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For Improvement/construction of Road


 Name of the State Assam

 Name of the District Udalguri

 Name of Scheme N.L.C.P.R

Construction of Road with MTBT from U.T. Road at

Dimakuchi Don Bosco School to Badalapara via.
 Name of Road/Work Kalikhola Road under Udalguri Rural Roads Division
Under NLCPR (BTC) for the year 2010-11

 Name of Division Udalguri Rural Roads Division.

 Name of Sub-Division Tangla Rural Roads Sub-Division

 Length of the Road

10.13 Km.

 Estimated Cost 627.00 Lakhs.



Proposed Road with MTBT from U.T. Road at Dimakuchi Don Bosco School to
Badlapara via. Kalikhola Road in T/S under Udalguri Rural Roads Division
The proposed Road for improvement starts at Dimakuchi passes through
Kalikhola and reaches Badlapara in Udalguri District of Assam.
1.2. Name of Work: “Construction of Road with MTBT from U.T. Road at
Dimakuchi Don Bosco School to Badalapara via. Kalikhola Road under Udalguri
Rural Roads Division Under NLCPR (BTC) for the year 2010-11.”
1.3. Authority and Plan Provision: The implanting agency will be the Public Works
Department of the Govt. of Assam who has already selected the road for
improvement under N.L.C.P.R. for the year 2010-11 and accordingly the project
concept paper was put forward for acceptance.

1.4. Name of Division, Subdivision to execute the work:

Division: Executive Engineer, PWD

Udalguri Rural Roads Division

Sub-division: Asst Executive Engineer, PWD

Tangla Rural Roads Subdivision

District: Udalguri.



1.5.1 General

Initial observations based on the preliminary reconnaissance survey of the project

road are recorded with a view to conceptualize the improvement proposals and
these will require to be further firmed up with the help of the detailed engineering
survey and investigation data to follow.

During the course of study informations are collected about development plans
being implemented and/or proposed for implementation in the near future by the
local bodies and the possible impact of such development plans on the over all
scheme of work.

1.5.2 Project Road/ Connectivity with other roads :

The Project road will start at 32nd Km. of Udalguri Tamulpur Road and ends at
Borangajuli Badlapara Bamunjuli Road at Badlapara via Kalikhola. This is one of
the most important roads in this Division as this road serves as a major
communication between Badlapara with Bhergaon, the Civil Sub-Divisional Head
Quarter. With the replacement of the existing earthen track by Black-Topped,
uninterrupted and quick communication between Badlapara, Kalikhola, Bagarital,
Dimakuchi, Tangla and Bhergaon as well as the main Market places will be
established. This will encourage increased agricultural and industrial activities in
the said places and other market places.

1.5.3 Road classification:

The road falls under the category of Other District Road (ODR).

1.5.4 1.5.4..Road length

 The total Road length is 10.13 km

1.5.6.. Bench Mark:

 Bench Mark is taken on plinth level of a shop marked by the survey team
as TBM1 and R.L = 100.589m
 The Temporary bench Mark at the deck level of the bridge no 10/3 taken
as R.L = 140.170m

1.5.7.. Road Alignment, Record of Reconnaissance on alignment & existing status

of road condition.
(a) The proposal is for improvement of the existing Road. So, the existing
alignment is followed.

(b) Record of Reconnaissance on the alignment:

Detail record of observation of the alignment and its status as found on
reconnaissance is as under:
 First Km is a built up area with business establishments on both sides of the
road and Don Bosco School on right with its boundary wall abutting the
road boundary and thus growing into a small township.
 Next growing township is Kalikhola which is one of the important place of
that greater locality.
 Advancing further on the road, we find 2 nos of RCC bridges constructed
under other Scheme and remaining one bridge i.e br no 10/3 is proposed to
be constructed under this scheme.
 From ch 9050.00m of the proposed road a link road of length 600.00m has
also been proposed to improve to connect Sonajuli village. The said village
has no alternative connectivity to their livelihood.
 The road passes through paddy field and marshy areas and some villages on
both sides. The road is not susceptible to submergence excepting when
abnormal flood might occurs due to breaches of small tributaries and some
other natural streams. Our project proposal shall not cater for such abnormal

 For the entire Road length, LA will not be a problem. People will come up
voluntarily to relinquish their land. Not much of compensation will involve
as value of land and zirats are not that high. Some bamboo bushes will have
to be removed. People will co-operate for the same.

