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A Numerical Regularization of the EFIE for

Three-Dimensional Planar Structures in
Layered Media (Invited Article)
Giuseppe Vecchi, Ladislau Matekovits, Paola Pirinoli, Mario Orefice
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino, I-10129 Torino, Italy; e-mail:
Recei¨ ed 15 January 1996; re¨ ised 26 September 1996.

ABSTRACT: The issue of transforming the first-kind, singular EFIE into a second-kind
regular equation is addressed for a general printed structure via a novel approach, with
separation of the integral operator in two parts, and numerically based inversion of their
singular parts. The improvements introduced by this procedure are described, along with
the insight given into the practical convergence of the EFIE; this appears as a consequence
of the singularity of the kernel, to be properly retained and handled in the solution process.
Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Microwa© e Millimeter-Wa© e CAE 7: 410–431, 1997.

Keywords: planar structures; integral equation; regularization

1. INTRODUCTION EFIE ŽMPIE; see w2x and references therein . in

terms of differential operations on weakly singu-
Printed structures, composed of planar conduc- lar Green’s functions, with a number of advan-
tors embedded in plane-stratified media, consti- tages for the spatial-domain solution.
tute a wide and important class of microwave The EFIE is originally formulated in an infi-
devices, both in terms of circuits and as antennas nite-dimensional space, and the first step involved
or arrays. In many cases, the dielectric substrate in its numerical solution is clearly the reduction
can be considered Žtransversally . infinite, espe- into a finite-dimensional space where the integral
cially for the evaluation of input parameters Ž S- operator is represented by a matrix w Z x, defining
parameters., that are of foremost importance in a linear system w Z xw I x s w V x whose solution w I x
the applications. The analysis of these printed eventually yields the finite-dimensional approxi-
structures can be formulated in terms of an elec- mation of the unknown function. The accuracy of
tric-field integral equation ŽEFIE, e.g., w1x.. Al- this approximation is clearly influenced by the
though in the case of Žslightly. lossy conductors accuracy with which the operator can be ‘‘cut’’
the EFIE is a second-kind Fredholm equation, in into the finite-dimension space; from a mathe-
most of the cases, these losses are small, and the matical point of view, this is expressed by the
equation numerically behaves as the first-kind compactness of Z , and a compact operator can
equation obtained in the limit of zero losses w1x. be safely ‘‘cut.’’ In solving the equation, we will be
Here, we will consider this lossless case, in which interested ultimately in the compactness of the
the EFIE is written in terms of an integral opera- in¨ erse operator Zy1 : if this is compact, it is
tor, called Z henceforth, with a strongly singular possible to safely ‘‘cut’’ it in the numerical solu-
kernel. This strong singularity is cogently repre- tion.
sented in the mixed-potential formulation of the It is a general result that the inverse of a
compact operator is not compact w3x, and on the
Correspondence to: G. Vecchi other hand, a regular or weakly singular Žintegra-

Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1050-1827r97r060410-22

EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 411

ble. kernel corresponds to a compact operator. In order to avoid confusion, we remark that
For this reason, the singularity in the kernel of Z the main thrust of this paper is not on the method
can be regarded as a blessing in disguise: prob- of evaluating the reaction integrals associated with
lems formulated as a first-kind equation with a the strongly or weakly singular Žintegro-differen-
smooth kernel are guaranteed to be ill condi- tial. parts of the operator. This task can be done
tioned, as is well known in inverse problems, like directly in the spectral domain, or employing one
antenna synthesis. Therefore, while the singular- of the known results for the space domain w1, 2,
ity of the kernel is responsible for the growth of 13]15x, as indicated in the following. Instead, we
the condition number with the number of un- concentrate on how to employ the singular part,
knowns, it can be argued that it is also what and the related information on the physics of the
‘‘usually’’ allows the practical solution to the problem, to ascertain the global properties of the
first-kind EFIE. We remark that it recently has EFIE for the class of concerned problems, and to
been reported w4, 5x that problems can arise from improve its numerical solution.
the discretization of the EFIE because of the In this paper, we consider the case of planar
intrinsic ‘‘regularity’’ Žcompactness. of the dis- conductors: consistently, the Green’s functions
cretized, spectrally truncated operator. employed explicitly will be those relating electric
Here, we will show that the singularity does currents and electric fields both transverse to the
warrant the inversion procedure, provided it is direction of stratification, taken here along the
correctly taken into account and handled, and the z-axis. The case in which vertical conductors Žand
connection between the growth of the condition thus vertical currents . andror apertures Žimplying
number and the increase of the number of un- magnetic currents . also are present will be briefly
knowns will be outlined. In this paper, we will mentioned at the end of Section 4.
always consider the two-norm condition number.
On the other hand, a second-kind Fredholm
equation Žlike the MFIE. has more favorable 2. THE EFIE AND ITS
convergence properties; this has prompted a tech- SINGULAR PARTS
nique, usually called regularization, that allows to
recast the original singular first-kind equation We will consider a perfectly conducting, thin
into a second-kind equation with a smooth kernel printed structure Že.g., a patch antenna . occupy-
Žcompact operator.. The technique is based on ing a region S, with contour g , embedded in a
the explicit inversion of the operator associated layered dielectric medium stratified along the ˆz-
to the singular part of the kernel, and is therefore axis; the EFIE for the unknown Žequivalent. sur-
limited to special cases where such inversion is face currents J on the conductors can be written
possible in closed form. In free space, the inver- in the spatial domain r in terms of an integral
sion Žand subsequent regularization. of the singu- operator Z :
lar part is possible for a wide class of two-dimen-
sional problems Žsee w6x and references therein . Es Ž r . s yE0 , ;r g R 2 ;
and some symmetric three-dimensional cases, re- Es Ž r . ' Z J Ž r .
lated to the solution of Riemann]Hilbert prob-
lems w7x. Another approach for the free-space 2 X
case has been proposed in w8x, based on a clever s PSŽ r . HS d r G Ž r y r X . ? J Ž r X . Ž1.
manipulation of the singular part, viewed as an
integro-differential operator. A very recent paper where P S Ž r . s 1 on S and zero elsewhere, Es is
w9x has been concerned with the regularization of the ‘‘scattered’’ electric field transverse to ẑ
the singular part of the operator for the volume Žtangential to the conductors. produced by the
scattering problem of homogeneous bodies; in equivalent Žunknown. surface currents J, E0 is
that paper, the term ‘‘regularization’’ is employed the driving term Žtangential ‘‘incident’’ field times
in a slightly different sense that it is in the pre- P S ., and the kernel G is the dyadic transverse
sent work. For the layered media case, the tech- Green’s function of the layered medium Žwithout
nique has been successfully applied to two-dimen- conductors..
sional problems only Že.g., w10, 11, App. Ax.. Here, We will assume a method of moments ŽMoM.
we will address the regularization problem for a solution scheme, that implies a solution to Ž1. in a
general printed structure; a preliminary version of weak sense, with a Galerkin testing scheme and
this technique was presented in w12x. reaction-type inner product ² , :.
412 Vecchi et al.

