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Selected Potential Impacts of Climate Change

Crops and livestock Fisheries and aquaculture Forestry

• In temperate areas, soybean, • Primary production in the tropical • Tropical forests are affected more by

wheat and pasture productivity Pacific declines and some species changes in the water availability and
increases move southwards CO2 fertilization than by temperature

• Drier soils and heat stress reduce • More frequent storms, hurricanes changes
productivity in tropical and and cyclones harm Caribbean • In Amazonia, increased risk of
subtropical regions aquaculture and fishing frequent fires, forest loss and
• Increased salinization and • Changes in freshwater fish species “savannization”
desertification in arid zones Rainfed physiology, collapse of coral reef • In Central America, 40 % of mangrove
agriculture in semi-arid zones faces systems species are threatened with extinction
higher crop losses
• Temperate and polar regions • Warming displaces some fish • In Northern and Atlantic Europe,
benefit from changes populations northwards or to deeper higher temperatures and atmospheric
• Initial benefits in mid-latitude waters CO2 levels increase forest growth and
countries turn negative with higher • Invasive tropical species alter wood production

temperatures coastal ecosystems in southern • Shrubs increasingly replace trees in

• Climate-induced variability in wheat Europe’s semi-enclosed seas Southern Europe
production increases in Southern • Aquaculture impacted by sea-level • An increase in wildfires leads to a
and Central Europe rise, acidification, temperature significant increase in greenhouse gas
• High temperatures and humidity increases emissions
increase livestock mortality risk
• Overall impacts on yields of • Sea-level rise threatens coastlands,
cereals, especially maize, is especially in West Africa • Deforestation, degradation and forest

negative across the region • By 2050, declining fisheries fires affect forests in general
• The frequency of extremely dry and production in West Africa reduces • Forest losses reduce wildlife, bush
wet years increases employment in the sector by 50 % meat and other non-wood forest
• Much of southern Africa is drier, but • East African fisheries and production
rainfall increases in East and West aquaculture are hit by warming, • Water scarcity affects forest growth
Africa oxygen deficit, acidification, more than higher temperatures
• Rangeland degradation and pathogens
drought in the Sahel reduce forage • Changes along coasts and deltas
productivity impact productivity

• Usable water resources in many • Deforestation, degradation and forest


• Rising temperatures threaten wheat

Mediterranean and Near East basins fires affect forests in general
production in North Africa and

decline further • Forest losses reduce wildlife, bush

maize yields region-wide
• Warming boosts productivity in the meat and other non-wood forest
• There is a general decline in water
Arabian Sea production
availability, but a slight increase in
• Catch potential falls by as much as • Water scarcity affects forest growth
Sudan, Somalia and southern
50 % in some parts of the more than higher temperatures
Mediterranean and Red Seas
• Agricultural zones shift northwards • Coastal flooding seriously affects • Boreal forests and Tibetan plateau
as freshwater availability declines capture fisheries and aquaculture in alpine vegetation shift northwards
in South, East and Southeast Asia large river deltas • Many forest species face extinction
• Higher temperatures during critical • A general decline in coastal fisheries owing to combined effects of climate
growth stages cause a decline in production and greater risk of change and habitat fragmentation
rice yields over a large portion of extreme events in the aquatic • A general increase in the frequency

the continent systems and extent of forest fires and the risk
• Demand for irrigation water • Redistribution of marine capture of invasive species, pests and
increases substantially arid and fisheries, with numbers declining diseases
semi-arid areas Freshwater aquaculture faces major
• Heat stress limits the expansion of risks of freshwater scarcity
livestock numbers • By 2050, the body weight of marine
fish falls by up to 24%

Adapted from: IPCC 2007, Pastor 2014; and FAO 2016a; 2016c (See references in the Lecture Notes for Week 1)

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