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Establish Networks
Ronald Alexis Chachagua Orellana - 025016

Harry Cukier
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................2
2 Develop and maintain networks....................................................................................................2
3 Establish and maintain business relationships...............................................................................4
4 Promote the Relationship..............................................................................................................5
5 Report on Network Event..............................................................................................................6
6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................8

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1 Introduction
 The purpose of this report is about….?
Explain about the company that I choose to establish and describe how it can help other
business or how my business can have a profit having an agreement with other similar
 Your Company
The company name is Ban Ban Cake Shop.
 Your Role
I’m the owner of the business and the person how manage all the sales, promotions, social
media and the one who make deals with providers.
 Product / Service
In Ban Ban Cake Shop we offer any kind of food (cakes, breads, breakfasts, lunches, dinners)
especially deserts. We provide services to cook food in events or meetings.
 Key benefits of the Product / Service
Provide people a quality product and be able to export all the flavours from other country to
sell new kind of deserts to people in Australia.

2 Develop and maintain networks

1. Describe your business-related goals for networking (such as to build a client base, build a
network of contacts in your own industry or desired industry) and the key issues that relate to
and affect your work goals. You will continue to use the situation (or scenario) you describe here
to complete Task 3 questions below.

The primary objective of Ban Ban Cake Shop will be to establish a communication of trust with
possible allies to combine business ideas and thus, to be able to grow in a better way the
business strategies that are planned in each scenario. The strategy will explain in detail the
objectives of the company, the products it exports and the services it offers, in order to find ideas
to improve the established business plan.

2. Summarise the business networks available to you to support your goals listed in question 1.
What networks do you and/or your organisation or a role in a chosen industry or business
currently belong? How were these contacts developed?

I expected to find contacts from service providers in the area of food, which had the same
approach to my business. To do this, have common goals or similar services to provide.

3. List 3 network strategies that you could use to develop new networks and contacts?

- Present my services and contacts, and listen to what my colleagues offer.

- Offer my full attention to every detail explained and ask questions about any additional

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- Explain the objectives of my company and the alliances I seek to achieve.

4. For each of the networking strategies listed above, in 50 words, explain how they help promote
an organisation and its objectives.

The main idea will be to demonstrate the advantages and qualities that my company possesses,
describe all the services and products offered and the type of customers that the company is
focused on. It will seek to establish sponsorships in social networks and the creation of special
promotions to publicize the business and thus attract potential customers who consume the
products and services provided.

5. List ( 7 ) interpersonal skills required to effectively develop network contacts.

- Speak with confidence and security to our colleagues or clients.

- Present our ideas in a clear and orderly manner.
- Provide examples of how things will be done and in what time.
- Show interest in what our colleagues tell us and respond respectfully.
- Pay full attention to what people have to say.
- Offer positive and constructive comments to those who tell us.
- Save contacts to be in constant communication.

6. Describe how information on new contacts should be shared, recorded and communicated with
other people in your company.

By creating periodic meetings to make employees aware of the news or new additions to the
company. In addition, sending communication emails and the creation of an information board
with the details of the information to be communicated.

7. Explain why it is important to share new contact information with people in your company.
What are the benefits to the company?

To have all employees or suppliers in constant communication, to publicize new business

approaches, strategies to follow and above all, to inform any news that should be informed to

8. List a minimum of 3 NEW networks in which you could participate to build and maintain
personal knowledge and skills. In your report, summarise the networks you found in a table,
including the network name, date, cost and a brief summary of its purpose and objectives. (See
example below)

Type of Network Date Cost Purpose Objectives

Network Name/ Event
Workshops Ethical Nov 2018 $2,500 Learn about - Meet professional experts
Hacking event (4 weeks) Ethical on the topic of Ethical
Hacking and Hacking.

[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]

learn new - Learn new techniques to

skills about perform vulnerability
the topic. analysis.
- Offer services to
technology companies.
Trade CISCO 15/02/201 Free Define CISCO - Define the qualities and
events Business 9 related experiences of CISCO
Conference products and products.
how to use - Adapt the products with
them in the needs of the companies.
companies. - Meet professionals with
skills to operate CISCO
Linkedin Linkedin 2019 Free Technologica - Establish a communication
l tool to keep between colleagues.
in touch with - Meet professionals with
colleagues similar skills.
and - Exhibit an academic profile
professional with our experience.

3 Establish and maintain business relationships

1. What kinds of professional contacts / relationships do you have? They may be

educational, business or related to personal interests and skills.
List your most important contacts.

I have a group of friends who have the same academic goals, in which we set up
meetings to report some new important news. In addition, I use social networks to be
informed of any news and I have a network of professional contacts through Linkedin, in
which I share communication with coworkers, academic friends and contacts that I have
met in business events.

2. Explain why each of these relationships is important. Describe how you manage them to
develop and maintain the relationship and build trust?

It is important for the fact of being in constant communication with these contacts. To
be updated of any developments in the work or academic area and to publicize the
personal objectives of which I am developing. Trust is built with experience and
demonstration of the achievement of academic, work and business objectives.

3. Describe a challenge you have experienced in keeping a professional relationship

healthy. How did you overcome the problem? Describe how you managed the conflict?

On one occasion, I had a problem with a work colleague since we both applied to a
promotion within the company in which we work, after the internal competition, I won
the new position and had a discussion with the other staff for not having been selected

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for the job. The problem was solved since the human resources staff detailed the points
that were taken into account for the selection and the experience that was taken to
choose the indicated person.

I tried to explain to my coworker which ones I had and help him to be able to apply to
better job positions in the future.