The regularity properties will be examined from a sufficiently high spatial frequency s . as a low-
the point of view of spatial filtering; therefore, pass filter, with reversed effect. The first key
the discussion mostly will be in the spectral ŽFour- concept behind the technique presented here is
ier transform. domain. However, this does not to separate these two parts in a meaningful man-
imply that use of the spectral-domain version ner.
should be mandatory for the practical implemen- It is important to note that the kernels arising
tation; on the contrary, at least the part of the from the static terms are frequency independent
procedure associated with the singular parts is Ž v factors out., and thus all operations involving
recommended to be in the spatial domain Žsee these are to be performed only once for all fre-
Section 5.4.. quencies of interest.
In the spectral domain s , where the trans- In the formal regularization technique, eq. Ž1.
formed quantities are denoted by a tilde Ž˜., the is left-multiplied by the inverse Zsy1 , therefore
Green’s function in Ž1. can be partitioned into a leading to a ‘‘regularized’’ second-kind equation:
part along Ž ˆz = sˆ .Ž ˆ
z = sˆ . and a part along ss
ˆˆ ,
both obtained as solution of Žequivalent. trans- Zsy1 E0 ,
Ž I q A . J s yZ A ' Zsy1 Zr ,
mission line problems Že.g., w16,17x and references
therein .; using the terms TE and TM with refer- I s identity operator. Ž4.
ence to the ‘‘guiding axis’’ ˆ z as customary, we can
As detailed above, the first practical problem is
that the inverse Zsy1 cannot be found for a
˜Ž s ; v . s ss general problem.
G ˆˆ g TM Ž s ; v . Moreoever, in a general three-dimensional
z = sˆ .Ž ˆ
qŽ ˆ z = sˆ . g TE Ž s ; v . Ž 2 . vector problem Žunlike the two-dimensional case.,
the singular operator ŽTM. is only a portion of
so that Z s Z TE q Z TM . Extracting the asymp- the total ŽTE q TM. operator; the singular oper-
totic behavior for s ª `, the two parts can be ator has a nonempty null-space constituted by the
expressed as: set of the purely solenoidal functions, that is, of
the functions J Y having an everywhere vanishing
1 Žsurface . divergence: in fact, =t ? J Y s 0 « s ? J˜Y
g TM Ž s ; v . s TM
gy1 s q g 1TM Ž s ; v . , s 0, and Z TM J Y s 0. Therefore, a direct inver-
j ve 0
sion of this singular part is not viable; instead, we
1 need to separate the TE and TM parts.
g TE Ž s ; v . s j vm 0 g 1TE q g 3TE Ž s ; v . ,
g nŽ . ; 1rs n , sª` Ž3.
Ž gy1 and g 1TE
are constants .. The leading TM
3.1. Formulation
term gy1 s gives rise to a strong singularity in
Ž TM .

the space domain that behaves like 1r< r y r X < 3 In order to effect the separation, we denote by W
as < r y r X < ª 0, which we write Zs s Ž1rj ve 0 . S . the space of the solution J, by W Y the set of
The remaining terms, both TE and TM, yield purely solenoidal functions J Y , and by J X the
integrable Žweakly singular at most. kernels, which elements of its complement W X s W y W Y :
we denote globally as the regular operator Zr .
Both leading terms gy1 TM
s and g 1TE rs are related J Y : =t ? J Y s 0, ;r g R 2 . Ž5.
to the static behavior in the spatial domain, with
the leading TM term accounting for the near This separation of the basis is always possible,
electrostatic field and the TE for the near magne- and, in fact, recommendable; the description of
tostatic field. Because of this, we will shortly refer its practical implementation is postponed to Sec-
to these terms as Želectro- or magneto-. static tion 3.2 so as not to deviate from the principle
terms. outline here.
From the previous considerations, it is clear As mentioned above, it is clear that Z TM J Y s 0
that the strongly singular part acts as a high-pass and also ² J Y , Z TM J : s 0: therefore, the
filter for the function Ž J . onto which it operates, solenoidal functions span the null-space of the
thereby enhancing its spatial high-frequency con- TM operator. Note that the solenoidal property
tent. On the other hand, the regular part acts Žfor holds pointwise Ži.e., in a strong manner. also
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 413

across the boundary of the conductor surface S, We can now summarize the two split equations,
while the elements J X are not irrotational in a implying their weak sense:
strong Žpointwise. sense Žas detailed in Sections
5.4.2 and 6.. 1
S q ZrTM q Z TE J X q T ME M s yE0X
Now, since J Y is solenoidal, we can express it
in terms of a scalar function Žthe axial magnetic
ž j ve 0 /
current . M Ž r . as: 1
B q Y M q T EM J X s yHz 0 . Ž 10.
ž j vm 0 /
JY Ž r . s zM Ž r .
=t = ˆ Ž6. The operators in Ž10. have the same form as Z in
j vm 0
Ž1., with G replaced by the appropriate kernel,
whose spectral form is listed below:
and call M its space. The factor in front of the
curl is arbitrary, and is chosen as such for further
S l S˜Ž s . s ss TM
ˆˆ gy1 s Ž 11.
We can likewise split the ‘‘scattered’’ field Es ˜TM Ž s . s ss
wLHS of Ž1.x and the forcing term E0 in two parts,
ZrTM l G r ˆˆ g 1TM Ž s . Ž 12 .
denoted by a prime Ž9. and a double prime Ž0 ., ˜TE Ž s . s Ž ˆz = sˆ .Ž ˆz = sˆ . g TE Ž s .
Z TE l G
belonging to W X and W Y , respectively. Note that
this procedure is evident through projection onto Ž 13.
the two subspaces, and that we will not need EX
and EY as such, but only their projections over T ME , T EM
the basis Žand test. functions JmX g W X and JmY g 1
W Y . Because of the separation of the basis into l T˜Ž s . s g TE Ž s .Ž yjs = ẑ .
j vm 0
the two sets, the boundary condition Es q E0 s 0
can be enforced separately on the two parts. Ž 14.
As for the enforcement of the solenoidal part 1
of the boundary conditions, after a few simple Y l Y˜Ž s . s s 2 g 3TE Ž s . Ž 15.
manipulations, the testing onto JmY s Ž1rj vm 0 . Ž vm 0 . 2
=t = ˆzMm g W Y yields:
B l B˜Ž s . s yg 1TEs . Ž 16.
² J , E : s ² M, Hz : Ž7.
The kernels above are obtained directly by com-
parison of Ž10. with Ž9. and Ž2.; note that T EM
with: and T ME are adjoint, and they have the same
kernel: in the following, we will indicate both by
1 T , except when a distinction is necessary for clar-
Hz s =t ? Ž ˆ
z = E. Ž8.
j vm 0 ity.
In order to clarify the meaning of eqs. Ž10.,
one can remark that the first one is to be pro-
so that this Žsolenoidal. part of the EFIE can be
jected only onto the JmX g W X Žbut note that
viewed as the enforcement of the boundary con-
² J X , Z TE J : / 0., while the second one will be
dition on the conductor via the normal magnetic
tested onto the Žscalar. functions Mm that span
field, with weak enforcement effected by testing
over the space M . In the spectral domain, simple
The singular operator B accounts for the
manipulations yield:
asymptotic, magnetostatic behavior, and it is im-
portant to note that its kernel B, with the spec-
yH˜z Ž s . s ˜Ž s .
g 1TEs M tral form in Ž16., expresses the same singular
j vm 0 behavior as the TM singular Želectrostatic . part
S , and as S is frequency independent. The re-
q ˜Ž s .
s 2 g 3TE Ž s . M maining kernels are all regular or weakly singular
v 2m20 Žintegrable ..
1 The starting point of a regularization is the
q z ? js = J˜X Ž s . . Ž 9 .
g TE Ž s . ˆ correct analysis of the singular behavior, and the
j vm 0 results above, summarized in Ž10. and Ž11. ] Ž16.,
414 Vecchi et al.

show that in order to analyze the singular behav-

ior of the Žvector. three-dimensional case of EFIE
for a printed structure correctly, it is necessary to
consider two ‘‘smaller,’’ coupled problems, with
the same singular behavior and spatial filtering
properties Žalthough different scaling of the con-
dition number can be expected, as detailed in
Sections 5.4.2 and 6..

