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No: PLN-1400-0000-012
Environmental Monitoring Plan Page 1 of 1717
Rev. B
Date: 23 October 2016

Environmental Monitoring Plan

Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

B 23 October Department Nieuwenhuijze
Lynn McBrien
2016 Heads/Managers/Leads Project Director

Department Jacobus
A 18 September Lynn McBrien /
Heads/Managers/Leads Nieuwenhuijze
2016 Sulaiman Al Hinai
Project Director
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1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 3
2 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 4
2.1 Company Responsibilities.................................................................................... 4
2.2 Contractor Responsibilities .................................................................................. 4
3 MONITORING ............................................................................................................... 4
3.1 General Requirements ......................................................................................... 4
3.2 Ambient Water Quality ......................................................................................... 5
3.3 Liquid Effluents .................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 6
3.5 Ambient Air Quality .............................................................................................. 6
3.6 Air Emissions ....................................................................................................... 6
3.7 Ambient Noise ..................................................................................................... 7
3.8 Soil ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.9 Waste .................................................................................................................. 7
4 Awareness and Training ................................................................................................ 7
5 Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 7
6 Verification and Monitoring ............................................................................................ 8
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This Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) describes Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical
Industries Company LLC (“DRPIC”), or COMPANY, requirements for undertaking
environmental monitoring of Company activities.

The Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessments identify specific requirements for
environmental monitoring; these requirements are incorporated in the plan. Additionally,
requirements are likely to be set forth during the permitting process; these requirements
should be incorporated into ongoing plans.

Contractors working for Company are required to have Environmental Monitoring

Implementation Plans and procedures which are aligned with Company’s expectations and

Reference should be made to each site’s Environmental Design Basis / Project Standards for
all applicable monitoring and testing parameters; legislated requirements shall be continuously
assessed and incorporated as required, following the principle of the most stringent between
Oman legislation and IFC Guidelines.

1.1 Scope

The scope of this document covers the execution phase (construction, pre-commissioning,
commissioning and start-up) of Duqm Refinery Project and associated facilities i.e.
 Crude Tank Farm (Ras Markaz);
 Crude Pipeline from Ras Markaz to Duqm Refinery;
 Duqm Refinery. Process and Utilities & Offsites;
 Terminal Export Facilities (tanks, all utilities and product pipelines).

For the Crude Oil Storage Facility at Ras Markaz, refer to the requirements in the
Environmental Monitoring Plan (5440-8150-PR-000-0007) for those items that apply to the
scope of work.

In the case of this Plan, monitoring refers to quantitative or semi-quantitative monitoring of the
environment including ambient monitoring and effluent / emission monitoring. Requirements
are specified herein and in Appendix A-C (Crude Oil Tanks are as per above referenced

This plan represents the minimum requirements based on known permit requirements; future
permit conditions are to be integrated into monitoring plans and communicated to Company.

This plan excludes the inspections, audits and monitoring required to deal with assurance
issues such as housekeeping, waste management, and archaeology. This plan also excludes
Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring which is required within Health, Safety and
Environmental procedures and in line with legislation.

COMPANY shall perform ‘check monitoring’ of a number of the identified requirements within
this EMP. The frequencies of check monitoring shall be determined by COMPANY and
increased or decreased depending on the findings of both CONTRACTOR’s monitoring and
COMPANY’s own assessment. See the HSSE&S Assurance Plan (PLN-1400-0000-011).
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This plan will be updated prior to Operations based on detailed design as well as Final
Environmental Permit conditions.


2.1 Company Responsibilities

DRPIC responsibilities are to:

 Review and approve CONTRACTOR’s Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan
(EMIP) and Procedures and related documentation
 Review and accept monthly monitoring reports
 Track any non-compliant reports through to completion
 Facilitate and coordinate ambient monitoring events in those cases with potential
overlap between contractors monitoring in the same area
 Undertake spot check monitoring of Contractor’s activities in accordance with the
HSSE&S Assurance Plan
 Report to SEZAD as required by the environmental permits (Preliminary Environmental
 Review and approve the Operational-phase Environmental Monitoring Plan

2.2 Contractor Responsibilities

CONTRACTOR responsibilities are to:

 Prepare an EMIP according to their scope of work, showing how the requirements of
this Plan (and associated plans) will be implemented, including developing
methodology, resources and responsibilities and reporting.
 Ensure all monitoring is undertaken by trained personnel, using an approved certified
 Collecting samples using proper sampling, sample handling, preservation and quality
control techniques
 Regularly calibrate and maintain monitoring appliances and environmental measures
in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations set forth by the Ministry
 Provide notification to COMPANY of all non-compliant monitoring results in line with
the requirements herein.
 Report on a monthly basis in accordance with the format described within this Plan,
including providing to COMPANY information in a relational, georeferenced database
 Report on a monthly basis to COMPANY in a narrative format;
 Develop a detailed Operational Environmental Monitoring Plan based on detailed
design and the Final Environmental Permit for Company review and approval prior to
Start Up.


