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5644 166A (EN/E) FCC information additional suggestions.

FCC information additional suggestions. Also, the Federal • Do not expose product to extreme temperatures damaged; or
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
Communications Commission has prepared a
helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve
such as found near a hot radiator or stove, or in a
car parked in the Summer sun.
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled
into the product; or Important information English Important information
Radio TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is • Connect power cord only to AC power source as C. The product has been exposed to rain; or
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
user manual interference, and (2) this device must accept any
available from the U.S. Government Printing marked on the product. D. The product does not appear to operate For your safety Technical information Safety precautions • The apparatus should not be exposed to
Office, Washington, DC 20402. Please specify • Some products employ a polarized AC line plug normally or exhibits a marked change in
The AC power plug is polarized • Never open the cabinet under any dripping or splashing and no objects
manual de usuario interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering (one blade is wider). This is a safety feature. The performance; or (one blade is wider than the
Product: Portable CD radio
Brand: RCA circumstances. Any repairs or internal filled with liquids, such as vases, should
copies. plug will go in the power outlet only one way. If E. The product has been dropped, or the cabinet other) and only fits into AC
In accordance with FCC requirements, changes or Model: RCD200 adjustments should be made only by a be placed on the apparatus.
This product complies with DHHS Rules 21 CFR the plug doesn’t go into the outlet completely, damaged. power outlets one way. If the
modifications not expressly approved by turn the plug over and put it in the other way. If • When service or repairs are completed, ask the trained technician. • No naked flame sources, such as lighted
subchapter J. Applicable at the date of plug will not go into the outlet
RCD200 Thomson Inc. could void the user’s authority to
operate this product. This device generates and
manufacture. it still doesn’t fit, contact a qualified electrician to
change the outlet. Do not defeat the safety
service technician to perform the safety check
described in the service manual and to confirm
completely, turn the plug over and try to insert
it the other way. If it still does not fit, contact a
Electrical consumption • Never operate this product with the
cabinet removed.
candles, should be placed on the
Power Supply: 120V ~ 60Hz
uses radio frequency (RF) energy, and if not qualified electrician to change the outlet, or use
installed and used properly, this equipment may
For your records purpose of the polarized plug. that replacement parts have the same safety
a different one. Do not attempt to bypass this
Power Consumption: 15 Watts • Do not use your System immediately • Attention should be drawn to the
In the event that service should be required, you • Route power cord to prevent it from being characteristics as the original parts. after transporting it from a cold place to environmental aspects of battery
cause interference to radio and television pinched, or walked on, or melted by a hot stove • Overloading - Do not overload the wall outlets, safety feature.
may need the model number and the serial IMPORTER a warm place, as condensation may cause disposal.
number. In the space below, record the date and or radiator. extension cords or integral convenience
If this equipment does cause interference to receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, Comercializadora Thomson de México, S.A. the system to malfunction. • Minimum distances should be kept
place of purchase and the serial number: • To clean cabinet, unplug AC power cord, then use
radio or television reception (which you can electric shock. MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT, de C.V. • Keep your unit away from humid areas around the apparatus for sufficient
Model No.: a soft cloth dampened only with water.
determine by unplugging the unit), try to correct Date of Purchase: • Do not place lighted candles, cigarettes, cigars, • IF YOUR PRODUCT OPERATES ON BATTERIES, Álvaro Obregón No. 151. Piso 13. and abnormally hot places. ventilation.
the interference by one or more of the following Place of Purchase: etc. on the product. adhere to the following precautions: Col. Roma. Delegación Cuauhtémoc • Do not touch the player with wet hands.
measures: Serial No.: • Unplug AC power cord from outlet during a A. Any battery may leak electrolyte if mixed with Service information C.P. 06700. México, D.F. If any liquid enters the player cabinet,
• Re-orient the receiving antenna (that is, the lightning storm or when product is left unused a different battery type, if inserted incorrectly, or This product should be serviced only by those Telefono: 52-55-11-020360 take the player to a trained technician
antenna for the radio or television that is CAUTION for a long period of time to prevent damage due if all batteries are not replaced at the same time. specially trained in appropriate servicing RFC: CTM-980723-KS5 for inspection.
