r the d1fference 0f trave1 t1me5 6etween 5ucce551ve 1terat10n5 ha5 t0 6e
5et. Hereafter we ca11 1t the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement parameter P, wh1ch affect5
the accuracy 0f f1na1 trave1 t1me. 7 h e num6er 0f path 5e9ment5 15 then d0u61ed and
a new trave1 t1me a10n9 the d0u61ed path 5e9ment5 15 c0mputed. 1t can 6e 5h0wn
fr0m e4uat10n (2) that th15 new trave1 t1me a1way5 decrea5e5 un1e55 a 10ca112ed 10w
ve10c1ty re910n 15 c0nta1ned at 0ne 0f the p01nt5 0f the new path. 1f the va1ue 0f the
trave1 t1me decrea5e5 6y 1e55 than the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement parameter P, we
5t0p the 1terat10n. 1f n0t, the path 15 pertur6ed, and the 5tep5 de5cr16ed a60ve are
repeated. 7 h e f10w chart 0f th15 a190r1thm 15 5h0wn 1n F19ure 3.
7 h e actua1 trave1-t1me err0r w111n0t nece55ar11y 6e 0f the 5ame 0rder 0f ma9n1tude
a5 the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement parameter P 6ecau5e 5evera1 appr0x1mat10n5 are
made 1n 0ur a190r1thm t0 c0mpute the pertur6at10n. We can further enhance the
c0nver9ence 6y en1ar91n9 the pertur6at10n a10n9 the d1rect10n c0nnect1n9 the
5ucce551ve p01nt5 •Xk and •Xk• 6ecau5e the am0unt 0f pertur6at10n 15 undere5t1mated
and the d1rect10n 0f pertur6at10n 15 appr0x1mated 1n the three-p01nt 5cheme. 1f the
en1ar9ement 0f pertur6at10n 15 repre5ented 6y the enhancement fact0r F (F = 1), a
new1y pertur6ed p01nt •Xk" 15 91ven 6y

•Xk• = F(Xk• - •Xk) + Xk. (7)

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976 J U N H 0 UM AND CL1FF0RD 7 H U R 8 E R






< P N0



< P ] YE5
F16. 3. F10wchart 0f 0ur a190r1thm.

7A8LE 1
C 0 M P A R 1 5 0 N 0 F 0 U R 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 5 AND 7 H E 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 0 F 7 H E
EXAC7 RAY 7 R A C 1 N 6 P R 0 6 R A M 5 1N 7 H E C 0 N 5 7 A N 7 VEL0C17Y
6RAD1EN7 M 0 D E L
Mean CPU* 71me
7rave1 71me Enhancement 7rave1 0f 7rave1 Va1ue0f Vax 11/750
1mpr0vement Parameter Fact0r 71me 71me Path (Un1x85D
(5ec) (5ec) (5ec) D1fference5 4.2)
(km) (5ec)

P F 7 A7 ~D CPU
0.1000 1.0 14.8085 0.1442 3.4940 3
0.0100 1.0 14.7312 0.0670 2.7006 5
0.0010 1.0 14.6828 0.0186 1.5909 22
0.0010 1.3 14.6764 0.0121 1.2591 20
0.0010 1.6 14.6711 0.0068 0.8971 20
0.0010 1.9 14.6667 0.0025 0.2710 17
0.0010 2.2 14.7475 0.0833 3.3027 15
0.0001 1.0 14.6704 0.0062 0.8794 52
Exact ray trac1n9 14.6643 0 0 64
* CPU = c0mputer.

7h15 enhancement 15 app11ed t0 each 5tepw15e pertur6at10n. An appr0pr1ate en-

hancement fact0r w1116e 5h0wn t0 1mpr0ve the accuracy 0f path and trave1 t1me.

