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A review of EPI progress in Pakistan towards achieving coverage targets:

Present situation and the way forward

Article  in  Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ṣiḥḥīyah li-sharq al-mutawassiṭ · August 2010
DOI: 10.26719/2010.16.Supp.31 · Source: PubMed


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‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬


A review of EPI progress in Pakistan towards

achieving coverage targets: present situation and the
way forward
Q. Hasan,1 A.H. Bosan 2 and K.M. Bile1

‫املوسع للتمنيع يف باكستان‬

َّ ‫مراجعة للتقدُّ م الذي أحرزه الربنامج‬
‫ خليف ب َّله حممود‬،‫ ألطاف حسني بوسان‬،‫قمر احلسن‬
،‫ وكزاز األمهات والولدان‬،‫ مثل استئصال شلل األطفال‬،‫املؤشات اإلقليمية والعاملية للتمنيع‬ ِّ‫املوسع للتمنيع أثر كبري عىل ر‬
َّ ‫ ألداء الربنامج‬:‫اخلالصـة‬
‫ ومن‬.‫ فإن مؤشات التمنيع يف باكستان مل تبلغ املعامل البارزة املتوقعة‬،‫ ورغم اجلهود الكبرية التي تبذهلا احلكومة ورشكاؤها‬.‫والتخ ُّلص من احلصبة‬
َّ ِّ‫ر‬
،‫ وانخفاض مستوى الوعي لدى اآلباء واألمهات‬،‫العوائق التي تقف أمام حتقيق مرامي التمنيع ما يتعلق بالوصول املحدود للخدمات التمنيعية‬
‫ يمكن لباكستان أن تبلغ األهداف‬،‫الفعالة‬ َّ ‫ وبالتبنِّي لالستـراتيجيات‬،‫ والدعم املتو َّقع من الوالدين‬،‫ ومع االلتزام احلكومي املتواصل‬.‫وضعف اإلدارة‬
‫ وتستعرض‬.‫ وأن حترز تقدم ًا قوي ًا نحو املرمى الرابع من املرامي اإلنامئية لأللفية‬،‫ وعىل الصعيد العاملي‬،‫التمنيعية التي ُو ِض َع ْت عىل الصعيد اإلقليمي‬
‫ كام‬،‫ واألثر املايل لألداء الذي يقرص عن املعايري املثىل‬،‫املخصصة‬
َّ ‫ واملوارد‬،‫ والتكاليف‬،‫ والعوائق‬،‫املوسع للتمنيع‬
َّ ‫هذه الورقة أهداف تغطية الربنامج‬
.‫تشري الورقة إىل الطريق الذي ينبغي سلوكه يف املستقبل للتغلب عىل هذه التحديات‬

ABSTRACT Pakistan’s Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) performance has a significant impact on
global and regional immunization indicators such as poliomyelitis eradication, maternal and neonatal tetanus
and measles elimination. Despite significant efforts by the Government and partners, Pakistan’s immunization
indicators have not met the expected benchmarks. Barriers to achieving immunization goals are related to limited
access to immunization services, lack of parent awareness and weak management. With sustained Government
commitment, predictable partner support and by adopting effective strategies, Pakistan can achieve the
immunization targets set at the regional and global level and make strong progress towards achieving Millennium
Development Goal 4. This paper reviews EPI coverage targets, constraints, costs and resource allocation, and
financial impact of suboptimal performance, and indicates the way forward to overcome these challenges.

Examen des progrès du Programme élargi de vaccination au Pakistan vers la réalisation des cibles de
couverture : situation actuelle et voie à suivre
RÉSUMÉ Les résultats du Programme élargi de vaccination au Pakistan ont des répercussions importantes sur les
indicateurs de vaccination mondiaux et régionaux, ainsi que sur l’éradication de la poliomyélite et l’élimination
du tétanos maternel et néonatal et de la rougeole. Malgré les efforts importants du gouvernement et de ses
partenaires, les indicateurs de vaccination du Pakistan n’ont pas atteint les niveaux escomptés. Les obstacles
à la réalisation des objectifs de vaccination sont l’accès limité aux services de vaccination, le manque de
sensibilisation des parents et la faible capacité de gestion. Avec un engagement gouvernemental durable, l’appui
prévisible de partenaires et l’adoption de stratégies efficaces, le Pakistan peut atteindre les cibles de vaccination
définies aux niveaux mondial et régional et progresser fortement vers la réalisation de l’objectif 4 du Millénaire
pour le développement. Cet article examine les cibles de la couverture par le Programme élargi de vaccination,
les contraintes, les coûts et l’allocation des ressources, ainsi que les conséquences financières de résultats
perfectibles. Il indique la voie à suivre pour surmonter ces obstacles.

