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Test Method: ASTM D5882

November 2020
September 2020
This report deals with Integrity Test which conducted in the Project of
(New Nuclear Medicine Ward-Basra Children’s Hospital) at 17 December
2020 for 108 working pile of Bored Type.

All piles are tested according to the American Standard ASTM D-5882
using PDI PIT instrument and the data are analyzed by PIT-W 2009
Professional software to generate the required curves.

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1 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------ 3
3 METHOD STATEMENT OF INTEGRITY TEST ---------------------- 5
4 PILE ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------------------- 6
5 CURVES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
6 PILES VALUATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 61
7 DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 64
8 REFERNCES ------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
9 PILES LAYOUT --------------------------------------------------------------- 65
10 CERTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT --------------------------------------- 66

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1 Introduction
The echo or seismic method of assessing the integrity of piles has been
used since the 1970's to check the integrity of piled foundations [1]. This test
method is applicable to long structural elements that function in a manner
similar to foundation piles, regardless of their method of installation provided
that they are receptive to low strain impact testing. Also, integrity test is a test
procedure to determine major material deficiencies and discontinuity along the
piles so that it is used to determine the quality control and discontinuity which
might have occurred during the manufacturing of piles.
The specification of test is based on ASTM Designation; D 5882
“Standard Test Method for Low Strain Integrity Testing of Piles" in which this
test method covers the procedure for determining the integrity of individual
vertical or inclined piles by measuring and analyzing the velocity response of
the pile induced by an hand held hammer impact device applied axially to the
pile normally at the pile head [2].
108 working bored piles type (of 800mm diameter) are required to test in
Project of (New Nuclear Medicine Ward-Basra Children’s Hospital). The
output results were presented as graphs (Measured Pile Top Velocity Record
curves) and table. The test was carried out at 17 December-2020 for all piles.
The head of tested piles was prepared for test to remove any contaminated or
loose material so that the accelerometer and the hammer impact be applied to a
very clean and hard surface, therefore the length of cast piles are reduced to
reach to the required length. Referring that, the concrete of piles was more than
7 days old.

2 The Equipment and technique of Integrity Test

Using the results of this test, the possible discontinuities are detected
along the piles length and hence a quality control is achieved. Integrity test is
based on the principle of measuring the impulse created by means of a special
hammer, using an acceleration measuring equipment shown in (Fig. 1) [3]
known as "The Collector-model Pile Integrity Tester™ (PIT™ Collector)" that
is a precision instrument and analysis system for pile shaft integrity testing by
low-strain surface-impact methods. The signal measured by accelerometer is
converted into a graph by means of a computer program Software known as
"PIT-W 2009 program" a Pile Integrity Tester analysis and output program for

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Windows. Velocity records only, or both force and velocity records taken on the
top of concrete pile, timber pile or drilled shaft by the Low Strain Method can
be interpreted. The records obtained by a PIT Collector device in the site are
transformed to computer and then they analyzed using PIT-W Software [4] and
the results are converted into a time-velocity graph simultaneously during the
The quality of the records taken during the test depends on whether the
top of the pile is clean, easily accessible and free from water. Besides, the test
should be carried out 7 days after the construction of concrete piles.
During the interpretation of the results obtained in the integrity test, the
soil structure, pile column design features, methods used in pile construction,
the possible effects of the method of manufacturing on the pile should be
considered. With the help of this data; contraction, expansion, fractures and the
approximate length of the pile can be determined.

Fig. 1: PIT-FV with Instrumented Hammer.

3 Method Statement of Integrity Test [5,6]

When a pile top is struck with a hammer a longitudinal wave travels
down the shaft it can be likened to a snake swallowing an egg. When the wave
reaches the base of the pile it is reflected back up to the top. By assuming a
wave speed velocity it is possible to calculate the pile length. Reflections can
also be obtained from acoustic anomalies within the pile shaft. The schematic of
the integrity test is shown in (Fig. 2).

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Fig. 2: Method statement of Pile Integrity Test.

Length measurements are calculated from the distance between

resonating peaks, produced by the pile toe or acoustic anomalies along the shaft.
Lateral soil restraints, over break, changes in shaft section, cracks and zones of
poor quality concrete can all produce various types of acoustic anomaly which
can be detected.
In order to obtain the very best data possible when testing a pile, it is
essential that the pile head is prepared properly prior to testing. Without good
data any interpretation carried out will be meaningless. It is essential that the
measurement transducers are mounted in the correct position and on sound
concrete. The essentials of pile head preparation for integrity testing are given
1- Piles should if possible be tested at the cut-off level and trimmed to sound
concrete. Any weak, all dirt and other material were removed from pile top
surface, broken concrete that sounds hollow should be removed and the pile
top surface left roughly horizontal over the complete cross section.
2- Reinforcing bars should be bent slightly away if practicable and the helical
removed to allow for a good swing of the test hammer.
3- Two areas should be prepared for the transducers, one for the hammer in the
center of the pile and the other for the geophone close to the pile perimeter.