3.2. Numerical Implementation

In the case of entire-domain basis functions on

simple shapes Žrectangle, circle, annulus ., the sep-
aration of W into W X and W Y is almost immedi-
ate. If the modes of the corresponding magnet-
ic-wall cavity are employed, the usual TErTM
decomposition is enough to individuate the
solenoidal subset; all orthogonal functions on such Figure 1. Loop]star groupings of elemental basis
domains Žsinrcos, Bessel functions, etc.. can be functions for the rooftop Žrectangular mesh. case. A
rearranged in terms of cavity modes, except when loop LŽ r . composed of four rooftops is shown in the
singular edge conditions are incorporated: in this middle; the others are star functions X Ž r ., and show
case, the solenoidalrnonsolenoidal decomposi- the deformation of stars when at the boundary.
tion is not as straightforward, and its description
is omitted here for the sake of brevity. scalar representation Ž6., we write:
Instead, we concentrate on the most significant
case of a completely arbitrary geometry. There-
fore, we consider a discretization of the current J La Ž r . s =t = ˆ
zL a Ž r . Ž 17.
in terms of a set  fa 4 of subdomain vector func-
tions with polygonal supports that are able to and it is immediate to verify that the scalar func-
describe an arbitrary shape. We will consider the tions L that span M are pyramids over the area
usual case of linear functions, having constant occupied by the Žrectangular . loop, that is, they
divergence on each subdomain. These will be form a scalar linear Lagrange Žor nodal interpo-
‘‘rooftop’’ functions on a rectangular mesh, and lating. basis.
the functions introduced in MoM by Rao et al. As for the remaining part W X of the space W
w18x on a triangular mesh. We remark that, in that represents nonsolenoidal functions, it is
order to ensure a correct solution of the EFIE, spanned by the groupings of rooftops, denoted by
the mesh must be able to correctly represent Xb , that form ‘‘stars,’’ i.e., outgoing currents from
zero-divergence functions, i.e., it must be div-con- a central cell along the arms; this maximizes the
forming. In this paper, we will restrict ourselves charge in the central cell. Star basis functions are
to the case of a rectangular mesh. depicted in Figure 1. The loops are not deformed
The basis function separation in W X and W Y at the boundary of S, whereas the stars reduce to
is immediate by considering the loop]star re- a ‘‘T’’ or an ‘‘L’’ there.
grouping of the basis functions introduced in w19x, If N is the number of rooftop basis functions
and is summarized briefly below only for the NL is the number of loops, and NS is the number
explicitly considered case of rectangular mesh of stars, then NL q NS s N q 1, and any star has
Žthe triangular case is also described in w20x.. to be omitted. This is due to the fact that the
The solenoidal subspace W Y is spanned by stars are the basis for the charge Žloops have null
closed loops LŽ r . that are the simplest div-free charge., and the total charge must be zero in an
combinations of basis functions; in our case Žrect- electrodynamic problem. In this paper, only the
angular mesh., they are formed by four rooftops, case of a region S without holes is considered; in
as depicted in Figure 1; clearly, loops have zero this case, additional loops around each hole have
Žsurface . charge. As a byproduct, one obtains that to be included.
in a correct div-conforming mesh, the surface S Note that the above star]loop grouping does
must be covered by these cells. In terms of the not alter significantly the filling time of the MoM
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 415

matrix. Instead, this decomposition is always regularization of the EFIE, as made explicit be-
meaningful, and reduces the condition number of low.
the problem w20x. Note that the functions  JnX , n s 1 : N X 4 and
 Mn , n s 1 : N Y 4 that are employed to represent
the regular operators can be chosen indepen-
4. REGULARIZATION dently from the ‘‘elemental’’ basis functions
Xa , La Že.g., see below; Section 5., and their
The formal regularization of the two coupled number need not equal NS or NL : instead, we will
equations Ž10. is effected by left multiplying the need only as many functions as necessary to rep-
first one times the inverse S y1 and the second resent the regular operators with the desired ac-
one times By1 ; the operation now makes sense curacy, as explained below. It is important to note
because of the restriction to the subspaces W Y , that dealing now with a second-kind equation
W X . One has: with smooth kernel, the accuracy in the solution
will be dictated by the accuracy in the representa-
1 tion of A Ž ., K Ž ..
I q A X J X q K ME M s yS
S y1 E0X
ž j ve 0 / To make the procedure explicit, we consider
the functions  JnX , n s 1 : N X 4 and  Mn , n s 1 : N Y 4
1 as expressed in the ‘‘elemental’’ basis Žstars or
By1 H z 0 Ž 18.
I q A 0 M q K EM J9 s yB
ž j vm 0 / loops, respectively.:

with: NS
JnX Ž r . s Ý jn a Xa Ž r . ,
A X s S y1 Zr , Zr ' ZrTM q Z TE ; as1

A Y s By1 Y ;
K ME s S y1T ME ;
Un Ž r . s Ý Un a Xa Ž r . Ž 22.
K EM s By1T EM . Ž 19. as1

We now proceed as if we knew the inverse so that eq. Ž21. reads:

singular operators, and we discretize the Žso far
formal. regularized equations Ž18., testing them w S xw U x s w j x , Sab s ² Xa , S Xb :
onto the basis functions JmX g W X and Mn g M .
From their spectral form, it can be shown that the dim Ž S . s NS = NS , dim Ž U, j . s NS = N X .
singular operators S and B are self-adjoint and Ž 23.
positive definite; therefore, the inner products
involving any of the regularized operators can be As detailed later in Section 5.4, the positive-defi-
modified as in the following example: nite system Ž23. can be solved via iterative tech-
niques, employing, if necessary, the precondition-
AXm n s ² JmX , A X JnX : s ² JmX , S y1 Zr JnX : ing mentioned in Section 5.4.
s ²U m , Zr JnX : , From the viewpoint offered by the above pro-
cedure, we can consider the EFIE for the three-
U m ' S y1 JnX . Ž 20. dimensional Žvector. case in the same framework
as for the two-dimensional Žscalar. case. Name-
This latter transformation makes the scheme nu-
ly, we have a part that is frequency independent,
merically meaningful: in fact, the entries of the
real Žor pure imaginary., singular in space and
discrete representation w A m n x of the regularized
high-pass filtering if regarded spectrally; upon
operator A X can be viewed as an equivalent,
discretization, this part will yield a symmetric,
non-Galerkin testing onto a test function U nŽ r .
positive-definite matrix, but responsible for the
that is the solution to the static Žsingular. equa- condition number of the overall system Žimped-
tion: ance. matrix, which is known to grow with the
S U n s JnX Ž 21. number of unknowns Žas also detailed in Section
5.. We will see below that it is precisely this
with forcing term specified by the chosen basis singular part that affords the stable solution of
function Jn . Since eq. Ž21. can be solved through the first-kind equation Žprovided it is treated cor-
discretization in any desired basis, the above rectly.. The remaining part of the equation is
scheme represents a direct way to the practical represented by a regular kernel with a low-pass
416 Vecchi et al.

filtering effect, is complex, frequency dependent, the EFIE itself. Namely, we choose the basis
and not self-adjoint. functions JnX and Mn to be the eigenfunctions of
The numerically based regularization proce- the singular Žstatic. operators S and B, to be
dure described here aims at handling the two called w and C, respectively:
parts separately since manipulating a symmetric,
positive-definite, ill-conditioned operator or ma- Swn s sn wn , ² wn , wn : s 1;
trix is significantly easier than dealing with an
B Cn s bnCn , ² Cn , Cn : s 1. Ž 24.
unsymmetric, complex operatorrmatrix.
In the most significant version of the method, In the following, we will assume the ascending
this procedure also will yield a different set of ordering s1 F s2 F ??? , b1 F b 2 F ??? . Using
basis functions for the discretization of the regu- these bases  wn4 and  Cn4 for J X s Ý n InX wn and
lar part that allows a drastic reduction of the
M s Ý nVnY Cn , one obtains the second-kind, regu-
number of unknowns Žsee below; Section 5..
larized linear systems:

4.1. Other Geometries 1

dm n q AXm n InX q K mME Y

Lastly, we consider how the above formulation

ž j ve 0 / n Vn

can be extended to include the case of vertical ² wm , E0 :

currents, as in the case of coaxial-related probes s
and via holes, andror of magnetic currents, that sm
substitute for apertures in metallizations Žas in 1
dm n q AYm n VnY q K mEM X
the case of slot coupling.. The discussion here will
be only at the general level: explicit equations
ž j vm 0 / n In

and related numerical examples will be the sub- ² Cm , H z 0 :

ject of a future paper. s Ž 25.
In order to proceed with the regularization of bm
the integral equations, one must first isolate strong ² wm , Zr wn : Tm n
Žspatial. singularities, corresponding to asymp- AXm n s , n s
K mME ,
totic decays of the Green’s function slower than sm sm
1rs : this can be done employing the results of ² Cm , Y Cn : Tm n
w16, 17x. We remark that if terms can be isolated AYm n s , n s
K mEM ,
that are asymptotic to a constant for both the TE bm bm
and TM parts, these correspond to spatial d ; the Tm n s ² Cm , Twn : . Ž 26.
equations in which these terms appear therefore
become explicitly of the second kind upon extrac- We recall that in the equations above, Zr , T , and
tion of this asymptotic. Y have regular kernels Žlow-pass filters..
However, in the case of vertical currents, if a Note that since the singular edge behavior is
wire Žlike a shorting pin. connects two horizontal essentially due to the static part, the use of the
conductors, the loops must include vertical as well static eigenfunction allows direct incorporation of
as horizontal basis functions, and further manipu- the edge singularity into the solution.
lations are required to separate the related oper-
ators. In this latter case, the use of explicitly
three-dimensional mixed potential forms as in 5.2. The Static Eigenfunctions
w17x may alleviate the analytical manipulation
The vector functions:
cn ' ˆ
z = =C
t n
Ž 27.

5. STATIC EIGENFUNCTION associated with Cn are clearly solenoidal; as for

REPRESENTATION the nonsolenoidal eigenfunctions wn , we recall
that ² J Y , S J : s 0 for any J and any solenoidal
5.1. Formulation J Y Žsee Section 3.1., and since Swn s sn wn , then
We illustrate now a special version of the regular- ² J Y , wn : s Ž1rsn .² J Y , Swn : s 0; with the same
ization scheme that elucidates many important manipulations as for Ž7., this is equivalent to
features of the theory and important aspects of stating a weak irrotationality of the nonsolenoidal
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 417

eigenfunctions, i.e., upon testing over M : functions, i.e., with the neglect of the curl discon-
tinuity at the boundary of each subdomain.
² J Y , wn : A ² M, ˆ
z ? =t = wn : s 0 Ž 28. Equation Ž34. explains why no surface current
can be irrotational in a strong sense; this points
also, this implies the mutual orthogonality of the again at the values on the boundary as the key
two sets of static eigenfunctions, in the sense point in the coupling between solenoidal and
that: nonsolenoidal terms.

² cm , wn : s 0. Ž 29. 5.2.1. Edge Singularities and Coupling Terms. The

edge singularity of fields is related to the static
On this ground, we will refer to the eigenfunc- behavior Žnear field., and appears essentially in
tions above as the Žstatic. TE Žsolenoidal. and two ways Že.g., w21x and references therein .: singu-
TM Žweakly irrotational. eigenfunctions, or Žstat- lar current J 5 parallel to edge, and singular nor-
ic. TE and TM modes. mal derivative of the perpendicular current J H ,
To probe further into the irrotationality of the both leading to a divergent edge Žsurface . charge.
TM eigenfunctions, we note that using Ž11. and The contour g of the metallization S is param-
the expressions in w16x, the TM eigenproblem Ž24. eterized by the arc length l and described by
can be written explicitly as an integro-differential r s rg Ž l .; the tangential and normal directions t̂
equation Žof the MPIE type.: and ˆ n, respectively, define a local orthogonal
system with coordinates l and t s ˆ n ? Ž r y rg ..
P S Ž r . =t Fn s sn wn Ž 30. For an infinitesimally thin planar conductor, the
singular behavior is of the kind 1r 't .
with: As it appears from Ž10. and Ž11. ] Ž16., for
v ª 0, the two parts J X , M become essentially
Fn Ž r . s F w wn x uncoupled, and thus they both must incorporate
the singular edge behavior.
1 2 X
gy1 The solenoidal current component J 5Y s ˆ t ? JY
sy H dr =t ? wn Ž r X . . Ž 31. Y
2p S < r y rX < will have a singular behavior J 5 Ž l , t . ; 1r 't
when t ª 0; the condition =t ? J Y s 0 implies that
Because of the equality in Ž30., the function wn near the boundary, ­ J H Ž l , t .r­ t s y­ J 5Y Ž l ,
must be strongly irrotational for interior points t .r­ l , and therefore the normal derivation ­ J H
r g S y g: Ž l , t .r­ t also will have the 1r 't singularity.
Employing Ž6. and ˆ n=ˆ tsˆ z, it is immediate to
=t = wn s 0 ;r g S y g , Ž 32. verify that the above behavior implies the edge
behavior M Ž l , t . ; 't .
while this does not hold globally for all r g R 2 ; On the other hand, the surface charge is en-
tirely given by the divergence of J X ; the charge
in fact, Ž30. explicitly contains the stipulation that
has a 1r 't singularity, and this forces the normal
the current Ž wn . be zero outside the metallization X
S, and: component J H sˆn ? J X of the nonsolenoidal part
to have a 't behavior. To assess the behavior of
=t P S Ž r . s yn the parallel component J 5X , we consider that for
ˆd Ž r y rg . Ž 33.
interior points, wn is Žstrongly. irrotational; this
holds also close to the boundary, where the con-
so that: dition ˆ z ? =t = wn s 0 implies ­w H r­ l s ­w 5r­ t.
Since ­w H r­ l is regular, so also is ­w 5r­ t, and
ˆz ? Ž =t = wn . s d Ž r y rg . Ž ˆt ? wn . g
Ž 34. w 5 cannot have a 1r 't singularity.
Because of the above, a nonsolenoidal compo-
Žt ? J X s J 5X is regular at g ; see paragraph below.. nent of the solution therefore always will be cou-
We remark that the equalities in Ž32. and Ž34. pled to the solenoidal one by the singular edge
hold exactly for basis functions with regular curl, condition. This is an important property, which
like the usual entire-domain functions used on affects the solution scheme, as detailed in Sec-
simple shapes, and approximately for subdomain tions 5.4 and 6.2.
418 Vecchi et al.