3.1 General Requirements

Environmental monitoring shall commence at the mobilisation of EPC activities and regular
site-specific monitoring events shall be based upon the activities occurring in an area (e.g. test
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water will be sampled during discharge activities as appropriate). Monitoring will continue
throughout the construction activity to gauge the effectiveness of the mitigation measures that
are implemented. CONTRACTOR shall maintain an emissions and discharge register
identifying all stationary sources of emissions and discharges (e.g. air, noise, wastewater etc),
as well as monitoring frequency.

CONTRACTOR shall engage an independent monitoring consultant to implement all

environmental monitoring and analysis activities. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that
environmental monitoring personnel are trained in appropriate techniques (including use,
calibration and maintenance of field monitoring equipment; sample collection, labelling and
transport; tracking movements) and in interpretation of monitoring results, record keeping and
reporting procedures.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that environmental monitoring programmes use appropriate

methods and equipment (e.g. sampling method statements specifying containers and sample
storage; automatic data recorders for instantaneous water quality, air and noise; measuring
devices for weight and volume; photography and geographic information system units).
CONTRACTOR’s Implementation Plans shall document the methods and equipment. A
register shall be maintained documenting all sampling and calibration and the evidence shall
be included on required reports.

CONTRACTOR shall sub-contract accredited, independent analytical laboratories to analyse

samples. The CONTRACTOR shall use a quality assurance programme to verify the
performance of each laboratory so used. CONTRACTOR shall submit proposed laboratories
for SEZAD/COMPANY approval. Laboratories used shall be able to test to the required
standards within their detection limits.

3.2 Ambient Water Quality

Ambient water quality sampling will be required where Company or Contractors discharge
effluent directly into the marine environment. Parameters to be tested are those specified in
Ministerial Directive 159/2005.

3.3 Liquid Effluents

At a minimum, the following liquid effluents shall be monitored to ensure compliance with
Project Standards:
 Hydrostatic Test Water
 Brine
 Chemical Cleaning Water (from cleaning of pipework etc)
 Concrete batching plant effluent (wash water etc)
 Treated Sewage / Domestic Wastewater
 Drainage from hazardous areas (fuel station, maintenance shops, chemical storage
 Any other effluent stream as per permit requirements

Parameters to be tested are dependent on the characteristics of the waste stream, permit
conditions and the receiving environment (land or water). See Project Environmental
Standards (SPC-1400-0000-001).
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For hydrostatic test water, ecotoxicity testing using indigenous Oman organisms should be
undertaken depending on the final chemical test package selected. See also Test Water
Management Plan (PLN-1400-0000-006). This testing, if available, shall be coordinated with
the testing laboratory and advised to Company.

3.4 Groundwater

Groundwater shall be monitored around fuel stations and at the refinery, at fence line.
Monitoring wells should be located hydraulically downgradient and collect both baseline (prior
to facility installation) and monitoring data to allow comparison. As per the relevant PEP, a
well shall be drilled to monitor the groundwater, in accordance with applicable regulations.
Omani permitting requirements will require further specification and are to be detailed in
Contractor’s Implementation Plans and Procedures.

3.5 Ambient Air Quality

At a minimum, the following ambient air parameters shall be monitored to ensure compliance
with Project Standards:

 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

 Oxides of Nitrogen (NO, NO2 and NOX)
 Carbon monoxide (CO)
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
 Methane and non-methane hydrocarbons (MNHC)
 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
 Ozone (O3)
 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylenes (BTEX) – required for refineries
 Particulate Matter (PM 10 & PM 2.5)

Where relevant, air quality control and monitoring the Stations shall be connected
electronically with the Environment Monitoring Centre of MECA/SEZAD in accordance with
the relevant rules and regulations set forth by MECA/SEZAD.

