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Linear Switched-Capacitor Circuit Theorems

George Efthivoulidis
Dept. of Computer & Communication Engineering
University of Thessaly, 38221 Volos, Greece

Abstract- This paper presents an analysis approach of transfered through, the branch, during discrete-time n.
switched-capacitor circuits, using circuit theorems. It defines the With x denoting a discrete-time signal, we define the fol-
concepts of phasor and impedance, it extends many network lowing operators: Ix =x (identity), Ex[n]= x[n+1] (shift),
theorems to switched-capacitor circuits, and it gives examples of E-1 (delay), A I - F1 (difference), E A-1 (sum).
their use in circuit analysis.
A switching sequence X is a Boolean sequence, i.e.,
*. INTRODUCTION q5[n] C {0, 1}. The associated switching operator is qx [n]=
Switched-capacitor circuits have been extensively used for q5[n] x [n]. We denote by q the complementary sequence 1-,
signal processing. Many different methods have been devel- as well as the complementary operator I-Q.
oped for their analysis. The reader is referred to [1] for a The circuit elements are:2
survey of such methods, up to the time of its publication. switch capacitor sources
The systematic methods [2], [3], are satisfactory for com- + +
puter analysis in time and frequency domain. However, non- q F q F q q
systematic methods (i.e., network theorems), valuable for v C 1 v VO / v qo v (2)
insightful hand analysis and design, are missing for switched- b T _ b (
capacitor circuits. Attempts to analysis by equivalents, are v O
not satisfactory. The four-port equivalents of various building - q = ACv v = vo q = qo
blocks given in [4] and extended in [5], are quite complex and q 0
yield an equivalent circuit no more insightful than the original. where X is a switching sequence and v0, qo are given signals.
Moreover, the building blocks are required to be two-ports, The circuit may also contain dependent (voltage and charge)
which is not always convenient. The continuous-time two-port sources and ideal op-amps.
equivalents given in [6] have the same problems. A circuit is called N-periodic when all its switches are
As an example, consider the following circuit (the notation N-periodic. In the important case of 2-periodic circuits, the
is defined in section II) switching sequences (assuming they are not constant) are the
even and odd phase, denoted by q5e and 50, respectively.

(1) For an N-periodic circuit, we assume signals of the form
Vi 1 ( C2= VO V2
One would be tempted to replace the switched-capacitor C1
x[n] = X (n) Zn (3)
by an equivalent conductance , G1
C1, where f, is the with (rn) denoting the remainder of the division T
n. N. The
switching frequency, and derive the low-pass transfer function phasor of x is the vector ..X... N-1] . In particular, for
H = G1 / (G1 +sC2). Although the qualitative result is correct, a 2-periodic circuit, the phasor is [Xe, X0]T, with Xe and xo
the calculations are inaccurate. In more complex circuits, such denoting the even and odd phase of x, respectively. Notice that
inaccuracies may lead to incorrect qualitative results. for an 1-periodic (time-invariant) circuit, the above definition
In this paper, we show that equivalence (1) is indeed reduces to the usual phasor, in the exponential steady-state.
accurate, with an appropriate meaning for the conductance G1. For simplicity, we denote the phasor of x also by x (when
The key point is the exact definition of phasor and impedance, confusion may arise, we shall say "signal J" or "phasor x").
given in section III, from which all the circuit theorems, A linear operator A, on the space of signals of the form (3),
presented in sections IV-VI, are easily derived, is represented by a matrix, denoted also by A, such that the
II. NOTATION signal Ax has phasor Ax. The identity operator is represented
We asum cicui opraton n dicree-tme. Th brnch by the unity matrix I. The shift operator is represented by
variables are the voltage v [ni] across, and the charge q [n2] 2There are many "standard" symbols for sources. The symbols used here are
simple to draw and they make easy the zeroing of a source and the insertion
lTh continuous-time solution of the circuit is not considered in this paper; (without line break) of a voltage source. The direction of the half-arrow, is
it can be derived from the discrete-time solution and a set of algebraic (non- that of the current through the source, when connected to a positive load. The
recursive) equations [2], [3]. symbol for the switch follows the same style.

