Tutorial On Computer-Aided Analysis Switched-Capacitor Circuits

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8,AUGUST 1983 981

A Tutorial on Computer-Aided Analysisof

Switched-Capacitor Circuits


Invited Paper

A5stroct-h this paper, various formulation techniqws for analyzing

switdmhqdtor circuits have been dffcribed a d compared.Some basic
pmperties of the time-, z-, and freqwncy-dorrmin sdutiorts have been
pp~ented techniques for hnndliw aonideal switch resis-
tances, and noise and distortion effects are disassed Methods for sensitiv-
ity analysis havebeen & fy mentioned and, finally, an overview of
computer-aided analysis techniques has been given.


popular in recent years. The reasons for this are 1) they are
fully integratable using MOS technology, and 2) they possess
important and useful characteristics suchas small size, low power
consumption, ease of manufacturing, etc., which are essential in
various applications.As the state of the art progresses, it becomes Fig. 1. A typical process of switched-capacitorcircuit analysis
increasingly clear that more detailed analysis to understand the
behavior of such circuits is necessary, and algorithms to aid the
design ofvery large-scalecircuitsusingcomputersneed to be 11. FORMULATION TECHNIQUES
developed.Fig. 1 illustrates a typicalprocess of analyzing a The concept of switched-capacitor circuits mayhaveexisted
switched-capacitorcircuit. An MOS switched-capacitorcircuit for some time. However, its impact was not obvious until Fried
consists of periodicallyoperatedswitches,capacitors, and op- [l]published his result in 1972.In 1977, other researchers [2]-[4]
amps.Thesecomponentsmay be considered ideal or nonideal reported exciting results on the realization of NMOS switched-
depending on the physical realizationor the purpose of investiga- capacitor filters using op-amps.In these publications, the empha-
tion. A mathematical formulation is then established for a given sis was placed on the design and.imp1ementationbut not on the
class of circuits.Therearemanydifferentformulationap- formulation and analysis techniques. They used the equivalence
proaches, suchas the state variable, modified nodal, macromodel, between a resistor and a switched capacitor as a basis for their
etc., to describe a switched-capacitorcircuit.Thechoice of a analysis and design. Consider Fig. 2(a)where switches S, and S2
proper formulation approach depends on many factors such as closeandopenperiodicallywithperiod T. Let v , ( n T ) and
algorithm development effort, computational efficiency, special- u2( n T ) be constant voltages overthe period fromnT to ( n + l)T.
versus general-purpose usage, etc. Aftera mathematical formula- Then the net change of charge, Aq( nT),over this period for the
tion is completed, one can then proceed with analysis and algo- series [Fig. 2(b)]or parallel [Fig.2(c)] switched capacitor is
rithm development.Since a switched-capacitorcircuit maybe
considered as a sampled-data system, most designers are inter- Aq(nT) = C,[vl(nT) - v,(nT)].
estedinthez-domainsolution.Strictlyspeaking,continuous Dividing the above equation by T and considering the quantity
signals may appear as inputs to a switched-capacitorcircuit. Aq( n T ) / T as the average currenti ( n T ) which flows fromu l ( nT)
Under this condition, a complete frequency-domain analysismay to v 2 ( n T ) , then the series or parallel switched capacitor in Fig.
be necessary. In some cases, a time-domain solution maybeof 2(b) or (c),respectively, is equivalent to a resistorwiththe
interest to a device or circuit designer. On the other hand, noise, relation R = T / C , [see Fig. 2(d)]. This equivalence is exact only
sensitivity,and distortion analysis maybevery important for when both v l ( nT) and v2( n T ) are independent piecewise-con-
certain applications. Obviously, all of these analysis and simula- stant voltages. If the input to a switched-capacitorcircuitis
tion results need to be verified with physical experiments before continuous, the above-mentioned equivalence may not be exact
they can be used as effective tools for the design of switched- as it was demonstrated by Tsividis [5] with a simple high-pass
capacitor circuits. In this paper, a tutorial exposition on various filter. It was also evident that it is an extremely difficult task to
aspects of this process w libe presented. analyze a complicatedswitched-capacitorcircuitexactly,espe-
ciallywhenthe input iscontinuous.Consequently,manyre-
Manuscript received October 20, 1982; revised March 6,1983. searchers have devoted their effort in searching for approaches
The authors are with Bell Laboratories, No. Andover, M A 01845. and techniques to aid the analysis of switched-capacitor circuits

0018-9219/83/0800-0987$01.00 01983 IEEE

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Fig. 3. A switched-capacitorintegrator.

v, (nT) v z (nT 1 indicates the time just before switching instants. Denoting yl(t )
and y , ( t ) as the output voltage vectors during the corresponding
(d) intervals, the output equations can be described by
Fig. 2. An approximateequivalence between aresistor and switched-capaci-
tor circuits.
yk(t) = Ckxk(t) D,u(t), + t E Ak,k = 1,2 (2)
or equivalently by
using computers. In this section, various formulation techniques
y 1 ( t ) = e 1 x 2 ( n T - )+ 6 , U ( t ) , t E A1 (3a)
w libe described. In most cases, a switched-capacitor integrator
will be used for illustration. The reasons for doing so are 1) it is y2(t)= e 2 x 1 ( n T+ 71) + d2u(t), t € A, (3b)
an important building block in a switched-capacitor circuit,2) it
has many desirable and interesting characteristics, 3) it is rela-
where the C's, D's, e's,
and 6 ' s are real coefficient matrices.
The exact solution of the above equations can be derived and
tively simple to handle, and 4) it provides a common ground for
expressed in terms of these coefficient matrices [8].
comparison among various approaches.
Example 1: Considerasimpleswitched-capacitor integrator
shown in Fig. 3(a) where the op-amp has a finite gain a. Let x1
A. State Variable Approach and x 2 be the voltages across C , and C2, respectively. The state
An ideal switched-capacitor circuit is a special case of linear and output equations of this circuit can be readily derived from
circuits containing periodically operated switches.Since methods its equivalent circuit shownin Fig. 3(b) as follows:
for analyzing periodically switched linear circuits using the state- For t E A', thetoggleswitchisconnected to the input. By
variable approach have been available for some time [6], [7],one inspection, we have
would expect that the results for switched-capacitor circuits could
be obtained in a straightforward manner. Unfortunately,it is not
the case and a new formulation oftheproblemis necessary.
Ironically, when one deals with nonideal switched-capacitor cir- and
cuiteffects,such as nonzeroswitchresistances,op-ampfinite
bandwidth, etc., the methods for analyzing periodically switched
linear circuitsbecomeeffective again. More will be discussed
later. For t E A 2 , the toggle switch is connected to the op-amp and
The state-variable approach has been used by many workers there is a charge transfer between C , and C,. Hence
for analyzingswitched-capacitorcircuits [8]-[12]. For ease of C , [ X l ( f ) - X,(?ZT+ T ; ) ] = -c,[X,(t) - X 2 ( n T + T ; ) ] .
illustration, we shall consider only twephase switches as shown
A l s o , by Kirchhoff s voltage law, we have
in Fig. 2(a). Let xl( t ) and x , ( t ) be the state vectors' during the
intervals A, (nT,nT + and A 2 (nT+ ~ ' , ( n+ l)T], re- x , ( t ) = x 2 ( t ) - au,(t) = x 2 ( t ) - ax,(t).
spectively,thenthebehavior of ageneralswitched-capacitor After some algebraic manipulation, the above two equations can
circuit can be described by the followingstate equations [8], [9]: be expressed as
x l ( t ) = F 1 x 2 ( n T - )+ C l u ( t ) , t E A1 (la)
x 2 ( t ) = F 2 x 1 ( n T + 7;) + G2u(t), t E A2 (lb)
where u ( t ) is the input vector (continuous or discrete), the F's
and G's are real coefficient matrices, and the superscript "-"

'Herewe choose thecapacitor branch voltages as the components of the using the notations given by (1) and (2), the coefficient matrices
state vectors x1 and x*. for are
this circuit

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F1= [; ;] GI = [ ;] 93 92

cl=[o L
l + a] Dl = 101

F2= [’-I:; Cl “1
c2 G,= [;]
c,= [ l -13 4 = [ 01.
The advantagesof using the state variable approach are 1) itis
quite compact and general, and 2) its explicit closed-form solu-
tionprovidesagreatdeal of insight into a switched-capacitor
circuit. In fact, a different method of analyzing switched-capaci-
tor circuitsusingequivalentcircuit approach [13]wasderived
from the result of the state variable formulation. The two-phase
state variableformulationdescribedabove can bereadilyex-
tended to a multiphase situation [lo], [ll]. Fig. 4. A “passive” switched-capacitorcircuit.
From Example 1, it appears that some algebraic manipulation
is necessary during the formulation process. Although it has not
time-varying coefficients. This system of equations can be trans-
been implemented as a design tool, Liou and Kuo [8] described formed into the z-domain to obtain a four-port equivalent circuit
an approach to obtain the state equations from a modifiednodal
for a switched-capacitor building block [14]. It can be shown that
method. A different method of obtaining the coefficient matrices
[15], [16] any switched-capacitor circuit, comprised of twephase
using topological formulas was described by Tanaka and Mori
switches, can be transformed into a z-domain equivalent circuit
[ll]. More recently, another state variable formulation technique
byinterconnectingthe appropriate equivalentcircuitbuilding
for analyzing nonlinear, time-varying, switched-capacitor circuits
blocks which w libe discussed in detail in Section II-D. We shall
under certain topological constraints was described by Fanget al.
illustrate the ideas presented so far by the following example.
[12]. In t h i s approach, the charge variables which remainconstant
Example 2: Considerapassiveswitched-capacitorlow-pass
in each switching interval are chosen as the state variables. For
circuit as shown in Fig. qa). From Fig. 4(b), the C-matrix is, by
many practical circuits, the dimension of the state vector of this
formulation is the same as the number of op-amps in the circuit.
For linear,time-invariantswitched-capacitorcircuits,
discussed later.
to themacromodel approach which will be
this ap-

c=[; ,:0 :I.