 No services connections are to be removed during the improvement of the


 The road then passes through a number of tea gardens namely Dimakuchi
T.E and Badlapara T.E. It also gives connectivity to the Barnadi Wild Life
 Existing Status of Road Condition
Whole length of the road is earthen except the two numbers of R.C.C
bridge which were already been constructed by other scheme.

1.5.7. Need for diversion and link roads:

From ch 9050.00m of the proposed road a link road of length 600.00m has also
been proposed to improve and connect Sonajuli village. The said village has no
alternative connectivity to their livelihood.
1.5.8. Need for Protection work:
There are some erosion point observed and there is some embayment into the road
of river or rivulet needing protection to the road embankment of the proposed
road. So for these portions of the Road Boulder masonry retaining wall has been

1.5.9. Terrain & General Geology:

Entire project Road runs through plain terrain covered with light to thick
vegetation, and clayey agricultural land.
Road passes through Dimakuchi Tea garden and Badlapara Tea garden.
There is no rocky or mountainous terrain.
The following is the detail:

 Terrain: Plain terrain covered with clay soil and vegetation

 Soil condition : Entire terrain is covered with clay soil / clayee sand
etc covered with vegetation.
 Mountainous terrain: Nil
 Steep terrain: Nil
 Rocky stretches: Nil
1.5.10. Climatic Condition:
Maximum temp 380 Centrigrade in summar

Minimum temp: 80 Centrigrade in winter.

Annual Normal Rainfall =2127.3 mm

(For Udalguri District as per Statistical Hand Book of Assam 2004

Monthly distribution of rainfall for Udalguri District -Dec,02 to Nov,03

Dec,0 Jan,0 Feb,0 March,0 Apr,0 May,0 June,0 July,0 Aug,0 Sept,0 Oct,0 Nov,0
2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0.00 0.00 131.2 92.00 328.00 244.40 354.20 253.90 96.50 249.3 211.9 13.90

The total annual rainfall for the year ( Dec,02 to Nov, 03 ) = 1975.30 mm against annual
normal rainfall of 2127.3 mm

1.5.11 Water Table Variation:

Water table variation by digging pits cannot be studied in summer season. It
requires at least one winter season when water table will be at its lowest and one
peak flood period when the water table will be at its highest. So, collection of this
data at the project proposal stage fixed at one month is not sufficient to collect
this data. However, the HFL marks found on local enquiries will be shown in the
typical cross sections at some locations.
Horizontal & vertical geometry
In general, the vertical and horizontal geometry is reasonably in good shape. But
there are some sub-standard curves with right angle bends at some locations
which can be provided with smooth curves without going for rigorous
improvement to standard to avoid L.A.

1.5.12 Existing ROW/land width:

It is ascertained that the existing land width will be sufficient for the widening
the road to 7.5 metres. There are no road boundary pillars anywhere demarcating
the right of way.
1.2.13 Land use pattern:
The abutting land use pattern observed along the project road presents a general
picture of using the land in agriculture, residential and commercial purpose,
forest, barren land, one tea garden etc. Agricultural activity predominantly
consists of paddy growing, master seed, lentil, green gram, black gram, potatoes,
vegetables, banana, coconut, arecanut, lemon, tomatoe, cabbage, gaurds, brinjal,
cucumber, pumkin, lady’s finger, bean, cauliflower etc. There are public
institutions, schools, and health centres etc en-route. Some market areas are also
growing up.
1.2.15 Facility resources:
 No dearth of local labour
 Construction material: timber, bamboo, sand,
River stones, singles etc are available in the area
within economic leads with good accessibility.
 Construction water available from the roadside
pools within reasonable distance.
 Food staff abundant and cheap

1.2.16 Strategic and other considerations:

The road is strategically important as it connects Barnadi Wild Life Sanctuary
which has the international border with Bhutan. A good number of Rural
Roads constructed under PMGSY scheme and other local bodies have
branched off from the project road. The advocated policy and principle of the
Govt to ensure connectivity of all the villages by the turn of a decade or so
will be ensured only when this proposed ODR in improved to its standard.