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The areas should be approximately from 50 mm to 75 mm in diameter and
prepared as flat and level as possible using a scrabbled, scutch hammer or
even a hammer and chisel, then brushed free of debris.

4 Pile Assessment
Each Pile assessment depends on acceptance criteria, the first depends on
the sound shaft integrity indicated by a clear toe reflection that is taken from
measured pile top velocity record [7], and the second is the concrete quality in
relationship with impact wave velocity corresponding to (Table 1). [8]

Table 1: Concrete Quality in Relationship with Impact Wave Velocity.

Concrete Quality Impact wave speed in
Bad concrete (m/s)
< 2700
Acceptable 2700-3300
Good 3300-3800
Very good 3800-4000
Excellent 4000-4200
Not possible in normal condition > 4200

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5 Curves

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6 Piles Valuation
Table ( 2 ) shows the pile assessment of PIT test with concrete quality
associated to tested pile.

Table ( 2 ): Valuation of the Tested Piles

Pile Wave Maximum Minimum
Concrete Pile
Pile No. length velocity Profile Profile
Quality Result
(m) (m/s) (%) (%)
P1-1 27 3663 110 100 Good Pass

P1-2 27 3827 156 94 Very good Pass

P1-3 27 3856 149 100 Very good Pass

P1-4 27 3856 111 95 Very good Pass

P1-5 27 3786 151 97 Good Pass

P1-6 27 4025 133 98 Excellent Pass

P1-7 27 3864 159 96 Very good Pass

P1-8 27 3840 125 96 Very good Pass

P1-10 27 3826 136 94 Very good Pass

P1-11 27 3826 119 95 Very good Pass

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Pile Wave Maximum Minimum
Concrete Pile
Pile No. length velocity Profile Profile
Quality Result
(m) (m/s) (%) (%)
P1-12 27 3413 150 94 Good Pass

P1-13 27 4008 114 94 Excellent Pass

P1-14 27 4082 116 96 Excellent Pass

P1-15 27 3910 152 98 Very good Pass

P1-16 27 4131 150 99 Excellent Pass

P1-17 27 3554 146 95 Good Pass

P1-18 27 3606 104 96 Good Pass

P1-19 27 3952 117 95 Very good Pass

P1-20 27 3904 152 100 Very good Pass

P1-21 27 3836 140 100 Very good Pass

P1-22 27 3632 139 94 Good Pass

P1-23 27 3888 118 100 Very good Pass

P3-1 27 3989 115 94 Very good Pass

P3-2 27 3474 112 95 Good Pass

P3-3 27 3934 132 95 Very good Pass

P3-4 27 3648 147 95 Good Pass

P3-5 27 3928 122 95 Very good Pass

P3-6 27 3836 133 94 Very good Pass

P3-7 27 3828 130 94 Very good Pass

P3-8 27 3828 142 94 Very good Pass

P3-9 27 3872 171 94 Very good Pass

P3-10 27 4117 159 94 Excellent Pass

P3-11 27 4011 145 96 Excellent Pass

P3-12 27 3680 123 100 Good Pass

P3-13 27 4177 143 98 Excellent Pass

P4-1 27 3704 103 100 Good Pass

P4-2 27 3928 108 98 Very good Pass

P4-3 27 3490 136 95 Good Pass

P4-4 27 4000 136 95 Excellent Pass

P4-5 27 3648 125 95 Good Pass

P4-6 27 3798 108 95 Good Pass

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Pile Wave Maximum Minimum
Concrete Pile
Pile No. length velocity Profile Profile
Quality Result
(m) (m/s) (%) (%)
P4-7 27 4154 146 100 Excellent Pass