“receiving” the interference). DO NOT OPEN to lightning or power line surges. B. Any battery may leak electrolyte or explode if techniques. For instructions on how to obtain • This compact disc player uses a laser to
• Move the unit away from the equipment THE LIGHTNING CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE THE EXCLAMATION • Care should be taken so that objects do not fall disposed of in fire or an attempt is made to service, refer to the warranty included in this EXPORTER
charge a battery not intended to be recharged.
read the music on the disc. The laser
that is receiving interference. HEAD WITHIN THE DO NOT REMOVE COVER TRIANGLE IS A and liquids do not spill into the product. Guide.
C. Discard leaky batteries immediately. Leaking
Thomson Inc. mechanism corresponds to the cartridge
• Plug the unit into a different wall outlet so WA R N I N G S I G N S E RV I C E A B L E PA R T S I N - ALERTING YOU OF • Never add accessories that the product has not
that the unit and the equipment receiving
batteries can cause skin burns or other personal P.O. Box 1976 and stylus of a record player. Although
interference are on different branch circuits.
T H E P R O D U C T. • Use only the manufacturer’s approved mounting injury.When discarding batteries, be sure to Indianapolis, IN 46206 - 1976 this product incorporates a laser pick-up
If these measures do not eliminate the SEE MARKING ON BOTTOM / BACK OF PRODUCT instructions and hardware when installing dispose of them in the proper manner, according ©2007 Thomson Inc. lens, it is completely safe when operated
interference, please consult your dealer or an product. to provincial and local regulations. Trademark(s) ® Registered according to directions.
experienced radio/television technician for SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT • Do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet. This • Discs rotate at high speed inside the
ANTENNA TERMINALS, and if an outdoor Marca(s) ® Registrada(s)
TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. product does not contain customer serviceable player. Do not use damaged, warped, or
antenna is connected, be sure the system is
grounded so as to provide some protection cracked discs.
against voltage surge and built-up static charges. Printed in China / Impreso en China • Do not touch the pick-up lens which is • The ventilation should not be impeded
hands are wet or damp.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Carts and Stands — The appliance
should be used only with a cart or
stand that is recommended by the

An outdoor antenna should be locate away from
power lines.
located inside the disc compartment. To
keep dust from collecting on the pick-up
lens, do not leave the compartment door
by covering the ventilation opening with
items, such as newspaper, table-cloths,
curtains, etc.
Some of the following information may not apply to • Do not expose product to rain and do not use SYSTEM, call the CATV system installer’s
manufacturer. attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that open for an extended period of time. If • The rating plate is located at the bottom
your particular product; however, as with any near water; such as, sink, wet basement, • An appliance and cart combination provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in the lens becomes dirty, clean it with a cabinet of apparatus.
electronic product, precautions should be observed swimming pools, etc. should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive
during handling and use. • Always leave sufficient space around the product
particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be soft brush, or use an air blower brush
force, and uneven surfaces may cause the connected to the grounding system of the
• Before using the product, please follow and for ventilation. Do not place product in or on a appliance and cart combination to overturn.
designed for camera lenses.
building, as close to the point of cable entry as
EN/E adhere to all warnings, safety and operating bed, rug, bookcase or cabinet that may prevent • Damage Requiring Service–This product should practical.
It is important to read this instruction prior to using your new product for the first time. instructions located on the product and in the air flow through vent openings. be serviced by qualified service personnel when:
Es importante leer este manual antes de usar por vez primera su euipo. user book. Save all instructions for future A. The power supply cord or the plug has been

Before you begin Before you begin General controls Special features Radio
Useful advice AC power Important battery Headset safety Top view Display mp3 playback Bass boost system Select radio mode Setting preset stations
• Do not use your system immediately Plug the power supply cord into the AC information • Have a Blast-Just Not in your SOURCE To select among the radio, CD, This player can play mp3 files stored on a Press DBBS to turn the digital bass boost When the unit is turned off, press SOURCE 1. In the radio mode, press BAND to select a
after transporting it from a cold place to power jack on the back of the unit, and into eardrums! AUX IN and power off modes. CD. system on and off. to turn the unit on. Press SOURCE radio band.
