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11, NOVEMBER 2015 2685

A Reconfigurable 5-to-14 bit SAR ADC for

Battery-Powered Medical Instrumentation
Schekeb Fateh, Student Member, IEEE, Philipp Schönle, Student Member, IEEE, Luca Bettini, Student Member, IEEE,
Giovanni Rovere, Student Member, IEEE, Luca Benini, Fellow, IEEE, and Qiuting Huang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In battery-powered medical instrumentation, the range, is highly attractive to also justify the significant costs con-
resolution and signal bandwidth of analog-to-digital converters sisting of research, application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
(ADCs) have to be adapted to the needs of the application to avoid
power wastage. This paper presents a reconfigurable successive manufacturing, operating costs, and in particular medical regu-
approximation register (SAR) ADC implemented in 130 nm latory approval. However, multi-functional SoCs often experi-
CMOS that resolves 5–14 bit with a maximum achievable effective ence a time-to-market pressure because of their increased de-
number of bits (ENOB) of 13.5 using non-subtractive dither. sign complexity [3]. A solution to this problem is design-reuse
In the proposed ADC design, the power consumption can be
traded for accuracy to improve the energy efficiency and extend [4] which demands for flexible and reconfigurable circuits.
its application range, while reducing system integration com- In this paper, we propose a flexible and reconfigurable ADC
plexity. A figure-of-merit (FoM) of 59 fJ/conversion is achieved to be employed in a multi-channel biomedical ASIC, which
at 1.2 V supply and the converter occupies an area of 0.42 .
Measurement results of the ADC integrated in a multi-channel adapts the performance of the conversion to the characteristics
analog front-end (AFE) circuit show the suitability of the ADC for of the biopotential signals to avoid consuming power on unnec-
portable medical monitoring devices. essary signal bandwidths and accuracies [5]–[7]. Reconfigura-
Index Terms—Analog front-end, biopotential signals, fully dy- tion of the ADC is essential to enhance the lifetime of battery
namic comparator, majority voting, multi-channel biomedical in- powered medical devices. The proposed flexible ADC can be
strumentation, non-subtractive dither, perturbation based digital tuned to operate at ultra low-power to only fulfill minimal spec-
calibration, reconfigurable analog-to-digital converter, successive ifications on the signal quality, e.g., when awaiting activity or a
approximation register. specific pattern in biopotential signals. The system, however, is
able to recover full performance if required, e.g., when activity
I. INTRODUCTION or the specific pattern is detected.
The energy efficiency of the SAR ADC architecture makes

A GING population and high medical costs in industrialized

countries demand for the development of inexpensive and
miniaturized medical instrumentation with a wireless link to
it an ideal candidate for the implementation of low-power data
sampling systems [8]–[13]. Except for the reference buffers,
SAR ADCs can be designed to consume only dynamic power.
cloud based networks to enable patients being continuously and Furthermore, due to their switched-capacitor implementation,
real-time monitored out of ambulatory care [1]. Autonomous SAR ADCs benefit much more from technology scaling than
biomedical sensor nodes for monitoring various biopotential other converter architectures and their power consumption and
signals (ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG), temperature, pressure, and conversion time become smaller with technology advancement
pulse oximetry, require low-power sampling systems to operate [8], [13]. In order to design a flexible ADC for multi-channel
with a battery power supply [2]. Integration of these sensor biomedical devices, not only a high data rate is favorable to
nodes is a necessity in practice to enable the device not only maximize the number of multiplexed analog channels but also a
to be low-power but also miniaturized, e.g., to be comfortable one-to-one mapping between its analog input and digital output
to wear in preventive healthcare as a fitness tracking device. The (memoryless transfer characteristic) to associate each sample
dimension of such a device, however, is mainly limited by the unambiguously to the correspondent channel. ADCs with
requirements on battery lifetime and consequently battery size. memory, e.g., based converters due to integration, have to
The development of system-on-chips (SoCs) acquiring dif- properly settle after switching the input channel. Typically, this
ferent biopotential signals, thereby extending their application costs some extra samples. Thus, the ADC has to run at higher
sampling rates which makes it power-inefficient.
The SAR ADC has been chosen in this paper over other con-
Manuscript received June 06, 2015; revised August 08, 2015; accepted verter architectures not only because of its power efficiency or
August 22, 2015. Date of current version October 26, 2015. This work is
mainly supported by the RTD Project WearMeSoc, which is its advantage of being memoryless, but also because it offers a
financed by the Swiss Confederation and scientifically evaluated by Swiss flexible conversion algorithm to support reconfigurability. The
National Science Foundation (SNSF). Additionally, this project is supported SAR ADC is capable to trade-off bandwidth, precision, and
by SNFS under the grant 157048: Transient Computing Systems. This paper
power on the fly, i.e., for each conversion. Conversion steps
was recommended by Associate Editor N. Maghari.
The authors are with the Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical in the successive approximation (SA) can be skipped while re-
Engineering (D-ITET), ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland (e-mail: solving equivalently less bits and the ADC, including its ref-;;; erence buffers, can be put in a reset state between consecu-;;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
tive samples to minimize power consumption. The maximum
at achievable resolution of SAR ADCs is typically determined by
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2015.2477580 the capacitor array mismatch and noise [8], [9], whereas the

