Icf MD 069 Rev-03, Amd.01 & Id PDF

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INTEGRAL COACH FACTORY, CHENNAL38. ICF/MD/SPEC-069 |__| jssug starus:01 owie: See REV. No.3 SPECIFICATION KOR CAST STEEL, ‘Date: 04-02-2002 AXLE BOX HOUSING IDENTIFICATION SHEET No, OF PAGES :7 & NATURE. OF DOCUMENT COPY NUMBER, IssUBD TO. ISSUED BY : DY.CME/DESIGN, ‘RETURN OF COPIES In case of transfor / rotiremicn, the holder of controled copies shall return the samo citer to SSE/D/MS orto isvhor successor under intimation to SSE/D/MS. Nore 1. Controlled copy holders of this DOCUMENT are expected to bring the content of this document tothe knowledge of the concemed officials who are working in his /her department /section. 2. Unauthorised copying ofthis document is prohibited. ‘Prepared, verified and approved Page Nos. 7 of 7. INTROLLED COPY HOLDE} SPY No, 1, Dy.CMRANSP a 2, Dy.C.CBM : oe 3. SME/Pig/Shell a 4, Design Library ot CONTROFIED RY | PREPARED AY | VERIFEDRY | APPROVEDAY | Thaw he hee eo Chen [Vo SSE/D/MS SME/BD | DY.CME/DESIGN| CDEMECH | se. FOR CAS. AXLE 6 SiH LpEsu/o/specn./069 Issue Status: O1 Rev.03/FEB.-2002 Page No.1 of 7 The axle boxes shall be of cast steel to Specification 18:1030-1998 Grade 230-450W with. guaranteed Weldability.castings shall be normalised to ASTM grain Size of 6 to 8 and free from blow holes,sand inclusions and. porosities... Rectification of casting defects by Welding. ts permitted only on written agreement with the Purchaser.Cases. of such nature shall be individually reterred the Purchaser and prior approval shall be obtained fn this regard. The castings shall be supplied in either rough machined or finish machined condition as per the requirement as shown inthe relevant drawing. The rough aachining of main bor shall be accurately concentric to leave uniform wall thickness all. round. The tolerances specified in the relevant. drawing shail be strictly adhered to. The ribs between. the body of the housing and spring seat shalt be correctly forsed as no deviations are acceptable The supplier shall supply one axle box per heat with inte- Grated test bars to the purchaser. The test bars shalt bi Stamped after they are normalised along with the casting MARKING Each axle box shall be supplied with maker's initials. embossed as. shown on the drawing No.ICF/SK-O-2-191.7h@ heat number, box number, wonth and year of nanufacture Shalt be punched as shows on the drawing No. ICF/SK-0-2- 91. The Purchaser's or their authorised agent's stamp shall be punched, in case the housings are inspected before supply, ‘The metallurgical and surface inspection shall be carried out by the Purchaser or by their authorised agent in the following manner:~ Scrutiny of the analysis of every heat offered for inspec- tion from the heat book which shall be waintained by the Suppli Serutiny of the test results before the castings ari accepted for inspection. IcE/M/D/speen Tssua Status: 01 Rev.03/FEB.-2002 Page No.2 of 7 9 Surface inspection of rough machined cas freedom from defects. ings to ensure Radiographic examination shall be carried out by the sup- plier as furnished in Clause 1.3.2 of Annexure-A. Stamping and certification of castings shall be done in the standard fora, 7 The Supplier shall furnish alt results of chemicat analy- sis-mochanical tests, radfographic and other tests to” the Purchaser, accompanied by a list of axle box numbers corresponding to the relevant heat numbers. EINISH MACHINED AXLE Box Housr The castings used for finish machining shalt conform to this specification. Finish machined axle boxes shalt be free from blow hotes, porosities, sand inclusions and other casting defects, The holes shall be fig drilted in one setting so that there is no mismatch, if drilted from both endey Suitable cover shalt be provided on both ends of the bore te, Dravent entry of dust and also damage to end faces of the axte Box. FACILITIES FOR RADIOGRAPHIC EXANINAT: facilities for Radiographic examination shall preferably be available at the Supplier's premises, and if hot avait, able, tests shall be carried out at any Governaent Testing Centre or at Integral Coach Factory at Supplier's cost, SUARANTEE: Suppliers of both Rough machined & Finish machined ante Box Housings shall guarantee replacement tree of cost such casting which ay develop defects within one yesr from the date of taking Coach into. regular service’ or ahihig, hese years from the date of ‘receipt “of supply whichever is earlier. 1.2 CE/M/D/Specn, /069 Issue Status: 01 Rev.03/FEB.