• Remove the batteries to avoid leakage if
a warm place, as condensation may cause an AC power supply outlet that accepts the Make sure you turn down To go to the previous track/file or search repeatedly to select radio mode. 2. Press or to select the station to be
you do not use your system for more AUX
the system to malfunction. If moisture plug supplied with your unit. the volume on the unit backward. To tune down frequency in the Sound equalizer saved as a preset station.
than one month.
before you put on headphones. radio mode. Notes on CD-R/RW 3. Press PROGRAM.
forms inside this system, it may not • Discard leaky batteries immediately as Press to select among the different Select radio band
Increase the volume to the desired level To go to the next track/file or search • Do not affix any type of 4. Press PRESET UP or PRESET DN
operate properly. To correct the problem, Battery power leaking batteries may cause skin burns or
labels to either side (recordable
sound effects (Rock, Jazz, Pop, Classic and Press BAND to select FM or AM band.
turn off the power and wait about 30 only after headphone are in place. forward. To tune up frequency in the radio sound equalizer off). repeatedly to assign a preset station
You can insert 6 D-sized alkaline batteries other personal injuries. Dispose of
minutes for moisture to evaporate. • Do not play your headset at high volume. mode. or labeled side) of a CD-R/RW number.
(not supplied) and you can take your stereo batteries in the proper manner,
• This system is fitted with a laser. To avoid Hearing experts warn against extended To start and pause the playback. disc as this may result in the unit 5. Press PROGRAM to confirm.
just about anywhere. according to provincial and local
play. SCHLAGS malfunctioning. Auxiliary input Extend or reposition the 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to set additional preset
accidents, it is to be opened by qualified • Open the battery compartment door on regulations.
ELEKTRISCHEN To stop the playback.
• If you experience ringing in your ears, • To avoid damages to the CD-R/RW Sound from an external player (e.g. mp3 antenna for better FM stations.
technicians only. the bottom of the unit by pressing down • Any battery may leak electrolyte under OPEN Press to open the disc compartment
reduce volume or discontinue use. 1. Sound equalizer modes disc, do not open the disc player) can be played from this unit. Connect reception. Rotate the unit for
• Never leave the tray open as dust could on the tab and pulling out the cover. the following circumstances: door. • There are 20 preset locations for FM and
• You should use with extreme caution or 2. Audio-in mode selected compartment door while the disc is an audio cable (not included) to the AUX IN better AM reception.
cover the laser lens and/or the tray could • Before inserting the batteries, observe - if mixed with a different battery type, 12 preset locations for AM on this unit.
temporarily discontinue use in potentially 3. Program mode activated being read. jack on the front of the unit. Connect the
be bumped into accidentally. the polarities (that is, + and -) of the - if inserted incorrectly, Front view 4. Repeat mode other end of the cable to the external player.
• Do not place the system near wet areas hazardous situations. • Do not load an unrecorded CD-R/RW Using Presets
battery, then relate the polarities to the - if all batteries are not replaced at the BAND To select the radio band. 5. Disc contains mp3 files Select the AUX IN mode by pressing SOURCE Tuning to a station
such as bathrooms and pool side. Avoid • Even if your headset is an open-air disc into the unit. This may take a
engraved diagram located on the battery same time, DBBS To switch on or off the bass boost. 6. DBBS mode activated repeatedly until “AUX” shows on the 1. Press BAND to select a radio band.
storing the system at humid places or designed to let you to hear outside longer time to read the disc. • Press to tune down radio frequency.
compartment door. Insert batteries in the - if disposed of in fire, or To select among Rock, Jazz, Pop, Classic 7. Random mode display. 2. Press PRESET UP or PRESET DOWN
near abnormally heated areas. sounds, do not turn up the volume so • Playback capability for CD-RW discs • Press to tune up radio frequency.
battery compartment. - if an attempt is made to charge a and equalizier off modes. 8. Playback in progress repeatedly to access the desired preset
• Power is continuously supplied to the high that you are unable to hear what is may vary due to variations in the • Press and hold or to
battery not intended to be recharged VOL To adjust the volume. 9. Radio frequency unit Adjust volume by pressing VOL+/–. Control stations.
system. To disconnect power completely, around you. quality of the CD-RW disc and the automatically tune to the next station.