7E57 RE5uL75
A 0ne-d1men510na1 c0n5tant ve10c1ty 9rad1ent m0de1 15 f1r5t 5e1ected f0r te5t1n9
6ecau5e ana1yt1c 501ut10n5 f0r t h e r a y p a t h a n d trave1 t1me are k n 0 w n 1n th15 m0de1.
0 t h e r three-d1men510na1 h e t e r 0 9 e n e 0 u 5 ve10c1ty m0de15 are c h 0 5 e n c0rre5p0nd1n9
t0 rea1 c0mp1ex cru5ta1 a n d u p p e r m a n t 1 e 5tructure5. 7 h e 5 e are m0de15 0f a fau1t
20ne 1n 8 e a r Va11ey, Ca11f0rn1a (We550n, 1971), a v01can1c 20ne 1n K11auea V01can0,
Hawa11 ( 7 h u r 6 e r , 1984), a n d a 5u6duct10n 20ne 1n 7 0 h 0 k u d15tr1ct, J a p a n (Ha5em1

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AL60R17HM F 0 R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7RAC1N6 977

10kmk 1

(100., 0., 0.)

1 (0., 0., 10.)

V = 4. + 0 . 2 2

F16. 4. 111u5trat10n 0f the 5e4uence 0f ray path5 a5 they are pertur6ed fr0m a three-p01nt 1n1t1a1 path,
1n the ve10c1ty 9rad1ent m0de1. P = 1 m5ec and F = 1.9.

7A8LE 2
C0MPAR150N 0F 0 U R 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 5 AND 7HE 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 0F 7HE
Mean CPU*71me
7rave1 71me Enhancement 7rave1
71me 0f 7rave1 Va1ue
Path0f Vax 11/750
(Un1x 85D
1mpr0vement Parameter Fact0r 71me
(5ec) (5ec) D1fference5 4.2)
(5ee) (km) (5ee)

0.1000 1.0 4.9296 0.3307 0.4520 2
0.0100 1.0 4.6330 0.0341 0.3868 3
0.0010 1.0 4.6081 0.0092 0.2837 5
0.0010 1.3 4.6064 0.0075 0.2237 5
0.0010 1.6 4.6013 0.0024 0.1361 8
0.0010 1.9 4.6014 0.0025 0.0554 8
0.0010 2.2 4.6150 0.0161 0.4169 4
0.0001 1.0 4.6003 0.0014 0.1738 28
Exact ray trac1n9 4.5989 0 0 148
* CPU = c0mputer.

et a1., 1983). A n 0 t h e r a c c u r a t e r a y trac1n9 p r 0 9 r a m 15 n e e d e d t0 c h e c k t h e a c c u r a c y

0f t h e re5u1t5 0 f 0 u r p r 0 9 r a m 6 e c a u 5 e ana1yt1c p a t h a n d trave1 t1me5 ar e u n k n 0 w n
1n t h e 5 e ve10c1ty m0de15. 7 h e 5h00t1n9 p r 0 9 r a m 0 f L e e et a1. (unpu6115hed d a t a ,
1986) 15 a d 0 p t e d a n d m0d1f1ed f0r t h e t w 0 - p 0 1 n t r a y trac1n9 p r 0 9 r a m , f0110w1n9 a
m e t h 0 d 51m11ar t0 Da5 (1983).

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978 J U N H 0 UM AND CL1FF0RD 7 H U R 8 E R
10 k~

1 (4.51,-8.58,-0.50) (-7.41,6.98,-0.30)

6 (4.51, -8.58, -0.50) (-7.41. 6.98, -0.30)

F16. 5. 5e4uence 0f vert1ca1 pr0ject10n5 (a) and h0r120nta1 pr0ject10n5 (6) 0f the pertur6ed ray path5
1n the 8ear Va11ey ve10c1ty m0de1. P = 1 m5ec and F - 1.9.