B. Nodal Approach From Fig. qc), when n =“odd,” v1 = v l , v 2 = v2, v3 = v l , thus

the switching matrix Sois given by

[: : :I
The nodal approach was used by Kurth and Moschytz [14] for
analyzing periodically two-phase, sampled-data, switched-capaci-
tor circuits. In this approach,thenodalchargeconservation so= 0 1 0 .
equations for all the nodes in the circuit (except thedatum node)
are set up into one matrix equation via the concept of “switching Similarly, when n =“even,” u1 = v l , v 2 = v2, v3 = v 2 , the switch-
matrices.”Let q ( n 7 ) bethevector of chargesinstantaneously ing matrix S‘ is given by

[:, : I:
injected into the nodes of the circuit at theswitching instants
t = n ~ where
, T = T/2. Also, let u ( ~ T be ) thenodevoltage S‘= 0 1 0 .
vector at t = n ~ Then,
. it can be shown[14] that a “passive”
switched-capacitor circuit can be described by the discrete node
charge conservation equations Substituting the above matrices into (4) andsimpllfylngthe
resulting equation,we obtain (noting that A”( n) A‘( n) = 1 for +
q ( n T ) = C S ” U ( ~-T )C S ‘ U ( ~-
TT ) , n =“odd” all n)
q ( n T ) = cS‘u( n ~ -) CS%( n~ - T ) , n =“even”
where So,S‘ are “switching matrices”which link nodes together
with “closed” switches during “odd” and “even” phases, respec-
tively, and C is the node-capacitance matrix for the circuit with
[%] [ =
2 0

v 2 w ]

theswitchesremoved.Combiningtheabove two equations, we

obtain the nodal charge equationsin the following compactform:

q( n T ) = c [A”( n ) S ” + A‘( n)S‘]U( nT)

- C [ A ” ( n - l ) S ” +A e ( n - l)Se]U(nT - T ) (4) Note that, as a result of the choice of the switching matrices S‘
and S”, theelementsinthethirdcolumns of thecoefficient
where A”( n) (or A‘( n)) is equal to 1 (or 0) for n “odd” and equal matrices are zero. Hence, v3 does not appear in the formulation.
to 0 (or 1) for n “even.” Furthermore, for n =“odd,” nodes 1 and 3 are linked together,
Equation (4) is a set of difference equations with periodically we can define

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sk[cu(t) - q(t)l = skcu(Ti-l)

ii) node-voltage-constraint equations dueto closed switches

[ sk’ - z ] u ( t ) = 0 w 3

iii) and voltage sources relations

-E,Tu( t ) = u1 ( t ), for independent sources (7)

( D + EL) u ( t ) = 0 , fordependentsources (8)
where u( 1 ) is the node voltage vector

is the vector of charges injectedinto the nodes (from T;- to t ) , C

which can be considered as the tweport (time-varying) equations is the node capacitance matrix, u,(t) is the independent voltage
for the switched-capacitor circuit. source vector, and ET, EL, and D are network matrices relating
Thenodal approach as formulatedaboveforsolving node the voltage sources to the node voltages. Combining ( 5 ) through
voltages is not suitable for direct computer implementation. Since(8) and expressing q ( t ) in terms of charge flows throughthe
most practical switched-capacitor circuits use op-amps and with independent and dependent voltage sources, q l ( t ) and q D ( t ) , 4
independent voltagesources as the inputs, injectedcharges respectively, we obtain
through these voltage sources must be determined prior to the use
of (4) for direct computer solutions.To include controlled sources,
Bruton and Bhattachaqee [17] have proposed a topological for-
mulation of nodalchargeequationsformultiphase switch
situation. They used nullor elements to describe all four types of
infinite gain-controlled sources (VCCS, ‘VCVS, CCCS,CCVS).
Somematrixmultiplications, as seen in the p r e d m g nodal
analysis, can be avoided by applying simple and straightfoxward
topological rules. However, most computer-aided design (CAD)
programs use the more efficient modified nodal analysis [18] for (9)
thecomputation of circuitresponsesboth in thetime and In the above formulation, only the switching schedule { Sk},
frequency domains. In the next subsection, we will discuss the k = 1,2; . .,M is dependent on the switching phase k. The rest
modified nodal approach to the analysis of switched-capacitor of the matrices areindependent of switch positions,and they are
circuits. formed only once in the computer implementation. On the other
hand, inthe state variableapproach,thecircuittopologyis
C. Modified Nodal Approach different for each switching interval, hence,
as many topologies as
The modified nodal analysis(MNA) has been, by far, the most the switching intervals must be specified.
widely used methodfortheanalysis of switched-capacitor cir- Example 3: Considerthesame integrator circuit of Fig. 3.
cuits, and many efficient CAD programs have been developed Using the node designations as shown in the figure, the system
using this formulation [19]-[32]. This approachiscompatible matrices are:
with many of today’s CAD programs using sparse-matrix tech-
niques for efficient computer implementation. The modified nodal
To o o 0 1
0 c, 0
formulation of switched-capacitor circuits differs from the nodal D = [0 0 - a 01
formulation in that the“charge flows”of thevoltagesources
(independent andcontrolled) and possibly of the“closed”

switches are also included (in addition to the node voltages) in
thenetworkformulation.Therefore,thesize of thenetwork
equation is increased. However, the network coefficient matrix is
generally sparse, and sparse-matrix techniques can be efficiently
employed for computer solutions.
Severalvariations of themodifiednodalformulationsnow
1 o 01

0 0 11
.-[. 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0

exist in the literature. These formulations are readily applicable (nodes 1 and 2 (nodes 2 and 3
to M-phase switching situations( M2 2) and with both piecewise are linked together) are linked together).
constant and continuous inputs. By defining a switching matrix The modified nodal equations arethed
s k forthenetwork of “closed”switchesduringthek-phase
interval similar to Soand S‘ in Section 11-B, Tsividis [20] showed *Note thatfor each switching phase, (5) is similar to (4) of the nodal
that a switched-capacitor circuit can be described by the follow- analysis. As a matter of fact, Sk is the transpose of Soor S‘.
ing set of equations during thek-phaseinterval, Ak (nT+ ’ S u p e d p t T stands for “transpose” of a matrix.
‘Reference direction forcharge flow is fromthe positive to the negative
T ~ - ~ , T~~ T )k = 1,2,...,M, T~ = 0:
, +
i) charge-conservation equations
terminals of the element.
%;(o-) (or u , ( T ; ) ) means u , ( n T ) (or u , ( n T + 5 ; ) ) for i 1;. .,4.

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0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 c, 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 c2 -c
0 0 -c
2 c

- -
0 0 0 UI(t)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 Cl c
+ 0 ’
fort E A,.
0 0 0 0
0 0 - c2 - 0

In theabove,thesystemsubmatricesareobtainedviamatrix
multiplications as given in (9).
Anothervariation of themodifiednodalformulationwas
considered by Brglez [19], &Man et al. [21], [26], and Lee and (12)
Jenkins [25], [29]. In their formulation, the charge flows through where u( t ) is the node voltage vector, d( t ) is the vectorof charges
the “closed” switches are also considered as network variables. transferred through voltage source branches (both independent
To simpllry the formulation, &Man et al. [21], [26] introduced and dependent) and switches, w ( t ) is the vector of independent
Booleanclockvariables + J t ) E (0, l } forcharacterizingthe
chargesources, and u ( t ) isthevector of independentvoltage
switches as topological branch elements. + i ( t ) = 0 (or (pi( t ) = 1) SOuTCeS. A k , B k , c k , D k are directly given by the well-defined
corresponds to an open (or closed) switch driven by clock i at stamps of the switched-capacitor circuit components and Boolean
time f . For example,duringthek-phaseinterval,aswitch S controlledswitches. In this formulation,onematrixequation
connectingnodes I to m andcontrolled bytheclock +, is represents the circuit for allclock phases.
characterized by Example 4: Consider again the example of Fig. 3, the circuit
~ , . k u / ( t ) - ~ i . k u r n ( t ) + ~ i , k ~ s ( f ) = o equation in the form of equation (12) is readily obtained as
- - -
where q,( t ) is the charge flowingthrough the switch from nodes1
to m during the k-phase interval. Equation (10) is the result of
0 0 0 0 ; 1 0 -+- Ul(t)

combining the two constraint equations imposed by the closing

0 c, 0 0
; 0 0 1 U,(t)
and opening of the switch. That is, u,( t ) - urn( t ) = 0 when the 0 0 -c, j 0 0 -+
c, U3(t)

switch is closed, andqs( t ) = 0 when the switch is open. In matrix 0 0-c, c, ; 0 1 0 -U -4 (-t )-
form, (10) is imbedded in the following form called the “stamp” ---------------- ----------
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4At)
of the switch [21]:
; qD(t)
I m S
--+O O
1 -+a- 0 I 0 0 0 -
- qs(t)-