Note that the AC line cord must be • Be sure to remove batteries when storing PRESET UP / PRESET DN To select the radio 10. Radio band other playback operations on the external
unplug the power cord from the power recorder used to create the disc.
unplugged from the jack on the back of the set for more than 30 days. Leaky preset stations. 11. Displays track/file number, volume level, player.
outlet. the unit to operate on batteries. batteries can badly damage the system. Don’t infringe PROGRAM To enter the program mode and radio frequency, preset station number
• Ensure minimum distance around the Be sure to dispose of leaky, weak or dead This product should only be used for the confirm the program settings. To set the and program location number during
apparatus for sufficient ventilation.The batteries properly according to federal, purposes for which it is sold, that is, radio preset channels in the radio mode. corresponding operations.
ventilation should not be impeded by state, and local regulations. To prevent entertainment, violating no copyright law. MODE To select among the repeat current
covering the ventilation openings with injury or damage, do not reverse Any attempts to use this product for track/file, repeat all tracks/files and random
items, such as newspaper, etc. batteries and do not mix battery type. unintended purposes are unlawful and playback modes.
• No naked flame source, such as lighted therefore not condoned by Thomson. AUX IN To connect an audio cable for
candles, should be placed on the external audio input. Select AUX IN mode by
apparatus. pressing SOURCE.
To connect the headphones.

U.S. Limited Warranty • Acts of nature, such as but not limited to

lightning damage.
CD playback CD playback Troubleshooting tips Maintenance What your warranty covers:
• Defects in materials or workmanship. Product Registration:
• Please complete and mail the Product
For how long after your purchase:
• 90 days from date of purchase - unit registration Card packed with your unit. It
Selecting CD mode Skip and search Creating programs Displaying and editing System doesn’t turn on CD sound skips Cleaning the exterior • Do not use record cleaning sprays or exchange, which includes parts and labor. will make it easier to contact you should it
• Unplug the unit for a moment, and then 91 days to 1 year from date of purchase - ever be necessary. The return of the card is
When the unit is turned off, press SOURCE 1. Press or to skip to the previous or program list • Clean the CD (as explained in • Disconnect the system from AC power antistatic agents on CDs. Also, never not required for warranty coverage.
plug it back in. unit exchange, which includes parts only;
to turn the unit on. Press SOURCE next track respectively. “Maintenance”) before cleaning the exterior of the unit clean CDs with benzene, thinner, or other you pay the labor. Limitation of Warranty:
• The unit can program up to • Press PROGRAM repeatedly to recall and • Check the outlet by plugging in another • THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE IS THE
repeatedly to select the CD mode. 2. Press and hold or to search • Check CD for warping, scratches, or other with a soft dust cloth volatile solvents which may cause What we will do:
64 normal audio CD tracks and display the program. device • Provide you with a new, or at our option, a ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THIS
quickly current track backward or damage • Clean the exterior with a soft clean cloth damage to disc surface. PRODUCT. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,
64 mp3 tracks. • While track number is displayed, press refurbished unit. The exchange unit is
Loading music forward respectively. or to edit the track number. Press or slightly moistened chamois leather. under warranty for the remainder of the EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL
• Folder program is not No sound IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
Press the OPEN button to open the disc supported by this unit. PROGRAM to store the newly selected
Cannot play mp3 files DO NOT use solvents as it may cause CD Lens Care original product’s warranty period.
• Adjust volume setting. • Make sure files are saved under .mp3 damage to the unit. • Proof of purchase in the form of a bill of
compartment door. “– – –” shows on the Stop playback track. • Make sure you’ve selected the correct
• When your CD lens gets dirty it can also sale or receipted invoice which is evidence PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREBY
extension. e.g. Rocky08.mp3 cause the system to output poor sound DISCLAIMED. NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN
display when the door is open. Place a disc Press to stop the playback. function that the product is within the warranty
1. In the CD stop mode, press PROGRAM to • Check that the recorded bit rate is within Handling CDs quality. To clean the lens you will need to period must be presented to obtain INFORMATION GIVEN BY THOMSON INC.,
on the disc tray with the label side facing up Deleting program list • Make sure headphones are not plugged ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE
enter the program mode. 32kbps and 320kbps. purchase a CD lens cleaner which can warranty service. For rental firms, proof of
and then close the door. “– – –” flashes on Playback mode Opening the CD compartment door or • Do not touch the signal surfaces. Hold first rental is also required. A GUARANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE
The PROGRAM icon shows on the display in. • Make sure the files are in MPEG 1/2 layer THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY.
