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A: Ok guys, to continue with the show, let’s talk about PERSONALITIES.

This is a very interesting topic nowadays. For example, I have a cousin who
is a cat lover and computer whizz. She is really a fan of cats. There are lots
of photos of cats in her room. Also, she looks for the latest information
about cats on her computer but now, let’s ask Grecia for some information.

B: Let’s see… My whole life is centered on my family and job. Actually, I

work, I'm an accounting assistant. Also, I'm studying French and English.
I’ve always taken care of my family. When they have problems, I always
listen to them carefully and try calming them down.

A: Then, we can say that you like to think of yourself as a good listener
and good friend, right?

B: Of course. I’m a friendly person. It’s the same at work. I stand by my

colleagues when they need it. Sometimes they have a lot of work to do and
I work extra hours to help them and finish it early. This way, we can go
out and have fun at the movies, discos or at any entertaining place. We are
very outgoing.

A: That’s nice. You have good qualities, but now, I want to know something.
Would you like to change anything about you? I mean, a habit or a

B: Yes, sometimes I'm unpunctual because I need a lot of time to be ready.

If I organized everything one day before, I'd be ready at time.

A: Probably, the reasons are you have several obligations. In your shoes, I’d
take a trip to relax. If I were you, I would go to a nature place. I’m a
nature lover, that’s what I do on vacation.

B: Yes, you're right, the next year I'll go to Cancun with my best friend for
one week. I enjoy feeling the sea breeze.

A: Really? It's amazing, the beaches in Mexico are the best. Would you like
to create new habits?
B: Yes, I would want to practice one sport. I'm not sure which one. I think
sports are very important for the health because it allows to improve
concentration and positive energy.

A: What is the characteristic that defines you the most?

B: I'm extroverted, I like to socialize. In my free time, I like to see movies

with my friends. I love to travel to different countries as well.

A: It’s interesting, thanks you for your time.

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