4. Communication breakdowns may occur in any business relationship. Create an action

plan for managing business relationships more effectively. What steps can you take to
help build healthy business relationships and resolve conflicts?

The strategy to be taken will be to have different discussion topics, establish points of
interest for both parties and be updated on the related topics, so that you always have
an accurate point of view on the topics under discussion.

4 Promote the Relationship

In this part, you will identify and participate in a networking event. You will also develop a
strategy for how to effectively promote yourself (and your company) and how to receive and use
feedback effectively. Please refer to instructions above on how to format your document.

You will participate in a networking event (Task 4 – Observation: Networking event). Before the
event, you must establish your communication strategy.

1. At the networking event, how will you represent and promote yourself?
How will you present your interests?

I will introduce myself and provide information about my business idea. The primary
objectives of my company and the products and services provided. I will be attentive to
possible alliances with other entrepreneurs and offer my availability to generate labor
alliances and trust contracts. I will represent my interests through the objectives I intend
to achieve and paying attention to the goals of other people and support or give my
opinion on the points of view.

2. At the networking event, you will be presenting yourself as well as representing your
business. How can you use your presentation skills, personal appearance and body
language to effectively promote yourself and organisation?

The main thing is to know how to present the views and ideas about the business. Be
confident of the things we say and, above all, pay due attention to the comments and
opinions of other entrepreneurs. Of course the appearance is important, so it is advisable
to wear clothes, be clean and above all, try to establish all kinds of communication with
people. I will represent myself, and I will seek to build trust in people so that they know
my company and my products.

3. At the networking event, you may experience communication barriers.

Describe 2 barriers you may experience and explain how you will overcome these

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barriers to promote yourself effectively.

Barriers to communication How can you overcome the barrier to ensure

the relationship is promoted effectively?

Not knowing the people attending the Try to talk to all the people who attend the
event and not having the initiative to event. Be confident and speak with confidence.

Talk only about yourself and not expose Answer the questions and expose all the ideas,
ideas correctly. answer in an organized way and comment on
the objectives that other people have.

4. Feedback on your presentation skills is very important for improving your network skills.
How can you get feedback on your communication and networking skills? List 2 ways to
collect feedback.

- By subscribing to alerts or informational emails.

- Attend events in which you interact with people.
- Conversations contact colleagues and clients.

5. At the networking event, describe how you can monitor your effectiveness at promoting
yourself. How can this feedback help you improve your performance in networking?

In my opinion, the best way is to attend events in which topics of interest for my
company or my academic education are exposed. With this, I can improve my ability to
interact with people and meet new colleagues to expand my knowledge. This can help
my business since I can make my business plans and objectives known to send the
message to more people. Also, you learn a lot when you meet people who have the same
interest for business.

5 Report on Network Event

Now it’s time to participate in a networking event (Task 4 – Observation: Networking event) and
establish communication channels with new contacts. It may be one from your research or one
your trainer assigns. At the event, you must:

 Describe the face-to-face networking event:

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Business Network Event
Date was 11/30/2019

In the networking event I met many leaders with excellent ideas to undertake a new
business project, in which, each one seeks to establish contacts with different people to
seek benefits of alliances with companies that offer a business-like service that I am setting.

The event seemed very interesting because it gives the opportunity to meet people who
have a business similar to mine, in which, we can establish alliances to distribute both
products and services and thus generate greater profit and provide better service to

Meeting people at events of this kind helps us establish links with entrepreneurs who can
provide ideas to grow a business.

 List a minimum of 3 contacts with a copy of the business cards you collected:

 Describe how you made contact, developed rapport and established trust with the new

The contact was established through personal presentation and telling about my business
idea. Explaining in detail the objective that my company has and the interest with which I
have to grow my business. The trust was generated when they show interest in my business
idea and are willing to contribute ideas to combine both services and thus provide a better
quality product to customers.

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 Explain your evaluated summary score result and the level of importance for each new
contact on the Ranking Networking Matrix below? (Note: please recreate this table so it
reflects your 3 best new contacts).

Ranking Networking Opportunities Matrix

Weigh Ewerton Guarana
Benefit Acai Br Ti
t Viana Pureza
3 Increase profits 1 2 2 1
3 Number of Business Referrals 1 1 0 1
3 Service provider 0 0 2 0
3 Potential long term client 2 2 1 1
2 Innovation and creativity 0 1 1 0
2 Increase market exposure 0 1 1 0
2 Provision of goods at lower cost 0 1 0 1
2 Industry knowledge 1 1 0 1
Provides training and
1 0 0 1 0
1 Resource sharing 1 1 0 1
1 Add credibility to our name 0 0 1 0
1 Friendship and relationship 1 1 1 1
Total 7 11 10 7

 Draft an email for your first priority contact and include another time to meet.

To Acai Br (
From Ban Ban Cake Shop (
Subject Establish business meeting
Dear Acai Br.

I cordially greet you to inform you that I would like to schedule a business meeting to
discuss issues of possible alliances between our companies. I would love to be able to
establish a meeting to expose my points of view and talk about joining our businesses,
so that, with the export of your products, you can help us improve both businesses.

I would like to meet with you next Thursday, December 12 at our Queen St Mall store,
188 Albert St.

Ban Ban Cake Shop

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6 Conclusion

 Explain whether this network event had achieved your objectives? If not, where could you
improve next time?

The event held at ILSC on networking met all the expectations I had, as it allowed me to
expose my business to colleagues who share business interests or ideas. Likewise, it allowed
me to know the products and services that colleagues presented and possible alliances
between companies.

In my case, you can make contact with 3 people who can help me improve my business. Since
we share the type of service provided but with different products, this can help us provide
better services and offer more products to customers.


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