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Leveraging a Brand Asset, Innocent Drinks

Case Study and Brand Strategy


Founded in 1999 by three college friends who step up a stall in a festival in London, and with
£500 worth of fresh fruits to be blended into smoothies, and the Innocent Drinks was
established. By then on, the company has expanded, from three persons in 1999 to 200
employees in 2000. With a turnover of £1.8 million in 2000 and increasing to £141 million by
2009, Innocent Drinks leads the smoothie market by 71% in 2009. Innocent has managed to
establish its position as a premium but natural, convenient and healthy products to the
consumers by listening to them, delivering its quality of products, and understanding consumer
trends. In the emerging healthy living trend and that the consumers are willing to pay for a
premium but healthier drink, Innocent penetrated the market quickly as their product has ‘no
sugar, no water, no concentrates’, just a simple, pure and fresh drink. It had grown 25% per
annum, and succeeds where many have failed by making fruit fun and healthy.

Points of View

Innocent Drinks has been very well positioned by the company in the smoothie market. It had
exceeded their primary competitor, the Pete and Johnny (PJ) Smoothie, as the leading
smoothie brand in London. The brand, Innocent, has set its strategy as simple, friendly and fun
approach, the consumers links it to a healthier, happier, and fun lifestyle as the company wants
to achieve. It is well differentiating from all of the company’ competitor, as well as their head-on
competitor the PJ Smoothie, by the product’s packaging and language, design, labelling,
company’s office, campaigns and their marketing communications. A unique and strong brand
proposition of ‘makes sense, feels good’, that the consumers know what to expect to the
product and it consistently delivers quality every time they buy the Innocent Drink.

Problem Statement

As the Innocent Drink success as the market leader in the smoothie market, will somehow
encounters some problem. It is inevitable for a brand leader to face some of the changes and
challenges it may occur over time. In line with the successful brand awareness that built by
Innocent, and to ensure that growth is maintain by using the brand as an asset lay the problem
of product extension. Should the company launch a new product, that may not undermine the
brand, and also not to dilute it? Like the brand could extend to include baby food or alcoholic

Areas for Consideration

Brand Image

 Innocent Drinks built its brand very well with honesty, simplicity, wholesomeness and
innocence. – Brand Identity.
 The company focuses on the enjoyment, fun, and healthier products for the market. –
Brand Meaning.
 It also increased its brand awareness by 35%. Feel-good consumerism. One healthy
habit. – Brand Response
 Clear brand proposition of “Makes sense, feel Good”.
Consumer Relationship

 Innocent Drinks consistently delivers a best quality of product in the market, and
consumers exceed their expectation for quality of freshness and healthier drink.
 The company extends their products to the parents which concerns about what their
children are eating.
 Innocent holds an annual music festival to say “thank you” to the consumer who are
using their brand.
 They promote also current topical issues such as kid’s health, ethical trading and
environmental issues
 Corporate responsibility to donate 10% of its profits to the Innocent Foundation.

Marketing Communication

 A low-cost high impact marketing strategy of word-of-mouth.

 Innocent has been consistent in their communications, from packaging, delivery vans,
office tower, website, and language of the product.
 Developed social marketing making it possible to talk directly to the consumers by
hosting annual music Festival called Fruitstock.
 Launch “The Big Knit” campaign to support older people during winter season.
 Way To-A-5 Day campaign to drink Innocent for a health-conscious consumer.

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