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RIETHANELIA EK18160037 Introduction, Objective
USUN RICHARD and Literature Review
CARL TEVIN EK18160047 Procedures, Equipment,
RICHARD Safety Procedure
NARRENDRAN A/L EK18110023 Discussion
DAYANG NUR RIZA EK18160041 Results, Conclusion and
BINTI AING References

The plate heat exchanger is also known as a plate and frame heat exchanger or
flat plate heat exchanger. In plate heat exchangers, heat is transferred from one fluid to
another through a flat metal heat exchanger plate, instead of through a heat exchanger
tube wall as with double pipe or shell and tube heat exchangers.
The hot and cold fluids between channels are on alternate sides of the plates. Each
stream passes three times in series across the plates. When the heat exchanger is
connected for concurrent operation the hot and cold fluids enter the exchanger at the
same end. On the other hand, when the heat exchanger is connected for countercurrent
operation the hot and cold fluids enter the exchanger at opposite ends. However, the
flows are not truly concurrent throughout the exchanger because the flow on either side
of the plates is not always in the same direction.Any temperature difference across the
metal plates will result in the transfer of heat between the two fluid streams. As the
streams pass through the pack of plates the hot water will be cooled and the cold water
will be heated.

Figure 1.1 (a) concurrent flow pattern 1.1 (b) counter-current flow pattern


Notification and definition

Symbol Unit Definition

Te oC Inlet temperature of the hot fluid
Ts oC Outlet temperature of the hot fluid
te oC Inlet temperature of the cold fluid
ts oC Outlet temperature of the cold fluid
∆ T1 oC The highest temperature differences between fluids
∆ T2 oC The lowest temperature differences between fluids
CP J/kg.K Constant pressure specific heat of fluid
d m3/s Cold fluid flow rate
D m Diameter
h W/m2.K Convective heat-transfer coefficient
P m Average perimeter
q m3/s Hot fluid flow rate
s m2 Cross section of tube
S m2 Total surface area of exchanger
n - Exchanger efficiency
k W/m2.K Overall heat-transfer efficiency
v m/s Fluid velocity
ϕ W Heat power
‫ג‬ W/m.K Thermal conductivity of solid
γ W/m2.K Thermal conductivity of fluid
η m2/s Coefficient of the fluid kinematic viscosity
µ N.s/m2 Coefficient of the fluid dynamic viscosity
σ m2 Cross section of fluid flow in the exchanger
ρ Kg/m3 Fluid density
δ m Hydraulic diameter of the fluid duct
Subscript c - Hot fluid
Subscript f - Cold fluid

1. The ρ, µ, Cp and y can be obtained from handbook (i.e Perry’s Chemical

Engineers’ Handbook) for the hot water and cold water, at Te+Ts and

2. The coefficient of exchange by convection in the tube is given by the
relations between the number without dimension:

Nu = 0.383 Re0.65Pr0.4 for an exchanger with plates

Nu = 4 Pr1/3 for a tubular exchanger in laminar flow
Nu = 0.0225 Re0.8Pr0.4 for a tubular exchanger in turbulent flow
Nu = hD
; Re = qvD
; Pr = µCp
and v=4Qc ; Dis the diameter of the tube.

y µ y nD2
The observed viscosity in some dimensionless numbers is very temperature-

Laminar flow: Re < 2100

Turbulent flow: Re> 2100

We suppose that some baffles are placed into the cylinder, the flow is not
parallel to the fluid. So we use kern’s method to determine the equivalent
diameter according to the tube arrangement.

Passage surface: αCT =Dc (P-d0)BP

3. The power transmission of fluid :
Фf= ρfQf Cpf (ts - te) cold water receive power
Фc= ρc Qc Cpc (Te–Ts) hot water transfer power


Heat-transfer efficiency, n =ఝƒ

4. Heat-transfer coefficient:

ఝ Sn ∆T1

Real heat-transfer coefficient, kre= ∆T2 ; where S= 2nL Rm

S ∆T1–∆T2
Rm= R1+R2
, ∆T1 = Te – ts and ∆T2 = Ts – te
Theoretical heat-transfer coefficient,

Where = 43 kcal h N.

1. To understand the working principles of a plate heat exchanger unit

2. To investigate the effect of cold water flowrate on the heat transfer efficiency
3. To investigate the effect of flow configuration on the heat transfer efficiency


Plate heat exchanger is a design or type of heat exchanger that comprises several heat
transfer plates. This design was invented by Dr. Richard Seligman in 1923 and it’s a
heat exchanger of indirect heating and cooling fluids. Heat is transfer from hot fluid to
cold fluid as the theory of heat transfer. This type of heat exchanger have the
arrangement of gaskets which allows the fluids flow through single channels. The fluids
is not mixed and also a counter-current flow. The design plates create more turbulence
which increase the efficiency of the heat exchanger to transfer the energy of heat. The
gaskets optimizes the heat transfer between hot fluid and cold fluid. This heat
exchanger is low cost for installation, maintenance and operations. It also has greatest
reliability and have more capacity where the plates can be adjusted.

(i) Plate Heat Exchanger BET 100.