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AL60R17HM F0R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7 R A C 1 N 6 979
7he1r pr09ram 1nput5 ve10c1ty va1ue5 at three-d1men510na1 9r1d p01nt5 and ca1-
cu1ate5 ve10c1t1e5 and the1r f1r5t and 5ec0nd der1vat1ve5 w1th re5pect t0 5pace
c00rd1nate5 w1th a three-d1men510na1 Herm1te 1nterp01at10n funct10n. A1th0u9h the
5ec0nd der1vat1ve5 are n0t needed 1n 0ur a190r1thm, the 5ame ve10c1ty 1nterp01at10n
15 u5ed t0 c0mpare the re5u1t5 1n the 5ame ve10c1ty 5tructure5.
C0mpar150n 0f tw0 path5 fr0m the tw0 ray tracer5 w1th the 5ame end p01nt5 1n
three-d1men510n5 15 n0t 51mp1e 6ecau5e t0ta1 1en9th5 are u5ua11y d1fferent, and
p01nt5 a10n9 the tw0 path5 w111n0t c0rre5p0nd exact1y. 7hu5, we 1nterp01ate a10n9
each path and c0mpute the 5eparat10n 0f pa1r5 0f p01nt5 a10n9 the tw0 path5
c0rre5p0nd1n9 t0 the 5ame fract10na1 path 1en9th. 7 h e mean va1ue 0f the5e 5epara-
t10n5 15 u5ed t0 repre5ent h0w far the tw0 path5 are apart.
C0n5tant ve10c1ty 9rad1ent m0de1. 7 h e ve10c1ty 5tructure 15 91ven 6y V = 4.0 +
0.22 (Yan9 and Lee, 1976) and tw0 end p01nt5 are ch05en a5 0, 0, 10 and 100, 0, 0.
7 h e ana1yt1c path 15 the c1rc1e wh05e center 15 47.5, 0, -20.0, and trave1 t1me 15
14.6640 5ec. 7 h e m0d1f1ed 5h00t1n9 pr09ram 0f Lee et a1. [(unpu6115hed data)
hereafter, we ca11 1t ••exact ray trac1n9 pr09ram••] pr0duce5 a trave1 t1me 0f 14.6643
5ec and a path w1th an err0r 0f 1 m 1n the mean dev1at10n 0f p01nt5 fr0m the
ana1yt1c path. An 1n1t1a1 path 15 ch05en a5 a three-p01nt path, and the trave1 t1me
1mpr0vement parameter P and enhancement fact0r F are var1ed 1n 0ur pr09ram.
7a61e 1 5h0w5 the c0mpar150n 0f trave1 t1me5, path5, and c0mputer t1me5. W1th0ut
an enhancement fact0r, 1.e., when F 15 1.0, the trave1-t1me err0r 15 9enera11y 9reater
6y 0ne 0rder 0f ma9n1tude than the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement parameter P. 7 h e
va1ue F = 1.9 pr0duce5 the m05t accurate path and trave1 t1me. 1n that ca5e, the
trave1-t1me err0r 15 0f the 0rder 0f P. F19ure 4 111u5trate5 the 5e4uence 0f pertur6a-
t10n5 when F 15 1.9 and P 15 1 m5ec. 5011d 11ne5 repre5ent the path after each
1terat10n ca1cu1ated 6y 0ur pr09ram, and the d0tted 11ne 15 the re5u1t 0f the exact
ray trac1n9 pr09ram. F0r the 0ther path5 te5ted, 6etter accurac1e5 0f trave1 t1me and
path are ach1eved than th05e 0f th15 path a5 the t0ta1 1en9th 0f the path decrea5e5.
8ear Va11ey ve10c1ty m0de1. We550n•5 ana1yt1c ve10c1ty funct10n, 1nc1ud1n9 a 10w

7A8LE 3
C0MPAR150N 0F 0 u R 50Lu710N5 AND 7HE 50Lu710N 0F 7HE
E x A c 7 RAY 7RAc1N6 PR06RAM 1N 7HE K1LAuEA V0LCAN0
Mean CPU*71me
7rave171me Enhancement 7rave1 D1fference Va1ue0f Vax 11/750
1mpr0vementParameter Fact0r 71me 0f 7rave1 Path {Un1x85D
(5ec) (5ec) 71me(5ec) D1fference5 4.2)
(km) (5ee)

0.1000 1.0 3.4247 0.1046 1.4390 2
0.0100 1.0 3.3331 0.0130 0.5171 3
0.0010 1.0 3.3249 0.0048 0.3335 6
0.0010 1.3 3.3231 0.0030 0.2320 6
0.0010 1.6 3.3219 0.0018 0.1192 5
0.0010 1.9 3.3217 0.0016 0.0661 7
0.0010 2.2 3.3276 0.0075 0.1959 6
0.0001 1.0 3.3207 0.0006 0.1683 20
E x a c t ray trac1n9 3.3201 0 0 249
* C P U = c0mputer.

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by Dalhousie Univ Libraries Serials/Killam Library user

10 ~¢m 1

(13.00, 18.]4, -].07)

10.11, 0.00, 12.81)



~ ~ ~.00,

1 1
1 km

F16. 6. 5e4uenCe 0f vert1ca1 pr0ject10n5 (a) a n d h0r120nta1 pr0ject10n5 (6) 0f t h e p e r t u r 6 e d ray path5
1n t h e K11auea V01can0 ve10c1ty m0de1. P = 1 m5ec a n d F = 1.9.