0-7803-9390-2/06/$20.00 ©C2006 IEEE 2345 ISCAS 2006

the matrix Eij zI(i+±),j,
0 < i,j < N, since (Ex)i Shorting Yl, Z1 and opening Y2, Z2 in the above elements,
z-i(Ex)[i] z-= [i+] ZX(i±l) we obtain the symbolic admittance and impedance of a switch
In the case of 2-periodic circuits, we obtain

E= z 0] E1 = z [1 0] (4) Ysc/ YZ
hence, -1
with (Ys, YO) and (Zs, ZO) denoting the scalar admittance and
-z z1 (5) impedance, respectively, of a (short, open)-circuit.
1-z -z 1 j IZ L 1Shorting Y2 and opening Z2 in (10), we obtain the switched-
The even and odd phase operators are represented by capacitor elements

Qe = [ o O~] ,fi° = [ ° 1 ] . (6) C 12

The transfer function of a linear circuit, from an input x to (12)
an output y, is a linear operator (matrix) H, such that y = Hx. _ _

The admittance or impedance of a two-terminal element, is the X ACq + (7 Y 5 C1l (75 + X Z0

transfer function from the voltage across to the charge through In the case of 2-periodic switches, using (8) and inverting the
the element, or inversely, respectively,
above admittance and impedance, we obtain the impedance
Examples and admittance, respectively,
A capacitor C, has admittance AC and impedance C-1E. C (1-2) (13)
The switched-capacitor elements
Notice that (1_z-2) X (I-E-2) 5 is the difference opera-
, c C
c tor, applied on the subsequence of phase X of a signal.
_O _~ °0-1 | 11(7) For the bilinear element [7], we obtain
qAC5 qC-1EX
have admittance and impedance, respectively, as shown. Proof: c- -
using associated reference directions and denoting by (v, q) the (14)
element variables, for the first element q = q qc and vc = q v;
for the second element v = 5vc and qc = qq. In the case Q4ACQ4,
of 2-periodic switches, from (5) and (6), it follows
5Aq=05 ¢ 5E5= 1 1 2, (8) with q Xq denoting the polar sequence or operator,
1-z-2 corresponding to Q. Proof: using associated reference direc-
Notice that multiplication by q from the left or right, selects tions, q = O±qc and vc = 0±v. The impedance follows by
the row or column, respectively, corresponding to phase . inverting the admittance and using (71 q4. In the case of
Replacing the capacitor in the above elements by a general 2-periodic switches, from (5) and (6), it follows
impedance or admittance, we obtain similarly I-E-1
I+E-1 +E 0± = 2. (15)
(Y Z (9) Notice that multiplication of a matrix by 0, from both left
and right, changes the sign of non-diagonal elements.
$Y$ (7Z$
Adding a second admittance or impedance to the above IV. SOURCE THEOREMS
elements, we obtain
X X X Z1~ Source shift
~~~~~~~~~A voltage source can be shifted through a terminal, to all
, C} ~~~~~~~~~(10) neighbouring branches; a charge source can be shifted to a
y1 y2 Q Z path with the same terminals, through arbitrary nodes.
+ 27 (7Zi(7$±(7Z27 Vo q
Proof: using associated reference directions, for the first el- V q'(6
ement q =qSq1+qq2, v1 =qXv, v2 _qXv; for the second q (16
element V =q5v1+qv2, q1 =q5q, q2 = q.

A voltage source in series with switch _ is multiplied by 0; Switched impedance
a charge source in parallel with switch q is multiplied by . An impedance in series with switch is multiplied, from
0 -
0 $ 4 _ both left and right, by q; an admittance in parallel with

VO d XOV/d ' oN C = X o C (17) switch b is multiplied, from both left and right, by .
Proof: denoting by (v, q) the element variables, both elements Z = ¢z¢,; Y = OYO 0 (21)
of the first equation are described by X v = X vo, X q = 0, and /Z3 y
of the second by Xq= q0, X v = 0. Notice that vo, qo can be
substituted by any v 0, qO such that 0vo = v0, o = q0* Proof: substituting the elements in (9) to the right-hand-sides
Source transformation and simplifying the switches, we obtain the left-hand-sides.
Notice that Z, Y can be substituted by any Z', Y' such that
A voltage source v0 in series with an admittance Y, is ,gz¢ ¢,¢ (g/g) (
equivalent to a charge source Yv0 in parallel with Y; a charge '
source qo in parallel with an impedance Z, is equivalent to a Series and parallel connection
voltage source Zq0 in series with Z.