1. Store the filter in the desiccator until it is needed. Connect the flexible hoses to prepare the
co-current configuration system.
2. Adjust the flow rate of hot water to 200 L/h.
3. Fix the temperature of hot water, Teto 80oC through the thermo regulator.
4. Change the cold water flow rate to 50 L/h.
5. Wait until the temperatures are stabled. Record the temperatures of inlet and outlet of both
cold and hot water.
6. Change the cold water flow rates to 100, 150, 200, and 250 L/h. Wait until thermal stability
after each changing of cold water flow rate. Record the temperatures of inlet and outlet of
both cold and hot water.
7. Repeat step 1-6 for counter-current configuration.

1. Counter-current flow
Hot fluid out
Cold fluid in
Hot fluid in
Cold fluid out

2. Co-current flow

Hot fluid in Cold fluid out

Hot fluid out
Cold fluid in

Co-current and counter-current flow both are basic flow arrangements which are
generally used in heat transfer. When cold fluid and hot fluids flow in the same direction from
one end of a heat exchanger to other end through the heat exchanger, then the flow is called
as co-current flow. When hot and cold fluids flowing through a heat exchanger in opposite
direction with respect to each other, then the flow is called as counter-current flow. The
temperature gradient in case of co-current flow is maximum at the entrance and continuously
decreases towards the exit while the temperature gradient is fairly constant over the length
of heat exchanger in case of counter-current flow. This is the difference between co-current
and counter-current heat flows.
A plate heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger that uses metal plates to
transfer heat between two fluids. A plate exchanger consists of a series of parallel plates that
are placed one above the other to allow the formation of a series of channels for fluids to flow
between them. The space between two adjacent plates forms the channel in which the fluid
flows. Inlet and outlet holes at the corners of the plates allow hot and cold fluids through
alternating channels in the exchanger so that a plate is always in contact on one side with the
hot fluid and the other with the cold. Generally, these plates are corrugated in order to
increase the turbulence, the thermal exchange surface and to provide mechanical rigidity to
the exchanger.
The effect of cold water flowrate towards the temperature increment of cold water
was higher in the co-current flow then it was in the counter current flow was because of the
less heat exchange in the co-current type heat exchanger. Moreover, the temperature
reduction of hot water in co-current is also higher than counter-current flow because of the
less heat exchange in the heat exchanger. In simple terms, the outlet cold water temperature
is high, and the outlet hot water temperature is low in co-current flow.
Vice-versa the temperature increment of cold water and the temperature reduction of
hot water is lower in counter-current flow due to the opposite direction flow of hot and cold
water. This enables the heat exchanger to exchange more heat than co-current flow thus, the
difference in temperature. In simple terms, the outlet cold water temperature is low, and the
outlet hot water temperature is high in counter-current flow. This shows that, counter-current
flow has achieved more heat efficiency than co-current flow heat exchanger.
Comparing the co-current and counter-current heat exchangers, we can find that the
temperature difference between the hot and cold fluid in the counter-current heat exchanger
is maintained at a larger value compared to the co-current heat exchanger for a large part of
the heat exchanger’s length. This enables a higher efficiency for heat transfer, and thus a
smaller heat transfer area. In the case of the co-current heat exchanger, the temperature
difference between the hot and cold fluid decreases along the length of the heat exchanger
from the inlet to the outlet, which results in a decrease in heat transfer efficiency and a larger
heat transfer area. In my opinion, the best flow configuration of a plate heat exchanger would
be the counter-current flow.


Record the temperatures.
(a) Co-current configuration
q (L/h) 200 200 200 200 200
d (L/h) 50 100 150 200 250
Te (֯C) 76.9 75.5 74.2 75.2 75.1
Ts (֯C) 64.2 60.0 55.5 54.0 51.4
te (֯C) 25.8 26.1 25.9 25.8 25.7
ts (֯C) 59.0 54.8 49.6 47.4 44.5

(b) Counter-current configuration

q (L/h) 200 200 200 200 200
d (L/h) 50 100 150 200 250
Te (֯C) 75.8 74.6 75.0 75.5 75.1
Ts (֯C) 60.7 55.0 51.2 48.7 46.5
te (֯C) 27.1 27.0 26.8 26.9 26.7
ts (֯C) 58.5 50.3 45.0 42.0 39.7
Te is inlet hot water temperature.
Ts is inlet cold water temperature.
te is outlet hot water temperature.
ts is outlet cold water temperature.

In conclusion, plate heat exchangers are used in a wide range of industries, such as
dairy and other hygienic industries, as well as in the best conditions as described in sustainable
energy observation and biomedical industries. The aims of the experiment were accomplished
by observing the experiment and safety protocols, where the operating principles of a plate
heat exchanger are well understood. In addition, throughout this experiment, the effect of
cold-water flow rate on heat efficiency was investigated. The effect of flow configuration on
the efficiency of heat transfer, where heat transfer is the transfer of heat from a high
temperature object to a lower temperature object, was also successfully investigated.
According to the First Rule of Thermodynamics, heat transfer alters the inner energy of all
systems involved.

1. Lab manual

2. Hyperphysics. (2018). Hyperphysics Thermodynamics. Retrieved from Heat Transfer:

3. Heat Transfer/Heat Exchangers. (2020, August 9). Wikibooks, The Free Textbook
Project. Retrieved 15:19, November 14, 2020
4. What is counter flow? Why is it more efficient? (2020, June 19). Retrieved November
14, 2020, from
5. How does a plate heat exchanger work. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2020, from

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