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American Journal of Medical Genetics 70:454 (1997)

Letter to the Editor

Not a New Seckel-Like Syndrome But
Ear-Patella-Short Stature Syndrome

To The Editor: was not found in one of the reported cases. None of the
eight cases had cleft soft palate. We think that the
We read with interest the article of Buebel et al. cases of Buebel et al. [1996] are further examples of the
[1996] describing presumably a new Seckel-like syn- ear-patella-short stature syndrome which belongs to
drome of primordial dwarfism in two unrelated chil- the ‘‘community of syndromes’’ of proportionate short
dren. The syndrome comprises IUGR with post-natal stature such as Seckel primordial dwarfism, Russell-
growth retardation, microcephaly, retarded bone age, Silver syndrome, 3M syndrome, ‘‘gloomy face syn-
prominent eyes, microtia and ear malformations, small drome’’ and others [Boles et al., 1994]. The best indi-
mouth with full lips, micrognathia, cleft soft palate, cator of remarkable similarities is to compare photo-
clinodactyly of 5th finger, clitoromegaly, mild to mod- graphs of the Buebel et al. [1996] and Boles et al. [1994]
erate mental retardation, and other anomalies. Devel- patients and other patients. It would be important to
opmental assessment was not formally done in one of know about the patellae in the cases of Buebel et al.
the girls (2 years), and in the other, the last assessment [1996] in order to have an idea about the weight of this
was at age 34 months. trait.
We were impressed with the similarity between their
cases and those we have described previously as the REFERENCES
ear-patella-short stature syndrome (Meier-Gorlin syn-
Buebel MS, Salinas CF, Pai GS, Macpherson RI, Greer MK, Perez-Comas
drome) [reviewed recently by Boles et al., 1994]. Based A (1996): A new Seckel-like syndrome of primordial dwarfism. Am J
on eight reported cases this syndrome comprises IUGR Med Genet 64:447–452.
and post-natal growth retardation, microcephaly, re- Boles RG, Teebi AS, Schwartz D, Harper JF (1994): Further delineation of
tarded bone age, microtia and malformed ears, small the ear, patella, short stature syndrome (Meier-Gorlin syndrome). Clin
Dysmorphol 3:207–214.
mouth and full lips, micrognathia, clinodactyly of the
Cohen B, Temple IK, Symons JC, Hall CM, Shaw DG, Bhamra M, Jackson
5th finger, and absent or hypoplastic patellae. Intelli- AM, Pembrey ME (1991): Microtia and short stature: A new syndrome.
gence was variable. IQ was less than 60 in one of the J Med Genet 28:786–790.
two cases reported by Hurst et al. [1988] and was de- Gorlin RJ, Cervenka J, Moller K, Horrobin M, Witkop CJ Jr (1975): A
scribed as low normal in the case reported by Gorlin et selected miscellany. Birth Defects 11:39–50.
al. [1975]. It was normal in the cases reported by Cohen Hurst JA, Winter RM, Baraitser M (1988): Distinctive syndrome of short
et al. [1991] and Boles et al. [1994]. No information in stature, craniosynostosis, skeletal changes and malformed ears. Am J
Med Genet 29:107–115.
this regard is available about the Meier et al. [1959]
Meier VZ, Poschiavo, Rothschild M (1959): Ein Fall von Arthrogryposis
case and one of the cases reported by Hurst et al. multiplex congenita kombiniert mit Dysostosis mandibulofacialis
[1988]. Clitoromegaly was found in two of the four re- (Franceschetti-syndrom). Helv Paediatr Acta 2:213–216.
ported cases, while in the other two, information was
not available. Prominent eyes were noted in the Boles Ahmad S. Teebi*
et al. [1996] cases. Absent or hypoplastic patella, a car- Division of Medical Genetics
dinal finding in ear-patella-short stature syndrome, The Montreal Children’s Hospital
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

*Correspondence to: Dr. A.S. Teebi, The Montreal Children’s Robert J. Gorlin
Hospital, Division of Medical Genetics, 2300 Tupper Street, Mon- Department of Oral Pathology and Genetics
treal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 1P3. University of Minnesota
Received 11 September 1996; Accepted 7 November 1996 Minneapolis, Minnesota

© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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