z,~ Impedances in series or admittances in parallel are summed

L °to a single impedance or admittance, respectively.
VO = ZYZ (18)

v0=Zqo qo = Yvo Z Z2 (22)

The transformation of a voltage source in series with an
impedance or a charge source in parallel with an admittance, Zl + Z2 Yi + Y2
is not always possible, since the impedance or admittance, Voltage and charge divider
respectively, may not be invertible.
Voltage in series impedances is divided in proportion to
impedances; charge in parallel admittances is divided in pro-
For the following switched-capacitor element, using source portion to admittances.
theorems, we move the source to the terminals Z,
X X X X X X + q2
Y Y2
VO =VO ,/ V2 q (23)

- -
~ 2-
_0 0 o oThe symbol A/B, where A and B are operators, denotes
C C q2 (19) either B-1A or AB-1. It will be apparent from the physical
dimensions whether A or B-1 is applied first to the operant
i\Cv0 q2 = ~(when confusion may arise, we shall write AB-1 or B-1A
instead of A/B). Notice that, with C denoting an invertible
In the case of 2-periodic switches, q2 =-COE-lvo. operator, A/B = (CA)/(CB) when A is applied first to the
For the parasitics-insensitive element, we obtain operant, while A/B = (AC)/(BC) when B1 is applied first.
01 C 02 C 02
°11 1_
0 ril | 0 Mean value (Millman) theorem
VO 'I k1 52 OV 0V2 The potential of a node on which are connected only the ad-
o o ~~~~~~~mittances YZ,k=,.... ., K, is the mean value, weighted by YkC,
2 2 ~~~~~~~~~of
the potentials ek, on the other terminal of admittances.

=q1) C= 0X Ck2 \q2 (20) 2 e ,.ke (4

Aq5=1v0lr q2 =52A\Cq1v0 e: >...... . ..
In the case of 2-periodic switches, for 1K = 2 it follows eK YK
q2 =CQ2v0, while for Xl = 2 it follows q2 =-CQ2E-1v0.K

Examples Multi-terminal elements
We consider the circuit (1), with 2-periodic switches. A linear three-terminal element without (independent)
From (7) and (8), the equivalent admittance G1 is Cl O. Using sources, is described by the admittance or impedance matrix:
the voltage divider formula, we obtain the transfer function [i[ iF 1 [1 [z 1 [
H C q±C2A (25)
[q2J ~yp l2
Z12 q1
[Z21 Z22J q2 34

Denoting A I+E-1 and using AA AA = (1-z-2) I with Yij and Zij denoting the trans-admittance and trans-
and Z\A + A\ = I, it follows impedance, respectively, to terminal i from terminal j. Notice
that for N-periodic switches, each element of the above
H= (Cq + C2A) C1q5 CiAq (26) matrices, is an NxN matrix.
(Clq+C2A) (Ciq+C2A) C1 + C2(1-Z-2) * A linear multi-terminal element without sources, is de-
For the following low-pass filter, using (19) and denoting scribed by the admittance and impedance matrix, i.e.,
qi = -qAC1vj, we obtain q=Yv, v=Zq (35)

1 1 + +
with v and q denoting the vectors of terminal voltages and
/ = c1 ; i(27) charges, respectively.
c 17 7 7 ~~~~~~~Examples
In the case of 2-periodic switches with =¢e, the transfer For the following three-terminal switched-capacitor ele-
function is ments, we obtain
H _C__E__ ___-C z 2 (28) ql ' 2 qq C q2
C1i+±C2A Ci+C2(1-z 2) z-1 O * ( ) +
We consider the following circuits, with 2-periodic switches. Vv V2 (36)
X < ¢) c2 z=c-~~~ilL
Y=Cp4'/\4' 4z'41 V V2g (36

1 + <11+ (29) q5Aq5 q5Aq5J Z J
vi /1 X -; L Vo vi 4 Proof: for the first element [q1 q2]T[q ] qc, qc=ACvc,
T vo vC=[[vO
X C2= ] v2]T, hence Y=[5 q]TAC [O q5]; for the second
element [vl v2]T[q[ ]Tv, qc=0[ -5] [q1 q2]T, hence
According to (13), we denote Z =C-10q, Y2=C2(1-z-2>i. z= [-]TC-lZ [-]. Notice that Y21 agrees with (19).
The transfer function of the first (low-pass) circuit is
H1lp~ + XZ1Y2
Cu + C2(1-z-2) (30) We have shown that switched-capacitor circuits can be
analyzed using well-known network theorems. In simple cases,
The transfer function of the second (high-pass) circuit is the final results can be written by inspection. The only
Hhp I +Z1Y2 _ C2(1-z2) 31 complication with respect to usual circuit analysis, is that the
Ih Z1Y2 ClI + C2(1jz-2)05
(3) order of operators in products must be preserved.
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C1+ C2(1-z-2) C HhP
1 (32)
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