World Health Organization, Country Office, Islamabad, Pakistan (Correspondence to Q. Hasan:
Expanded Programme on Immunization, Ministry of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Introduction Table 2 Routine tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination schedule for pregnant women,
Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), Pakistan
The Expanded Programme on Im- Vaccination Schedule
munization (EPI) in Pakistan annu- TT–1 During the first pregnancy
ally targets around 5.8 million children TT–2 1 month after the first dose
aged below 1 year to protect against 8 TT–3 6 months after the second dose
vaccine-preventable diseases and 5.9 TT–4 1 year after the third dose
million pregnant women to protect TT–5 1 year after the fourth dose
them and their newborns from tetanus
through routine immunization services.
The overall objective of EPI is to reduce
number of children and women are not match the efforts and resources al-
mortality and morbidity resulting from also targeted to receive immunization located for the purpose by the Govern-
the 8 EPI target diseases. through different supplemental immu- ment and partners.
EPI is almost the exclusive provider nization activities. Initially started with 6 The objective of this review is to
of immunization service in Pakistan, antigens, the programme added 2 new explore the progress of EPI Pakistan in
where the private sector provides ap- antigens, hepatitis B and Haemophilus terms of coverage of different antigens,
proximately 3% of immunization in- influenzae type b (Hib), during the last current knowledge about the con-
jections [1]. It delivers immunization decade. Over 30 million children are straints to achieving the desired level of
services through more than 6000 fixed targeted for every round of polio supple- coverage, cost and resource allocation,
centres and over a million outreach and mental immunization activities. Over financial impact of suboptimal perform-
mobile vaccination sessions annually, 3.4 million women of childbearing age ance and the way forward to overcome
involving more than 10 000 vaccina- were vaccinated with 3 doses of TT vac- the challenges in attainment of its goals.
tors including paramedics trained in cine during 2009.
EPI, 6000 lady health visitors (LHVs) At present, interruption of polio
and other paramedics. Approximately transmission, elimination of measles Sources
100 000 lady health workers (LHWs) and neonatal tetanus along with reach-
also assist in routine and supplementary ing high routine immunization coverage Several Government documents, survey
immunization activities by social mobi- are the main priorities for EPI Pakistan. reports and unpublished programme
lization, defaulter tracing and occasion- In the recent past, the programme intro- documents were reviewed and online
ally providing vaccination. The current duced new vaccines and technologies, searches were made to find literature on
routine immunization schedules for which created more interest and pa- EPI Pakistan in websites of the World
children and pregnant women are de- rental awareness of immunization. This Health Organization (WHO), United
scribed in Tables 1 and 2. was reflected in a slow but steady rise in Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
EPI began in Pakistan in 1976 on a different coverage indicators assessed and other sources. The EPI programme’s
pilot scale and was expanded country- by independent organizations (Figure official database along with Govern-
wide by 1978. Annually, the programme 1) [3]. However, these achievements ment financial documents were also
procures vaccines for approximately 5.8 were inadequate to reach the country’s analysed to estimate costs and impact
million children and 5.9 million preg- goal for polio eradication, measles and of suboptimal performance.
nant women [2]. In addition, a large neonatal tetanus elimination and did
Table 1 Routine immunization schedule for children, Expanded Programme on
Immunization (EPI), Pakistan WHO and UNICEF had been estimat-
Name of vaccine Number of doses Age at which administered ing the country’s immunization cover-
BCG 1 At birth
age every year using the country’s official
Trivalent OPV 4
reports and the available independent
At birth and then at 6, 10 and
14 weeks survey data (Figure 1) [3]. In the mid-
Pentavalent (DPT–hepatitis B–Hib) 3 At 6, 10 and 14 weeks 1980s, EPI coverage with 3 doses of
Measles 2 At 9 months and in second
diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus (DPT3)
year of life vaccine had been around 30% and with 1
BCG= Bacille Calmette-Guérin; OPV = oral poliomyelitis vaccine; DPT = diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus; Hib =
dose of measles vaccine (measles1) had
Haemophilus influenzae type b. been around 40%. Coverage with both

