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Pakistan Studies

Asad Raza Talpur

Sukkur IBA University
Breaking Away From The Past

Formation Of Bangladesh
First Elected PM
20 December 1971, Z A
Bhutto Became The CMLA
& President As The Elected
Representative Of What
Remained Of Pakistan
Nationalized All Heavy Industrial Units Except Textiles
In January 1972
After Industry, Educational Institutions Were Also
Nationalized In 1972
Land Reforms In 1972
Comprehensive Labor Reforms 1972
Nationalization Of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
• Comprehensive Public Health Programme 1972

• Trade In Cotton And Rice Nationalized

• Nationalization Of Banks

• Cotton Ginning, Rice Husking And Flour Milling Nationalized

Z A Bhutto Was The First
Populist Leader Of Pakistan
Since The Generation Of The
Founders. He Adopted The
Creed Of Islamic Socialism
The Electoral Victory Of The
PPP Had Broken The Traditional
Patterns Of Results And Many
Feudal And Other Politicians
Had Lost In The Elections.
Sindhi Recognized As Official
Language Of Sindh

Bhutto Faced Opposition From The Liberal Sector, This

Decision Resulted In Rioting Between Sindhi And Urdu
Speaking Groups
The Industrial And
Commercial Interests Having
Already Been Alienated,
Bhutto Next Eliminated
Radical Elements From His
Own Party
Bhutto Economic Growth 4.4%
Global Economic Crisis
• Oil Import Bill Of Pakistan Raised From $60 Million in 1972 To
$225 Million In 1973; Due To Increase In Prices From OPEC

• Fertilizers Increased From $40 Million To $150 Million

• Pakistan Is Hit By Worst Floods In 1976/77

• Pest-Attacks Destroyed Cotton Crop In 1974

Bhutto Leaned To The Left,
Pulling Out Of CENTO And
SEATO And Extending
Recognition To North Korea,
North Vietnam And East
In 1974 Pakistan Hosted The Second
Summit Of OIC

In This Summit, Pakistan Recognized Bangladesh

The Most Enduring Legacy Is
The Near-Unanimous
Constitution Promulgated On
12 August 1973, Under Which
He Became The Prime Minister
He Also Laid The Foundation Of The Nuclear Programme
Which Enabled Pakistan To Test In 1998
Bhutto Felt Confident
Enough To Call For
General Elections For
March 1977
Z A Bhutto Had Banned Night Clubs
And Liquor, Horse-Racing And
Gambling And Declared Friday As The
Weekly Holiday Instead Of Sunday,
But These Concessions To Islamic
Sentiments Proved Of No Avail
A Nine Party Opposition
Alliance Was Formed Which
Promised to Establish Islamic
Order And Bring Back Prices
To The Level Of 1970
PPP Won More Seats Than Expected In 1977 Elections

The Pakistan National Alliance Refused To Accept The Results Claiming That The
Polls Had Been Rigged
The Clash Starts Between
The PPP And PNA Which
Had Polarized The Nation,
Destabilized The State And
Ruined The Economy
General Zia Ul Haq
Takes Over With A
Promise To Conduct
Free And Fair
Elections In 90 Days
As A Neutral Force
Between PPP & PNA
Military Coup on 5 July 1977
Z A Bhutto Executed On 4 April 1979
Zia’s Islamization
• In His Inaugural Address To The Nation Ziaul Haq Said He
Supported The Movement For Islamization’
• He Imposed Zakat And Ushr Ordinance Which Allowed The
Government To Deduct Tithes On Savings And Land
• He Introduced Islamic Punishments For All Crimes Except
Murder, Since Islamic Laws Would Ensure ZA Bhutto’s
• A Victim of Rape Would Be Convicted Of Adultery While
The perpetrator Would Be Let Off For Lack of Evidence.
In Need Of Political Support, He
Gave Boost To Religious Parties,
This Led To Sectarian Militancy

He Banned Political Activities Which Resulted In The Emergence Of

Ethnic Parties
The Influx Of Afghan Refuges Fleeing Their Country In
the Wake Of The Soviet Invasion Added To The Chaos.

The Cumulative Effect Of All This Was An Unprecedented brutalization Of Society,

And The Introduction Of Kalashnikov And Drug Cultures.
Ziaul Haq Was Able To Militarily
Crush The Movement For The
Restoration Of Democracy But
Realized That At Least A Cosmetic
Exercise In Democracy Had
Become Unavoidable
To Seek People’s Support, General
Zia Holds A Referendum Soon After
MRD In 1984

He Held A Referendum On His Islamization Policy, So Worded That It

Meant Validation Of Zia’s Term For A Further Five Years
“Do you endorse the process initiated by the
President of Pakistan, General Mohammad Ziaul
Haq, for bringing the laws of Pakistan in conformity
with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the
Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace
be upon him) and for the preservation of the
ideology of Pakistan, and are you in favor of
continuation and further consolidation of that
process and for the smooth and orderly transfer of
power to the elected representatives of the people.”
A Parliament Based On Non-Party Polls
Was Made, Muhamad Khan Junejo
Appointed As the Prime Minister

General Ziaul Haq Made The Restoration Of Parliament Conditional On The

Passage Of The Eight Amendment; Which Had A Clause 58 (2) (B) Which
Empowered The President To Dismiss The Prime Minister And Dissolve The
President Ziaul Haq Dismissed His
Hand Picked PM And Dissolved The
Assembly Using The Eight

Fresh Election Became Mandatory After 90 Days Of Dissolution Of

Plane Crash In 1988
In Accordance With
The 1973
Constitution, The
Chairman Of The
Senate, Ghulam
Ishaq Khan Assumed
The Office Of
The Democratic Interregnum,
In November 1988 Elections, PPP
Emerged As The Party With The Largest
Number Of Seats, But President Ghulam
Ishaq Khan Was Visibly Reluctant To
Name Its Leader, Benazir Bhutto, As
Prime Minister
On 3 December 1988 Benazir Bhutto
Became The First Woman Prime Minister
In The Entire Muslim World
In Her First Press Conference Benazir
Bhutto Made It Clear That She Was Not A
Free Agent And That She Had To Work
Under A System.