Stamps of other components of a switched-capacitor circuitwere

also given in [21] and [26]. For example, the stamp of a toggle
switch connecting node j to nodes I or m (i.e., toggllng between
nodes I and m ) is given by
j l m S Note that bycombiningthefirstandsecond nodal equations
j o 0 during phase 1, and the second and third nodal equations during
phase 2, we can eliminate qs(t ) and readily obtain the network
equations of Example 3.
m O urn ( t ) From this example, it isobvious that one advantage of the
S -@i,k -+i.k second modified nodal formulation over the first one is that the
system submatrices can be readily obtained from the stamps of
The complete modified nodal equation of the switched-capacitor the circuit components.This w lireduce the network matrix setup
circuit can be readily obtained using these stamps. time on a computer, but at the expense of increasing the size of
Followingcloselythe notation of [26] and [33), aswitched- the network equation. Nevertheless,in both formulations, thesize
capacitor circuit can be described by the following equation: of network equations is generally much larger than that of the

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state variable formulationas indicated by Examples 1 and 3 or 4.

Therefore, techniques for reducing the size of network matrices
have been proposed [23], [28], [30]. However, since thesematrices
are generallysparse,sparsematrixtechniquesforefficiently
solving the circuit responses have been widely employed by many
authors [21]-[26], [29], [31], [32], [34].
To summarize the formulation techniques presentedso far, the
network equations describing a general, ideal switched-capacitor
circuit are given by

! ! ! a !

where x k (t ) is thevector of networkvariables, i ( t ) is the

independent source vector (includingboth the voltage and charge
sources), and y ( t ) is the output vector. Note that A k , B k , C k , D k
matricesaregenerallydifferentfromthose in (12). For state
variable formulation,M kis an identity matrix.

D. Equivalent Circuit Approach

An equivalent circuit, by definition, is indistinguishable from cuit models[13],[15],[16],[36]-[41]have been developed. For
its originalcircuit whenmeasuredfrom its externalterminals. example, the transfer of information fromonetopology to
However, due to its simplicity in circuit representation, it can another, as discussed earlier, has been implemented by dependent
often be used to aid circuit analyses.This is especially truefor the sourcesandbyconnectingsignal paths, leading to physically
case of switched-capacitor equivalent circuits. Through the use of separated and connectedequivalentcircuit structures, respec-
switched-capacitor equivalent circuits, not only can we gain in- tively.Theconnectingsignal paths oftwo-phase circuits are
sight into thecircuitfunctions, we can alsoapply traditional known as a link tweport [15]. In order to simphfy the illustra-
tweport methods and existing computer-aided analysis programs tion, we will only discuss the different equivalent circuit formula-
for switched-capacitor circuit analyses.This is in contrast to the tions [13], [15], [la] of a capacitor in a two-phase situation, and
approaches discussed previously in which special formulations apply theresults to derivetheequivalentcircuit of aparallel
and computer-aided analysis programs are needed. switched-capacitor,as shown in Fig. 5(a).
Thebasicconceptinvolvedhere in thedevelopment of Referring to Fig. 5(a), letqc( t ) and uc( t ) be the injected charge
switched-capacitorequivalentcircuitsisthemodeling of the and voltage across a capacitor of capacitance C . At the end of
time-varying switched-capacitorcircuits
time- switching subintervals A1 and A, as defined earlier, the injected
invariant circuitmodels.Sincethetime-varying nature of the charge is given by the following charge equations [13]:
switched-capacitorcircuit is causedbytheperiodicswitchmg +
qc( nT T ; ) = C [ u,( nT + T ; ) - uc( n ~ - ) ] (144
elementsinthecircuit,thecircuit can beconsidered to be
equivalent to havingafinitenumber of time-invariantcircuit and
models cycling fromone to another. Theinitial condition of each q , ( n T - ) = C [ v c ( n T - )- u , ( ( n - I ) T + T ; ) ] . (14b)
model is determinedby the state of thepreviousmodel. This The z-transforms of (14a) and (14b) are, respectively,
finite number of models corresponds to the number of switching
phases of the circuit. In mathematical representation, the opera- Qs<z>= C[V ( Z-) Vp(z)] (154
tions are described by a set of coupledrecursivetime-domain and
Note that Kirchhoff s voltage and charge lawsstill hold for all of
= C [V ~ ( Z )- Z - ~ ~ ( Z ) ] (15b)
these time-invariant circuit topologies. where
Due to the discrete time operationof the circuits, nodal charge Q:(z)= x q , ( n T + T ; ) z - “ (164
difference equations are often used in the initial circuit formula- n
tion. However, since the frequency-domain characteristic of the v,‘(z) = C u , ( n T + T;)Z-‘ (16b)
circuit is of majorconcern,theswitched-capacitorequivalent n
circuits are often developed in thez-domain. In other words,
input signal is assumed to remain constant during each switchmg Q:(z) = C q , ( n T - ) z - ” (16c)
phase as continuous signal feedthrough cannot be treated in this
way.However,the results obtained from the z-domain models ~ ( z= )C u , ( n T - ) z - “ ( W
can providethe necessary parameters for computing the exact n
frequency-domainsolutionincludingtheeffect of continuous and superscripts “ e ” and “ 0 ” indicate the“even” and “odd”
signal feedthrough [SI,[13], (351. switchingphases. Note that T~ is generally not equal to T/2.
In the frequency-domain, switched-capacitor equivalent circuit Based on (15a) and (15b), the z-domain equivalent circuit of the
representationsare not unique,althoughmany of them are capacitor can be constructed as shown in the middle portion of
formulated using timedomain nodal charge or tweport equa- Fig. 5(b).
tions. Based on the different choices of circuit variables, signal In the parallel switched-capacitor circuit, the charge injection is
constraints, circuit complexities, existing computer-aided analysis controlled by the “even” and “odd” phase switches. By separat-
programs, etc., many different switched-capacitor equivalent cir- ing the input and output signals into “even” and “odd” compo-

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V1 VO ! !

\ I

- -

Fig. 6 . Equivalent circuits of “even” and “odd“ switches.

Fig. 9. A two-port model of a capacitor.

From (15a) and (15b), we have

Q:(z) = c[@(z) - z-’/2vp(z)] (174
Q Z ( z ) = C [v ( z ) - z - ’ / ~ ~ ~ ( z ) ] . (17b)
This modified equivalent circuit satisfymg (17a) and (17b) is
shown in Fig. 8. Note that this circuit model is symmetrical.This
property can be used to simphfy the program implementationfor
the state variable approach describedearlier [13]. It is almost
identical to the toggle switched-capacitor equivalent circuit de-
scribed by Laker [16]. The slight deviation is due to a different
charge definition. Furthermore, 50-percent duty cycle switching
was assumed in [16]. As a result, we have the following charge
equations of a capacitor:
qf(n‘) = q:r(n‘) - q:r((n - 1/21‘) (18a)
q Z ( ( n + 1/2)‘) + 1/21‘) - q:r(n’)
= q:r((n (18b)
where qc and qcr denote,respectively,theinjectedcharge and
total chargestored in the capacitor.Equivalently, wehave the
following z-domain equations:
nents,thez-domainequivalentcircuits of theseswitchesare
shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, the z-domain equivalent circuit of the Q : ( z ) = Q:r(z> - ~ - ‘ ’ ~ Q : r ( z ) (194
parallel switched capacitor can be easily obtained by cascading and
the equivalent circuits of the capacitor and switches together as Q Z ( z ) = Q Z t ( z ) - z-1/2QCer(z). (19b)
shown in Fig. 5(b).Note that Vp(z) = v(
z), and V ( z ) = Vg( z ) .
Replacing Q c r ( z )by C V , ( z ) for both “even” and “odd” switch-
This parallelswitched-capacitorequivalentcircuit illustrates a
ing phases, we can obtain equations similar to (17a) and (1%).
physically separated structure. For further illustration, an equiva-
Using this approach, an extensive library of z-domain four-port
lent circuit of the switched-capacitor building block consisting of
equivalentcircuitsforthecommonly used switched-capacitor
a capacitor and an op-amp is shown in Fig. 7. It can be cascaded
building blocks had been compiled[16], [42].
with the parallel switched-capacitor equivalent circuitof Fig. 5 to
In an earlier work by Kurth and Moschytz [14], [15], a similar
form an equivalent circuit of an integrator. Based on this tech-
formulation was developed using the two-port method.Under the
nique,complexswitched-capacitorcircuits can beconstructed
two-portconcept,port-injectedcharges and port voltagesare
using various equivalent circuit building blocks.
used as variables. The tweport model of a capacitor, as shown in
An equivalent circuit of the parallel switched-capacitor with a Fig. 9, is described by the following two-port equations:
physically connected structure can be obtained by m g- the
“even” phase injected charge and voltage variables byfactor a of Ul(?ZT) = U2(nT) (204
z - ’ / ~ . Define and
Q : ( z ) = z-’12Qf(z) and @(z) = Z - ’ / ~ ~ ( Z ) . CU,(nT) = q 1 ( n T ) - 4 2 ( n T ) + CV1((n - 1)T) (20b)

