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FIAT-SIG e AG CH-8212 Neuhausen a/Rhf Technical Specification Origin ater nag No. 17.334 Partdocument 100 Version 06 oe 0880 Ames Material, Inspection and Acceptance Criteria for Sphe- 2 roidal Graphite Cast Iron eve Contents 1 GENERAL. sont 2 2 CLASSIFICATIONS OF STEEL CASTINGS 2 2.1 Class A: Critical Parts....... 2 2.2 Class B: Important Parts.. 2 2'3 Grass U: Secondary Fans... 2 3 GENERAL DELIVERY CONDITIONS 3 4 APPLICABLE STANDARDS FOR QUALITY LEVELS 3 5 APPLICABLE STANDARDS FOR DIMENSIONAL TESTING .. 3 6 SCOPE OF TESTING 4 6.1 Inspection Frequency 4 6.1.1 Initial SAMPle .........0er-eerseseeeeersossseeesnnsseectsnnnanennennn 4 6.1.2 Pilot Run 4 6.1.3 Series Testing. 4 6.2 Scope of testing after changes of the casting process... 4 7 TESTING DOCUMENTATION 4 7.1 Acceptance of testing documentation 4 7.2 Delivery of the documents 4 7.3 Documents for Sample, Pilot Run or Pattern Changes. 4 7.4 Documents for the Series Production 5 8 MODIFICATIONS ... 5 Tahoe Subject release Projecting: — ‘ORS eease Date 08,0808 Date 7g F | Baie: : bate 2. Vis. Mg Vis. Vis. Vis At Atos Vote: Lautan Vossen 00106 Vee 0 ‘scone sanowe ics arta FATSIGSchenertataewe AG, ns poplars Nether recog posttsn rt

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