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Mansoura University

Faculty of Computers and Information

Department of Information Technology
First Semester- 2020-2021

[IT413P] Pattern Recognition

Grade: Four
Dr: Nagham Mekky
2.4 Classifiers, Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces
2.4.1 The Multi-Category Case
 There are many different ways to represent pattern
classifiers. One of the most useful is in terms of a
set of discriminant functions gi(x), i = 1, . . . , c,
The classifier is said to assign a feature vector x to
class ωi if

 Thus, the classifier is viewed as a network or

machine that computes c discriminant functions
and selects the category corresponding to the
largest discriminant.

Pattern Classification, Chapter
2 (Part 2) 13
Discriminants for Bayes Classifier
 Assuming a general loss function:
gi(x)= -R(αi / x)

 Assuming the zero-one loss function:

gi(x)=P(ωi / x)
Discriminants for Bayes Classifier
 Is the choice of gi unique?
 Replacing gi(x) with f(gi(x)), where f(.) is monotonically
increasing function, does not change the classification results.

p(x / i ) P(i )
g i ( x) 
p ( x)
gi (x)  p(x / i ) P(i )
gi (x)  ln p(x / i )  ln P(i )

we’ll use this

discriminant extensively!
Case of Two Categories
 More common to use a single discriminant function
instead of two:

 Examples:
g (x)  P(1 / x)  P(2 / x)
p(x / 1 ) P(1 )
g (x)  ln  ln
p ( x / 2 ) P(2 )
Decision Regions and Boundaries
 Discriminants divide the feature space in decision regions
R1, R2, …, Rc, separated by decision boundaries.

Decision boundary
is defined by:
Pattern Classification, Chapter
2 (Part 2) 18
2.5 The Normal Density
2.5.1Univariate ‫احادي المتغير‬density

 We begin with the continuous univariate normal or

Gaussian density,
1  1 x 

P( x )  exp    ,
2   2    
 = mean (or expected value) of x
2 = expected squared standard deviation or variance

Pattern Classification, Chapter 2

(Part 2)
Pattern Classification, Chapter 2
(Part 2)

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