the display when disc is being read. The total CDs by the edges, or by one edge and maintain the output sound quality of How to make a warranty claim:
In CD / mp3 mode, press MODE repeatedly with “P01” (first program location) and switching mode will delete all the stored 3 format. • REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED
number of track/file is then shown on the the hole. your system. For instructions on cleaning • Properly pack your unit. Include any cables,
to select among: “000” (for selecting track/file number) tracks. Poor radio reception etc., which were originally provided with UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE
display. • Do not affix labels or adhesive tapes to the CD lens, refer to the ones REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER. THOMSON
• REPEAT 1 - Repeats current track/file. flash on the display. • Adjust the antenna for better reception the product. We recommend using the
the label surfaces. Do not scratch or accompanying the lens cleaner. original carton and packing materials. INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL
• REPEAT ALL - Repeats the entire disc. 2. Press or to select the track to be • Try turning off electrical appliances near OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING
mp3 damage the label. • Include evidence of purchase date such as
• - Random playback. stored. the unit, such as hair dryers, vacuum the bill of sale. Also print your name and FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR
When playing an mp3 disc, the display shows • (No icon) - Normal playback. 3. Press PROGRAM to store the selected cleaners, or fluorescent lights • CDs rotate at high speeds inside the Technical Specification address and a description of the defect. ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY
player. Do not use damaged (cracked or Power supply: 120V~60Hz Send via standard UPS or its equivalent to: EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS
the total number of tracks without the track. PRODUCT. THIS DISCLAIMER OF
folder structure. warped) CDs Dimensions ( H x W x D mm): Thomson Inc.,
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 to continue CD doesn’t play Product Exchange Center, WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTY ARE
• Make sure you’ve put a CD in the tray • Make sure CDs are stored in their Unit size - 152 x 360 x 270 GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF
programming. 11721 B Alameda Avenue,
original case after use. Keep them away Weight: 2.15kg Socorro, Texas 79927 INDIANA. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT
Play and pause 5. Press in the program mode to start • Make sure the CD’s label is facing up
from damp, humid or abnormally heated • Insure your shipment for of loss or damage. PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY
the program playback. • Try another CD CD player: Response curve (+/- 2dB): IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY
1. In stop mode, press to begin places. Thomson accepts no liability in case of
• Make sure that Pause mode is not 60Hz to 20 kHz damage or loss en route to Thomson. OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
playback. The icon is displayed. Press to exit the program creating ON THIS PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE
activated Rating Plate: Look for it at the bottom of the • Pay any charges billed to you by the
2. During playback, press to pause mode. APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH
• Make sure CD function is selected Cleaning CDs set. Exchange Center for service not covered by
playback. Press again to resume. the warranty.
The unit remains in program mode once • Dirty CDs can cause poor sound quality. • A new or refurbished unit will be shipped How state law relates to this warranty:
The icon and the current track/file • Some states do not allow the exclusion nor
programming track is done. Always keep CDs clean by wiping them The descriptions and characteristics in this owner’s to you freight prepaid.
number are flashing in the pause mode. manual are for the purpose of general reference only What your warranty does not cover: limitation of incidental or consequential
In the program mode, random playback gently with a soft cloth from the inner damages, or limitations on how long an
ESD remark: edge toward the outer perimeter. and not as a guarantee. In order to provide you with • Customer instruction. (Your Owner’s Manual
implied warranty lasts, so the above
mode cannot be selected. In case of misfunction due to electrostatic discharge just reset the product (disconnect and the highest quality product, we may make changes or provides information regarding operating
• If a CD becomes dirty, wet a soft cloth in Instructions and user controls. For limitations or exclusions may not apply to
reconnect of the power source may be required) to resume normal operation. modifications without prior notice. The English you.
water, wring it out well, wipe the dirt version serves as the final reference on all product additional information, ask your dealer.)
• Installation and set-up service adjustments. • This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
away gently, and then remove any water and operational details should any discrepancies arise
• Batteries. and you also may have other rights that
drops with a dry cloth. in other languages. • Damage from misuse or neglect. vary from state to state.
• Products which have been modified or If you purchased your product outside the
incorporated into other products. USA:
• Products purchased or serviced outside the • This warranty does not apply. Contact your
USA. dealer for warranty information.

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