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See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Université de Montréal. Downloaded on March 28,2020 at 23:33:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

maximum conversion speed is limited by the settling time and

accuracy of the individual conversion steps. The former issue is
addressed by advanced digital calibration techniques [13], [14],
the latter by clocking schemes and redundancy [15].
1) Contributions: In this paper, we present a 14 bit
sub-radix-2 SAR ADC implementation, employing a redundant
segmented capacitor array with a merged capacitor switching
scheme [15]. We propose a non-uniform and reconfigurable
clocking scheme that renders the SAR ADC energy efficient
over a wide range of resolutions and signal bandwidths. The
capacitor array is designed to be highly flexible, allowing
capacitors to be disconnected from the array for biomedical
applications requiring lower resolutions. A perturbation-based
least-mean-squares (LMS) start-up calibration [9], [13] has
been implemented directly on-chip to correct capacitor mis- Fig. 1. Architectural level block diagram of our SAR ADC. Figs. 2, 3, 5, 6,
match and enhance the effective resolution by more than 10 dB. and 7 give more insight into the design of the capacitor array, the reconfigurable
Oversampling, non-subtractive dither [16], majority voting non-uniform clocking scheme, the comparator, the reference buffers, and the
calibration circuit. The memory contains both registers used by the calibration
[17], and several other options can be controlled via serial circuit and for the configuration of both, the analog and digital circuits.
peripheral interface (SPI) to further increase the resolution of
the ADC. The converter is as accurate as required for a desired and reference buffers. The negative and positive voltage refer-
biomedical application and is able to remain in a reset state ences for the converter have been chosen as
where no power is consumed to minimize the overall power and respectively in our 1.2 V implementa-
consumption. The overhead given by reconfigurability in the tion, leading to a maximum input signal swing of 1.6 . The
ADC is minimal in the digital domain with the exception of few common-mode voltage is set to . The frequency of
logic gates in the analog domain to provide additional switches the global clock in the SAR ADC is denoted as . The syn-
for disabling capacitors when targeting lower resolutions. chronous high speed clock is used in the digital domain of the
We present a corresponding SAR ADC ASIC in 130 nm ADC to derive the clock phases to control the analog switches of
complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) tech- the capacitor array using integer number of cycles of the global
nology. Measurement results of the SAR ADC integrated with clock. This counter based clocking strategy simplifies the im-
a multi-channel AFE in a biomedical data acquisition ASIC plementation of reconfiguration in the ADC. The sampling fre-
show the suitability of the reconfigurable ADC in low-power quency of the SAR ADC is denoted as and is derived from
and portable medical monitoring sensor nodes. the global clock equivalently.
2) Outline: The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section II introduces the ADC architecture and the pro- A. Capacitor Array
posed reconfigurable non-uniform clocking scheme. Section III
details the LMS based digital start-up calibration. Section IV The capacitor array is based on the principle of charge redis-
presents measurement results of the SAR ADC. Details on the tribution in the condition of preserved total charge (top-plate).
biomedical data acquisition ASIC are presented in Section V, Thus, the original, sampled voltage, can be restored by reset-
and Section VI illustrates corresponding measurement results. ting all bottom-plate switches to their initial state. This enables
Conclusions are drawn in Section VII. both, perturbation injection based calibration and non-subtrac-
tive dithering, with little extra hardware resources.
II. SAR ADC ARCHITECTURE The implemented 14-bit segmented capacitor array is
This section describes the implementation of the prototype depicted in Fig. 2. Besides the two main segments, the most-sig-
SAR ADC which is illustrated in Fig. 1. The input signal nificant-bit (MSB) and least-significant-bit (LSB) capacitor
is directly sampled onto the top plates of the capacitor array arrays, there are additional perturbation capacitors used during
which is connected to the input of the 1 bit dynamic comparator. calibration (as explained in Section III) and a dithering capac-
A bootstrapped sampling switch [18] is used to reduce signal- itor array. These extra capacitors occupy only negligible die
dependent charge injection and enhances the linearity of the area compared to the two main segments. The merged capacitor
switch. The SAR logic controls the switches of the capacitor switching scheme proposed in [15] is employed. The input
array according to the output of the dynamic comparator and the signal is directly sampled onto the capacitors top plates, which
reconfiguration settings. For this reason, the digital SAR logic are connected to the comparator input, instead of being sampled
is implemented to be fully flexible. Start-up calibration and cor- on the capacitors bottom plates as in the conventional scheme
responding post-correction are implemented in the digital do- [19], [20]. This approach avoids the initial charge redistribution
main to correct the mismatch of the capacitor array. During cal- prior to the first comparison, necessary in the conventional
ibration, an LMS based iterative algorithm is applied to esti- scheme, thereby ensuring high switching energy efficiency and
mate the capacitor weights used in the correction unit to gen- reducing conversion time. To prevent any charge accumulation
erate the output of the converter denoted as . The cal- on floating nodes, all capacitors are reset once per conversion
ibrated values of the capacitor weights, including the configura- to the common-mode voltage .
tion information for both analog and digital circuits, are stored The capacitor array is a sub-radix-2 design [14], [21], i.e.,
in the memory. The analog domain further features a R-ladder the approximation steps are slightly lower than in the case of
digital-to-analog converter (DAC) (explained in Section II-E) binary search and a full conversion requires steps. This