5.3. Singular Part Inversion and Otherwise said, the singularity of the kernel of
Regularization Effect the static operators makes the related problems
From Ž24., is it apparent that sn s ² wn , Swn : or well conditioned, as contrasted with the case of a
ŽParseval’s theorem.: first-kind equation with a smooth kernel, which is
actually ill conditioned. Upon regularization, this
well-conditioning property carries over to the en-
gy1 tire equation, which becomes second kind with a
sn s H d 2s w
˜n Žys . ? sss
ˆ ˆ ? w˜n Ž s . Ž35.
4p 2 R2 regular kernel. In fact, the regular part Zr is a
low-pass Žactually a bandpass. filter, further im-
and thus, the greater the number of spatial oscil- proved by the low-pass filtering property of S y1 .
lations of wn , the larger the Žspatial. frequency of As for the ‘‘spectral’’ properties of the regularized
the peak of w ˜n , and the larger the associated terms like I q A, one has to resort to the singu-
eigenvalue sn ; the same holds for the eigenvalues lar value decomposition ŽSVD. since these terms
bn and eigenfunctions Cn of B. Therefore, the are not self-adjoint; because of the regularity of
division by these eigenvalues in Ž25. and Ž26. the kernel Žcompactness of A ., the singular val-
Žarising from the inverse of the singular opera- ues ŽSV. of I q A are bounded and accumulate
tors. will have a low-pass filtering effect. at 1 w23x.
In the following, we will consider explicitly only For the EFIE in its original first-kind form Ž1.,
the Ždyadic. operator S and the related equation; one can likewise perform an SVD Žas in w24x..
the same consideration applies to the Žscalar . Again, the singular kernel is actually what makes
operator B and related equation. the equation practically solvable. There are, how-
The low-pass, i.e., smoothing, effect of the ever, two differences with respect to the regular-
inverse S y1 ensures that the solution u of an ized case. First, the intrinsically growing condition
equation of the kind S u s f will be more regular number Ževen away from resonances . is a prob-
than the forcing term f, and therefore, if f is lem that cannot be overlooked, and that is of
conveniently approximated by a given discretiza- pivotal importance in the context of iterative so-
tion, so also will be the solution u. This guaran- lutions, especially because the involved operators
tees the numerical invertibility of the singular are not self-adjoint and the resulting matrices are
part S , i.e., the convergence of the inversion not hermitian.
procedure under a discretization scheme. On the Second, although both first-kind and second-
other hand, one might observe from Ž35. that the kind formulations experience a marked condition
largest eigenvalue of S is not bounded: while this number increase at resonance, they practically do
does not affect the invertibility Žlarge eigenvalues, it in a very different way. At a resonance, one of
sn are the least important in S y1 ., it implies, the SVs will approach zero, with consequent Žun-
however, that the condition of the operator is not avoidable. growth of the condition number. For a
bounded, and the condition number of its approx- structure with a finite Žalbeit high. Q, in the
imate Ždiscretized. version becomes increasingly second-kind Žregularized. equation, with accumu-
large with increasingly fine discretizations. But lation at 1 of the SVs, the condition number will
since the operator, or its matrix version, is real be the reciprocal of the smallest SV, and this will
symmetric, the eigenvalues are not sensitive to be essentially independent of the employed num-
the condition number w22, pp. 200]202x. Also, ber of basis functions. In the first-kind case, the
since the operator S and the associated matrix condition number will depend on the ratio be-
are positive definite, none of the eigenvalues can tween the smallest SV Žclose to zero because of
be zero. the resonance. and the largest SV, which is un-
Because of the above properties of Zr , T , and bounded in the operator and growing with the
S y1 , the operators A X and K ME are surely regu- number of basis function in its discretized version
lar, and therefore, the second-kind regularized Žmatrix..
equations Ž18. is invertible and with good conver- It is apparent that the regularization process
gence properties. We note that this derives from renders the regularized operator A X more regular
the spectral high-pass effect of S , which is in than Zr and considerably lowers the condition
turn the expression of the spatially singular be- number of Ž I q A .; this is done at the Žcomputa-
havior: this latter appears therefore as the war- tional. expense of the inversion of the static part:
ranty for the inversion procedure. since the latter is frequency independent, sym-
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 419

metric, and positive definite, with the outlined With regard to the numerical implementation,
Žpractical. invertibility properties, the above ap- we first note that the filling time for the terms in
pears as a fair trade. w S x, w B x is small Žbesides being required anyway.
since either the integration can be expressed in
5.4. Numerical Considerations closed form Žas is the case for the self-elements .,
or can be done very efficiently; closed-form ex-
Summarizing the strategy, we employ a large set pressions emerge from recent results w13]15x.
of rooftop basis functions, further grouped in Next, we recall that all matrices in Ž37. are
loop and star combinations, for discretizing the symmetric and positive definite; also, the projec-
singular operators and finding their eigenfunc- tion matrices w P L x, w P X x are highly sparse Žeach
tions. These latter are then employed as basis loop or star overlaps on at most four others., and
functions for the regular parts: only a few of with known sparsity. Therefore, each of the gen-
them are needed to represent their low-pass ker- eralized problems in Ž37. can be converted into a
nels. standard one via Cholesky decomposition of the
projection matrices, and the latter can be per-
5.4.1. Eigenproblem. Using the chosen star]loop
formed taking advantage of the sparsity w22, Sec.
sets, i.e.,
8.6x. For full matrices, the above scheme runs to
NS completion in 7n3 flops; however, a significant
wk Ž r . s Ý u k a Xa Ž r . reduction can be expected if, in the standard
as1 problem, only a fraction of the eigenvaluervec-
NL tors is required. This is actually the case, as
Ck Ž r . s Ý ¨ k a La Ž r . Ž 36 . detailed below, because of the low-pass effect of
as1 both Sy1 , By1 and of the regular operators. In
this case, owing to the definiteness of the prob-
the eigensystems can be computed by standard lem, iterative schemes like the Rayleigh quotient
MoM discretization Žtesting. of Ž24., giving rise to ŽRQ. with conjugate gradient ŽCG. an be em-
the following Žgeneralized. algebraic eigenprob-
ployed Žsee, e.g., w25x.. It is to be noted that while
the projection matrices have a growing condition
w S xw u n x s sn w P X xw u n x , number with a growing number of basis functions,
PaXb s ² Xa , Xb : ,
their condition number grows less than linearly,
Sab s ² Xa , S Xb : and the Cholesky-based scheme can be applied
up to large problem dimensions. The inverse of
w B xw ¨ n x s bn w P L xw ¨ n x , PaLb s ² L a , Lb : , the matrices w P Ž . x have a smoothing effect, i.e.,
Bab s ² L a , BLb : . Ž 37. they act as preconditioners, reducing the overall
condition number and rendering the use of itera-
Note that the dimensions of the two Žseparated. tive schemes meaningful. As a matter of fact, the
problems are NS and NL , and that NL ; NS ; same preconditioning can be applied to any other
Nr2. Note also that in many practical cases Že.g., choice of basis function for the regular part,
patch arrays., the structure lends itself to decom- making the solution of the positive-definite Ž23.
position into smaller parts, and one has to solve viable through iterative algorithms Žespecially the
several smaller eigenproblems, or only a few Žlike CG..
in the array case. if many elements of the struc- For really large sizes, or to achieve a higher
ture are identical. efficiency, the use of iterative techniques is
As for the sensitivity of the solutions, we recall mandatory. For example, one can resort to the
that, according to Ž35. and the following discus- generalized RQ w22, Sec. 8.6x, possibly in connec-
sion, the most important eigenvalues sn , bn in the tion with a CG solution at each iteration step,
solution will be those related to the low-frequency especially if storage is a problem. Alternatively, a
eigenfunctions wn , Cn , and this guarantees that simultaneous iteration algorithm as in w26, Rou-
the spectral truncation, both in terms of the num- tine F02FJFx can be employed; if one wishes to
ber of employed basis functions Ž fa . and of the avoid the inversion of w P X x, w P L x, at each itera-
approximations in the reaction integrals, will af- tion a system of the kind w P xw w x s w S xw z x has to
fect only the least important Žhigh-frequency. be solved for w w x, and this can be done again with
components of the solution. a CG scheme, with storage reduction.
420 Vecchi et al.