P4-8 27 3919 114 98 Very good Pass

P4-9 27 4146 136 100 Excellent Pass

P4-10 27 3788 193 98 Good Pass

P4-11 27 3571 130 96 Good Pass

P4-12 27 3927 116 94 Very good Pass

P4-13 27 3188 125 95 Acceptable Pass

P4-14 27 4192 114 96 Excellent Pass

P4-15 27 3784 125 96 Good Pass

P4-16 27 4067 110 98 Excellent Pass

P4-17 27 3020 134 97 Acceptable Pass

P4-18 27 3843 158 96 Very good Pass

P4-19 27 3795 127 96 Good Pass

P4-20 27 3904 161 99 Very good Pass

P4-21 27 3746 126 95 Good Pass

P4-22 27 3672 118 94 Good Pass

P4-23 27 3928 108 98 Very good Pass

P4-24 27 3471 126 95 Good Pass

P4-25 27 3777 113 94 Good Pass

P4-26 27 3770 112 96 Good Pass

P4-27 27 4114 156 94 Excellent Pass

P4-28 27 3208 164 97 Acceptable Pass

P4-29 27 4114 197 96 Excellent Pass

P4-30 27 3924 193 94 Very good Pass

P4-31 27 3661 185 95 Good Pass

P4-32 27 3656 123 94 Good Pass

P4-33 27 3864 161 97 Very good Pass

P4-34 27 3700 113 95 Good Pass

P4-35 27 3816 159 98 Very good Pass

P4-36 27 3806 143 100 Very good Pass

P4-37 27 3827 111 95 Very good Pass

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Pile Wave Maximum Minimum
Concrete Pile
Pile No. length velocity Profile Profile
Quality Result
(m) (m/s) (%) (%)
P4-38 27 3919 123 96 Very good Pass

P4-39 27 3960 107 99 Very good Pass

P4-40 27 3926 175 100 Very good Pass

P4-41 27 3822 133 99 Very good Pass

P4-42 27 3776 119 94 Good Pass

P4-43 27 3712 125 94 Good Pass

P4-44 27 3754 111 94 Good Pass

P4-45 27 3843 193 95 Very good Pass

P4-46 27 3304 144 94 Good Pass

P4-47 27 3780 134 96 Good Pass

P5-1 27 3722 106 94 Good Pass

P5-2 27 3859 116 97 Very good Pass

P5-3 27 3760 125 94 Good Pass

P5-4 27 4144 206 95 Excellent Pass

P5-5 27 3216 116 95 Acceptable Pass

P5-6 27 3484 111 96 Good Pass

P5-7 27 3760 143 95 Good Pass

P5-8 27 3806 137 94 Very good Pass

P5-9 27 3886 165 95 Very good Pass

P5-10 27 3776 143 95 Good Pass

P5-11 27 3603 107 96 Good Pass

P5-12 27 3752 120 97 Good Pass

P5-13 27 3744 167 97 Good Pass

P5-14 27 4000 171 95 Excellent Pass

P6-1 30 3672 114 97 Good Pass

P6-2 30 3746 164 96 Good Pass

P6-3 30 3782 129 94 Good Pass

P6-4 30 3955 123 98 Very good Pass

P6-5 30 3704 129 94 Good Pass

P6-6 30 4102 138 96 Excellent Pass

P6-7 30 4033 143 100 Excellent Pass

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Pile Wave Maximum Minimum
Concrete Pile
Pile No. length velocity Profile Profile
Quality Result
(m) (m/s) (%) (%)
P6-9 30 3984 130 94 Very good Pass

P6-10 30 3553 126 95 Good Pass

P6-11 30 4088 136 94 Excellent Pass

P6-12 30 4086 164 95 Excellent Pass

7 Discussion
It is appearing from the test results that 101 from the tested piles have
strong and clear toe reflection with no major defects, while the pile named
(P1-18, P4-7, P4-16, P5-2, P5-6, P5-11, P6-1) have no reflection from toe of the
pile. The reason of this result may illustrate due to bell formation or major
bulges development at the pile toe (causing enlarge in the cross section at pile
tip point), or the pile's end was based on a rock socket.
The maximum profile for the tested piles is ranging from (103% to
206%), while the minimum profile is ranging from (94% to 100%). The
concrete quality type for the tested piles are (Acceptable to Excellent) .

Therefore, all the tested piles are in a good condition and pass the test
meaning no any defect have been observed in the test.

8 References
1-Erez I. AMIR, and Joram M. AMIR "Inferring Pile Shape from
Pulse-Echo Test Records by Evolutionary Algorithm" from
2- ASTM Standard D 5882 " Standard Test Method for Low Strain Integrity Testing of
Piles", ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, (2008).
3- Pile Integrity Tester (PIT) User’s Manual October 2005 from PDI.
4- PIT-W Software For Pile Integrity Tester Data Analysis Version 2009 from PDI.
5- CIRIA Report No 144, “Integrity Testing in Piling Practice,” CIRIA, London, 1997.
6- Infratech ASTM Co.,Ltd. "Method Statement Pile Integrity Test",
7- Webster, K., Rausche, F. and Webster, S. Pile and shaft integrity test results, classification,
acceptance and/or rejection, TRB 2011 Annual Meeting, 2011.
8- SLP Ljubljana, and Ivan LESJAK "Test Method for Low Strain Integrity Testing of
Piles (Testing Procedure of Measurements and Analysis)' from nbc-

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9 Piles layout

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10 Certification of Equipment

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