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Tips to Writing Practice: Environmental

Success in the CSS exam is all about answer writing practice, and it is said

that FPSC answer writing is an Art.

It won’t be wrong to say that FPSC answer writing will put the ultimate test with 6
compulsory subjective papers that carry 100 marks each and choice of optionals
which carry 600 marks as well , with 3 hours allotted to every paper.
So, it doesn’t matter how many times you have read, revise and re-revise your
books, and notes if you can’t produce it on the answer sheet.

Practicing answer writing is not limited to a week or two. Answer writing is a
continuous exercise and part of your study plan that you must follow with
dedication and determination.
In order to excel in CSS examination, one should have great command over
answer writing skill and presenting it properly.
A well-written answer not only reveals the knowledge of a CSS aspirant but also

his/her ability to tailor the content in a manner suited to meet the expectations of
the question.

Having said all this, let us move on the right strategy and great tips of answer
writing that will help you to get started with your new regime.

Some Important Points to Always


Remember Throughout Your CSS



Read the Syllabus thoroughly, it will be the lighthouse of your preparation.

Read any topic from 2-3 sources and then revise it multiple times (at least 8 times)

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

After completing the topic from the syllabus refer to the questions from the

previous years’ and try to frame answers.

Don’t make notes for every topic as it will be time-consuming. Prepare self-notes

for only those topics which you find very difficult to comprehend.
For Environmental Science Paper, make small bullet point notes for often
repeated topics from standard sources.

Start your preparation of Environmental Science optional as soon you start

preparing the compulsory subjects.

Make the strategy to complete the syllabus Topic-wise.

Try to incorporate maximum figures in your answers. Environmental Science is the
subject where one can make answers crisp and attractive by figures.
Wherever Map is required to draw it. Between two questions of choice in the

exam, attempt the questions in which chances of drawing figures are more.
The most important fact which one should keep in mind in Environmental Science
is time Management.
Continuous answer writing practice (from day-1 of your preparation)

CSS Answer Writing Tips & Strategy


1. Answer writing In “CSS paper Sheets”

Always practice your answer writing in “CSS paper Sheets” rather than practicing

your answer writing on the rough sheets or any other register, a lot of aspirants use
their own resister for answer writing but I will recommend you that please don’t
use your register or rough copy.

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

2. Time Limit

Without time limit, it is possible for almost everyone to deliver the best answer in
the exam, but in the time limit, it is possible for only a few people. The most
challenging part in CSS exam is to complete the whole paper within the given time
limit therefore always practice answer writing within the time limit as per CSS


3. Model Answer

First of all, let’s understand which type of questions are coming in CSS exam-

 Direct

 Open-Ended
These questions require direct knowledge of Environmental Science. So they
cannot be answered without revision or without using environmental terms.

These questions can be answered mostly based on having more number of

dimensions. For example –using current examples, facts and relevant diagrams
can increase the dimensions.

In your preparation phase of CSS, try to develop your own model answer for each
previous year questions.

4. Daily Answer Writing


At the beginning of CSS preparation, many aspirants think that first of all gain the
knowledge after that we will start the answer writing practice, but don’t do that.

Start your answer writing from the beginning of your preparation.

5. Previous Year Question Paper and Syllabus


Use the previous year question paper and CSS Syllabus for understanding the trend
of CSS examination.

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

6. 15 Words per Marks

Write an approximate 15 words per Marks or for 20 marks question the answer
should be of 7-8 leaves. For 10 marks 4 leaves and for Notes of 5 marks 2 leaves.

7. Go to the Point

Identify the focus and answer the question (i.e. Go to the point fast) rather than
writing a story to show the examiner that creates a bad impression.

8. Keep Your Answer Simple

Use a simple language in your answers as much as possible. Don’t use tough English

terms and try to avoid long paragraphs in your answer copy. The examiner does
not care for ornamentation of your answers. What they expect to read is clearly
applied concepts and understanding written down as a precise comprehension in
basic vocabulary.
9. Use Quotes in Your Answer

Quotes are always plus point in your answers, therefore, sprinkle some quotes with
facts and figures.

10. Use Facts in Your Answer

If you want to put weight and authenticity in your answers, so, please use Facts as
well in your answers.

11. Use Flow-Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Schematics in Your Answer

Map, flow-chart, and other statistical diagrams are very important into your

answers for stealing some extra marks from the teacher over other aspirants. For
CSS aspirants Pakistan, South Asia and World maps are important, the aspirants
should learn their drawing and practice it at max. These maps shall be your best
ammunition in paper to fill the gaps.