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Fig. 3. Illustration of the implemented highly configurable non-uniform

clocking scheme. The radial axis represents different possible configurations
for the various FSM states and sub-states (angular axis). Each state (except for
“reset/regeneration”) is divided in two independently configurable sub-states,
one defining the settling time and one defining the number of comparisons taken
Fig. 2. Detailed schematic of the capacitor array. It is a sub-radix-2 split-array (to reduce the impact of comparator thermal noise by majority voting). Each
design featuring a dithering array used to further enhance the resolution of the rectangle corresponds to one clock cycle, the yellow marked path illustrates
SAR ADC. a sample configuration. The innermost white segment represents the 0-cycle
option, i.e., skipping a certain state and thus disconnecting a certain capacitor
from the array. The “reset/regeneration” state is not only used to reset the ADC
results in redundancy which ensures a correct approximation of after a conversion is complete, but also to regenerate the sampled analog signal
the sampled voltage to zero even in presence of mismatched ca- in case of perturbation or dithering injection.
pacitors. This prevents missing codes and preserves linearity.
Furthermore, redundancy allows incomplete settling and thus voltage, which is in turn determined by the sampling capaci-
can reduce conversion time although it increases the number tance and the on-resistance of the switches . A conventional
of comparisons and approximation steps. The presented design -bit capacitor array requires at least identical cycles for one
can tolerate more than capacitor mismatch. Matching and conversion. However, as the voltage on the capacitor array re-
thermal noise considerations led to the choice of a total sam- duces by a factor at each conversion step, the settling
pling capacitance , divided into time for a given settling error scales as well according to
unit elements with . This results in a theoretical
upper signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limit given by thermal noise
of 87.6 dB. Quantization noise clearly dominates and lowers the
theoretical SNR to 85.3 dB for conventional conversions.
To further enhance the resolution of the ADC, non-subtrac- The allotted time can be for instance reduced by about 30%
tive dither [16] is used. Basically, non-subtractive dither allows every 3 steps for 13 bit resolution. Capacitor array redundancy
oversampling of an already sampled signal by slightly modu- allows the converter to tolerate even a larger settling error, there-
lating the latter from conversion to conversion with a zero-mean fore we can afford to reduce the allocated time even more ag-
pseudo-random signal. Similar to real oversampling, this vir- gressively. For instance, in the presented design, it is sufficient
tual oversampling results in a quantization noise reduction, but to let the signal settle only to 98.5% prior to the
in contrast to the former not in a reduction of sampled kT/C second comparison. This is nearly a 50% reduction in conver-
thermal noise. In the presented implementation, a deterministic sion time compared to an irredundant implementation of a 14-bit
dither sequence of 8 levels is injected to the capacitor array SAR ADC. For a given application, the non-uniform clocking
after sampling [2], [22]. The capacitor array is extended with scheme can be well optimized due to a highly configurable im-
additional capacitors, while a simple counter generates the de- plementation, visualized in Fig. 3. The settling time for each
sired dither sequence. The dither range is set to approximately conversion step can be set individually over the SPI interface as
1.2 LSB. Dithering is particularly interesting for sub-radix-2 an integer number of clock cycles in the range 1–32. In order
SAR ADCs since the redundant capacitor weighting allows to to optimize the converter for a specific biomedical application,
repeat just the last few conversion steps. Furthermore, it is of the ADC is tuned externally during testing to find the optimal
great interest in applications for which real oversampling is not circuit settings. Comparator noise can be mitigated by majority
possible due to static measurands, e.g., temperature, or is costly, voting: an odd number of comparisons in the range 1–5 can be
e.g., in pulse oximetry. For the latter, power consumption is set for each conversion step individually. While fine-tuning of
dominated by the light emitting diode (LED) current pulses. the settling time of the most significant conversion steps can in-
Thus, real oversampling would dramatically increase the overall crease the performance, majority voting is only effective for the
power consumption while virtual oversampling affects it only least significant conversion steps.
marginally. The timing diagrams for two different resolution settings are
given in Fig. 4. For higher resolutions, SA steps need
B. Non-Uniform and Reconfigurable Clocking Scheme to be performed in 56 clock cycles. Majority voting is activated
for the last two LSBs to reduce noise. Configuring the ADC for
The sampling frequency of high-precision SAR ADCs is usu- a resolution of 6 bit requires 17 clock cycles. In order to reduce
ally limited by the settling behavior of the comparator input the resolution, less settling time is needed in the sampling phase