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wherethesubscripts 1 and 2 indicate the port variables, and

T = T/2. In the z’-domain where we have defined z’ = z112,we

By decomposing the variables into “even” and “odd” compo-

nents,thez-domain two-port isrepresentedbythefollowing
four-port model:

where G e = C and Go= -Cz-’12.

Most equivalent circuit formulation approaches are based on
charge difference equationsand charge conservation principle. As
showninthepreviousexamples,subtledifferences in signal Fig. 10. A saitched-capacitorlow-pass circuit.
definitionscanlead to differentequivalentcircuitrepresenta-
tions. Various types of equivalentcircuitsseem to be possible vector of input voltages, and all the matrices are constant coeffi-
depending on the approaches used[36]-[41]. For example,by cientmatrices.Thesematrices, can beexpressed in terms of
restricting the signalto change only once per clock cycle, simpler circuit coefficient matrices whose elements are directly relatedto
switched-capacitorequivalentcircuitmodelscanbedeveloped the types of switched-capacitor branchesof the functional blocks
[37], [39]. Using bilinear transformation on the z-domain models,
[43]. In other words, each switched-capacitor branchin the circuit
continuous-times-domain modelswhich arevalidup to the is accounted for individuallyby appropriate entries in the circuit
Nyquist frequency can bederived[39].Mostofthe equivalent coefficientmatrices. This approachprovidesastraightforward
circuits weredevelopedwithsimplicity in mind. Furthermore, procedure to construct the P, Q, R , and S matrices from the
many of them were constructed according to the structure of the u s e r - s w e d circuit topology and parameter values.
existing computer simulation programs. Example 5: Consider a switched-capacitor low-pass circuit as
shown in Fig. 10. The circuit consistsof two functional blocks(or
Lee and Jenkins [43] introduced a distinctly different equiva-
op-amps). All the switched-capacitor branches can be identified
lent circuit formulation basedon the macromodeling concept. In
their approach, the switched-capacitor circuit is partitioned into as parallelswitched-capacitorbranches.The operation of the
functional blocks. Each functional block consists of an op-amp parallelswitched-capacitor circuitbranch involves “charging”
and an interconnection of capacitorsandswitchesclustering when charges flow fromindependent or dependent sou~cesto the
around it. The op-amp serves as a focal point and its output is capacitor, and “discharging” when charges flow from the capaci-
taken as the output of the functional block. In this way, a nodal tor to the summing node of the op-amp. These parallel switched-
voltage vectoru of the switched-capacitor circuitis defined as the capacitor branches in the circuit are characterized by the follow-
nodal voltages at the outputs of the functional blocks(and which, ing circuit coefficient matrices [43]:
by definition, is avector of all op-amp output voltages). This Cl c 3
leads to an efficient circuit formulation as the network equations
w lihave matrices of dimension generally much smallerthan that
of the previous network formulations.
The principle and the formulation derived from this partition-
ing approach can be applied to any general switched-capacitor
circuits. However,by restricting to practical switched-capacitor
circuits ofwhich internal nodesarevoltagedriven,virtual wherethe A matricescontainingelements of capacitor ratios
grounded, or physically grounded, this approach has been found indicate the connectionof the capacitorsduring the “discharging”
to bevery useful. The modeling approach foyows the previous phase, and the B and C matrices containing elements of 1, - 1,
discussion of constructing time-invariant circuit models for dif- and 0 indicatetheconnection of thecapacitorsduringthe
ferent switching phases. Using the charge conservation principle “charging” phase.
for each functional block, we have the following general time- The relations of the above circuit coefficient matrices to the
domain formulation of a two-phase circuit: matrices of (23a) and (23b) are given below
P e u ( ( n - 1/2)T) = Q‘U((. - 1)T) p‘ =p o =I Re=Ro=O
Qe = I - AeBo = - AOB‘
-ReuI((n - 1/2)T) + Seur((n - 1)T) (23a)
S e = -AeCo and

So= -A°Ce.
and Note that circuit coefficient matrices of the series switched-capa-
P0u(nT) = Q b ( ( n - 1/2)T) - R%(nT) citor and the unswitched capacitor branches are not included in
the above relationssince they are not used in this example. Using
+SouI((n - 1/2)T) (23b)
(23a) and (23b) and theaboverelations, we can obtain the
where u is the vector of functional blockoutput voltages, uI is the following basic charge conservation equations:

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"even" phase

o(n - 1/2)T =

.q(n - l)T
"odd" phase

In [43], separate "even" and "odd" phase t-domain equations

were derived and solved by a special computer program. Due to
reported to be very fast in analyzing practical switched-capacitor
circuits. Again, the efficiency is mostly a result of the fact that
the dimension of the nodal voltage vectoris equal to the number
of op-amps contained in the circuit. Note that a related charge
formulationtechnique usingthe state variable approach was
reported by Fang et al. [12].Their approach allows nonlinear,
time-varyingelementsintheformulation. For mostpractical
circuits, the dimension of the state vector is substantially smaller G i * C i I T , Y i = -G i ( 2 - S T ) / (2+IT), i a 1,2,3
than that of the conventional state variable approach. However,
the solution to such a general formulation requires invertinga set (b)
of nonlinear equations. But for the case of linear, time-invariant Fig. 11. A switched-capacitor integrator and its s-domainequivaient circuit.
switched-capacitor circuits considered above, the samekind of
computational efficiency as the macromodel approach w liresult. has the advantage of accommodating independent discrete-time
Based on a similar macromodel formulation expressed in the voltage sources in a natural way, it suffers the disadvantage of
z-domain, Temes and Muller [ a ] developed s-domain equivalent requiring additional computation to obtain the desired outputs.
networkmodels that aresuitablefor standard analogcircuit A differentmethod of analyzingswitched-capacitorcircuits
analysis programs. Their formulation hasthe following form: using the hybrid matrix approach had also been proposed [45].
"even" phase By extracting all switches and switch-source combinations from
a switched-capacitor circuit, the remaining portion of the circuit
KeUe(2)+ z-'L'u"(r) + M e u ; ( z ) + z-'N'u;(r) = 0 is an n-port time-invariant network which can be characterized
(244 by a hybrid matrix. Computational effort of this method clearly
depends on the number of switches. Consequently,this method is
"odd" phase
most advantageous when the number of switches is smaller than
K " o " ( z ) z-'L"o'(z) +M " U , O ( Z ) + z-'N"o;(z) = 0. the number of nodes and/or the number of capacitors. Unfor-
tunately, this is not always true for MOS realization of practical
switched-capacitor circuits.
The nonzero elements of the K and M matrices represent the As in thecaseof lineartime-invariantcircuits, the tableau
conductances of the two two-phase models, whereas the nonzero approach had also been used to analyze switched-capacitor cir-
elements of the L and N matrices represent the coupling con- cuits [&I,[47]. This approach lists all possible relations among
ductances of the two models. In [ a ] , the rules for constructing circuit variablesand parameters in a tableau form.By eliminating
theseelementswerediscussedforfivebasicswitched-capacitor certain variables, the tableau formulation can be reduced to all
branches. In order to derive the equivalent circuit models, the z-' other formulations discussed earlier. Although the dimension of
variables of the above equations are combined with the coupling the tableau is very large, the computational effort isvery modest
conductance to form coupling admittances prior to the bilinear if one employs a proper sparse matrix technique.
t-to-s transformation. As an example, an equivalent circuit model A topologicalanalysiscanprovide a closed-formanalytical
of a switched-capacitor integrator isshowninFig. 11. Using solution of the transfer functionof a switched-capacitor network.
continuous circuit elementsto represent the coupling admittances The result is often expressed in a symbolic form. Usually that is
[ a ] , this equivalent circuit model can be analyzed by any stan- not possiblefromthepreviouslydescribedformulationswhich
dard continuous circuit analysis program. aredesigned to obtain numericalsolutions.Severalpapers
[48]-[SO] on this subjectusinggraphmodelswerepublished.
Using tree-enumeration algorithms, the symbolic t-domain trans-
E. Other FormulationTechniques
ferfunctionexpressed in z andcircuitparameters werede-
Other than theseveralpopularformulationtechniquesde- termined. It is clear that we can obtain numerical data from the
scribed in the previous subsections, additiona? approaches have symbolic expressions. However, the computer implementation of
beenpublished in the literature. In this subsection we shall the topological approach, in general, requires special attention in
briefly mention them for completeness. order to reducethestoragerequirements and the computation
In contrast to the nodal approaches described earlier, a loop time.
equation formulation technique had been proposed [MI. Multi- A special class of switched-capacitor filters using voltage in-
phaseswitcheswereconsidered.However,theformulationwas verter switches (VIS) was introduced by Fettweis [ S l ] , [52]. Due
given only for the sampled-data case. Although the loop analysis to the characteristics of the recharging devices, the operation of

