Regional Security in Southeast Asia กลุ่ม 5

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REGIONAL SECURITYo SOUTHEAST ASIA Beyond the ASEAN Way Mely Caballero-Anthony ESAS Soe 0 ss 1 REGIONALISM AND. REGIONAL SECURITY : Locating ASEAN hat regional option - aes bee onl orgaszatons generate tad : in drawing the lager berwoes Hest lament the sud demenstts tat on lene eee aa sear ty appointee the see ‘sional organizations develop, = coe “The th pat hen ‘management within ‘hoary in order fo an Prostds to locte there mechani of coat © constructivist shoo of internation rete lyse why ditne! mechanisms are consesnen | esrden er ese ani Sb 1 “The pupou of nptng a theeste approach nha fist chaper is to present ASEAN at a reponal erguninaon that bas acvely teen, rangedin managing he secur of Southeast Asn. Aste ce hap” ofthis bok wil show, ASHAN hes det withreional conics in 2 ‘eather ditincive manner, characteried by the cervanceo ermal ‘mechaisn in managing interstate pues This three step epprowch is therefore, churacerstcally deductive as » prelude to toe cverall thn ofthis book that seks to explore how ASEAN may have changed 1s modalities in dealing with conflicts and, ore important Lo ee the point tht there is more beyond the ASEAN wy ht pores ‘working awards regional curt REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND REGIONAL SECURITY By thir very nature, regional rganiations have Ben sted the ok of managing reponal conflicts This i not really on ently ew! ‘Phenomenon. Regional opaniztons wer enblsbed ith he pinay im of muinsning peace and resolving confit or cotinng cons {o avoid farther ebcaatin, I fc is the ate 19608 and ety 19708 ‘exiooaoranzatons were steady regarded spose bling blocks peace and fr regions to become “ads of Fence” Prior to this pero, the ptemalrle of reionalegsiztons for ‘seetent of disputes wa alo recogized by the United ations the nd ofthe Second Wor War At the 1565 San Francs Confrene fot ‘he dating ofthe United Nation's Charen vigor debate over the ‘merits of universalism versus pana took place. While be debate ensued the superioty abd seniory of global ergaizton ver any ‘egiooalorgniasons, Chapter VI nevertheless envisage “repional ‘rangement of agence” which would el with ach mater ela tothe maintenance of nleratonl peace and sary svar spprapviate For regona aston Although the basic idea was to enable and empower reignal rgnizations ost eal disputes before refering tet othe United Nations the record this ole war unmprenive, Aton shoar ated, forpfie years hence, the UN found "only limited ue for reson orpnisation"” The fare of seen reationship was siibuted to superpower conflict, The Cald Wer pbk prevented the developement of ‘what could hve been ptentall tose relationship when the major "ntagonsts— the United tutes andthe one Soviet Union ~ xu the Seeuriy Coun fem being involved la the seponl confit i bch they were respectively invoved 7 sete pci For example: when the cases of The peeled erasulton a he UN ah rast {ed counts which supht repo actonsess mea ot oat | eaten reper Sens ay ASE te spite ofthis unimpresive past, the stractrl changes brought stout bythe end of the Cal War Rat renewed tetion on repionlsm | sod reconsceration ofthe cle of repina security polation Te Callas of te bipla pst We War I ceuity cheat hes et ‘he United Sats as the only remaining superpower i th word given the bresbup of is rival, the farmer USSR, fn spite a ts sepremacy however, the United Sates had bean perceived ~ at ea inthe ety ‘estold War period ~ as having esther the pital wil nor the Ferouces to become te world's policeman” ‘Sim while the secrity role ofthe UN had increased ater ‘bing involved in the mor coafcts in the Gull War Cambod ‘Motambiqu, Bl Sulvacer, and others, is resources have becn severely srctched. Tis had been made more seate with the ever-growing umber of peacekeeping operations undertaken by te UN, Aasording tone study since the UN's intense mediation of Soviet withdrawal om Afghanistan in 1989 andthe ed ofthe Ian ag Wn the UN ad undertaken thirteen new operations, he same number inthe previous forty years. And while tbe uepa areas ofthe UN in 1992 reached ‘one bon dairy its operations or that yo alone were eiated to ost tre the given areas. With member ations suing back on fieacial contribution and spor, the UN's capacity fo undertake tional esponsitliies tas ecome problematic wide te wil of ts dominant members toda wes stn weak" ‘hve the above factors has Seen relia thats tas-sharng rangement between the United Nations tnd regional cpaiztons| ‘Soul be undertakes to advance ternational ode To guste the Words ‘the former UN Secretary General Bouts Boutor hal ne wrk ‘an Aaend fo Peace Unde he Carer the Seay oul at and wil cnn have ‘ooprton wth Une Rae far sold anaes eget, ‘ere ef priate, consents sd deserters ‘a Reonal atagemens pages hve ttn fre ences Seen nr hg ey hw tea i ey ‘Aside from