- 2002 Page No.3 of 7 Suppliers of cough machined axle boxes shall alse under- take to replace free of cost at the Purchaser's premises ait such castings which on sachining show. blow” holes. porosities, sand inclusions and other casting defects Unacceptable to the purchaser. PLY OF ADVANCE SAMPLES~ APPLICABLE ONLY FOR VENDORS WHO HAVE NOT SUPPLIED THIS ITEM DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS “TO ICE, REF OR BERL, p Roush Machined axte Box Hous. The successful tenderer shall have to supply free of cost Six sample of axle box housings for tests and approval, The tenderer shall not proceed with the series manufacture of axle boxes until these advance samples have been ap- Broved in writing by the Purchaser. Should these advance Samples foil to meet the tests, the order for Axle Bow is subject to cancellation witholt compensation. These ads vance sauples Will be machined to dimensions indicated in the drawing and exasined for blow holes and porosities ang tests a8 indicated in Annexure 'A". For Finish Machined axte Box Housings: The Successful tenderer shalt have to supply free of cost four sample of axte box housings for tests and approval. The tenderer shall not proceed With the series manufacture of axle boxes until these advance samples have been spe Proved in writing by the Purchaser. Should these advance Samples fail to meet the tests, tha order for Axle Gow fs subject to cancellation withodt conpensation. These ad= vance Samples shall be tested as indicated in Annesure- A, PAINTING (FOR BOTH ROUGH MACHINED & FINISH MACHINED AXLE BOX HOUSING): Machined bore of the axte box housing shall be coated with Grease or rust preventive ofl. The castings shall be thoroughty cleaned and painted with fed oxide zine chromate primer to spec. 15:2074-1992" on all surfaces except the bore CE/M/D/Specn, /069 Tssue Status: OT Rev.03/FEB.-2002 Page No.4 of 7 WHEXURE ‘AY ‘ests The following is the summary of the various tests to be conducted before accepting the boxes. SELECTION oF TEST PIECE: ADVANCE SAMPI PPL VENDORS WHO HAVE NoT supPLiED IIs ITEM DURING THe LAST FIVE YEARS TO-1CE, RCE OR GENL: Test pieces for tensite, bend and impact tests and drilt- ing for chemical analysis wilt be taken from random posi- tions of the body of the casting. FOR REGULAR suppiten: The Purchaser may agree to cast the integrated test pieces along with the axle box housings themselves at suitable Places to represent particular cast and Lot. besTAUcTIVE TEST: Hechanical Test: ‘Tensile and cold bend test! shall be carried oUt in accordance with 18:1030-1998 Grade 230- 450H, upact Test: Impact test shall be carried out in _accor- Gance with 15:1030-1998 Grade 230-450W. clause 13.3. The fapact strength shatl not be Less than 453. Hardness test: Brinell hardness using 10mm ball and 3,000 Kg load shall be taken at various positions after suitably Grinding the surface. Average of not less than four test Shall be taken. The Brinell Number thus obtained shall be 140 - 160. Chemical Analysis: driltings taken as per clause 1.1 shalt be analysed for Carbon, Manganese, Sulphur and Phosphorous in addition to scrutiny of ai is from each heat which the Supplier is required to supply as per clause 4.6 of this Speen. 1.3.0 1.3.4 ce 3. 2 Rev.03/ FEB. Page No.5 of 7 ANNEXURE TAY NON-DESTRUCTIVE TEST: Visual Examination: The Axle Box housings either Rough machined or Finish machined to dimensions shown on th Fespective drawings shall be examined for blow holes and porosities ete. Radiographic Exaninations: the axle box housing after rough machining or finish machining as the case may be shall be subjected to radiographic examination to the extent of 2% of the castings from each heat subject to a Sioluuw “of one per heat. The acceptable Radiographic Standard ghall be ASTH-E-446 Vol-I/Vol-II ~Level IV. The X-Ray/Iridiun 192 radiation beam shall be focussed on the castings from various directions as indicated in th attached sketch ICF/D/218 for examination of the soundness of the castings at all places. Prints from the radiograph Shall be supplied to the Purchaser by the manufacturer. Cy mee ane (CE ees oe wn ta a = mawiane Once 7 rer ane |ox seuss |Z = ‘TON RAL | er mf he ALI ‘STAONS lcrrsk- 0-2-1 INTEGRAL COACH FACTORY, CHENNAISS SPECIFICATION FOR CAST STEEL AXLE BOX HOUSING ICR/MD/SPEC.-069 ISSUE STATUS: 01 REV.No. 03 DATE:-04-02-2002 AMENDMENT SLIPNO.: OMDATED 29-10-2004 | PAGES :1 OF 1 [PAGE [CLAUSE] ed oes oe at Glee cde a cia, | eee ee | the bore to prevent entry | supplying the finish machined Axle fare Danas Sota eee > Tema tee Ronco, Seas ese | > sac seems, | rete Sieben scat ameons| Ean ‘Housing shall be packed SO Qanrgpn| \v | Mee | dhe —= ‘spha | same | pramreme | emacn

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