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Personl review on Z.A bhutto era and populisim

Reported person: Engr. Sheraz
Class : BE-I
Enrollment Id: 033-20-0042
Submitted to:Prof.Asad Raza Talpur

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was very renowed and famous

personality.He was a great Pakistani Barrister and one of the most popular
politician of hs time.Bhutto served his duties with his pledge and honour ,he served
our beloved country as the 9th most powerfull and intellectual Prime Minister of
pakistan.His governing era is frm 1971 to 1973. And in addition to this ,he also
served as the 4th President of Pakistan. He was also the chairperson and so called
the founding father of a well established political party PPP.He ruled his party
under his governess and surveillance till his excution.

He was born in the land of Sindh,Larkana which is the

highest economic and well riched city in Sindh.He got his higher education from
the University of California,Berkeley,and later masters from University of
oxford.But he was interested in Law ,So he go under his pursuit and do law degree
from Lincoln’s inn. In his early ages he served as in the cabinent of President
Iskander Mirza,after seeing his worth and struggle he was also assigned several
ministries during the era of militry rule which was held by Ayub khan in the year
of 1958.When he was appointed as the foreign minister in 1963,he was an
adherent of war of 1965’s.Later on the issue of Tashkant Agreement he barely fell
out from the power,from the Government of this state ,this all scenerion was took
place under the acceptance of Ayub khan.
Bhutto was so intensed in those days that he
decided to build his own separate electoral politiccal party on socialisim bases for
the well fare and support common people.Slowly and gradually his party earned a
lot of fame from people of Pakistan because its mandate was to provide relief to
poor and oppresed people of this state.Then the time came when his party
politically participated in the general electoral election held by President Yahya
Khan in 1970s.His paty won the majority of seats in the west Pakistan and on
another side his opponent party Awami League won considerable amount of seats
in the east Pakistan,though both of the individuals and party leaders was unadble
to sign on the new constitution due to the dispute among the East Pakistani people
and in consequence the Pakistan divided into two parts and there was the time that
east pPakistan emerged as the new state Bangladesh becouse the majority of
people was Bangali’s.Bhutto and the Government offended and refused this
situation and in result there a war took place between two sides but nothing
happens atlast,Bhutto was given the Presidency of Pakistan in 1971 and a rule
called emergency rule was imposed in the country. Bhutto took Pakistani people
into confidence and told them we all will united and be strong from ever and will
build a new and emerging,rising Pakistan.Everbody was pleased with the Bhutto’s
statement and all were agreed upon it.
Bhutto was the man of actions on
becoming the President he first sign the Shimla Agreement in july 1972 and was
succeded to escaped the huge number of prisoners ,43600 prisoners and was also
succesful to get back 5,000 sq mi area from the indian held territory.He
strengthened his powers and ties strong relations with China and Saudi
Arabia,then he recognised  Bangladesh as a separate state , and also hosted the
second  Organisation of the Islamic Conference in Lahore in 1974.In the year of
1973 he accepted the proposal of the new constitution and appointed Fazal Ilahi
Choudhry as the President of this Islamic Republic stae Pakistan ,and himself he
switched his mightness and Dominance to the new office of Prime Minister of
Pakistan. He also payed a vital rule in making the country strong enough against
its rivals and made the country with the Nuclear Weapon,this was the great
achievement of his survices,for this great task he appointed Dr.Abdul qadeer
khan.The next steop he took was the Nationalization of Pakistan's fledgling
industries, healthcare, and educational institutions ,and enrased the rights and
leagals of the poor and suppresd people of Pakistan.

After resolving provincial issues of feudal

governments in Balochistan.He also ordered an Army sting operation in
Balochistan  in 1973,It cause fatals and killing of thousands of civilians. Despite
of civil disorder, the PPP won Parlimentarian Elections in 1977 by a wide range
margin. At the same time the opponents parties alleged a wide range of vote
rigging on the party of bhutto and violence was spread in the whole country.On
the same year 5th of july he was divested in military coups by his appointed Chief
of Army staff General Zia-ul-Haq. Unfortunately he was being controversially
tried and executed by the Supreme Court Of Pakistan in 1979 for permitting the
murder of his political opponent.The so caled ‘hakim’ of people for Pakistan was
no more longer beside them.