the call fom the United Nations for more regional involvement there were ali other faciors that proned the nem Impetus for repona organisation aves hand in nagingeeional hich they were respectively involved, Fr example: when the cases of (eater of 1954 the Cuban compsint agin thc Uneg Sere 1982 and that of Poam in 1865 were brought up inthe Seay Cou the United tte isi surely then ate rong under the purview ofthe Organization of Aterian Sees Ons) tod ey inthe Securty Count Sar he former USSR dened te Sane Counts smptece in denn with the sppresion af he Hee ‘sping in 1985 andthe Soviet intervention in archosomha atte ‘Te former Sovet Union insisted tha thea maters wore ine co (bs socal community bound by the Waren Pets a thee teen ‘evel organisations were wed each superpower este ‘egemonic supremacy in region and nel tr peace forte, collestive secu and cont realuton*The original rele ropened ‘xsniations at “Tis sop” bare in local confine tae hee sxerwimed bythe arpa ofthe Cold War, Rater hen ern ones ote Uied Nation scion, regional rpanlaton Decne ct lke stooges’ of sperpower sven ‘The pereivedemasculstion of the UN also fasted many Third Nertlcountis which sought reponal acios sa mean peng ico melig nlc afte. Again! the reds ate! ine a ao suis then tha there was simon duonmentn ay Ted tine thre wes the nue of competence deting with ronal snfon ‘nfuesces largely by the very ature ofthe confit as elt de lake ong for some rina eganzaton rele hat rear eomtiog sone of them icterstate, were far lo complet for hen ‘soong themselves. In some case, it came even more sole eas son-mumbers were involved. Furthermore, & wat toon reaed ten ‘ein types of reioal cones were simply bcjond te corinne the respective istatons to ese on thei own. This was Massed In the aes ofthe Ara League when laced with the problem of ene, the Organza of Afian Unity (OAL) wit Sth Alc anda (OAS with Cuba Certain imitations alo came tothe fore eng one ‘noted chlarto conclu tat certain types af reglonal sagen ‘ulleres trom problems of ‘edb, relvate, ad compadty.s | ein eget Sa an At | ” Jn spite ofthis unimpressive past, the stracurl changes bought out by the end of the Cel War ha renewed steno on felons and a reonsderation ofthe rol of repinnal scary organizations The ape ofthe pla pos Wed War I teu architecture hs left United States athe only remleing superpwe inthe weld, the trenlup of ie rival the former USSR. fap ts napebey however, the United Sates bed been perceived a et Inthe coy post Cold War period — at having nether the pola! will nor ‘sources 0 become th worlds pleenan” Smitly, while the seerty role of the UN bad Incresed after bing nveied inthe major conte inthe Gulf War, Cambodia Mozambique l Salvador, another, its resources have been severly ¥rciched. This had been mage mare acute wih the ever growing numberof peacekeeping operations underthen bythe UN. Acording 'o-on study singe the UW's intense mediation of Soviet withdrawal From Alghaitan io 1888 andthe endo the Iasiag Wa, the UN had ‘udrakenthiteen new operations, the stne number nthe previous forty years, And while the unpaid arene of the UN i 1992 reached ‘ve bilan dolar, sprains for that ea lone were etimated fo ‘on thrice the given areas Wih member nations eutng Bak oe Financial contibstion and supper, the UN's capacity fo erie ‘iditonal respons has become problematic whe the wl ots “lominat members o 40 was fen weak ™ (Given the above factors It hasbeen resis tit task-shsing rangement between the United Nations and regional otaniations ‘oud be undertaken to advance international order To qute the words othe former UN Secretary Genera Bouton Boutor-Ghl im his work ‘An Agena fo Pace nde te Chars te testy Cunha and wos whe {ey matin prc ‘ene of puriipion, cosets and Senecrtation i etna lis: Reon agement dagen be tot nce dead, eet cnr tn igh. Tahy ew eae ni th ey Ave ‘Aside from the call fom the United Nations for more reslons! Involvement, thete were sls other factory that prvised the neve impets for rginal rgaintions to have aban ia meaging eon coals On ofthese factors was the renewed desir o hep of ‘Bee and anal powers fr grein contol over the sree evirnment "This ese for reo atnomy became charters fete of Tid Wor rexonl rgneatons he he GA, we ad sth slogans satemens ie Attean solos or Atcan pon ‘nd Asian sols o Ain problem Morcoer eins ft ‘baey were bet uted fo medatein cl fits they ended the dyeumie of se and atures more intimal thon enadre ele to his war seth atte the lus thet were ned lea confit would mast sy be give more atenon regan ‘oratban in the bul one, inc he ater have ha uh Bader send. ial thee sification he elects eon ‘ena mirred in the emergence of rexel econo Pop lth North erica re Tae gree! APTA nde ASEAN Fee Tae Aen (APTA. These group hed played toe poten satan setconfience among fepoa tet sed encuree tem to pot ester elnc nates af cary" “Than, ae th sbove corns on why sexo! ounations vere