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Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (SS 2019) - Solutions to selected problems from exercise 1

Dr. Alexander Schaum

Chair of Automatic Control , Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

E 2.1 Which of the following assertions is true:

1. A stable equilibrium point is attractive (False!).
2. An attractive equilibrium point is stable (False! counter example given by Vinograd’s
3. An attractive equilibrium point can be unstable (True! example given by Vinograd’s
E 2.3 What can you say about the relation between the slope of a function f (x) at x = 0 and the
stability of the origin of the dynamical system ẋ = f (x)? (For a negative slope the origin
is asymptotically stable and for a positive slopoe it is unstable. For a zero slope,
no statement is possible!))
E 2.4 Scetch a possible graph of the function f (x) for a scalar dynamical system ẋ = f (x) with 3 attractor
equilibrium points. (Fith order polynomial with negative leading coefficient and 5
roots (3 attractors and 2 repulsors). Example: f (x) = −x(x2 − 1)(x2 − 2).)

E 2.5 Is it possible that for a time-invariant system the trajectories cross, i.e. a situation shown in Figure
1 for n = 2 happens? (No, it is not possible as long as uniqueness is guarenteed (Lip-
schitz continuity of f (x)). Supposing it would be possible, taking the intersection
as initial condition leads to two possible solutions.)

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