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Week 2 & 3: Psychrometry

I. Introduction
This lesson deals with the psychrometric properties of moist air such as temperature, pressure,
humidity ratio, relative humidity, specific volume, dew point temperature, enthalpy, and
percent saturation. Equations and derivation of equations of each property are discussed and

II. Objectives
After completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. Objective 1
2. Objective 2
3. Objective 3

III. Psychrometric Properties (Topic)

Take note that lessons given in this week are taken from book “Guidebook in Air conditioning
Analysis and Design” by Jose R. Francisco

A. Definition of terms
 Psychrometry is the study of the properties of air and water vapor or moist air
 Saturated air is an air condition that results in the condensation of water vapor into
liquid when temperature is decreased. It is the condition of air which is saturated.
 Moist air is the mixture of dry air and water vapor.
 Dry air is the non-condensable component of moist air.
 Vapor is the condensable component of moist air; the water vapor or steam that
may exist in a saturated state or superheated state.
 Psychromertics literally means: “pertaining to the measurement of cold” but in
modern usage it refers to the state of the atmosphere with reference to moisture.

Psychrometric Standards adopted

 Density of Air 1.293 kg/m3 at 101.325 kPaa and 0°C

 Density of water 1000 kg/m3 at 101.325 kPaa and 0°C
 Barometric Pressure 101325 Paa,
101.325 kPaa
 Acceleration due to gravity 9.80665 m/s2
 Gas Constant for air, Ra 0.28708kJ/ kg-°C
 Gas Constant for water 0.4615 kJ/kg-°C
Vapor, Rw
Air Composition

Air Components Proportions Mol. Weight

(% by Weight) (kg/kgmol)
Nitrogen 78.03 28.02

Oxygen 20.99 32.00

Carbon dioxide 0.03 44.00

Hydrogen 0.01 2.02

Argon 0.94 39.91

 Molecular weight of air = 29.97 kg/kgmol


1. Temperature refers to the temperature of moist air measured by the use of

psychrometer. Psychrometer is an instrument consisting of two thermometers, one is used
to measure the dry-bulb temperature and the other is used to measure the wet- bulb
temperature of the air.
a. Dry-bulb temperature (DB) – the actual temperature of the air that is measured by an
ordinary thermometer; or it is the temperature of a gas or mixture of gasses indicated
by an accurate thermometer after correction for radiation.
b. Wet-bulb temperature (WB)- the temperature of air if it is saturated, which is measured
by thermometer whose bulb is wrapped with a wetted wick or cloth; or it is a
temperature at which liquid or solid water, by evaporating into air, can bring the air to
saturation adiabatically at the same temperature.

2. Pressure pertains to the air ambient pressure; it is the barometric pressure or

atmospheric pressure that is equal to 101.325 kPaa at standard condition

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure states that in any mixture of miscible gases, the
pressure exerted by gases on its container is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of
the gases.

For Total pressure, volume and temperature of moist air,

Pt = Pa + Pv; Vt = Va = Vv; tt = ta = tv
Pt = total pressure of air-water vapor mixture or the atmospheric pressure, kPaa
Pa = partial pressure of dry air, kPaa
Pv = partial pressure of water vapor, kPaa
Vt = volume of the mixture or moist air, m 3
Va = volume of dry air, m3
Vv = volume of water vapor, m3
Tt = temperature of the mixture which is equal to the temp. of each component

3. Specific Volume – the volume of a unit mass dry air

Va Va R T R T
v= = = a a= a a
m PaV a Pa ( Pt −P v )
( )
Ra T a

Where v = specific volume of dry air, m3/kg d.a.

m = mass of dry air, kg

Pa = Pt – Pv = partial pressure of dry air, kPaa

Va = volume of dry air, m3

Ta = absolute temperature of dry air, K

Ra = gas constant of dry air, kJ/kg-K = 0.28707 kJ/kg-K

4. Humidity Ratio (moisture content, mixing ratio or specific humidity) is the ratio of
the mass of water vapor and the mass of dry air
Pv V v
mv ( )Rv T v
R Pv
= ( )( ) (
Pa V a
= a
Rv Pa
0.4615 )( P P−P )=0.622( P P−P )
v v

( )
Ra T a
t v t v

Where W = the humidity ratio, kg vapor per kg dry air

mv = mass of water vapor, kg

Rv = gas constant of water vapor, kJ/kg-K = 0.4615 kJ/kg-K

ma = mass of dry air, kg

Ra = gas constant of dry air = 0.28708 kJ/kg-K

V a = Vv
Ta = Tv

5. Enthalpy of moist air is the sum of the enthalpy of dry air and the enthalpy of the
water vapor.

ASHRAE Formula
h=c p t +W h g=1.0062 t+W h g

where h = enthalpy of the mixture, kJ/kg d.a.

cp = specific heat of dry air at constant pressure = 1.0062 kJ/kg-K

t = dry bulb temperature of the dry air, °C

W = humidity ratio, kg v / kg d.a.

hg = enthalpy of saturated vapor at the air temperature, t kJ/kg

Note: to be obtained from steam tables

IHVE (institute of Heating and ventilating Engineers) Formula

h = 1.007t – 0.026 + W (2501 + 1.84t) → for t = 0°C to 60°C

h = 1.005t + W (2501 + 1.84t) → for t = - 10°C to 0°C

Where h = enthalpy of the mixture or moist air, kJ/kg d.a.

t = dry bulb temperature, °C

W = humidity ratio, kg/kg d.a.