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Fig. 4. (a) Timing diagram of SAR ADC to achieve highest resolution without
dithering and (b) a resolution of 6 bit. Each square corresponds to one clock
cycle. A conversion always starts with sampling and ends with a capacitor array
reset. If necessary, the ADC is able to stay for more than one clock cycle in the
reset state. Achieving highest resolution in the ADC requires majority voting
which corresponds to consecutive comparisons and comparator resets in the
LSBs of the ADC.

Fig. 6. Schematic of the on-chip reference buffers for (a) the negative and
(b) positive reference, respectively. For the common-mode reference voltage,
the same reference buffer architecture as designed for the negative reference is
used. It covers a voltage range of 0.1–0.6 V.

D. Reference Buffers
In order to allow the integration of the converter into a multi-
channel medical instrumentation ASIC, the generation of the re-
Fig. 5. Schematic of the implemented double-tail latch (DTL). quired voltage references on-chip is a compelling necessity. For
such reason, a fully-integrated reference buffer has been imple-
and there is no need to perform any resolution enhancement mented [28] and is shown in Fig. 6. The positive and negative
techniques. voltage references are buffered to feed the ADC core. A third
buffer, identical to the one shown in Fig. 6(a), is employed for
the common-mode reference voltage.
C. Dynamic Comparator
The buffer is composed of a feedback loop, made of transis-
A high-speed fully-dynamic double-tail latch (DTL) com- tors M1–M3, and of the operational amplifier, whose task is to
posed of a pre-amplifier and an output latch has been chosen as sense the band-gap voltage and regulate the gate of the output
comparator [23], [24], and is depicted in Fig. 5. Together with transistor M4. A compensation capacitor has been added to
the inverter, the dynamic pre-amplifier provides a limited gain ensure sufficient stability margins. The open-loop output branch
( 10) that reduces the input-referred offset of the regenerative composed of transistors M4–M5 drives the load, ensuring fast
stage. Furthermore, the kick-back noise of the latch does not settling at the maximum speed. The complete buffer occupies a
propagate backwards towards the capacitor array. A single clock silicon area of 0.043 , and consumes 1 mW from the 1.2 V
signal (clk) is sufficient to control the reset and the supply running at maximum speed.
latch phase . With respect to the scheme in [24],
we added two additional programmable capacitors and E. Resistor Ladder DAC
to the input and the output of the inverter to filter the comparator
The 6-bit resistor ladder DAC enables an autarkic calibration,
noise [25]. The capacitor is dimensioned to make the noise
which is crucial when the ADC is used in a system which does
of the inverter negligible. In each comparison the total noise at
not guarantee a sufficiently conditioned input signal at start-up.
the comparator input can be approximated as
The LMS based start-up calibration is particularly unsuited for
acquiring biopotential signals that have a signal component with
small amplitude superimposed to a slowly moving large offset.
The LMS algorithm imposes only two conditions to the input
where is the input transistors transconductance at the latch signal during calibration: a coverage of the signal range and to
toggling instant, and is the noise bandwidth ensure that all capacitors of the array toggle. Thus, there are no
of the comparator input stage [26]. Since also determines the constraints on the linearity and the noise level. Indeed, circuit
energy per comparison, in a power-efficient implementation it noise can be beneficial since it increases the amount of distin-
cannot be made arbitrarily large. For this reason, is chosen to guishable input values, which allows for a fairly simple circuit
render the sampling noise negligible to achieve an overall SNR realization. During calibration, a triangular wave is generated
of about 85.3 dB. The capacitor is configurable between by the R-ladder. The step size and input range of the calibra-
22–800 fF. However, to operate the SAR ADC efficiently, in- tion sequence can be controlled over SPI. Since the R-ladder is
stead of increasing the value of any further, majority voting connected directly to the supply instead of reference voltages,
is performed at the output of the comparator to provide pro- the 6-bit DAC is even able to go above the input range of the
grammable noise performance at different bit cycles during a ADC. However, digitally controlled resistors are used to scale
conversion [27]. the signal range of the DAC to the one of the SAR ADC.

