Global - Workbook - Unit 3

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UNIT 3 Art & Music

Grammar 1A Grammar 2
Regular past tense forms Past simple and past continuous
Complete these sentences with the past simple forms of Complete the texts with the past simple or past continuous
the verbs in brackets. forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 I (watch) a great film at the weekend. Nick Hornby (1) (begin) writing while
2 The band (play) for almost two hours. he (2) (study) English Literature at
3 He (study) Art at college. Cambridge University. After he (3)
4 In the afternoon, we (visit) an art (finish) university, he (4) (have) several
gallery. different jobs. Among other things, he (5)
5 A museum worker (drop) the vase and (teach) English to foreign students. He (6)
it (smash) on the floor. (work) as a journalist when he (7) (write)
6 She (press) a button and the music his first book, High Fidelity in 1995.
(stop). Author JK Rowling also (8) (work) as
7 We (plan) to go to the concert, but we an English teacher in Portugal. Apparently, the idea for
(arrive) too late. the Harry Potter books (9) (come) to her
while she (10) (sit) on a train to London.
Grammar 1B
She (11) (complete) the first novel in 1995
Irregular past tense forms while she (12) (live) in Edinburgh.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
irregular verbs.
Grammar 3A
1 In 1987, Yasuo Goto paid / payed almost $40 million
Used to
dollars for Van Gogh’s Sunflowers.
2 JK Rowling wrote / written the first Harry Potter book Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
using an old-fashioned typewriter. 1 As a teenager, I used listen / used to listen to really loud
3 The family of painter Paul Gaugin left /leaved France in rock music.
1851 and gone / went to Peru. 2 I didn’t use to like / didn’t used to like classical music at all.
4 Mark Chapman shooted / shot musician John Lennon 3 I used to go / used to went to the local record shop every
outside his New York apartment in 1980. weekend.
5 Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez won / wind the Nobel 4 Music was used to / used to be on vinyl records then, not
Prize for Literature in 1982. CDs.
6 In 2004, thieves stealt / stole the painting The Scream 5 My parents used to complaining / used to complain that I
from the Munch Museum in Oslo. played my records too loud.
7 Norwegian police found / founded the missing painting 6 What music did you use to like / used you to like as a
two years later. teenager?

Global Pre-intermediate eWorkbook   © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010 Unit 3 1

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