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12/13/2018 Does Soundproofing Paint for Walls and Ceilings Work?

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Does Soundproo ng Paint for Walls and

Ceilings Work?
One of the biggest questions in the world of soundproo ng is the one about soundproo ng paint.

Does it work? Well, it depends. Basically, it works great at some certain noise levels.

Since my house needed an arrangement, painting, and soundproo ng, I gured it out and gave a

try. Long story short, this soundproo ng paint did the job. No matter how strange it sounds, it can

work in certain situations.

For example, if the noise that is coming from the other room is not that loud, then why would you

waste money on some foam panels, blankets, and curtains when a simple soundproo ng paint can

do the job just ne?

Simply put, the soundproo ng paint is a two-in-one solution to your problems. It will

simultaneously decrease the noise level and help you redesign your room. Nevertheless, there are

a lot of bene ts coming from this paint.

It’s true, it demands a bit of your time and e ort, but the whole procedure is quite worth. Now, let’s

learn some basics about soundproo ng paint when to use it, how does it work, and nally, how to

achieve the best results with soundproof paint. 1/9
12/13/2018 Does Soundproofing Paint for Walls and Ceilings Work? | A Quiet Refuge

Basic Things to Know about Soundproo ng Paint 

First of all, before you decide to go with soundproo ng paint, you should know a few things. The

soundproo ng paint can be used on any surface on which can be used the regular paint as well.
Being interchangeable, it’s quite grateful to have it on your walls.

Furthermore, you do not need to paint the whole house with it. If you have some critical spots that

need more soundproo ng than others, then you can simply paint those spots with soundproo ng
paint for walls and others with a regular one.

As I mentioned earlier, but not detailed, the soundproo ng paint will be e ective to a certain noise
frequency. If there are some savages next to you, making really loud noise, then this paint will

probably be useless.

For the best possible outcome, use the soundproo ng paint at mid-frequency noise. To give you a
better insight of this noise, it’s basically the regular talking sound level. 2/9
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Therefore, the soundproo ng paint should be used if you are hearing (not that loud) voice passing
through your walls. In other words, trying to reduce the noise with soundproo ng paint from

neighbor’s dog or his loud music will most likely fail.

One of the most important things that you should be prepared of is to paint a few layers of coating.
Let me translate: be prepared to spend some extra money as you will need more than 3 layers of
this paint in order to achieve the best results.

Therefore, it requires a bit more time, money, and e ort, but all of these things you will probably

spend while pulling out some alternative methods.

How Does Sounproo ng Paint Work?

The thicker the material is the better soundproo ng you get. That rule is simple and clear. And it

applies to soundproof paint as well. In order to answer the question of “how does it work”, I need
to give you an insight on how thick this paint is.

The thickness of this paint depends only on your preferences. In most of the cases, you will need at
least 3 layers to reduce the normal talking noise, from the apartment next to you, in half. Basically,

one layer is enormously thick for the paint.

Soundproo ng paint for walls is heavy bodied, made of ceramic microspheres and special
soundproo ng llers. This will drastically increase its absorbing power.

It is water-based and it will easily prevent the sound from bouncing around in your room. 3/9
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Soundproo ng paint, or some may call it- the deadening paint will e ectively dampen tinning noise

and ringing in all metal structures.

Soundproo ng paint is a great ghter against the noise on 2 di erent levels. Firstly, it will reduce

the noise by absorbing it. The noise from inside your room (echo for example) will be minimized.

Also, the sound that is going outside of your room will be prevented from disturbing your

As you may know, you can use some furniture or objects in order to prevent the echo. These pieces

of furniture will prevent the noise bouncing from at surfaces and re ecting to other directions.

Related to that, soundproo ng paint acts as a soft and thick surface which will prevent that sound

from bouncing and protect your room from the echo e ect.

On the whole di erent level, this soundproo ng paint will drastically decrease some reasonable

noise that comes into your room. Preferably, you should paint over all the impact walls- those at 4/9
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the noise impact. If not, you risk achieving the minimal e ects.

The paint is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It’s basically the same in this matter as a

regular paint. There is only one di erence- this acts like a sound deadener.

Also, you can apply it in several di erent ways. You can use roller or spray to fasten up a procedure

a bit, or you can simply go with the brush. Since you will need a few layers at least, I would

personally recommend this roller as it has shown as the fastest performing tool.

These paints are in most of the cases easily cleaned. All you need to do is grab some water and the

soap, and the paint will be clean in no time.

Of course, if you are worried about the design of your room, you shouldn’t be. This paint, as a

regular one, comes in di erent colors and shades. You will be able to match it to your room’s

design easily.

Where Can You Use Soundproof Paint?

Simply speaking, you can put soundproof paint wherever you feel the most vulnerable to the noise.

Basically, this paint is used on the interior surfaces.

Other than walls, and ceiling, you can use this paint on wood and metal, as well as on primed


Again, make sure that you cover whole walls (for example) as it will increase the absorption by a lot.

Also, you may cover some crevices with it and seal the holes that release the noise.

What Are The Bene ts Of Soundproo ng Paint?

As you have already seen in this article, soundproo ng paint will decrease the noise of some

normal frequencies up to 30%. Nevertheless, there are few more bene ts from using this paint.

Soundproo ng paint is quite thick material. Therefore, depending on the coatings and layers put, it
can act as a great thermal isolator. 5/9
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Since I have this paint in several rooms, I’ve managed to record the di erence in the temperature

before and after putting it on my walls. The results were more than amazing. I’ve noticed several
degrees di erence on average.

By the way, here are some of the best quiet air conditioners if you're interested.

Finally, you can use this method as a solution to several problems. It’s a quite cheap method and

you can do the job of soundproo ng and painting simultaneously.

Of course, there are limited color options for this paint but I’m sure that you will manage to t the

wanted color anyway.

How To Achieve The Best Results With Combined Methods

Basically, if you want to reach some better results, you can combine soundproo ng paint with

some of the easiest soundproo ng methods, or even using household items. 6/9
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Namely, if you wish to block the noise even more, then, after painting, you can simply put a large

piece of the furniture up against the walls such as bookshelves as an additional layer of noise


That will also reduce the echo to 0, and prevent the noise from molesting your neighbors.
Furthermore, if your rooms have windows and walls, you should consider soundproo ng them as


Once you soundproof your walls with soundproo ng paint, it’s a good moment to deal with

windows and doors next.

If the neighbors from above are making too much noise as you can hear their footsteps or the
dog’s footsteps, then, along with painting your ceiling with deadening paint, you can ask them to

possibly add some carpet on their oor in order to minimize the noise.

Also, make sure that you seal all the holes before painting. It’s true, paint is thick and it will cover

them, but you should probably seal them previously with green glue (a soundproo ng substance).

Read more about Green Glue and its e ectiveness here.

Simply speaking, there are various methods which you can combine with soundproo ng paint.

Some of them are easy and require not much time and money, while others are kind of trickier and

a bit expensive.

So, Does Soundproo ng Paint Work?

Given everything that I mentioned about soundproo ng paint, does it work, how does it work and
what are the bene ts of painting with it, we may conclude that soundproo ng paint really does

work on some levels.

Those levels are levels of noises that are not that loud. You will be able to dry out the noise of

regular talking from the room next to you. So, don’t expect miracles- it can’t be used as a

permanent solution to noise problems such as dog barking, kid crying etc. 7/9
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Simple enough, it is a fair solution to a fair noise.

All in all, I hope that I mythbusted your doubts about soundproo ng paint. Bottom line- it works!

 >>> Click Here to Learn More about Soundproo ng Paint <<<

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