Question 9.15

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Question 9.



b) Cycle time = Production time available per week/ Units required per week

= (40 hours x 60 minutes)/ 4800 units

= 0.5 minutes = 30 seconds

Therefore, the cycle time per unit for this operation is 30 seconds.


Theoretical minimum number of workstations= total task time / cycle time

= (20 + 30 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 30) / 30

= 4 stations

Therefore, the theoretical minimum number of workstations required are 4 stations

e) Total idle time = 10 + 20 = 30 (seconds)


- With 5 stations :

Efficiency = ∑ Task time / ( Actual number of workstations) * ( Largest assigned cycle time)

= 120 / ( 5*30) = 0.8 = 80%

- With 6 stations:

Efficiency = ∑ Task time / ( Actual number of workstations) * ( Largest assigned cycle time)

= 120 / ( 6 * 30) = 0.6667 = 66.67%

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