5.4.2. TE–TM Differences. The difference be- terms, involving TE operators acting onto TM
tween the TE and TM singular operators and eigenfunctions, require more attention since the
eigenproblems, arises principally from the differ- spectral ordering of the TM eigenfunctions  wn4
ent continuity requirements for the two spaces W X does not, in general, imply that their curl be
and M . For rooftop basis functions, the charge is likewise ordered as well.
piecewise constant, with a spectral behavior We further note that the coupling terms K Ž .,
asymptotic to 1rs ; recasting the TM terms Sab involving the operator T , have the strongest
in Ž37. in terms of charge was in Ž30.x, one ascer- asymptotic behavior, given by T˜ ; const. as s ª
tains that the integrand in the spectral form of `. This seems to hint at the extraction of an
the reaction integral has an asymptotic behavior identity: however, since their range and image
of the kind 1rs 3. On the other hand, the func- belong to different spaces Žone being scalar, the
tions L are linear interpolating functions with other vector valued., this cannot be done. In fact,
asymptotic spectral behavior 1rs 2 , and the spec- the leading part Žfor large s , or small spatial
tral integrand is asymptotic to 1rs 5 for the TE separations r . of the M y J X coupling is due to
terms Bab in Ž37.. Likewise, the same considera- the frequency-independent operator T Ž a . defined
tions apply to the eigenfunctions; neglecting edge by the kernel:
singularity considerations, the charge =t ? w will
have a step discontinuity at the metalization 1
T˜Ž a. Ž s . s g 1TE Ž yjs = ˆ
z. Ž 38.
boundary g , while the Žcharge-free . TE Žscalar. s
eigenfunctions will go to zero at g , again yielding
1rs and 1rs 2 asymptotics, respectively. For a and this can be viewed as a spatial curl, smoothed
given number of basis function, i.e., for a given by the 1rs term. This points at coupling terms as
maximum representable spatial frequency, the the most critical ones after the regularization of
largest TM eigenvalue in Ž35. will be larger than the singular part is done Žtheir connection with
its TE counterpart would be in the equation for edge behavior and the values at the boundary is
B analogous to Ž35.. As a result, both the condi- dealt with in Section 5.2..
tion number of the matrices w B x and w S x and of Therefore, we can expect that most of the
the operators B and S will be different, the difficulties in representing the regularized opera-
latter being rather higher than the former. tors arise from the leading terms involving T Ž a. in
Ž38., and likewise from the leading part Z TEŽ a. of
the Z TE , defined by the kernel:
5.5. Regular Part and Static
Mode Selection 1
Z˜TEŽ a. Ž s . s g 1TE Ž yjs = ˆ
z .Ž yjs = ˆ
z . . Ž 39.
Because of the regularization, the overall accu- s2
racy will depend on the accuracy in representing
the operators A Ž ., K Ž .. The matrices w AX x and Note that all of these terms are frequency inde-
w AY x represent the regular operators Zr s Ž ZrTM pendent.
q Z TE . and Y in the  wn4 and  Cn4 bases, re- From the considerations above, the necessity
spectively. The kernels of these operators are emerges for a selection criterion to identify what
low-pass filters, and one can find the maximum static modes are needed to represent the regular-
spatial frequency required to approximate the ized operators to the required accuracy in order
operator with a given precision; the bases of the to deal with a small number of actually necessary
static eigenfunctions are orthonormal and or- terms.
dered in terms of increasing peak Žspatial. fre- As for the TM terms, one must have as many
quency Žsee Section 5.3.; therefore, one can de- static modes as necessary to represent the opera-
termine a priori how many such eigenfunctions tor A X with the required accuracy; the selection is
are needed, and only those need to be actually best accomplished by separating the considera-
computed. While the Y is a scalar operator in- tions for the Ždominant. diagonal and off-diago-
volving only the TE part of the Green’s function, nal parts of the matrix w AX x.
Zr in Ž19. involves both TM terms}the same The diagonal can be truncated at mode N X for
appearing in S , which generate the eigensystem which < AXN X N XrmaxŽ AXm m .< is below the required
 wn4 }and TE terms, which imply a curl operation accuracy; as a general rule, the peak appears for
on the TM static modes Ž =t = J l yjs = J˜.. The the mode closest to the patch actual Ždynamically.
same happens for the coupling terms K mŽ .n . These resonant mode, and this sets the minimum num-
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 421

ber of terms. For off-diagonal entries, representa- With the usual assumption of purely longitudi-
tive of TM]TM coupling, the same considera- nal currents on both microstrips, we employ a
tions apply as for the TE]TM coupling, and the single row of rooftop functions on both the dipole
related discussion will follow this latter point. and feed line, with Nd s 40 rooftop on the dipole
As detailed in Sections 5.2 and 5.4, the TE and N l s 343 on the line. With this assumption,
static modes essentially will be involved in satisfy- there can be no solenoidal components Ž J Y ., and
ing the J 5 edge condition for the employed TM therefore there is no need for a loop]star decom-
modes. Therefore, the necessary TE terms will be position. We note, however, that if more than one
those necessary to represent the TE operator Y , row of parallel rooftops were to be used, the need
determined as for the TM diagonal, and to repre- for transverse current components and the subse-
sent T Ž a. with the desired accuracy. Once the TM quent loop]star grouping would be necessary to
are selected, for each wn , one can consider the avoid spurious results. The dipole and the feed-
column: line, separately taken, have, of course, similar
properties; in both cases, the eigenfunctions wn
K nEM Ž a. , K mEMŽ
s TmŽ a.n rsm ,
are essentially successive spatial harmonics, with
TmŽ a.n s ² Cm , T Ž a.wn : Ž 40. almost-separated spectra; they incorporate the
edge behavior for J H at the ends up to the
associated to the asymptotic part T Ž a. of the resolution allowed by the employed basis func-
TE]TEM coupling term: again, one needs the tions. The convergence to the Žreciprocal. eigen-
terms for which < K mEM n
Ž a.
rmaxŽ K mEM
Ž a. .<
is within values 1rsn with respect to the number of basis
the desired accuracy. Note that this selection, like functions is fast and uniform, and is faster for the
T Ž a., is frequency independent most important Žfirst. eigenvalues; the relative
Likewise, TM]TM intermode coupling can be change passing from 10 to 50 rooftops is 1.7% for
foreseen effectively by considering the matrix 1rs1 , 2% for 1rs2 , and 3.5% for 1rs5 .
w ATEŽ a. x obtained with the leading TE term Using the static eigenfunctions to represent
Z TEŽ a. : the regular part, one obtains the highly sparse
matrix w A x with highly peaked diagonals shown in
s ² wm , Z TEŽ a.wn :rsm Ž 41. Figure 2 for the case of the line. In addition to
the issue of keeping a reduced number of static
which is frequency independent, and the consid- modes, i.e., the ‘‘spectral truncation’’ of S y1 and
erations on mode selection are the same as de- I q A, the strongly banded structure of the regu-
scribed above for the TM]TE coupling. larized system suggests the possibility of ‘‘band
stripping’’ the system matrix, i.e., neglecting the
interactions between ‘‘spectrally separated’’ static
6. APPLICATION modes Žcoupling terms A m n , m / n.. The most
stringent error bound is given by the Žtwo-norm.
6.1. Proximity-Coupled Dipole relative error on the in¨ erse of the system matrix
In this example, the dipole is a Žnarrow. strip of in Ž25.; this is reported in Figure 3 for the access
width w s 1.48 mm and length l s 10 mm, line Žwithout dipole., and includes both the error
printed on a dielectric with e r s 2.33, at a height introduced by ‘‘spectral truncation’’ and ‘‘band
h d s 1.1 mm from the ground plane; it is electro- stripping.’’ The most surprising result is perhaps
magnetically Žproximity. coupled to a feed line that, by keeping only the main diagonal Žwhich
with the same width and length of 84 mm, at the means no inversion., the relative error is below
same distance h l s h dr2 from the ground and 5%, both keeping all modes, or keeping only the
the dipole; the line and dipole do not overlap, first 20; the minimum number of modes must be
and their ends are aligned. For the determination sufficient to represent the longitudinal variations
of the input reflection coefficient S11 , we have Žoscillations. of the Žquasi-.TEM mode on the
used a voltage-gap excitation on the feed line Žat microstrip line. In any case, a 1% error condition
a distance of 10 mm from the end. with subse- is met with about seven mode-to-mode interac-
quent deembedding; this is based on a least- tions Žparity-excluded interactions are not counted
squares extraction of the forward and reflected in this symmetric problem.. Similar results emerge
traveling TEM waves from the total calculated from the dipole analysis, with five modes being
current on the line w27x. enough to reduce the global relative error below
422 Vecchi et al.

Figure 2. Magnitude plot of the regularized matrix w A x for the feed line alone of the
line]dipole system; only the first 50 = 50 entries are shown for clarity. The frequency
f s 10 GHz Ž L f 2.8 l. is near the first resonance of the dipole.

1%. In the line-fed dipole case, the number of We also have checked the performance at the
modes on the line has to be augmented to cor- second resonance of the dipole Žabout 19.8 GHz.,
rectly represent the local distortion due to the finding that in this case six]seven modes are
dipole coupling. The comparison with measured necessary to reduce the inverse matrix error be-
results for S11 of Figure 4 shows the effectiveness low 1%, but with analogous results on band strip-
of the procedure. ping.

