Can N Cascia To 1995

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Letters to the Editor

Cataloging Article Concerns gour has chosen a very arbitrary subset of the information
universe on which to base such a recommendation.
Lastly. he ignores the issue of heading formulation when
Sir: dispensing with descriptive cataloging. His proposed OPAC de-
sign (whose functionality exists in some form in most OPACs)
I am writing in response to your recently published article relies on surname. Thus, standardizing the form that a surname
by Fred Kilgour (March, 1995). There are a number of issues (or any heading) takes is vitally important. One part (a major
I’d like to address in response, for I am struck by the arbitrary part) of descriptive cataloging involves the procedures used to
and artificial aspects of his article and by, his proposal to, at formulate a heading and create a cross reference structure if
some point. eliminate descriptive catalogmg (at least as it is needed. Indeed, chapters 22-26 ofAnglo-American Cataloging
currently being done). Rules, >2nd.ed., 1988 revision are devoted to this type of work.
Mr. Kilgour asserts that a single screen response is a desir- To propose a redesign of the OPAC to be effective and effi-
able result of an OPAC search, yet offers no supporting evi- cient and then in the next breath to speak of eliminating de-
dence of this desirability. Cataloging aims have long been, in scriptive cataloging is contradictory and invalid.
some form. those as stated by Charles Cutter:

To enable a person to find a book of which either the: Daniel CannCasciato

-Author or Catalog Librarian
-Title or Central M’ashington b’niversit~~
-Subject 400 East 8th .4venue
is known. and Ellcnshwg, R’A 98926-7548
To show what the library has: E-mail: dcc@muedzl
-By a certain author or
-On a certain subject
Nothing here indicates smallness of results as an aim. Why are
twenty results the most suitable? Only because small cathode Kilgour. F. G. ( 1995). Effectiveness ofsurname-title-words searches by
ray tubes for the display of such results are commonplace? scholars, Journal of ihe ~4mcrican Socicl~~ /ix Infivwulion Scicvw.
Next, Mr. Kilgour employs a research strategy of a hypo- 46, 146-151.
thetical user to demonstrate a means to achieve this single
screen result. He is not studying any user’s actual habits. He is
studying the way someone could search, if one wanted. There
is no indication that most (or even many) patrons operate in
this manner. This is a highly artificial, hypothetical user’s On the Dynamic Behavior of Bradford’s Law
search: and yet from this he asserts that one could then elimi-
nate descriptive cataloging. Even ifthe majority of searchesare
ones for a known item. he does not demonstrate that someone Sir:
performing a known item search has both the title and the au- In the recent article entitled “Dynamic behavior of Bradford’s
thor clearly identified.’ You might know that Salman Rushdie law” Chen, Chong, and Tong. proceeding from the Simon gen-
has a death sentence on his head for having written something; erating mechanism (Simon, 1955), derived several interesting
that does not mean you also know the title of the work that conclusions regarding the distribution curve and the factors in-
prompted that death sentence. fluencing its shape. Mostly, these results could be summarized
His proposal to eliminate descriptive cataloging in no way as follows:
addresses the needs of users who do not have citations as a (i) First, the shape of the distribution curve depends on the
means of pursuing their interests. It ignores the needs of pa- concentration/dispersion relation, expressedby means of two
trons who have no sp&fic research pursuit, as well. And, it parameters, (Y and y, incorporated in the Simon generating
ignores the difficulties in transcribing a title from more prob- mechanism. Varying the values of these parameters. Chen et
lematic publications (exhibition catalogs. conference proceed- al. revealed that m the case of higher data concentration, the
ings, electronic texts, corporate publications, government pub- distribution curve (given in semilog plot) tends to the north-
lications, artists’ books, photograph collections, etc.). Mr. Kil- west or vice versa, the higher the dispersion of data, the more
the curve moves to the southeast direction. That the shape of
the distribution curve depends on the mutual relation between
’ Ignoring for the moment the difficulty in clearly identifying either the two opposite effects, i.e., concentration versus dispersion
portion in many, many. publications. This point is illustrated more a of data, is shown up by Oluic-Vukovic ( 199 1). Following the
bit later. artificially induced changes in the internal structure of data. it
(* 1995 John Wiley &Sons, Inc. was observed that depending on whether dispersion or concen-

JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE. 46(10):798-800, 1995 CCC 0002-8231/95/ 100798-03
tration is the most striking data feature, the distribution curve case study. Third Iniernationul Conj&nce on I~firmetrics, Banga-
would vary from the J-shaped to the S-shapedform, or in terms lore, India: Indian Statistical Institute.
ofChen et al., the graph curves from the southeast to the north- Burrell, Q. ( 1992). The Gini index and the Leimkuhler curve for bibli-
west direction. The connection between the shape of the distri- ometricprocesses.
Itzftirmation Pruce.~singundMunag~ment, 28, I9-
bution and concentration of data has also been investigated by 33.
Burrell ( 1985, 1992). The attempt of Chen et al., to formalize Chen, Y. S.. Chong, P. P., & Tong, M. Y. ( 1995). On the dynamic
this relation by introducing the 01and y parameters is, however, behavior of Bradford’s law. Journal @‘the American Society,fbr In-
a significant qualitative shift. Jiwnution Scicncc. 46, 370-383.
(ii) Second, considering the evolution of the distribution Kendall, M. G. ( 1960). The bibliography of operational research. Up-
curve in time, the authors deduced that “Since it is more likely crationul Research Quarlerly, II, 3 l-36.
to have a d~~~rcJasing,filnction a(n) and an increasing filnction Oh&-Vukovib, V. ( 199 I ). The shape of distribution curve: An indica-
-y(n). n = 1,2, . R, the Bradford graphs will curve more tion of changes in the journal productivity distribution pattern.
toward the northM.e.stregion as time R increases” (italics Journal oflqfimnution Science, 17, 28 I-290.
added). This is exactly what has been found by Burrell ( 199 1) Olui&Vukovi& V. ( 1992). Journal productivity distribution: Quanti-
and Olui&Vukovifi ( 1992), in the study of dynamic behavior tative study of dynamic behavior. Journal of the American Society
of the Bradford distribution, though the first indications of this ./ix I&xmurion Science. 43, 4 12-42 I.
date back to O’Neill (1973, 1974) and Braga (1978). To be O’Neill. E. T. ( 1973). Limitations of the Bradford distributions. Pro-
more specific, by studying the development of the distribution ceedings of‘rhe ASISAnnuul Meeting. IO, I77- 178.
curve over an extended time interval (Olui&Vukovi& 1992). O’Neill. E. T. ( 1974). A stochastic scattering model. Proceedings ofthe
it was found that: ASISAnnuul,~4eeting. II, 155-l 59.
Pravdik, N.. & Olui&Vukovib, V. ( I99 I ). Distribution of scientific pro-
l by the increase of time, the concentration of data in ductivity: Ambiguities in the assignment of author rank. Scientome-
tricx, 20, 13 1- 144.
the higher producing tail of distribution increases at a
Simon, H. A. ( 1955 ). On a class of skew distribution functions. Biome-
more or less constant rate (postulating the cumulative
triku, 42, 425-440.
advantage or “success breeds success”as the underly-
ing principle), while dispersion of data slowly de-
creuses. Consequently.
l the shape of the distribution curve changes in time,
evolving from an almost concavely increasing curve to
the S-shaped pattern, or in terms of Chen et al., it On the Dynamic Behavior of Bradford’s Law-
moves from the southeast to the northwest direction. Response
These observations support, to a reasonable degree, rather Sir:
isolated opinions that Bradford’s and related distributions are
dynamic systems evolving in time. At the same time, they pro- I want to thank Dr. Olui&Vukovii for his valuable comment
vided valuable information about the process underlying the on the recent article by Chen et al. ( 1995). The comment sum-
observed behavior, giving further confidence to Kendall’s at- marizes related works by him and others on the dynamic be-
tempt ( 1960), from which I have proceeded, to consider the havior of Bradford’s law. Specifically, he shows that his two
Bradford distribution as a particular caseof a more general dis- recent articles (Olui&VukoviE, 199 1, 1992) are much more re-
tribution proposed by Simon. However. the consequences of lated to the work of Chen et al. ( 1995) than the cited article
the Simon generating mechanism and their correspondence to (Pravidii & Oh&Vukovii, 199 I). In preparing the response
empirical facts, especially in the casewhere both 01and y vary, to Dr. Olui&Vukovi?s specific comment, I went over the early
require further verification. draft of the paper and found the following statement: “Will cur-
In view of these facts, it seems that the two articles discussed rent publication patterns remain unchanged over time? The
above (Olui&Vukovi&, 1991, 1992), are much more related to question has gained much attention in recent literature, e.g.,
the recent work of Chen et al., than the cited article “Distribu- OIui&Vukovit ( 1989, 1991, & 1992).” I am sorry to say that
tion of scientific productivity: Ambiguities in the assignment of the statement and the corresponding paragraph were deleted
author rank” (PravdiE & Olui&Vukovi& 1991). only tenta- later as was suggestedby one of the referees.
tively concerned with this topic. In his comment, Dr. Oluii--Vukovii also made two very in-
teresting and important points regarding the Simon generating
mechanism (Simon, 1955) and I take this opportunity to dis-
cuss them below:
Vesna OluibVukovit? (SIF/IAE) ( 1) “The attempt of Chen et al. to formalize this
ProRes Ltd. (concentration/dispersion) relation by introducing the 01and
Novu cestu 28 y parameters is, however, a significant qualitative shift”
4 1000 Zagreb [parentheses added] _ Besides providing a quantitative frame-
Croatia work for analyzing Bradford’s and related laws (Chen et al.,
E-mail: vesnu.ol~~ic.vukovic.@public.srce. hr 1994), Simon’s generating mechanism also enables us to apply
the theory of bibliometric modeling to interesting areas such as
database management, information retrieval, and speech rec-
References ognition. For examples, in his dissertation, Tong ( 1994) ap-
plies Simon’s generating mechanism to model databaseaccess-
Braga. G. M. ( 1978). Some aspects of Bradford’s distribution. Procecd- ing frequencies and proposes a self-adaptive buffer replacement
it1g.s o/‘lllcASlSAnnlrul /kfccrin~, 15, 5 l-54. scheme that outperforms conventional databasebuffer replace-
Burrell, Q. (1985). The 80/20 rule: Library lore or statistical law? ment algorithms; Chen et al. ( 1992) use Simon’s mechanism
Jorwnul o~/~Doc~rrmc,n/ulion, 41. 24-39. to model natural language text generation and propose a self-
Burrell, Q. ( 199 I ). The dynamic nature of bibliometric processes: A adaptive statistical language model for speech recognition.


