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Veterinary Quarterly

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Duck virus enteritis (duck plague) – a

comprehensive update

Kuldeep Dhama, Naveen Kumar, Mani Saminathan, Ruchi Tiwari,

Kumaragurubaran Karthik, M. Asok Kumar, M. Palanivelu, Muhammad
Zubair Shabbir, Yashpal Singh Malik & Raj Kumar Singh

To cite this article: Kuldeep Dhama, Naveen Kumar, Mani Saminathan, Ruchi Tiwari,
Kumaragurubaran Karthik, M. Asok Kumar, M. Palanivelu, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir, Yashpal
Singh Malik & Raj Kumar Singh (2017) Duck virus enteritis (duck plague) – a comprehensive
update, Veterinary Quarterly, 37:1, 57-80, DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2017.1298885

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VOL. 37, NO. 1, 57–80


Duck virus enteritis (duck plague) – a comprehensive update

Kuldeep Dhama a, Naveen Kumarb, Mani Saminathana, Ruchi Tiwaric, Kumaragurubaran Karthik d,
M. Asok Kumara, M. Palanivelu a, Muhammad Zubair Shabbire, Yashpal Singh Malikf and Raj Kumar Singhg
Division of Pathology, ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India; bNational Center for Veterinary Type Cultures, ICAR-
National Research Center on Equines, Hisar, India; cDepartment of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary
Sciences, Deen Dayal Upadhayay Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalay Evum Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura, India; dCentral
University Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India; eQuality Operations Laboratory, University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; fDivision of Biological Standardization, ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Bareilly, India; gICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India


Duck virus enteritis (DVE), also called duck plague, is one of the major contagious and fatal Received 25 September 2016
diseases of ducks, geese and swan. It is caused by duck enteritis virus (DEV)/Anatid herpesvirus- Accepted 20 February 2017
1 of the genus Mardivirus, family Herpesviridae, and subfamily Alpha-herpesvirinae. Of note, DVE KEYWORDS
has worldwide distribution, wherein migratory waterfowl plays a crucial role in its transmission Duck virus enteritis; duck
within and between continents. Furthermore, horizontal and/ or vertical transmission plays a plague; epidemiology;
significant role in disease spread through oral-fecal discharges. Either of sexes from varying age diagnosis; vaccine;
groups of ducks is vulnerable to DVE. The disease is characterized by sudden death, vascular prevention; control
damage and subsequent internal hemorrhage, lesions in lymphoid organs, digestive mucosal
eruptions, severe diarrhea and degenerative lesions in parenchymatous organs. Huge
economic losses are connected with acute nature of the disease, increased morbidity and
mortality (5%–100%), condemnations of carcasses, decreased egg production and hatchability.
Although clinical manifestations and histopathology can provide preliminary diagnosis, the
confirmatory diagnosis involves virus isolation and detection using serological and molecular
tests. For prophylaxis, both live-attenuated and killed vaccines are being used in broiler and
breeder ducks above 2 weeks of age. Since DEV is capable of becoming latent as well as shed
intermittently, recombinant subunit and DNA vaccines either alone or in combination
(polyvalent) are being targeted for its benign prevention. This review describes DEV,
epidemiology, transmission, the disease (DVE), pathogenesis, and advances in diagnosis,
vaccination and antiviral agents/therapies along with appropriate prevention and control

1. Introduction reported in duck farms in the United States of America.

However, the majority of investigations have failed to
Duck virus enteritis (DVE) is also known as duck plague
isolate the virus (Brand & Docherty 1984). Besides
(DP), Entenpest (German), eendenpest (Dutch) and
Anseriformes, outbreaks have never been seen in other
peste du canard (French) (Jansen 1961; USDA 1967;
avian species, mammals & humans (Baudet 1923; Bos
Wobeser 1987; Davison et al. 1993). Although the term
1942; Jansen 1964; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Sandhu &
DP was first coined by Bos (1942), officially it was pro-
Metwally 2008).
posed and used by Jansen and Kunst (1949). The dis-
Most of the affected birds die without ample clinical
ease is caused by Anatid herpesvirus type 1, a member
manifestations and even sometimes the carcasses are
of the Herpesviridae family and subfamily Alpha-herpes-
found floating on the water surface (Montali et al.
virinae (Fadly et al. 2008; Li et al. 2009; King et al. 2011).
1976). However, when clinical symptoms are evident,
With an acute but sometimes chronic and highly con-
high mortalities especially in older ducks, vascular
tagious nature, DVE causes considerable mortality
damage and subsequent internal hemorrhages (Proc-
among domestic and wild ducks, swans, geese and
tor 1975), lesions in lymphoid organs, digestive muco-
other waterfowl of different ages. The disease is known
sal eruptions, severe diarrhea and degenerative lesions
to have global distribution, wherein migratory water-
in parenchymatous organs (Montali et al. 1976; Davi-
fowl plays a crucial role in disease transmission within
son et al. 1993) following fatal outcomes (Jansen 1961;
and between continents. However, mortality and
Wobeser 1987; Davison et al. 1993; Shawky et al. 2000;
severity of the disease varies between epizootics and
Campagnolo et al. 2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003) are
species involved or affected (Keymer & Gough 1986;
noticed. Partially closed eyelids with photophobia,
Kaleta et al. 2007). Extensive epizootics have been
extreme thirst, loss of appetite, ataxia, nasal discharge,

CONTACT Kuldeep Dhama

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

drooping plumage, watery diarrhea, soiled vents and passaged in homologous host/cell culture of avian
tremors of head, neck and body (Davison et al. 1993) (duck/chicken) origin for large scale vaccine produc-
are other clinical symptoms witnessed. tion but recently DEV has been grown successfully
Domestic and wild ducks, geese and swans of all over Vero cell lines (green monkey origin) as evident
ages are considered susceptible, wherein the infection from cytopathic effects and identification of DNA and
may, at times, exhibit chronicity or latency (Richter & viral antigens by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
Horzinek 1993; Sandhu & Shawky 2003). After estab- indirect immunofluorescence (IF) techniques (Aravind,
lishing primary infection, duck enteritis virus (DEV) Kamble, Gaikwad, Shukla, Dey, and Mohan 2015). Cur-
exhibits latent infection in trigeminal ganglia (TG). rent advances in the areas of diagnosis, vaccination
From this site, re-activation of the virus can occur that and control have provided viable options to counter
results in disease outburst (Shawky & Schat 2002). Hith- this economically important pathogen affecting ducks,
erto reports confirmed that DVE survivors may become geese and swans.
carriers for up to 4 years (Burgess et al. 1979). Mallard The present review describes in detail about DEV,
ducks, that are less susceptible to the lethal effects of its replication, host range, epidemiology, transmis-
DP, could be considered a natural reservoir of the sion, the disease it causes, pathology and pathogen-
infection. In domestic birds, DVE usually occurs in age esis, immunity, and advances in diagnosis,
group of 7 days and later (to mature breeders). vaccination and antiviral agents/therapies as well as
Depending upon the virulence of infection and immu- appropriate prevention and control strategies to be
nological status of birds, morbidity and mortality of adapted.
birds range from 5 to 100% (Jansen 1961) persists in
the flock with significant drop in egg production (Gold-
2. History
berg et al. 1990). Mortality usually starts at 1–5 days
after the onset of clinical signs and is more evident in Originally, Baudet (1923) reported the first outbreak of
adult breeder ducks. However, death rarely occurs in an acute hemorrhagic disease in domestic ducks in the
chronically infected flocks. Recovered birds usually Netherlands. The Koch's postulate was proven by intro-
become carriers and excrete the virus in the feces over ducing sterile filtered liver suspensions in domestic
a period of several months (Horzinek 1993; Shawky & ducks. The disease was not reproduced in chickens
Schat 2002). and thus, it was concluded that disease was due to a
Though carrier birds are resistant or immune to the specific duck-adapted strain of fowl plague virus. Sub-
disease, virus shedding results in disease spread to sus- sequently, DeZeeuw (1930) confirmed Baudet's find-
ceptible waterfowls (Sandhu & Shawky 2003). The ings and hypothesized the presence of a duck-adapted
main causes, that can perpetuate an outbreak, are strain of fowl plague as a possible cause of the DVE.
bird-to-bird contact and/ or contact of susceptible Much like Baudet (1923), he reported that chickens,
birds-to-contaminated environment (Burgess & Yuill pigeons and rabbits are resistant to experimental infec-
1983; Richter & Horzinek 1993; Shawky & Schat 2002). tion and suspected wild waterfowl, found within out-
Scavenging and decomposition of infected carcasses break areas, to be the carriers.
may also contaminate and spread the virus in environ- After examining the characteristic lesions and
ment. Several reports indicate virus transmission experimental infections unable to cause disease in
through eggs of infected birds. However, its signifi- pigeons, chickens, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and mice,
cance in the disease cycle remains unclear (Burgess & Bos (1942) concluded that fowl plague virus is a novel
Yuill 1983; Sandhu & Shawky 2003). distinct viral disease of ducks. Later, first report of DVE
Due to high mortality, condemnations, decreased in domestic and free-flying Anseriforms leading to seri-
egg production & hatchability, significant economic ous outbreaks in migratory waterfowl with high mor-
losses are associated with DVE across the globe. An tality occurred on the American continent (Friend &
excess of $1 million losses were reported in 1967 dur- Pearson 1973). Outbreaks in zoos and game-farm
ing the first outbreak in the United States of America’ flocks have also been reported (Jacobsen et al. 1976;
duck industry of long island, New York (Jansen 1968; Montali et al. 1976). Massive outbreaks reported from
Leibovitz & Hwang 1968a, 1968b; Walker et al. 1969). New York (1967) and South Dakota (1973) suggested
The virulent strain of DEV can be adapted by several that the DVE could be enzootic in the region, exploit-
passages in duck embryo and chicken embryo fibro- ing the major fly-ways. Similarly, in many duck-produc-
blast (CEF) cell culture (John et al. 1990; Mondal et al. ing regions of the world such as Indiana, California,
2010; Doley et al. 2013). Naturally apathogenic or Pennsylvania, Texas and Minnesota in the United
attenuated DEV strains are being used as live vaccines States of America, Canada, England, Hungary, Den-
that can offer sufficient protection for commercial mark, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, China,
ducks (Hess & Dardiri 1968; Jansen 1968; Spieker 1977; Vietnam, India and Thailand, the disease has been a
Lin et al. 1984; Liu et al. 2007; Li et al. 2009; Lian et al. cause of significant economic losses to the poultry sec-
2010). Mostly the virus is propagated, adapted and tor primarily due to high mortality, carcass