Bhutto remains an ambivalet figure, being cheered for

his nationalism and internationalist agenda, yet, is criticized for bullying his
political opponents and for violation of human rights .He is still remain in the
heart of people.He was the true patroitic personality,man of words ,fully dignified
and sovereign leading personality in the history of Pakistan.People can’t forget his
sacrifices and loyality.Untill now his party remain on his name and fame. May My
Allah grant him a successor level in Heaven .Ameen!
‘’Benazir Bhutto’’ The Daughter of East


Benazir Bhutto  was the beloved daughter of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali

bhutto.She was a Pakistani politician and was the first ever woman that become
Prime minister of this democratic state pakistan,and not only in Pakistan she was
the First ever woman who elected as the first woman Prime Minister in whole over
Islamic states in world.She served her reamarkful duties as a Prime Minister of
Islamic Republic State of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990,and her second era is from
1993 to 1996.She was accepted and praised among local entities and communist
societies of Pakistan.Along with the name of his well reputed father she become
more and more popularamong people.She was a quite pious and strong lady and
She was eager to modernity;means she want peace,basic rights of women of
Pakistan. She vigilantly took the charge and became the chairperson of her party
PPP which was gifted by her father to him in the year of 1980s after the excution
of Z.A Bhutto.

She was grown up in very well equipped and

furnished culture which was the blend of Pskistan and Britan.She got his higher
education from the Harward University and then from University of Oxford as all
the well facilated and power centered families used to got their children studied in
abroad. She was very pioneer and prior to her studies that she became member
and later President of many societies and Unions there.In 1973 when her father
who was the chairperson of Pakistan People Party PPP,”Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto”,
was elected as a 9th Prime Minister of Pakistan by the force and support of
people. Then she returned back to her home Pakistan after succesful completion
her education in 1977.Breifly when ZA Bhutto supposed to be hanged in a murder
case by militry order,she was young at that time she and her mother decided to
took control on their party who was benevoled by her father ‘PPP’ and they both
with the other party members to lead the party movements with new hope and
courage.With litteraly no reasons she was several time pinched and imprisoned by
Militry dictator ‘Zia-ul-haq’’ and later she sent back to Britain for mainly no

Benazir Bhutto came back to her country in 1986,

and doing some ammendments in her party ,she totally changed and turned the
visionary of her party.Now this awami party was totally changed from a social
reformal to liberal one. Before, leading it to victory in the General elections of
1988.She don’t left even a single stone unturned ,she worked day and night
refusing her own health and taking no compromise to free the states with military
corps and state the country with the full empowerment of democracy.Let it back
the county ,which was the state of Shaheed Zulfiqaar Ali Bhutto.

When she became the Prime Minister, her first

attempt was social and economical reforms but it was totally opposed by her
hatreds who was Islamists extremist parties and the legal army of country Militry
rulers .But unfortnately her Government was dissmised on acquiring charge of
corruption and nepotism by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan in 1990s. Many
internal sources like ISI and police assisted to ensure the victory of Nawaz Sharif
in elections.Later she become the leader of opposition against Nawaz’s

But later on also the Nawa’s Government was

dissmised on having charges of bribery and corruption ,She build hope and again
strike in elction of 1993 in result people voted her party vigilantly and she became
the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the second time..She promote and obliged first
time the woman rights,and also build separate woman police stations in the
state.But her rivals was keep on several conspirisies on her government and
allegated by many controversies, such as including the assassination murder we
can say of her brother Murtaza Bhutto.This all situation creates a new hype and
fear of trumbling her Government for the second time.In consequenc,her appointed
PresidentFarooq Laghari dismissed her government. The PPP lost the 1977
General elections very badly and in 1998 she decided to went into self-exile
in Dubai.
She became back one again in the General election of 2007,one one
day when she was participating in the local rally of her election ,someone shoot
him very brutally on head and on this result she looses all her sighs of life,This
was the brutal murder of Mohtarma,She was assacinated in front of people in
rawalpindi.Al saliha and Al-Qaidan group of extremist accept and claimed for this
assacination.But relectantly Pakistani Government and state agencies would not
do anything in this case.This file also close after that day.

As like her father Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto also be

remain in the heart of people.She was several time criticise of being her
inexperienced in politics.But she was true to her dealings and brought the legal
and human rigts in true meanings.She is a doughter of our soil and we as a nation
would never forget allthe sacrifices for this country at any cost.She burried in her
family meusilium in Garhi Khuda Bukhs.She became the idol and ever rising star
of every women.

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