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the circuits can bemodeledbywaveflowdiagramssimilar to

those of wave digital filters. Special techniques for analyzingthis
type of circuits had been proposed[53], [54]. In addition, equiva-
lent circuit and nodal charge formulations had also been devel-
oped for analyzing VIS switched-capacitor filters [51], [54], [55].
The equivalent circuits include thoseof the elementary switched-
capacitor one-ports and a switched-capacitor n-port terminated
by recharging devices with individualcurrent gains [55]. Another
important class of switched-capacitor circuits, containing periodi-
callyreversedcapacitors, can bedesigned through the use of
bilinearz-transform [56]. For this class of circuits,frequency-
domain solutions had been obtained by Orchard and Temes [57]
from the s-domain transfer functions of the prototype active RC
circuits. It should be noted that although we havementioned
these specialized analysis techniques, the general switched-capaci-
tor analysistechniquesdiscussedearlier can alsobe used for
tI r - l
I -

111. TIME-,
Once a formulation techniqueis adopted, we can proceed with
the time-, z-, and frequency-domain analyses. It is not possible
nor warranted to present the analysis techniques used in each of
the formulations described in the previous section. Instead, we (d)
w l
liemphasizeonlythebasiccharacteristics of theseanalyses Fig. 12. Time-domain waveforms of an ideal switched-capacitor integrator.
here. Whenever appropriate, we w iuse the state variable formu-
lation for more detailed discussions. We shall begin by consider-
ing the following example.
Example 6: From Example 1, we let u , ( t ) = sinwt, C, = C, =
1, a = 00, and T, = T/2. The state and output equations of the
switched-capacitorintegrator become

x,(t) = u,(t) = sinwt
X2(t) = x2(nT-) , nT < t Q (n + 1/2)T
A t ) = uo(t) = -x2(t)

Xl(t) = 0
X2(t) = xl[(n + 1/2)T-] + x2[(n + 1/2)T-] , w
A t ) = ucI(t) = --X2(t)
( n + 1/2)T< t Q ( n + 1)T.
The time-domain solutions can be easily constructed as shown
in Fig. 12, assuming a given initial condition x2(0-). It should be .W
noted that the output of this integrator consists of two compo- 0
nents: transient and steady-state. The transient component will (d)
disappear and the output will reach its steady-state as time Fig. 13. The z- and frequency-domain responses of an ideal switched-capaci-
elapses. It is alsoclearfromFig. 12 that the output of this tor integrator.
integrator remains unchanged if the input is a sampled sinusoid
as indicated by the dashed curve in Fig. 12(a). If the output is When the signals are not sampled, the r-domain solution is no
also sampled, then a sampled-data relationship between the input longer valid,and a complete frequency-domain solution is needed.
and output can be derived. Assuming the output is sampled at Let V , ( w ) be the Fourier transform of the input u,(t), then the
t = ( n + 1/2)T-, then Fourier transform of the output v,( t ) can be expressedas
u o [ ( n + 1/2)T-] = - u l [ ( n - 1/2)T-] + u o [ ( n - 1/2)T-].
Vo(w) = C T , ( w ) V ( w - nw,)
Using the z-transform,we obtain the transfer function
-z-l where T,( w ) is a transfer functionwhich relates the shifted input
T ( z )= - spectrum at no, to the output. As it will be shown in Example 7,
1 - 2-1 the exact T , ( w ) for this example is
where z = eJuT. However,ifwe sample the output at t = (n + @T- 1 -1
l)T-, then the transfer function becomes T " ( W ) = -~ ( - 1 ) " = -(-1)"
l-z-l jwT JUT
T'(2) = - For illustration, both the input and output spectra are sketched
1 - 2-1 in Fig. 13@) and (c), respectively. If the switching frequency is
The z-domain solutions obtained above are periodic with the lessthan twice themaximumsignalfrequency,aliasing of the
equal tolicensed
the switching frequencyf' = 1/T [ s e e Fig. 13(a)]. input spectrum w li occur. In most applications,theswitching
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Fig. 14. Time-domain waveform decomposition of a continuous input signal.

frequency is much higher than the maximum signal frequency in

order to reduce the complexity of the antialiasing filter design.
Notice that the c(w ) contains a factor T( z). Also, one is often
interested in the baseband transfer function, i.e., T,( w ) when
n = 0. In this case, we have
To(w ) = -
[see Fig. 13(d)].
Theaboveresults indicate that if theswitchmgfrequencyis
Fig. 15. A block diagram representation of signal components in a switched-
greater than twice the maximum signal frequency, the switched- capacitor circuit.
capacitor integrator acts exactly like the analog integrator as far
as the baseband transfer function is concerned.If both input and It follows then
output are sampled, then the z-domain transfer function is L 2 [ ( n+ 1 ) T - ] = L2(nT-).
-1 Substituting the above relation into (l), we obtain
T(Z)l2=pT= -
jw T
L 2 ( n T - ) = (,''I - F 2 4 ) - 1 [ F 2 G l e s T+1 G2e"].
for sufficiently largef,.
In theaboveexample,variousforms of thesolution of a Once we have computed the above initial condition, the steady-
switched-capacitor integrator are discussed. In most applications, state responsecanbeeasilycomputedforthe entire period,
only the z- or frequency-domain solution is of interest to circuit n T < t < ( n + 1 ) T. The above technique has been used forother
designers. However, when dealing with practical device imperfec- formulations to obtain the steady-state solution.
tions, the time-domain solutionmay also be of interest to circuit Since most of the circuit designers are interested in the z- or
designers. Since most of the formulation techniques are basedon frequency-domain solution, we shall discuss it in more detail in
thetime-domain, to obtain atime-domainsolutionis rather theremainder of this section. As discussedintheprevious
straightforward.Almost all researchers [20], [21], [24], [43] used a section, some formulation techniques can only yield the z-domain
purely numericalapproach to obtain the time-domain solution.If solution while others can obtain the complete frequency-domain
one is only interested in the steady-state solution, a great dealof solution. The formof a solution may be different due to different
computation is wasted during the transient period. However, this formulation techniques. However, the basic properties should be
approach is generalinthe sense that it can handle nonideal the same. We shall illustrate some of the basic properties below.
components in the circuit. In Fig. 14, we see that a continuous input signal q ( t ) (assuming
On the other hand, thesteady-statesolution of aswitched- a two-phase situation) can be decomposed into a piecewise-con-
capacitor circuit can be obtained efficiently by utilizing an ana- stant component e,( t ) and a remainder component 6,(t). Both
lytical property of the system. For illustration, we w li apply a E , ( t ) and 4 ( r ) canbe further decomposed into components
technique developed bySun [lo] to the state variable formulation. belonging to switchingintervals A1 and A 2 . It was shownby
Let the input signal u ( t ) be severalresearchers [8], [26], [35], I581 that the output of a
switched-capacitor circuitoo( t ) consists of two components eo(t )
u ( t ) = ue".
and $ ( t ) (see Fig. 15). 6,(t) is apiecewise-constant output
Since the circuit is linear, periodically time-varying, the steady- signal of a discrete system characterizing the switched-capacitor
state (or particular) solution of ( 1 ) may be expressed as circuit with the piecewise-constant input Or( t ) . Q( t ) is a piece-
wise-continuous signal resulting from the remainder component
Xk(t) =Lk(t)Ue", t E A k , k = 1,2
of the input signalgoingthroughthefeedthrough path of the
where L k ( t )Authorized
, k = 1,2licensed
are periodic with
use limited period TdeatMontréal.
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15 apply.

Fig. 16. A detailed block diagram representation of the discrete system in

Fig. 15.

switched-capacitor circuit does not have a feedthroughpath (such ;*,MI

as in thecaseof theswitched-capacitor integrator) thenthe
output is always piecewise-constant, regardless of the form of the
input. On the other hand, if the input is piecewise-constant (i.e.,
no remaindercomponent)thenthe output is also piecewise-
constant even if the circuit contains a feedthrough path. Using
the state variable formulation for the twephase situation [8], the
outputs of a switched-capacitor circuit due to the piecewise-con-
stant component and the remainder component inputs can be
obtained viatheblockdiagramsshown in Figs. 16 and 17,
respectively. TheH ’s in Fig. 16 can be expressedas
Fig. 17. A detailed block diagram representation of the feedthrough path in
H l l ( Z ) = C1@2(Z)GlZ + Dl Fig. 15.

