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Mock Test for English lecturer (BPS 17) in Sindh Government.

All questions carry equal marks, each question carry two marks: there is a not negative mark: only attempted
questions will be counted.Time allowed an hour . Total Marks 100.Date 01.12.2019

1. “Art for art’s sake” found its true adherent in: (a) Wordsworth (b) Byron(c) Browning (d) Oscar Wilde
2. ______ refers to an author's choice of words. When describing the events of her/him story, an author never has
just one word at her/him disposal (a)Simile (b) Diction (c) imagination (d)Metaphor
3. Often in literature, whether for humor or just for taste, a writer wishes to describe some graphic or offensive
event using milder imagery or phrasing. When an author does this, it's called a ______?
(a) euphemism (b)Metaphor (c)Simile (d)Irony
4. Chaucer lived during the reigns of : (a) Edward III (b) Richard II (c) Henry IV (d) None
5. Ben Jonson is known for his? (a)Tragic Comedy (b) Romantic Comedy (c)Comedy Humor (d)None
6. Bacon’s essays are written in? (a) Aphoristic style (b) Expository (c) descriptive (d) persuasive
7. The intellectual father of French Revolution? (a) Rousseau (b)j.j Thomas (c)Montesquieu (d)None
8. Lyrical Ballads was published in? (a)1798 (b)1678 (c)1897 (d)1789
9. The originator of the Oxford Movement was? (a)Sheridan (b) John Keble (c) Georg Bernard Shaw (d) None
10. The phrase ‘Stream of Consciousness’ is associated with? (a) James Joyce(b) D.G. Rossetti (c) William Holman
Hunt (d)None
11. A Ballad stanza generally contains ____ lines? (a)2 (b)4 (c)6 (d)None
12. The epic poem Beowulf is written in? (a) Scandinavian Script (b) Italian Script (c) Greek Script (d)None
13. Geoffrey Chaucer is best known for his? (a)General Prologue (b) Canterbury Tales (c) The Night Tale (d)None
14. Who wrote "The Pilgrim’s Progress"? (a) Daniel Defoe (b) John Bunyan (c) Dryden (d)Milton
15Which one of the following poets named the Romantic poet as the “pond poets”? (a) Southey (b) P.B Shelly (c)
John Keats (d)Byron
16. A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry (a) rhyme scheme(b) meter (c) alliteration (d)
All of above
17. The repetition of similar ending sounds (a) alliteration(b) onomatopoeia (c) rhyme(d) None
18. Applying human qualities to non-human things (a) personification (b) onomatopoeia (c) alliteration (d)None
19. The repetition of beginning consonant sounds (a) rhyme(b) onomatopoeia (c) alliteration (d) All of above
20. A poem with no meter or rhyme (a) lyric (b) free verse(c) narrative(d) None
21. A poem that generally has meter and rhyme (a) lyric(b) free verse (c) narrative (d) None
22. Who wrote Canterbury Tales? (a)Chaucer (b) Dickens (c) Shakespeare (d) Keats
23. The theme is _____? (a) a plot (b) character (c)an address(d) a point a writer is trying to make about a subject
24. Which is not a poetry form? (a) epic (b) ballad (c) Tale (d) sonnet
25. How many languages did Chaucer know? (a)3 (b)4 (c) 7 (d) 10
26. Fill in the blanks from Tennyson's The Princess.
Man for the field and woman for the _____:
Man for the sword and for the _____ she:
Man with the head and woman with the _____:

The Mock Test is usually conduct on Sunday at The Knowledge Domain Academy-KDA
Man to command and woman to _____.
(a) crop; scabbard; foot; agree
(b) throne; scepter; soul; decree
(c) school; scalpel; pen; set free (d) hearth; needle; heart; obey
27. Which philosopher had a particular influence on Coleridge? (a) Aristotle (b) Kant (c) Plato (d) Russel
28. Who is termed as "The Morning Star of Renaissance"? (a)Keats (b) Milton (c) Chaucer (d) PB Shelly
29. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens involves which two cities?
(a) France and Italy (b)London and Rome (c) Paris and Rome (d) None
30. Who wrote: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."? (a)Milton (b)Maya Angela (c)Swan M (d)Keats
31. Who wrote: "Reader, I married him."?
(a) Jane Austen (b) Charlotte Bronte (c) Edith Wharton (d) Emily Bronte
32. Who wrote the poem ‘Defence of Lucknow’? (a) Tennyson (b) Swinburne
(c) Rossetti (d) Browning
33. ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ is a quotation from? (a)Keats (b) Milton (c) Hegel (d) None
34. The phrase ‘Pathetic fallacy’ is coined by? (a) Milton (b) Coleridge (c) Carlyle
(d) John Ruskin
35. How many lines are there in a Sonnet? (a)8(b)10(c)14(d) 22
36. The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is (a)Emma (b) Lydia (c) Elizabeth (d) None
37. Hero and Hero Worship was written by: (a) Ruskin (b)Carlyle (c) Stephenson (d) None
38. The ‘Tragic Flaw’ is also called (a) Catharsis (b) Hamartia (c) Catastrophe (d) None
39. Who belongs to the theatre of Absurd (a) Oscar Wilde (b)S .Becket (c) Thomas Grey(d) None
40. _____ is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea? (a)Irony (b)Allegory
(c)Epic (d)Symbolism
41. The most dominant figure of the age of Restoration is? (a)John Milton (b)Dryden (c) Thomas Wyatt (d)None
42. Poetry is spontaneous overflow of Powerful feelings: (a)P.B Shelly (b)William Wordsworth(c)John Keats
43. Verbal _____ occurs when a speaker's intention is the opposite of what he or she is saying. (a)wit (b) Dialogue
(c) Irony (d) None
44. University wits were? (a)playwrights (b)Comedian (c) poets(d)None
45. Who wrote Gulliver’s Travels? (a) Charles Dickens (b) Chaucer (c) Jonathan Swift (d) Thomas Wyatt
46. E. M. Foster is a (a) playwrights (b)Novelist (c)Dramatist (d)poet
47. What period in English Literature is called the “Augustans Age”? (a)16th Century (b)17th Century (c)18th
century (d)19th century
48. Charles Lamb’s "Dream Children" is notable for its: (a) Crushing tragedy (b) Whimsical Pathos (c) Cynicism (d)
49. Which of the following works ‘had the greatest influence on the Victorian Age? (a) Mill’s "On Liberty" (b)
Tennyson’s "In memoriam" (c) Darwin’s "Origin of Species" (d) Carlyle’s "Sartor Restarts"
50. The period between 1660 to 1750 is known as: (a) The Age of Classicism (b) The Restoration (c) The age of
Milton (d) None

The Mock Test is usually conduct on Sunday at The Knowledge Domain Academy-KDA

1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 C
6 A 7 A 8 A 9 B 10 A
11 B 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 A
16 C 17 C 18 A 19 C 20 B
21 A 22 A 23 D 24 C 25 B
26 D 27 B 28 C 29 D 30 D
31 B 32 A 33 D 34 D 35 C
36 C 37 B 38 B 39 B 40 D
41 B 42 B 43 C 44 A 45 C
46 B 47 C 48 B 49 B 50 B

The Mock Test is usually conduct on Sunday at The Knowledge Domain Academy-KDA

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