3.6 Air Emissions

As a minimum, the following are subject to air emissions monitoring:

 Diesel Generators
 Diesel powered equipment such as lighting and welding sets, pumps etc
 Boilers and heaters
 Combustion Turbines (as applicable, gas, liquid or solid)
 Vehicles and Equipment

Stacks on equipment are to have the required provisions to allow manual sampling, following
Health and Safety Requirements.

Parameters to be tested, depending on the equipment, include:

 PM
 SO2
 NOx
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 Hydrocarbons (Unburnt)
 CO
 Smoke (visually as per Ringleman Chart)

3.7 Ambient Noise

Ambient noise monitoring shall be undertaken at the following locations:

 Site Fenceline
 Sensitive Receptors (if identified in ESIA)

Noise monitoring shall follow MD 79/1994 Noise pollution control in Public Environment.

3.8 Soil

In the event hazardous materials are released to land, testing in accordance with The New
Dutch List shall be undertaken following response to the incident to ensure the release has
been adequately cleaned and the site is not considered contaminated.

At least three months prior to their closure/demobilisation, hazardous materials storage areas
shall be sampled and tested prior to Contractor demobilisation. This includes fuel stations,
chemical storage areas, and waste storage areas.

3.9 Waste

In coordination with Be’ah, sampling of hazardous (or potentially hazardous) waste streams
for their Leachable Concentration may be required to determine the Landfill Acceptance
Criteria prior to its transfer offsite, especially at the start of construction.


CONTRACTORS are to roll out the full requirements of this Plan and related Implementation
Plan to their personnel, subcontractors and visitors.

Personnel responsible for obtaining, reviewing and reporting on environmental monitoring

shall be trained.


CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a database of all monitoring results, which shall
be provided to COMPANY in summary format on a monthly basis. Within the database, all
monitoring results that are not in compliance with the Project standards shall be clearly
highlighted plus remedial action taken. Monitoring data required by Company-obtained
permits shall be summarised and reported for submission to regulators.

In addition, CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY of each and every monitoring result that
is not in compliance with the Project standards WITHIN twenty-four (24) hours of
CONTRACTOR receiving the result(s). WITHIN forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of a monitoring
result indicative of non-compliance, CONTRACTOR shall provide a written report to
COMPANY containing, as a minimum, the following data:
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 Confirmation of non-compliant monitoring result (including monitoring location, date

and time of monitoring, monitoring result, date and time of CONTRACTOR’s receipt of
monitoring result; and applicable Project standard)
 Corrective Action taken in response to non-compliant monitoring result (for instance
o cessation of non-compliant discharge;
o additional treatment (actual or proposed) of non-compliant discharge;
o additional monitoring (actual or proposed) to confirm return to compliance)
 Confirmation of close-out of non-compliant conditions, or timetable for close-out
(timetable to include further monitoring and reporting to COMPANY)

Should environmental monitoring activities result in any requirement for notification and
reporting to Project stakeholders such as regulatory authorities, all such communications shall
be made through COMPANY.

Where performance warrants corrective and preventive actions these will also be reported.
COMPANY, in collaboration with appropriate and relevant third parties, will implement these
corrective and preventive actions, and follow up on these actions in upcoming monitoring
cycles to ensure their effectiveness.

Senior management in COMPANY will review performance quarterly and annually. Based on
results they will take the necessary and appropriate steps to ensure the intent of the
COMPANY policy is met, that procedures, practices, and plans are being implemented, and
are seen to be effective. See Contractor HSSE&S Performance Management Procedure


DRPIC will carry out inspection and monitoring to ensure that Contractor and subcontractors
are adhering to the requirements and commitments contained in the DRPIC’s Management
Plans and Contractor Implementation Plans. All monitoring requirements shall be established
within the Contractor Plans with details of resources, monitoring, and assurance methods
included within the Contractor’s ESMS.