(2) “However, the consequences of the Simon generating Simon, H. A. ( 1955). On a class ofskew distribution functions. Biomc~-
mechanism and their correspondence to empirical facts, espe- 1rik1, 42.425-440.
cially in the casewhere both (Yand y vary, require further veri- Tong. M. Y. ( 1994). A .sel/du~~/ivc~ dutahusc~ hu/fm’ r~[h’etnmi
ficatton.” This is indeed true and opens up some research op- ~~IIPIIIC. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Louisiana State Univer-
portunities. For example. the author and his colleague are in- sity, Baton Rouge.
terested in applications where 01and y are interdependent, e.g.,
(Yis influenced by y; when y increases (decreases), 01will de-
crease( increase).
Kudos for Delphi Study

While JASZS servesthe profession by printing a variety of ma-
terial. its primary purpose is still to publish results of original
research. Unfortunately, practitioners sometimes are not aware
of the immediate value that research can have for them in the
“practical” world.
The article bv Delia Neumann in the May 1995 issue is a
case in point. This article reported the results of a Delphi study
References of library media specialists on interface design for high school
students’accessto databases.The article was of such immediate
Chen.Y. S..Chong.P. P.. 8i Kim. J. S. ( 1991). Self-adaptive statistical practical value to a client of mine who is working on precisely
language model for speech recognition. C)?xwtctic~u. 35. 103-I 27.
this issue that 1 referred them to it that very day.
Chen, Y. S.. Chong. P. P., & Tong, M. Y. ( 1994). The Simon-Yule
In a rapidly evolving field such as ours. practitioners need
approach to bibliomctric modcling. I~t/i,rmarion Processin~~& nlorr-
to keep up with research in order to be aware of likely future
u~f3’rnm?/.46. 370-383.
developments-but sometimes the research is directly, imme-
Chen, Y. S.. Chong. P. P.. & Tong. M. Y. ( 1995). On the dynamic
diately applicable to our work. Keep it up, JASIS!
behavjior of Bradford’s law. Jnr(mu/ ol’flw :l~rw~i(~u~rS’oc~ic~~J~
frw In-
,/orrnu/ion S?icvcc,. 46. 370-383.
Oluic-Vukovic, V. ( 1989). Bibliometric modeling processes and the
empirical v*alidity of Lotka’s Law. Jo~/w(~/ of t/w .,lrnc,vican Soc’ic,/j’
Jessica L. Milstead
,/itr In/iwtntr/ion Scicncr. 40. 379-385,
The JELEM C’ompun)l
Oluic-Vukovic, V. ( 199 I ). The shape ofdistribution cuwe: An indica-
P.0. Box 5063
tion of changes in the journal productivity distribution pattcm.
Brookfiekd CT 06804
Jorrrt~ul ol In/iuwwliot~ S~~irncc. 17, 28 I-290.
E-mufl: 76440.2356~~otnpu.srrve.cotn
Oluic-Vukovii-, V. ( 1992 ). Journal productivity distribution: Quanti-
tative study of dynamic behavior. Journul o/‘//w .ilmu+un Soc~ict,~~ Reference
jiw /t~/orrnulioF? .~l~icwc. 43, 4 12-42 I
Pravidic. hi.. & Oluic-Vukovic, V. ( 1991 ). Distribution of scientific Neumann, D. ( 1995). High school students’ use ofdatabases: Results
productivity: Ambiguities in the assignment of author rank. S~irn(o- ofa national Delphi study. Jorrrnul o/ rlw.-lv7rric~~~n Socrct!:/iw Inliw
rncvrk.s. -70. 13 I - 144. mulion Sc~icnw. 46. 2X4-298.


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