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

to all surveys, the fully immunized child

coverage ranged between 47% and 57%
with an exception in the Pakistan Social
and Living Standard Measurement Survey
2004–2005 [4], which reflected a high-
er achievement. While Punjab came
out as the best performing province,
Balochistan’s achievement remained
at the lowest, except in the Pakistan
Integrated Household Survey 1995–1996
[5]. The most recent data in the EPI
Coverage Evaluation Survey 2006 [1]
and Pakistan Demographic and Health
Survey 2006–2007 [6] indicated only
half of the target children were fully
Figure 1 WHO–UNICEF joint estimate of Pakistan national coverage of 3 doses of
diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus (DPT3) and 1 dose of measles (measles 1), 1980–2008
immunized with all antigens.
The key reasons for the Pakistan
EPI not achieving the targets have been
vaccines reached 50%, or above, for the figure had increased to 61%. Similarly, identified in different studies (Table 4).
In spite of numerous successes, such
first time in 1990. Coverage remained the proportion of districts that attained
as the addition of new vaccines and
below 80% for a decade and a half. How- 80% or more coverage for measles1
raising coverage to over 80%, EPI is still
ever, DPT3 and measles1 coverage increased from 46% in 2008 to 54% in
struggling to reach its polio eradication,
reached the 80% benchmark for the first 2009.
measles and neonatal tetanus elimina-
time in 2005 and 2006, respectively, and Fully immunized child coverage tion goals. Inadequate service delivery,
remained at 80% until 2007. In 2008, was determined through different sur- which leads to irregular access and poor
DPT3 coverage dropped to 73%; how- veys conducted during the 1995–2007 service utilization, was found to be the
ever, the official programme database period (Table 3). A “fully immunized key reason for this poor performance.
indicates that DPT3 coverage bounced child” means a child who received at The long distance to EPI centres, un-
back to 85% in 2009 and measles1 least 1 dose of Bacille Calmette-Guérin affordable cost to reach the centres,
coverage remained at 80%. Whereas in (BCG) vaccine, 3 doses of oral polio and unavailability of vaccinators and
2008, only 30% of the districts attained vaccine (OPV), DPT3 and measles1 outreach services were found to be the
80% coverage for DPT3, by 2009 this vaccine. Over this 1 decade, according main reasons for limited access to the

Table 3 Fully immunized children coverage in Pakistan, assessed as percentage of the target in different surveys during
Surveys Year Pakistan Province
(%) Punjab Sindh Balochistan
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Pakistan Integrated Household Survey [5] 1995–1996 47 49 45 40 60
1998–1999 55 62 39 57 55
2001–2002 57 63 46 59 38
EPI cluster surveysa 2001 – – 57 68 50
2003 – 66 – – –
Pakistan Social & Living Standards
Measurement Survey [4] 2004–2005 77 84 73 76 62
EPI Coverage Evaluation Survey [1] 2006 57 76 60 52 32
Pakistan Demographic & Health Survey [6] 2006– 2007 47 53 37 47 35
UNICEF Pakistan. Coverage Evaluation Survey, Sindh, Balochistan, NWFP & FATA 2001 and UNICEF Pakistan/Director General Health Services Punjab. Coverage
Evaluation Survey – Punjab 2003.
NWFP/FATA = North West Frontier Province/Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

service. The EPI Coverage Evaluation reasons (18% and 10.2%, respectively)

Faisal et al.,
Survey 2006 [1] indicated that 12.6% of by mothers for failing to immunize their

2009 [7]
mothers’ reasons for failing to immu- children.

nize their children was “the vaccination The total routine immunization
centre is too far or the vaccinator was cost in 2008 was more than US$ 104
absent”. Distance to the health centre

Mangrio et al., Usman HR et al.,

million. Over half of that total was used

2009 [16]
was again highlighted in a recent study to procure vaccines (Table 5). Per child
undertaken by EPI with the assistance vaccination cost up to DPT3 was com-

of UNICEF in 2009, as 30% of mothers pared at actual coverage achieved in
reported that it was difficult or very dif- the same year against different levels
ficult to reach the nearest health facility with a gradual increment up to 100%

2008 [20]
from their place of residence [7]. coverage. According to the WHO–

Approximately 6000 EPI fixed cen- UNICEF Joint Reporting Form 2008,
tres in the country (1 centre for about Pakistan [9], only 73% target children
27 000 population) provide immuniza- received all antigens up to DPT3 out of