condemnations and reduced egg production (Baudet and its analyses demonstrated that, although similar to
1923; Levine & Fabricant 1950; Leibovitz & Hwang other herpes viruses, the DEV genome also varies (Li
1968a, 1968b; Gough & Alexander 1990; Campagnolo et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2011; Liu, Han, et al. 2011; Liu,
et al. 2001; Converse & Kidd 2001). Chen, et al. 2011; Wu et al. 2012a; Wu et al. 2012b;
Yang et al. 2013). The Chinese DEV is a wild type viru-
lent strain of DEV (Gao et al. 2015). The genome of the
3. Etiology DEV is approximately 158 kb that contains 78 open
reading frames (ORFs) predicted to encode potential
The etiological agent of DVE is DEV or Anatid herpesvi-
functional proteins. Out of 78 ORFs, the majority of the
rus-1. As per the recent taxonomic classification by the
ORFs (65) are located in the unique-long (UL) region
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
while other 11 ORFs in the unique-short (US) region,
(ICTV), DEV has been classified into the genus Mardivi-
respectively. The leftover two ORFs (ICP4/IE180) local-
rus, subfamily Alpha-herpesvirinae of the family Herpes-
ize in the internal repeat sequence (IRS) and terminal
viridae (Fadly et al. 2008; Li et al. 2009; King et al. 2011).
repeat sequence (TRS) regions. Genome also contains
The virus has non-hemagglutinating and non-hemad-
an US, an UL, an US internal-repeat (IR) and an US ter-
sorbing properties (Jansen 1961; Dardiri & Hess 1968).
minal-repeat (TR) region (Chen et al. 2013). Being
Having a diameter of about 120-130 nm, with globular
enveloped, the virus is sensitive to ether and chloro-
shape, the enveloped Herpesevirus has four structural
form. While using heat during inactivation experi-
components that includes a bilayer-lipid envelope, an
ments, 10 minutes at 56  C or 90–120 minutes at 50  C,
amorphous tegument, an icosahedral capsid and a lin-
the infectivity has been nullified (Sandhu & Shawky
ear double-stranded DNA with G+C content of 64.3%
2003). At room temperature (22  C), infectivity lasts up
or G+C content of 44.9% (Figure 1) (Gardner et al.
to 30 days. Drying over calcium chloride at 22  C
1993; Yuan et al. 2005). The genomes may vary in base
resulted in inactivation of the virus after 9 days. The
composition, sequence arrangements and size. A sig-
DEV rapidly gets inactivated beyond pH 3–11. The
nificant difference may also be seen in arrangement of
infectivity has been found to be destroyed by treating
inverted and directly repeated sequences (Hayward
the virus for 18 hours at 37  C to trypsin, chymotrypsin
et al. 1975; Wadsworth et al. 1976). Partial or complete
and pancreatic lipase (Hess & Dardiri 1968).
genomic sequences of DEVs are rapidly accumulating

Figure 1. Structure and replication of Anatid herpesvirus-1.


Recently, the bioinformatics data based codon Replication of the viral DNA occurs in the nucleus
usage bias analysis between the newly identified DEV and newly synthesized DNA is coiled into pre-formed
gD gene (GenBank accession no. KC915041) and the immature capsids (He et al. 2012). Maturation of virion
gD like gene of 23 other reference herpesviruses DNA occurs by encapsidation of nucleocapsids and the
revealed that codon of gD gene of DEV had strong bias inner layer of the nuclear-envelope. Subsequently,
towards the synonymous codons with A and T at the complete envelopment of virion occurs by budding
third position; existence of a high level of diversity in through the nuclear membrane. After maturation, the
codon usage; and the G + C content constrained the virions accumulate within vacuoles of the cytoplasm of
genetic heterogeneity in gD gene. The study pointed host cell and are released by cytolysis or exocytosis
out yeast expression system to be more appropriate (Figure 1) (Everett 2000; Flemington 2001). Plasma
for the expression of DEV genes. These findings may membrane of host cell contains virus-specific proteins
help towards understanding the evolution and patho- which are responsible for cell fusion, act as Fc recep-
genesis of this virus in a better way, offer a basis for tors, and are supposed to be targets for immune cytol-
knowing the associated mechanism for biased usage ysis. Intra-nuclear inclusion bodies are hallmark feature
of synonymous codons, identifying suitable heterolo- of herpes virus infections, both in in vivo and in cell cul-
gous expression system for improving target gene tures (Nii & Kamahora 1962; Fowler et al. 1989; Davison
expression, and pave way for development of newer et al. 1993; Campagnolo et al. 2001). Barr et al. (1992)
vaccines and diagnostics (Aravind et al. 2014). reported intra-nuclear viral inclusion bodies of DVE in
various tissues as well as intra-cytoplasmic inclusion
bodies in esophageal and cloacal epithelium. Using
4. Virus replication
electron microscopy, they also demonstrated mem-
DEV replicates primarily in the mucosa of the digestive brane-bound intra-cytoplasmic inclusions which con-
tract, and then spreads to the bursa of Fabricius, thy- tained enveloped herpes virus and nuclei containing
mus, spleen, and liver. The lining epithelial cells and herpes viral nucleocapsids. Replication and growth
lymphocytes of these organs are the principal sites for curves of DEV were studied in cell cultures by electron
replication of DEV (Xuefeng et al. 2008). Since DEV can microscope (Breese & Dardiri 1968; Bergmann & Kinder
replicate quickly in many cell types and tissues, it is 1982; Tantaswasdi et al. 1988; He et al. 2012). The virus
considered as a pantropic virus that leads to pathologi- replicates mainly in the mucosal epithelial cells of the
cal lesions in many different organs (Li, Hong, et al. gastrointestinal tract, especially in the epithelial cells of
2016). Herpes virus attaches to host-cell receptors by the esophagus, and then disseminates into the thymus,
virion glycoprotein spikes (Boehmer & Nimonkar 2003). bursa of Fabricius, spleen and liver in a susceptible host
Several glycoproteins such as gB, gC, gD, gH and gL (Islam & Khan 1995; Shawky & Schat 2002). In these
are involved when DEV enters inside the host cells organs, epithelial cells, lymphocytes and macrophages
(Johnson et al. 1990; Spear et al. 2000). After binding, are the chief sites of viral replication (Shawky 2000;
the envelope fuses with the plasma membrane of the Yuan et al. 2005). Replication of virus occurs within the
host cell and the nucleocapsid enters into the cyto- nucleus 12 hours post inoculation. By 24 hours post
plasm of the host cell. DNA and protein complex is sep- inoculation, viral forms and envelope were noticed
arated from the nucleocapsid and enters into the within the cytoplasm. With maximum titer at 48 hours,
nucleus. It then rapidly shuts off the host cell macro- cell culture titrations showed new cell-associated virae-
molecule synthesis (Kwong & Frenkel 1987; Everly et al. mia 4 hours post inoculation. By 6–8 hours post inocu-
2002). During infection, the genes in US, UL, IR and TR lation, extracellular virus was first detected and
of DEV genome are sequentially expressed in three reached maximum titer at 60 hours (Breese & Dardiri
phases, viz. immediate early (IE), early and late phases. 1968). Increased incubation temperatures such as
The IE gene is transcribed immediately after infection, 39.5  C–41.5  C in tissue cultures favored the replica-
prior to replication of viral DNA in an IE protein-depen- tion of viruses, especially of less virulent strains
dent manner, and transcription of the late gene begins (Burgess & Yuill 1981a). Viral glycoprotein C (gC) plays
after the synthesis of DNA and onset of other viral pro- an active role in the adsorption of DEV over CEF to
teins synthesis (Liu et al. 2015). Two putative origins of enhance the infectivity and hence blocking the gC can
replication have been reported in the DEV genome, be a critical strategy in preventing the viral establish-
and both such origins are located in the IRS and TRS ment in the host cells (Hu et al. 2013).
upstream of US1. The positions of origin are similar to
the OriS of pseudorabies virus (PRV), and the replica-
5. Host range
tion origins of DEV genome share major sequence fea-
tures, namely two inverted copies of the UL9 (OBP) Although virus can be adapted by serial passage to
binding sequence (GTTCGCAC) separated by a 43-bp grow in embryonating chicken eggs and ducklings up
AT-rich spacer sequence (76.7% A + T), with PRV (Klupp to 2 weeks of age (Jansen 1964; Jansen 1968; Mondal
et al. 1992; Fuchs et al. 2000). et al. 2010), members of the family Anatidae such as

