Makabansa, at Makakakalikasan

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We all want what’s the best for our country; we all seek nation-building.

After reading the units

under module 2, I have realized that we should work on becoming a good Filipino citizen that will always
be active and responsible for his role in the community. And for us to become like it, we should possess
good citizenship values which are divided into four different clusters: Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao,
Makabansa,  at  Makakakalikasan.

A good Filipino always holds on to his faith in his spiritual beliefs and this serves as his weapon in
facing all of the struggles in life, this is being “Maka-Diyos”. With this value, we were expected to
consider the feelings of others before doing anything, we should respect others' beliefs and recognize
the value of human life and dignity. Aside from this, we should also practice being “Maka-tao”; we can
do it by assuring that love, freedom, peace, truth, and justice can be felt by others around us even
though we have cultural differences. Let us also remember that a good Filipino does not only care for his
fellow countrymen but also for nature and this is the concept of being “Makakakalikasan”. We should
conserve all of our natural resources and we should do our share to protect nature by doing actions or
efforts contributory to the welfare of the environment like planting trees and implementing proper
waste segregation. Lastly, we should never forget being “Makabayan”, we should demonstrate pride in
being a Filipino and exercises the responsibilities of a citizen of our country. This is also about carrying
appropriate behaviors that would contribute to building the growth of this nation.

In conclusion to all of this, we have different good values to adapt in ourselves so that we
achieve the betterment of our society but I believe that knowing or identifying all of those is not enough
step. We should commit ourselves to continue having all of these values, thinking that it is better to
become part of the solution than to become part of the problem. To make it short, these set of values
can only be considered as direction or guide; the journey of making our country is still in our hands so let
us follow this direction and start being a good Filipino citizen. Let us put in our minds that everything
starts within ourselves, so let us act great to have a great country to live in.

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