2501 kJ/kg = average enthalpy of evaporation for water, kJ/kg

6. Relative Humidity is the ratio of the partial pressure water vapor to that of the
saturation pressure of water at a given dry bulb

RH =∅= ( )
100 %

Where RH = ∅ = relative humidity

Pv = partial pressure of water vapor at a given dry-bulb temp., kPaa

Pd = saturation pressure of water vapor at a given dry-bulb temp., kPaa

IHVE Formula

a. For wet-bulb temperature, equal to or greater than zero (WB≥0°C)

Pv =P wb−(6.66 x 10−4 ) Pt ( DB−WB)

b. For wet-bulb temperature, less than zero (WB˂0°C)

Pv =P wb−(5.94 x 10−4 ) P t ( DB−WB)

Where Pv = partial pressure of water vapor in the mixture of water vapor and
dry air, kPaa
Pwb = saturation pressure of water vapor at a temperature numerically
equal to the wet-bulb temperature, kPaa
Pt = total pressure or the barometric pressure, kPaa
DB = dry bulb temperature, °C
WB = wet-bulb temperature, °C
7. Dew-Point Temperature is the temperature at which the condensation of water
vapor in the space begins. It is the saturation
temperature corresponding to the vapor partial
8. Percent Saturation is the ratio of the air humidity ratio, W, to the humidity ratio
Ws, of saturated air at the same temperature and
W P Pt −P d P −Pd
( )
( 100 % )= v
Pd( )( Pt −Pv )
( 100 % )=RH t (
P t−P v )
Where U = percent saturation, %
Ws = the humidity ratio of saturated vapor at a given DB temperature
W = humidity ratio of moist air at a given DB temperature

 Psychrometric Chart is the graphical representation of the psychrometric properties
wherein the humidity ratio is the ordinate and the dry-bulb temperature is the abscissa
 Three psychrometric charts are commonly used, namely, the ASHRAE psychrometric
chart, the IHVE psychrometric chart, and the Carrier psychrometric chart.
 Available psychrometric charts are used to determine the properties of moist air at
standard atmospheric pressure at 101.325 kPaa.
 Figure below illustrates a psychrometric chart based on Carrier
 the following symbols are used for the properties of moist air

h = enthalpy, kJ/kg

W = humidity ratio, kg/kg d.a.

RH = relative humidity, %

DB = dry-bulb temperature, °C

WB = wet-bulb temperature, °C

V = specific volume, m3/kg d.a.

DP = dew-point temperature, °C

SHR = sensible heat ratio

 Wet-bulb Depression is the difference between the readings of the dry and wet bulb
 Adiabatic Saturator is a device in which air flows through a spray of water

 Figure below illustrates an adiabatic saturator

 The water circulates continuously, and the spray provides so much surface area that the air
leaves the spray chamber in equilibrium with the water, with respect to both temperature and
vapor pressure.
 The device is adiabatic in that the walls of the saturator are insulated, and no heat is added to or
extracted from it, and water line that circulates the water from the pump back to the sprays.
 The temperature of the make-up water is controlled so that it is the same as that in the pump.
 After the adiabatic saturator has achieved a steady state condition, the temperature indicated
by an accurate thermometer immersed in the pump is the thermodynamic wet-bulb
 Psychrometric Diagram of Adiabatic Saturator

Considering the figure and by energy balance

Ein = Eout → h1 + ( W2 – W1)hf = h2

h2 = h1 – (W2 – W1)hf

Where h1 = enthalpy of entering air, kJ / kg d.a.

h2 = enthalpy of leaving air, kJ / kg d.a.

W2 = humidity ratio of air leaving, kg/kg d.a.

W1 = humidity ratio of air entering, kg/kg d.a.

hf = enthalpy of saturated air, kJ / kg d.a.


 The straight-line law states that when air is transferring heat and mass (water) to or
from a wetted surface, the condition of the air shown on a psychrometric chart
drives toward the saturation line at the temperature of the wetted surface
(Stoecher, 1982)

Example # 1] Calculate the moisture content of a moist air at 20°C DB, 15°C WB, and 95
kPaa barometric pressure.