ducks, geese, and swans exhibit natural susceptibility canadensis) that are susceptible to experimental infec-
to DVE. From 7 days of age to adulthood, natural out- tion with high mortalities (Wobeser & Docherty 1987),
breaks have been reported to inflict huge casualties in European teal (Anas crecca) and pintails (Anas acuta)
a variety of domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), are resistant to experimental infections with effective
including White Pekin, Khaki Campbell, Indian Runner, immune response only (Van Dorssen & Kunst 1955). An
hybrids and native ducks of mixed breeding, Muscovy outbreak has been reported in non-Anseriformes
ducks (Cairina moschata) (Jansen 1961; Newcomb waterfowl such as common coots (Fulica atra) and
1968; Leibovitz & Hwang 1968a, 1968b; Campagnolo crested coots (Fulica cristata) (Salguero et al. 2002).
et al. 2001; Converse & Kidd 2001; Akter et al. 2004; Although the virus has not been isolated or identified,
Konch et al. 2009; Wozniakowski & Samorek-Salamono- histopathological findings such as enteritis, multi-focal
wicz 2014), domestic geese (Anser anser) (Jansen & necrotic hepatitis with intra-nuclear inclusion bodies
Wemmenhove 1965; Kisary & Zsak 1983) and mute and ultra-structural findings such as viral particles and
swans (Keymer & Gough 1986). Gray-call ducks, herring viral replication sites which are characteristic of herpes
gulls (Larus argentatus) and black-headed gulls (Chroi- virus infection are useful in confirming the DVE infec-
cocephalus ridibundus) have been found resistant to tion (Salguero et al. 2002). Outbreaks in domestic
infection (Van Dorssen & Kunst 1955). Added to ducks occur especially in regions where there is a close
domesticated species, gadwall (Anas strepera), garga- association with aquatic environments co-habited by
ney teal (Anas querquedula), European wigeon (Anas wild waterfowl (DeZeeuw 1930; Leibovitz & Hwang
penelope), shovelers (Spatula clypeata), wood ducks 1968a, 1968b; Richter & Horzinek 1993; Converse &
(Aixsponsa), common pochards (Aythya ferina), com- Kidd 2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Wozniakowski &
mon eiders (Somateria mollissima), white-fronted geese Samorek-Salamonowicz 2014). Studies evidenced
(Anser albifrons), mute swans (Cygnus olor) and bean through loop-mediated isothermal amplification
geese (Anser fabalis) have been found susceptible to (LAMP) technique demonstrated that free range water
fatal infection. Mallards (A. platyrhynchos) are more birds such as wild ducks (A. platyrhynchos), mute swans
resistant to lethal effects and are considered a possible (C. olor), graylag geese (A. anser), tundra bean geese (A.
natural reservoir of infection (Figure 2) (Dardiri & Gailiu- fabalis) and grey herons (Ardea cinerea) have high prev-
nas 1969; Burgess & Yuill 1983; Wobeser & Docherty alence of DEV and could act as probable carriers of DEV
1987; Goldberg et al. 1990). Contrary to blue-winged in the nearby water bodies (Wozniakowski & Samorek-
teal (Anas discors) and Canada geese (Branta Salamonowicz 2014).

Figure 2. Female European wigeon (left top; A. penelope) and two males and a female Mallard (right below; A. platyrhynchos) on ice
in the Netherlands. Originally, Baudet (1923) reported the first outbreak of DP in domestic ducks in the Netherlands. European
wigeon has been found susceptible to fatal infection, whereas Mallards are more resistant to lethal effects and are considered a
possible natural reservoir of infection of DP (or eendepest in Dutch) (photograph by J.H. van der Kolk).

6. Epidemiology and disease distribution 6.1. Indian scenario

DEV infection can affect ducks as early as at one week age In India, duck farming is very common in northeastern
up to adult age. Higher flock density is usually the main regions, especially in Assam where villagers rear them
contributing factor for initiation of DP outbreaks. The as backyard farming. However, DVE leads to consider-
Netherlands experienced several outbreaks of DP able economic losses and significantly affects the
between 1920s and 1940s (Baudet 1923; Bos 1942). Later, socio-economic status of the small, marginal and land-
the first major outbreak occurred in the United States of less farmers (Mukerji et al. 1963a; Bulbule 1982; Mondal
America in 1967 with huge losses to the duck industry of et al. 2010). In India, the disease outbreaks have been
Long Island, New York (Jansen 1968; Leibovitz 1968; Lei- reported from Kerala (Rajan et al. 1980; Kulkarni et al.
bovitz & Hwang 1968a, 1968b). Another major outbreak 1995), Tamil Nadu (Duraiswami et al. 1979; Chellapan-
occurred at South Dakota in 1973 that resulted in loss of dian et al. 2005), West Bengal (Mukerji et al. 1963a,
43,000 ducks and geese. Epidemiological investigations 1963b, 1965; Bhowmik & Ray 1987), Uttar Pradesh
suggested the correlation of the incidence of DP in wild (Mukit 1985), Karnataka (Bulbule 1982) and Assam (Bar-
birds and farmed poultry as samples from wild birds and uah 1981; Sarma et al. 1991; Sharma 1992; Sarmah et al.
poultry were found positive/carrier through various viro- 1997; Konch et al. 2009).
logical and serological investigations (Ziedler & Hlinak The DVE disease was first reported in West Bengal
1992). Subsequently, between 1970 and 1995, more than by Mukerji et al. (1963a, 1965) and high incidences
100 outbreaks have been reported from places such as (40.0%) of DVE have been reported since then (Bhow-
Maryland, New York, California and Pennsylvania (Hwang mik & Ray 1987). In November 1976, this disease was
et al. 1975; Brand & Docherty 1984; Davison et al. 1993; reported in Tamil Nadu with high mortality (up to
Converse & Kidd 2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003). In addi- 100%) among Indian Runner ducks (Duraiswami et al.
tion to outbreaks in the Netherlands and USA, DVE has 1979) and later in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu
been reported in China (Jansen & Kunst 1964; Wu et al. (Chellapandian et al. 2005). At the same time, Rajan
2012a), France (Gaudry et al. 1970; Gough et al. 1987), Bel- et al. (1980) reported an outbreak of DVE in Kerala state
gium (Devos et al. 1964), India (Mukerji et al. 1963a; in 1976, wherein disease spread was noticed in all parts
Duraiswami et al. 1979; Rajan et al. 1980), Egypt (El- of Kerala within a short span of 3-4 months. Of note,
Samadony et al. 2013) England (Hall & Simmons 1972; necrosis of heart muscle and gizzard was a consistent
Gough & Alexander 1990), Canada (Hanson & Willis lesion seen in affected ducks that has not been
1976), Germany (Kaleta et al. 2007), Denmark (Prip et al. described before. From outbreaks originating from Ker-
1983), Poland (Wozniakowski & Samorek-Salamonowicz ala, Kulkarni et al. (1995) isolated the DP virus using
2014), Vietnam (Pritchard et al. 1999) and Bangladesh duck and chicken embryos. Chakraborty et al. (1980)
(Hoque et al. 2011; OIE 2012; Ahamed et al. 2015). An epi- reported the first outbreak of DVE, affecting both duck-
demiological study conducted in Chatkhil town of the lings and adult ducks of both sexes, in Assam in 1978
Noakhali District of Bangladesh during January 2005– with high morbidity (100% in ducklings and between
June 2006 highlighted that mortality in household ducks 88-90% in adult birds) and mortality (49% in adult
occurred mostly due to diseases like DP and duck cholera, birds).
and unvaccinated birds remained at higher risk. Hence, To date, research has been in-process to understand
strengthening of the disease surveillance and monitoring both the virus epidemiology and pathology together
systems and knowing the immunization status of ducks with appropriate diagnostics and vaccine develop-
in risk prone areas could play an important role in reduc- ment. Mukit et al. (1987) studied the effect of DEV on
ing the DP incidences (Hoque et al. 2011). Recently, an peripheral blood lymphocytes of ducks. Konch et al.
outbreak of DP was confirmed in Jin-ding variety of layer (2009) reported the incidence (21.7%) and pathology
ducks and in Cherry Valley variety of meat purpose breed- of naturally occurring DP in Assam. DP outbreaks in
ing ducks of 7–49 weeks of age group in northwestern Assam were confirmed by John (1988) and John et al.
region of Shandong province of China based on the spe- (1990) by virus neutralization (VN), haemagglutination
cific clinical signs observed including of high morbidity test, agar-gel precipitation test, fluorescent antibody
and mortality with reduced production performances, test (FAT), counter-immunoelectrophoresis and histo-
necropsy and histopathological findings, virus isolation pathology. DEV was adapted by John et al. (1990) and
and identification studies. The outbreak was controlled Doley et al. (2013) by giving 12 serial passages in
by adopting emergency measures such as modified embryonated duck eggs as well as CEF. Mondal et al.
immunization protocol along with slaughtering of the (2010) propagated a chicken embryo-adapted DEV vac-
infected flocks and discarding the carcass, manure and lit- cine strain. Sarmah et al. (1997) studied the physico-
ter appropriately and follow ups of accurate implementa- chemical characterization of a virulent strain of DP
tion of disinfection practices of duck pens, feeders and virus isolate from Guwahati, Assam. John et al. (1989)
watering pails (Wang et al. 2013). developed the counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE)

for rapid detection of DEV antibodies and antigens. open water bodies which are often shared by free-fly-
Mallanna et al. (2006) revealed inhibition of DEV using ing waterfowl (Richter & Horzinek 1993; Sandhu &
small interfering RNAs (siRNA) in cell culture system. Shawky 2003). Oral, intranasal and/or parenteral
Using three field strains of DP virus, Bordoloi et al. administration of virus infected tissues can establish
(1994) and Kumar and Punnoose (2000) developed the experimental infection in susceptible ducks. The con-
conventional CEF adapted DP vaccine that was effec- valescent birds may get immune or resistant to re-
tive to the extent of 86.6%. More recently, studies infection. However, they may become carriers and
regarding development of a recombinant UL30 anti- shed DEV into the environment for a prolonged period
gen-based single serum dilution ELISA (enzyme linked (Burgess & Yuill, 1983; Richter & Horzinek 1993; Shawky
immuno sorbent assay) test for DEV detection (Aravind & Schat 2002). The role of migratory waterfowls as car-
2014), adaptation and growth kinetics of an Indian iso- riers of DEV has been reported during many outbreaks
late of virulent DEV in Vero cells (Aravind, Kamble, (Van Dorssen & Kunst 1955; Dardiri & Hess 1967; Friend
Gaikwad, Shukla, Dey, & Mohan 2015) and recombi- & Pearson 1973; Brand & Docherty 1984; Wozniakowski
nant glycoprotein D based prime boost approach & Samorek-Salamonowicz 2014). Horizontal spread is
against DEV in mice model (Aravind, Kamble, Gaikwad, the principal mode of transmission (Sandhu & Shawky
Shukla, Saravanan, et al. 2015) have been reported. 2003). Attempts to isolate DEV from eggs laid during a
natural outbreak have not been successful (Burgess &
Yuill 1981a). Vertical transmission has been reported in
7. Transmission
persistently infected waterfowl (Burgess & Yuill 1981b;
The susceptible population may get exposed both by Burgess & Yuill 1983; Gough 2008).
direct contact to infected bird as well as indirectly from The course and direction of DVE infection are
virus contaminated environment (Figure 3) (Sandhu & dependent on population density as well as rate of
Shawky 2003). As the waterfowl is dependent on an transmission between infected and susceptible birds
aquatic environment, transmission through water (Sandhu & Shawky 2003). Latency and re-activation of
seems to be a prime source. Most of the outbreaks in DEV have been responsible for precipitating outbreaks
domestic ducks have occurred in the proximity of in domestic and migrating waterfowl populations.