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AL60R17HM F0R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7 R A C 1 N 6 981
ve10c1ty 6a51n a10n9 a fau1t, 15 u5ed t0 c0mpute the ve10c1ty va1ue5 at three-
d1men510na1 9r1d p01nt5. 0 n e end p01nt (4.51, -8.58, -0.50) 15 ch05en c0rre5p0nd1n9
t0 the 5h0t 10cat10n 50uthwe5t 0f the fau1t, and the 0ther end p01nt (-7.41, 6.98,
-0.30) 15 5e1ected fr0m a 5tat10n n0rthea5t 0f the fau1t 0n 5ed1mentary r0ck5, 50
that the ray path cr055e5 the fau1t. F0r deta11ed de5cr1pt10n5 0f the c00rd1nate5 and
ve10c1ty 5tructure refer t0 We550n (1971).
7a61e 2 5ummar12e5 the d1fference5 0f trave1 t1me5 and path5 c0mputed 6y 0ur
pr09ram vary1n9 P and F ver5u5 th05e 0f the exact ray trac1n9. 7 h e enhancement
fact0r F = 1.9 91ve5 the 6e5t re5u1t5 when P 15 5et at 1 m5ec. N0t1ce that the f1na1
trave1 t1me w1th0ut an enhancement fact0r 15 c0rrect w1th1n the accuracy 0f
appr0x1mate1y ten t1me5 P. 7 h e 5ame character15t1c5 0f accurac1e5 a5 1n 7a61e 2 are
065erved when 0ther c0m61nat10n5 0f end p01nt5 are ch05en t0 c0mpute the ray
7 0 v15ua112e the pertur6at10n 0f path 1n three-d1men510n5, p01nt5 a10n9 the path
are pr0jected 0nt0 vert1ca1 and h0r120nta1 p1ane5, the f0rmer def1ned 6y the 11ne
c0nnect1n9 60th end p01nt5 and the 2 d1rect10n. F19ure 5 (a and 6) 5h0w5 the
re5pect1ve pr0ject10n5 0f path5 when F 15 1.9 and P 15 1 m5ec. 7 h e 5harp 6end1n9 0f
the path 1n F19ure 56 dem0n5trate5 the 5evere 1atera1 var1at10n 0f ve10c1t1e5.
K11auea V01can0 ve10c1ty m0de1. 7hur6er•5 three-d1men510na1 9r1d ve10c1ty m0de1
6eneath K11auea V01can0 wa5 06ta1ned 6y 51mu1tane0u5 1nver510n 0f 10ca1 earth-
4uake P-wave arr1va1 t1me5. F0r deta11ed m0de1 de5cr1pt10n5, refer t0 7hur6er
(1984). 7w0 end p01nt5 are ch05en a5 10.11, 0.0, 12.81 and 13.00, 18.14, -1.07 1n the
5ame c00rd1nate5 0f 7hur6er (1984) t0 cr055 the re1at1ve1y h19h-ve10c1ty r1ft 20ne5,
the 10w-ve10c1ty 20ne 6eneath the ca1dera, and the h19h-ve10c1ty r00f 0f K11auea•5
5umm1t ma9ma c0mp1ex. 7a61e 3 5ummar12e5 the c0mpar150n, and F19ure 6 (a and
6) 5h0w5 the pr0jected path5. 1t 15 1ntere5t1n9 that the va1ue F 0f 1.9 w0rk5 very
we11 1n th15 ve10c1ty m0de1 a150. W1th0ut the enhancement, the trave1 t1me 15 5t111
c0rrect w1th1n the accuracy 0f appr0x1mate1y f1ve t1me5 P. 0 t h e r te5t re5u1t5 u51n9
d1fferent end p01nt5 5h0w the 5ame character15t1c5 0f accurac1e5 a5 1n 7a61e 3.