Given: A moist air Required:

P1 = 95 kPaa The moisture content, W
WB = 15°C DB = 20°C


Determination of W,

From steam tables (Keenan), at WB = 15°C: PWB = 1.7051 kPaa

Solving for Pv,

Pv =P wb−(6.66 x 10−4 ) Pt ( DB−WB)

Pv =1.7051−( 6.66 x 10−4 ) 95 ( 20−15 )=1.38875 kPaa

Solving for W,

W =0.622 ( P t−P v )
W =0.622 ( 95−1.38875 )=0.00923 kg /kg d . a
Example # 2] Calculate the humidity ratio of a moist at 65% RH and 34°C DB when the barometric
pressure is 101.3 kPaa. Determine the enthalpy.


RH = 65% pt =101.3 kPaa

DB = 34°C


a. The humidity ratio

b. The enthalpy


a. Determination of the humidity ratio, W,

From Steam Tables (Table A-1, p416, Stoecker), at DB = 34°C
pd =5,318 kPaa

Solving for pv '

pv =RH ( pd ) =( 0.65 ) ( 5.318 )=3.4567 kPaa

Solving for the Value of W,

pv 3.4567 kg
W =0.622 ( )
p t− p v (
101.3−3.4567 )
kg d . a

b. Determination of the value of enthalpy

Solving for h using ASHRAE formula and steam tables,

At 34°C, hg = 2563.6 kJ/kg → Steam table value (Table A-1, p416, Stoecker)

h = 1.0062t + Wh g = 1.0062 (34) + 0.02197(2563.6)=90.53 kJ/kg d.a.

Example #3] What is the specific volume of an air-vapor mixture at 30°C and a relative humidity of 40%
at 101.3 kPa barometric pressure.

Given: A moist air

T = 30°C RH = 40%

pt =101.3 kPaa


The specific volume


From Steam Tables (Table A-1 , p416, Stoecker), at 30°C:

pd =4.241 kPaa

Solving for the value of pv '

pv =RH ( pd ) =( 0.40 ) ( 4.241 ) =1.6964 kPaa

Solving for the specific volume,

R a T a 0.28708(30+ 273) m3
v= = =0.8733
p t− p v 101.3−1.6964 kg d . a .
Example # 4] A mixture of dry air and water vapor is at a temperature of 21°C under a barometric
pressure of 101.3 kPaa. The dew-point temperature is 15°C.


a. The partial pressure of water vapor;

b. The relative humidity;
c. The humidity ratio;
d. The enthalpy;
e. The specific volume; and
f. The degree of saturation.

Given: A moist air

DB = 21°C DP = 15°C

pt =101.3 kPaa


a. The water vapor pressure, Pv

b. The relative humidity, RH
c. The humidity ratio, W
d. The enthalpy, h
e. The specific volume, v
f. The percent saturation, U
Psychrometric diagram


a. Solving for the value of Pv :

From Steam Tables (Keenan, Keyes) at 15°C,

Pv =Saturation pressure of vapor at dew point temperature

pv =1.7051 kPaa

b. Determination of Relative Humidity

From Steam Tables by Keenan, Keyes,

pd =2.487 kPaa

Solving for the value of RH

pv 1.7051
RH = ( )
( 100 % )= (
2.487 )
( 100 % )=68.56 %

c. Solving for the value of humidity ratio, W

pv 1.7051 kg
W =0.622 ( )
p t− p v (
101.3−1.7051 )
kg d .a

d. Solving for the value of enthalpy, using the IHVE formula

h = 1.007t – 0.026 + W (2501 + 1.84t)

h = (1.007)(21) – 0.026 + W (2501 + 1.84 t)

h = (1.007)(21) – 0.026 + (0.01065) [2501 + 1.84(21)] = 48.17 kJ/kg d.a.

e. Solving for the value of specific volume

R a T a 0.28708 (21+273 ) m3
V= = =0.8474
pt − pv 101.3−1.7051 kg d .a .
f. solving for the value of percent saturation:

pt − pd 101.3−2.487
( p t− P
) (
=( 68.56 )
101.3−1.7051 )
=68.02 %

Example #5] An air – vapor mixture has a DB Temperature of 30°C and a humidity ratio of 00.015kg/kg
d.a. Calculate for two different barometric pressures, 85 kPaa and 101 kPaa, a) the enthalpy; and b) the
dew-point temperature.