Figure 3. Transmission and pathogenesis of DEV.


Lately, it has been revealed that trigeminal ganglion, In some birds, ophthalmic signs such as lacrimation,
lymphoid tissues and peripheral blood lymphocytes watery ocular discharge, photophobia and diptheroid
remains the main latency sites for the DEV (Shawky & plaques around the eyelids are observed. Due to ocular
Schat 2002). The US 2 (US2) protein of DEV plays an signs, some birds often refuse to drink which further
active role in penetrating the susceptible host cell and exacerbate the dehydration and its sequel. Respiratory
subsequent spread of virus from one cell to another signs are often manifested as a hoarse chirp. However,
cell in the host and facilitates the establishment of DEV it is non-specific followed by a drop in egg production
infection in susceptible birds (Wei et al. 2014). The and a ruffled, unkempt appearance. Death usually
expressed US2 protein is observed in infected cells occurs within 5 days of onset of clinical symptoms with
through indirect immunofluorescent assay by using high mortality (60%–90%) and about 25%–40% drop
fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and purified for in egg production (Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Carter et al.
assessing its role (Zhao et al. 2008; Xiang et al. 2010). 2006). With the stress of egg production, adult
The DEV gene responsible for US2 protein production breeders tend to experience high mortalities than
also helps in exploring studies of genetic conservation young ones. Suddenly increased and persistent flock
of alpha-herpesviruses besides augmenting the DEV mortality is often observed in domestic breeders. Pro-
infection because other than in DEV, the US2 protein is lapse of the penis is another manifestation seen in
also present in other alpha-herpes viruses, including male birds. The birds may show a characteristic posture
herpes simplex virus-2, bovine herpesvirus-1, equine with drooping outstretched wings, down head and
herpesvirus-1, canine herpesvirus, PRV and Marek's dis- tremors of head and body (Davison et al. 1993; Richter
ease virus (Cantello et al. 1991; Haanes & Tomlinson & Horzinek 1993; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Carter et al.
1998; Jiang et al. 1998; Belknap et al. 1999; Meindl & 2006). In case of ducklings of 2–7 weeks of age, symp-
Osterrieder 1999; Ben-Arieh et al. 2001; Clase et al. toms like dehydration, loss of weight, conjunctivitis,
2003; Gao et al. 2015). lacrimation, nasal exudate, bluish discoloration of beak
and blood-stained vent are noticed (Gough 2008;
Sandhu & Metwally 2008).
7.1. Role of season in DVE outbreaks
The DVE outbreaks, except in August and September, 8.2. Pathogenesis
have been regularly reported throughout the year.
Approximately 86% of these outbreaks have been Pathogenesis of acute DEV infection has been studied
reported from March to June. Hitherto reports have in detail (Jansen 1968; Proctor, 1975, 1976; Deng et al.
revealed spontaneous shedding of the virus from con- 1984; Islam & Khan 1995; Hansen et al. 2000; Shawky
valescent birds during the spring season. This pattern 2000; Shawky & Schat 2002; Sandhu & Shawky 2003;
of disease outbreak might be due to the stresses result- Cheng et al. 2004, 2005; Yuan et al. 2005; Guiping et al.
ing from the physiological changes in the duration of 2007). Cheng et al. (2004) demonstrated pathogenesis
daylight and onset of breeding that trigger virus and immune mechanism of virulent and attenuated
release during spring season (Pearson & Cassidy 1997; DEV, respectively. Xuefeng et al. (2008) studied the
Converse & Kidd 2001; National Wildlife Health Center pathogenesis of DVE in experimentally infected ducks
2011). by oral route. The results indicated a close relationship
between the amount of DEV in internal organs and dis-
ease progression. In duck plague virus (DPV) infected
8. The disease ducklings, antiviral immunity comprised of noticeable
presence of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) signif-
8.1. Clinical signs
icantly appears along with observable typical patho-
The incubation period of disease ranges from 3 to logical lesions and symptoms. Study based on real-
7 days (Fenner et al. 1993). Clinical signs vary according time quantitative PCR and TaqManTM fluorescent quan-
to species, age, sex, immune status of the affected bird titative real-time PCR with specific primers and probes
and the strain of DEV involved (Sandhu & Metwally also confirmed hike in the protective innate immune
2008; OIE 2012). Severity in clinical symptoms is response and is helpful in finding the break points dur-
observed with the progression of infection in the flock. ing pathogenesis to lower the establishment of infec-
Beside sudden death, the common clinical signs tion of DPV/DEV in ducks (Zou et al. 2010; Li, Hong,
include depression, loss of appetite, increased thirst, et al. 2016). Even though differences in virulence have
dehydration, weakness, ruffled feather, nasal discharge, been observed among DEV strains, antigenic nature
ataxia, photophobia, tremor of head and neck, green- remains identical for most of the isolates (Kisary & Zsak
ish and watery diarrhea, and soiled vent (Hanson & Wil- 1983; Akter et al. 2004). Upon its entry into a suscepti-
lis 1976; Richter & Horzinek 1993; Campagnolo et al. ble host, the virus multiplies in the mucosal epithelial
2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Gough 2008; Sandhu & cells of the gastrointestinal tract, the esophagus, and
Metwally 2008). Haematochezia is a common feature. proceeds towards thymus, bursa of Fabricius, spleen

and liver (Jansen 1968; Islam & Khan 1995; Shawky & the lymphoid organs rather than other systems. While
Schat 2002; Sandhu & Shawky 2003). Protein kinase C in adult birds, the pathologic effects are more pro-
inhibitor has been suggested as the receptor for nucle- nounced in digestive tract and other internal organs.
oprotein of DEV (Hang et al. 2012). The epithelial cells/ To know more regarding pathogenesis of DEV after
macrophages in these organs are the major predilec- infecting the duck embryonic fibroblast cells under in
tion sites of virus multiplication (Shawky 2000; Yuan vitro conditions either after antiviral therapy, immuni-
et al. 2005). The virus induces apoptosis as well as zation or through biomarker response, a cDNA library
necrosis in lymphoid tissues such as epithelial cells has been framed with the use of switching mechanism
between the cortex and medulla of the follicles in the at 5' end of the RNA transcript technique for proteomic
bursa of Fabricius, Hassall's corpuscle of the thymus, analysis of DEV infected duck embryonic fibroblast
germinal centers in B lymphocytes, periarteriolar lym- cells (Gao et al. 2014). Micro (mi) RNAs were found
phoid sheath in T lymphocytes, sinusoidal lining cells recently which could provide insights into the patho-
in the spleen resulting in the depletion of lymphocytes genesis of DEV (Yao et al. 2012; Yao & Nair 2014).
and subsequent immunosuppression. Before necrosis
occurred, all these organs contained nucleocapsids of
8.3. Gross lesions
virus in the nuclei and virions in the cytoplasm of the
host cells (Proctor 1976; Guiping et al. 2007). A study in The gross lesions inflicted by DEV depend upon the
Cherry Valley ducks infected with DEV revealed that species infected, age of the bird, and stage of infection
the immune response mediated through Toll like in host, strain and inoculum of virus (Sandhu & Shawky
receptors (TLRs) is more important than that mediated 2003; Sandhu & Metwally 2008; OIE 2012). Commonly
with the RIG-I like receptors. Different TLRs were observed lesions are vascular damage, disseminated
expressed in different organs, the expression of TLR21 intravascular coagulopathy and necrotic changes,
was higher in spleen and that of TLR2 was higher in eruptions on the mucosal surface of the digestive tract
brain which can be attributed due to the differences in and degenerative lesions in parenchymatous and lym-
PRR in various tissues. This study also reported that phoid organs. Severe enteritis, hemorrhage in intes-
there was PRR recognition of the virus in the spleen. tine, body cavities, heart, pericardium, liver and spleen,
However, there was no elevation of pro-inflammatory plaques in esophagus and intestine, lesions in thymus
cytokines in the spleen. Authors postulated that the and bursa are highly suggestive of infection (Jansen
virus has evolved ways to escape from the host immu- 1961; Wobeser 1987; Davison et al. 1993; Richter & Hor-
nity (Li, Hong, et al. 2016). In convalescent birds, the zinek 1993; Shawky et al. 2000; Campagnolo et al.
virus undergoes latent infection in trigeminal ganglion 2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Konch et al. 2009). Pete-
where it, upon re-activation, results in shedding into chial or larger extravasations of blood could be seen
the environment (Shawky & Schat 2002). The possible on myocardium and epicardium giving a red ‘paint-
reasons for such re-activation could be immunosup- brush’ appearance (Weingarten 1989; Richter & Horzi-
pression resulting from stress due to any reason in nek 1993; Konch et al. 2009). This characteristic lesion
flocks. As a result of the immunosuppressive effect of is often observed in adult ducks rather than in duck-
the DEV, secondary bacterial infections such as Pasteur- lings. In parenchymatous organs like liver, the surface
ella multocida, Riemerella anatipestifer and Escherichia may have pale copper color with pin-point hemor-
coli have often been seen in a natural outbreak caused rhages and white foci giving a speckled appearance
by a low virulent strain in young ducklings (Shawky that, in later stages of infection, changes to dark
et al. 2000). Upon necropsy, Konch et al. (2009) bronze color with bile stains. The white foci become
reported few parasites such as Fimbriaria fasciolaris considerably larger and appear more distinct. Surfaces
and Echinostoma revolutum from the small intestine of of organs like pancreas, lungs, and kidney may also
infected birds. Marius-Jestin et al. (1987) isolated a show petechial hemorrhages (Konch et al. 2009).
hyper-virulent strain of DEV and an avian type apatho- The lesions in the digestive tract are commonly seen
genic paramyxovirus (PMV6) from the intestine and in oral cavity, esophagus, ceca, rectum and cloacae.
liver of 4 months old fattening mule ducks with rather The oral lesions comprises of erosions and presence of
high mortality (75%), hemorrhagic and necrotic gross diphtheritic sub-lingual membranes. Chronically
lesions. An overview on pathogenesis of DEV is pre- infected waterfowl have oral erosions at the openings
sented in Figure 3. of sub-lingual salivary gland ducts (Burgess et al. 1979;
The DEV also has strong predilection for vascular Weingarten 1989; Shawky et al. 2000; Campagnolo
endothelial cells. Virus replication in vascular endothe- et al. 2001; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Konch et al. 2009).
lial cells of small blood vessels, venules and capillaries Meckel's diverticulum may be hemorrhagic with a fibri-
results in their destruction leading to severe hemor- nous core (Proctor et al. 1975). In esophagus, the
rhages, eruptions and progressive degenerative lumen gets lined with yellowish-white membrane or,
changes of parenchymatous organs (Richter & Horzi- in some cases, there may be sloughing of the entire
nek 1993). In young birds, the virus primarily targets mucosa. The esophago-proventricular sphincter may