Figure 3. Relative error on the inverse system matrix for the feed line of the dipole as a
function of the number of kept diagonals Žparity-excluded mode couplings are not counted..
Solid line: all modes, dashed line: only 20 static modes. Frequency as in Figure 2.
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 423

Figure 4. Input reflection coefficient S11 for the line-fed dipole: effect of the number of
employed static modes; inset: comparison with measured values.

6.2. Square Patch f 5. Aside from the obvious beneficial effect on

the TM part Žfor which it constitutes an effective
As an example of a more complex case, with a
preconditioning., note that k Ž b . is important in
fully vector unknown, we consider a square patch,
rendering the matrices w AY x and w K EM x peaked.
chosen because the results can be interpreted
The convergence of the eigenvalues with respect
more easily than for a nonsymmetric shape. The
to the number of employed basis Žrooftop. func-
current on the patch is discretized by rooftops
tions has the same stability properties as de-
along the ˆ x and ˆ y directions, further grouped in
scribed for the line]dipole case.
loop]star combinations as described in Section
In addition to the scalar eigenfunctions Cn , the
3.2 and depicted in Figure 1; we have employed a
TE eigenfunctions are graphically rendered via
uniform mesh, which is simpler but less efficient
Žthe ideal mesh is finer near the edges.. The the vector functions cn s ˆ z = =C
t n introduced in
Ž27.. The field lines of the first two nondegener-
patch under consideration has a size of 10 mm,
ate TM and TE eigenfunctions wi.e., w 1Ž r ., w 3 Ž r .,
printed on a substrate of height 1.1 mm with
dielectric permitivity e r s 2.33. The mesh has a c 1Ž r . and c 3 Ž r .x are shown in Figure 5. The
square cell of sides D x s D y s 0.91 mm, with a plots of the magnitude Že.g., < wnŽ r .<. are reported
total of N s 220 rooftops, NL s 100 loops, and in Figure 6 for the first TM Ž w 1Ž r .. and second
NS s 120 stars. TE Ž c 3 Ž r ...
In the following, we will indicate by k the In the vector plots of Figure 5, and in the
Žtwo-norm. condition number; in the case of op- scalar plots of Cn Žnot shown., the static eigen-
erators, this is its approximation for the employed functions are almost indistinguishable from the
basis, i.e., the ratio of the largest to the smallest modes TM 10 , TM 11 , TE 11 , TE 21 of the corre-
computed eigenvalues or singular values. sponding magnetic wall cavity ŽMWC.; for ease of
As to the eigenproblem, with the Cholesky- reference, we can label the static eigenfunctions
based factorization in this case the complete Žall with the corresponding MWC mode names. De-
eigenfunctions . TE and TM cases ran in fewer spite the similarity, one can note two important
than 15 s on a 486rDX2 at 66 MHz Žwith 8 MB differences. The lines of the patch TM 10 are not
RAM. and did not constitute a relevant overhead. completely straight, thus accounting for the open
It is interesting to note that, as mentioned in boundaries. The second, most important feature
Section 5.4, the algorithm produces a ‘‘balancing’’ is the presence of the Žcorrect. edge effect in the
of the condition number in the sense that k Ž S . s static eigenfunctions; in accordance with the pre-
18 ; k Ž B . s 12, while k Žw S x. ) 10 4 and k Žw B x. dictions of Section 5.2, Figures 5 and 6 show that
424 Vecchi et al.

Figure 5. Square patch: arrow plots for the first Žnondegenerate. static eigenfunctions. Ža.
w 1Ž r . ŽTM., Žb. w 3Ž r . ŽTM., Žc. c 1Ž r . ŽTE., Žd. c 3Ž r . ŽTE..

the static TM part adapts itself to incorporate the select the necessary static modes as described in
singular normal derivative of J H only, while the Section 5.5. The different spectral scaling of the
parallel edge current blowup is evident in the TE eigenfunctions wn and their curl is evident from
terms. The arrow plots of the TE also show that these figures. It is also evident that the ‘‘envelope’’
the lines of force of the current loops tend to of the coupling graph decays away for increasing
‘‘stay away’’ from the corners, whereas the TM index, i.e., spectral location; this Žpositive. effect
have ‘‘sources’’ and ‘‘wells’’ there, with charge is enhanced by the regularization-related terms
accumulation Ž =t ? J blowup.. 1rsm , and allows to truncate the sequence.
The regularized matrices w A x are depicted in The effectiveness of the proposed mode selec-
Figure 7; they are strongly dominant diagonal, tion criterion is clarified by the role of the static
with peaked diagonals. One can note that the eigenfunctions in building up the resonant mode
TE]TE ‘‘self-coupling’’ w AY x is almost diagonal, of the patch. The resonant behavior is assessed
while the TM]TM matrix w AX x shows a more via the SVD of the global system matrix w Q x
pronounced intermode coupling between some of appearing on the LHS of Ž25.:
the modes. This is mainly due to the Z TE opera-
tor wsee Ž26., Ž19., Ž13.x that makes the terms 1
² wm , Z TEwn : depend on the curl =t = wm, n , as w 1 x q w AX x w K ME x
j ve 0
discussed in Section 5.5. w Qx s
The TM]TE Žasymptotic. coupling is repre- 1
w K EM x w 1 x q w AY x
sented in Figure 8, for the first TM mode Ž w 1 or j vm 0
TM 10 ., along with the TM]TM intermode cou-
Ž 42.
pling Ždue to Z TE .; these graphs are used to
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 425

Figure 6. Square patch: magnitude plots of first TM w 1Ž r . Žtop. and third TE c 3Ž r .

Žbottom. eigenfunctions.

with w1x being identity matrices. As detailed in compares the static modes effectively involved in
w24x, the graph of the reciprocal of the smallest the resonant mode and the indications emerging
SV, which we shall term the ‘‘resonance curve,’’ from Figure 8 and the related discussion, it is
has a peak in correspondence of the resonance apparent that the mode selection strategy is very
frequency, and the resonant mode current shape effective. Because of the symmetry-induced de-
can be determined from the singular vectors w Q x. generacy of the structure, we always have kept
The reference resonance curve in Figure 9 pairs of degenerate modes, selected from the
Žlabeled ‘‘all’’. is obtained with 50 TM and 50 TE coupling graphs describe above for the two domi-
eigenfunctions, but no difference was observed nant terms ŽTM 1 and TM 2 .; failure to do this
with only 10 TM modes, or with all of the TM and generates a Žspurious. resonance splitting. The
TE modes. A consistency check Žnot shown. has convergence obtained with an increasing number
been done with the solution obtained directly of employed Žreordered. static modes is clear
with the rooftop basis. The composition of the from Figure 9, from which one sees that two
resonant mode is shown in Figure 10. If one Žpairs of. static modes yield results virtually
426 Vecchi et al.

Figure 7. Square patch: magnitude of the TM]TM and TE]TE ‘‘self-coupling’’ matrices;
in the matrix plots, only 20 = 20 terms are shown, while the diagrams in the lower portion of
the figure show the entire main diagonals. Ža. TM]TM matrix w AX x, Žb. TE]TE matrix w AY x.
The operating frequency f s 9.2 GHz is about the first patch resonance.

undistinguishable from the reference curve. It of the MWC Žor an approximation thereof. is
also is apparent that the best composition of the kept. In connection with this issue, it is important
basis used for the approximation has a balanced to note that the dominant Žclosest to the resonant
set of TM and TE static modes; otherwise said, mode. static TM eigenfunction introduced in this
the two ŽTE and TM. regular operators need to work already incorporates one of the edge effects
be represented with the same accuracy. Žsingular normal derivative of J H ., as contrasted
On the other hand, without considering the to other orthogonal functions Žwhen available for
‘‘spectral reordering’’ introduced by the curl oper- the considered shape. like the MWC modes; in
ation on the TM modes, the TE mode sequence, fact, the dominant static mode yields a resonance
and even the TM one, does not converge in a in close agreement with the reference one. Also,
uniform manner. The situation is rather different note that the TM]TE eigenfunctions introduced
if one considers the sequence formed by the here Žobviously. can be found for any patch shape.
modes selected as described above. The neglect of the TE Žand higher TM. terms
In fact, this is a more general problem with the instead is especially evident in the shape of the
use of orthogonal functions, and typically with the resonant current, depicted in Figure 11, since the
MWC modes; however, the role of the TE modes edge current blowup is absent in the TM static
Žor related terms. is seldom addressed in the mode in Figure 6.
literature, most likely because the usual resonant
modes of patch radiators are obviously TM domi-
6.3. Numerical Efficiency
nated ŽTE terms have null radiation in the broad-
side direction.. In many cases, and for different In comparing the computational efficiency of the
Žcanonical. shapes, only the dominant TM mode proposed scheme against a ‘‘standard’’ solution
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 427

Figure 8. Square patch: curl-related coupling between the static modes; the abscissas
indicate the mode index. Above: magnitude of the TM}TM coupling due to the asymptotic
TE part w ATEŽ a. x in Ž41. for the first TM mode ŽTM 10 .; below: magnitude of the asymptotic
TM]TE coupling w K 1EMŽ a. x for the first TM mode ŽTM 10 .. The two plots are separately
normalized to unity.