12. Try to Link from Current Affairs

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

Use your current affairs knowledge in Environmental Science optional paper as

13. Use Case Studies and Label, It

Collect case studies from current affairs and magazines and use them into your


14. Integrated Approach

Use an integrated approach for your Environmental Science optional answer


15. Keep Your Handwriting Neat and Clean

We know that you have a time-frame to stick to, and the tension of the examination
hall paired with the need to recall, just makes it harder. This is why you must
practice every day to write within the set time we mentioned in point 1, in clear,
neat and presentable handwriting. It is said a neat hand writing makes 50 % of CSS,
so if your handwriting is not neat then at least it should be legible. A legible hand
writing coupled with presentation techniques mentioned supra will make it equally

good, so stop worrying.

16. Points over Paragraphs

Writing in points makes your answer more presentable, clear and readable for the
examiner. If your answer demands paragraphs, make sure to split them into small
paragraphs of 4-5 lines each.

17. Use Short Paragraphs


If your answer demands paragraphs, make sure to split them into small paragraphs
of 4-5 lines each.

18. Try to Avoid Wrong Numeric Data in Your Answers

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

If you aren’t able to recall any value or numeric data then don’t write the wrong
data in your answer.

19. Highlight the Important Keywords and Terms

Always underline the dates, authority names, crucial keywords, relevant phrases,

and major events. You can use your writing pen to underline. There is no need to
carry a different ink just for the sake of highlighting.

20. Target to Answer Every Part of the Question

You must answer all the different parts of the question, whether asked implicitly or

21. Don’t Leave Out Any Question

It is alright to not know the exact answer to what is asked. But you can use logic to
answer some part of it.

22. Use Headings


You must use appropriate headings and jot them down as they come into your

23. The More Pointers, The Better

You must try to write more points for every question. This might seem difficult as
you’ll have to spend a good chunk of your precious time, recalling the things you’ve

learned about.

24. An Introduction Should Be Short

An introduction should be short


25. Always Read the Question Carefully

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

Always read the question carefully and underline the keywords of the question
(Focus).The answer it focus wise.

26. Underline Keywords

Underline keywords and capitalize on reports/committees/organizations.

27. Longer Hours of Practice

Target longer hours of practice in your CSS preparation phase.

28. The Conclusion Must Be Forward-Looking

The conclusion must be forward-looking i.e. visionary or positive ending.

29. Miscellaneous
Revise regularly and use YouTube animation videos for your better understanding.
Brainstorm the syllabus with question paper. Remember every topic is important.
Attempt questions and get feedback of expert teachers on answers. It’s better to
put the diversity of points than to keep on explaining a single point. Try to put at

least one pictorial representation in every answer – be it a map, a small chart, a

summary diagram, a timeline or a graph, etc. Try to go through the Authors of
various theories and the different names used in the theory. Understand each and
every word of Syllabus and prepare accordingly.

Mistakes to Avoid / Words of Caution


1. Starting Without a Proper Strategy and Vision

Many aspirants watch Topper’s talk, strategy, booklist, and much more and then
buy all those books and start reading. If you are also doing that same thing, please

think about it that without a plan and strategy how anyone can clear this exam,
Don’t do that! and make a proper strategy and plan, then start reading.

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

2. Not Committing To a Single Strategy

A lot of aspirants make a proper strategy and try to follow that strategy but after
some time, they are watching a new strategy’s video on you tube of another topper
and then change your strategy. Don’t do that! Take your own time to make a proper
strategy but when you have made your strategy, please stick to it but if your

performance is not improving in the tests then change your old strategy.

3. Not Preparing Your Notes

It is scientifically proved that if you are writing something himself, it will be more
memorable for a long time, therefore, please make your short notes.

4. Not Writing Answers And Tests Periodically

Success in the CSS exam is all about writing Practice, therefore, start your answer
writing from the beginning of your preparation.
5. Not Referring To the Syllabus and Previous Year Question Paper

Read the Syllabus thoroughly and try to connect syllabus, past papers with your
preparation strategy.

6. Reading an Excessive Number of Resources

Your primary focus should be to clear CSS exam, not become a scholar. Therefore
don’t refer a lot of resources. It is said it is always better to read one book for ten
times rather reading 10 books for one time , because what happens if you read
one book for 10 times you end in a great sketch and if you read 10 books for one

time you end in a great mess.


7. Wasting Unnecessary Time on Newspaper

Don’t try to read the newspaper on page 1 to the last page. During reading the
newspaper, you should remember your CSS syllabus thereby you could be

understood that which article is relevant for the exam. Focus on the front page,
inter-national and editorial page.

Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

8. The Destructive Use of Social Media

Beware! There is a truckload of materials (on Environmental Science) available in
the market, so avoid wasting time online- consult only relevant. Don’t waste your
time commenting on other’s posts and waiting for the response of that person.

9. Overthinking about the Result

Finally, Do hard work, success is all about consistency, multiple revision, recall,
consulting minimal but authentic resources, writing practices and having belief in
yourself. Don’t overthink about the result because it’s not in your hand. Don’t
subject yourself to burden of success and fear of failure dilemmas.


Prepared by Imran Bashir (PMS)…….Available @envsciencecss

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