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Fig. 7. Top-level block diagram of the digital calibration unit and area distri-
Fig. 8. Fixed-point MATLAB simulation of the SAR ADC resolution before and
bution of the main building blocks relative to the total digital area [13].
after calibration for different unit capacitors using 1000 Monte Carlo simulations.
The learning factors have been chosen equal to μ and μ ,
In the presented SAR ADC, a 6-bit resistor ladder has been respectively.
implemented which occupies only a small fraction of the overall
circuit area, that is 0.012 . The learning factors μ and μ determine the convergence
III. DIGITAL START-UP CALIBRATION speed and the precision of the weights. Since the input needs
to be sampled twice, we calibrate the capacitor array during
The capacitor array mismatch is corrected by means of the
start-up and disable the calibration in normal operation to re-
perturbation-based algorithm proposed in [8], [10], which has
cover full speed and to save power. It takes about 5000 samples
been implemented directly on-chip to avoid the need for ex-
before LSB, which is equivalent to a convergence
pensive off-chip computation. A block diagram of the digital
time of 17.5 ms at 286 kS/s. With smaller learning factors
calibration unit is shown in Fig. 7. The calibration sequence is
which can be controlled through the SPI interface, the LMS is
generated by the resistor-ladder DAC discussed earlier.
able to estimate the capacitor values with higher precisions and
Notation: The following notation will be used in the re-
convergence times.
mainder of this paper. Lowercase boldface letters stand for
The achievable resolution of the calibrated SAR ADC was
column vectors having elements, where is the
evaluated from MATLAB Monte Carlo simulations for different
number of SAR iterations required to resolve each sample. The
unit capacitor values, and is shown in Fig. 8. Capacitor mis-
th entry of a vector at time instant k is denoted by .
match is based on the characterization data of the employed
A. Perturbation Injection 130 nm CMOS technology. Each point in the plot represents the
average of 1000 independent simulations with a calibration time
The implementation of the calibration algorithm requires that of samples. A random (up to ) offset on each capacitor
an analog offset is injected into the sampled signal in order to has been added to simulate the effect of capacitor mismatch.
generate two different digital output codes from the same input. Thermal noise is added to the samples, whereas the comparator
This is accomplished with a minimum overhead of two addi- noise is neglected in this analysis.
tional perturbation capacitors which can be connected to either In the current implementation, a unit capacitor value of
the positive or the negative reference, as depicted in Fig. 2. 70 fF has been chosen as a good trade-off between precision
and speed. The LMS based digital calibration improves the
B. Calibration Algorithm
resolution by about 11 dB (1.8 ENOB).
Because the capacitor array is not binary weighted, the two
generated output codes are first converted to a binary represen-
tation according to C. VLSI Circuit Implementation
In order to minimize the power consumption, the calibration
(1) unit is only operating during start-up and is switched off after-
wards using clock gating. The digital circuitry is partitioned into
where is the -th resolved bit of the non-binary three main parts: the memory unit, the correction unit, and the
output code, and is the bit weight of the capacitor array. LMS update (or calibration) unit, as depicted in Fig. 7.
If all the weights of the array were exactly known, the differ- Two shift-registers, denoted as and , are employed at
ence between the two output codes would be identical to twice the input to store the output decision of the comparator for
the digital representation of the analog offset. An error func- both the positive and the negative injected perturbation. In order
tion for LMS can therefore be defined as to correct the resolved sample, the capacitor weights and
the perturbation value are stored in the memory unit. The
correction unit loads the weight vector and adds them according
If is not zero, the calibration algorithm updates the value to (1). A SPI interface is used at the output to minimize the
of the weights trying to minimize the LMS of the error signal, number of required pads.
according to the update equations For minimum area occupation, no multipliers but only three
adders and shift operations are employed. The digital calibration
unit measures 0.156 , corresponding to 28.4 kGE (one gate
equivalent GE corresponds to a 2-input drive-1 NAND gate).

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Fig. 12. Measured output spectrum before (blue) and after (black) calibration
without dithering with a 1.6 input signal at 1.98 kHz. ( points FFT).

