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Session 2 – Sanat Sameer Malhotra

Personal Learning Assignment – IGP

In session 2 of IGP we discussed about interpersonal effectiveness and managing
performance through the case of Ramesh Gargi. The case brought out the importance of
concern for others and for self and the need to balance both while managing conflicts. We
further came to know that level of fit, with the organization, job, supervisor, and group
determine a lot of things like one’s job satisfaction, performance, attraction to the
organization etc. Finally, we discussed the EVLN method which explained the various
options available with a person to deal with a situation- Exit, Voice (speak on your concerns),
Loyalty (continue) and Neglect.
Looking back at my time in my organization (ITC) I now understand how my colleagues and
juniors were dealing with our demanding boss. Initially our boss was not very demanding as
he was still understanding, but later, as he started to understand, he started to demand more
and more without having understood the matter in great depth. This meant unrealistic
expectations and people in general not being able to meet them, creating an environment of
tension and stress in the organization. Different people reacted differently. Some during the
heat of the moment, quit, some stayed on due to the loyalty towards the firm, while others,
including me first were in a state of neglect and then decided to voice our opinions to
whosoever we could trust. Ultimately, we sorted things out by speaking to our boss.
From my experience and the class lecture I realize that the best way to deal with a situation is
to talk it out, that too with the right set of people, those who are aware/can influence both
parties. A passive approach like loyalty does no good and but only postpones the harm of exit
while we continue in a relatively unhappy state.

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