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Assignment 1 Business Statistics (BBA)

Data in XLS sheet is given with the name of each pair. I have made pairs according to the
attendance sheet as you people don’t sent me the list so treat it final and no change in pairs.
You are to do the analytical and graphical work in XLS and then graphs/table or
interpretation should be in word format (Hard copy)

Last date to submit assignment is 14-3-2012. After due date assignment will not be accepted

Q 1:

A. How many observations are there in the data set assigned to your pair?
B. Sort the data in ascending order
C. What is maximum and minimum of the data?
D. What is the range of data?
E. How many classes would you recommend?
F. What class interval would you suggest?
G. What would you recommend as the lower limit of the first class?
H. Organize the data into a frequency distribution.
I. Construct the histogram and describe it in your own words

Q 2:

A. What is the 20th percentile of the data (command based)

B. What is the first quartile of the data
C. What is second quartile of the data
D. What is median of the data
E. What is the 50th percentile of the data
F. Whether the answers of part C,D,E are same or different. Explain in any case why
these are same or not
G. Find the third quartile
H. Find the inter quartile range
I. Construct the boxplot to describe data
J. Discuss whether it is symmetric, left skewed or right skewed

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