Fig. 9. Micrograph of the stand-alone SAR ADC test chip with the most im-
portant sub-circuits marked. The digital circuitry is roughly divided in its main

Fig. 13. Measured output spectrum before (blue) and after (black) calibration
with dithering with a 1.6 input signal at 1.98 kHz. ( points FFT).

Fig. 11 shows the ENOB versus Nyquist bandwidth where

several measurements of the SAR ADC have been collected at
different converter clock frequencies . Since the power con-
Fig. 10. Measured INL and DNL before (blue) and after (black) calibration.
sumption in the digital domain is dominant and proportional to
The inset highlights maximum INL and DNL. the clock frequency, the signal bandwidth that meets the spec-
ification for a given application scenario can be optimized by
pre-scaling . Furthermore, a slower clock frequency relaxes
the settling time of the capacitor array, allowing to reduce the
static power consumption of the reference buffers. The ADC
covers a Nyquist bandwidth of more than 1 MHz when running
at at an ENOB of 12.6. The Nyquist bandwidth
can be extended to 2 MHz , when the accu-
racy of the ADC is tuned to bit by disabling the number of
switching capacitors in the capacitor array. The Nyquist band-
width is increased in this measurement because the ADC is only
permitted to enter the reset state for only one clock cycle such
that a new conversion can start immediately (see Fig. 4 for fur-
ther explanation).
An increase of Nyquist bandwidth in the converter can be
Fig. 11. Trade-off of ENOB versus Nyquist bandwidth and power beneficial in practice when using the ADC in a time-multi-
consumption. Measurement results generated for the SAR ADC prototype
operated at different clock frequencies: 1) , 2) , plexed fashion to sample a large amount of input channels
3) , and 4) . The power consumption of the in a multi-channel biomedical data acquisition ASIC, e.g., in
SAR ADC core, denoted as , scales with . an EEG recording device with 256 channels [33] or a neural
recording implant capable of simultaneously observing the
IV. MEASUREMENT RESULTS OF THE SAR ADC activity of more than one thousand neurons in the 0.1–6 kHz
The proposed 14 bit SAR ADC has been fabricated in a frequency band [6], [34].
130 nm 1P8ML mixed-signal CMOS technology with MiM-ca- Fig. 12 shows the uncalibrated and calibrated output spectra
pacitor option and a single 1.2 V supply. The chip micrograph at 286 kS/s with no dither. A signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio
is shown in Fig. 9. The converter measures 0.42 , 52% of (SNDR) of 79.1 dB can be achieved in practice which corre-
which is occupied by the on-chip digital unit and about 14% by sponds to 12.9 ENOB. The SAR ADC core consumes 130 μ
the capacitor array. The static performance of the converter is at 16 MHz where 92 μ is consumed in the digital and 38 μ
depicted in Fig. 10. The peak integral nonlinearity (INL) and in the analog domain, respectively. Enabling dithering by in-
differential nonlinearity (DNL) are reduced from 9 LSB and jecting a zero-mean pseudo random sequence to the signal re-
2 LSB respectively before calibration, to 0.7 LSB and 0.6 LSB sults in the spectrum shown in Fig. 13. With an oversampling
after calibration. The LSB is referred to a 14 bit integer number. factor of 4 and , the achieved ENOB is 13.5.

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targeted resolution of above 13 bit. To achieve the desired