be seen as a hemorrhagic ring. The lumen of intestine 8.4. Histopathology

may be filled with blood and the mucosal surfaces may
Histopathology reveals that the lesion commences
have erosions and hemorrhages, which later become
from the walls of blood vessels. Smaller blood vessels,
elevated, yellowish-white crusty plaques (Weingarten
venules and capillaries are more affected than larger
1989; Shawky et al. 2000; Campagnolo et al. 2001;
blood vessels. The endothelial lining is disrupted and
Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Konch et al. 2009). Intestinal
connective tissue of the wall becomes less compact
annular bands develop and appear as intensely red
with visible breaks allowing blood to pass out to the
rings. Contrary to this, congestion is seen in the ceca
surrounding tissues (Richter & Horzinek 1993; Sandhu
and lesions are singular and well separated between
& Shawky 2003; Konch et al. 2009). Hemorrhages are
the mucosal folds. Normally, adjacent to the cloacae,
more pronounced in inter-lobular venules of the pro-
rectal lesions are few in number with greatest concen-
ventriculus, venules in the spaces between lung para-
tration of lesions at the posterior portion of the rectum.
bronchi, hepatic and portal venules at the margins of
Initially, due to dense lesions in the cloacae, the entire
liver lobules and capillaries within intestinal villi. Due
mucosa appears reddened. Later, individual plaque-
to vascular damage, the affected tissues undergo
like elevations become green and form a continuous
degenerative changes. Microscopic findings include
scale-like band lining the lumen of the organ. In
necrosis of epithelial lining of the digestive tract
mature layers, hemorrhages may be observed in ovar-
together with infiltration of variable lymphocyte and
ian follicles, and sometimes massive hemorrhages may
macrophage numbers within mucosal and serosal con-
exude to the abdominal cavity (Konch et al. 2009).
nective tissues. Eosinophilic intra-nuclear and cyto-
The lymphoid organs including spleen may look
plasmic inclusions have been seen in epithelial cells of
dark and mottled. The thymus becomes atrophied
the digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts as
with multiple petechial and necrotic focal areas sur-
well as in visceral organs such as liver and spleen (Tan-
rounded by clear yellow fluid that infiltrates and discol-
taswasdi et al. 1988; Shawky et al. 2000; Campagnolo
ors sub-cutaneous tissues of the adjacent cervical
et al. 2001; Konch et al. 2009). The affected epithelium
region from the thoracic inlet to the upper-third of the
becomes edematous, necrotic and rose into the lumen
neck. This lesion is important in meat inspection that
above normal adjacent mucosal surfaces. Degenera-
can be detected easily when the opened neck of the
tion and necrosis of stratified squamous epithelium of
carcass is observed on the processing line. During early
the esophagus and cloacae can also be observed. Par-
infection, bursa of Fabricius is intensely reddened sur-
enchymatous organs like liver, pancreas and kidneys
rounded by clear yellow fluid that discolors adjacent
have hemorrhages and focal necrosis surrounding
tissue of the pelvic cavity. When the lumen of the bursa
blood vessels. In the liver, hepatocytes become swollen
is opened, pin-point yellow areas and hemorrhagic sur-
with intra-nuclear inclusion bodies (Leibovitz 1971;
faces are noticed. Later, walls of the bursa become thin
Konch et al. 2009). Lymphocytes undergo karyorrhexis
as well as dark and get filled with white coagulated
and pyknosis. In bursa, sub-mucosal and inter-follicular
hemorrhages are observed coupled with depletion of
Even though these lesions are consistent with DEV
lymphocytes. The epithelial cells of bursa are often
infection, each age group responds characteristically.
hypertrophied with a vacuolated cytoplasm. Similarly
Lymphoid lesions are more prominent in ducklings
in thymus, free blood fills the inter-follicular spaces
than tissue hemorrhages. Outbreak with low virulent
together with depletion of cortical lymphocytes. In
strain of DEV in white Peking ducklings (2 to 6 weeks
female breeders, there is congestion and necrosis of
old) produced atypical gross lesions like diphtheritic
the oviduct and the follicles become misshapen and
membranes under the tongue, nasal and infra-orbital
stained with blood (Konch et al. 2009).
sinuses (Shawky et al. 2000; Konch et al. 2009). In
mature birds with regressed bursa and thymus, hemor-
rhagic lesions in internal organs and reproductive tract
9. Immunity
are prominent. Gut-associated lymphoid tissues have
multifocal necrosis and ulceration covered by fibrinous Maternal immunity has been reported in ducklings that
pseudo-membranes (Jansen 1968; Proctor 1976; Wein- declines fast and may interfere with response to live
garten 1989; Islam & Khan 1995; Shawky & Schat 2002; virus vaccines (Toth 1971). Ducklings from those
Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Guiping et al. 2007; Konch breeder ducks that are vaccinated with a live-attenu-
et al. 2009). In geese, intestinal lymphoid discs (Leibo- ated vaccine are fully susceptible. On the other hand,
vitz 1969b; Proctor 1975; Weingarten 1989; Konch et al. ducklings from breeders that had been vaccinated and
2009) are analogous to annular bands in ducks. In Can- challenged with a virulent virus were found protected
ada goose, lesions of the intestinal lymphoid discs (Toth 1971). It is considered that both cell-mediated
resembled ‘button-like ulcers’ (Leibovitz 1969a; Proctor and humoral immunity are involved in protection
1975; Konch et al. 2009). Diphtheritic esophagitis is a against DVE (Lam & Lin 1986; Umamaheswararao &
consistent lesion in swans (Keymer & Gough 1986). Rao 1993). Active immunity has been established using

a modified live-virus vaccine (Jansen 1964) and inacti- be culled and transported to a certified diagnostic lab-
vated tissue culture vaccine through intramuscular (I/ oratory at the earliest possibility.
M) routes (Shawky & Sandhu 1997). Passive immuniza- Confirmatory diagnosis includes inoculation of DEV
tion to susceptible ducks provides significant protec- into ducklings, propagation into chorioallantoic mem-
tion from lethal challenge (Lin et al. 1984). Viral brane (CAM) of embryonated Muscovy duck eggs and
glycoproteins gB, gD, gH/gL are capable of inducing isolation of the virus on cell lines derived from duck-
innate as well as adaptive immune response, hence are lings followed by identification by DEV-specific gene
documented by many researchers as potent and suit- segment by PCR targeting various genes such as UL30
able vaccine agent. They modulate the cytokine levels, and US4 (gD) gene, restriction fragment length poly-
cytotoxic T lymphocytic and NK Cell counts (Aravind, morphism (RFLP) and nucleotide sequencing (Thayer &
Kamble, Gaikwad, Shukla, Saravanan, et al. 2015). Beard 1998; Cavanagh 2001; Konch et al. 2009; Aravind,
Field observations showed that convalescent birds Kamble, Gaikwad, Shukla, Dey, & Mohan 2015). With
are immune to re-infection. Burgess and Yuill (1982) potential to confirm the identity of the novel isolates,
demonstrated death of mallard ducks from super- and various diagnostic tests have been used for detection
persistent infection. This indicates that protection of seroconversion such as immune-chromatographic
against mortality is dependent on the route of expo- strip tests, agar gel immunodiffusion test, agar gel dif-
sure, strain of the virus and strain of super-infecting fusion test, passive haemagglutination assay, commer-
virus. Hossain et al. (2004) studied the time of vaccina- cial ELISA and dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent
tion and effect of dose on immune response of lyophi- assay (Kataria et al. 2005; Woolcock 2008; Wu et al.
lized DP vaccine (LRI, Mohakhali) in ducks. They 2011a). Antibody developed in convalescent birds may
concluded that ducklings below 30 days of age should be diagnosed by ELISA, VN and IF (Sandhu & Metwally
not be vaccinated with DP vaccine. Primary vaccination 2008). Though in ovo and in vitro serum neutralization
should be done at 35 days (0.5 ml/duckling) followed tests (SNT) have been applied to screen the DVE infec-
by a booster dose after 5 months of primary vaccina- tions in wildfowl, major drawback of SNT has been its
tion (1.0 ml/duckling) for better immune response. limited use in the diagnosis of acute DVE infections.
Route of vaccination also has impact on type and dura- Clinically healthy birds may excrete virus but un-identi-
tion of immunity produced. Besides, intra-muscular fiable neutralizing antibodies may be present in serum
route when attenuated DEV vaccines were given orally (Burgess & Yuill 1983). Diagnosis can be strengthened
in ducklings, IgA and IgY antibodies both increased as by demonstration of intra-nuclear inclusion bodies in
a boosted humoral immunity. Number of plasma cells epithelial cells of the digestive, respiratory and repro-
producing IgA in intestine increased and can be a very ductive tracts, liver and spleen (Tantaswasdi et al.
well check point for the virus because DEV initially rep- 1988; Shawky et al. 2000; Campagnolo et al. 2001). The
licates in the mucosal membrane of intestine before presence of DVE can also be confirmed by demonstra-
spreading to other organs in the infected host. Oral tion of the virus in tissues through FATs (Tantaswasdi
vaccination enhanced mucosal immunity via IgA levels et al. 1988). Molecular studies and sequencing indi-
at intestinal mucosa to prevent viral replication and cated close ancestry between Bangladeshi and Chinese
simultaneously IgY levels in serum for systemic protec- isolates of DPV (Ahamed et al. 2015).
tion (Xiaoyan et al. 2010).
10.1. Virus isolation
10. Diagnosis
The DEV can be isolated from primary CEF or duck
Together with clinical symptoms, characteristic gross embryo fibroblast (DEF) or Muscovy duck embryo
and histopathological lesions are being preferred for fibroblast (MDEF) culture at 39.5  C–41.5  C. The spe-
the preliminary diagnosis of DVE. However, hemor- cific growth properties of virulent DPV have been stud-
rhagic and necrotic lesions need to be differentiated ied in DEF mostly through examination of DEF cell
from duck virus hepatitis, fowl cholera, necrotic enteri- culture monolayer for plaques by inverted light micro-
tis, coccidiosis and specific intoxications. Although scope. Besides this, electron microscopy and real-time
Newcastle disease, fowl pox and fowl plague are PCR are also useful in detection of early virus growth
reported to produce similar changes in Anseriforms, and spread to adjacent cells (Guo et al. 2008). DVE has
these diseases have been infrequently reported in mostly been cultivated over homologous host but
ducks (Morton & Dieterich 1979; Oladele et al. 1996; researchers have tried adaptation of DEV over Vero cell
Sa'idu et al. 2004; Normile 2005; Olsen et al. 2006). lines and with the gradual passage, recovery of virus
Liver, spleen, bursa of Fabricius, kidneys, peripheral was enhanced. Virus growth over cell lines was con-
blood lymphocytes (PBL) and cloacal swabs are the firmed by cytopathic effect (CPE) consisting of spindle
best specimens for DEV isolation from affected and shaped infected cells followed by clumping/aggregate
dying birds (Woolcock 2008; OIE 2012). Ducks, swans formation. The virus produces characteristic intra-
and geese exhibiting characteristic symptoms should nuclear inclusions and cytopathic effects (Kocan 1976;