1.2.17 Location of existing utilities along the alignment :

No Electric poles are to be shifted from the road berms Some road side trees is
also to be removed and replanted away from the road within the road land.

Ecology and environmental Factors:

Some roadside trees planted may have to be planted alongside the road boundary
to maintain ecology of the area and impart beauty and good test for attracting
tourist traffic. But this will also be left out of the scope of work for the present.
1.2.18 Constraints:
Constraint due to presence of ancient monuments burial grounds, cremation
grounds, hospitals & schools on the alignment or any other causes are not
visualized. But there is a place of worship erected at the inner edge of a curve at
some portion of the proposed Road.
1.2.19 Borrow area and quarries.
The soil for embankment and subgrade will be locally available and Sand gravel
for GSB and sand for RCC works is available at Gutibari quarry and for WBM
Gr-II, WBm Gr-III, Premix Surfacing and Seal Coat Bhutiachang quarry is
1.2.20 . Sub soil particulars :
Samples will have to be collected from the borrow areas and result will be
appended. In general, the subsoil strata in the area are mainly composed of clay
soil and clayee sand. But v sandy soil is reported is available on removal of top 90
cm or so in some areas. So, the top soil may be used for widening and the sandy
soil below may be used for the top 50 cm of sub grade.
1.2.21 Hydraulic particulars:
Hydraulic particulars are needed for one no of SPT bridge which will require
investigation, so being dealt when detail survey is carried out. For culverts, only
local information will suffice about occurrence of heading up situation to consider
if any additional culvert is needed.
1.2.22 Demographic profile:
Population in all the villages along the road and other villages connected by
PMGSY roads or other roads may be around 1.5 lakhs. Exact population and
demographic composition could not be ascertained. However, it is gathered that
major population comprise people from Boro and Koch Rajbanshi community
1.2.23 Connectivity Status:

No Rly level Crossing is encountered under the proposed project area.

1.2.24 Aspects needing Co-ordination with other
Administrative authorities:
 Co-ordination with Civil authority for fixing of
road boundary , Land compensation etc
 Forest department will have to be involved for
cutting and removal of some roadside trees.
 Co-ordination with Dimakuchi Tea garden and
Badlapara Tea garden authority will necessary for
construction of the road through Tea garden


2.1 General:

Main consideration behind development of Road from U.T Road at Dimakuchi

Don Bosco School to Badlapara via, Kalikhola Road has been identified as one of
the roads required to be improved to maintain the most effective sequence of
replacement of the earthen track by the Black-Topped Metallic roadin the District of
Udalguri. The uninterrupted communication link established after construction of the
road will increase the utility of several other roads in the district, to be developed

2.2 Tourism potentiality:

The Barnadi wild life sanctuary, is about 130 km to the core area of the park
from Guwahati, the capital of Assam.via Udalguri. The core area of the reserve
lies in Darrang and Udalguri districts, whereas its outlying areas spread over the
neighboring forest reserve divisions of North Kamrup.
The history of Barnadi goes back to the year 1980 when it was designated as a
wild life sanctuary and lies in the foot hill of Royal Bhutan Hill. This sanctuary
shelters pigmy hog, bison, Asiatic elephant, hispid hare, pangolin, tiger, leopard,
capped langur, porcupine and some migratory and local birds such as peacocks,
Bengal florican, horn bills, king fisher and wood packer.

The picturesque wild life sanctuary is possessed with great tourism potentiality.

After some turmoil for some years in the past, the situation is now improving
along with the change of political situation and tourist traffic is gradually on the

2.3 Economic factors :

2.3.1 Important Villages,/towns/places served by the project road
This road starts at 32nd Km of Udalguri Tamulpur road and ends at Borangajuli
Badlapara Bamunjuli Road at Badlapara via, Kalikhola. This is one of the most
important roads in this Division as this road servs as a major communication
between Badlapara with Bhergaon, the civil Sub-Divisional Head Quarter. With
the replacement of the existing earthen track by Black-Topped, uninterrupted and
quick communication among Badlapara, Kalikhola, Bagarital, Dimakuchi, Tangla
and Bhergaon as well as the main market places will be established. This will
encourage increased agricultural and industrial activities in the Badlapara,
Kalikhola, Bagarital, Dimakuchi to cater to the need of the Bhergaon and Tangla
town as well as other market places.
2.3.2 Market Centres already growing along the proposed road are:
i) Badlapara
ii) Kalikhola
iii) Bagarital
iv) Dimakuchi
v) Tangla
vi) Bhergaon
Total (6 nos.).
2.3.3 Industries: The only industry in the area is Tea Industry with
employment generation of 2201. The Dimakuchi Tea garden and Badlapara Tea
garden has 651 hectares of land with 461 hectare under tea plantation. The
plantation area is on increase year after year. The Tea garden is not only
contributing to the local economy, but also to economy of the State. A good
communication network will provide easy marketability of the tea garden