H 1 2 ( z ) = C1@2(Z)FlG2Z
H21(z) = C 2 @ l ( Z ) ~ 2 G l
?,(o) = D,V,,(o) + D2V1,(o)
H 2 2 ( z ) = C2@1(Z)G2Z+ D2 (25)
1 - e-joT1
where p . l < u >= [01,n - jwT eJ(w-nw,)rl


= (ZZ

= (ZZ
- F2Fl)-l
- FlF2)-l V,2(4 = [ e2.n -
1- e-iw(T-rd
joT ejw(T-r~) 1; V,(w - no,)
and the C’s, D’s, F’s, and G’s are the coefficient matrices given
1- e-inw,T1
in (1) and (2), and I is the identity matrix. Note that both the = 71
01, n = n # 0;
samplingswitches in Fig. 16 close at the
time instant just before jno,T ’
nT. As result
a of the way
we define u,(t) and o,(t), the output e-Jnw,rl - e-jnu,T
o,(t) in Fig. 16 remains
unaffected if we replace E , ( t ) by u,(t). 02, n
j n osT
, n # 0; 02,0 = 1 -T
Consequently, the Fourier transform of the signals immediately
after thesamplingswitches can be expressedrespectively as Thecompletesolution in thefrequency-domain is
V,(o) = vo(w) + V,(o) = C T n ( o ) V , ( o- no,) (27)
where T.(a)is the transfer function discussed earlier.
Example 7: Consider the switched-capacitor integrator shown

T n
VI(0 - no,)
in Example 1 with a + m. From (25) and (26) we obtain
D l = 6, = 0

where V,(o) is theFouriertransform of the input u,(t). Let

v,(a)be the Fourier transform of eo( t ) . From Fig. 16 we obtain H12(z) = H22(z) = 0

In Fig. 17, i , k ( t ) , k = 1,2, are the remainder components of -(cl/Cdz-l

the input signal
during the
intervals A , and A 2 as z-zl,(Z) = H 2 1 ( z ) =
depicted in Fig. 14. The 6 ’ s represent feedthrough paths of the 1 -z-1 *

switched-capacitor circuit, and are given as Note that there

is no feedthroughcomponent at the output of the
integrator. The block diagram for the piecewise-constant output
D k = +
CkCk D , , k = 1,2. (26) can bereduced to the one shown in Fig. 18. The T,(0)of the
Let ?,(a) and F,,(o) betheFourier transform of $ ( t ) and completefrequency-domainsolution of the integrator output is
[see 6,k (then
t ) , respectively, (271
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Fig. 18. A block diagram representation of an ideal switched-capacitor in-


Fig. 19. A special case of Fig. 16 under 50-percent duty cycle.

When C, = C, and T, = T/2, the above result reduces to the one

given in Example 6. For the baseband transfer function ( n = 0),
we have
Fig. 20. A switched-capacitor integrator with a frequency-dependent op-amp.
- c,/cz
To(W ) =

The rightmost functional block in Fig. 18 represents a reverse SWITCHED-CAPACITOR
zeroth-order hold and a delay ( T J operation. Ifwe sample the When a switched-capacitor circuit is implementedusing MOS
output at t = nT + T; , then the z-domain transfer function is technology,variousforms of imperfections may occur. It is
-(cl/cz)z-l extremely important to take these imperfectionsinto design con-
T(z) = sideration. Otherwise,a designer may encounter some unexpected
1 - z-1
results. Imperfections may be characterized as linear, nonlinear,
Thereisone additional property of thefrequency-domain or statistical in nature. Different analysis techniques are needed
solution which is worth mentioning. From (25), if we let Fl = F, for differentkinds of imperfections. In this section, we shall
= 0 then discuss each one of them briefly.
Hll( z) = CICl + Dl =D l A. Linear Impe$ections
Hz, ( z ) = C2G2+ D2 = D z Linearimperfections in a switched-capacitorcircuitinclude
H,, ( z ) = H,, (z) = 0. parasitic capacitances, switch resistances, and finite gain-band-
width product of op-amps. The imperfections such as the linear
In otherwords,thefeedthroughcoefficientmatricescan be parasitic capacitances and finite gainof op-amps can be handled
obtained from Hll(z) and HZ2(z)by decoupling the state vari- by analysis techniques discussed previously. However, other im-
ablesfromoneswitchinginterval to another. This important perfections require different analysis techniques and will be the
property has been utilized by Kuo et al. [13]for obtaining the focus of our discussion here.
complete frequency-domain solution using an equivalent circuit Let us firstdiscusstheimperfectionsdue to the finite gain-
approach. bandwidth product of an op-amp. As an illustration, we consider
Whentheswitchingintervalsareequal,i.e., T~ = T/2,the theswitched-capacitor integrator shown in Fig. 20 where the
block diagram in Fig. 16 can be reduced to the one shown in Fig. op-amp is modeled bya transfer function
19. Other than thezeroth-orderhold operation in Fig. 19, the
entire analysiscanbeperformedinthez1/2-domain. In many
practical applications, only one sample per switching period is
used for signal processing. This means that only one of the H ' s where GB is a constant representing the gain-bandwidthproduct
needs to be evaluated as the z-domain transfer function. and w0 is thepole radian frequency.Thecorrespondingtime-
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domain equation is u(t) = ul(t). Then, it is easy to find that

Temes [59] solved the above differential equation coupled with

the equations governing the ideal switched-capacitor integrator in -GB -GB - w o ] to
the time domain. Linear difference equations relating the input
and output of the integrator were then derived from the time- -- 1 1
- 0
domain solution. Finally, the t-domain transfer function of &e C,R C,R
integrator was obtained from the difference equations. A similar
analysis technique wasalso used by Martin and Sedra [60] for the
inverting and noninverting integrators with the op-amp modeled
-GB -GB-wO
- GB
C, C, = [0 0 11
= Dl = D2 = 0
A ( s ) = -. Fl = F2 = Z
S G, = G, = 0.
Simple and usefulformulas were obtained to predictapproxi- The exact frequency-domain solution of the output can be ob-
mately the performanceof higher order switchedcapacitor filters. tained by substituting the above set of matrices into an explicit
Recently, Geiger and Sanchez-Sinencio [61] extended the above formula given in [6]. Recently, additional worksusingsimilar
analysis technique to handle switched-capacitor filterscontaining approaches but specifically designed for switched-capacitor cir-
any number of smgle-pole opamps. It has been generally recog- cuits were also published [65], [66].
nizedthattheanalysis of this type of problem is extremely Although an ideal switched-capacitor circuit appears to be a
tedious. Any attempt to perform an analysis by hand beyond the special class of theaboveformulation,aclosed-formsolution
second-orderfilteris very difficult. Thus aCAD approach is canuot be obtained by simply letting the switch-on and Switch-off
needed. Several approaches had been proposed in that direction. resistances approach zero and infinity, respectively. However, if
We shall briefly mention them below. One approach developed ,
we let A = 0 and Bk = jo&k, where wo is the cisoidal input
an equivalent circuit model for the single-pole op-amps[62]. The radian frequency, then the above formulation reduces to (1) and
circuit,consisting of this op-amp equivalentmodeland other (2).
circuitcomponents, can then be simulatedusingexistingpro- Other than the state-variableapproach described above, several
grams. Another approach derived an admittance matrix in the different techniques of analyzing switched-capacitor circuits with
z-domain forthe op-amp which was also modeled by a single-pole linear imperfections of various degree of applicabilities had also
[63]. This admittancematrix was thenembedded in alinear been reported in the literature [27], [67l,[68].
time-invariant circuit analysis program basedon a definite nodal
admittance formulation. The above result was later extended to B. Noise Analysis
include multipole opamps [HIIt .should be pointed out that the
above-mentioned CAD approaches can analyze only linear im- For a linear time-varying circuit, it is well established that the
perfections due to op-amps approximately. output of the circuit y ( t ) can be expressed as the convolution
integral of the input u ( t ) and the impulse responseh ( t , T ) ~
As mentioned earlier, another kind of linear imperfections is
due to the nonzero switch resistances.The effect of this imperfec-
tion and also that of the nonideal op-ampson a switched-capaci-
h ( f , T ) U ( T ) d7. (31)
tor circuit is that the capacitor voltages w li fail to charge or For the periodically switched-capacitor circuit under considera-
discharge fully during a switching interval. The behavior of the tion, we have
circuit has to be modeled, in general, by differential difference m
equations. The exact solution to this type of equations had been h(t, T ) = Fn(r - 7)ejno~' (32)
obtained by Liou [6]. Although the technique was intended for n = --m
switchedactive RC low-passfilterapplications, it can also be where t ( t ) is theinverseFouriertransform of thetransfer
used to analyze switched-capacitor circuits with linear imperfec- function T n ( w ) discussed in Section III. It can be shown that if
tions. the input u ( t ) is a stationary stochastic process, then the output
Using the standard state variable formulation with two-phase y ( t ) is periodically stationary [SI,that is,
switching operation, we have

where E { } denotesmathematicalexpectation and * denotes

Let S u ( o )be the spectral density of the input u ( r ) . Then the
average output spectral density S,(w) is given by [8]
A closed-form frequency-domain solution for the above set of -m
equationswithacisoidal input was obtained [6]. We shall il-
lustrate the above formulation with the following example. S,W =
n- - m
Su(w - "%)lT,(W)I2. (35)
Example 8: Considerthesameswitched-capacitor integrator
The above formula can be applied to compute the output noise
given in Fig. 20 with A ( s ) modeled as (28). In addition, we
assume that the switch has a switch-on resistance R. Let x l ( t ) ,
x , ( t ) , and x , ( t ) be the state variables.with X,(Z)= u o ( t ) and 6For simplicity,the case of single input and single output is assumed.
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m u ’ s constant, and T is the absolute temperature in Kelvins.

