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Which component do you thinks is the key to Taobao’s success?

Every component listed are very important and vital to the success of
Ali-baba international and Taobao in china. Every component makes the
company to wade off attack from it biggest rivals and makes the
business grow. As for me, I think the key component of the company’s
success is Platform-building from the ground up. The company sees an increasing middle class
and Internet access a chance to improve trade through online contacts between Chinese consumers
and sellers.
The company tries to bring the sellers nearer to the customers, which I think is very important
considering the fact that trust in china is not very common due to their system of governmental. I
think the company tries to creates a conductive environment, where trust is the primary focus.

1. How does it satify the the two sides-----the customer and the
Taobao tires to satisy both sides, by building trust among the sellers and buyers, these can be done by
communication. The company tries to creates a chat platform, where by both sides can chat and send
messeges to each other before selling or buying the products. These kind of satifaction brings trust to
both sides.

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