The company shall regularly calibrate and maintain monitoring appliances and environmental
measures in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations set forth by the Ministry. A
register shall be maintained documenting this operation and an evidence of this shall be
included in the environmental monitoring reports of the project.
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Key performance indicators will be developed and reported within the ESMS including the
following specific to EMP in the table below, applicable to both COMPANY and

Theme ID KPI Reporting Description Performance Monitoring Reportable

Unit Target Frequency
Emissions / Treated # Number of non 100% Monthly Number of
Discharges Effluent conformance effluent
Discharges / situations (e.g. samples
Reuse STP disruptions) taken
for any Number of
parameters non
(for any
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Appendix A: Environmental Monitoring – Refinery Construction, Commissioning, Start-up*

*excluding requirements from permits obtained by Contractor
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ID Aspect Scope Method Frequency

AR1 Air Quality PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations at Using portable dust meter Monthly
various locations within and around
construction sites and nearest receptor
AR2 Air Quality PM10, PM2.5,CO, Oxides of Nitrogen Continuous Ambient Air Quality Quarterly
(NO, NO2 and NOX , SO2, VOC, H2S, Monitoring Station (CAAQMS)
Methane and non-methane
hydrocarbons (MNHC), Benzene,
Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylenes
(BTEX) and O3, concentrations at
various locations outside boundary
and at nearest receptors

ER1 Emissions Emissions of CO, NOX and SO2 from Portable exhaust / stack gas analyser At start-up,
Diesel Generators (if used) stacks and maintenance,
vehicle exhausts thereafter
annually. Visual
inspection for
smoke and
ER2 Emissions If diesel generator has rated MWth Portable exhaust / stack gas analyser At start-up,
input capacity >3MWth, testing of maintenance
stacks according to Project Standards and thereafter
in Appendix A.1 (NOx, PM, SO2, CO, monthly
unburnt hydrocarbons)
NR1 Noise Noise levels at fence line. Other Using sound pressure level meter. Monthly
monitoring locations shall be identified Hand held integrating sound level
taking into consideration potential meter (a Type 1 or 2 sound level meter
sensitive receptors such as schools, meeting all appropriate IEC standards
hospitals, villages and sensitive is usually adequate) and results
ecological habitats. Particular attention recorded. Noise measurement
shall be considered for further equipment shall be designed to comply
sensitive receptors identified within the with the requirements of the Class 1
ESIA study. standard described in IEC 61672:2002
A control area (no expected impact) for sound level meters and IEC
should also be identified and 60942:2003 for field calibrators. The
monitored. reference calibration level shall be
checked before and after each
measurement session and any drift in
response noted. The make and model
of equipment shall also be noted.
WWR1 Wastewater Treated wastewater for parameters in Defined in accordance with legislation. Monthly
MD 159/2005 (discharged to sea)
(directly / indirectly)
WWR2 Wastewater Treated Wastewater for parameters in Defined in accordance with legislation. Monthly and as
MD 145/93 (application to land) per permit
WWR3 Hydrostatic Ecotoxicity Testing to be defined TBD Prior to
Test Water based on Chemical Test Package. As discharge
per MD 145/93 and 159/2005 as
AWR1 Ambient Ambient marine water quality in Defined in accordance with legislation. Monthly if
Water MD159/2005 discharging to
Quality sea
SWR1 Solid waste Waste type, quantity, disposal method Quantity Monthly
as per Waste Management Plan
ER1 Ecology Records of vegetation and trees # Continuous
cleared for the ROW
RR1 Resource Resources: Power, Diesel, chemicals, Quantity Continuous
Water, ODS
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Appendix B: Environmental Monitoring –Terminal Construction, Commissioning, Start-up*

*excluding requirements from permits obtained by Contractor
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ID Aspect Scope Method Frequency