2.3.4 Prospects: With the advancement of science, there is scope of increasing

the production and the easy marketability and traffic growth resulting there from
will provide incentives to the local growers for increasing their production to
boost up the local economy. The agricultural produces that are grown and
marketed from this area are mainly : paddy, pulses, jute, areca nut, rape seed,
master seed, coconut,, lemon and variety of vegetables like lentils, green gram,
potatoes, tomato, cabbage, guard, cauliflower,, Brinjal, cucumber, pumpkin,
lady’s finger, bean etc.
Prospect exists for development of Seri culture firms, Piggeries, Poultry firms,
cattle firms, SSI units, Handicrafts, Agro-industries, growth of industrial Estate,
growth centers and commercial Estates, fisheries, handloom production centers
etc. Thus a good deal of employment generation and traffic demand are expected
in the coming years along with change of political situation and trend of
development activities in the BTAD Area. A civil subdivision has already grown
up at Bhergaon which has connecting directly the proposed road. The population
to be served by this road and other roads having connectivity to this road may be
around 1.5 lakhs at present which may grow manifold in consideration of decadal
percentage variation by the turn of next 20 years contributing to increased traffic
2.3.5 Wayside Amenities, Tourist lodges etc:
As one of the main considerations behind development of the Road is to augment
tourist traffic to Barnadi wild life sanctuary so as to boost up the national income
through this sector of economy it is necessary to have some wayside amenities
connected to this road. Provision of at least one amenity with catering centres and
bus and truck lay-bye, and a tourist lodge emerges to be an important
requirement. The tourism department definitely will go for such projects as a
part of infrastructure development for tourism in future after completion of the
project road
2.3.6 Major development Project: There are many prospect of major development
project like hydroelectric projects, Dams, Reservoirs and tourism etc.

3. Road Condition Study: The present road is earthen one. Embankment height ranges
from 0.5 m to 1.00 m. Some stretches are level with the general country level.

4. Road Traffic

4.1. Traffic Volume characteristics

Traffic study was conducted for 3 consecutive days. Traffic moving on the road varies
over the entire period of the day. The highest recorded intensity per day commercial
vehicles 149 Nos during the period of study. As the period of study was only for a short
period of 3 days, it is advisable to take the highest recorded values instead of taking the
average of these days. The composition of traffic, Percentage with respect to total traffic
and PCU is shown at Table 2 below.
Composition of traffic
Motorised Non Motorised
HEAVY Tow Thre Car
VEHICLE VEHICLE eler Whe p/Va          
eler n/Ta

Cycle Rickshaw
8 am to K ORS BUS RUCK /Aut xi Drawn Sp
12 pm o ecif
Riks y)
haw Dra









Bull Hor wn
ock se
34 58 26

008 to 5 6 6 5 6 8 11 8 10 11 42 51 26 114 51 6 ….  
008 to 5 5 5 4 5 7 10 8 11 12 76 109 52 98 35 6 ….  
10 11 11 9 11 15 21 16 21 23 118 160 78 211 87 12 0 0

e Daily
Traffic 3 4 4 3 4 5 7 5 7 8 39 53 26 70 29 4 0 0

4.2. Traffic on the project road mostly consists of freight traffic consisting of trucks
and passenger busses. The agricultural commodities are also transported through this
road. Traffic increases during market days. Two wheelers, agricultural tractors, iron tyred
traffic etc are found. The PWD has not done any traffic survey on the road till now. The
traffic volume survey has been conducted for 3 days at a selected location which is
considered as applicable for the road.
4.3 Pavement design and composition of pavement for widening portion
Pavement has been designed based on equivalent axle load concept as
per IRC 37:2001. Following design data have been considered for
determining the total pavement thickness.