Siddiqi et al.,
tion services to the people. However, total 5 830 739 surviving infants. If all

2007 [18]
these are not uniformly distributed. intended target children had received

One in every 10 union councils (UCs) at least 3 doses of DPT vaccine, per
in Punjab province, the most populous child expenditure in that year would
province and recognized as having the have been US$ 17.89. But according

Evaluation Survey,
Table 4 Key reasons for failure in immunization achievements in Pakistan indicated in different studies, 1993–2009
EPI Coverage
most developed infrastructure, is with- to the baseline year (2008) data of

2006 [1]
out any EPI fixed centre. While at least the EPI Comprehensive Multiyear Plan

2 vaccinators are required in each UC 2011–2015, this expenditure was
according to the national EPI policy, US$ 24.51, which is 37% higher [10].
the real number is lower (1.3 per UC). This accounted for a total loss of value
Except in Sindh (115%), all provinces of routine immunization investment in UNICEF, Barriers in
had a much lower number of vaccina- 2008 equivalent to US$ 28 164 774. 2004 [19]
tors than required according to the na- The Government of Pakistan and

tional policy. Proportions of vaccinators other international partners [e.g. Ca-
available against the standard were 52%, nadian International development
70% and 72%, in Punjab, Khyber Pa- Agency (CIDA), Department for
Ahmed et al., Mansuri & Coverage Evaluation

khtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces, International Development [DFID],

Survey Punjub,

respectively. Though some paramedic Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immu-
2003 [8]

cadres such as LHVs are engaged in vac- nization (GAVI), Japan International

cination in some areas, other potential Cooperation Agency (JICA), Rotary

resources, especially trained LHWs, are International, UNICEF, United States
restrained from providing vaccination Agency for International Development
independently. (USAID), WHO and World Bank]
2003 [15]

Lack of recipient awareness about showed their interest and commitment



the immunization service and its ben- for the immunization programme by
efits was found to be the second most investing sizeable resources over the
common contributing factor for low past years. The Government of Pakistan
1999 [14]

coverage. The Coverage Evaluation Sur- procures all necessary vaccines and in-

vey – Punjab 2003 [8] highlighted that jection equipment for the programme
parental lack of awareness about the with its own resources except for a share
benefits of immunization
Limited access to services

need for vaccination was one of the of the pentavalent vaccine, which is sup-
Lack of awareness of the

Management problem
status and parental
Low socioeconomic

most important reason for low coverage ported by GAVI under a cofinancing
in Punjab. The EPI Coverage Evaluation agreement. The total cost of the current
Survey 2006 [1] supported this finding; five-year plan (PC-1) for 2009–1010

lack of awareness about the need for im- to 2013–1014 is PKR 26.422 billion

munization and the need for subsequent (approximately US$ 322 million) [2],
doses were the most commonly given which is almost 2 times larger than the

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

Table 5 Routine immunization expenditure of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Pakistan in 2008 and
comparison of per child vaccination cost and loss of value of annual expenditure at actual coverage versus different coverage
levels if achieved
Expenditure categories Total Cost per child (US$)
expenditure in At actual If 80% If 85% coverage If 90% coverage If 100%
2008 (US$) coverage coverage achieved achieved coverage
(73%) achieved achieved
Vaccines 57 714 408 13.56 12.37 11.64 11.00 9.90
Injection equipment 3 894 360 0.92 0.83 0.79 0.74 0.67
Operations 42 705 209 10.03 9.16 8.62 8.14 7.32
Total 104 313 977 24.51 22.36 21.05 19.88 17.89
Loss of value of annual expenditure due to
low coverage (US$ million) 28.16 20.86 15.65 10.43 Nil