Wolf et al. 1976; Gough & Alexander 1990). Cytopathic viral antigens in sections of liver and spleen (Islam
effects are characterized by enlarged, rounding and et al. 1993). An indirect immunohistochemical tech-
clumping of cells that become necrotic (OIE 2012). nique employing streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase
More than one sequential blind passage may be (SP-IHC) system has been found useful for detection
required to isolate the virus in cell culture. Because and localization of DPV vaccine antigen in paraformal-
DEV is cell associated, the continuous passage should dehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections and
be done by trypsinizing and re-plating infected cells for assessing the proliferation and circulation fre-
and infection of new cells with cell culture supernatant quency of attenuated DPV vaccine strain in immunized
from earlier passage. An IF assay may also be per- ducklings. Positive staining with SP-IHC technique
formed to detect the virus in infected cells. Presence of showed consistently significant results in detection of
specific apple green fluorescent through indirect vaccine antigens in different organs at respective time
immune-fluorescent antibody test by using FITC-conju- intervals. The presence of antigen was detected in liver,
gated antibodies confirmed the occurrence of DEV spleen, bursa of Fabricius, thymus, Harderian gland,
antigen in infected Vero cell lines (Aravind, Kamble, esophagus, intestinal tract, heart, lung, kidney, pan-
Gaikwad, Shukla, Dey, and Mohan 2015). To demon- creas, brain, mucosal epithelial cells, lamina propria
strate the syncytia formation (cytoplasmic granulation cells, macrophages, hepatocytes, and in lymphocytes,
and intra-nuclear inclusions), cells should be fixed and beginning from 12 hours post-vaccination up to 18
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Primary virus iso- weeks post-vaccination (Shen, Ma, et al. 2010). An
lation may also be performed on 9–14-day-old embry- immunoperoxidase staining technique detects the
onated Muscovy duck eggs through CAM (Sandhu & expression and distribution of UL51 protein of DEV in
Shawky 2003). The infected embryo shows characteris- paraffin blocked tissue sections of various organs of
tic hemorrhages 4–10 days after inoculation. However, the infected ducks (Shen, Cheng, Wang, Xu, et al.
it may require 4–5 blind passages for virus isolation. 2010). An indirect immunoperoxidase assay is used for
Embryonated chicken eggs could also be used to iso- the detection of glycoprotein gE protein of DPV in
late virus. However, it also needs serial passages. paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of
Inoculation of infected tissue to susceptible duck- infected ducks which gives an idea about viral gE pro-
lings is considered more sensitive than the virus isola- tein distribution in different organs of the body (Chang
tion in cell culture. Homogenate of liver, spleen or et al. 2011b). Similarly, an indirect IF assay has also
kidney is being inoculated to day-old ducklings and been developed for the detection of viral gE protein in
death within 3–12 days is observed. Microscopic and DPV infected tissues and the immune response (HI)
macroscopic lesions coupled with IF assay are used to against this protein can be detected by means of ELISA
confirm the infection (OIE 2012). (Chang et al. 2011a).
Latex agglutination test has been found highly sen-
sitive when compared to duck embryo inoculation and
10.2. Immunological / serological tests
VN test (Chandrika et al. 1999). Deng et al. (1984) devel-
In DEV infection, usually poor humoral immune oped an RPHA test to diagnose DEV. RPHA test has
response is observed, wherein antibodies are short- been found to be a rapid and easy procedure with ade-
lived. Hence, the diagnostic assays based on serology quate sensitivity in the tissues of ducks dying from
are of not much significance, as well as are not useful acute infections, major drawback includes less sensitiv-
in acute infection, serological surveillance and while ity than either the plaque assays (PA) or the IF test. PA
measuring post-vaccination immune response (Toth in duck embryo cell cultures can be performed (Dardiri
1972; Toth & Norcross 1981; Vickery et al. 1999a, Vick- & Hess 1968). The morphogenesis and distribution of
ery et al. 1999a, 1999b; Tang et al. 2001; Qi, Yang, virus in vivo can be observed by electron microscopy
Cheng, Wang, Zhu, et al. 2009; Tohidi-Esfahani et al. (Yuan et al. 2005). VN assay can be conducted in duck/
2010; Yang et al. 2010). Although cell-mediated chicken embryo, embryo fibroblasts or cell culture
immune response has been shown to play a more (Wolf et al. 1974). Neutralization indices (NI) from 0 to
important role during DEV infection (Vickery et al. 1.5 are considered as lack of exposure of birds to DEV,
1999a, 1999b), it is possible to detect the anti-DEV neu- whereas NI > 1.75 is considered as evidence of prior
tralizing antibodies (Saade et al. 2008; Aravind et al. exposure to DEV (Dardiri & Hess 1967). Recombinant
2012). UL30 antigen-based single serum dilution ELISA,
The common immunological tests employed are recombinant gB1 protein-based indirect ELISA, indirect
neutralization assays, FAT and reverse passive hemag- UL55 protein-based ELISA and UL51 protein-based
glutination test (RPHA) (Deng et al. 1984; Sandhu & immune-chromatographic strip tests have been vali-
Shawky 2003). Next to virus inoculation in susceptible dated for diagnosing DPV (Pan et al. 2008; Shen et al.
ducklings, FAT for the detection of virus on DEF and 2009; Shen, Cheng, Wang, Sun, et al. 2010; Wu et al.
MDEF is considered most sensitive. Avidin-biotin-per- 2011a; Aravind et al. 2012). Immuno-electron micros-
oxidase based staining method can also detect the copy (IEM), using DVE hyper-immune serum, has also