accuracy, the SAR ADC in [31] applies noise-shaped dithering
generated by a -modulator. Additional capacitors are used
in the MSB array to increase the SNR and in the LSB array for
correction of settling errors and to improve the SNR by aver-
aging. The SAR ADC prototype in [2] uses a 14 bit capacitor
array segmented into 4 bit unary MSB and 10 bit binary LSB
sections and similar to [17] performs dynamically multiple
comparisons for majority voting. In order to increase its reso-
lution, non-subtractive dither combined with oversampling is
applied, similar to our solution, as well as chopping to cancel
out noise and distortion. The SAR ADC implementation in [32]
consists of a 13 bit capacitor array with redundant elements.
The comparator runs in one of the two different modes, i.e.,
Fig. 14. Comparison of the FoM versus ENOB of the SAR ADC prototype a low-power mode and an offset-compensated high-precision
with the state-of-the-art (black dots). Different measurements are obtained by mode. In contrast to our solution which uses all digital output
disabling pairs of capacitors in the fully-differential capacitor array, starting with codes of the ADC for the start-up calibration, only some special
the LSB. The ADC consumes 130 μ at 12.9 ENOB and 37 μ at 5.9 ENOB.
All measurements have been performed with the same clock and sampling fre- output codes are used to perform the calibration procedure.
quency of . Enabling the dithering sequence and over- When enabling the dithering sequence in our SAR ADC, we
sampling, a resolution similar to [29] is achieved in practice. achieve similar ENOB as reported in [29], and our proto-
type outperforms all other SAR ADCs in Table I by at least
Fig. 14 shows the FoM versus ENOB of the measured SAR 0.8 ENOB.
ADC prototype, where capacitors are disconnected from the
array while the ADC is forced into the reset state to trade the
resolution of the converter for power consumption. This mea- To verify the silicon performance of the reconfigurable SAR
surement has been again performed at . The ADC acquiring biopotential signals, the multi-channel AFE pre-
FoM is calculated as sented in [36] which employs a single-loop 3rd order modu-
lator with a 3-level quantizer is modified replacing the with
our SAR ADC implementation. The previous converter archi-
tecture had the main disadvantage that 3 out of 4 samples were
Black dots represent recently published ADC implementations discarded to avoid cross-coupling effects given by the internal
listed in [35] with a resolution 14 bit and with a sampling state memory of the based ADC.
rate 80 MS/s. Most of the published ADCs are not reconfig- The main task of an AFE is to amplify biopotential signals
urable and therefore optimized to achieve a certain resolution to an appropriate level for analog-to-digital conversion while
for a constant Nyquist bandwidth and power consumption. For suppressing all unwanted signals such as electrode DC-offset,
this reason, their FoM is well optimized. However, they are not mains interference, and circuit noise. Our multi-channel AFE, as
able to trade power consumption for resolution as it is the case depicted in Fig. 15, has eight differential data acquisition chan-
in our converter solution where the power consumption is re- nels with a maximum data rate of 8 kS/s that are time-multi-
duced by 70% when lowering the resolution from 14 down to plexed for data conversion. Reconfiguration in the SAR ADC
5 bit. In particular the ADC implementation proposed in [29] does not only optimize the power efficiency of the converter
that achieves an ENOB of 13.5, is interesting to be compared but also of the biomedical ASIC, e.g., if less than eight channels
with since our ADC achieves the same resolution with enabled cover the needs for a specific application, the ADC can be recon-
dithering sequence. figured to lower its sampling frequency . Thus, the non-used
The performance comparison of our ADC SAR with other channels can be deactivated. The resolution, bandwidth, and
recently published medium-to high-resolution ADCs is sum- power consumption for the remaining channels can be opti-
marized in Table I. The ADC implementations proposed in mized through the SAR ADC. Using a single converter which
[29]–[31] both achieve high sampling rates above 40 MS/s is reconfigurable instead of multiple ADCs to record time-mul-
but are nevertheless interesting in this comparison due to their tiplexed multiple channels is not only advantageous in terms of

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Fig. 15. Architecture block level diagram of our multi-channel biomedical data Fig. 16. Chip micrograph of the multi-channel biomedical data acquisition
acquisition system employing the proposed SAR ADC. ASIC employing the presented SAR ADC.

power consumption and silicon area but also in terms of gain

and offset mismatch between the channels.
With , the SAR ADC is able to cover all eight
channels. The ADC, however, is designed to operate even at
to either support more channels for future use
cases or provide more signal bandwidth per channel if desired.
Each channel consists of a variable-gain instrumentation ampli-
fier (IA) followed by a first order active RC low-pass filter. The
IA is chopper-stabilized to remove the flicker noise from the
signal band. Two current-mode DACs compensate DC-offset at Fig. 17. ECG signal with 60 BPM generated by Fluke ProSim 8 Vital Signs
the IA input: the first DAC removes the input referred offset of Patient Simulator and measured with the presented multi-channel biomedical
data acquisition ASIC.
the IA itself whereas the second, chopped DAC removes the dif-
ferential input offset caused by the electrode-to-skin contact.
The presented SAR ADC has been integrated with a multi-
channel AFE in a biomedical data acquisition ASIC as shown
in Fig. 16. It has been implemented in a 130 nm CMOS tech-
nology and measures 2.27 . The signal quality achieved
by our data acquisition ASIC for a typical ECG signal with 60
beats per minute (BPM) is shown in Fig. 17, while Fig. 18 shows
the spectrum of the noise floor, where the input-referred (IR)
noise is 0.89 μ when integrating over the signal band-
width 1–100 Hz. Fig. 19 shows the effectiveness of the ADC
Fig. 18. Measured output noise floor of an electrode channel of the biomedical
calibration in the output spectrum of the biomedical ASIC. The data acquisition ASIC ( point FFT).
SFDR is enhanced by more than 20 dB after calibration. The
electrode input channels have a common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) of over 100 dB and an input impedance of 235
with the offset compensation DAC allowing for a high dynamic
range (DR) of 108 dB. The performance of the biomedical data
acquisition ASIC is summarized in Table II. The chip is com-
petitive with commercially available state-of-the-art biomedical
AFEs [37], [38] and consumes less power. Compared to the
multi-channel implementation discussed in [36], where a
modulator is used for digitizing the analog input signal, the SAR
ADC based AFE consumes 77% less power while achieving
similar performance.
VII. CONCLUSIONS Fig. 19. Measured output spectrum of the biomedical data acquisition ASIC
before (blue) and after (black) calibration with a 6 input signal at 11 Hz.
In this paper we have reported the design of a 5-to-14 bit ( points FFT).
reconfigurable sub-radix-2 SAR ADC in 130 nm CMOS.
The converter employs a non-uniform clocking scheme and when applying dithering. The converter covers a wide range
embeds fully integrated voltage reference buffers. A digital of potential biomedical applications ranging from EEG and
perturbation-based start-up calibration technique is, for the ECG to EMG and beyond. To demonstrate the effectiveness of
first time to our knowledge, implemented entirely on-chip. the proposed ADC, it has been integrated in a multi-channel
The ADC achieves 12.9 ENOB at 286 kS/s and 13.5 ENOB biomedical data acquisition ASIC.

