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ঢাকা দি�ণ িসিট কেপৰ্ােরশন, ঢাকা।

c¨vW bs ............. µwgK bs- . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1986 m‡bi wgDwbwmc¨vj কেপৰ্ােরশন U¨v‡·kb wewagvjvi 44 (1) wewa Abymv‡i
cÖ‡dkb, †UªW I Kwjs-Gi jvB‡mÝ-Gi Rb¨ `iLv¯Í|

1| `iLv¯ÍKvixi bvg t
Name of applicant
2| wcZv/¯^vgxi bvg t
Name of Father/Husband
3| gvZvi bvg t
Name of Mother
4| ¯’vbxq wVKvbv t
Local Address
5| ¯’vqx wVKvbv t
Permanent Address
6| e¨emv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg t
Name of Business
7| e¨emvi ¯’vb t
Place of Business
8| e¨emv Avi¤¢ Kivi ZvwiL t
Date of commencement of Business
9| e¨emvi aiY t
Type of Business
10| Aby‡gvw`Z/cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab (wjt cÖwZôv‡bi †ÿ‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨) t
Sanctioned/Approved paid of capital
11| e¨emvi ¯’vb wb‡Ri ev fvovq t
Business place (Rental/Own)
12| e¨emv cÖwZôv‡bi mvBb †ev‡W©i weeiY t
Description of Sign-Board of Business
Avwg †NvlvYv Kwi‡ZwQ †h, D‡jøwLZ weeiY Avgvi Ávbg‡Z wbfz©j I mZ¨| Dc‡iv³ weei‡Yi g‡a¨ hw` †Kvb
AmZ¨ †_‡K _v‡K A_ev Am¤ú~Y© weeiY cÖgvwYZ nq Z‡e D³ jvB‡mÝ evwZ‡ji †h †Kvb e¨e¯’v wmwU কেপৰ্ােরশন
MÖnY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e| Avwg A½xKvi Kwi‡ZwQ †h, wmwU কেপৰ্ােরশেনর AvBb wewa cÖwewa Ges wb‡`©k gvwb‡Z eva¨
_vwKe| Avwg wmwU কেপৰ্ােরশেনর †UªW jvB‡mÝ m¤úwK©Z cÖ`Ë kZv©ejx gvwbqv Pwj‡Z eva¨ _vwKe|

`iLv¯ÍKvixi ¯^vÿi

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