7A8LE 4
C0MPAR150N 0F 0 U R 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 5 AND 7HE 5 0 L U 7 1 0 N 0F 7HE
EXAC7 RAY 7RAC1N6 P R 0 6 R A M 1N 7HE 7 0 H 0 K U D157R1C7
Mean CPU*71me
7rave1 71me Enhancement 7rave1 0f 7rave1 Va1ue0f Vax 11/750
1mpr0vement Parameter 71me Path (Un1x 85D
Fact0r 71me
(5ec) (5ec) D1fference5 4.2)
(km) (5ec)

0.1000 1.0 27.3923 0.1131 0.8921 2
0.0100 1.0 27.3143 0.0350 0.6647 3
0.0010 1.0 27.2863 0.0070 0.5149 8
0.0010 1.3 27.2854 0.0062 0.3702 8
0.0010 1.6 27.2851 0.0058 0.3702 9
0.0010 1.9 27.2882 0.0089 0.5791 10
0.0010 2.2 27.3409 0.0616 2.6916 4
0.0001 1.0 27.2835 0.0043 0.3188 25
E x a c t r a y trac1n9 27.2793 0 0 54
* C P U = c0mputer.

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1 1°~1

(38., 195. 0.)

(190., 100., 75.)


. 6(190.,100.,75.) . . . . .

F16. 7. 5 e 4 u e n c e 0f vert1ca1 pr0ject10n5 (a) a n d h0r120nta1 pr0ject10n5 (6) 0f t h e p e r t u r 6 e d ray path5

1n t h e 7 0 h 0 k u d15tr1ct ve10c1ty m0de1. P = 1 m5ec a n d F = 1.6.

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AL60R17HM F0R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7RAC1N6 983

7 0 h 0 k U d15tr1Ct 5U6dUCt10n 20ne Ve10C1ty m0de1. Ha5em1 et a1. (1983) der1ved the
ve10C1ty 5trUCtUre 0f P wave 1n 610Ck5 6eneath the 70h0kU d15tr1Ct fr0m the
51mU1tane0U5 1nVer510n 0f arr1Va1 t1me5 0f 10Ca1 earth4Uake5. 7 h e y f0Und the
5u6duCt1n9 h19h-ve10C1ty PaC1f1Cp1ate and 10w-ve10C1ty re910n a550C1ated w1th Qua-
ternary v01can0e5. F0r deta11ed de5cr1pt10n5 0f ve10c1ty 5tructure and 1t5 9e01091c
1mp11cat10n5, refer t0 Ha5em1 et a1. (1983). 7he1r fract10na1 ve10c1ty pertur6at10n5
1n 610ck5 are u5ed t0 c0mpute the ve10c1t1e5 at the three-d1men510na1 9r1d p01nt5
def1ned 6y the center 0f 610ck5. 0 n e end p01nt 15 ch05en at the depth 75 km at the
t0p 0f the 5u6duct1n9 p1ate, and the 0ther end p01nt 15 5e1ected at the 5urface 50
that th15 path cr055e5 the 10w-ve10c1ty re910n. 7a61e 4 5h0w5 the c0mpar150n 0f
path5 and trave1 t1me5. 7 h e var1at10n5 0f ve10c1ty are n0t a5 5evere a5 th05e 0f the
prev10u5 tw0 ve10c1ty m0de15, 50 the c0mputer t1me u5ed 6y the exact ray trac1n9
r0ut1ne 15 re1at1ve1y 5ma11. F19ure 7 (a and 6) 5h0w5 the 5e4uence5 0f pertur6at10n
and 1nd1cate5 that the ray path 15 6ent t0 e5cape the 10w-ve10c1ty re910n. 7 h e err0r
0f trave1 t1me c0mputed w1th0ut the enhancement 15 w1th1n the accuracy 0f 5even
t1me5 P, except f0r that 0f P -- 0.1 m5ec. 7 h e 0pt1ma1 va1ue 0f F 15 f0und a5 1.6.
0 t h e r te5ted ray path5 1nd1cate that the 6e5t F decrea5e5 t0 1.3 a5 the t0ta1 1en9th
0f path 1ncrea5e5.