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Schekeb Fateh (S’03) received the M.S. degree Giovanni Rovere received the M.S. degree in elec-
in electrical engineering from the Eidgenössische trical engineering from the University of Padova,
Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland, Padova, Italy, in 2013. He was a visiting student
in 2009. In the same year, he joined the Integrated at the Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH-ETH,
Systems Laboratory (IIS) of ETH Zurich, where he Zurich, Switzerland. From 2013 to 2014 he was
is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree. His research an Asynchronous Digital Designer at the Italian
interests include the design of high-speed analog Institute of Technology, Italy, involved in the design
and mixed-signal circuits and systems for wireless of a de/serializer for event-driven vision sensor
communications with emphasis on analog-to-dig- for robotic applications. He is currently working
ital converters as well as the implementation of towards the Ph.D. degree in the Integrated Systems
multi-purpose low-power and miniaturized biomed- Laboratory at ETH, Zurich. His current research
ical devices. Currently, he is Researcher at IIS and Senior Design Engineer at focuses on biomedical acquisition systems, focusing on low power analog front
ACP AG. He received (jointly with Dr. Studer and Dr. Seethaler) the Swisscom end.
and ICTnet Innovations Award 2010 for the work on “VLSI Implementation
of Soft-Input Soft-Output Minimum Mean-Square Error Parallel Interference
Luca Benini is Full Professor at the University of
Bologna and he is the chair of Digital Circuits and
Systems at ETHZ. Dr. Benini’s research interests are
Philipp Schönle received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. de- in energy-efficient system design and Multi-Core
grees in electrical engineering from the Swiss Fed- SoC design. He is also active in the area of en-
eral Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzer- ergy-efficient smart sensors and sensor networks for
land, in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Currently, he is biomedical and ambient intelligence applications.
working towards the Ph.D. degree in the Integrated He has published more than 700 papers in peer-re-
Systems Laboratory at ETH. His research focuses on viewed international journals and conferences, four
analogue sensor front-end design. books and several book chapters. He is a member of
the Academia Europaea.

Qiuting Huang received his Ph.D. degree in applied

sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Luca Bettini (S’10) received the B.Sc. and the Belgium, in 1987. Between 1987 and 1992 he was
M.Sc. degrees (cum laude) in electrical engineering a lecturer at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,
from Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 2003 U.K. Since January 1993, he has been with the In-
and 2006 respectively. Since 2010, he has been with tegrated Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) of Technology (ETH), Zurich, where he is Professor
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland working toward the of Electronics. In 2007 he was also appointed as
Ph.D. degree. From 2006 to 2010, he was an Analog a part-time Cheung Kong Seminar Professor by
IC Design Engineer at STMicroelectronics, Agrate the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Cheung
Brianza, Italy, designing embedded non-volatile Kong Foundation and has been affiliated with
memories (PCM, EEPROM) for automotive and the South East University, Nanjing, China. Prof. Huang’s research interests
consumer electronics applications. Since 2015, he is span RF, analog, mixed analog-digital as well as digital application specific
a Senior Design Engineer at Advanced Circuit Pursuit (ACP), Zurich, working integrated circuits and systems, with an emphasis on wireless communications
on high-speed data converters for wireless transceivers. Mr. Bettini holds 3 applications in recent years. He has published widely on those topics in leading
U.S. patents. solid-state circuits conferences and journals.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Université de Montréal. Downloaded on March 28,2020 at 23:33:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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