been developed for disease diagnosis. Recently, poly- applied PCR assay for diagnosis of attenuated Cha
clonal antibody against the recombinant UL24 protein strain of DEV in vaccinated ducklings through three dif-
based antigen-capture ELISA has also been developed ferent routes; subcutaneous, oral and nose dripping.
(Jia et al. 2009). A dot-ELISA was developed using poly- Quantitative real-time PCR assays have been devel-
clonal antibodies produced against DPV tegument pro- oped for rapid diagnosis as well as detection of DEV in
tein UL46 (VP11/12) which proved to be a specific acute and latent stages of infection (Guo et al. 2006;
diagnostic assay to confirm the presence of DPV in clin- Yang et al. 2006; Qi, Yang, Cheng, Wang, Guo, and Jia
ical samples of birds (Lu et al. 2010). A TK(thymidine 2009). It also gives an idea regarding the load of DVE
kinase)-ELISA using thymidine kinase recombinant pro- viral DNA in the body tissues of infected ducklings dur-
tein as an antigen has been developed for the detec- ing acute stage of virulent virus infection which can
tion of serum antibodies specific to DPV which could further be correlated with the dissemination of virus
be highly useful for the epidemiological survey of DP. and progression of disease in different organs (Qi et al.
TK-ELISA has been reported to be highly specific as 2008). By employing the advantages of advanced PCR
well as sensitive and showed good repeatability and versions, studies have also been performed to differen-
reproducibility when evaluated against DPV, duck Hep- tiate the active viral shedding from latent infection of
atitis B virus, duck Hepatitis virus, R. anatipestifer, E. coli Anatid herpesvirus-1 in native waterfowl, captive-
and Salmonella Anatum antisera, as strong positive sig- reared and then released ducks, newly introduced
nals were evident only against DPV anti-sera (Wen non-migratory waterfowl and peridomestic or semi-
et al. 2010). The DPV glycoprotein C, encoded by the wild/feral ducks. When cloacal sample are found posi-
DPV UL44 gene, has been suggested to be a suitable tive for the presence of DVE DNA then an active infec-
candidate for developing new diagnostics and vaccine tion/shedding of the virus can be implicated while the
against DPV (Sun et al. 2014). Truncated glycoprotein K negative cloacal samples in contrast to presence of
(tgK) has also expressed and found to be highly immu- viral DNA from TG reveals latent viral infection, which
nogenic and reactogenic. Hence it can be used for is a specific feature of herpes virus infection (Keel et al.
development of a good sero-diagnostic kit for detec- 2013).
tion of DEV (Zhang et al. 2010). Restriction endonuclease assay could also be used
Malmarugan and Sulochana (2002) evaluated com- to DEV strains (Vijaysri et al. 1997). Molecular character-
parative efficacy of indirect Dot-ELISA and passive hae- ization (PCR and indirect FAT) is used as a rapid and
magglutination test for sero-conversion to DEV. John labor effective technique for confirmation of the causa-
et al. (1989) developed the CIE for rapid detection of tive agent of duck viral enteritis from outbreaks in
DP virus antigens and antibodies. Konch et al. (2009) Egypt during the time period of 2012–2013 from differ-
conducted serological tests such as CIE and agar gel ent localities, breeds and age groups (Hanaa et al.
precipitation test for the diagnosis of DEV from clini- 2013). In situ hybridization is a modern diagnostic tool
cally affected birds. which can detect the presence of DPV DNA through
specific oligonucleotide probes in tissue sections
(mainly in cellular nucleus and cytoplasm) of various
10.3. Molecular diagnosis of DEV
organs and can provide information about localization
Currently, both conventional and quantitative PCR of the viral DNA in case of quick diagnosis of the viral
have been employed for the detection of DEV (Guo infection (Cheng et al. 2008). With advances in design-
et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2006; Qi, Yang, Cheng, Wang, ing diagnostic procedures, LAMP-based nucleic acid
Guo, and Jia 2009). Beside diagnostics, the rapidity, amplification methods for DEV detection have also
sensitivity and specificity of these assays could provide been developed (Ji et al. 2009; Jiang et al. 2012;
a suitable tool towards understanding the epizootol- Wozniakowski & Samorek-Salamonowicz 2014). When
ogy of DP (Hansen et al. 1999; Pritchard et al. 1999; compared to PCR and virus isolation procedure, LAMP
Hansen et al. 2000; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; Cheng assay has proven to be rapid, simple, accurate, specific
et al. 2004). DEV-specific DNA segments can be ampli- and sensitive method for the diagnosis of DEV. The
fied from infected cell culture supernatant and tissues assay has been considered a good choice for on-farm
from esophagus, liver, kidney and spleen (Plummer disease diagnosis as evidenced by the survey on occur-
et al. 1998; Thayer & Beard 1998; Hansen et al. 1999, rence of DEV in free-range Polish water birds
2000; Pritchard et al. 1999; Yang et al. 2005; Xuefeng (Wozniakowski & Samorek-Salamonowicz 2014).
et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2009; Qi, Yang, Cheng, Wang, Guo, Advances in field of diagnosis for the development
and Jia 2009; Wu et al. 2011b; Lin et al. 2013). Plummer of sensitive and specific point-of-care diagnostic assays
et al. (1998) diagnosed the DEV by targeting the highly like LAMP, lateral flow assay, recombinant protein
conserved domain of the UL6 gene. Hansen et al. based diagnostics, biosensors, biochips, microarrays,
(2000) developed a PCR assay for detection of DEV genomic fingerprinting and nanodiagnostics need to
from waterfowl. While understanding the immune be explored to their full potential for diagnosing DEV
mechanism of attenuated DEV, Cheng et al. (2005) (Belak et al. 2009; Ji et al. 2009; Balamurugan et al.

2010; Ayyar & Arora, 2013; Num & Useh, 2013; Dhama, Considering the fact that vaccines are generally
Karthik, et al. 2014; Mansour et al. 2015). These assays effective only in DEV na€ıve birds and its shedding is still
can aid in swift diagnosis of the disease thereby pre- not completely understood, one can't completely rely
venting the spread of virus and alleviating economical upon vaccination alone. Therefore, one has to give
loss to the farmer. importance to eliminate the in-apparent carriers that
represent a risk to domestic waterfowl. Therefore, con-
trol measures like quarantine, reduction in virus con-
11. Prevention and control
tamination in the area using proper disinfectants,
To date, there is no specific treatment of DEV infection checking the dispersal of waterfowl, and monitoring
yet. Thus, major thrust of activities to prevent and con- for mortality in wild waterfowl populations should be
trol DEV transmission involves decrease in contact of observed (Pearson & Cassidy 1997). Depopulation of
the susceptible population during the time of out- clinically exposed ducks should be done on top priority
breaks and reducing the quantity of virus presence because virus has tendency of undergoing latency and
into the environment by enhancing appropriate biose- following viral shedding in the environment hence this
curity measures. Periodical shedding of virus by conva- is the only practical method to reduce DP outbreaks.
lescent as well as clinically diseased birds serves as the Introduction of the disease by free flying Anseriforms
major sources of virus as well as subsequent obstacle and contaminated aquatic environments must be
for disease control and prevention. Therefore, destruc- prevented.
tion of infected flocks and eggs are recommended. In In countries where the disease is not enzootic and is
this regards, novel molecular detection tools such as truly exotic, effective quarantine of imported or clini-
PCR and LAMP have allowed selective culling of cally suspected Anseriforms should be done. Surveil-
infected birds (Weingarten 1989; Richter & Horzinek lance of DVE in ornamental bird collections, zoos and
1993; Pearson & Cassidy 1997; Sandhu & Shawky 2003; domestic growers of Anseriforms should be performed
Gough 2008; Sandhu & Metwally 2008). periodically using state-of-art detection tools.
The virus is considered resistant such that it can sur-
vive for weeks under unfavorable environment or cir-
12. Vaccination
cumstances. The DEV is mainly destroyed at pH 3 or
below and pH 11 or above. Therefore, thorough chlori- Currently, in most of the European countries and the
nation of contaminated water sources, increase or USA, both live attenuated and killed vaccines are being
decrease in pH, burning and proper cleaning of litter used in broiler and breeder ducks that are over two
as well as physical structures and other materials at weeks of age (Shawky & Sandhu 1997, Sandhu &
outbreak areas should be carried out. Carcass should Shawky 2003; Yang et al. 2015). In India, Holland strain
be thoroughly disposed and, if possible, incineration of DVE, which is a chick embryo-adapted live DVE vac-
should be done. To stop mechanical transmission of cine is being used commercially in control programs.
the virus to other potential virus reservoir areas, per- However, live vaccines are always an issue due to prop-
sonnel and utensils used at outbreak areas must be erty of latency with these herpes viruses (Aravind, Kam-
sanitized either using phenol disinfectants or chlorine ble, Gaikwad, Shukla, Saravanan, et al. 2015).
bleach. Close relationship between DVE outbreaks and Inactivated DP vaccine is also effective in eliciting pro-
captive waterfowl such as Mallard and Muscovy ducks tective immunity against duck viral enteritis (Samia &
needs to be monitored (Dhama, Mahendran, and Sandhu 1997). Some commercial vaccines yielded a
Tomar 2008). Waterfowl release programs should poor immune response and only elicited partial protec-
involve use of birds and eggs from diseased free flocks tion during challenge studies (Kulkarni et al. 1998).
coupled with quarantine for minimum of 2 weeks However, CEF adapted DP vaccines at a dose rate of
before release. Dead bird carcasses should be trans- 104.5 EID50 may provide high levels of protection in
ported to a certified diagnostic laboratory for further ducklings (Sarmah & Sarmah, 1996). The immunized
investigation and, if duck viral enteritis is confirmed as ducks have been reported to withstand challenge at
a cause of death, the remaining birds should not be 21 days post vaccination (Mondal et al. 2010). Inocula-
released (Leibovitz 1969b; Weingarten 1989; Wobeser tion of ducks with apathogenic Sheridan-83 strain pro-
1997; Gough 2008; Sandhu & Metwally 2008). vides protection against virulent Lake Andes strain of
Owners should prevent co-habitation or contact of DEV (Lam & Lin 1986). Herpes viral gD glycoprotein
waterfowl with wild waterfowl. All suspected outbreaks induced production of neutralizing antibodies, cyto-
should be reported immediately to state authorities. toxic T lymphocyte cells and natural killer cells in
Presently, slaughter with indemnification has been dis- mouse model, hence can be wisely employed and
continued and vaccination has been authorized on cer- tested as vaccine candidate. As it affects the entry of
tain premises, which needs to be approved by animal virus in the cell and spread in between the cells, labo-
health authorities on large scale (Weingarten 1989; ratory trials are needed to explore its antiviral immune
Wobeser 1997; Gough 2008; Sandhu & Metwally 2008). response aspect. Passive immunization also provides