D15CU5510N AND C0NCLU510N5

A1th0u9h 0ur ray trac1n9 a190r1thm 15 6a5ed 0n the appr0x1mate c0mputat10n 0f
path pertur6at10n5, 1t 15 5h0wn that 1t 5ucce55fu11y f1nd5 c0rrect trave1 t1me5 and
path5 1n a var1ety 0f ve10c1ty m0de15. 7 h e trave1-t1me d1fference, A7, and the mean
va1ue 0f path d1fference5, AD, 6etween 0ur 501ut10n5 w1th0ut the enhancement (F
= 1.0) and the 501ut10n 0f the exact ray trac1n9 pr09ram are 111u5trated 1n F19ure 8
(a and 6) a5 funct10n5 0f the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement parameter P. A5 P 15 ch05en
5ma11er, A 7 and AD m0n0t0n1ca11y decrea5e. When P 15 5et at 1 m5ec, A 7 15
appr0x1mate1y 10 m5ec and AD 15 6etween 200 and 500 m, except f0r 0ne path 1n
the c0n5tant ve10c1ty 9rad1ent m0de1. 7 h e trave1-t1me err0r 0f 10 m5ec 15 0f the
5ame 0rder 0f ma9n1tude 0f typ1ca1 065ervat10na1 arr1va1 t1me err0r. 7 h e mean va1ue
0f path d1fference5 AD at P = 1 m5ec 15 a1way5 1e55 than 0ne-hundredth 0f the t0ta1
1en9th 0f path. 7h15 accuracy 0f ray path w1119reat1y reduce the 5y5temat1c 61a5 0f
a ve10c1ty m0de1 1f 0ur ray trac1n9 1Jr09ram 15 ad0pted 1n a ve10c1ty 1nver510n
5tra19ht 11ne5 that 6e5t match each curve 1n F19ure 8 (a and 6) are 50u9ht t0
der1ve d1rect re1at10n5 6etween A 7 (trave1-t1me accuracy) and P, 0r AD (ray path
accuracy) and P. 7 h e 510pe 0f a 5tra19ht 11ne c0rre5p0nd1n9 t0 5 0f the p0wer 1aw
f0rmu1a A 7 = 6 P 5 5eem5 t0 6e 1nver5e1y pr0p0rt10na1 t0 the trave1 t1me 0f the path,
and 6 15 pr0p0rt10na1 t0 the 5harpne55 0f ve10c1ty var1at10n a10n9 the path. 7he
parameter c f0r AD (F19ure 86) appear5 t0 6e pr0p0rt10na1 t0 the avera9e ve10c1ty
a10n9 the path, and the 510pe t f0r AD 15 065erved t0 6e rather un1f0rm. 7he5e
curve5 and f0rmu1a5 w111 he1p t0 ch005e an appr0pr1ate P 1n 0rder t0 ach1eve a
de51red accuracy 1n trave1 t1me and path f0r a 91ven m0de1.
M0re accurate path and trave1 t1me are 06ta1ned 6y ch0051n9 an appr0pr1ate
enhancement fact0r F. 7 h e 6e5t F 15 f0und a5 1.9 1n the f1r5t three ve10c1ty m0de15
and a5 1.6 t0 1.3 1n the 70h0ku d15tr1ct m0de1. When the 6e5t F 15 u5ed and P 15 5et
at 1 m5ec, A7 15 f0und t0 ran9e 6etween 1 and 5 m5ec w1th AD 6etween 30 and 200
m. U5e 0f the 0pt1ma1 va1ue 0f F 9enera11y 1ncrea5e5 the accuracy 0f trave1 t1me and
path 6y 0ne 0rder 0f ma9n1tude. 7here 15 n0 the0ret1ca1 6a515 f0r 5e1ect1n9 the
0pt1ma1 va1ue 0f F, 6ut the 0pt1ma1 va1ue 0f F appear5 t0 6e re1ated t0 the 5harpne55

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984 J U N H 0 UM AND CL1FF0RD 7 H U R 8 E R

2~ 7 ( 5eC. ) ................................
C0N57AN7 ............
.000.0....... .1•_. ............. .-.~..

~ ,..,...,~"K1LAUEA

• /,/ A7:6 p5
5 r



," P ( 5ec. )

" 1 1 1 1 , 1
0.0001 0.001 0.01

An (km) ...........................................
1.0 ~ ".............