last PC-1 of 2004–2005 to 2008–2009 Discussion in 2006, which required only 1 shot for
[11]; 80% of the planned cost of the 4 antigens.
current PC-1 will be from the Gov- After long slow progress in the initial two The programme faced another set-
ernment’s own exchequer. The rise in decades, DPT3 coverage has started to back in 2008 during the addition of
contribution towards EPI by provin- show a slow but steady rise since the another new vaccine, a combination
cial governments has also been noted. late 1990s [3]. The addition of hepatitis pentavalent form (Hib–hepatitis B–
Sindh provincial government budget B vaccine to the immunization pro- DPT), which replaced the then existing
for EPI increased up to 400% and 155% gramme at the beginning of the new tetravalent (DPT–hepatitis B) vaccine.
during the last 2 fiscal years, respectively. millennium failed to boost the coverage Unfortunately, due to delay in registra-
Being one of the largest international as expected. Parents were less compliant tion and supply of the new product, the
immunization partners, the total GAVI to accept 2 injections simultaneously introduction could not be timely initi-
commitment to EPI Pakistan during for their infants [1]. Compliance was ated with the result that a total stock out
2001–2012 was worth US$ 313 mil- increased with the introduction of the of vaccine occurred for some months
lion (Table 6). tetravalent vaccine (DPT–hepatitis B) and this was the most likely cause of

Table 6 Approved Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) support for Pakistan 2003–2012
GAVI support Total value of 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
windows support (US$)
New and underused
vaccine support
(Hep. B vaccine) 25 504 000
New and underused
vaccine support
(DPT + Hep. B) 47 085 000
New and underused
vaccine support
(DPT + Hep. B + Hib) 159 266 000
Vaccine introduction
grant 1 911 000
services support 45 769 740
Injection safety
support 9 075 500
Health system
strengthening 23 525 000
Civil society
organization, type A 1 200 000
Total 313 336 240
Hep. B = hepatitis B; DPT = diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis; Hib = Haemophilus influenzae type b.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

the fall in DPT3 coverage to 73% in support and weak monitoring and nongovernment organizations to raise
that year. The vaccine stock out was supervision. Daily provision of immu- community awareness about immu-
indicated as the key reason for this drop nization services from all Government nization over the past years undoubt-
in DPT3 coverage as a similar drop in health facilities would significantly raise edly has yielded some results. However,
coverage was not observed for other access. more assertive steps are now required to
antigens, such as BCG and measles1, An inadequate number of vaccina- convert this community awareness into
in the same year [3]. By early 2009, the tors was one of the main reasons for a proactive demand for immunization.
new vaccine introduction was complete limited access to service [7,15]. In an Community-based service provision
throughout the country and DPT3 average-sized UC with a population through LHWs can help raise awareness
coverage returned to a level above 80% of 25 000, a vaccinator working for 16 about the importance of completing the
[12,13]. days every month would require to schedule and improve compliance by
However, the fully immunized child make only 18–26 contacts each day. mitigating perceived difficulties in ac-
coverage is still far behind the optimum. However, due to the wide geographical cessing the service.
In spite of the high coverage claimed in dispersion of this target population the Insufficient management skills, lack
the administrative reports, all surveys ex- task is more challenging. Moreover, the of motivation of health workers, inad-
cept the Pakistan Social and Living Stand- unequal distribution of vaccinators has equate resources and poor monitoring
ard Measurement Survey 2004–2005 left a significant proportion of the UCs and supervision were also reasons for
conducted during 1995 to 2007 to as- uncovered. This inadequacy could be setback in immunization performance
sess immunization coverage in Pakistan overcome by using EPI-trained LHWs [7,14,19,20]. Frequent turnover of dis-
indicated that only around half of the for delivering vaccination services. As trict management due to political and
targeted children were fully immunized LHWs are embedded in, and well ac- other reasons resulted in inexperienced
[1,4–6,8]. The discrepancy between the cepted by, the community, they have managers with little immunization
reported data and independent assess- substantial potential for enhancing background. In the absence of continu-
ments raised concerns about the data EPI coverage in their catchment area. ity of service, organizational experience
quality of administrative reports among Around 20 000 LHWs are ready to was lost and managers and vaccinators
different stakeholders. Discrepancy in provide vaccination after completion were not accountable for their perform-
provincial performance was also evi- of a 6-month training course on rou- ance as supervision and monitoring was
dent in these surveys. Keen monitoring tine immunization, assisted by WHO not a regular practice. Retaining trained
of the data quality at different level on a with GAVI health system strengthen- officers at management level for a pe-
regular basis using the standard WHO ing (HSS) support. Redistribution of riod long enough to provide managerial
Data Quality Self-assessment tool may vaccinators in UCs along with use of experience, creating career pathways to
help improve this area. trained LHWs in immunization service motivate senior field workers and estab-
The most common cause for the provision could be proven a very effec- lishing accountability are all required.
poor performance of EPI Pakistan, re- tive and immediate measure and would Federal resources for EPI include
vealed through a series of studies, was not incur additional cost. donor support, which is first deposited
the limited access to the immunization Lack of information about immu- in the Federal Government account
service [1,7,8,14–16]. Contrary to the nization was another key reason for not and is then distributed among prov-
national policy [17], about one-third of utilizing the available service [1,8,14– inces according to population propor-
UCs did not have fixed centres and the 17]. Earlier studies indicated that lack tion [2,9,21]. This does not help to get
same proportion of government health of awareness among mothers about critical resources in areas where the
facilities did not provide EPI services as the benefits of vaccination was one of programme is most vulnerable. Effec-
revealed in different national and subna- the most important reasons for failing tive utilization of available resources
tional programme reviews. Moreover, to vaccinate a child; however, a recent is another challenge. Moreover, low
many fixed centres provided immu- study revealed evidence of improvement performance is reducing a significant
nization service only once or twice a in this area [18]. About 84% of mothers portion of the investment. Taking 2008
week. With limited services through agreed that vaccination helps keep their as a baseline, the earmarked budgetary
fixed centres, the only alternative to ac- child healthier, while about two-thirds outlay was invested in the programme,
cess the intended target population was considered it a problem when a child although the vaccine utilization was not
through outreach vaccination sessions, misses 1 or 2 doses (63.6%) and one- optimized. If all targeted children were
which were again irregular and not well third stated that delaying vaccination vaccinated, the programme expenditure
implemented because of limited hu- was not harmful to their children [7]. for each child vaccinated with DPT3
man resources, inadequate operational Continuous effort of Government and would be US$ 17.89 [9,10]. However,

