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 On 5th January 1928, Bhutto was born in a renowned Sindhi family

of landlords.
 He was 3rd child of Shahnawaz Bhutto and Khursheed Begum.
 completed his early education from Bombay’s Cathedral High
 In 1947, he joined the University of Southern California to study
political science, later on went to Oxford and studied law.
 After receiving degree of LLB, he was called to the bar at Lincoln's
Inn in the year 1953 (the same school at which Muhammad Ali
Jinnah studied law).
 Married Shireen Amir Begum in 1943 , and Nusrat Asphani in
 His first child Benazir Bhutto was born in 1953. After her Murtaza,
Sanam and Shahnawaz Bhutto were born.
 Took over the management of family and estate after his father’s
 In 1957, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the youngest
member of Pakistan's delegation to the United Nations.
 As his father was politically active, Bhutto had learned
politics and its affairs from very early age.
 In 1958, he became Pakistan’s youngest cabinet
minister. He was assigned ministry of Water and
 He was then given ministry of Commerce,
Communication and Industry.
 Close and trustworthy to Ayub Khan.
 Indus Water Treaty and Oil Exploration Agreement.
 1963, Bhutto became Foreign Minister.
 Initiative of friendly relations with China.
 His style of leading the Foreign Ministry and his
swift rise to power brought him national
prominence and popularity.
 After Tashkent Agreement, he left Ayub Khan and
resigned in 1966.
 Founded Pakistan People’s Party in 1967.
 Contested elections in 1970 and won majority in
West Pakistan
 Took over from Yahya Khan in 1971, became first
civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator
 Disintegration of Bangladesh
 Nationalist and Socialist, Democratic point of
 Aggressive leader
 Popular in public
 Friendly relations with China, Germany,
Indonesia, Saudia Arabia and other countries
 Aggressive Geo-strategic and foreign policies
towards India.
 Domestic reforms
 Higher Education reforms
 Foreign policy
 Land reforms
 Economic policy
 Labor reforms
 He had this idea first time in 1958 during his
Political Science studies.
 Initiated nuclear program in 1965
 Appointed Dr. Abdus Salam in 1965
 "Even if we have to eat grass, we will make
nuclear bomb. We have no other choice”
 Bhutto was not lucky to see his dream come
true, but gave the nation a path to follow
 Pakistan became Atomic Power on May 28th
 Friendly relations with Saudi Arab, Iran,
Palestine and other Arab Countries.
 Second Islamic summit in 1974
 Leader of Third World Countries
 Constitutional reforms after division of
 Pakistan’s first constitution in 1973
 Strong democratic setup.
 Dismissal of government by General Zia Ul
Haq in 1977
 Arrested and trialed for murder of the father of
Ahmed Raza Kasuri
 Controversy about Zia and Courts of that time
 Appointment of Mushtaq Hussain as judge
 Sentenced to death in 1979
 Hanged in Central Jail of Rawalpindi on 4th
April 1979
 Bhutto was roundly criticized for intimidating his
political opponents by his critics
 His political rivals had blamed his socialist policies
for slowing down Pakistan's economic progress
 Bhutto is blamed by some, for division of East
 Bhutto’s stubbornness broke Pakistan, not Mujib’s
six points demand
 Even after his death, he remains a controversial
 The Governing party, PPP has filed a reference
on 2 April 2011, to reopen Bhutto's trial.
 Iftikhar Ahmad, Bhutto's former Media
adviser, ran series of interviews of those
personalities who played a major and
controversial role in Bhutto's death
 India carried out nuclear test, near Pakistan’s
eastern border
 Bhutto’s lobbying for sanctions on India
 America’s cold attitude
 Bhutto’s determination for making Pakistan an
atomic power
 Kingfisher’s offer to Bhutto and rejection
 Exchange of harsh words between Bhutto and
American Secretary of State
 Sour relations with America for the first time
 Bhutto intensified Pakistan's foreign policy
towards more onto Movement of Non-Aligned
 Sympathetic attitude of Bhutto
 America’s policy of ‘’unite and rule’’
 Bhutto’s visit to Soviet Union
 Collaboration on Pakistan Steel Mill
 Access to warm water ports for Soviet Union
 Carter’s victory in 1976 elections
 Ban on nuclear weapons
 Carter placed an embargo on Pakistan
 Bhutto and Carter ‘’rough relations’’
 Bhutto’s efforts
 Development of nuclear program without
America’s will
 Carter’s unlikeness toward Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
 PPP seeking help from different states except
 Benazir Bhutto’s statement
 Bhutto and Soviet Union alliance
 Resemblance between Chile’s and Pakistan’s
 America’s denial of any involvement
 Bhutto’s execution, a big change in Global
 Soviet Union’s future without Bhutto’s support
 Turning point in Cold War
 Disintegration of Soviet Union
 Emergence of America as super power
 Bhutto’s independent policy
 Dream of sovereign Pakistan
 America’s opposition
 Determination of Nuclear Program
 Friendly relations with China and Russia
 America’s role in brining Zia into power
 Bhutto still remains a controversial and
discussed figure
 Credit of giving Pakistan first constitution
 Belonging to a feudal family, still bringing
labor friendly policies
 Even critics praise him
 Title of ‘’Shaheed Quaid e Awam’’
 Most influential politician in history
 I did not kill that man. My God is aware of it. I am
big enough to admit if I had done it, that
admission would have been less of an ordeal and
humiliation than this barbarous trial which no self
respecting man can endure. I am a Muslim. A
Muslim's fate is in the hands of God Almighty I can
face Him with a clear conscience and tell Him that I
rebuilt His Islamic State of Pakistan from ashes into
a respectable Nation. I am entirely at peace with my
conscience in this black hole of Kot Lakhpat. I am
not afraid of death. You have seen what fires I have
passed through.

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