How To Write A Speech

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How to write a speech? Motivational speech.

We can define a speech as the ability or power of speaking

to express one´s thoughts and emotions by article sounds
and gesture. We write speeches to express points our point
of view in front of a public.
Speeches are usually written in present tense, and is it
has three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

 Introduction: It is usually the first paragraph. It´s

purpose is to get the audience´s attention before
starting with the real topic. In the introduction we
must greet the audience, introduce ourselves, and
introduce our topic.
 Body: The body of a speech come between the
introduction and the conclusion. It is where we
develop and express our ideas. It must contain facts,
data, relevant example, rhetorical questions, and
most important, in this part of the speech we explain
our topic.
 Conclusion: It is the last paragraph. In the
conclusion we summarize the key points of our speech.
We must conclude in one or two lines and thanks the
There are different kinds of speech. One the most important
is the motivational speech but, what is a motivational
A motivational speech is an emotional speech that helps to
stimulate, motivating, or encourage a group to take a
specific kind of action, correct mistakes, pursue
significant goals, such as productivity, academics,
success, etc.
There are some important aspects that we have to think
about before developing our motivational speech.

 Why: is the reason your speech matters and why it is

important to the people who are listening to you.
 What: what is your speech about, what is the solution
you´re providing.
 Who: you must think in the audience. The people your
speech is for and you are going to help.
 How: how can people put your ideas and tips in
 Now: how can they do it right now? How can they take
action and see a result?
Reading report: The competent communicator.
Develop a goof communication takes effort, it requires
time, study, and attention. People who can communicate well
are called competent communicators.
A competent communicator has knowledge and skills in the
area of communication. An excellent communicator develops a
number of ways to deal with new communication situations,
and they follow certain steps in order to reach their
communications goals.
There are five communications acts. They describe then
principal reason of communicating. The five acts are:
sharing information, discussing feelings, managing
persuasion, following social rituals, and using
Sharing information: one of the most important part of
communication is sending and receiving information. Many
people take this communication act for granted. Then, have
problems at home, at their jobs, or in school, because they
did not present their information well or listen for
information carefully.
Competent communicators organize their information very
carefully to help their listeners get the main points.
Incorrect or unclear communication can result in
frustration or serious confusion.
Communicating to share information serves as the basis for
all speaking and listening.
Discussing feelings: discussing feelings involves personal
effort and risk for both speaker and listener. Talking
about feelings requires you to reveal information about
Competent communicators are able to talk about their
feelings and to listen to other people´s feelings.
Managing persuasion: a competent communicator must be able
to manage persuasive messages. There are times when you
need to listen carefully to the persuasive messages you
We need to be able to present information persuasively, to
argue, and to come to agreement with other people.
Following social rituals: every culture has its own social
rituals, or rules for interaction. There are rituals from
greetings, for saying good-bye, for small talk, for telling
secrets, and talking.
There are also many informal rituals people follow every
day. Some rituals for communicating apply to certain
settings. Formal social rituals in society are highly
predictable. They are repeated over and over again in the
same way. In every society, persons are expected to act in
certain ways and to avoid other actions.
Competent communicators understand the social rituals and
usually follow them. Competent communicators are alert to
new rituals and know when to follow them. The person who is
effective in social rituals may develop relationships that
lead to more important conversations.
Using imagination: a very important are of communication
involves using your imagination. One way creating through
imagination is through dramatic situations.
Imaginative communication occurs in many situations.
Imagination allows you entertain, to create new worlds, to
predict. It is a special part of your communication
abilities. Competent communicators value their own
imaginative ability and that of the other persons.
Good listeners like to hear how other people put ideas
together. It stimulates their thinking.
Competent communicators work to gain knowledge and skills
to become effective at communicating. They grow in
competence through meeting other people, dealing with new
situations, and watching others talk. Competent
communicators follow four specific competency steps:
1. Thinking of strategies: a competent communicator has
various communication strategies that can be applied
to one situation. Communication strategies are the
verbal and nonverbal message created to reach a
specific goal.
2. Selecting the strategy: once you have thought of a few
ways of handle a problem, consider the specifics of
that situation. Think about who, what, where, and
when. All these add up to how you act or use the best
strategy for a person, topic, place, and time.
3. Acting on the strategies: It´s the moment when you use
your strategy in real life.
4. Evaluating the strategy´s effect: In this step, It´s
the moment to make the judgment, to decide whether the
strategy work well or not.
Think about it
1. What is the competent communicator?
A competent communicator is someone who communicate
2. Define and describe the five communication acts.

 Sharing information: It´s the process of sending

and receiving information, facts, data, etc. For
example: in a conversation between two students,
both send and receive information.

 Discussing feelings: It´s the process of

communication in order to share feelings and
trying to understand other people´s feelings.

 Managing persuasion: It´s the ability or faculty

to manage persuasive messages we receive.
Basically, to managing persuasion we need to be
able to present information, to argue, and to
come to agreement with other people.

 Following social rituals: Social rituals are the

different rules of interaction in of different
societies. For example: greetings, telling
secrets, phone calls, conversation, etc.

 Using imagination: It´s the ability of create

situations and scenarios, to create new worlds
using your creativity. For example: Actors create
roles in plays, people who recites poetry, etc.

3. What are the four competency steps used by competent

communicators? Give one-to two sentence descriptions
of each step.
 Thinking of strategies: The strategies are
different plans that can be applied in different
situations while communicating.
 Selecting of strategies: When we have tough about
a few strategies to control a problem in
communication, it´s the moment to determinate
which we are going to use.
 Acting on the strategy: It´s the moment to use
the strategy in real life.
 Evaluating the strategy effect: It´s time to make
a judgment and decide if the strategy worked well
or not.
4- When selecting a strategy, what four specifics of the
situation do you need to take into consideration? Write a
sentence or two explaining each.

Who: We have to think about what we know about the receptor

and our past relationship and possible future relationship
with this person.
What: We need to think about the importance of the topic
for ourselves and the other person.
Where: We need to think how to the place or other people
will affect your discussion.
When: We need to think if the time is good to discuss the

Motivational speech
Change your life: work hard
Respected President of the American association anti-
procrastination, students, and public in general. My name
is Greicy Ramirez, I´m the director of be great foundation.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my views on
hard work as the primary tool for success with you.
There´s people that complain everyday about their misery
and problems. Can we judge this kind of people? Are they
guilty for having a life that does not satisfy them? It´s
hard to accept it, but there´s some people that ruin their
lives procrastinating, being lazy, and wanting everything
Our lives are the result of the decision we make. If we
decide to spend the whole day in front of a television
watching cartoons, or just chatting with our friends, we
don´t do our job, or our homework… Can we blain others for
our failures?
Most of you will agree that we can´t blame others for our
mistakes. If we leave the important things for the last
minute, obviously, everything is going to be a disaster.
Can we overcome procrastination and laziness? The answer is
yes. We can

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