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

due to failure to reach about 27% of volume, the new and underused vac- Some specific actions can be taken to
the targeted children, the actual cost for cine support was the largest and most scale-up EPI services in Pakistan: pro-
every vaccinated child was US$ 24.51 cost intensive. However, direct support viding regular EPI service through all
[10]. In other words, the programme to the programme was most critical in existing health facilities, establishing an
lost benefits of more than US$ 28 mil- building capacity to yield maximum EPI centre in all UCs, redistributing
lion of its annual investment in 1 year benefits from these new additions. Such available vaccinators and engaging all
only. Beside this direct loss, the cost for direct support needs to be continued skilled manpower, including LHWs, for
treatment of diseases incurred by un- by investing HSS support in a way vaccination could raise community ac-
vaccinated children also added to public that directly benefits the EPI service cess and compliance to the service and
expenditure. Half of this direct value loss delivery capacity and aligns with its thus raise coverage significantly within a
could be averted if only 10% more target indicators, which in turn will enable very short time. Along with better access,
children could have been vaccinated. In the programme to increase uptake of creating strong public demand for im-
terms of resources, the value lost would new vaccines and thus render more munization through effective social mo-
have been reduced to US$ 20.86 mil- benefits to children. At the same time, bilization and communication strategy,
lion, US$ 15.65 million and US$ 10.43 reducing the global vaccine price to- raising motivation of field workers with
million by reaching 80%, 85% and 90% wards an affordable level and a gradual proper logistics support, incentives and
coverage rates, respectively. Just by incremental increase in allocation of effective supervision and monitoring,
reaching more children, the programme public resources needs to be ensured coupled with competent management,
can not only reach its goal but can also for sustaining the new costly additions could definitely enable the programme
add effectiveness and value to its own when GAVI support ends. to reach more children which would in
investment, which is worth millions of EPI Pakistan enjoys the highest level turn add value to the investment for the
dollars. of political and administrative support programme and accentuate further im-
With GAVI support, EPI Pakistan from the Federal Government as well as provement in performance. Being one
added 2 important vaccines to its from provincial governments. The chal- of the most cost-effective public health
childhood immunization schedule, lenge is to reflect these commitments interventions, immunization improve-
introduced new technology and ex- from the highest level into real achieve- ment can make significant contribution
panded its cold chain capacity and other ment by increasing vaccination cover- in Pakistan’s achievement of MDG 4 for
infrastructure significantly. In terms of age and thus reducing child mortality. reduction in child mortality.


1. Coverage evaluation survey 2006. Islamabad, Ministry of Health, 9. WHO/UNICEF joint reporting form 2008, Pakistan. Islamabad,
Expanded Programme on Immunization, 2007. Ministry of Health, Expanded Programme on Immunization,
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