The Largest Province, Punjab, In An Almost Overnight turn Around

Between The National And Provincial Elections, voted Her Political Rival
Nawaz Sharif Into Power
The Establishment Headed By President
G.I Khan, And The Punjab Government
Headed By Nawaz Sharif, Kept Her In A
Difficult Situation

Her Parliamentary Coalition With MQM Fell Apart, Secretly MQM

Broke Away In 1989 October And Tabled A No Confidence Motion
Against Her.
On 6 August 1990, On Charges
Of Misrule And Corruption
Attributed To her Husband, Her
Government Was Dismissed By
The President G.I Khan
The President Rather Than Calling
For New Elections, Transferred
Power To Leader Of The Opposition
Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi,
On 1 November 1990, Nawaz Shareef
Became The 12 Prime Minister Of
Gulf War Starts In 1990-1991

Benazir And Nawaz Sharif

Supported Kuwait While,
President G I Khan &
Gen Aslam Beg Supported Iraq.
This Depicted The Division In
The Pakistani Politics
Nawaz Sharif Inclining Towards
Reconciliation With The PPP And Stating
Openly His Intention Of Scrapping The
Eight Amendment, The President Moved
to Prevent Curtailment Of His Powers,
Dismissed Nawaz Sharif, And Dissolved
The National Assembly On 18 April 1993
On May 1993 The Supreme Court
Restored The Parliament And Premier,
The Only Instance When The SC Has
Ruled Against The Plea Of ‘State
The Term Of NS’s PML-N Also Saw
Heightened Tension In Sindh
Province. The President Had
Imposed A Ruthless Minority
Government Under Jam Sadiq Ali
To Keep The PPP Out.
Benazir Bhutto Won The 6 October 1993
Elections By Securing Eighty-Six Seat, This
Time The Punjab Assembly As Well As The
Office Of the President Went To Her Party
Benazir Was Able To Improve The
Economy By Increasing Inward
Investment And Trade
Operation Clean Up-Military Action Up Launched In 1992
During The Nawaz Tenure Against The MQM Continues,
With MQM Retaliating With Strikes, Damaging The
On 1 September 1996, The Prime Minister's Only
Surviving Brother, Mir Murtaza Bhutto, Was
Killed In A Police Shoot Out.
President Farooq Laghari Had The
Supreme Court Opened On A Holiday
To File A Case Against The Bereaved
PM, And She Was Finally Dismissed
On 5 November 1996 On Grounds Of
Extra Judicial Killings And Corruption
Benazir Bhutto’s Petition For The Restoration of Her
Government Was Dismissed By The Supreme Court
General Elections In February 1997

Nawaz Sharif Wins

During His Second Term, NS Took Pre-
Emptive legislative Measures To Secure His

April 1997, The National Assembly Passed The Thirteenth

Amendment Partially Repealing The Eight Amendment, i.e. The
Power Of The President To Dismiss The PM And Dissolve
Frustrated At Being Unable To Dismiss Nawaz Sharif
As He had Dismissed Benazir Bhutto, Farooq Lagahri
Resigned As President On 2 December 1997
Some Destabilizing factors Intruded
From The External Sources
In 1997, Pakistan, Along With US Allies Including
Saudi Arabia And The UAE, Recognized The Militant
Taliban Regime In Afghanistan.

This Was Later To Be The Cause Of Friction With US.

On May 11 1998, India Conducted A Series Of
Nuclear Tests And Threatened To occupy Azad
Kashmir. Pakistan Responded On 28 May 1998 By
Showing Its Nuclear Weapon Capability
Unfortunately, Simultaneously With The
Announcement Of Nuclear Success, The Prime
Minister, Also Announced The Freezing Of
Foreign Currency Accounts And The
Construction Of The Kalabagh Dam Which Was
Opposed By Three Out Of Four Province Of

This Dissipated The Political Advantage Gained By The PM

After The Nuclearization Of Both Countries, The
Indian PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Visited Lahore On Bus
On 20 February 1999 And Held Talks With PM-NS In
An Atmosphere Of Cordiality
It Was Noted That The Joint
Statement Of Two PM’s Ignored The
Kashmir Issue. Frustrated By This
Omission And The Stalled Talks ON
The Siachen Issue, Pakistani
Irregulars, Supporter By The Regulars,
Crossed The LOC And Took Up
Positions In The Kargil Sector
Kargil, Had Been Part Of Pakistan till 1971, And After The 1971
War, It Was India Which Had Pressurized The UN To Withdraw Its
Observer Group From That Sector
Nawaz Sharif Travelled To The US To Announce Pakistan’s
Withdrawal From Kargil; This Was In Exchange For The Vaguest Of
Promise Made By President Bill Clinton To Use His Influence To
Solve The Kashmir Dispute.
NS Attempted To Dismiss The Army Chief, General Pervez
Musharaf, While He Was On A Flight From Sri Lanka.
On 12 October 1999, Fourth Martial Law Imposed. NS
Ousted In A Coup Led By General Pervez Musharraf
Reference Book



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