0.5 -- ~.~
70H0WJ / ~ - " ,-•
....1"1" K1LAUEA . * ~ * ~
" ~D= cPt

f P ( 5ec. )

6 1 1 1 1 7 1
0.0001 0.001 0.01
F16. 8. (a) 7he trave1-t1me d1fference A7 and (6) the mean va1ue 0f path d1fference5 AD 6etween the
501ut10n5 0f 0ur pr09ram (F = 1.0) and th05e 0f the exact ray trac1n9 pr09ram are drawn 1n 109-109 5ca1e,
a5 funct10n5 0f the trave1-t1me 1mpr0vement p•arameter P.

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AL60R17HM F0R 2-P01N7 5E15M1C RAY 7RAC1N6 985
0f ve10C1ty var1at10n 0f the m0de1 and the t0ta1 1en9th 0f ray path. A5 the t0ta1
1en9th 0f ray path 1nCrea5e5 and the 5harpne55 0f ve10C1ty Var1at10n a10n9 the path
decrea5e5, the 0pt1ma1 va1Ue 0f F 15 f0Und t0 decrea5e. 1f We 0vere5t1mate the
enhancement fact0r F, the a190r1thm U5Ua11y d1ver9e5 5eVere1y. 7heref0re, the
enhancement fact0r F ha5 t0 6e Ch05en CarefU11yn0t t0 6e 1ar9er than the 0pt1ma1
va1Ue 0f F.
A5 the trave1-t1me 1mpr0Vement parameter P 15 Ch05en 5ma11er, 0Ur a190r1thm
need5 m0re 1terat10n5. H0WeVer, the C0mpUtat10n t1me 0f 0Ur pr09ram 15 5t111 mUCh
1e55 than th05e 0f ex15t1n9 tw0-p01nt ray traC1n9 pr09ram5. 1f a 51mp1e 11near
1nterp01at10n 5Cheme 15 ad0pted 1n5tead 0f the 50ph15t1Cated 1nterp01at10n 5UCh a5
the Herm1te 1nterp01at10n funCt10n, the C0mpUtat10n t1me 0f 0Ur pr09ram 15 further
redUCed 6y a60Ut 0ne-ha1f. 0Ur a190r1thm d0e5 n0t re4U1re that the 5e15m1CVe10C1ty
15 C0nt1nU0U51y tw1Ce d1fferent1a61e, and 1t Ut1112e5 the 11near appr0x1mat10n 0f
ve10C1ty 1n the three-p01nt pertur6at10n 5Cheme. HenCe, the 11near 1nterp01at10n 15
the m0re appr0pr1ate 0ne t0 U5e 1n 0Ur pr09ram. 7he meth0d 15 n0t appr0pr1ate f0r
U5e 1n med1a w1th f1r5t-0rder Ve10C1tyd15C0nt1nU1t1e5and/0r pred0m1nant1y C0n5tant
ve10C1ty 20ne5.0n the wh01e, 1t5 51mp11C1ty,fa5t C0mpUter t1me, and aCCUrate re5U1t5
0f trave1 t1me make5 0Ur a190r1thm eff1C1entand aCCUrate en0U9h t0 6e U5ed r0Ut1ne1y
6y r0Ut1ne earth4Uake 10Cat10n and Ve10C1ty1nVer510n pr09ram5 1n 1atera11y heter0-
9ene0u5 5e15m1c ve10c1ty 5tructure.
7h15 mater1a1 15 6a5ed up0n w0rk 5upp0rted 6y the Nat10na1 5c1ence F0undat10n under 6rant5 EAR
82-06266 and EAR 85-18132. C0mputat10n5 were carr1ed 0ut 0n 5t0ny 8r00k•5 Earth 5c1ence C0mput1n9
Fac111ty, funded j01nt1y 6y N5F 6rant EAR 84-00044, the 5tate Un1ver51ty 0f New Y0rk, and D191ta1
E4u1pment C0rp0rat10n.