(a) CBR - 5.22%

(b) ADT - 321 (Average Daily Traffic)

(c) n - 1

(d) t - 75 days (Duration of harvesting season)

Design MSA based on above data is worked out as under:

AADT = T+(1.2nTt/365)

= 321+ (1.2 x 1 x 321 x 75)

= 400.

Before opening of the road to traffic

AADT = 400 x (1.06)^2

= 449

Assuming an initial growth rate of 6%

From the traffic count data , the proportions of HCV and LCV work out as

Heavy commercial vehicles = 19

Medium Commercial Vehicles = 69


Now from para 3.4.4 of IRC SP:72:2007

The indicative Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) values (i.e Standard axeles
per commercial vehicle)

Unladen / Partially
Sl. No. Vehicle Type Laden laden
1 HCV 2.86 0.31
2 MCV 0.34 0.02

Assuming a uniform traffic growth rate "r" of 6% and design life(n) of 10

years , the cumulative ESAL works out to be

N = T0X4811XL

where T0 = ESAL per Day = the No. of commercial vehicles per day in the
year of opening X VDF

l= Lane Distribution factor = 1 (For single lane Roads)

Therefore ,

N = 134708 ESAL

Where T0 = 7 X 2.86 X 7 X 0.31 X 18 X 0.34 X 18 X 0.02 = 28

Therefore, pavement composition as per IRC:SP:72:2007 Fig.4.

Pavement Composition:

GSB 150mm
WBM Gr-II 75 mm
WBM Gr-III 75 mm
PC & SC 20 mm

5. Elements of the Proposed Road:

The elements of the proposed road of MDR category as per IRC
specifications are as under:

Sl No Components Proposed up-gradation

1 Formation width 7.5 m
2 Carriage way 3.75 m
3 Shoulders 2x 1.875 m


6.1 Major Bridge/Minor bridges :
(i) One no of existing SPT bridges shall be converted to Well Foundation
Bridge with R.C.C T Beam Girders.
6.2. Culverts

Existing Proposed
Sl. Dia (in Improve
Span Span Rema
No Chainag Chainag Length mm)/ ment
arrange arrangem rks
. e e (in m) width (in Proposal
ment ent
1 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12
(1x1000) New
1 193.000 SHPC 193.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
2 1879.000 SHPC 1879.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
3 4923.000 SHPC 4926.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
4 5154.000 SHPC 5156.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
5 7065.000 SHPC 7056.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
6 8044.000 SHPC 8019.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
7 8348.000 SHPC 8324.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
8 8936.000 SHPC 8911.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
9 9075.000 SHPC 9050.000 Type A 10 mm

(1x1000) New
10 9208.000 SHPC 9183.000 Type A 10 mm


(1x1000) New
14   SHPC 500.000 Type A 10 mm

(2x1000) New
15 2134.000 DHPC 2132.000 Type B 10 mm

(2x1000) New
16 3851.000 DHPC 3843.000 Type B 10 mm

(1x1000) New
17 3307.000   3298.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
18 3451.000   3443.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
19 3682.000   3674.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
20 5257.000   5260.000 Type A   mm

21 6006.000   6003.000 Type C   2m  

(1x1000) New
22 6400.000   6397.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
23 7607.000   7584.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
24 7638.000   7614.000 Type A   mm

25 7939.000   7939.000 Type C   2m  

(1x1000) New
26 8192.000   8167.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
27 8608.000   8583.000 Type A   mm

(1x1000) New
28 8740.000   8715.000 Type A   mm

29 9064.000   9040.000 Type C   2m  

30 7203.000   7193.000 Type D   4m  

31 8322.000   8298.000 Type D   4m  

32 4769.000   4772.000 Type E   15.38m Proposed  

33 8842.000   8817.000     14.00m Existing  

34 9505.000   9480.000     11.00m Existing  

6.4. Improvement of Substandard Curves: There are some substandard curves which
need improvement. This issue will be studied at DPR Preparation
7. Broad Scope of Work:
7.1 General: The road is now in ODR category. With development of vertical and
horizontal curves as per IRC norms have been considered in this project. The
slab / HP culvert at different locations has already shown in the table.
7.2. Preliminary works: The scope of work includes site clearance which comprises
cutting & removal of trees, clearing and grubbing of existing road for widening of
this road comes out as Rs. 1,34,312.00
7.3. Formation, Base and Sub-base: The up gradation of the road is proposed with
provisions of MDR category as per IRC specifications as under:

(a) Formation width = 7.50 m

(b) Carriage way = 3.75 m
(c) Shoulders = 2 X 1.875 = 3.75 m
7.4. Bridge Approaches: The RCC Bridge approaches has been completed with
necessary vally and summit curve
(Long Section & Profile given separately). Corresponding cost comes under
respective heads.
7.5.1. Widening of Pavement: Widening of pavement has been included as
required as per site conditions.
7.5.2. . Road Signs: Provisions for Road signs are made in the Estimate.
Requirements are assessed as follows

90 cm equilateral triangle
60cm circular
80cmx60cm rectangular

7.5.3. Ecology and environmental Factors:

Some roadside trees may have to be planted alongside the road boundary to
maintain ecology of the area and impart beauty and good test for attracting tourist
traffic. But this will be left out of the scope of work for the present.
7.5.4. Constraints:
Constraint due to presence of ancient monuments Burial grounds, cremation
grounds, Hospitals & schools on the alignment or any other causes are not

8.1. The Items of work broadly are under the following components:
1. Earth work in widening of embankment with ordinary soil
2. Earthwork in sub grade and shoulders with selected soil.
3. Granular sub-base for hard crust in widening and sub-surface drains for
shoulders and in places where geometrics improvement is required as per
design requirement

5. WBM grade II and Grade III as per design in widening

7. OGPS & SC as per design requirement
7. C.D. works : As per statement
8. RCC bridges 1 No.
10. Road Markings, Retro reflective traffic signs, Direction and place
identification signs, Km posts etc. also made in the estimate.
11. The estimate also provides for clearing and grubbing.
8.2 Rates & Specifications: The rates and analysis provided in the estimate are as
per Schedule of rates for Roads, Bridges & Culvert Works for All
Divisions under PWD, Assam for 2009-10.
8.3 DRAWINGS: Drawing folder containing Plan Longitudinal Sections, Cross
sections as per IRC SP 19-2001 enclosed separately.
The following are the items involved in the work which needs Programming for
SCOPE OF 2012-13
20010-11 2011-12

1 SITE CLEARANCE   20% 100.00% 100.00%

2 EARTH WORK 10.13 KM 20.00% 80.00% 100.00%
3 BASE and SUB BASE COURSES 10.13 KM 15.00% 70.00% 100.00%
4 BITUMINOUS COURSES 10.13 KM 10.00% 60.00% 100.00%
20.00% 70.00%
TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS AND ROAD 10.13 KM 0.00 0.00% 100.00%

8.5. The working season in the state of Assam is from October to

March in each calendar year & Schedule of the Work to be followed is as under:
(A) Pre - Constructional Stage:
(i) Issue of NIT: 15 days from the receipt of sanction of the estimate.
(ii) Receipt of Tender: 30 days from the issue of NIT.

(iii) Finalization of Tender and allotment of Works: 30 days from the receipt of
(B) Constructional Stage:
(i) Commencement of Work: 15 days from the finalization of Tender and issue of
work order.
(ii) Completion of Work: The work will be completed in 30 months from date of

Financial and Physical Phasing of the Work

The work will have to span over two financial years commencing from
01.03.2010. The actual construction work is expected to start in the first quarter
of 2010-11.
The proposed phasing of the work is as under
a. Preconstruction Stage :
NIT and issue of work order : 2 months

b. Construction Stage
Time of Completion : 18 months
The Financial Phasing will be for two years
Year Financial (Rs in Lakhs)
2010-11 100.00
2011-12 627.00