moc ual to bale rein cnfcr doe could ape tae Spat mgs st pon orn he shy bave nc the potential ply agian la mana Fela security One cold further tht the aces of eee xsstons woul as be pedesed o the eaten ich they have been abl to mana elon peace and say by cor mesegoy Conling. or shng epiona contcs brely summarise the chequered experience of cgins! cresicnions, one cold ely cnc et whe cn acs tg the intervention major powers toga conics aad eck of competence in deing ith confit hed been maj csc In ‘evening some rpoalerezntons to lively carp out thet "Recon in manspng cof erica dring he Cl Wor thee 'soeetles enh evince show hsm ein ranains ve ben resonaly scent inthe pari taper, Ove of these options is ASEAN" In sonny ASEAN oon istry of !oaging egal onic stable thatthe enon had ben siete cary nevi trough rules ad cise een Sige aia Wi Theor, far tere In ang fe ees vould the way ASEAN had handled cern sou pl ine strat eal rane in Sate aa ‘enti goal Secs AC » ‘he cri test of regional oraneaton isin the way It has handed confit oat avoid ts dintegraton or demise Thus he ‘ery survival of ws oraczton i eling ofthe wy it has suceshlly managed or resohed repos const The succes could be explained hy the manner is eich members have worked lo deiingreponal lair a wll athe nature ofthe plieal pac cee ork especie themes play» part in scwringtheiaterets More importa ‘oceessin managing aloe reslving eo conte alas intractive ‘the types of mechanisms has pled oases various challenges toegional secur In hi rege, one Ca therefore loathe sud of the ASEAN way wihin the lemevork of mechanisms of cont ‘management that region eraszations generate to eee of manage problems in erder to achive regional peace and security, Before Proceeding any farther, shal it expla why ASEAN was chosen eae nut Locating ASEAN Since’ its esablishment in 1967, ASEAN has made ite mark bn the Intemational eommunty as succesfl regional grouping. Ils success ‘a be sda le i abit to cope reasonably well wt the merous ‘halenges that had conlroated the srganiation swell le elations ‘ith other sales in the interatoal ares. As tht study intends to hows, ASEAN appeared nt onl 0 bee weathered bath iteroal and tena pressures thst may have threatened very existence as 9 fegonal body but more importa Khas earned foreleg foleasahey plaerin reson! and Internationa ali. ves agin ne fapid changes and uncerainties tha have occurred io the. slobel ‘tvtonmet fr eampethe recent inal eis that ave rocked the fepon in he mide of 197, the cll wat in ldonei's as Tier In Looking back over tive yeas sace its inception, ASEAN's politi achievements ave bee estab by any sander. Although Scuntyi ot oral enters agenda unl ASEAN Fourth Summit i 1982 he suceese of ASEAN is prima tp the polel-eewity ‘alm. This hasbeen te paradayof ASEAN, one were oeamine he ASEAN Banghok Decl, which explined what ASEAN vas all, ‘hou, oe woul et the impression that i wes ceed an economic ‘wouping. Aer al he Banghok Declaration tated tha th objectives of ASEAN ae o promote rpiona economic growth, social progress end ular development through scr callbortion a mate sane ‘imate: of omen neestin the ecagomi, olla ech, ‘cine and sdminstativeBla'= For more thn three decaes, andi pt of «highly decetraied ‘nd loosely crgstized ASEAN Secreta, the member ste ef ASEAN have indeed stabs a fameer or lone eioal cepa tat wold sve credence and subatntive eet othe wry boed coed of reponale as atiuated in the Bangkok Deceruon, Yer one ‘wero realy sero inon what thet achievements have bee, pha ‘sits abt omintnn peace in what was once woubleidcen bes ‘hat sands ut the mos ASEAN was considered inthe erly 18S ar the Baltas ofthe Ea, However, tis que inconei abe nowy or ‘ny member stat ogo to war wth such olor. Although ASEAN hoe ‘more beyond it inital security role of managing ntaera apes ‘oan its merry, has alo paradocs evay fom adenog ‘hero of fore neering reglonal oder ths frig trial approach of bling alliances Instead, ASEAN hs seieved Issey objective though informal mechanisms of confit manages More ‘pecticly, ASEAN has set an example of how «reson sexy rams can, ve the years develop tangle sof focal ot tev procedure. in poly behaviour by the leaders fin eapetog ‘membersntes and has bull up on shared isons snd exertions ‘ele reioal security In this regard the development of «set of informa pocetures oe Iechasis 0 manage conics indeed potable, given he endey fo ‘eu ooo conf wih the frameweskl te rel perpecte ipa pails In tis amework ii he ack of renplit hat relly matters and where more ten than not i intracsonl tas, repo! ators hve had t et or lea, ze consid lost in atcoroce with the interes of msjr powers ‘As mention it the ‘are onto of hs chapter, the caller eine ales are te ely {o be mere bystanders inthe unfolding of interstional events Mere Snicany the power and stats of statesin the foternatonal wen re

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