The total noise power integrated over the entire frequency range
yields k T / C , which is independent of R,. An equivalent noise
model with uniform spectral density of ZkTR, and equal total
power can be defined in the frequency band Beg = 1 / 2 R ,PC. For
R , = R,, + QO , the correspondingBq approaches zero.Its noise
effect is a slowly varying (dc) offset voltage whichwill be ignored
in the following analysis.
Fig. 21. A noise model of a switch.
Since RonC is assumed to be much less than 1/2nfS, the effect
of Ron on the transfer functions of the switched-capacitor circuit
can be neglected. When samplingat f,, the output noise spectrum
of Fig. 21 can be expressed in terms of the noise source spectrum
S U ( w ) ,modeled by S c s ( ~ ) l R , = Ras, shown below

n= - m

where T~ is the duty cycle and sinc ( x ) = sin ( x ) / x . The spectral

4hTReq Af
density across the capacitor thus has two components; the first
Fig. 22. A noise model of au op-amp. term is dueto the direct noise feedthrough and the second term is
due to the sample-and-hold noise contribution. Further simplifi-
spectrum of aswitched-capacitorcircuit, if the noise source cation can be made by replacing the MOS switch noise source
spectrum can be adequately modeled, and the transfer function spectrum by its equivalent source, i.e.,
T,( a) from the noise source to the output can be determined.
Notice that, from (35), for a wide-bandinput noise spectrum, the
output noise is generallyenhancedbecause of thespectrum
foldover effects. elsewhere.
In switched-capacitorcircuits,thereare two majornoise Note that the noise bandwidth Beq ismuchgreater than the
sources, one is the switch “on” resistance noise and the other is sampling frequency [see(36)].
the op-amp noise. These noise sources can be modeled as shown The noise source of the op-amp is modeled by an equivalent
in Figs. 21 and 22, respectively. We assume that alldifferent white noise plus l / f noise as shown in Fig. 22. The white noise
noise sources in the circuit are uncorrelated. Hence, their contri- component has an infinite bandwidth. Therefore, in calculating
butions to the output noise spectrum can be separately evaluated the output noise spectrum, using(35), the finite bandwidth of the
accordmg to (35), and theresultsare summed together.Exact practical op-amp must be taken into account. Allowing infinite
noise analysis of switched-capacitor circuits taking into account bandwidth for the op-amp may result in an unrealistically large
the nonzero switch-on resistance and the finite gain-bandwidth output spectrum due to the foldover effects. Computation of the
product of the op-amp is not simple. In order to simpllfy the transfer functions for a general sFtched-capacitor circuit con-
noise analysis, some realistic approximations are usually made. In taining finite bandwidth op-ampsis not trivial. In practice, some
the following, we shall assume that the time constants associated simpllfylng approximations are usually made in order to obtain
withthevariouscapacitancesandthe “on” resistance of the mathematically tractable results [70]-[74].
MOS switchesaremuchsmaller than thesamplingperiod, in Recently, Fischer [75] proposed a noise simulation technique
order to enable proper charge transfer to take place without the for a general switched-capacitor circuit using the SPICE program.
consideration of transients. Furthermore, the op-ampunit He made further simplifications on the noise models and p r e
gain-bandwidth f T is greater than thesamplingfrequency f , . posedanequivalentcontinuous (not switched) RC circuit for
Thus SPICEnoisesimulation.Bothwide-bandnoiseand l / f noise
were considered.
For a circuit containing many noise sources, the technique of
adjoint networkanalysis to bediscussed in Section V can be
Consider the shunted switched-capacitor circuitof Fig. 21. We employed to efficiently compute the transfer functions from the
wish to evaluate the spectral density of the noise voltage S,( a) noise source to the output.
across the capacitor. Following the works of Gobet and Knob
[69], [70],we assume that S,( W ) is due to the thermal noiseof the C. Distortion Analysis
MOS transistor drain-source resistance. Thus the equivalent static
noise source depends on the clock phase +. The spectral density In a practical MOS switched-capacitor circuit, there existnon-
of the static noise Scs(a) across the capacitor is then linear circuit elements suchas parasitic junction capacitances and
nonlinear op-amp gaincharacteristics.Thesenonidealcircuit
2 kTR, elements are generallyof weakly nonlinear nature, and introduce
S C S ( 0 ) = (37) various kinds of distortion to the output of the circuit. There are
1 +(oR,C)’
two approaches to the distortion analysis of switched-capacitor
where R , = Ron (+ high) and R , = R,, (+ low), are the “on” circuits;one is in thetime-domain and the other in the
and “off’ resistances of theswitch,respectively, k is the Boltz- frequency-domain.
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A time-domain approach to computing distortion was dis- solve the sensitivity network. Secondly, to construct the right-hand
cussed by DeMan et al. [21], where the nonlinear network equa- side (RHS) of thesensitivity equation, weneed to solvethe
tions weresolved in eachswitchingintervalusingNewton- original network for X , and to compute a A ( z ) / a A and a Y / d h .
Raphson techniques. The computation of frequency-domain dis- Once that is done, we can solve the sensitivity network equation
tortion products requires that the time-domain steady-state re- the same way as the original networkequation. This is referred to
sponse be computedandanalyzed via thetransformmethods as the direct approach.
(such as FFT). This procedure has two major disadvantages: i) In [77], this direct approach was used to obtain the z-domain
the nonlinear network equations must solvedbe in each switching sensitivityequations.The partial derivativeswithrespect to a
interval, and ii) an excessive number of solution points may be parameter X were taken on the “even” and “odd” time-domain
needed to attain a steady-state solution. equations that were based on modified nodal formulation. Then,
A frequency-domain approach forcomputingtheharmonic separate “even” and “odd” z-domain sensitivity equations were
distortions of asampled-dataswitchedcapacitorcircuit was derived using the z-transform. To simphfy the evaluation of the
discussedbyDavis[76].UsingtheVolterraseriesmethod,the RHS ofthe sensitivity equations, general expressions were pre-
nonlinear circuit was first linearized with nonlinearities (such as sented for special cases of X including capacitors, op-amp gains,
second- and third-orderterms, etc.) considered as distortion and capacitor ratios.
sources.Thefrequency-domaincomponents of these distortion In the direct approach, we compute .the complete sensitivity
sources were iterativelycomputed usingthesolutions of the vector a X / a A . However, in most cases, we are interested in the
linearized networkequation and the coefficients of the nonlinear- sensitivity of asinglescalarvariable,such as an output node
ities. For weakly nonlinear networks, only a few iterations were voltagewithrespect to a number of different circuit elements
found to be sufficient to obtain accurate results.This approach is (say, N capacitors). Under such a condition,we w lineed to solve
far more efficient than the time-domain approach and can be thesensitivitynetwork N times if wewere to usethe direct
readily implemented as an option in a general switched-capacitor approach. It iswellknown that this type of problems can be
analysis program. The adjoint network approach can also be used solved more efficiently by the adjoint system approach because
to efficiently compute the transfer functions from many distor- only one original and oneadjoint network analyses are necessary.
tion sources to the output. Switched-capacitor adjoint networkwas derived in [78] for the
Although not discussed elsewhere, the Volterra series method modified nodal formulation, and in [79] using a modified Telle-
can also be readily extended to the computation of intermodula- gen’s theorem, which is independent of the method of formula-
tion distortions of sample-data circuits. With additional algebra tion. The construction of the switched-capacitor adjoint network
for computing thedistortion sources, the Volterra seriesapproach follows the usual procedure of constructing the adjoint for linear
canalsobeused to performdistortionanalysis of switched- time-invariant network.For example, the corresponding relation-
capacitor circuits with continuousinputs. ships of thecontrolledsourcesintheoriginalcircuit and the
adjoint network are the sameas those of the linear, time-invariant
V. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS network case with charge variables replacing current variables.
However,thetimedependency of all time-varyingelements in
The sensitivity information of a circuit is important to circuit
one periodhas to bereversed. As anexample,the adjoint
designers. Such information can be used to predict performance
network of an integrator isshown on Fig. 23. Thecontrolled
degradation caused by the variation in the circuit parameters. In
charge source of the adjoint networkin Fig. 23@) corresponds to
the literature, a few z-domain switched-capacitor sensitivity anal-
the controlled voltage source of the original networkin Fig. 23(a).
ysis techniques had been published.These include a direct sensi-
Due to the reversion of time in a period, the yo-phase, switches
tivity network approach [58], [77], an adjoint network approach
S‘ and So of theoriginalnetwork become S‘ and So in the
[78], [79], and a specialized sensitivity approach for the second-
adjoint network, respectively, and il = T - T ~ .In [78], a proce-
and third-order switched-capacitor filters [go]. In the following,
dure wasdevelopedforderivingtheadjointnetwork equation
we shall only discuss the two general approaches. We shall also
directly from the original network equation. Based on the solu-
restrict ourselves to two-phase switched-capacitor examples, al-
tion of the adjoint network equation, several derivatives of trans-
though the adjoint network approach was developed for multi- ferfunctionwithrespect to a capacitor, avoltage-controlled
phase switched-capacitor circuits. As we will see later, the sensi- voltage source, clock switchmg time, etc., were also presented. It
tivity analysis of switched-capacitor circuits is similar to that of should be noted that the adjoint network approach is also very
the linear time-invariant circuits. efficient in performingnoise and distortion analyses of switched-
In thez-domain,theswitched-capacitorcircuitcanbede- capacitor circuits.
scribed by a matrix equation, A ( z ) X = Y where A (I) is the
network matrix, X is the solution vector, and Y is the forcing VI. AN OVERVIEW OF CAD TECHNIQUES
vector. This generalform of equation can bederiveddirectly
fromthetime-domainformulationequationsdiscussedearlier In Section 11,wehave discussedvariousswitched-capacitor
[25], [26], [58]. The sensitivity of the vector X , with respect to a network formulation approaches. Based on these formulations, a
single circuit parameterA, is defined as the partial derivative of X variety of CAD programs for simulating the switched-capacitor
with respect to X . Therefore, by taking the partial derivative of circuits had been developedin the last few years. Some programs
the z-domain matrix equation, we can obtain thefollowing z- were developed for specific formulations and others were devel-
domain sensitivity equations: oped using theavailablelineartime-invariantcircuitanalysis
programs.Sincethetime-varying,switched-capacitorcircuit is
more complex than its time-invariant counterpart, the algebraic
and computational aspects of the switched-capacitor simulation
From this sensitivity matrix equation,we first observe that the programshave receivedmuch attention. Thevariousmethods
sensitivitynetworkmatrix, A ( z ) , isidentical to theoriginal used in the CAD programs differ mainly in the way the network
network matrix. This means that if we solve the original network equations are set up, and how the equations are manipulated and
using LU decomposition, we can apply the same LU factors to solved. Almost all CAD programs have the z- and/or frequency-
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$0 -ru
nT nTtr, nT+T

