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The nature of work done by the force depends on type of force. If the force is conservative, it'll
be path independent, if it non conservative, then dependent on path.

For example, work done by gravity is independent of path and it’s constant. But, for Friction, it’ll
be not even if the frictional force is constant.

In our case the force is constant but may or may not be conservative.

According to the definition, a conservative force:

 is created by a conservative field(gravitational ,electric field, time independent magnetic

 is the work done depend on initial and final position of the object.
 is not constant but a function of its position vector. force is defined as negative gradient
of a scalar function. Curl of force=0.

For a constant force, these conditions are not satisfied. work done depends on displacement of
the body, not on initial and final position of the body. It is actually a non conservative force.

So it will depends on the type of force acting on the body.

So it may or may not be constant

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