Given: A moist air

DB = 30°C W = 0.015 kg/kg d.a.


a. The enthalpy
b. The dew-point temperature



Considering the barometric pressure as pt =85 kPaa

a. Solving for the value of enthalpy, using the IHVE formula

h = 1.007t – 0.026 + W (2501 + 1.84t)

h = (1.007)(30) – 0.026 + (0.015)[2501 + 1.84(30)] = 68.527 kJ/kg d.a.
b. Determination of the dew-point temperature

Solving for the value of pv

W pt 0.015( 85)
pv = = =2.002 kPaa
(W +0.622) 0.015+ 0.622

For the value of dew point temperature and using interpolation

(from Steam Tables by Keenan, Keyes)
DP = Saturation Temperature at pv

t, °C p, kPaa
17 1.9376
DP 2.0020
18 2.0640

DP−17 2.0020−1.9376
[ = ]
18−17 2.0640−1.9376

DP = 17 + (18 – 17) ( ¿ =17.51°C

Considering the barometric pressure as Pt = 101 kPaa

a. Solving for the value of h

h = 1.007t – 0.026 + W (2501 + 1.84t)

h = (1.007) (30) – 0.026 + (0.015) [2501 + 1.84 (30)] = 68.527 kJ/kg d.a.

b. Determination of the dew point temperature

Solving for the value of pv

W pt 0.015(101)
pv = = =2.3783 kPaa
(W +0.622) 0.015+ 0.622

For the value of dew point temperature and using interpolation

(from steam tables by Keenan, Keyes)

DP = Saturation temperature at pv

t, °C p, kPaa
20 2.3390
DP 2.3783
21 2.4870

DP = 20 + (21 – 20) ( 2.3783−2.3390

2.4870−2.3390 )
=20.27 °

Example # 6] A certain air in space has DB temperature of 34°C and a WB temperature of 25°C. Using
Psychrometric chart, Determine the

a.) Relative humidity;

b.) Dew point temperature;
c.) Humidity ratio;
d.) Specific volume; and
e.) Enthalpy

Given: A moist air

DB = 34°C WB = 25°C


a. The relative humidity, RH

b. The dew point temperature, DP
c. The humidity ratio, W
d. The enthalpy, h

Psychrometric chart Figure.


Using Psychrometric Chart by Carrier,

a. RH = 48%
b. h = 76.4 – 0.4 = 76.0 kJ/kg d.a.
c. DP = 21.3°C
d. W = 0.0162 kg/kg d.a.
e. v = 0.892
kg d . a

Example # 7] A sample air has a dry-bulb temperature of 30°C and wet-bulb temperature of 25°C. The
barometric pressure is 101 kPa. Calculate the

a) humidity ratio if this air is adiabatically saturated;

b) enthalpy of the air if it is adiabatically saturated;
c) humidity ratio;
d) partial pressure of water in the sample; and
e) relative humidity

Given: A sample air


a) humidity ratio if this air is adiabatically saturated;

b) enthalpy of the air if it is adiabatically saturated;
c) humidity ratio;
d) partial pressure of water in the sample; andrelative humidity


a. Determination of the humidity ratio of air if it is adiabatically saturated

P v2
RH 2= ( )
Pd 2
100 %=100 %

Thus, Pv2 = Pd2 = P @ 25°C

Where, from Steam Tables ( Keenan, Keyes), at 25°C

Pv2 = Pd2 = 3.169 kPaa

Solving for the humidity ratio W2

pv 3.169 kg
W =0.622 ( p t− p v)=0.622 (
101.0−3.169 )
kg d . a

b. Solving for the enthalpy of air if adiabatically saturated

From steam tables(Keenan & Keyes), hg2 = 2547.2 @ 25°C

h2 = 1.0062t + Wh g = 1.0062 (25) + 0.02015(2547.2)=76.48 kJ/kg d.a.

c. Solving for the humidity ratio of the sample

h2 - h1 = (W2 – W1) hf

h1 = h2 - (W2 – W1) hf = 1.0062t1 + W1hg1

h 2−W 1 h1−1.0062 t 1 76.48−0.02015 ( 104.89 )−1.0062(30)
W 1= =
hg 1−hf 2556.3−104.89

W1= 0.0180 kg/kg d.a.

Where, from steam tables (Keenan, Keyes)

hg1 = 2556.3 kJ/kg @ 30°C DB

h1 = 104.89 kJ/kg @ 25°C DB

d. Solving for the partial pressure of the sample

W 1 P1 0.018(101)
P v 1= = =2.841 kPaa
W 1 +0.622 0.018+0.622

e. Solving for the relative humidity of the sample

From Steam Tables ( Keenan, Keyes) @ 30°C, Pd1 = 4.246 kPaa

P v1 2.841
RH 1= ( )
Pd 1
100 %= (
4.246 )
100 %=66.91 %


Jose R. Francisco Guidebook in Air Conditioning Analysis and Design C&E Publishing, Inc.1672
Quezon Avenue, South Triangle, Quezon City, 2006

Keenan, Joseph H., Keyes, Fredereck G., Hill, Philip G., and Moore, Joan G. Steam Tables, SI
Units. New York: John Wiley & Sons Publicatio, 1978

ASHRAE, Inc. 1999 ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipment, SI Edition ASHRAE, Inc,
G.A. 1999

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