Figure 9. Resonance curve for the square patch, showing the reciprocal of the smallest SV
of the matrix w Q x. The legend shows how many Žpairs of degenerate. TM and TE static
modes are used out of those selected from Figure 8; the graph labeled ‘‘all’’ is obtained with
all of the modes.
428 Vecchi et al.

Figure 10. Square patch: composition of the first resonant mode Žcorresponding to TM 10 .,
represented by the magnitude of each static eigenfunction against its index. Above: TM
terms; below: TE.

with rooftop basis functions and LU decomposi- likely to be in the spectral domain w28x, we con-
tion direct solution, we note that the present sider here the worst case estimate in which the
method results in a strong reduction of the num- regularization scheme is regarded as a mere
ber of unknowns Žabout ten per resonant radiat- change of base from rooftops to the static modes:
ing element., and in a drastic decrease of the the common starting point is the impedance ma-
condition number. A price is paid, though, in trix in the rooftop basis.
terms of an overhead for the computation of the The flops required with the ‘‘direct’’ solution
static modes, and for the evaluation of the Žmore are those for the solution of a linear system of the
complicated. reaction integrals for these new ba- size of the total number of employed rooftops. In
sis functions. Advantages obviously come from our scheme, in addition to the frequency-inde-
the reduced solution time, although the reduced pendent eigenproblem flop count, there is a fre-
memory storage requirements and the low condi- quency-dependent additional workload for pass-
tion number Žimplying natural use of iterative ing from the impedance matrix in the rooftop
methods. are less obvious, but important factors basis to the one in the basis of the static modes.
in assessing the potential of the method, espe- The estimate of the required number of flops is
cially in connection with structures like arrays or straightforward, and we have considered different
subarrays of patches. scenarios w27x. The results can be summarized as
For the sake of exemplification, here we com- follows.
pare the workload required to get to the solution
for the current J using the direct solution Žroof- 1. For a single patch, with a typical number of
tops. and the static modes: only the number of basis functions as in Section 6.2, the break-
flops will be considered, disregarding memory oc- even is reached around three frequency
cupation; LU decomposition will be considered in points, with a flop reduction of about 10 for
both cases for the solution of the linear system, 15 frequency evaluations.
and the static eigenproblems are solved as de- 2. There is always an advantage for the case of
scribed in Section 6.2, without any iterative or an array or subarray; the reduction factor is,
partial technique. While the optimal approach of course, proportional to the number of
with the regular terms and the static modes is radiating elements.
EFIE for 3D Structures in Layered Media 429

Figure 11. Current distribution of the first resonant mode of the square patch Ždominant,
in-phase component.. Ža. Arrow plot. Žb. Magnitude of the current.

7. CONCLUSIONS numerical determination of the eigensystem of

the singular operators, and the stability of the
We have recast the first-kind EFIE into two cou- procedure has been outlined. The properties of
pled, smaller problems that exhibit the same sin- these two classes of ‘‘static’’ eigenfunctions have
gular, static-related behavior; this renders the been investigated: they appear to be the general-
inversion of these singular parts possible. Left- ization of the TM and TE modes of a waveguide,
multiplication by these inverse operators leads to coupled by the edge singularities. The regularized
a second-kind problem, called regularized. In the system in this basis has favorable convergence
presented scheme, the inversion is done via the properties that permit us to approximate the solu-
430 Vecchi et al.

tion with a few terms Že.g., fewer than ten on a 10. J. G. Fikioris, J. L. Tslamengas, and G. I. Fikioris,
resonant patch.. A selection criterion for the ‘‘Exact Solutions for Shielded Printed Microstrip
eigenfunctions to be employed has been given. Lines by Carleman-Vekna Method, ’’ IEEE Trans.
Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol. 37, Jan. 1989, pp.
11. A. M. Lerer and A. G. Schuchinsky, ‘‘Full-Wave
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Analysis of Three Dimensional Planar Structures,’’
IEEE Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol. 41, Nov.
The authors would like to acknowledge interesting and 1993, pp. 2002]2015.
fruitful discussion with Professors D. Wilton and A. 12. G. Vecchi, P. Pirinoli, L. Matekovits, and M.
Nosich. This work has been supported in part by the Orefice, ‘‘A numerical regularization of EFIE for
Italian Space Agency ŽASI.. printed structure,’’ Proc. 25th European Microwa¨ e
Conf., Bologna, Italy, Sept. 1995, pp. 389]393.
13. P. Arcioni, M. Bressan, and L. Perregrini, ‘‘Sul
Calcolo di Alcuni Integrali Ricorrenti nelle Appli-
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Giuseppe Vecchi received the Laurea and Paola Pirinoli received the Laurea and
Ph.D. ŽDottorato di Ricerca. degrees in Ph.D. ŽDottorato di Ricerca. degrees in
electronic engineering from Politecnico electronic engineering from Politecnico
di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 1985 and 1989, di Torino, Torino, Italy in 1989 and 1993,
respectively. Through an Italian National respectively. In October 1994, she joined
Research Council ŽCNR. fellowship, he the Politecnico di Torino as a Researcher
was a Visiting Scientist at Polytechnic in the Department of Electronics. Her
University, Farmingdale, NY, from Au- main research activities concern analyti-
gust 1989 to February 1990, when he
cal-based numerical techniques, essen-
joined the Politecnico di Torino as a Researcher in the
tially applied to the study of printed structures.
Department of Electronics. In November 1992, he was ap-
pointed Associate Professor of Electromagnetics. His main
research activities concern analytical and numerical tech-
niques in high- and low-frequency electromagnetics, electro- Mario Orefice is Professor of Electro-
magnetic compatibility, and fractal electrodynamics. magnetic Waves and Antennas at Politec-
nico di Torino, Italy, where he graduated
in 1968. He was Research Scientist of the
Ladislau Matekovits received the degree National Research Council of Italy at the
in electronic engineering from Institutul Center of Studies on Propagation and
Politehnic din Bucureşti, Romania in
Antennas ŽCESPA. from 1971 to 1983, as
1992. He is currently working toward the
well as Adjunct Professor at Politecnico
completion of the Ph.D. ŽDottorato di
di Torino from 1976 to 1983. He was
Ricerca. degree in electronic engineering
Visiting Scholar at UCLA in 1979. In 1983, he became Associ-
at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. His re-
search activity is mainly in the area of ate Professor at Politecnico di Torino. He has been a Full
analytical and numerical techniques in Professor since 1990, and was at the University of Perugia
electromagnetics, especially oriented to the analysis and de- from 1990 to 1991; since 1992, he has been Vice-Dean of the
sign of microstrip antennas. Second School of Engineering. His technical and scientific
activity has been in the area of theoretical and experimental
studies on antennas and applied electromagnetics, in particu-
lar on waveguide discontinuities, reflector antennas, wave-
guide arrays, and printed antennas.

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