significant protection to susceptible ducks from lethal thus the efficacy of C-KCE-E has been proposed be
challenge (Lin et al. 1984). Attenuated DPV vaccine used in poultry industry and for public health concerns
containing the strain CHa as a modified live vaccine (Chen et al. 2014; Zou et al. 2014). DEV was also used in
protected ducks upon subcutaneous immunization producing recombinant vaccines (rDEVs) as rDEV-N,
and the vaccine provided adequate and satisfactory rDEV-S and rDEV-S1 expressing the N, S, and/or S1 pro-
protective systemic (IgG) as well as mucosal (IgM) tein of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Such vaccines
immunity against DP. Post-immunization humoral level generated significant humoral and cellular immunity
of immunity was assessed by measuring the titers of post-vaccination in terms of lowered CD4(+)/CD8(+) T-
IgG and IgM using ELISA with the number of CD4 (+) T lymphocytic ratio, improved antibody titer, decreased
cells was found increased in contrast to the CD8(+) T viral shedding and reduced mortality in chickens even
cells through flow cytometry after immunization. These when challenged with virulent IBV strain than the use
results support the subcutaneous route of administra- of any single recombinant vaccine (Li, Wang, et al.
tion for delivering attenuated vaccines (Huang et al. 2016). Researchers have prepared oil emulsified inacti-
2014). Hence adopting an appropriate route of vacci- vated vaccine against Salmonella Typhimurium (ST), DP
nation is an essential factor to elicit desired protective and Duck Hepatitis Virus (DHV) which was found safe,
immunity. Attenuated vaccine has extended tissue tro- potent and capable of protecting ducklings against ST,
pism. Live attenuated vaccines are considered most DP and DHV infections effectively (Hanan et al. 2014;
effective against DPV hence it is of foremost impor- Liu, Liu, et al. 2016). Researchers are investigating the
tance to maintain the vaccine at optimum physical and role of UL16 and UL54 genes also and their expressed
physiological conditions of temperature, salt and pH to proteins from DEV, so that they can also be utilized in
prevent any loss in the activity of vaccine candidate planning prophylactic strategy against DEV virus in sus-
molecule (Makhija & Kumar 2016). The vaccinated ceptible bird populations (He et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2015;
ducks could excrete the virus thus demands revaccina- Liu, Cheng, et al. 2016). A DEV-vectored vaccine con-
tion of the entire flock (Huang et al. 2014). taining a recombinant DEV (rDEV-ΔUL2-HA) inserted
Recent studies supported the use of attenuated DEV with the HA gene from duck-origin H9 subtype (H9N2)
Chinese vaccine strain C-KCE as an efficient vector for AIV into the UL2 gene by homologous recombination
developing polyvalent live attenuated vaccine against has been developed recently. This r-vaccine when
high pathogenic avian influenza virus (AIV) strain H5N1 administered as a single dose of 103 TCID50 elicited
and DEV. By using the mating-assisted genetically inte- strong protective immunity against both DEV and
grated cloning (MAGIC) technique, hemagglutinin (HA) H9N2 AIV virus infections in ducks by reducing the
gene of H5N1 virus and modified mini-F vector both H9N2 AIV virus excretion/shedding and protecting the
were incorporated in between the gB, UL55 and UL26 birds against fatal challenge of DVE (Sun et al. 2016).
gene junction of the C-KCE genome of attenuated DEV DEV has the potential to be utilized as a promising viral
vaccine strain to produce bacterial artificial chromo- vector candidate for developing vaccines for poultry
some (BAC) of C-KCE as a recombinant vector pBAC-C- and aquatic birds.
KCE-HA for delivering vaccine. This vaccine provided Using carrier mediated live attenuated ST (SL7207)
speedy immunological protection for long duration and heat labile enterotoxin B subunit (LTB) of E. coli as
against H5N1 AIV and DEV infection (Liu, Han, et al. mucosal adjuvant, orally delivered DNA vaccine has
2011; Liu et al. 2013; Zou et al. 2015). Production of cor- been used to immunize ducklings. The said vaccine
rect recombinant vector was confirmed by RFLP analy- produced a mounted mucosal and systemic immune
sis. Vaccine efficacy was tested by infecting the CEF by response against DEV together withstanding experi-
DEV-vectored vaccine and checked by indirect IF and mental challenge (Yu et al. 2012). DNA vaccine encod-
western blotting analyses. Ducks and chickens were ing glycoprotein C (gC) of DPV elicited better cell
tested and vaccine elicited strong humoral immunity mediated immunity by inducing significant T-lympho-
in three weeks old chickens (Wang et al. 2015). Simi- cytic immune response in ducks when given through
larly, workers have explored role of DEV as a suitable gene gun as compared to I/M route of immunization
vaccine delivery vehicle/vector of bivalent attenuated which mainly generate humoral immune response.
vaccine against another emerging pathogens of ducks Gene gun DNA vaccination also need only small quan-
and mammals, duck tembusu virus (DTMUV) along tity of injected DNA as vaccine dose (Lian et al. 2011).
with DEV as using recombinant rDEV-TE and rDEV-PrM/ Immunization of BALB/c mice with pcDNA-GPV-VP2
TE (pre-membrane proteins) against DTMUV infection DNA by gene gun or I/M route produced better level of
in ducks. The envelope (E) gene of DTMUV was tar- humoral and cellular immunity as compared to live
geted and through MAGIC strategy recombinant vec- attenuated vaccine by I/M route (Cai et al. 2013). Simi-
tor pBAC-C-KCE-E and bivalent vaccine C-KCE-E were larly, glycoprotein D (gD) and glycoprotein B (gB)
prepared. Ducks immunized with C-KCE-E vaccine pro- based DNA vaccination provided effective immunopro-
duced neutralizing immunoglobulins against DTMUV, tection through induction of potent cell mediated and

humoral immunity against DEV in Pekin ducks (Zhao 13. Antiviral agents/therapies
et al. 2014). A study performed over murine model sug-
Despite extensive use of vaccines and adoption of
gested that better immunogenicity and protective
effective management measures for the control of dis-
immune response is generated by following prime
ease, the spread of virus has not been controlled / pre-
boost regimen of immunization using both pCDNA-gD,
vented yet. Hence, discovering novel antiviral drugs
plasmid DNA encoding for DEV glycoprotein D and
and therapeutic options targeting DEV are gaining
rgD protein which was expressed in Saccharomyces cer-
importance. The antiviral activity of alcohol extracts of
evisia yeast. This combination using DNA vaccine and
neem (Azadirachta indica) seed kernel against DPV has
rgD protein vaccine in which initially DNA vaccine is
been reported. DPV infected DEF showed improved
given intramuscularly followed by booster rgD protein
viability, diminished expression of viral proteins and
vaccine resulted in enhanced ELISA antibody titers to
decrease in the cytopathic effects after treatment with
DEV, rise in lymphocyte number and function as well
neem seed kernel extracts (Xu et al. 2012). Resveratrol,
as cytokines IL-4, IL-12 and IFN-g levels were increased
a naturally occurring phytoalexin in specific plants, has
significantly along with rapid clearance of virus after
been found to exhibit antiviral activity against DEV (Xu
challenge infection (Aravind, Kamble, Gaikwad, Shukla,
et al. 2013). DEV infected ducklings recovered when
Saravanan, et al. 2015). This recombinant DEV vector
treated with resveratrol. A recent study reported
vaccine has been suggested to be a good choice for
reduced mortality and less viral load upon blood test-
vaccination in ducks and reduce DEV outbreaks. Stud-
ing and proved potential antiviral properties of resvera-
ies have emphasized that DNA vaccine, appropriate
trol against herpes viral infections in infected birds
codon usage for targeted protein/glycoprotein, selec-
(Zhao et al. 2016). A novel sulfated polysaccharide
tion of plasmid for proper uptake by host cells, dose
from Chuanminshen violaceum (sCVPS) has also been
and stability of plasmid, age of bird, the route of vac-
found as potent antiviral against DEV that interfere
cine administration either by gene gun, intramuscular
virus adsorption onto the host cell (Song et al. 2013).
or subcutaneous, and vaccination strategy all have sig-
Adding towards a better understanding of DEV replica-
nificant impact on enhancing the immune responses
tion, a vaccine strategy based on a full length infec-
against DPV after immunization in poultry/birds
tious BAC has been constructed for DEV (Chen et al.
(Dhama, Mahendran, Gupta, & Rai 2008; Meunier et al.
2013). Mallanna et al. (2006) demonstrated inhibition
2016). The laboratory results of such vaccine trials
of replication of DEV by siRNA controlled gene silenc-
prove the enhancing immunization potential of DNA
ing in DEF cell line. This inhibition targeted the UL-6
vaccines and hence clinical validation of such vaccines
gene which encodes a protein responsible for viral
should be attempted to encourage the DNA vaccina-
packaging. Severe outbreaks of DP are treated success-
tion strategy to be adapted for supporting the preven-
fully by administration of the homeopathic drug
tion and control measures against DPV.
named ‘Mercurus corrosives-6 /12’ at a dose of 5-10mL
The limitations of the requirement of repeated
per 1000 ducks once or twice daily for 1–3 days (Nara-
immunization with a live attenuated vaccine and
hari 2009). In a recent study, goose type I interferon
incidence of the disease in vaccinated flocks could
(IFNa) and type II interferon (IFNg) have showed antivi-
be overcome to some extent by developing new
ral activity against DPV and hence have come up as
generation vaccines against DEV. Now-a-days main
potential candidate for designing the IFN-based pre-
focus of research is on targeting specific glycopro-
ventive and therapeutic anti-viral strategies (Zhou
teins of DVE to be utilized as vaccine candidates and
et al. 2016).
developing recombinant, subunit and DNA vaccines
Research attention needs to be focused on regard-
eliciting effective, safe and protective immunity in
ing utilization of novel and upcoming therapeutic regi-
vaccinated ducks, chickens and wild birds. Further
mens like herbal therapy, essential oils, cytokines, RNAi
validation is advised before commercialization of
technology, avian egg antibodies, nanomedicine, nutri-
such vaccines in the market. Advancement in the era
tional immunomodulation and probiotics to curtail
of vaccination has also provided other different plat-
DEV (Dhama et al. 2011; Dhama, Chakraborty, et al.
forms like edible vaccine, peptide vaccine, nucleic
2013; Sudhakar et al. 2013; Dhama, Tiwari, et al. 2014;
acid based vaccine, reverse genetics approach,
Gopi et al. 2014; Dhama, Latheef, et al. 2015).
immunomics based vaccine and others, which can
be exploited for developing a suitable and more
effective vaccine for DEV (Dhama, Wani, et al. 2013;
14. Conclusion and future directions
Delany et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2015). Also, various
immunomodulatory agents, adjuvants and vaccine The DEV has the features common to avian herpes
delivery systems have evolved recently, which can virus infections like ubiquitous presence and persis-
be employed for enhancing the effectiveness of the tence in the environment, carrier status and latency.
DEV vaccine (Malik et al. 2013; Sawant et al. 2015; Since its first appearance in the United States of Amer-
Singh et al. 2015; Dhama, Saminathan, et al. 2015). ica, the disease has become endemic to different parts

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