(~erven:~, V., 1. A. M010tk0v, and 1. P5enc1k (1977). Ray Meth0d 1n 5e15m0109y, Un1ver51ty 0f Kar10va
Pre55, Pra9ue, C2ech0510vak1a.
Da5, 5. (1983). F0ca1 mechan15m5 0f Hawa11an earth4uake5: app11cat10n 0f an 1mpr0ved meth0d 0f ray
trac1n9, M.5. 7he515, 5tate Un1ver51ty 0f New Y0rk at 5t0ny 8r00k, 5t0ny 8r00k, New Y0rk.
Ha5em1, A. H., H. 15h11, and A. 7aka91 (1983). F1ne 5tructure 6eneath the 70h0ku d15tr1ct, n0rthea5tern
Japan Arc, der1ved 6y an 1nver510n 0f P-wave arr1va1 t1me5 fr0m 10ca1 earth4uake5, 7ect0n0phy51c5
Ju11an, 8. R. and D. 6u661n5 (1977). 7hree d1men510na1 5e15m1c ray trac1n9, J. 6e0phy5. 43, 95-114.
Lee, W. H. K. and 5. 5tewart (1981). Pr1nc1p1e5 and app11cat10n5 0f m1cr0earth4uake netw0rk5, Adv.
6e0phy5. (5upp1. 2).
Pereyra, V., W. H. K. Lee, and H. 8. Ke11er (1980). 501v1n9 tw0-p01nt 5e15m1c ray trac1n9 pr061em5 1n a
heter09ene0u5 med1um. Part 1. A 9enera1 adapt1ve f1n1te d1fference meth0d, 8u11. 5e15m. 50c. Am.
70, 79-99.
7hur6er, C. H. (1984). 5e15m1c detect10n 0f the 5umm1t ma9ma c0mp1ex 0f K11auea v01can0, Hawa11,
5c1ence 223, 165-167.
7hurher, C. H. (1986). Ana1y515 meth0d5 f0r k1nemat1c data fr0m 10ca1 earth4uake5, Rev. 6e0phy5. 24,
7hurher, C. H. and W. L. E115w0rth (1980). Rap1d 501ut10n 0f ray trac1n9 pr061em5 1n heter09ene0u5
med1a, 8u11. 5e15m. 50c. Am. 70, 137-1148.
We550n, R. L. (1971). 7rave1-t1me 1nver510n f0r 1atera11y 1nh0m09ene0u5 cru5ta1 ve10c1ty m0de15, 8u11.
5e15m. 50c. Am. 70, 1137-1148.
Yan9, J. P. and W. H. K. Lee (1976). Pre11m1nary 1nve5t19at10n5 0n c0mputat10na1 meth0d5 f0r 501v1n9
tw0 p01nt 5e15m1c ray trac1n9 pr061em5 1n a heter09ene0u5 and 150tr0p1c med1um, U.5. 6e01. 5urv.,
0pen-F11e Rept. 6-707, 66 pp.


57A7E UN1VER517Y0F NEW Y0RK A7 570NY 8R00K
570NY 8R00K, NEW Y0RK 11794

Manu5cr1pt rece1ved 18 5eptem6er 1986

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7he trave1 t1me a10n9 the 5e9ment5 c0nnect1n9 the three adjacent p01nt5, ~Xk-1,
•Xk•, and •Xh+1 can 6e wr1tten u51n9 the trape201da1 ru1e

7 ( R ) = (L 2 + R2)1/2(c + 1/Vk•) (A1)

where L = 1~Xk+1- ~Xm1dJ and c = (1/Vk-~ + 1/Vh+1)/2. M1n1m12at10n 0f the trave1

t1me 15 06ta1ned 6y d1fferent1at1n9 e4uat10n (A1) w1th re5pect t0 the am0unt 0f
pertur6at10n R and e4uat1n9 1t t0 2er0;

(L 2 + R2)(dVk•/dR) - RVk• (cVk• + 1) = 0. (A2)

1f we u5e the f1r5t-0rder 7ay10r expan510n 0f ve10c1ty at the m1d-p01nt Vm1df0r Vh•
and 19n0re the h19her 0rder term5 0f R, e4uat10n (A2) reduce5 t0 the 5ec0nd-0rder
e4uat10n 0f R

2cVm~d~n-(9rad V)m~dR 2 + Vm1d(cVm1d + 1)R - L2•n.(9rad V)m1d= 0. (A3)

7hen, the c0rrect am0unt 0f pertur6at10n, Rc, 15 91ven 6y

Rc =-(cVm1d "J- 1)/{4cn-(9rad V)m1a}

+ [(cVm1d + 1)2/{4c•n • (9rad V)m1d}2 + L2/(2cVm1a)] ~/2. (A4)

7he 0ther r00t 15 0m1tted 6ecau5e 1t pr0duce5 ne9at1ve rea1 0r c0mp1ex va1ue 0f
trave1 t1me.

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