Sl No Activity Date of Date of
Commencement Completion

1 2 3 4
1 Invitation and receipt of Bids 15.2.11 10.3.11
2 Opening of Bids to sign of 10.3.11 15.3.11
3 Construction of Site Camp 15.3.11 22.3.11
4 Site clearance and setting out 15.3.11 25.4.11
5 Earth work in formation & 15.3.11 30.6.11
subgrade 25.3.11 30.07.11
6 GSB, Base & Sub-base 1.06.11 25.10.11
7 Bituminous construction 1.09. 11 20.12.11
8. Culverts & protection works 01.07.11 01.01.12
9 Misc 02.01.11 31.03.12
4. The Physical Activities are planned as under :
Items/ 2010-11 2011-12 Total
4 th 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 Th
Qtr. Qtr. Qtr. Qtr. Qtr.
I. Physical
Earth Work
Culverts & Drains &
Protection Work
Base, Subase &
II. Financial Planning 100.00 114.00 150.00 150.00 113.00
(Rs. In Lakh)


Sl. Description ofItems As proposed in the DPR Remarks

1. Category of the road on which ODR
project is proposed.
2. Whether LA & Utility shifting No LA is required, Utility shifting is
is involved. provided in the DPR.
3. Average Traffic Daily 321
4. Terrain Plain
5. Existing facility Single lane 7.50m formation 3.75m

6. Certification regarding not Non delicacy certificate enclosed
proposing the instant scheme
under other scheme (s) of the
Central / State Govt.
7. Scope of the work Widening of existing formation to 7.50m
formation and construction 300mm thick
and 3.75m wide pavement, including
Construction of 5 nos of slab culverts, 23
nos of HP culverts, 1 no of RCC bridges
namely 10/3 of lengths 15.38m, R.R
masonry retaining wall of length 350m,
including informatory sign and kilometer

8. Length of road 10.13 Km.

9. Estimated Cost 627.00 Lakhs
10. Cost per Km. 52.53 Lakhs (Road part)
5.71 Lakhs per RM (Including Br proper,
and Br Protection.)
11. Classification of the soil and Certain presumptions about the quantities
rock hsve been made.
12. Geometrics of approaches Plan, Long-sections and Cross-sections
13. Formation width 7.50m
14. Carriageway width 3.75m
15. Crust component 150mm thick GSB, 75mm thick WBM Gr-
II, 75mm thick WBM Gr-III, 20mm thick
OGPC & Seal Coat.
16. Design of various components Design of pavement has been appended
of the proposed works. with the DPR.
17. Provision of road safety Road markings, cautionary signs,
measures. informatory sign etc have been provided.
18. R/Walls Has incorporated in the estimate
19. Basis of estimates The rates and analysis provided in the
estimate are as per Schedule of rates for
Roads, Bridges & Culvert Works for All
Divisions under PWD, Assam for 2009-10.

20. Quarry Map Enclosed

21. Centage Contingency (lump sum) ,and employees
welfare cess 1%, considered in the DPR


Sl. Item Reply of State PWD Remarks

1. Is the estimate accompanied Yes
by all the needed drawing for
execution of the project as per
IRC SP-19?

2. Have separate estimates/sub Yes proposal for 1

estimates been enclosed for no of new
bridges, over bridges falling bridge
in the section under

3. Whether all the technical No Does not arise

parameters as approved in the as no separate
technical proposal have been T.P. has been
incorporated in the detail approved.

5. Does the estimate provided

for No No proposal
(i) High embankment Yes of high
section embankment.
(ii) Protective work No
(iii) Drainage measures as per
detailed, designs, where

6. Has the land No

acquisition been completed?
Whether land to No
accommodate high
embankment as per approved
design has been required.

7. Have the utility services been No Not required

relocated, where required.

8. Is the estimate based Yes 2009 – 2010

on latest schedule of rates
indicated the year of
updation? Yes
Are rates supports by
analysis in the case of non
schedule items?

9. Are leads for materials as per Yes

technical proposal duly taken
in the rates?
10. As the estimate No
stipulated use of Govt.
equipment. No Does not
If yes, are its usage arise.
charges provided for in the

11. Has action been taken for pre No Will be done

qualification of contractor for when required
the work, where applicable?

12. Does the project report Yes

indicate the detailed physical
and financial phasing of
construction? No
Does phasing take into
account the probable date of
fixing the agency &
availability of departmental
equipment to higher to the
contractor where stipulated?

Asstt. Executive Engineer , PWD Executive Engineer, PWD

Tangla Rural Roads Sub-Division Udalguri Rural Roads Division
Tangla Udalguri

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