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C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar


Time: 1 hours Total Marks: 20

Mid Semester Examination Aug –Dec 2020

I. Answer all the following (2*5)

Q. 1 Determine the electric field intensity E at (4, 0, 3) m in Rectangular co-ordinates due to

a point charge Q=1 mC at the origin.

Q.2 Given that the potential V= 6xz2 – 5y V. Find out electric field intensity E at point
P (3, -2, 1).

Q.3 An electric field in a medium whose relative permittivity is 7 enters another medium of
relative permittivity 4. If E makes an angle of 30o with the boundary normal, what angle does
the field makes with the normal in the second dielectric?

Q.4 If the magnetic field, H= sinϕ ar + 3r aθ + 5rsinθ cosϕ aϕ A/m, exist in a medium with
μr=8, determine the magnetic flux density.

Q.5 State and explain Ampere’s circuit law.

II. Answer all the following (5*2)

Q.6 Write down Maxwell’s equations (all four) for static electromagnetic fields in differential
and integral forms.


The magnetic flux density is given by B1=6.7 ax + 9.2 ay + 3.8 az Wb/m2 for the medium 1
(μr1=7). Determine B2 and H2 in the medium 2 (μr2=2) and also calculate the angles made by
the fields with the normal.

Q.7 Derive an expression for energy density in terms of E and D in electrostatic fields.


State and explain Biot-Savart’s law and how right hand thumb rule can be used to determine
direction of magnetic fields.

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