AT1 Air Quality PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations at Using portable dust meter Monthly
various locations within and around
construction sites and nearest
AT2 Air Quality CO, NO2, SO2, VOC, H2S, TNMHC, Diffusion Tubes Quarterly
and O3, concentrations at various
locations fence line and outside
boundary and at nearest sensitive
ET1 Emissions Emissions of CO, NOX and SO2 from Portable exhaust / stack gas At start-up,
DGs (if used) stacks and vehicle analyser maintenance,
exhausts thereafter annually.
Visual inspection
for smoke and
ET2 Emissions If generator has rated MWth input Portable exhaust / stack gas At start-up,
capacity >3MWth, testing of stacks analyser maintenance and
according to Project Standards in thereafter monthly
Appendix A.2 (NOx, PM, SO2, CO,
unburnt hydrocarbons)
NT1 Noise Noise levels at fence line. Other Using sound pressure level meter. Monthly, or more
monitoring locations shall be Hand held integrating sound level frequent during
identified taking into consideration meter (a Type 1 or 2 sound level high noise activity
potential sensitive receptors such as meter meeting all appropriate IEC
schools, hospitals, villages and standards is usually adequate) and
sensitive ecological habitats. results recorded.
Particular attention shall be Noise measurement equipment
considered for further sensitive shall be designed to comply with
receptors identified within the ESIA the requirements of the Class 1
study. standard described in IEC
A control area (no expected impact) 61672:2002 for sound level meters
should also be identified and and IEC 60942:2003 for field
monitored. calibrators. The reference
calibration level shall be checked
before and after each
measurement session and any drift
in response noted. The make and
model of equipment shall also be
WWT1 Wastewater Treated wastewater for parameters Defined in accordance with Monthly
in MD 159/2005 (discharged to sea) legislation.
(directly / indirectly)
WWT2 Wastewater Treated Wastewater for parameters Defined in accordance with Monthly, and as per
in MD 145/93 (application to land) legislation. permit
WWT3 Hydrostatic Ecotoxicity Testing to be defined TBD Prior to Discharge
Test Water based on Chemical Test Package.
As per MD 145/93 and 159/2005 as
AWT1 Ambient Ambient marine water quality in Defined in accordance with Monthly if
Water MD159/2005 legislation. discharging to sea
SWT1 Solid waste Waste type, quantity, disposal Quantity Monthly
method as per Waste Management
ET1 Ecology Records of vegetation and trees # Continuous
cleared for the ROW
RT1 Resource Resources: Power, Diesel, Quantity Continuous
chemicals, Water, ODS
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Appendix C: Environmental Monitoring –Pipeline, Construction, Commissioning, Start-up*

*excluding requirements from permits obtained by Contractor
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ID Aspect Scope Method Frequency

AP1 Air Quality PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations at Using portable dust meter Monthly
various locations within and around
construction sites and nearest
AP2 Air Quality CO, NO2, SO2, VOC, H2S, TNMHC, Diffusion Tubes Quarterly
and O3, concentrations at various
locations fenceline and outside
boundary and at nearest sensitive
EP1 Emissions Emissions of CO, NOX and SO2 from Portable exhaust / stack gas At start-up,
DGs (if used) stacks and vehicle analyser maintenance,
exhausts thereafter annually.
Visual inspection
for smoke and
EP2 Emissions If generator has rated MWth input Portable exhaust / stack gas At start-up,
capacity >3MWth, testing of stacks analyser maintenance and
according to Project Standards in and thereafter
Appendix A.2 (NOx, PM, SO2, CO, monthjly
unburnt hydrocarbons)
NP1 Noise Noise levels at fenceline. Other Using sound pressure level meter. Monthly, or more
monitoring locations shall be Hand held integrating sound level frequent during
identified taking into consideration meter (a Type 1 or 2 sound level high noise activity
potential sensitive receptors such as meter meeting all appropriate IEC
schools, hospitals, villages and standards is usually adequate) and
sensitive ecological habitats. results recorded.
Particular attention shall be Noise measurement equipment
considered for further sensitive shall be designed to comply with
receptors identified within the ESIA the requirements of the Class 1
study. standard described in IEC
A control area (no expected impact) 61672:2002 for sound level meters
should also be identified and and IEC 60942:2003 for field
monitored. calibrators. The reference
calibration level shall be checked
before and after each
measurement session and any drift
in response noted. The make and
model of equipment shall also be
WWP1 Wastewater Treated wastewater for parameters Defined in accordance with Monthly
in MD 159/2005 (discharged to sea) legislation.
(directly / indirectly)
WWP2 Wastewater Treated Wastewater for parameters Defined in accordance with Monthly, and as per
in MD 145/93 (application to land) legislation. permit
WWP3 Hydrostatic Ecotoxicity Testing to be defined TBD Prior to Discharge
Test Water based on Chemical Test Package.
As per MD 145/93 and 159/2005 as
AWP1 Ambient Ambient marine water quality in Defined in accordance with Monthly if
Water MD159/2005 legislation. discharging to sea
SWP1 Solid waste Waste type, quantity, disposal Quantity Monthly
method as per Waste Management
EP1 Ecology Records of vegetation and trees # Continuous
cleared for the ROW
RP1 Resource Resources: Power, Diesel, Quantity Continuous
chemicals, Water, ODS
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Appendix D: Environmental Monitoring: Ras Markaz, Construction, Commissioning, Start-up*

*excluding requirements from permits obtained by Contractor

See FEED document number 5440-8150-PR-000-007.

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Rev. 0 Page 17 of
Date: 18 September 2016

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