Fig. 23. An adjoint equivalent circuit of a switched-capacitorintegrator.

domain analysis capability. Some programs may have the time- circuit can then be readily derived from theI A M . To improve the
domain, sensitivity, and noise analysis capabilities. A few pro- computational efficiency, the IAM analysis in [MI was combined
grams may also include nonideal circuit elements, such as non- with the modified nodal analysis to obtain the transfer function
zeroswitch “on” resistances,nonlinear stray junction capaci- coefficients of the switched-capacitor circuit.
tances, and finitegain-bandwidth product of theop-amps. A Anequivalentcircuitcanprovidecircuitdesignerswitha
survey of computerprogramsfor CAD of switched-capacitor pictorial representation of the switched-capacitor circuit. Such a
circuits had been compiled by Vandewalle[81]. Although it is not representation can often provide insight about the operation of
exhaustive, it gives the reader some idea about the features and thecircuit. In Section 11-D, we havediscussedsomebasic z-
limitations of the CAD programs. Also, an overviewof CAD domainequivalentcircuitmodels.Based on thesemodels,one
techniques for switched-capacitor circuitswas discussed by Clae- can readily derive transfer functions for simple switched-capaci-
sen et al. [33]. In the following, only the essential aspects of the tor circuits usingpencilandpaper.However,forcomplex
CAD techniques will be discussed. switched-capacitor circuits,we will have to rely on the computer
The modified nodalapproach is widely used in the modem-day to assist the analyses. Unlike the other circuit formulations, the
CAD programs, such as the SPICE program. The sameapproach equivalent circuit formulation is suitablefor the readily available
has alsobeenwidely adapted for thesimulation of switched- circuit analysis programs. Using the subcircuit capabilityof some
capacitor circuits. TheDIANA program, developed by DeManet programs,thecoding of theswitched-capacitorcircuit to its
al. [21],[26], implementsamethodfordirectlysettingupthe equivalent circuit form can be automated [13]. Severalexisting
modifiednodalequationsusingwell-definedcircuit “stamps” programs such as SPICE and CAPECOD for frequency-domain
and Boolean-controlled switches.In this way, only one network switched-capacitor circuit analysis had been presented [13], [31],
matrix is used to represent the circuit for allclock phases. This is [37],[41]. Oneadvantage ofusing existingprogramsis that
different from the modified nodal approaches proposed by Brglez additional program features suchas sensitivity and noise analyses
[9], [19] and Tsividis [20] in which switching matrices and matrix are usually available, although more complex equivalent circuit
multiplications are required for setting up the network equations.models are needed.
Generally, the dimension of the network equations for the mod- It is important to note that the equivalent circuit macromodel-
ified nodal formulations is much larger than that for the state- ing approach [43] and the related charge formulation approach
variableformulations.Therefore,sparsematrixtechniquesare [12], [85] requirespecialcomputerprogramimplementation in
usually employed in the modified nodal approach for efficient order to take full advantage of the very efficient circuit formula-
computation of the time-domain solution. tion. These approaches, in general, take less computational time
There are many computationallydifferent methods for obtain- to solve practical switched-capacitor circuits than the modified
ingthez-domainsolution. In [25],[26],[31],[32],[34], the nodal technique [12],[29]. In contrast to this implementation
z-domainsolution was obtained bysolvingalargedimension technique, a siplilar formulation[40] was implemented employing
z-domain matrix equation using LU decomposition techniques. existing analysis programs. However, this latter implementation
In addition, the reordering of the network equations for efficient technique is not computationally efficient due to theuse of large
computation was reported in [25], [29], [31]. These methods seek equivalent circuit models.
numericalsolutions rather than closed-formsolutions. On the VII. SuMhlAFtY
other hand, there are other methods [8], [9], [19], [20], [58] which
compute closed-formI- and/or frequency-domain solutions using A tutorial on computer-aidedanalysis of switched-capacitor
a large number of matrix multiplications and inversions. These circuits has been presented. A great deal of emphasis has been
methods are computationally efficient only when the dimension placed on the formulation techniques. This is due to the fact that
of the network equation is small, such as in the state variable the formulation techniques as a whole represent a very important
formulations [8], [12]. aspect of the entire analysis process. A simple switched-capacitor
Anotherz-domain approach usingtheindefiniteadmittance integrator hasbeen used frequently in this paper forgaining
matrix (IAM) was proposed by Hiikenekand Moschytz [82], [83]. insight as well as forcomparison of thevariousformulation
This approach computes the IAM of switched-capacitor circuits techniques.
analyticallywithoutconsideringtheequivalent four-port (for Onceaformulationtechnique is chosen,thetime-,z-, and
two-phase switching) circuits [15]. The transfer function of the frequency-domainsolutionscan be readilyobtained.The Z-

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domain solution is applicable only to the case of discrete inputs. switched capacitor circuits,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits,vol. SC-15, no.
2, pp. 190-200, Apr. 1980.
Whenthe input is continuous, acompletefrequency-domain F. Brglez, “SCOP, a switched-capacitor optimization program,” in Proc.
solution maybeneeded.Therelationsbetweenthe I- and IEEE I n t . Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp. 985-988, June 1980.
frequency-domainsolutions,togetherwith someof theirbasic S. C. Fang and Y. P. Tsividis, “Modified nodal analysis with improved
numerical methods for switched capacitive networks,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
properties, have been explained using the state variable formula- Svmp. on Circuits and Systems, pp. 977-980, June 1980.
tion. H. DeMan. J. Rabaey, G . Amout, and J. Vandewalle, “DIANA as a
mixed-mode simulator for MOS LSI sampled-data circuits,” in Proc.
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technology, various imperfections mayoccur. In this paper, anal- C. F. Lee and W. K. Jenkins, “Switched-capacitor circuit analysis based
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overview of C A D techniques. Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-28, no. 3, pp. 186-195, Mar. 1981.
J. Rabaey, J. Vandewalle, and H. DeMan, “On the frequency domain
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