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If any science is to explain any kind of phenomena

consistently, these phenomena must be reasonably
homogenous. Criminology as a behavioural science or
study faces an almost unsolvable difficultly because of the
extreme diversity of types of behaviour our legislators have
seen fit to make punishable as crimes. Elucidate on the
relevance of studying Criminology in order to explain the
purpose of Criminal Law.


Science is defined as a ''means of gaining information about something through a rational process
which involves reason and experimentation. Science is an approach to the problems of human
knowledge based on the attempt to develop general principles about phenomena, derived from
empirical observations. Science is both a body of knowledge and a process.


The word ‗Criminology‘ originated in 1890. The general meaning of the term is ―the
scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, of criminals and of penal institutions‖.
Prof. Kenny (analyzed /defined/ described) that ‗Criminology is a branch of criminal
science which deals with crime causation, analysis and prevention of crime‖. Criminology
as a branch of knowledge is concerned with those particular conducts of human behaviour
which are prohibited by society. It is, therefore, a socio-legal study which seeks to
discover the causes of criminality and suggests the remedies to reduce crimes. Therefore,
it flows that criminology and criminal policy are interdependent and mutually support one
another. Thus criminology seeks to study the phenomenon of criminality in its entirety.
Criminology is the scientific study of:

 the extent and nature of crime: How much crime is there in our society? What
crime types are there?

 the causes of crime: Why do offenders commit crime?

 the consequences of crime: This includes the impact of crime on victims and on

 reactions to crime by the criminal justice system (such as the police, courts, and

 the prevention of crime

Purpose of criminal law

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